African Copper Plc: Half-year Results for the Six Months to 30 September 2014 
December 19, 2014 
African Copper Plc: Half-year Results for the Six Months to 30 September 2014 
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM--(Marketwired - Dec. 19, 2014) - African Copper plc ("African Copper", "the Company" or 
the "Group") (AIM:ACU)(BOTSWANA:AFRICAN COPPER), today announces unaudited interim results for the six month 
period ended 30 September 2014. 
=-  Copper produced in concentrate during the six-month period increased by 
    15% compared to the same period last year; 
=-  Revenues were $30.8 million, an increase of 3.7% from $29.7 million for 
    the corresponding period last year; 
=-  Operating income from mining operations was $4.0 million, a decrease of 
    39% from $6.5 million for the corresponding period last year, driven by 
    increases in mining and transport activities at Thakadu to make up for 
    previous shortfalls in mining and drilling activity; 
=-  The overall loss for the period was $8.8 million compared with a loss of 
    $29.1 million for the corresponding period last year (including a $25 
    million impairment loss recognized last period on property, plant and 
=-  The Company continues to require the support of its parent company and 
    principal shareholder, ZCI Limited ("ZCI"), and ZCI has agreed to defer 
    all principal and interest payments arising from the Company's debt 
    obligations until 31 December 2015, and has confirmed it will continue 
    to make sufficient financial resources available to African Copper, up 
    to a maximum of $7 million to allow it to continue to meet its 
    liabilities in the course of normal operations as they fall due. As part 
    of this ZCI financial support the Company's subsidiary Messina Copper 
    (Botswana) (Pty) Ltd ("Messina") received on 19 December 2014 additional 
    financing from ZCI in the form of a term facility with a principal value 
    of $2.5 million. 
Commenting on the results, Jordan Soko, Acting Chief Executive Officer and director of African Copper, said, 
"We are able to report improvements during this six month period in our key operating measures, however our 
mining and transport costs increased during the period as we needed to accelerate mining activities at Thakadu 
to make up previous shortfalls in mining and drilling activity. Nevertheless, we were very pleased with our 
ability to work with our new mining contractor in addressing and turning around the low delivery rate of 
Thakadu ore that we experienced under the previous contractor. This greatly enhances our strategic position as 
we move mining operations back to the larger Mowana open pit. 
The technical information in this announcement has been reviewed and approved by David De'Ath, BSc (Hons), MSc, 
GDE-Mining, MIMM and MAusIMM, the Company's Manager - Geology, of the Mowana Mine for the purposes of the 
current Guidance Note for Mining, Oil and Gas Companies issued by the London Stock Exchange in June 2009. 
For further information please visit www.africancopper.com. 
This announcement contains forward-looking information. All statements, other than statements of historical 
fact, that address activities, events or developments that the Company believes, expects or anticipates will or 
may occur in the future. This forward-looking information reflects the current expectations or beliefs of the 
Company based on information currently available to the Company. Forward-looking information is subject to a 
number of risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual results of the Company to differ materially from 
those discussed in the forward-looking information, and even if such actual results are realised or 
substantially realised, there can be no assurance that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects 
on the Company. Factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from current 
expectations include, among other things, risks related to failure to convert estimated mineral resources to 
reserves, conclusions of economic evaluations, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, 
the possibility that actual circumstances will differ from the estimates and assumptions used in the current 
mining plans, future prices of copper, unexpected increases in capital or operating costs, possible variations 
in mineral resources, possible delays or ability to transport the necessary ore between Thakadu and Mowana, 
grade or recovery rates, failure of equipment or processes to operate as anticipated, accidents, labour 
disputes and other risks of the mining industry, delays in obtaining governmental consents, permits, licences 
and registrations, political risks arising from operating in Africa, changes in regulations affecting the 
Company.All forward-looking information speaks only as of the date hereof and, except as may be required by 
applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking 
information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. Although the 
Company believes that its expectations reflected in the forward-looking information, as well as the assumptions 
inherent therein, are reasonable, forward-looking information is not a guarantee of future performance and, 
accordingly, undue reliance should not be put on such information due to the inherent uncertainty therein. 
Chairman's and Chief Executive's Review 
African Copper reported improvements in its key operating measures during the six month period ended 30 
September 2014. We produced copper in concentrate of 5,679 Mt, 15% higher than the corresponding period from 
last year owing primarily to a 25% increase in recoveries. However, operating income from mining operations was 
$4.0 million, a decrease of 39% from $6.5 million for the corresponding period last year, driven primarily by 
increased mining and transport activities at Thakadu in an effort to make good on previous shortfalls in mining 
and drilling activity. The acceleration in mining cost reflects our success, working with our new mining 
contractor, in addressing and turning around the low delivery rate of Thakadu ore we experienced under the 
previous contractor. 
Our ability to capitalise on our operational progress depends in large part on the availability of sufficient 
and stable finance. At 30 September 2014, our consolidated principal debt was $96.4 million, all of which we 
owe to ZCI, and we have net current liabilities of $105.5 million, up $8.6 million from our net current 
position of $96.9 million at 31 March 2014. ZCI has agreed to defer all principal and interest payments arising 
from our debt obligations until 31 December 2015, and has confirmed it will continue to make sufficient 
financial resources available to African Copper, up to a maximum of $7 million to allow it to continue to meet 
its liabilities in the course of normal operations as they fall due. As part of this ZCI financial support the 
Company's subsidiary Messina Copper (Botswana) (Pty) Ltd. received on 19 December 2014 additional financing 
from ZCI in the form of a term facility agreement with a principal value of $2.5 million. (see Note 19 - 
Subsequent Event) 
On 19 December 2014 the Company's subsidiary Messina Copper (Botswana) (Pty) Ltd. entered into a term facility 
agreement with ZCI with a principal value of $2.5 million. The funds made available under the new term loan 
will be used to fund the short term working capital required to perform the necessary waste stripping to manage 
the transition from the Thakadu pit to the Mowana pit. This loan is made on substantially similar terms to 
previous loans extended by ZCI to the Company, and bears interest at 9% per annum with repayment in equal 
monthly instalments of $500,000 commencing in January 2016. Drawdown of the full amount occurred on 19 December 
As ZCI owns 73.44 per cent of African Copper's total issued ordinary share capital at the date of this 
announcement and is providing financing to the Company, the Facility falls within the definition of a related 
party transaction under Rule 13 of the AIM Rules for Companies. The independent directors of the Company 
consider, having consulted with its nominated adviser Canaccord Genuity Limited, that the terms of the 
transaction are fair and reasonable insofar as its shareholders are concerned. 
After taking account of African Copper's funding position and its cash flow projections, and the past record of 
ZCI in deferring the repayment of its debt and in providing financial support, and having considered all other 
risks and uncertainties attaching to our current strategy, the Directors have concluded that the Group has 
adequate resources to operate for at least the next 12 months from the date of approval of the half-year 
financial statements. However, there are a number of matters which together amount to there being a material 
uncertainty in respect of the Group and Company being a going concern. Note 1 to the interim financial 
statements describes these matters in greater detail. 
In March 2014, we announced that we had awarded a new long-term contract to provide hard-rock open cast mining 
services to Diesel Power Mining (Pty) Ltd ("Diesel Power") a subsidiary of JSE listed Buildmax Limited 
("Buildmax"). The Contract commenced during February 2014 with a duration of 52 months, with the first portion 
of the contract to be served in 2014 at the Thakadu Mine and the remaining months at the Mowana Mine. This 
contract is of great strategic importance for the Company, as the Thakadu mine will largely be depleted during 
this financial year, with mining operations moving back to the larger Mowana open pit in the third quarter of 
fiscal 2015. This transition will require significant waste stripping to expose the necessary supergene and 
sulphide ores. 
Diesel Power's initial priority was to address and turn around the low delivery rate of Thakadu ore experienced 
under the previous contractor, taking a strategic approach to optimising the mining prior to the Thakadu mine's 
anticipated depletion. This plan encompassed a further opening up of the pit and prioritising the mining of 
high grade ore. Our production statistics for the period demonstrate solid performance in this respect; as 
noted above, copper produced in concentrate increased by 15% compared to the same period last year. Even so, 
the Mowana process plant was under-utilised at times during the period, necessitating the mining of low grade 
Waste stripping commenced at the Mowana mine in October 2014. Similar to Thakadu, Diesel Power's priority is to 
optimize its approach to developing Mowana so as to maximize the availability of high grade supergene and 
sulphide ore by April 2015 when Thakadu ore to the plant is scheduled to be largely depleted. Diesel Power's 
performance to date has been strong, but this remains the critical success factor to the Company attaining its 
Our key production statistics for the period were as follows: 
                                  Six Months      Six Months      Six Months 
                              ended 30 Sept.  ended 30 Sept.  ended 30 Sept. 
Description                             2014            2013            2012 
Ore processed (Mt)                   388,807         373,274         421,913 
Cu grade (%)                            1.60            1.81            1.86 
Recovery (%)                            91.3            73.0            57.3 
Concentrate produced (Mt)             23,153          22,212          20,855 
Copper produced in concentrate 
 (Mt)                                  5,679           4,937           4,490 
The average copper produced in concentrate for the period amounted to 946 tonnes per month, with the highest 
and lowest months' production yielding 1,303 tonnes and 407 tonnes respectively. 
Subsequent to the period end, the Group has been impacted by working capital shortages due to a backlog in 
required Thakadu waste stripping and lower than planned production levels during October and November, namely 
972 tonnes and 607 tonnes copper produced in concentrate respectively. Consequently the Group requested 
financial support from ZCI in December 2014 to the value of $2.5 million in order to fund the waste stripping 
required to manage the transition from the Thakadu pit to the Mowana pit. As set out above, the Group entered 
into a $2.5 million term facility agreement with ZCI (see Note 19 - Subsequent Event). Drawdown on this 
facility occurred on 19 December 2014. 
At the Thakadu Open Pit a total of nine reverse circulation drill holes were completed during the period to 
redefine the Thakadu ore body. The Thakadu geological model has been updated based on this work. 
We started a reverse circulation drilling programme comprising seventeen drill holes at the Mowana Open Pit 
during June 2014. Results are expected to be used to move Inferred Resources to the Measured and Indicated 
categories, for incorporation into the life of mine plan. At Matsitama exploration activities during the 
quarter continued within the PL16/2004 and PL17/2004 prospecting licences, with work focused on the Phute and 
Nakalakwana targets. 
At Phute we completed a total of thirteen reverse circulation drill holes comprising 2,170 metres. Low grade 
mineralisation, 0.4 to 0.8% TCu in the form of sulphides (pyrite and chalcopyrite) and oxides (malachite and 
chrysocolla) were intersected in both the north and south limbs of the target. 
Following a review of soil geochemistry and drill hole data from previous programmes at Nakalakwana West, we 
tested anomalous targets using reverse circulation drilling. A total of six drill holes comprising 1,051 metres 
were drilled with traces of pyrite and chalcopyrite seen in the holes. Further geophysical surveys will be used 
to identify deeper targets in this area. 
We submitted renewals to the Ministry of Minerals, Energy, and Water Resources and received extension for the 
main Matsitama prospecting licences PL14/2004, PL15/2004, PL16/2004 and PL17/2004. 
Income Statement 
We reported revenue of $30.8 million (2013: $29.7 million), an increase of 3.7% from the previous period. The 
increase reflects greater copper in concentrate produced driven by higher processing volumes and higher average 
Operating Costs: 
                                     30 September  30 September 
                                             2014          2013  Difference 
                                        $ (000's)     $ (000's)   $ (000's) 
Mining                                     16,073        12,158       3,916 
Transport from Thakadu                      5,090         3,233       1,857 
Processing and engineering                  6,567         7,680      (1,113) 
Accelerated waste stripping and 
 inventory movement                        (6,419)       (3,303)     (3,116) 
Operating costs excluding 
 amortisation                              21,311        19,768       1,544 
Our operating costs increased by 7.8% compared to the comparative period, reflecting the following: 
1.  Mining costs: mining activities at Thakadu accelerated during the period 
    as our new mining contractor allowed us to address and turn around the 
    low delivery rate of Thakadu ore experienced under the previous 
    contractor. This resulted in higher mining volumes at Thakadu, notably 
    waste stripping (5.6m tonnes waste in six months of 2014-15, against 
    3.9m tonnes in comparative period the previous year). Additionally, 1.2m 
    tonnes of waste was mined at Mowana in the period compared to 0.2m in 
    the comparative previous period. 
2.  Transport costs: transport costs increased during the current period due 
    to an increase in ore trucked from the Thakadu pit to the Mowana 
    processing facility. 
3.  Processing and engineering costs: these decreased during the current 
    period due to processing a higher percentage of Thakadu sulphide ore, 
    requiring less expensive reagent chemicals than in the comparative 
    period, and to reduced maintenance and repair costs. The mill drive 
    train and crusher screen failures and consequent downtimes in the 
    previous financial year led to higher process operating costs compared 
    to the current period when the plant ran relatively smoothly. 
Administrative costs increased slightly to $4.5 million from $4.3 million in the comparative period, reflecting 
an increase in certain consultancy fees. 
We incurred foreign currency exchange losses of $3.6 million, compared to losses of $1.2 million in the 
previous period, arising primarily from translation differences of the US$ denominated ZCI loans reflecting the 
relative strengthening of the US$ to the Botswana Pula during the period. 
Finance costs of $4.8 million were similar to the comparative period, and predominantly related to ZCI interest 
payable as well as associated withholding taxes. 
The Company generated net cash from operating activities of $9.3 million, compared to $8.9 million in the 
corresponding six month period ended 30 September 2013. 
The Company made capital investments of $7.1 million (2013 - $7.2 million) relating primarily to mine 
development and infrastructure and $0.7 million (2013 - $0.5 million) relating to expenditures on its 
exploration properties. 
At 30 September 2014, our consolidated principal debt was $96.4 million, all of which is owed to ZCI, and we 
have net current liabilities of $105.5 million. ZCI has agreed to defer all principal and interest payments 
arising from our debt obligations until December 2015, and has confirmed it will continue to make sufficient 
financial resources available to African Copper, up to a maximum of $7 million to allow it to continue to meet 
its liabilities in the course of normal operations as they fall due. As part of this ZCI financial support the 
Company's subsidiary Messina received on 19 December 2014 additional financing from ZCI in the form of a term 
facility with a principal value of $ 2.5 million. (See Note 19 - Subsequent Event) 
At 30 September 2014, the ABCB capital loan was drawn at $0.33million and the MRI prepayment balance of $1.1 
million at 31 March 2014 was fully paid. On 19 November 2014 the Group extended the current off-take agreement 
with MRI to 31 December 2015 and MRI agreed to provide a prepayment loan to the Group in the amount of $3.0 
million (See Note 19 - Subsequent Event). 
We are able to report improvements during this six month period in our key operating measures. This reflects 
the processing of good quality Thakadu sulphide ore, a stable plant operating environment and our success, 
working with our new mining contractor, in addressing and turning around the low delivery rate of Thakadu ore 
we experienced under the previous contractor. The capability and operating performance of our new mining 
contractor greatly enhances our strategic position as we prepare to move mining operations back to the larger 
Mowana open pit in 2015. However, our future remains subject to significant risks and uncertainties, as set out 
in note 1 to our interim financial statements. 
The Directors continue to consider all aspects of our operations and capital structure and the options facing 
the Company. While the remaining mine production from Thakadu is expected to yield good cash margins, the 
cessation of operations at Thakadu and the move back into the Mowana open pit will require significant 
operational and capital resources. As always, we deeply appreciate the support of the communities that surround 
our properties in Botswana and the skill and commitment of our team. 
David Rodier, Chairman 
Jordon Soko, Acting Chief Executive Officer 
19 December 2014 
African Copper Plc 
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                                        Six months    Six months       Year 
                                             ended         ended      ended 
                                      30 September  30 September   31 March 
                                              2014          2013       2014 
                                 Note      US$'000       US$'000    US$'000 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                             3       30,830        29,742     58,735 
Operating costs excluding 
 amortisation                              (21,311)      (19,769)   (40,608) 
Amortisation of mining properties 
 and equipment                              (5,553)       (3,442)    (5,413) 
Operating profit from mining 
 operations before impairment add 
 and administrative expenses                 3,966         6,531     12,714 
Impairment of property, plant and 
 equipment                                       -       (25,000)   (25,000) 
Operating profit / loss from 
 mining operations                           3,966       (18,469)   (12,286) 
Administrative expenses                     (4,455)       (4,324)    (8,502) 
Operating loss                                (489)      (22,793)   (20,788) 
Investment and other income                     36             9         31 
Sale of asset                                   19          (320)      (448) 
Foreign exchange loss                       (3,603)       (1,196)    (3,987) 
Finance costs                               (4,796)       (4,834)    (9,193) 
Loss before tax                             (8,833)      (29,134)   (34,385) 
Income tax expense                               -             -          - 
Loss for the period from 
 continuing operations 
 attributable to equity 
 shareholders of the parent 
 company                                    (8,833)      (29,134)   (34,385) 
Other comprehensive income: 
Exchange differences on 
 translating foreign operations              3,419           155      1,746 
Other comprehensive income for 
 the period, net of tax                      3,419           155      1,746 
Total comprehensive expenditure 
 for the period attributable to 
 equity shareholders of the 
 parent company                             (5,414)      (28,979)   (32,639) 
Basic loss per ordinary share       4       $(0.01)       $(0.03)    $(0.03) 
Diluted loss per ordinary share     4       $(0.01)       $(0.03)    $(0.03) 
The notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 
African Copper Plc 
Balance Sheets 
                                                           As At 
                                      30 September  30 September   31 March 
                                              2014          2013       2014 
                                 Note      US$'000       US$'000    US$'000 
Property, plant and equipment       5       55,579        39,046     45,351 
Exploration and evaluation assets   6        5,710         9,540      5,304 
Other financial assets                         242             -        255 
Total non-current assets                    61,531        48,586     50,910 
Accounts receivable and 
 prepayments                                 4,915         4,775      5,820 
Inventories                         7        7,486         7,609      7,624 
Cash and cash equivalents           8        3,100         6,804      4,364 
Total current assets                        15,501        19,188     17,808 
Total assets                                77,032        67,774     68,718 
Issued share capital                9       23,546        15,167     23,546 
Share premium                              170,075       170,075    170,075 
Other reserve- ZCI Limited 
 convertible loan                                -           502          - 
Acquisition reserve                          8,931         8,931      8,931 
Foreign currency translation 
 reserve                                    12,618         7,607      9,199 
Accumulated losses                        (275,176)     (261,150)  (266,375) 
Total equity                               (60,006)      (58,868)   (54,624) 
Rehabilitation provision           13        6,997         6,875      7,025 
Finance lease liability            14        9,011                    1,535 
Other borrowings                   12            -         1,372         41 
Total non-current liabilities               16,008         8,247      8,601 
Trade and other payables                    21,526        18,076     19,116 
Amounts payable to ZCI Limited     11       96,403        97,690     93,376 
Finance lease liability            14        2,771                      378 
Other borrowings                   12          330         2,629      1,871 
Total current liabilities                  121,030       118,395    114,741 
Total equity and liabilities                77,032        67,774     68,718 
African Copper Plc 
Consolidated statement of changes in equity 
                                            Share      Share  Acquisition 
                                  Note    Capital    Premium      Reserve 
                                          US$'000    US$'000      US$'000 
Balance at 1 April 2012                    15,167    170,075        8,931 
Foreign exchange adjustments                    -          -            - 
Loss for the year                               -          -            - 
Total comprehensive loss for the 
 period                                         -          -            - 
Share based payments, net of tax                                        - 
Balance at 31 March 2013                   15,167    170,075        8,931 
Foreign exchange adjustments                    -          -            - 
Loss for the year                               -          -            - 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 period                                         -          -            - 
New share capital subscribed                8,379 
ZCI reserve movement 
Share based payments, net of tax                -          -            - 
Balance at 31 March 2014                   23,546    170,075        8,931 
Foreign exchange adjustments                    -          -            - 
Loss for the period                             -          -            - 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 period                                         -          -            - 
Share based payments, net of tax                -          -            - 
Balance at 30 September 2014               23,546    170,075        8,931 
                                       Currency  Hedging/ 
                                    Translation     Other   Accum-    Total 
                                        Reserve   Reserve     loss   Equity 
                                        US$'000   US$'000  US$'000  US$'000 
Balance at 1 April 2012                   4,593       502 (216,395) (17,127) 
Foreign exchange adjustments              2,860         -        -    2,860 
Loss for the year                             -         -  (15,827) (15,827) 
Total comprehensive loss for the 
 period                                   2,860         -  (15,827) (12,967) 
Share based payments, net of tax              -         -      163      163 
Balance at 31 March 2013                  7,453       502 (232,059) (29,931) 
Foreign exchange adjustments              1,746         -        -    1,746 
Loss for the year                             -         -  (34,385) (34,385) 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 period                                   1,746         -  (34,385) (32,639) 
New share capital subscribed                                          8,379 
ZCI reserve movement                                 (502)             (502) 
Share based payments, net of tax              -         -       69       69 
Balance at 31 March 2014                  9,199         - (266,375) (54,624) 
Foreign exchange adjustments              3,419         -        -    3,419 
Loss for the period                           -         -   (8,833)  (8,833) 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 period                                   3,419         -   (8,833)  (5,414) 
Share based payments, net of tax              -         -       32       32 
Balance at 30 September 2014             12,618         - (275,176) (60,006) 
The notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 
African Copper Plc 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
                                        Six Months    Six Months       Year 
                                             ended         ended      ended 
                                          30 Sept.      30 Sept.   31 March 
                                              2014          2013       2014 
                                 Note      US$'000       US$'000    US$'000 
Cash flows from operating 
Operating loss from continuing 
 operations                                 (8,833)      (29,134)   (34,385) 
Decrease/(increase) in 
 receivables                                   609           438       (607) 
Decrease/(increase) in 
 inventories                                  (253)        1,283      1,267 
Increase/(decrease) in payables              3,383         1,291      2,332 
Share-based payment expense                     32            44         69 
Foreign exchange loss                        3,603         1,196      3,987 
Rehabilitation provision                       347           328        647 
Depreciation and amortisation                5,701         3,629      5,792 
Impairment of property, plant and 
 equipment                                       -        25,000     25,000 
Cash inflow from operating 
 activities                                  4,589         4,075      4,102 
Interest received                              (36)           (9)       (31) 
Other income                                   (19)            -        448 
Finance costs paid                             626            96        181 
Finance costs deferred by ZCI                4,170         4,738      9,012 
Net cash inflow from operating 
 activities                                  9,330         8,900     13,712 
Cash flows from investing 
Payments to acquire property, 
 plant and equipment                        (7,073)       (7,224)    (9,893) 
Payments of exploration 
 expenditures                                 (678)         (530)      (831) 
Income from sale of asset                       19             -          - 
Interest received                               36             9         31 
Net cash outflow from investing 
 activities                                 (7,696)       (7,745)   (10,693) 
Cash flows from financing 
Advance of loan repayments ZCI                (500)            -          - 
Payments to African Banking 
 Corporation of Botswana                      (415)         (511)         - 
Proceeds from MRI Trading AG                     -         3,000      3,000 
Payments to MRI Trading AG                  (1,126)         (371)    (2,970) 
Repayment of finance lease 
 liability                                    (937)            -       (999) 
Finance costs paid                            (314)          (96)      (181) 
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from 
 financing activities                       (3,292)        2,022     (1,150) 
Net increase / (decrease) in cash 
 and cash equivalents                       (1,658)        3,177      1,869 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
 beginning of the period                     4,364         2,433      2,433 
Foreign exchange gain / (loss)                 394         1,194         62 
Cash and cash equivalents at end 
 of the period                      8        3,100         6,804      4,364 
The notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 
1. Nature of operations and basis of preparation 
African Copper Plc ("African Copper" or the "Company") is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled 
in England and is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange and the Botswana Stock Exchange. 
African Copper is a holding company of a copper producing and mineral exploration and development group of 
companies (the "Group").  The Group's main project is the copper producing open pit Mowana mine.  The Group 
also owns the rights to the adjacent Thakadu-Makala deposits and holds permits in exploration properties at the 
Matsitama Project.  The Mowana Mine is located in the north-eastern portion of Botswana and the Matsitama 
Project is contiguous to the southern boundary of the Mowana Mine. 
The Group has only one operating segment, namely copper exploration, development and mining in Botswana. 
Basis of preparation 
These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 - 
Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the EU. The condensed set of financial statements has been prepared 
applying the accounting policies and presentation that were applied in the preparation of the Company's 
published consolidated financial statements of the year ended 31 March 2014. They do not include all of the 
information required for full annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the 
consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2014. 
The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 March 2014 are not the Group's full statutory accounts 
for that financial year. Those accounts have been reported on by the Group's auditors and delivered to the 
registrar of companies. The report of the auditors included a reference to the going concern basis of 
preparation which the auditors drew attention to by way of emphasis without qualifying their report. 
Going Concern 
At 30 September 2014, the consolidated principal debt of the Group was $96.4 million (31 March 2014: $93.4 
million) all of which is owed to ZCI Limited ("ZCI"), African Copper's immediate parent company, as set out in 
note 11 to the financial statements.  Included in the total of $96.4 million of ZCI debt is accrued interest on 
the principal amount of $29.9 million (31 March 2013:$26.3 million). The Group's facility with ZCI is currently 
fully drawn. 
On 19 November 2014 the Group extended the current off-take agreement with MRI Trading Ag ("MRI") to 31 
December 2015 and MRI agreed to provide a prepayment loan to the Group in the amount of $3.0 million (the 
"Prepayment Loan").  The Prepayment Loan is to be repaid by way of offset against deliveries of copper 
concentrates in six equal monthly instalments of $0.5 million commencing latest thirty days after the one month 
grace period from the drawdown date. (see Note 19 - Subsequent Event). 
The Directors of the Company received a waiver letter dated 27 November 2014 (the "Waiver Letter") from ZCI 
whereby ZCI agreed to defer all principal and interest payments arising from the Group's debt obligations until 
31 December 2015. Further, the Directors have also received a letter of financial support dated 9 December 2014 
(the "Letter of Financial Support") from ZCI whereby ZCI stated that to the earlier of 31 December 2015, the 
date at which African Copper is able to obtain a guarantee of a similar level from an alternative source, or 
the date of any changes in shareholding or debt structures as a result of the restructuring of the ZCI Group, 
it is ZCI's policy to make sufficient financial resources available to African Copper, up to a maximum of $7 
million to allow it to continue to meet its liabilities in the course of normal operations as they fall due. 
ZCI has issued the Waiver Letter and the Letter of Financial Support to the Directors in the past and has 
extended the terms of the deferral of principal and interest on three previous occasions. 
After receiving the Letter of Financial Support additional funding was requested by the Group in order to have 
sufficient working capital to perform the waste stripping required to manage the transition from the Thakadu 
pit to the Mowana pit. The shortages in working capital was as a result of a backlog in waste stripping and 
lower than planned production levels for October and November 2014. In order to ensure that the Group has 
sufficient working capital in the near term, ZCI entered into a term facility agreement for $2.5 million with 
the Group. (refer to Note 19 - Subsequent Event).  Drawdown of the full amount occurred on 19 December 2014. 
Projected funding requirements and current activities 
In the Annual Report for the year to 31 March 2014, the Directors summarised the cash flow projections covering 
at least the 12 month period from the date of approval of those financial statements. The projections 
contemplated a six year mine plan (August 2014 to August 2020) with primary mining outputs switching between 
the Thakadu pit, which was projected to be fully depleted in February 2015, and the Mowana pit, where mining 
activities were planned to recommence in August 2014.  This schedule, in the opinion of the Directors at that 
time, would have provided adequate time to perform the waste stripping necessary to enable the Mowana pit to 
provide the necessary ore of sufficient quality after the reserves at Thakadu are depleted. 
The Directors have continued to assess and reconsider the key assumptions underlying these projections. The 
Thakadu pit will be depleted within the next 6 months and the Group's future cash generation beyond 2015 
depends entirely on a successful and timely restart of mining operations at the Mowana pit and associated 
processing of the supergene ore. However, numerous significant challenges and risks exist in attaining this 
situation at Mowana and these challenges and risks are of a kind that have often impeded the Group's operations 
in the past. In particular, the Group over the years has experienced recurring problems with the quality of its 
mining contractors and other aspects of production, causing production levels to be significantly below planned 
levels. In light of this past history, the Directors have continued to debate the strategies to developing the 
Mowana project further, and of focusing the Group on maximising the remaining potential of the Thakadu pit. To 
develop Mowana as an open pit requires a significant investment in waste stripping; consequently the Directors 
have continued to consider alternative plans for the Mowana mine including developing it on a smaller or staged 
basis, especially if the economics of underground mining scenarios are possible. 
The Group's inherent exposure to copper price continues to underlie these considerations, and the Directors 
monitor the copper price on a daily basis. The Group's current projections are based on key assumptions 
regarding copper prices including a price of $6,700 per tonne until December 2015 and thereafter with an 
average copper price over the life of the mine from January 2016 of $7,009 per tonne. However, copper prices 
are inherently volatile, and in the event the copper price was to suffer a material decline from its current 
levels, this would increase the financial risks of the Company and weaken the case for continuing to develop 
the Mowana open pit on a full scale basis and negatively impact the forecast net present value very 
As explained further in note 5 to the financial statements, during the six months ended 30 September 2014 the 
Group reassessed the recoverability of the carrying value of its mine development and infrastructure assets and 
mine plant and equipment assets. The calculation of the recoverable amount remains highly sensitive to changes 
in the key assumptions used in the cash flow projections, which in turn depend in large part on the successful 
waste stripping mining activities at the Mowana pit to provide the necessary supergene and sulphide ores when 
the Thakadu pit is over the next six months.  As a result of this assessment, the Group has not recognised an 
impairment loss as its best current estimate of the mining assets' value in use exceed its current carrying 
value. The value in use represents the estimated present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived 
from the asset, discounted at a rate of 17%. 
The combination of the uncertainties surrounding the re-introduction of mining operations at the Mowana open 
pit, the exposure to copper pricing, and the availability of such funding from ZCI as may be necessary, 
collectively represent a material uncertainty casting significant doubt on the ability of the Group and the 
Company to continue as a going concern and therefore to continue realising their assets and discharging their 
liabilities in the normal course of business. 
After taking account of the Company and Group's funding position and its cash flow projections, the $3.0 
million MRI Prepayment Loan (see Note 19), the $2.5 million ZCI additional term facility (see Note 19), the 
Waiver Letter, the Letter of Financial Support and having considered the risks and uncertainties described 
above, the Directors have concluded that the Company and Group have adequate resources to operate for at least 
the next 12 months from the date of approval of these financial statements. For these reasons, the Directors 
continue to prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis. However, material uncertainty exists 
firstly in respect of the Group's dependency on the copper price and hence mining the remaining deposit at 
Thakadu profitably and secondly in being able to access the Mowana mine supergene ore in a manner which manages 
risk, is cost effective and therefore will not require additional new funding.  In the absence of the Waiver 
Letter and the Letter of Financial Support the going concern basis of preparation would not be appropriate. 
Without the Waiver Letter, the full amount of ZCI principal and interest of $96.4 million outstanding at 30 
September 2014 (the "ZCI Obligation") would be contractually payable on demand.  Under no current scenario 
would the Group be in a position to have the necessary resources available to pay the ZCI Obligation should a 
demand for payment be made by ZCI.  In addition, the effectiveness of the Letter of Financial Support is 
dependent on ZCI's access to sufficient financial resources to respond to the Group's needs should they arise. 
The Directors have concluded those resources are available to ZCI up to 31 December 2015.  These financial 
statements do not include any adjustments that would be necessary if the going concern basis of preparation 
were determined to be inappropriate. 
The address of African Copper's registered office is Thames House, Portsmouth Road, Esher, Surrey KT10 9AD . 
These unaudited interim financial statements have been approved for issue by the Board of Directors on 19 
December 2014. 
2. Summary of significant accounting policies 
The accounting policies applied by the Consolidated Entity in these condensed consolidated interim financial 
statements are the same as those applied by the Consolidated Entity in its consolidated financial statements as 
at and for the year ended 31 March 2014. 
a) Statement of Compliance 
The consolidated financial statements of African Copper plc have been prepared in accordance with International 
Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") and their interpretations issued by the International Accounting 
Standards Board (IASB), as adopted by the European Union and with IFRSs and their interpretations issued by the 
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).  They have also been prepared in accordance with those parts 
of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRSs. 
b) Standards adopted during the period 
The following accounting standards and amendments have been applied during the year.  They have not had a 
material impact on the financial statements. 
=-  IFRS 10 - Consolidated Financial Statements 
=-  IFRS 11 - Joint Arrangements 
=-  IFRS 12 - Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities 
=-  IAS 27 (Amended) - Separate Financial Statements 
=-  IAS 28 (Amended) - Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures 
=-  Amendments to IAS 32 - Financial Instruments 
=-  IFRIC 21 - Accounting for Levies 
c) New standards and interpretations not yet adopted 
There are a number of new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations that are not yet effective for 
the year ended 31 March 2015. None of these have been adopted early in preparing these consolidated financial 
None of these are anticipated to have any impact on the results or statement of financial position reported in 
these consolidated financial statements. None of the new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations 
not yet effective are anticipated to materially change the Group's published accounting policies. 
3. Group Segment reporting 
An operating segment is a component of the Group distinguishable by economic activity or by its geographical 
location, which is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of other operating segments. The 
Group's only operating segment is the exploration for, and the development of copper and other base metal 
deposits. All the Group's activities are related to the exploration for, and the development of copper and 
other base metals in Botswana with the support provided from the UK.  In presenting information on the basis of 
geographical segments, segment assets and the cost of acquiring them are based on the geographical location of 
the assets. Segment capital expenditure is the total cost incurred during the period to acquire segment assets 
based on where the assets are located. 
For the six months ended 30 September 2014: 
                                 United Kingdom       Botswana         Total 
Geographic Analysis                   (US$'000)      (US$'000)     (US$'000) 
Revenue                                       -         30,830        30,830 
Non-current assets                        1,386         60,145        61,531 
For the six months ended 30 September 2013: 
                                 United Kingdom       Botswana         Total 
Geographic Analysis                   (US$'000)      (US$'000)     (US$'000) 
Revenue                                       -         29,742        29,742 
Non-current assets                        1,085         47,501        48,586 
All mining revenue derives from a single customer 
4. Basic and diluted loss per share 
Basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing net loss for the period attributable to ordinary 
shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period (excluding 
treasury shares).  Diluted loss per share amounts are calculated by dividing the net loss attributable to 
ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year but 
adjusted for the effects of dilutive options. The key features of share option contracts are described in Note 
Basic loss per share 
                                                 Period ended     Year ended 
                                                     30 Sept.       31 March 
                                                 2014 (000's)   2014 (000's) 
Loss after tax                                         $8,833        $34,385 
Weighted average number of shares outstanding       1,485,106      1,206,191 
Basic loss per share                                    $0.01          $0.03 
Diluted loss per share 
                                                 Period ended     Year ended 
                                                     30 Sept.       31 March 
                                                 2014 (000's)   2013 (000's) 
Loss after tax                                         $8,833        $34,385 
Weighted average number of shares outstanding       1,485,106      1,206,191 
Weighted average number of shares under 
 options                                               18,835         18,835 
Diluted loss per share                                  $0.01          $0.03 
5. Property, Plant and Equipment 
                              Development  Mine Plant 
                                      and         and      Other 
                           Infrastructure   Equipment     Assets      Total 
                                  US$'000     US$'000    US$'000    US$'000 
Balance at 1 April 2013            91,145      67,301     13,243    171,689 
Prior Year Adjustment 
 (IFRIC20)                            883           -          -        883 
Additions                           9,368       3,107        331     12,806 
Transfers                           3,013       1,348          -      4,361 
Disposals                               -        (759)       (31)      (790) 
Exchange adjustments               (5,289)     (3,837)      (683)    (9,809) 
Balance at 31 March 2014           99,120      67,160     12,860    179,140 
Balance at 1 April 2014            99,120      67,160     12,860    179,140 
Additions                           7,225      11,123         85     18,433 
Reclassifications                    (113)          -        113          - 
Disposals                               -           -        (12)       (12) 
Exchange adjustments               (5,381)     (3,891)      (656)    (9,928) 
Balance at 30 September 
 2014                             100,851      74,392     12,390    187,633 
Depreciation and impairment 
Balance at 1 April 2013           (79,451)    (23,895)    (5,289)  (108,635) 
Prior Year Adjustment 
 (IFRIC20)                         (1,118)          -          -     (1,118) 
Depreciation charge for the 
 year                              (2,380)     (2,798)      (614)    (5,792) 
Transfers                               -           -          -          - 
Impairment                        (18,425)     (5,662)      (913)   (25,000) 
Disposals                               -         243         24        267 
Exchange adjustments                4,745       1,430        314      6,489 
Balance at 31 March 2014          (96,629)    (30,682)    (6,478)  (133,789) 
Balance at 1 April 2014           (96,629)    (30,682)    (6,478)  (133,789) 
Depreciation charge for the 
 year                              (3,183)     (2,253)      (265)    (5,701) 
Disposals                               -           -         12         12 
Exchange adjustments                5,300       1,769        355      7,424 
Balance at 30 September 
 2014                             (94,512)    (31,166)    (6,376)  (132,054) 
Carry amounts 
Balance at 31 March 2013           11,694      43,406      7,954     63,054 
Balance at 31 March 2014            2,491      36,478      6,382     45,351 
Balance at 30 September 
 2014                               6,339      43,226      6,014     55,579 
Property, plant and equipment was pledged as security for amounts borrowed from ZCI Limited during the period 
(see note 11). 
During the period, the Group reassessed the recoverability of the carrying value of its mine development and 
infrastructure asset and mine plant and equipment asset, with consideration given that the Thakadu mine is 
expected to be depleted in April 2015 and mining operations began moving back to the larger Mowana open pit in 
October 2014. This transition will require significant waste stripping to expose the necessary supergene and 
sulphide ores (see note 1 - Going Concern). As a result of this assessment, the Group has not recognised an 
impairment loss as its best current estimate of the mining assets' value in use does exceed their carrying 
value. The value in use represents the estimated present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived 
from the asset, discounted at a rate of 17%. 
The value in use calculation depends heavily on assumptions and estimates that, in the Group's current 
circumstances (see note 1 - Going Concern), have a significant risk of resulting in an impairment loss within 
the next financial year. In particular, the calculation is based on key assumptions regarding copper prices of 
at a price of $6,700 per tonne until December 2015 and thereafter with an average copper price over the life of 
mine from January 2016 of $7,009 per tonne. By way of illustration of the assumptions, a 2.5% decrease in 
copper price, a 5.0% decrease in production throughput, a 5% reduction on Mowana pit recoveries and a 5.0% 
increase in milling cost impacts the net present value of future cash flows by approximately $32.1 million. 
6. Exploration and evaluation assets 
                                                           Group    Company 
Cost                                                     US$'000    US$'000 
Balance 1 April 2013                                      19,522        301 
Additions                                                    832          - 
Transfers                                                 (4,361)         - 
Exchange adjustment                                       (1,051)         - 
Balance 31 March 2014                                     14,942        301 
Balance 1 April 2014                                      14,942        301 
Additions                                                    706          - 
Transfers                                                      -          - 
Exchange adjustment                                         (794)         - 
Balance 31 September 2014                                 14,854        301 
Impairment losses 
Balance at 1 April 2013                                  (10,211)      (300) 
Transfers                                                      -          - 
Exchange adjustments                                         573          - 
Balance March 31, 2014                                    (9,638)      (300) 
Balance at 1 April 2014                                   (9,638)      (300) 
Transfers                                                      -          - 
Exchange adjustments                                         494          - 
Balance September 31, 2014                                (9,144)      (300) 
Carry amounts 
Balance 31 March 2013                                      9,311          1 
Balance 31 March 2014                                      5,304          1 
Balance 31 September 2014                                  5,710          1 
7. Inventories 
                                                 Period ended     Year ended 
                                                     30 Sept.       31 March 
                                                         2014           2014 
                                                      US$'000        US$'000 
Stockpile inventories                                   3,994          4,278 
Consumables                                             3,492          3,346 
Total Inventories                                       7,486          7,624 
8. Cash and cash equivalents 
                                                 Period ended     Year ended 
                                                     30 Sept.       31 March 
                                                         2014           2014 
                                                      US$'000        US$'000 
Restricted cash                                           804            829 
Short-term bank deposits                                2,296          3,535 
Cash and cash equivalents in the statement of 
 cash flows                                             3,100          4,364 
9. Share Capital 
                                                No. of shares        US$'000 
Balance at 31 March 2013                          928,798,988         15,167 
Ordinary shares issued in October 2013            556,307,263          8,379 
Balance at 31 March and 30 September 2014       1,485,106,251         23,546 
On 30 September 2013 the Company announced that pursuant to the $31,129,100 term loan facility agreement with 
ZCI, dated 18 June 2009 (see note 11 - Amounts Payable to ZCI Limited), ZCI provided notice to convert the 
$8,379,100 Tranche A Loan outstanding into ordinary shares of the Company. 
At the conversion rate of 1 pence per ordinary share and at the exchange rate as set out in the conversion 
notice of $1.5062 to GBP 1, this equated to the issue of 556,307,263 new ordinary shares in the Company for a 
conversion sum of GBP 5,563,072.63. 
Share options and warrants 
       Share       Share 
     Options     Options 
  Held at 30  Held at 31 
   September       March                    Option Price 
        2014        2014     Date of Grant     per Share     Exercise Period 
                                                           up to 12 November 
     375,000     375,000  12 November 2004      GBP 0.76                2014 
                                                           up to 12 November 
      60,000      60,000  12 November 2005      GBP 0.76                2015 
   1,750,000   1,750,000     1 August 2006     GBP 0.775 up to 1 August 2016 
  16,650,000  16,650,000      14 July 2011     GBP 0.031  up to 14 July 2021 
  18,835,000  18,835,000 
10. Share based payments 
African Copper has established a share option scheme with the purpose of motivating and retaining qualified 
management and to ensure common goals for management and the shareholders.  Under the African Copper share plan 
each option gives the right to purchase one African Copper ordinary share.  For options granted the vesting 
period is generally up to three years.  If the options remain unexercised after a period of 10 years from the 
date of grant, the options expire.  Furthermore, options are forfeited if the employee leaves the Group.  In 
2005 all options were granted at 76p and in 2006 and 2007 all options were granted at 77.5p. On 14 July 2011 
17,150,000 options were granted at 3.13p. 
                                             Weighted average 
                                               exercise price 
                                            in GBP  per share        Options 
At 31 March 2013 and 31 March 2014                      11.7p     18,835,000 
Granted                                                     -              - 
Forfeited                                                   -              - 
At 30 September 2014                                    11.7p     18,835,000 
Exercisable at the end of the period                    13.6p     15,505,000 
Expected volatility was determined by calculating the historical volatility of the Company's share price since 
it was listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange in November 2004. The expected life used in the 
model has been adjusted, based on management's best estimate, for the effects of non-transferability, exercise 
restrictions and behavioural considerations. 
The total expense recorded in the profit and loss in respect of share based payments for the period was $31,746 
(31 March 2014: $69,344). 
Share options outstanding at the end of the year have the following expiry date and exercise prices: 
                            Exercise price in 
Expiry date                    GBP  per share             Shares 
                                               30 Sept. 2014   31 March 2014 
2014                                      76p        375,000         375,000 
2015                                      76p         60,000          60,000 
2016                                    77.5p      1,750,000       1,750,000 
2021                                    3.13p     16,650,000      16,650,000 
                                        11.7p     18,835,000      18,835,000 
The weighted average remaining contractual life of the outstanding options at 30 September 2014 was 6.17 years 
(31 March 2014: 6.67 years). 
11. Amounts payable to ZCI Limited 
                                                 At 30 Sept.     At 31 March 
                                                        2014            2014 
                                                     US$'000         US$'000 
Amounts due from ZCI                                    (500)              - 
Non-convertible loan                                  24,033          24,033 
March 2010 facility                                   10,000          10,000 
December 2011 facility                                 2,000           2,000 
January 2012 facility                                  5,000           5,000 
June 2012 convertible loan facility                    6,000           6,000 
Development loan                                       7,500           7,500 
Development facility                                  12,500          12,500 
Interest                                              29,870          26,343 
Current facilities                                    96,403          93,376 
Balance due to ZCI Limited                            96,403          93,376 
ZCI owns 73.44 percent of the Company. At 30 September 2014 the Company owed ZCI pursuant to the following 
principal indebtedness: 
Convertible Loan Facility: 
The Convertible Loan Facility is a four year secured, part convertible credit facility of US$31,129,100 
comprising a convertible Tranche A of US$8,379,100 with a coupon of 12% per annum and Tranche B that is not 
convertible of US$22,750,000 with a coupon of 14% per annum. The Convertible Loan Facility was signed on 18 
June 2009. Tranche B was subsequently increased from US$22,750,000 to US$24,032,900. Tranche A of the 
Convertible Loan Facility is convertible into ordinary shares of African Copper at a conversion price of 1p per 
ordinary share. On 30 September 2013 the Company announced that ZCI had provided notice to convert the Tranche 
A Loan outstanding into ordinary shares in the Company. At the conversion rate of 1 pence per ordinary share 
and at the exchange rate as set out in the conversion notice of $1.5062 to GBP 1, this equated to the issue of 
556,307,263 new ordinary shares in the Company for a conversion sum of GBP 5,563,072.63. The converted shares 
were credited to ZCI as fully paid on 18 October 2013. Following the issue of the converted shares the entire 
amount of the Tranche A loan was extinguished although the interest outstanding and accrued up to the 
conversion date remains payable. 
On 19 November 2014 the Board of Directors of ZCI resolved to defer Tranche B principal payments in aggregate 
of $24,032,900 to 31 December 2015. In addition, the ZCI Board of Directors further resolved to defer interest 
payments on Tranche A of $3,268,977 and interest payment on Tranche B of $14,463,920 accrued to 30 September 
2014 plus all interest payments deferred to 31 December 2015. 
March 2010 Facility 
On 31 March 2010 the Company announced it had arranged agreement with ZCI pursuant to which ZCI would fund 
immediately a $10 million term loan facility at an interest rate of 6% per annum, payable quarterly, to be 
repaid on or before 31 March 2011 and may be renewed, subject to ZCI giving its written consent to such 
renewal, prior to the repayment date. The March 2010 Facility is secured under the existing Convertible Loan 
Facility (with the exception of the convertible option). On 19 November 2014 the Board of Directors of ZCI 
resolved to defer principal payments of $10,000,000 to 31 December 2015. In addition, the ZCI Board of 
Directors further resolved to defer interest payments accrued to 30 September 2014 of $2,551,233 plus all 
interest payments deferred to 31 December 2015. 
December 2011 and January 2012 Facilities 
On 29 December 2011 and 31 January 2012, ZCI provided a further $2.0 million and $5.0 million facility. These 
facilities with an interest rate of 9.0% were repayable in March 2013. 
On 19 November 2014 the Board of Directors of ZCI resolved to defer principal payments of $2,000,000 and 
$5,000,000 to 31 December 2015, In addition, the ZCI Board of Directors further resolved to defer interest 
payments accrued to 30 September 2014 of $496,110 and $1,185,860 plus all interest payments deferred to 31 
December 2015. 
June 2012 Convertible Loan Facility 
On 8 June 2012, ZCI provided a further $6.0 million convertible debt facility. This convertible loan is a 
secured loan facility with a simple interest rate of 7% and repayable on 31 March 2014 (the "June 2012 
Facility"). Interest is accrued annually and interest payments deferred until 30 June 2015. The June 2012 
Facility is convertible into ordinary shares of 1p each in the Company at a conversion price of 2.40p per 
On 19 November 2014 the Board of Directors of ZCI resolved to defer principal payments of $6,000,000 to 31 
December 2015. In addition, the ZCI Board of Directors further resolved to defer interest payments accrued to 
30 September 2014 of $971,178 plus all interest payments deferred to 31 December 2015. 
Development Loan 
On 29 November 2010 the Company announced it had secured the Development Loan from ZCI of $7.5 million. The 
purpose of Development Loan was to enable exploration drilling on the Group's Matsitama Exploration Project and 
Mowana North deposit and the completion of a scoping study for the Makala deposits as well as certain plant 
enhancements. The Development Loan has an interest rate of 12% per annum payable half yearly, and is to be 
repaid on or before 30 November 2014 and may be renewed for a further two years, subject to ZCI giving its 
written consent to such renewal, prior to the repayment date. The other terms and conditions are otherwise on 
the same terms as with the Convertible Loan Facility (with the exception of the convertible option. 
On 19 November 2014 the Board of Directors of ZCI resolved to defer principal payments of $7,500,000 to 31 
December 2015. In addition, the ZCI Board of Directors further resolved to defer interest payments accrued to 
30 September 2014 of $3,335,507plus all interest payments deferred to 31 December 2015. 
The Development Facility 
On February 9, 2011 the Company announced the Development Facility of $12.5 million from ZCI. The purpose of 
the Development Facility was to provide the Group with further working capital and funds to execute the planned 
investment programme at its Mowana Mine facilities and accelerate mining activities at the Thakadu deposit. The 
Development Facility is a three year secured loan facility with an interest rate of 9.0%, repayable in January 
2014. Interest is to be paid semi-annually in arrears on 31 December and 30 June each year, commencing on 31 
December 2011 with this payment including accrued interest from the closing of the Facility. The terms and 
conditions of the Development Facility are on substantially similar terms to Convertible Loan Facility (with 
the exception of the convertible option). On 20 December 2011 the Board of Directors of ZCI resolved to defer 
interest payments accrued to 31 December 2011 of $445,807 plus all interest payments due throughout 2012 and 
for the three months ended 31 March 2013, to 31 March 2013. 
On 19 November 2014 the Board of Directors of ZCI resolved to defer principal payments of $12,500,000 to 31 
December 2015. In addition, the ZCI Board of Directors further resolved to defer interest payments accrued to 
30 September 2014 of $3,596,918 plus all interest payments deferred to 31 December 2015. 
Based on the Company's current financial position at 30 September 2014 the Group is not able to pay the 
outstanding principal and accrued interest to ZCI. The Directors of the Company received the Waiver Letter (see 
note 1 - Going Concern) from ZCI whereby ZCI agreed to defer all principal and interest payments arising from 
the Group's debt obligations until 31 December 2015. Further, the Directors also received a Letter of Financial 
Support (see note 1 - Going Concern) from ZCI whereby ZCI stated that it is ZCI's policy to make sufficient 
financial resources available to the Group up to the value of $7.0 million in order to allow the Group to 
continue to meet its liabilities as they fall due in the normal course of its operations. As part of the Letter 
of Financial Support amount, on 19 December 2014 the Company's subsidiary Messina received additional financing 
from ZCI in the form of a term facility agreement with a principal value of $2.5 million. (See Note 19 - 
Subsequent Event) 
12. Other Borrowings 
                                                  At 30 Sept.    At 31 March 
                                                         2014           2014 
                                                      US$'000        US$'000 
Bank ABC Borrowings                                       330            786 
MRI Borrowings(i)                                           -          1,126 
Total                                                     330          1,912 
The equipment facility is with Banc ABC, a Botswana based lending institution, and is US$ denominated facility 
that has a fixed interest rate of 9% per annum. At 30 September 2014, $0.33 million from this facility had been 
(i)See Note 19 - Subsequent Event 
13. Rehabilitation Provision 
The Group estimates the total discounted amount of cash flows required to settle its asset retirement 
obligations at 30 September 2014 is $6.997 million (31 March 2014 - $7.025 million).  Although the ultimate 
amount to be incurred is uncertain, the independent Environmental Impact Statement, completed on the Mowana 
Mine by Water Surveys Botswana (Pty) Limited in September 2006, using an assumption that mining continues to 
2023, estimated the undiscounted cost to rehabilitate the Mowana Mine site of 24.3 million Botswana Pula. This 
estimate was recently updated by GeoFlux (Pty) Limited and the undiscounted cost was revised to 45 million 
Botswana Pula (due to escalation of Mowana estimate and the new estimate for Thakadu). 
The Group has set aside $0.02 million (31 March 2014 - $0.15 million) to a separate bank account to provide for 
rehabilitation of the Mowana and Thakadu Mines site at closure. The cash provision is historically set aside 
annually at the fiscal year-end on the rate of reserves depletion basis. The Group will annually make 
contributions to this account over the life of the mine so as to ensure these capital contributions together 
with the investment income earned cover the anticipated costs. 
Rehabilitation Provision                                            US$'000 
Balance, 1 April 2013                                                 6,766 
Provision                                                               647 
Foreign exchange on translation                                        (388) 
Balance, 31 March 2014                                                7,025 
Balance, 1 April 2014                                                 7,025 
Provision                                                               347 
Foreign exchange on translation                                        (375) 
Balance, 30 September 2014                                            6,997 
14. Finance lease liability 
On 20 February 2014, the Group entered into an agreement for 52-months with a mining contractor, Diesel Power 
Mining (Proprietary) Limited ("Diesel Power"). In terms of the contract, specific mining equipment will be used 
by the contractor in fulfilling their duties of mine scheduling, drill and blasting, waste removal and ore 
mining. Although the arrangement is not in the legal form of a lease, the Group concluded that the arrangement 
contains a lease of the mining equipment. 
The lease was classified as a finance lease. At the inception of the arrangement, it was impracticable to split 
the payments into lease payments and other payments related to the arrangement, as such the lease asset and 
liability was recognised at an amount equal to the fair value of the assets that was identified in terms of the 
lease. The imputed finance costs on the liability were determined based on the Group's incremental borrowing 
rate (9 %). This lease provides the Group with the option to buy the equipment at a beneficial price. In terms 
of the agreement Diesel Power shall not de-mobilise any or all of the mining equipment from the site without 
receiving written approval from the Group. 
Finance lease liabilities recognised are payable as follows: 
Finance Lease Liabilities as at 30 September 2014: 
                                                            Present value of 
                           Future Minimum Lease                minimum lease 
US$'000                                 Payment   Interest          payments 
Less than One year                        3,721        950             2,771 
Between one and Five years               10,237      1,226             9,011 
Total                                    13,958      2,176            11,782 
Finance Lease Liabilities as at 31 March 2014: 
                                                            Present value of 
                           Future Minimum Lease                minimum lease 
US$'000                                 Payment   Interest          payments 
Less than One year                          535        157               378 
Between one and Five years                  783        248             1,535 
Total                                     2,318        405             1,913 
Commitments under finance lease 
At the reporting date, all assets subject to this agreement were not yet at the mine as they are still being 
mobilised. The future minimum lease payments as at 30 September 2014 (for all assets subject to this agreement) 
are as follows: 
                                                            Present value of 
                           Future Minimum Lease                minimum lease 
US$'000                                 Payment   Interest          payments 
Less than One year                        4,131      1,054             3,077 
Between one and Five years               11,364      1,358            10,006 
Total                                    15,495      2,412            13,083 
15. Commitments 
Contractual Obligations                                             2017 and 
US$'000                                    2014    2015    2016   thereafter 
Goods, services and equipment (a)         1,763       -       -            - 
Exploration licences (b)                    866   1,257      56            - 
Lease agreements (c)                         13      27       9           12 
Total                                     2,642   1,284      65           12 
  a) The Company and its subsidiaries have a number of agreements with arms- 
     length third parties who provide a wide range of goods and services and 
  b) Under the terms of the Group's prospecting licences Matsitama is 
     obliged to incur certain minimum expenditures. 
  c) The Group has entered into agreements to lease premises for various 
16. Related party transactions 
The following amounts were paid to companies in which directors of the Group have an interest and were incurred 
in the normal course of operations and are recorded at their exchange amount; 
                                         Amount incurred             Balance 
US$'000                                during the period   Outstanding as at 
                                      30 Sept.  31 March  30 Sept.  31 March 
                                          2014      2014      2014      2014 
Principal due to ZCI (Note 11)               -    (7,891)   67,033    67,033 
Amount accrued to ZCI being interest 
 on loan                                 3,527     7,596    29,870    26,343 
Amount advanced to ZCI for head 
 office expenses                          (500)        -      (500)        - 
Amount paid to iCapital Limited for 
 the provision of technical and 
 operational support to the Company. 
 Jordan Soko, a director of the 
 Company, is a principal of iCapital 
 Limited                                   104       225        17        17 
Amount paid to Aegis Instruments, 
 Micro mine, MGE and Quantec, 
 companies controlled by a director 
 of a subsidiary, in respect of 
 provision of geophysical and 
 geological consulting, 
 administration services and 
 reimbursed expenses                         -        25         -         - 
17. Contingent Liability 
The directors are not aware of any proceedings which are threatened or pending, which may have a material 
effect on our financial position, results of operations or liquidity. Specific claims against the Company, 
which arise in the ordinary course of business, have been provided for where the directors consider it probable 
that the claims will be settled. 
18. Ultimate Controlling Party 
The directors regard ZCI, a company registered in Bermuda, as the Company's immediate parent undertaking. 
Copies of the accounts of ZCI Limited, the smallest and largest group for which accounts are prepared, may be 
obtained from the ZCI Limited registered office. 
The Company's ultimate controlling party is The Copperbelt Development Foundation. 
19. Subsequent Event - MRI Prepayment Loan and Off-take Contract Extension and ZCI $2.5 million Term Facility 
On 19 November 2014 a prepayment loan of $3.0 million was obtained from MRI, the Group's off-take partner. The 
prepayment loan is US$ denominated and is to be repaid by way of offset against deliveries of copper 
concentrates in six equal monthly instalments of minimum $0.5 million commencing latest thirty days after the 
one month grace period from the drawdown date. The prepayment loan has an interest rate of LIBOR 1 month plus 
6% calculated daily until such time the entire Prepayment has been repaid. 
On 19 November 2014 the Company agreed to extend the MRI off-take contract for a period of 12 months from 1 
January 2015 to 31st December 2015. The MRI off-take contract includes the full production of copper 
concentrates produced at the Group's Mowana/Thakadu mines. 
On 19 December 2014 the Company's subsidiary Messina Copper (Botswana) (Pty) Ltd. received additional financing 
from ZCI in the form of a term facility agreement with a principal value of $2.5 million. The use of proceeds 
was intended to fund the short term working capital required to perform the necessary waste stripping to manage 
the transition from the Thakadu pit to the Mowana pit. This loan is made on substantially similar terms to 
previous loans extended by ZCI to the Company, and bears interest at 9% per annum with repayment in equal 
monthly instalments of $500,000 commencing in January 2016. Drawdown of the full amount occurred on 19 December 
African Copper 
Brad Kipp 
Chief Financial Officer 
(416) 847 4866 
Canaccord Genuity Limited 
(NOMAD and Broker) 
Neil Elliot / Tarica Mpinga 
020 7523 8000 
African Copper PLC 

African Copper (LSE:ACU)
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African Copper (LSE:ACU)
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De Sep 2023 a Sep 2024 Haga Click aquí para más Gráficas African Copper.