RNS No 9958e
22nd December 1997




At the end of Tolux's financial year to 30 September 1997, the
Company's net asset value, taking its investment portfolio at
market prices, amounted to US$ 26,129,000 representing US$
6.65 per share as against US$ 5.77 per share at 30 September
1996.  The increase of 15.3% in the net asset value per share
during the financial year takes account of all management and
overhead charges and expenses incurred during the period.
Tolux's diversified portfolio of bonds and equities, which
continues to be managed for Tolux by Banque Internationale a
Luxembourg, modestly outperformed against its diversified, low
risk benchmark over the same period.

Tolux's net profit for the year to 30 September 1997, which
includes all gains or losses realised on investments during
the year as well as the results of hedging transactions,
amounted to US$ 1,893,000 equivalent to US$ 0.48 per share
(1996: US$ 1,094,000 and US$ 0.28 respectively).

With the focus of attention remaining on the performance of
Tolux's net asset value per share rather than the realised
profits accounted for, your board is not inclined to recommend
payment of a cash dividend.

The structure of Tolux's portfolio as at 30 September 1997 is
set out on page 15 of the annual report.  Tolux continues its
policy of hedging all exposure in currencies other than the US

In the unsettled markets of this last October and November,
the value of Tolux's portfolio held up relatively well and by
mid December was little changed on balance.  Your board,
though always receptive to other investment possibilities for
Tolux, is intending to maintain the low risk characteristics
of the Company's diversified portfolio.

Share capital and voting rights

There has been no change in the authorised or issued share
capital of the Company since the date of the last report to
shareholders.  The issued capital at the date of this report
comprises 41,400 preferred shares, all of which are held in
treasury and cannot be voted, and 3,927,728 ordinary shares of
no nominal value each carrying one vote per share.

Results, dividends and appropriations

At the annual general meeting held in February 1997 the net
profit for the year ended 30 September 1996 was carried
forward after the transfer of US$ 60,427 to the Legal Reserve.
The net profit for the year ended 30 September 1997 available
for appropriation at the forthcoming annual general meeting
amounts to US$ 1,781,831.  The directors will not propose the
payment of a dividend in respect of the year to 30 September
1997 and will recommend to the meeting that after the
statutory transfer to the Legal Reserve, the balance of
Retained Earnings as at 30 September 1997 be carried forward.

Directors and Directors' interests

Listed below are all the persons who have served as directors
of the Company since the date of the last report to
shareholders, together with the number of ordinary shares of
the Company in which they were beneficially interested at 30
September 1997 and at the date of this report.

                                              Ordinary shares
E.P. Theron                                         Nil
J. Bodoni                                           Nil
Q.A.F. Buckland                                     750
F. Heiter                                           Nil
M.B. Javett                                          60
P.C. Prinsloo                                       Nil
U.E. Koch                                           Nil

None of the directors was or is materially interested in any
contract subsisting during or at the end of the year which is
or was significant in relation to the Company's business.

Substantial interests

Standard Bank Investment Corporation Limited, South Africa,
has announced that its shareholding in Tolux represents 74% of
Tolux's ordinary shares in issue.  The Company has not been
made aware of any other shareholding of 3% or more of the
voting capital of the Company.

Stock exchange listings

All the ordinary shares of Tolux S.A. are officially listed on
The Luxembourg Stock Exchange, The Johannesburg Stock Exchange
and London Stock Exchange.

Luxembourg, 22 December 1997      The board of directors

For the year ended 30 September 1997
(expressed in thousands of US dollars)

                                      Notes     1997      1996
                                                 US$       US$
                                                '000      '000
 Dividends                                       108        43

 Interest                                        707     1,023

                                                 815     1,066

General expenses                                   217       195

 Taxes                                  7         59        67

                                                 276       262
Net profit before results of                                  
investment activities:                           539       804

Results of investment activities:       8      1,354       290
Net profit for the year                        1,893     1,094
Retained earnings at beginning of              6,432     5,365
the year                               
Transfer to legal reserve                       (60)      (27)

Retained earnings at end of the year           8,265     6,432

Earnings per ordinary share             9      $0.48     $0.28

30 September 1997
(expressed in thousands of US dollars)

                                      Notes     1997      1996
                                                 US$       US$
                                                '000      '000
Current assets:                                               
 Cash and bank deposits                          527       364
 Debtors and prepayments                         474       652
 Marketable securities                  3     23,425    21,763

Total current assets                          24,426    22,779

Current liabilities:                                          
 Bank overdraft                                  271       548
 Creditors and accruals                          212       181
Total current liabilities                        483       729
Net current assets                            23,943    22,050
Net assets                                    23,943    22,050

Shareholders' funds:                                          
 Share capital                          4      5,954     5,954
 Extraordinary reserve                  5      9,355     9,355
 Legal reserve                          6        369       309
 Retained earnings                             8,265     6,432
Total shareholders' funds                     23,943    22,050

For the year ended 30 September 1997
(expressed in thousands of US dollars)

                                                 1997      1996
                                                  US$       US$
                                                 '000      '000
Cash flows from operating activities:                          
 Net profit for the year                        1,893     1,094
 Adjustments to reconcile net profit for the year
 to net cash provided by operating activities:
   Release of provision for                                    
   diminution in value
   of marketable securities                     (196)      (28)

Change in cash resulting from changes in:
 Debtors and prepayments                          178        66
 Creditors and accruals                            31    (1,029)

Net cash provided/(utilised) by                 1,906       103
operating activities

Cash flows from investing activities:                          
 Net (purchases)/sales of marketable          (1,466)    (4,795)
 Net cash (utilised)/provided by              (1,466)    (4,795)
 investing activities                                           

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and               440    (4,692)
bank deposits  
Cash and bank deposits at beginning of          (184)     4,508

Cash and bank deposits at end of year             256     (184)

30 September 1997

1.     Principal Activities

       Tolux S.A. (the Company) is an investment holding
company which was incorporated on 5 May 1976 in the
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and operates as an internationally
diversified investment company.

2.     Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

       The accounting policies of the Company conform with
International Accounting Standards as promulgated by the
International Accounting Standards Committee.

       The accompanying financial statements have been
prepared under the historical cost convention.

       (a)    Foreign Currencies

The accounting records of the Company are
maintained in United States dollars.

Gains and losses which result from foreign
exchange transactions and from translation of foreign
currency denominated balances into the currency in
which the accounting records are maintained are reported in
earnings for the year.

Unsettled forward exchange contracts are
revalued at the balance sheet date at the forward
rates applicable for the remaining term of the contracts and
any net profits or losses arising are recognised in the profit
and loss account.

       (b)    Marketable Securities

Marketable securities are valued individually
at the lower of historical cost and market value.

       (c)    Investment Income

Dividend income is accounted for at the date
on which the price of the shares is quoted on an ex-dividend basis.

Interest income is accounted for on an
accruals basis.

       (d)    Own Preferred Shares held

The cost of the Company's own repurchased
preferred shares is deducted from the extraordinary
reserve and proceeds from the resale of repurchased
preferred shares are credited to the extraordinary reserve.

30 September 1997

3.     Marketable Securities

The marketable securities portfolio comprises:

                                                 1997     1996
                                             US$ '000  US$ '000
  Quoted investments                           23,425   21,763

  Market value of quoted investments           25,611   22,371

4.     Share Capital

       The issued share capital of the Company is as follows:

                                                      US$ '000
  Ordinary shares:                                            
  3,927,728 shares of no nominal value                   5,892
  41,400 preferred shares (held by the Company)             62


The authorised share capital of the Company is US$ 12,101,592 represented by
8,067,728 shares of no nominal value of which 8,026,328 may be issued as
ordinary shares and 41,400 may be issued as repurchaseable convertible
cumulative non participating voting preferred shares of no nominal value or upon
conversion as ordinary shares. All shares have an accounting par value of US$

5.     Extraordinary Reserve

The extraordinary reserve is not available for

6.     Legal Reserve

Luxembourg law requires an appropriation to a non-
distributable legal reserve of 5% of a company's statutory net
profit each year until the aggregate reserve equals 10% of the
subscribed share capital.  During the year a transfer of US$
60,427 was made to the legal   reserve in respect of the prior
year's profit.  A transfer of US$ 89,092 in respect of the
current year's profit will be proposed at the forthcoming
annual general meeting of shareholders.

30 September 1997

7.     Taxation

The Company, which has no trading activities,
qualifies as a holding company in Luxembourg and is
exempt from tax, except for nominal taxes on capital.

8.     Results of investment activities

                                                1997      1996
                                            US$ '000    US$ '000
       Gain on securities, net                 1,027       217
       Gain on foreign exchange, net             620       100
       Loss on futures, net                    (293)      (27)
                                               1,354       290

The Company's net futures result and a significant
proportion of the net foreign exchange result derive from
contracts entered into to hedge the Company's portfolio of

9.     Earnings per Ordinary Share

The calculation of earnings per ordinary share for the year ended 30 September
1997 is based on the net profit of US$ 1,893,000 divided by 3,927,728 shares,
being the number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

10. Commitments

As at 30 September 1997 the Company had commitments amounting to US$ 4,275,960
under forward foreign exchange contracts.

11. Parent Company

The ultimate parent company is Standard Bank Investment Corporation Limited,
registered in the Republic of South Africa.



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