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bradkinne bradkinne 1 minuto hace
Unbelievable, haven't seen a message here since September, and a grant we have received before makes believers of you in the blink of an eye. I'm betting you disappear again when you see prices back below 1.00. Im not going to get excited unless GeorgioD becomes positive again
harr449 harr449 2 minutos hace
BRoberts1982 BRoberts1982 2 minutos hace
So what about that Large Morocco Development you posted on from DEC 5th?
A large Morocco development is coming to fruition shortly as well. So many things falling into place.
Or Dan's Trip to Dallas that you posted about? TWICE. It seemed important enough to get off your vest.Dan Bate
1-1 is 4 1-1 is 4 2 minutos hace
SC64 How confident are you on this? Thanks
Dragonman1 Dragonman1 2 minutos hace
I hope we get great news soon, Go Kegs!
blackcat blackcat 2 minutos hace
He would have been no loss.
Rodney5 Rodney5 2 minutos hace
You keep using that same ole' tired argument repeatedly over and over again. Federal Statutes trump a contract between two government agencies. All the lawsuits did not challenge the actions of the conservator only the contract; this does not change Federal Law. You are working over time on this boa
king_kong king_kong 3 minutos hace
What's the ask at?
Soapboxmom Soapboxmom 3 minutos hace
You are obviously the only paid poster here. Get real!
Anita Dump
#RedSoxNation #StockTalk #Crypto
Advertising & Marketing Agency Boston
Shawonsarker84 Shawonsarker84 3 minutos hace
Did not I say that 850M restricted shares issued last night was a positive sign? 8k out!

On December 19, 2024, HUMBL appointed Thiago Moura to the HUMBL Board of Directors to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Schulte. Mr. Moura was also appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
payupdeadbeat payupdeadbeat 3 minutos hace
With that monstrous contingent liability, and miniscule assets, is that not the classic example of chapter 7 BK?
And I do not mean Berger King.
bluesky70 bluesky70 3 minutos hace
is that a sub 5 price out on the horizon??
JSmith5 JSmith5 3 minutos hace
Ackman wants the warrants to be exercised, but it's not guaranteed. If Treasury converts its senior prefs into 90-95% of the common, as John Paulson has said, there will be no need to exercise the warrants at all.

This is a good point - in that case - no need. But I still am thinking
lodas lodas 4 minutos hace could be that these large Open Positions on OTM (out of the money Puts are for a Cheap hedge position in case the market really goes south next year....or, someone sees FREE money by just collecting the Premium if the Open Positions were Sold... I cant give you an answer because I dont
zab zab 4 minutos hace
The stock market did not bother rally back from yesterday's sell off, and the Nasdaq fell again, I think that is 14 days in the row.

Trump, the chump, destroying America with his mouth.
Tahoe2468 Tahoe2468 4 minutos hace
All I want for Xmas is $5 
Dubbie1 Dubbie1 4 minutos hace
Do some real research and you’ll find everything you said is false … they posted on X that they deleted you because of the sp_m
KCCO7913 KCCO7913 4 minutos hace
With all due respect, Zelibor told me one wasn't coming.
CHILLWILL1704 CHILLWILL1704 4 minutos hace
we need one of our group of longs willing to do the legwork---that sounds like a good idea but can we show any proof.Any of our longs informed on the law process to put a little pressure on him.(Linh)
Investor2014 Investor2014 4 minutos hace
Why do you care so much?
Squirrely_McShitty Squirrely_McShitty 5 minutos hace
If CNNA was dead we would all know it

How? We would just know when the SEC pronounces it dead. But the dead body can lay around for hours to years before being assessed for a pulse.
StayHumble StayHumble 5 minutos hace
💹33M BUYS💹with High Sell Orders💹$9.99991 wow*1kzkgjy*_gcl_au*MTI1NDQyNTM1NS4xNzMxNjA2NTY3
lakers17 lakers17 5 minutos hace
Taking advantage of the dip and added more FET another AI token at $1.31 to average down.
work-n-hard work-n-hard 5 minutos hace

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