Parkwood Holdings plc                             

28 August 2008

             INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2008             

Parkwood Holdings plc, the support services group, is pleased to announce its
interim results for the 6 months ended 30 June 2008.

Financial highlights:

  * Revenues rose by 20.1% to �61.5m (2007: �51.2m)
  * Operating profit increased by 70.1% to �2.33m (2007: �1.37m)
  * Profits before tax rose by 15.2% to �1.21m (2007: �1.05m)
  * Earnings per share increased to 4.7p, up 30.6% from last year (2007: 3.6p)
  * Proposed dividend of 1.5p (2007: 1.3p) payable to shareholders on 3 October
  * Group order book increased by 24% to �531m (2007: �429m)
Operating highlights:

  * New Leisure management contracts at Portsmouth and Cherwell under DBOM
  * Preferred bidder status on Bristol City Council Leisure PFI Project
  * LINk Contract awards for Parkwood Healthcare in Lewisham and Harrow
Tony Hewitt, Executive Chairman of Parkwood Holdings, commented:

"Our blue-chip order book and index-linked contracts, which account for in
excess of 85% of revenue, provide a degree of certainty for the future
performance of the Group".

For further information, please contact:

Tony Hewitt Executive Chairman 01772 627111

Terry Bowman Group Finance Director 07825 607358

Neil Baldwin Brewin Dolphin Securities Limited 0113 241 0126

Information on Parkwood Holdings plc can be accessed via the company's website

Notes for Editors:

Parkwood Holdings plc specialises in providing outsourced and support services,
predominantly to the public sector across England and Wales under long term
contracts. Its four main areas of operation are as follows:

Glendale. Provides amenity horticulture, grass cutting, arboriculture and care
of sports pitches, parks and open spaces. The division also includes golf
course management, green waste recycling, environmental consultancy and

Parkwood Leisure. Manages a diverse range of leisure facilities, including
swimming pools, sports halls, gyms, health suites and catering operations.

Parkwood Projects. Undertakes PFI, PPP and similar bids on behalf of joint
ventures and the Group. Parkwood PFI is also responsible for project management
of contracts and the management of other funds such as the lifecycle funds
associated with the project agreement.

Healthcare. Operates a nursing agency and an ambulance and patient transport
business. Parkwood Healthcare has recently been successful in winning NHS LINk
contracts in London.

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Interim Report 2008

Chairman's Statement

The six-month period to 30 June 2008 has seen continued growth in Parkwood's
revenues and profits, particularly in its Leisure Division, where significant
new contracts under design, build, operate and manage (DBOM) arrangements
commenced in Portsmouth in January and with Cherwell District Council in North
Oxfordshire in April. Glendale experienced difficult trading conditions
especially in its golf management and horticultural businesses, whilst
increases in fuel prices also impacted adversely on the costs of running the
division's fleet of more than 500 vehicles. Significantly, Parkwood
Healthcare's new medical service division was awarded their first new contracts
with two London Boroughs for the provision of LINk hosting consultancy
services. In July, Bristol City Council announced that Parkwood had gained
preferred bidder status on a �24 million PFI project to design, finance, build
and operate a new leisure centre in the south of the city, reaffirming the
Group's leadership in this sector of the PFI market place.

Group Results

Revenues increased by 20.1% to �61.5 million (2007: �51.2 million) whilst
profit before tax rose to �1.21 million (2007: �1.05 million), an increase of
15%. Operating profit rose significantly to �2.33 million from �1.37 million in
the previous year as a result of increased profits in Parkwood Leisure and
Parkwood Project Management, reduced losses in Parkwood Healthcare, as a result
of the release of part of the onerous contract provision, and the benefit of
the acquisition of the parent company of Realm Services (DAC) in May 2007 and
increased revenue in the SPC Group as a result of the completion of the
construction of the Solihull and Sidcup leisure centres.

The Group's forward order book at the period end was �531 million (2007: �429
million), an increase of 24%.

The Board is pleased to announce an increase in the dividend for the period to
1.5p per share (2007: 1.3p per share) payable on 3 October 2008 to all
shareholders on the register on 12 September 2008.

Board and Management

Nick Temple-Heald, who has been the managing director of Glendale, the Group's
green services division, for the last three years, was appointed to the Board
as an executive director on 1 May 2008. Nick has been instrumental in
diversifying the activities of Glendale and doubling the size of the business
since he joined the Group in September 2004. The Board now consists of four
executive and two independent non-executive directors.


Parkwood Leisure had a successful first half with revenue increasing by 28% to
�26.1 million (2007: �20.4 million) and profit before tax by 24% to �1.25
million (2007: �1.1 million).

The beginning of the year saw the start of the Portsmouth (DBOM) contract where
the division took over nine leisure centres and other sites with operating
revenues of �3.6 million per annum. Portsmouth City Council also invited
Parkwood Leisure to run the Pyramids Centre, a seafront venue which had been
scheduled to close. The new Tudor Grange leisure centre and pool in Solihull,
built by Leadbitter Construction Ltd under a PFI contract managed by Parkwood
Project Management (PPM), was handed over to Parkwood Leisure to operate on 28
January 2008 and proved popular immediately. Similarly, in March, a new leisure
centre in Sidcup built by Gleeson Construction, again under the management of
PPM, was handed over to Parkwood Leisure as operator. Then, in April, yet
another DBOM contract commenced operations in North Oxfordshire involving three
leisure centres in Banbury, Bicester and Kidlington. In total, at the end of
the period, the Leisure divison operated 73 leisure centres.

New centres, as well as many of the older leisure centres, have health and
fitness clubs within them which, along with the division's three private clubs,
operate under the Expressions brand. Expressions' memberships at the period end
totalled 41,600 providing �1.15 million of direct debt income per month with an
average membership fee of �33.


Glendale revenues in the period grew to �30.6 million (2007: �26.8 million), an
increase of 14%, but trading conditions have been difficult, with golf income
below expectation and the Euro affecting the cost of imported plants in
horticulture. Poor weather in the spring impacted on operations, whilst fuel
price increases cost the division in excess of �0.25 million in the period.
Profits before tax consequently fell to �0.17 million (2007: �0.65 million).
Nevertheless the core businesses of Glendale Grounds Management and Glendale
Countryside both performed well. Notably, Glendale further strengthened its
position in the South West with the award of a five year contract for grounds
management by North Devon District Council, worth in excess of �1 million per
annum. Glendale also sponsored and co-hosted the national Green Flag Awards
ceremony on 31 July, where Glendale was responsible for 55 of the parks and
open spaces that won awards this year.

The division has outgrown its current structure and from 1 September 2008,
Glendale will become a holding company allowing its subsidiaries, Glendale
Grounds Management, Glendale Countryside, Glendale Golf, Glendale Horticulture
and Glendale Recycling to trade with greater autonomy. Nick Temple-Heald
becomes the new Divisional Chief Executive Officer and new boards of directors
comprising both executive and non-executive directors are being established.
Mark Hawkesworth, who was the Chairman of Parkwood Holdings plc from 1992 to
1997, becomes Glendale's new divisional Chairman and Professor John Moverley,
previously CEO of the Royal Agricultural Society of England and Myerscough
College, also joins the Glendale holding company board.

Parkwood Project Management

Parkwood Project Management increased revenue to �1.4 million (2007: �1.1
million) in the period, and profits increased to �0.33 million (2007: �0.18
million). The year started well with the commencement of construction work at
the Mountbatton Leisure Centre for Portsmouth City Council and the completion
of Tudor Grange leisure centre and pool for the Metropolitan Borough of
Solihull. In March construction work was also completed on a new leisure centre
in Sidcup. April saw the signing of a DBOM contract with Cherwell District
Council allowing construction to commence on a new leisure centre in Banbury
along with refurbishment programmes on two other centres. A final bid submitted
in June to Bristol City Council resulted in preferred bidder status being
awarded to the Parkwood consortium to build a new leisure centre in the south
of the city. On 31 July negotiations were completed with the Metropolitan
Borough of Rotherham on behalf of Dignity, a bereavement services company, to
refurbish a crematorium and manage cemeteries throughout the Borough. This
contract also gives rise to a 25 year grounds management contract for Glendale.

PPM expanded on 1 July 2008 when the business of Glendale Environmental was
incorporated into the practice; bringing with it landscape architect, ecology,
environmental sustainability and arboricultural competencies. As a result the
business has rebranded and now trades as `Parkwood Consultancy Services'.

Parkwood Healthcare

With the planned reduction in its patient transport business, Parkwood
Healthcare's revenue fell to �2.3 million (2007: �3.1 million). Losses
continue, and were reduced to �0.23 million (2007: �0.45 million).

Significant business development activity has taken place during the period to
establish a new medical services business, with tenders being submitted for
mental health programmes, clinical services, LINk hosting services and the
Equitable Access Programme which will provide new GP-led health centres, known
in the media as `polyclinics'. Two LINk contracts have been won, the London
Borough of Lewisham which commenced in April and the London Borough of Harrow
in July. The purpose of the LINk programme is to give a voice to local people
to enable them to comment and make representations on the way health and social
care services are commissioned and delivered in their community. The company
has been invited to tender for three GP-led health centres to date and awaits
the results of several more applications. These new health centres will open 12
hours per day, 7 days per week and are to be in existence by the spring of 2009
in all of the 152 primary care trust areas in England. Parkwood Healthcare
hopes to be a successful participant in the provision of community based
healthcare services for the future.

Funding and Cash Flow

The completion of the construction phases of the Tudor Grange and Sidcup
leisure centres in the period has seen a significant reduction in capital
expenditure compared to previous years. The new DBOM contracts at Portsmouth
and Cherwell do not require capital funding by the Group.

Whilst total and recourse gearing have increased since December, in line with
the Group's cashflow profile, they have both fallen when compared to the
position at June 2007. Cashflow generated from operations before working
capital movements increased by 65%, whilst the outflow of cash from working
capital resulted from the timing of payments in respect of the PFI construction
projects when compared to 2007.

The Group also exercised the powers granted by the 2007 and 2008 Annual General
Meetings to purchase its own shares where the directors considered it was in
the interest of shareholders. In total 500,000 ordinary shares were acquired at
a total cost of �589,000 in the half year.


Parkwood is currently reviewing its strategy for the three-year period 2009-11,
which will focus on consolidating its position in the markets it occupies and
releasing value to shareholders. The Group's blue chip order book and
index-linked contracts account for in excess of 85% of revenue and provide a
degree of certainty for the future in deteriorating economic conditions. The
Group also holds investments in PFI/PPP related special purpose companies
(SPC's), the value of which are not fully recognised in the balance sheet. The
Board is reviewing options for realising this value for shareholders.

Despite the difficult trading conditions faced by some Glendale activities, the
directors remain of the opinion that the Group's results for the full year will
be in line with market expectations.

A W Hewitt

Executive Chairman

28 August 2008

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Interim Report 2008

Financial Review

In the first half of 2008 the Group has seen profit before tax increase by 15%
on Revenue growth of 20%. Adjusted operating profit increased by almost 70%,
whilst finance costs rose to �1.21 million (2007: �0.41 million) as a result of
a full six month charge for the cost of the purchase of the majority
shareholding in the parent company of Realm Services (DAC), which was acquired
in May 2007, and initial expensing of the debt funding of the Rivendell
(Solihull) and Boxwood (Sidcup) PFI building contracts which had previously
been capitalised until completion of construction.

In addition the charge for impairment and goodwill amortisation increased to �
0.224 million (2007: �0.107 million) as a result of the Realm Services (DAC)

The Group's total interest charges were covered 1.9 times (2007: 3.3 times).
Recourse interest charges were covered 13 times (2007: 6 times) as interest
costs declined to �0.118 million (2007: �0.223 million).

Trading Performance

The following table continues the practice, commenced with the 2007 Report and
Accounts, of separating the performance of the Trading Group from the
non-recourse SPC Group.

                                                                   Year ended 31
                            6 months to June  6 months to June     December 2007
                                        2008              2007                  
                           Revenue  Adjusted Revenue  Adjusted Revenue  Adjusted
                                   operating         operating         operating
                                      profit            profit            profit
                              �000      �000    �000      �000    �000      �000
Trading group                                                                   
Glendale                    30,637       518  26,755       854  54,274     1,931
Leisure                     26,117     1,311  20,368     1,071  42,549     2,423
Healthcare                   2,287     (198)   3,085     (306)   6,002     (600)
PPM                          1,365       309   1,104       181   2,281       311
Central costs                    -     (435)       -     (360)       -     (524)
Inter-segment elimination  (2,983)         - (1,700)         - (4,141)         -
Total trading group         57,423     1,505  49,612     1,440 100,965     3,541
SPC group                                                                       
Subsidiaries                 4,067     1,070   1,594       114   4,843       885
Joint ventures and           1,184      (23)   1,137      (73)   2,288     (202)
Total SPC group              5,251     1,047   2,731        41   7,131       683
Total Group                 62,674     2,552  52,343     1,481 108,096     4,224

Note - Adjusted operating profit is profit before interest, tax, amortisation
and goodwill impairment.

Whilst the revenue of the Trading Group increased by 15.7%, the adjusted
operating profit increased by only 4.5% as a result of the underperformance of
Glendale, which is referred to in the Chairman's statement. Other members of
the Trading Group increased their adjusted operating profit by over �0.43

The SPC Group benefited from Realm Service (DAC) becoming a wholly owned
subsidiary in May of 2007 (it was previously accounted for as an Associate).
This increased revenue and adjusted operating profit by �1.29 million and �0.45
million respectively in comparison to 2007. In addition the completion of the
Solihull and Sidcup leisure centres resulted in increased revenue and adjusted
operating profit totalling �0.24 million and �0.39 million respectively.

Summary Group Balance Sheet

The following table shows a summary of the Group's balance sheet at 30 June
2008, analysed between the main trading assets and recourse liabilities and
those of the consolidated SPC's, which hold the PFI/PPP investments. The assets
and liabilities, including long-term debt, within the SPC's are non-recourse to
the Group.

                               Recourse        Non-recourse     Total    Total  
                             30 Jun   31 Dec   30 Jun   31 Dec   30 Jun   31 Dec
                                 08       07       08       07       08       07
                               �000     �000     �000     �000     �000     �000
Non-current assets           26,309   22,135   25,723   29,842   52,032   51,977
Investments in Joint          1,031      826  (3,170)  (3,147)  (2,139)  (2,321)
Total non-current assets     27,340   22,961   22,553   26,695   49,893   49,656
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories and debtors      22,410   17,880    1,216    2,219   23,626   20,099
Cash at bank and in hand        635    1,239    1,988    3,861    2,623    5,100
                             23,045   19,119    3,204    6,080   26,249   25,199
Current liabilities        (28,806) (24,122)    (431)  (3,881) (29,237) (28,003)
Net current (liabilities)/  (5,761)  (5,003)    2,773    2,199  (2,988)  (2,804)
Non current liabilities                                                         
Bank loans                  (4,436)  (4,459) (28,490) (28,947) (32,926) (33,406)
Other long term             (5,077)  (5,550)  (1,710)  (1,186)  (6,787)  (6,736)
Net assets                   12,066    7,949  (4,874)  (1,239)    7,192    6,710
Net debt                     12,201    7,632   27,342   27,086   39,543   34,718
Gearing                        101%      96%                       553%     517%

Continued investment in PFI/PPP projects and deferred consideration payments
for the acquisition of DPL Holdings in November 2007 have seen total gearing
increase to 553% from 517% at December 2007. However, repayment of non-recourse
borrowings totalling �1.57 million in this half year, when added to repayments
of �0.36 million in the second half of 2007, has resulted in a reduction in
gearing from 656% at June 2007. Recourse gearing was 101% at the end of June.
This is a reduction from 147% a year earlier and up on the December 2007 figure
of 96%.

Summary Cash Flow Statement                                                    
                                         6 months to  6 months to    Year ended
                                           June 2008    June 2007 December 2007
                                                �000         �000          �000
Operating cash inflow before movement                                          
in working capital                             4,968        3,016         7,852
Movement in working capital                  (5,645)      (3,534)       (2,050)
Income tax as refunded/(paid)                    293          (2)             -
Cash used in investing activities            (1,657)      (7,543)       (9,258)
Cash flow from financing activities          (4,416)        4,249         4,930
(Decrease)/Increase in cash and cash         (6,457)      (3,814)       (1,474)

Overall the Group experienced an outflow of funds in the period of �6.1 million
in respect of investing and financing activities. This was �2.6 million greater
than in the same period of 2007 despite an increase of �1.9 million in cash
generated from operating activities before movements in working capital.
Working capital outflow increased by �2.0 million principally as a result of a
decrease in the level of accounts payable of �1.5 million compared to a
marginal increase in 2007. The reduction reflects timing of payments relating
to PFI projects between the two half years.

The completion of all current PFI building projects saw a fall in property,
plant and equipment expenditure in the period to �1.1 million from �6.3 million
in the same period of 2007. This change was reflected in the absence of new
recourse and non-recourse loans in the half year compared to a total of �5.9
million of new borrowings in 2007. Cash outflow in respect of acquisitions fell
to �0.5 million in the half year (2007: �1.7 million). The 2007 figure included
the purchase of the majority shareholder in Realm Services (DAC), whilst this
half year saw additional deferred consideration payments relating to the DPL
Holdings acquisition, which completed in November 2007. Scheduled repayment of
non-recourse loans amounted to �1.6 million (2007: �0.2 million). The Group's
purchases of its own ordinary shares resulted in an outflow of �589,000 (2007:
�nil) in the first six months as 500,000 shares were acquired. A total of
375,000 shares were cancelled and 75,000 transferred to the Employee Benefit
Trust at cost. The balance of 50,000 ordinary shares are held in Treasury.
Interest payments increased to �0.8 million (2007: �0.26 million) as a result
of the expensing of interest on previously capitalised non-recourse loans
following completion of the construction phase of these PFI contracts.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The Group's report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 set out the
principal risks and uncertainties affecting the Group and its separate
businesses. The Directors consider that these risks and uncertainties remained
valid throughout the six months to 30 June 2008 and will remain valid for the
second half of the year.

T P Bowman

Group Finance Director

28 August 2008

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Unaudited Consolidated Income Statement

Six months ended 30 June 2008

                                                                       Year ended
                                                 Six months ended 30  31 December
                                                                June    (audited)
                                     Note    (unaudited) (unaudited)         �000
                                                    2008        2007             
                                                    �000        �000             
Continuing operations                                                            
Revenue                                           62,674      52,343      108,096
Less: share of joint ventures'                   (1,184)     (1,137)      (2,288)
Group revenue - continuing              3         61,490      51,206      105,808
Cost of sales                                   (44,072)    (37,266)     (75,715)
Gross profit                                      17,418      13,940       30,093
Administrative expenses                         (15,067)    (12,493)     (26,565)
                                                   2,351       1,447        3,528
Share of results after tax of                          -        (16)         (16)
Share of results after tax of joint                 (23)        (57)          116
Operating profit                                   2,328       1,374        3,628
EBITDA                                             5,078       3,203        8,277
Depreciation                                     (2,526)     (1,722)      (4,053)
Amortisation                                       (224)        (43)        (174)
Exceptional item                                       -           -        (358)
Impairment of goodwill                                 -        (64)         (64)
Operating profit                                   2,328       1,374        3,628
Investment income                                     94          93          341
Finance costs                           4        (1,211)       (414)      (1,470)
Profit before income tax                           1,211       1,053        2,499
Income tax expense                      5          (346)       (372)        (822)
Profit for the period attributable                   865         681        1,677
to equity shareholders                                                           
Earnings per share                             Pence per   Pence per    Pence per
                                                   share       share        share
Basic                                   7           4.7p        3.6p         8.9p
Diluted                                 7           4.7p        3.6p         8.8p

There were no discontinued operations in the period.

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Consolidated balance sheet as at 30 June 2008

                                                   30 June     30 June         31
                                      Note            2008        2007       2007
                                               (unaudited) (unaudited)  (audited)
                                                      �000        �000       �000
Non-current assets                                                               
Goodwill                                             2,681         651      2,521
Intangible Assets                                    4,716       2,795      4,941
Property, plant and equipment            8          43,471      40,729     43,750
Investments in joint ventures                            5           -         12
Derivative financial instrument                        844       1,032        303
Trade and other receivables                              -           -        142
Deferred tax asset                                     320         305        320
                                                    52,037      45,512     51,989
Current assets                                                                   
Inventories                                          3,537       2,945      3,624
Trade and other receivables                         20,089      17,119     16,475
Cash                                                 2,623       1,260      5,100
                                                    26,249      21,324     25,199
Total assets                                        78,286      66,836     77,188
Current liabilities                                                              
Trade and other payables                            21,996      19,967     23,270
Tax liabilities                                        500         453        371
Obligations under finance leases                     1,601       1,482      1,982
Bank overdrafts                                      3,980       1,448          -
Bank loans                                           1,160         598      2,380
                                                    29,237      23,948     28,003
Non-current liabilities                                                          
Bank loans                                          32,926      31,943     33,406
Retirement benefit obligations                         788       1,435        788
Long-term provisions and deferred                      780       1,012      1,105
Obligations under finance leases                     2,501       2,641      2,050
Derivative financial instrument                          -           -        230
Interests in joint ventures                          2,144           -      2,333
Deferred tax liability                               2,718         236      2,563
Total non-current liabilities                       41,857      37,267     42,475
Net assets                                           7,192       5,621      6,710
Share capital                                          189         196        193
Share premium account                                2,227       2,227      2,227
Retained Earnings                                    4,366       2,795      3,884
Capital redemption reserve                             408         401        404
Equity attributable to equity holders of             7,190       5,619      6,708
the parent                                                                       
Minority interest in equity                              2           2          2
Total equity                                         7,192       5,621      6,710

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense

For the six months ended 30 June 2008

                                                       6 months ended      Year
                                                      30 June 30 June        31
                                                         2008    2007  December
                                                         �000    �000      �000
Profit for the period                                     865     681     1,677
Net actuarial gains on defined benefit pension              -       -       326
Cash flow hedges (net of tax)                             555     608      (82)
Total recognised income for the period                  1,420   1,289     1,921

All recognised income and expense is attributable to the equity holders of the

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Interim Report 2008

Group cash flow statement

For the six months end 30 June 2008

                                                Six months ended 30   Year ended
                                                       June                   31
                                         Note        2008        2007       2007
                                              (unaudited) (unaudited)  (audited)
                                                     �000        �000       �000
Net cash (used in)/ generated from          9       (384)       (520)      5,802
operating activities                                                            
Investing activities                                                            
Interest received                                     130         277        522
Dividends received from associate                       -         111        482
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant                 7          70         60
and equipment                                                                   
Purchases of property, plant and                  (1,119)     (6,299)   (10,375)
Subordinated debt (invested in)/repaid              (204)           2        351
by joint ventures                                                               
Subordinated debt invested in                           -           -      (661)
subsidiary on acquisition                                                       
Proceeds from refinancing                               -           -      1,773
Sales of own shares by employee benefit                 4          12         90
Acquisition of subsidiaries (net of                 (475)     (1,716)    (1,500)
cash acquired)                                                                  
Net cash used in investing activities             (1,657)     (7,543)    (9,258)
Cash flows from financing activities                                            
Interest paid                                       (831)       (258)    (1,409)
Acquisition of treasury shares                      (589)           -      (326)
Acquisition of shares by employee                       -       (127)      (128)
benefit trust                                                                   
Dividends paid                                      (408)       (358)      (605)
Repayments of obligations under finance             (971)       (691)    (1,718)
New recourse bank loans raised                          -       2,550      2,400
New non-recourse bank loans raised                      -       3,342      7,362
Repayment of recourse bank loans                     (45)        (45)      (287)
Repayment of non-recourse bank loans              (1,572)       (164)      (359)
Net cash (used in)/generated from                 (4,416)       4,249      4,930
financing activities                                                            
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and               (6,457)     (3,814)      1,474
cash equivalents                                                                
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning              5,100       3,626      3,626
of period                                                                       
Cash and cash equivalents at end of               (1,357)       (188)      5,100
Cash                                                2,623       1,260      5,100
Bank overdraft and loans                          (3,980)     (1,448)          -
                                                  (1,357)       (188)      5,100

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Notes to the interim financial report

Six months ended 30 June 2008

General information

The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2008 does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act
1985 and has not been audited. No statutory accounts for the period have been
delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

The financial information in respect of the year ended 31 December 2007 has
been produced using extracts from the statutory accounts prepared under IFRS
for this period. The statutory accounts for this period have been filed with
the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on these accounts was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under Sections 237 (2) or (3) of
the Companies Act 1985 which deal respectively with the maintaining of proper
accounting books and records and the availability of information to the

The financial information presented on pages 6 to 17 has been prepared in
accordance the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority and with the
principles of IFRS, including International Accounting Standards (IAS) and
interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
and its committees.

Accounting policies and basis of preparation

The interim financial statements have been approved by the Board and have not
been audited by the auditors.

This condensed consolidated interim financial information for the six months
ended 30 June 2008 has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, `Interim
financial reporting'. The condensed consolidated interim financial information
should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year
ended 31 December 2007, which have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs.

Except as described below, the accounting policies applied are consistent with
those of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007,
as described in those annual financial statements.

Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using the tax rate that
would be applicable to expected total annual earnings.

The following new standards, amendments to standards or interpretations are
mandatory for the first time for the financial year beginning 1 January 2008:

  * IFRIC 11, `IFRS 2 - Group and treasury share transactions'; the effects of
    this IFRIC are not material to the Group.
  * IFRIC 12, `Service concession arrangements'; the IFRIC is not yet endorsed
    by the EU and management continue to assess the impacts on the Group.
  * IFRIC 14, `IAS 19 - the limit on a defined benefit asset, minimum funding
    requirements and their interaction'; this IFRIC is not currently relevant
    to the Group.
The following new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations have
been issued but are not effective for the financial year beginning 1 January
2008 and have not been early adopted:

  * IFRS 8, `Operating segments', effective for annual periods beginning on or
    after 1 January 2009. IFRS 8 replaces IAS 14, `Segment reporting', and
    requires a `management approach' under which segment information is
    presented on the same basis as that used for internal reporting purposes.
    The Group's presentation in Note 3 accords with the requirements of IFRS8.
  * IAS 23 (revised), `Borrowing costs', effective for annual periods beginning
    on or after 1 January 2009. This amendment will have no impact on the
    Group, as the Group currently applies a policy of capitalising borrowing
  * IFRS 2 (amendment) `Share-based payment', effective for annual periods
    beginning on or after 1 January 2009. Management is assessing the impact of
    changes to vesting conditions and cancellations on the Group's option
Parkwood Holdings Plc

Notes to the interim financial report

Six months ended 30 June 2008

  * IFRS 3 (revised), `Business combinations' and consequential amendments to
    IAS 27, `Consolidated and separate financial statements', IAS 28,
    `Investments in associates' and IAS 31, `Interests in joint ventures',
    effective prospectively to business combinations for which the acquisition
    date is on or after the beginning of the first annual reporting period
    beginning on or after 1 July 2009. Management is assessing the impact of
    the new requirements regarding acquisition accounting, consolidation and
    joint ventures on the group.
  * IAS 1 (revised), `Presentation of financial statements', effective for
    annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009. Management is in the
    process of developing proforma accounts under the revised disclosure
    requirements of this standard.
  * IAS 32 (revised), `Financial instruments: presentation', and consequential
    amendments to IAS 1, `Presentation of financial statements', effective for
    annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009. This is not currently
    relevant to the Group as the Group, does not have any puttable instruments.
  * IFRIC 13, `Customer loyalty programmes', effective for annual periods
    beginning on or after 1 July 2008. The IFRIC is not expected to have a
    material impact on the Group Financial Statements.
  * IFRIC 15, `Agreements for the construction of real estate', effective for
    annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009. The IFRIC is not
    expected to have a material impact on the Group Financial Statements.
  * IFRIC 16, `Hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation', effective
    for annual periods beginning on or after 1 October 2008. This is not
    currently relevant to the Group as the Group, does not hedge any foreign
    currency risk.
 3. Business segments
For management purposes, the Group is organised into four Trading divisions -
Glendale, Parkwood Leisure, Parkwood Healthcare and Project Management (the
Trading Group) incorporating a group of non-recourse SPCs (the SPC Group).
These form the basis on which the Group reports its primary segment information
for statutory and management purposes:

The principal activities, which the directors consider to be the segments of
the business for the purpose of analysis are as follows:

Glendale Provides amenity horticulture, grass cutting, arboriculture and care
of sports pitches, parks and open spaces. The division also includes golf
course management, waste recycling, environmental consultancy, tree moving and

Parkwood Leisure Manages a diverse range of public and private leisure
facilities, including swimming pools, sports halls, gyms, health suites and
catering operations.

Project Management Undertakes PFI, PPP and similar bids on behalf of joint
ventures and the Group. Parkwood Project Management is also responsible for
project management of contracts and the management of other funds such as the
lifecycle funds associated with the project agreements.

Healthcare A nursing agency, and an ambulance and patient transport business,
and a medical services business dealing both with the NHS and the private

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Notes to the interim financial report

Six months ended 30 June 2008

3. Business Segments (Continued)

An analysis of the Group's revenue is as follows:

                                                     6 months ended  Year ended
Continuing operations                               2008       2007        2007
                                                    �000       �000        �000
Provision of services to Local Authorities        19,754     19,313      40,643
Provision of services to the private sector        6,516      3,069       5,185
Horticultural revenue                              2,113      2,190       3,740
Golf Course management, including retail           2,254      2,183       4,706
Total Glendale                                    30,637     26,755      54,274
Provision of leisure management services to       25,008     19,573      40,834
Local Authorities                                                              
Provision of private leisure facilities            1,109        795       1,714
Total Leisure                                     26,117     20,368      42,548
Provision of patient transport services            1,331      2,377       4,393
Nursing agency sales                                 912        708       1,609
Medical Services revenue                              44          -           -
Total Healthcare                                   2,287      3,085       6,002
Bid and project management fees ("Project          1,365      1,104       2,282
Service charges made by PFI companies              4,067      1,594       4,843
Other (Including inter-segment revenue           (2,983)    (1,700)     (4,141)
Total revenue                                     61,490     51,206     105,808

A geographical segmental analysis of the results is not presented as the Group
operates only in the UK. Inter-segment sales are charged a prevailing market

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Notes to the interim financial report (continued)

Six months ended 30 June 2008

3. Business Segments (continued)

Six months    Glendale Leisure Healthcare   PPM         Non-recourse Consolidated
ended             2008    2008       2008  2008   Other         2008         2008
                  �000    �000       �000  �000    2008         �000         �000
30 June 2008                                       �000                          
External        29,410  25,347      2,287   379       -        4,067       61,490
Inter-segment    1,227     770          -   986 (2,983)            -            -
Revenue         30,637  26,117      2,287 1,365 (2,983)        4,067       61,490
Segment            518   1,311      (198)   309   (435)        1,070        2,575
Share of             -       -          -     -       -         (23)         (23)
results of                                                                       
Operating          518   1,311      (198)   309   (435)        1,047        2,552
and goodwill                                                                     
Amortisation      (18)       -          -     -       -        (206)        (224)
and goodwill                                                                     
Operating          500   1,311      (198)   309   (435)          841        2,328
Investment           -      32          -   282    (59)        (161)           94
Interest         (335)    (92)       (34) (262)     605      (1,093)      (1,211)
Profit/(loss)      165   1,251      (232)   329   (111)        (413)        1,211
before tax                                                                       
              Glendale Leisure Healthcare   PPM         Non-recourse Consolidated
Six months        2007    2007       2007  2007   Other         2007         2007
ended             �000    �000       �000  �000    2007         �000         �000
30 June 2007                                       �000                          
External        26,449  19,410      3,085   668       -        1,594       51,206
Inter-segment      306     958          -   436 (1,700)            -            -
Revenue         26,755  20,368      3,085 1,104 (1,700)        1,594       51,206
Segment            854   1,071      (306)   181   (360)          114        1,554

Share of             -       -          -     -       -         (16)         (16)
results of                                                                       
Share of             -       -          -     -       -         (57)         (57)
results of                                                                       
Operating          854   1,071      (306)   181   (360)           41        1,481
and goodwill                                                                     
Amortisation      (18)       -       (64)     -       -         (25)        (107)
and goodwill                                                                     
Operating          836   1,071      (370)   181   (360)           16        1,374
Investment           -       -          -    86       -            7           93
Interest         (187)    (65)       (83)  (91)     203        (191)        (414)
Profit/(loss)      649   1,006      (453)   176   (157)        (168)        1,053
before tax                                                                       

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Notes to the interim financial report (continued)

Six months ended 30 June 2008

4. Finance costs

                                                         Six      Six      Year
                                                      months   months  ended 31
                                                    ended 30 ended 30  December
                                                        June     June          
                                                       2008      2007      2007
                                                       �000      �000      �000
Recourse loan interest                                  179        88       309
Non-recourse loan interest                              880       191       795
Finance and HP lease interest                           141        97       211
Other finance costs                                      11        38       155
                                                      1,211       414     1,470

5. Tax

Corporation tax for the interim period to 30 June 2008 is charged at 33% (2007:
33%) of profit excluding joint ventures and associates representing the best
estimate of the effective rate of annual corporation tax expected for the full
financial year.

6. Dividends

                                                         Six      Six      Year
                                                      months   months  ended 31
                                                    ended 30 ended 30  December
                                                        June     June          
                                                       2008      2007      2007
                                                       �000      �000      �000
Final 2007 paid May 2008 2.2p per share                 424         -         -
Final 2006 paid May 2007 1.9p per share                   -       359       359
Interim 2007 paid October 2007 1.3p per share             -         -       246
                                                        424       359       605

Following the balance sheet date, the Board of Directors has approved a
dividend of 1.5p per share (2007: 1.3p) payable on 3 October 2008 to all
shareholders on the register on 12 September 2008.

7. Earnings per share

Earnings per share relate to continuing operations and have been calculated on
earnings for the period divided by the weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue of 18.54 million (December 2007: 18.86 million; June 2007:
18.84 million).

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Notes to the interim financial report (continued)

Six months ended 30 June 2008

8. Property, plant and equipment

Six months ended 30    Land and Assets under          Plant and Fixtures        
June 2007             buildings construction Vehicles equipment      and   Total
                           �000         �000     �000      �000 fittings    �000
Opening net book                                                                
amount at 1 January       3,910       15,136      603     4,646    2,117  26,412
Additions                   502        4,522       77     2,349      395   7,845
Acquired with             7,715            -       57        66      405   8,243
Transfers                12,182     (13,074)        -        20      873       -
Disposals                     -            -      (5)      (17)     (27)    (49)
Depreciation              (180)         (17)    (107)   (1,030)    (388) (1,722)
Closing net book                                                                
amount at 30 June        23,129        6,567      625     6,034    3,374  40,729
Six months ended 30                                                             
June 2008                                                                       
Opening net book         24,160        9,629      848     5,806    3,307  43,750
amount at 1 January                                                             
Additions                    98        1,116        7       775      256   2,253
Transfers                 8,503      (9,501)        -         -      998       -
Disposals                     -            -        -         -      (5)     (5)
Depreciation              (619)         (24)    (162)   (1,206)    (515) (2,526)
Closing net book                                                                
amount at 30 June        32,142        1,220      693     5,375    4,038  43,471

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Notes to the interim financial report (continued)

Six months ended 30 June 2008

9. Net cash from operating activities

                                             Six months  Six months        Year
                                                  ended       ended       ended
                                                30 June     30 June 31 December
                                                   2008        2007        2007
                                                   �000        �000        �000
Operating profit                                  2,328       1,374       3,628
Cost charged in respect of share                     15           -           7
Share of results of joint ventures after             23          57       (116)
Share of results of associate after                   -          16          16
Depreciation of property, plant and               2,526       1,722       4,053
(Gain)/loss on disposal of property, plant            -        (22)          75
and equipment                                                                  
Net impairment of goodwill                            -          64          64
Amortisation of intangible assets                   224          43         174
Decrease in provisions                            (148)       (238)        (49)
Operating cash flows before movements in          4,968       3,016       7,852
working capital                                                                
Increase in inventories (recourse)                (204)       (155)       (749)
Decrease/(increase) in receivables              (3,968)     (3,842)     (2,318)
(Decrease)/increase in payables (recourse)        (381)       2,366       2,856
Decrease/(increase) in receivables                   79         434       (175)
Decrease in payables (non-recourse)             (1,171)     (2,337)     (1,664)
Cash (used in)/generated by operations            (677)       (518)       5,802
Income taxes refunded/(paid)                        293         (2)           -
Net cash (used in)/generated from operating       (384)       (520)       5,802

Parkwood Holdings Plc

Notes to the interim financial report (continued)

Six months ended 30 June 2008

10. Acquisition of subsidiary

DPL Holdings Limited

On 2 November 2007, the Group completed the acquisition of the entire issued
share capital of DPL Holdings Limited ("DPL") and its subsidiaries, Silvanus
Services Limited ("Silvanus") and Landscapes Southwest Limited ("LSW"), which
are companies involved in term grounds maintenance contracts, arboriculture,
woodland and landscaping services

The acquisition has been accounted for by the purchase method of accounting.
During the hindsight period management have reviewed and amended the fair value
of assets acquired. This review is still on-going and will be complete by 1
November 2008. The following table sets out a summary of assets and liabilities
acquired and the fair value adjustments required to reflect their provisional
fair value to the Group.

Group                                       Book Value  Fair value  Provisional
                                                       adjustments         fair
                                                                   value to the
                                                  �000        �000         �000
Property, plant and equipment                      688       (107)          581
Inventories                                        176           -          176
Trade and other receivables                      1,153        (19)        1,134
Cash and cash equivalents                           50           -           50
Trade and other payables                       (1,462)           -      (1,462)
Obligations under finance leases                 (582)           -        (582)
Current tax liability                             (59)           -         (59)
Long term provisions                              (79)           -         (79)
Borrowings                                       (138)           -        (138)
Deferred tax                                      (58)           -         (58)
Net liabilities acquired                         (311)       (126)        (437)
Provisional goodwill arising on the                                       1,640
Total cost of investment                                                  1,203
Satisfied by:                                                                  
Cash consideration on acquisition                                           400
Deferred consideration                                                      740
Costs of acquisition                                                         63

The goodwill arising on the acquisition of DPL Holdings Limited is attributable
to synergies expected to arise after the acquisition when the operations of the
company are integrated into the Glendale division.

Notes to the interim financial report (continued)

Six months ended 30 June 2008

Landscape Construction (Scotland) Limited

On 29 June 2007, the Group completed the acquisition of the entire issued share
capital of Landscape Construction (Scotland) Limited, which is a company
involved in soft landscaping for construction industry customers.

The acquisition has been accounted for by the purchase method of accounting.
The following table sets out a summary of assets and liabilities acquired and
the fair value adjustments required to reflect their provisional fair value to
the Group.

During the hindsight period management have reviewed and amended the fair value
of assets acquired.

                                                   Book  Fair value  Provisional
                                                  Value adjustments         fair
                                                                    value to the
                                                   �000        �000         �000
Property, plant and equipment                       125        (35)           90
Inventories                                           1           -            1
Trade and other receivables                         176           -          176
Cash and cash equivalents                         (116)           -        (116)
Obligations under finance leases                   (47)           -         (47)
Trade and other payables                           (77)           -         (77)
Deferred tax                                        (6)         (8)         (14)
Net assets acquired                                  56        (43)           13
Provisional goodwill arising on the                                           50
Total cost of investment                                                      63
Satisfied by:                                                                   
Cash consideration on acquisition                                             40
Deferred consideration paid on 31                                              8
July 2007                                                                       
Costs of acquisition                                                          15
Net cash outflow arising on acquisition                                         
Cash consideration                                                            63
Cash and cash equivalents acquired                                           116
Net cash outflow arising on acquisition                                      179

During the hindsight period management have reviewed and amended the fair value
of assets acquired.

12. Related Parties

Transactions between the company and its subsidiaries, which are related
parties, have been eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this

There has been no change to the nature of related party transactions in the
first six months of the financial year that has materially affected the
financial position or performance of the Group.

Cautionary Statement

This interim management report has been prepared solely to provide additional
information to shareholders to assess the Group's strategies and the potential
for those strategies to succeed. The interim management report should not be
relied on by any other party or for any other purpose.

Responsibility Statement

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

  * The condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance
    with IAS 34 `Interim Financial Reporting';
  * The interim management report includes a fair review of the information
    required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six
    months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the
    remaining six months of the year); and
  * The interim management report includes a fair review of the information
    required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related parties' transactions and
    changes therein).
By the order of the Board

T P Bowman



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