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Banco Comercial Portugues SA (BCP)

Cerrado 09 Febrero 10:30AM

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janice shell janice shell 5 minutos hace
Looks to me like a lot of neo fascist, antisemitic claptrap, but hey, I guess I'm just too old to appreciate the return of Mussolini in the form of Orban.

Nonetheless, I'm the one with the Ph.D., not you.
timmins4 timmins4 6 minutos hace
You are correct, Honore has no use for Trump.
facts_matter14 facts_matter14 10 minutos hace
No matter who wins the Super Bowl, POSRMX bag holders are still the losers, and we all know who the biggest one is after “borrowing” all those shares……

Fly Eagles Fly

Lie Maxine Li-e


thecrusher2011 thecrusher2011 13 minutos hace
It's a very clear choice all over the world, globalism and the great reset.......vs. the great awakening. If you've read any Russian philosophy or heck Russian writing for that matter i.e. Dostoevsky. You're amazed at the brilliance of these people. Maybe that's why they're so good at chess. At any
Dallas-Cowboys Dallas-Cowboys 21 minutos hace
Jab that is a shame I'm sure I've told this before, Sprycell posted on the Tell board many times about TGLO in the spring of 2018. I remember on a Saturday coming to the TGLO board spending a lot of time reading back posts trying to do DD it was hard not a lot of info outside of the board. The feeli
onehundredmph onehundredmph 24 minutos hace
arizona1 arizona1 30 minutos hace
West Virginia, the most obese state, now can’t afford weight loss drugs

West Virginia: Most fentanyl overdoses, most obese, most uneducated, most illiterate, worst infrastr
janice shell janice shell 30 minutos hace
I have not. But I can guarantee you I would be repelled by what Dugin stands for.
janice shell janice shell 31 minutos hace
What? I've never told anyone how to raise kids. As an only child, the only thing I know about children is what I know because I once was one.

Though I admit I'm sometimes surprised by what many parents have evidently forgotten about that. For example, that if you get all huffy and st
chereb19 chereb19 32 minutos hace
The primary objective of this phase I trial is to assess the safety and feasibility of the treatment.
Notably, one patient experienced an exceptional 80% reduction in tumor size during this trial so far. Such a significant response is uncommon in phase I trials, which are primarily designed t
newmedman newmedman 33 minutos hace
I don't know, you're the self proclaimed "alpha male" so it would make better sense for you to be giving answers rather than asking questions, you pussy.
thecrusher2011 thecrusher2011 33 minutos hace
Just say you've never read the book either. It would save you a lot of embarrassment.
chereb19 chereb19 33 minutos hace
The FDA granted the BDD to Vivos for Radiogel based on the Isopet data.

This might be tricky for you to understand but facts are facts.
janice shell janice shell 34 minutos hace
You will most certainly have to order one.
janice shell janice shell 34 minutos hace
Aleksandr Dugin? The Russian right-wing philosopher? That guy?

I don't need him. Putin's apparently a fan, though. I see Dugin's also a bigtime antisemite, too. Hates Ukraine. And now it's all coming back: his daughter was killed in a car bombing in 2022. That was thought to have been
B402 B402 35 minutos hace
And you know one type of person a parent can't stand,,,,,,a person with no kids telling them about parenting in any way, shape, fashion or form......imagine how many times you've humiliated yourself without knowing it.........

Head off to china, they need some fkn up now........a demo
chereb19 chereb19 35 minutos hace
Thanks for proving you still believe the mayo clinic is working with vivos
thecrusher2011 thecrusher2011 35 minutos hace
So how do I get my handmaiden? Do they just show up one day or do you have to order them?
LoveThemStocks LoveThemStocks 37 minutos hace
I find it odd that Schwab won't let you short Amprius because I was told there aren't enough shares to borrow to short this stock, and yet, after reading this article shorties are doing just that. How in the heck are they able to short Amprius???
chereb19 chereb19 41 minutos hace
The primary objective of this phase I trial is to assess the safety and feasibility of the treatment.
Notably, one patient experienced an exceptional 80% reduction in tumor size during this trial so far. Such a significant response is uncommon in phase I trials, which are primarily designed t
chereb19 chereb19 42 minutos hace
You've got it wrong again

The FDA’s Breakthrough Devices Designation (BDD) program is designed to accelerate the development and approval of medical devices that provide more effective treatment or diagnosis of life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating diseases. A key feature of
janice shell janice shell 43 minutos hace
Not us. We're very specifically asking what's wrong with YOU, for reasons we've made blindingly clear by now.

As always, you are not paying any attention at all.

Tell us about your own father. What was he like. What advantages did he offer you.?
chereb19 chereb19 44 minutos hace
Yes I can confirm Mayo are still working when them unless you're saying Vivos are lying in their sec filings?

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