RNS Number:8628N
Future Internet Technologies PLC
14 December 2006

Embargoed for 7.31am, 14 December 2006

                        Future Internet Technologies plc

                     Proposed acquisition of Artilium N.V.

                Placing of New Ordinary Shares at 100 pence each

                (equivalent to 20p per share per Existing Share)

                             Capital Reorganisation

                         Re-Admission to trading on AIM

                        Notice of Annual General Meeting

Future Internet Technologies plc ('FIT' or the 'Company') announces that
yesterday it posted a circular to shareholders (the 'Circular' or the '
Re-Admission Document') providing further detail on its proposed acquisition of
the share capital in Artilium NV ('Artilium') that it does not already own (the
'Acquisition').  The Company has also set out its intentions regarding its
strategy, markets and planned product and service offerings which are, in
summary, as follows:

  * Continue to build on the strong growth of the core Artilium business
  * Continue to expand Artilium's offering internationally, which has started
  * Focus on new channels identified to broaden the customer base where early
    sales have been achieved
  * Leverage opportunity for a new profitable revenue stream already

Paul Gratton, Executive Chairman of FIT, commented:

"Since March, FIT have been exercising management control of Artilium and we are
very encouraged with the progress which has been made to date.  In particular,
we are pleased with the strong growth of the sales pipeline and are confident of
the prospects of this business and of the Enlarged Group. In addition to growth
already achieved in Benelux, we are further encouraged by an early sales
pipeline from outside the Benelux region and the Directors are confident the
geographic expansion of sales for Artilium represent an exciting opportunity to
further accelerate revenue growth. The Company has also successfully started to
broaden its customer base from its existing voice network operators to now
include cable companies and the rapidly growing channel which includes hosters,
ISPs and managed service providers. We see the Company as being excellently
positioned to take advantage of the growing demand for voice integration into
multiple business applications to be made as easy as possible for potential
resellers. This includes the opportunity to pre-integrate bundles of voice
minutes and develop yet another new profitable revenue stream for the company.

The combination of Artilium's engineering expertise and our international sales
and product marketing skills makes for a compelling global proposition.  The
opportunities are certainly there and we believe that we have the right
combination of products, services and skills to exploit them."


It is expected that trading in the Company's ordinary shares will re-commence
today following the publication of the Re-Admission Document yesterday.

The proposed Acquisition is a reverse takeover of the Company under the AIM
Rules and therefore requires the approval of Shareholders at the Annual General
Meeting ('AGM'), to be held on 5 January 2007.

Following completion of the Acquisition, the Company intends to apply for the
share capital of the Enlarged Group to be admitted to AIM.  It is anticipated
that Re-Admission will take place under a new listing and trading in the New
Ordinary Shares will commence on the first dealing day following that on which
the Resolutions proposed pursuant to the Acquisition are passed at the AGM.

At the same time, the Company also proposes to consolidate every five of its
Ordinary Shares of 1 pence each into one New Ordinary Share of 5 pence each.

In addition, the Company announces its proposal to raise approximately #3
million (before expenses) through a Placing of 3,000,000 New Ordinary Shares of
#1.00 each (equivalent to 20p per Existing Share) (the 'Placing').  Of the net
proceeds, approximately #1.4 million will be used to fund the cash element of
the consideration due under the Acquisition, while the balance will provide
working capital to support the growth and development of the Enlarged Group.
The Company has also raised approximately #4.3 million via the exercise by
certain holders of their Series 1 Warrants.

Also included in the Circular are the financial results for the Company for the
year to 30 June 2006.  During the year ended 30 June 2006, FIT achieved a loss
before tax of #3.8 million which included non-recurring items of #2.8m (2005
loss: #0.01 million) on revenues of #0.6 million (2005: #nil). As at 30 June
2006, FIT had net assets of #4.3 million (2005: #0.6 million).

It is the intention of the Board that, following a period of transition, Tom
Casaer, who is currently a non-executive director of the Company, will become
CEO of the Enlarged Group. Tom will work alongside Paul Gratton, Executive
Chairman and acting Chief Executive, who following the period of transition
which is expected to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2007, will
revert to his original position of Executive Chairman

The Acquisition

  * On 7 March 2006 FIT announced that it had entered into an agreement to
    acquire 49 per cent. of the outstanding share capital of Artilium NV 
    ('Artilium') for a cash payment of Euro7.5 million with the option to acquire 
    the balance of the issued share capital of Artilium within 12 months.  On 21
    June 2006, the Company formally exercised its option to acquire the
    remaining 49% of the issued share capital of Artilium (the Acquisition).
    The consideration under the Acquisition will, following a variation of the
    terms announced on 24 November 2006, be satisfied by a payment of Euro2.1
    million in cash and the issue of 2,000,000 Consideration Shares (equal to
    400,000 New Ordinary Shares).  This values the whole of Artilium at
    approximately #6.9 million (based on the cash paid and the shares issued at
    the Placing Price of #1.00 per New Ordinary Share).

Information on Artilium

  * Artilium provides technology solutions to network operators and enablers.
    Its core product is a Shared Service Delivery Platform ("SSDP") which
    comprises a single technology platform offering a variety of services to
    both the network operator and its subscribers.

  * Established in Belgium in 1999 by experienced telecoms engineers, Artilium
    has an established market position which it has developed by supplying its
    products and services to a number of operators throughout the Benelux region
    and, in conjunction with its partnership network, has already established
    installations in more than ten countries across Europe.

Background and reason for the Acquisition

  * Artilium has been successful in selling its platform throughout the
    Benelux region but as a "software engineering" focused organisation, the
    management of Artilium focussed on regional deals initially and provided a
    large amount of bespoke customised software in addition to its platform.

  * The Directors believe that Artilium has significant experience in the
    telecoms sector and in acquiring Artilium, FIT will be able to combine its
    experienced international sales and product marketing team with Artilium's
    engineering capabilities.

  * In the Directors' opinion the result is an opportunity to exploit
    Artilium's past regional success on a global scale, capitalising on demand
    for service delivery platforms.  With a customer base of leading telecoms
    operators and a proven track record, FIT is confident it can extend
    Artilium's position as a leader in service delivery platforms from Benelux
    throughout the world.

Intentions regarding the Company

  * In addition to extending Artilium's core business internationally, the
    Board believes there is a significant opportunity for Artilium to capitalise
    on another widespread technology trend, the delivery of software as a
    service ("SaaS").

  * The Directors believe that, increasingly, businesses are coming to
    recognise that outsourcing the management of their technology is a cost
    effective decision.  With the proliferation of broadband penetration into
    businesses, leading software providers including Microsoft and SAP have
    embraced the concept of delivering software over the internet. Warehousing
    and distribution costs are virtually eliminated, updates are more easily
    deployed and support can be provided more rapidly.

  * To obtain business users, software providers seek to include their
    applications within the product offerings of service providers (such as
    internet service providers ("ISPs"), system integrators and network
    operators).  The Board believes this pool of service providers represents an
    ideal opportunity for the sale of the Artilium platform, which integrates
    business applications with telecoms networks.

  * In addition, the Enlarged Group can generate revenues via the resale of
    wholesale voice minutes through these business applications. Once enabled
    with Artilium technology, businesses will be able to purchase blocks of
    voice minutes from the same company providing their email service and their
    broadband access.  This bundling of solutions simplifies technology
    purchasing for businesses and gives Artilium a substantial new market to

This summary should be read in conjunction with the full text of the Admission
Document. The Acquisition will be subject to approval of Shareholders at an AGM
to be convened on 5 January 2007. Notice of this meeting is set out in the
Admission Document. Certain definitions and terms used in this Announcement are
also set out in the Admission Document.


Future Internet Technologies plc                          Via Financial Dynamics
Paul Gratton, Executive Chairman
Tony Lynch, Finance Director

Financial Dynamics                                        Tel: 020 7831 3113
Harriet Keen/James Melville-Ross/Matt Dixon

                        Future Internet Technologies plc

                     Proposed acquisition of Artilium N.V.

 Proposed Placing, Re-Admission to trading on AIM and notice of Annual General


On 7 March 2006 FIT announced that it had entered into an agreement to acquire
49 per cent. of the outstanding share capital of Artilium for a cash payment of
Euro7.5 million. In addition, FIT had the option to acquire the balance of the
issued share capital of Artilium within 12 months for the issue of six million
Shares. The acquisition of the balance of the share capital of Artilium was
subject to, inter alia, Shareholders' approval.

On 10 March 2006, Artilium acquired a 49 per cent. stake in Aquanta for Euro1.5
million in cash. Artilium had the option to acquire the balance of the issued
ordinary share capital of Aquanta within 12 months for the issue of four million

On 16 March 2006, the Company announced it had decided to exercise its option to
acquire the balance of the issued share capital of Artilium. On 21 June 2006,
the option was formally exercised. The acquisition of the balance of the share
capital of Artilium constitutes a reverse takeover pursuant to the AIM Rules and
trading in the Shares was therefore suspended at the Company's request pending
posting of the circular to shareholders.

On 24 November 2006, the Company announced that the terms of the acquisition of
the remaining 51 per cent. of the issued share capital in Artilium had been
varied, principally to achieve increased certainty around the timescales
relating to the acquisition. On commercial grounds, the Board decided that
Aquanta would not be part of the Company's ongoing strategy and therefore agreed
to transfer its shareholding in Aquanta to Aquanta's prior owner.

The consideration under the Acquisition will be satisfied by the allotment of
the Consideration Shares and Euro2.1 million in cash and values the whole of
Artilium at approximately #6.9 million (based on cash paid and shares issued at
the Placing price of #1.00 per New Ordinary Share).

The Company is proposing to raise #3.0 million (before expenses) through the
Placing. Of the net proceeds of the Placing, approximately #1.4 million will
fund the cash element of the consideration due under the Acquisition, while the
balance will provide working capital to support the growth and development of
the Enlarged Group.

In addition, the Company has raised approximately #4.3 million via the exercise
by certain holders of their Series 1 Warrants. Pursuant to a vote of the holders
of the Series 1 and Series 2 Warrants on 27 November 2006, the terms of the
Series 1 Warrants were amended such that the latest date for their exercise is
27 December 2006. The terms attaching to the Series 2 Warrants remain unchanged.

The Consideration Shares and the Placing Shares will represent 0.76 per cent.
and 5.72 per cent. of the Enlarged Share Capital respectively.

As the transaction is a reverse takeover of the Company under the AIM Rules, the
Acquisition requires the approval of the Existing Shareholders at the Annual
General Meeting and it is also conditional upon the passing of certain other

If Resolution 3 is duly passed at the AGM, the Company's existing quotation on
AIM will be cancelled and the Company will apply immediately for the Enlarged
Share Capital to be admitted to trading on AIM.

The Directors consider that the Proposals set out in the Circular are in the
best interests of the Company and recommend that Shareholders vote in favour of
the AGM Resolutions.

Background to and reasons for the Acquisition

The Company has been considering a number of investments in order to meet the
criteria of the London Stock Exchange for investing companies to make an
acquisition or acquisitions which constitute a reverse takeover. The Company
entered into discussions with the Vendor with a view to acquiring Artilium in a
reverse takeover transaction.

The Directors believe that the acquisition of Artilium should substantially
enhance shareholder value and will be in the interests of both companies and
their shareholders.

In recent years, advances in technology have enabled voice communications to be
delivered across networks as data. Together with the evolution of networks and
devices, this new technology has created a situation in telecoms known as "
convergence". The result is that voice communications can now be incorporated
into software applications and be delivered to end-users over any network,
whether fixed-line, mobile or the internet.

In the converged world of communications, any company with access to the proper
infrastructure can become a provider of innovative voice services.  This
scenario has created a significant opportunity for those companies with
expertise in telephony infrastructure to expand the customer base for their
products and services.

The Directors believe that Artilium has established itself as one of the leading
telecoms software providers in the Benelux region. Founded in 1999 by
experienced telecoms engineers, Artilium has developed a service delivery
platform that enables its telecoms customers to manage voice as data and deliver
integrated services over any network.  Services such as intelligent routing of
calls, number portability, pre and post-paid billing and advanced messaging are
examples of the functionality provided by Artilium's platform.

Artilium has been successful in selling its platform throughout the Benelux
region but as an engineering focused organisation, the management of Artilium
focussed on regional deals initially and provided a large amount of bespoke
customised software in addition to its platform. The Directors believe that
Artilium has significant experience in the telecoms sector and in acquiring
Artilium, FIT will be able to combine its international sales and product
marketing team with Artilium's engineering capabilities. In the Directors'
opinion the result is an opportunity to exploit Artilium's past regional success
on a global scale, capitalising on demand for service delivery platforms.  With
a customer base of leading telecoms operators and a proven track record, FIT is
confident it can extend Artilium's position as a leader in service delivery
platforms from Benelux throughout the world.

Market for Artilium's products

The market for Artilium's telecoms Shared Service Delivery Platform ("SSDP") has
broadened in the past decade and with recent advancements in technology, the
Directors believe the market is now poised to expand substantially.
Historically, providers of communication services were large state-owned
telecoms operators.  With the privatisation of most state-owned operators and
market deregulation intended to foster increased competition, the type and
number of communication providers has significantly increased. For example, in
the United States this has given rise to independent local exchange carriers 
("ILECs"), competitive local exchange carriers ("CLECs"), cable operators, and
new voice over internet protocol ("VoIP") operators. Typically, these new
telecoms providers require a service delivery platform infrastructure.

Artilium predominantly markets its products to mobile network operators
("MNOs"), mobile virtual network operators ("MVNOs"), mobile virtual network
enablers ("MVNEs") and fixed network operators.


An MNO is a telecoms company that provides mobile services to subscribers. In
order to provide such services, the MNO owns the necessary infrastructure and
wireless spectrum licence. An example of an MNO is Vodafone.

In addition to the changes seen in the traditional telecoms market, advancements
in MNO business models have also expanded the market for Artilium's products.
Traditionally, governments viewed the wireless spectrum as a scarce resource and
auctioned the rights to use portions of this spectrum for telecoms purposes to
the highest bidder. The successful acquirers of the spectrum auctions, typically
being the large MNOs, have identified an opportunity to increase the value of
their rights to this spectrum. Rather than attempting to market a single brand
to all consumers, the MNOs have created a new market segment for MVNOs.


An MVNO is a mobile operator that does not own its own spectrum, and that
typically does not have its own network infrastructure. Some MVNOs rely
completely on the offered infrastructure of the host mobile network operator,
whereas others want to own and/or control some of their own infrastructure. The
MVNO is generally granted the right to use the MNO's wireless spectrum and
certain technology in order to create their own targeted brand.

MVNOs typically add value such as brand appeal and distribution channels to the
resale of mobile services. MVNOs position their operations so that customers do
not distinguish any significant differences in service or network performance,
yet offer some affinity to their customers.

A benefit for the traditional MNO co-operating with MVNOs is that, despite the
maturity of the mobile market, it is able to broaden its customer base at a low
cost of acquisition and with a limited investment on its own part while keeping
control of its entire network. An example of an MVNO is Virgin Mobile.

The Directors believe that, for Artilium, the advent of the MVNO market creates
platform sales opportunities to both the MNO and MVNO that wants more control
over the services they provide to their subscribers.


An MVNE does not typically have a relationship with subscribers. Rather, an MVNE
provides infrastructure and services enabling MVNOs to offer services to their
subscribers. As MVNEs may not have a relationship with end-users, they tend to
have a lower public profile than MNOs and MVNOs.

Fixed network operators

A fixed network operator offers fixed as opposed to mobile telephony services.
An example of a fixed network operator is BT.

Information on Artilium

Established in Belgium in 1999, Artilium is focused on the emerging market of
providing Shared Service Delivery Platforms ("SSDP") services for the telecoms
industry and internet service providers. It supplies hardware and software as
well as consultancy services. It has considerable experience in this area and in
conjunction with its partnership network has already established installations
in more than ten countries across Europe.

Artilium creates solutions that are built on and around operating systems. This
enables operators and service providers to optimise and control their existing
operating systems. Artilium's products can be used for fixed, mobile, ATM and IP
networks, as well as for diverse and converged operating systems.

Information on FIT

The Company was originally admitted to trading on AIM in February 2000. By the
end of its financial year to 30 June 2002 it had acquired and disposed of a
trading business and had become an investment company with a residual holding in
a private Hong Kong based internet company.

The Company raised funds from shareholders and was until recently a cash shell
with no business.  Pursuant to recent changes to the AIM Rules, an AIM listed
investment company must have, by 5 July 2006, made an acquisition or
acquisitions constituting a reverse takeover, failing which its shares would be
suspended from trading and de-listed six months thereafter if a reverse takeover
had not taken place.

The Acquisition constitutes a reverse takeover for the purposes of the AIM
Rules.  Accordingly, as the Company announced on 16 March 2006, trading in FIT's
shares was suspended at the Company's request pending the posting of a circular
to shareholders providing further detail on the transaction with Artilium.
Following consultation with AIM, the Company received an extension to the six
months timeframe which would otherwise have resulted in the Company's listing
being terminated on 16 September 2006 due to the then current suspension having
continued for more than a six month period. AIM granted an extension to the
Company's listing to 15 December 2006.  Accordingly a resolution is proposed at
the AGM to approve the Proposals as part of the Company's on-going investment

Intentions regarding the Company

In addition to extending Artilium's core business internationally, the Board
also believes there is a significant opportunity for Artilium to capitalise on
another widespread technology trend, the delivery of software as a service

The Directors believe that, increasingly, businesses are coming to recognise
that outsourcing the management of their technology is a cost effective
decision. With the proliferation of broadband penetration into businesses,
leading software providers including Microsoft and SAP have embraced the concept
of delivering software over the internet. Warehousing and distribution costs are
virtually eliminated, updates are more easily deployed and support can be
provided more rapidly.

To obtain business users, software providers seek to include their applications
within the product offerings of service providers (such as internet service
providers ("ISPs"), system integrators and network operators).  The Board
believes this pool of service providers represents an ideal opportunity for the
sale of the Artilium platform, which integrates business applications with
telecoms networks. In addition, the Enlarged Group can generate revenues via the
resale of wholesale voice minutes through these business applications.

The Board believes that many of the most popular business applications are
ideally suited for integration with voice technology.  FIT has identified email,
personal information management ("PIM"), workspace collaboration and customer
resource management ("CRM") as the priority applications for voice integration.
By integrating voice functionality, business users obtain access to a wide array
of productivity enhancing tools, as well as cost savings for their phone
services via the use of VoIP technology. One such example would be the ability
to schedule and conduct a conference call with one-click from within an email
application, thereby eliminating the difficulties often associated with
coordinating conference calls.

Once enabled with Artilium technology, businesses will be able to purchase
blocks of voice minutes from the same company providing their email service and
their broadband access.  This bundling of solutions simplifies technology
purchasing for businesses and gives Artilium a substantial new market to

Although the Directors are of the opinion that the Company, following the
Proposals, has sufficient working capital at Re-Admission for its present
requirements, that is for at least the 12 months following Re-Admission, the
Company may need to raise further funds during or after this period in order to
take advantage of additional opportunities that may be presented to it.

Financial information

During the year ended 30 June 2006, FIT achieved a loss before tax of #3.8
million (2005 loss: #0.01 million) on revenues of #0.6 million (2005: #nil). As
at 30 June 2006, FIT had net assets of #4.3 million (2005: #0.6 million).

The Acquisition

Under the terms of the Acquisition, FIT is to acquire all the issued Artilium
Shares it does not already own in exchange for the allotment and issue of the
Consideration Shares and Euro2.1 million in cash.

The Acquisition is conditional, inter alia, on:

(i)         the passing of the Resolution at the AGM to approve the Acquisition
and Re-Admission

(ii)         the Placing having become unconditional in all respects save as
regards completion of the Acquisition and Re-Admission; and

(iii)        Re-Admission becoming effective.

The Acquisition will not complete if these conditions have not been satisfied by
31 January 2007 or such later date as FIT and the Vendor may decide.

The Artilium shares will be acquired free from all liens, charges, equitable
interests, encumbrances and third party rights now or hereafter attaching
thereto, including the right to all dividends and other distributions, if any,
hereafter declared, made or paid.

The Placing

The Company proposes to raise approximately #3 million before expenses through
the Placing which is conditional only upon Admission.

Use of funds

An amount of approximately #1.4 million will be used to fund the cash element of
the consideration due under the Acquisition, while the balance will provide
working capital to support the growth and development of the Enlarged Group.

Details of the Consideration Shares, Placing Shares and New Ordinary Shares

The Consideration Shares will be issued credited as fully paid and will, in
aggregate, represent approximately 0.76 per cent. of the Enlarged Share Capital.

The Placing Shares will be issued credited as fully paid and will, in aggregate,
represent approximately 5.72 per cent. of the Enlarged Share Capital.

The resolutions proposed at the AGM include a resolution to consolidate every
five Existing Shares of 1 pence each into one New Ordinary Share of 5 pence
each. Any fractions resulting from the consolidation will be aggregated and sold
in the market for the benefit of the Company

The Consideration Shares and Placing Shares will rank pari passu with the New
Ordinary Shares in all respects, including the right to receive all dividends or
other distributions declared, made or paid after the date of this Circular.


The Directors and their functions are as follows:

Paul Robert Gratton, Executive Chairman and Acting Chief Executive Officer, age

Mr Gratton joined the Company in June 2006 from Egg plc where he held the
position of CEO from 2001.  Mr Gratton has enjoyed an extensive career in retail
banking and was one of the founding members of First Direct, the leading UK
telephone bank and of Egg, the world's largest online direct bank boasting over
3.5 million customers.

Kieran Anthony Lynch, Chief Financial Officer, age 36

Mr Lynch joined the Company in June 2006 from Aspect Capital, a specialist hedge
fund manager where he held the position of Director of Finance.  Mr Lynch's
previous positions include Chief Operating Officer and Company Secretary at
Select Asset Management in Sydney and Group Financial Controller at Egg plc.
Previously, Mr Lynch was an audit manager within the Financial Markets Division
at Arthur Andersen.

Tom Casaer, Non-Executive Director and CEO-elect, age 39

Mr Casaer was appointed to the Board in September 2006. Mr Casaer has 15 years'
experience in business development and sales and marketing in the IT and
communications sector, most notably as channel manager for "Software as a
Service", where he managed hoster relationships in the communications sector
group at Microsoft EMEA.  Before joining Microsoft in 2000, he held various
management positions at Hilti NV until 1996; and was involved in the European
launch of Firstmark Communications Inc. in 1998 and the start up of an
applications service provider, Intellimus.com, in 1999.

It is the intention of the Board that, following a period of transition, Tom
Casaer, who is currently a non-executive director of the Company, will become
CEO of the Enlarged Group. Tom will work alongside Paul Gratton, Executive
Chairman and acting Chief Executive, who following the period of transition
which is expected to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2007, will
revert to his original position of Executive Chairman.

Paul Nicholas Thornton, Senior Non-Executive Director, age 59

Mr Thornton is a management consultant with over 30 years experience. Mr
Thornton held a number of senior positions at PA Consulting during his time
there from 1975 to 1994. In 1994 he founded his own consultancy French Thornton
which in 2000 he exited from when the firm was sold to ITNET plc. He was
formerly president of the Management Consultancies Association. Mr Thornton
graduated from Liverpool University in 1967 with a B.Sc (Hons) in mathematics
and in 1969 gained a Certificate of Advanced Study, in Operational Research from
Brunel University.

Richard James Armstrong, Non-Executive Director, age 59

Mr Armstrong is currently an associate of Fiske plc, an AIM-listed stockbroking
firm, where he specialises in floating smaller companies, raising funds for such
companies and initiating corporate transactions.  He is currently a director of
Fortfield Investments plc which is quoted on AIM and also of Crescent Technology
Ventures Plc and BWA Group pc.

Corporate governance

The Company intends to adopt the Corporate Governance Guidelines for AIM
Companies issued by the Quoted Companies Alliance in July 2005. The Directors
consider these guidelines to be appropriate for a company of FIT's size. With
the expected growth of the Enlarged Group, the Directors will undertake a review
of the Combined Code and the Code of Best Practice published by the London Stock
Exchange and implement those areas deemed to be appropriate for the size and
stage of development of the Company.

Share and other performance based incentive schemes

The Directors consider that it is in the best interests of the Enlarged Group to
establish certain share incentive schemes to incentivise and reward the
performance of employees and executive directors. The Directors accordingly
propose the adoption of an unapproved share option scheme (the "Unapproved Share
Option Scheme") and a long term incentive plan (the "LTIP"). The details of the
Unapproved Share Option Scheme and the LTIP are set out in the Circular.
Resolutions concerning the Unapproved Share Option Scheme and the LTIP, which
are proposed as ordinary resolutions at the AGM, will, if passed, approve the
adoption by the Company of the Unapproved Plan and the LTIP. The Company has
agreed the purchase of 7,500,000 Series 2 Warrants at a price of 2p each from
each of IC Partners Limited and Cold Investments Limited and has exercised those
Warrants, the resultant 15,000,000 Existing Shares (equivalent to 3 million New
Ordinary Shares) being held for the benefit of the Company's employee benefit

Dealings and trading

Application will be made by the Company for the Enlarged Share Capital to be
admitted to AIM following publication of the Circular. It is expected that
Re-Admission will take place and trading in the New Ordinary Shares will
commence on the first dealing day following that on which the Resolutions
relating to the Proposals are passed at the Annual General Meeting. All the New
Ordinary Shares may be held in either certificated or uncertificated form (i.e.
in CREST).


The Directors anticipate that any earnings will, for the forseeable future, be
retained by the Company for the development of the business of the Enlarged
Group and will not be distributed to Shareholders as cash or other dividends.
The declaration and payment by the Company of dividends will, once the Enlarged
Group has achieved its development objectives, be dependent upon the Company's
results from operations and other factors deemed to be relevant at that time.

Warrant conversions

Since the Company's suspension on 16 March 2006, the following Warrants have
been exercised:

Exercise Date                       Warrant                Subscription                 Existing Shares
                                    Series                     Price                             Issued
13 March 2006                      Series 1             12 pence per share                      850,000
8 July 2006                        Series 1             12 pence per share                    5,000,000
8 July 2006                        Series 1             12 pence per share                    3,250,000
10 August 2006                     Series 1             12 pence per share                      200,000
16 August 2006                     Series 1             12 pence per share                    4,000,000
16 August 2006                     Series 1             12 pence per share                      750,000
6 December 2006                    Series 1             12 pence per share                    3,850,000
8 December 2006                    Series 1             12 pence per share                      250,000
8 December 2006                    Series 1             12 pence per share                    5,000,000
8 December 2006                    Series 1             12 pence per share                    1,000,000
12 December 2006                   Series 1             12 pence per share                      100,000
12 December 2006                   Series 2             15 pence per share                   15,000,000
12 December 2006                   Series 1             12 pence per share                    1,000,000
14 December 2006                   Series 1             12 pence per share                   28,949,000

Application has been made for the Existing Shares issued pursuant to the
conversion of the Warrants to be admitted to trading on AIM.

Annual General Meeting

An AGM of the Company is to be held at the offices of Morrison & Foerster,
CityPoint, One Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9AW at 10 a.m. on 5 January 2007.

Further information

A copy of the Circular will be available for one month, free of charge, from the
registered office of the Company, MoFo Notices Limited, CityPoint, One Ropemaker
Street, London EC2Y 9AW

                        Future Internet Technologies plc

                Preliminary results for the year to 30 June 2006

Future Internet Technologies plc and its subsidiary (the "Group") announces its
preliminary results for the year ended 30 June 2006

Business review

The operating loss for the Group for the year to 30 June 2006 incorporating 4
months of trading from Artilium amounted to #2.9 million (2005: #16,000).  At 30
June 2006 the Group had consolidated net assets of #4.3 million (2005: #0.6
million). Total headcount of the Group at year end was 37.

On 16 March 2006, trading in FIT's shares was suspended at the Company's request
pending the posting of a circular to shareholders providing further detail on
certain proposed transactions with Advance Global Communications, Inc ("AGC")
and Artilium.  The Company has been in continual consultation with the AIM team
of the London Stock Exchange concerning a possible extension to the application
of Rule 41 of the AIM Rules which would otherwise result in the Company's
listing being terminated on 16 September 2006 due to the current suspension
having continued for more than a six month period. It has been agreed with the
AIM team that the Company's shares will remain suspended pending the publication
of such a circular, which is now envisaged to be on or around 15 December 2006.

On 13 October, after extensive discussions with the shareholders of AGC, it was
agreed between the parties that the Company would not proceed to acquire any of
the share capital of AGC.  However, the Company will complete the reverse
takeover of Artilium on or around 8 January 2007 upon the approval of

The Directors believe that Artilium has established itself as one of the leading
telecom infrastructure providers in Benelux.  Founded in 2000 by experienced
telecommunication engineers, Artilium has developed a service delivery platform
that enables its telecom customers to manage voice as data and deliver
integrated services over any network.  Services such as intelligent routing of
calls, number portability, pre and post-paid billing and advanced messaging are
examples of the functionality provided by Artilium's platform.

Future Internet Technologies plc
Consolidated income statement
Year ended 30 June 2006

                                                                                    Consolidated     Consolidated
                                                                      Note                  2006             2005
                                                                                           #'000            #'000

Revenue                                                                                      612                -
Cost of sales                                                                               (56)                -

Gross profit                                                                                 556                -

Other operating income                                                                         -               15
Administrative expenses                                                                  (3,409)             (31)
Other operating expenses                                                                     (6)                -

Operating loss                                                                           (2,859)             (16)

Investment revenues                                                                          135               25
Other losses                                                                               (698)             (15)
Finance costs                                                                              (349)                -

Loss before tax                                                                          (3,771)              (6)

Tax                                                                                        (152)                -

Loss for the year                                                        2               (3,923)              (6)

Attributable to:
Equity holders of parent                                                                 (3,159)              (6)
Minority Interest                                                                          (764)                -

                                                                                         (3,923)              (6)

                                                                                    Consolidated     Consolidated
                                                                       Note                 2006             2005
                                                                                           pence            pence

Loss per share
Basic                                                                   3                 (2.86)           (0.03)

Diluted                                                                 3                 (2.86)           (0.03)

Future Internet Technologies plc
Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense
Year ended 30 June 2006

                                                                                    Consolidated    Consolidated
                                                                                            2006            2005
                                                                                           #'000           #'000

Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations                                      2               -

Net income recognised directly in equity                                                       2               -

Loss for the year                                                                        (3,923)             (6)

Total recognised income and expense for the year                                         (3,921)             (6)

Attributable to:
Equity holders of parent                                                                 (3,158)             (6)
Minority interest                                                                          (763)               -

                                                                                         (3,921)             (6)

Future Internet Technologies plc
Consolidated balance sheet
30 June 2006

                                                                                    Consolidated    Consolidated
                                                                                            2006            2005
                                                                                           #'000           #'000
Non-current assets
Goodwill                                                                                   2,697               -
Intangible assets                                                                            837               -
Plant and equipment                                                                          170               -
Deferred tax asset                                                                           119               -
Investments                                                                                    -              18

                                                                                           3,823              18

Current assets
Inventories                                                                                  118               -
Trade and other receivables                                                                1,925               5
Cash and cash equivalents                                                                  1,911             552

                                                                                           3,954             557

Total assets                                                                               7,777             575

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                                                   2,849              16
Obligations under finance leases                                                               4               -
Provisions                                                                                   425               -

                                                                                           3,278              16

Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities                                                                     180               -

Total liabilities                                                                          3,458              16

Future Internet Technologies plc
Consolidated balance sheet
30 June 2006

                                                                                    Consolidated    Consolidated
                                                                        Note                2006            2005

                                                                                           #'000           #'000

Share capital                                                             4                1,769           4,654
Share premium account                                                                      9,033           2,596
Capital redemption reserve                                                                 4,493               -
Option to acquire minority interest                                                      (1,611)               -
Share warrants reserve                                                                       336               -
Translation reserve                                                                            2               -
Retained earnings                                                                        (9,849)         (6,691)

Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent                                        4,173             559

Minority interest                                                                            146               -

Total equity                                                                               4,319             559

Total liabilities and equity                                                               7,777             575

Future Internet Technologies plc
Consolidated cash flow statement
Year ended 30 June 2006

                                                                                     Consolidated     Consolidated
                                                                         Note                2006             2005
                                                                                            #'000            #'000

Net cash used in operating activities                                      5               (1,732)           (23)

Investing activities
Interest received                                                                              135             25
Sale of investments                                                                             21              -
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                                                    (34)              -
Purchases of investments                                                                     (691)              -
Acquisition of subsidiary                                                                  (4,370)              -

Net cash (used in) / from investing activities                                             (4,939)             25

Financing activities
Repayments of obligations under finance leases                                                 (5)              -
Proceeds on issue of shares                                                                  8,046              -

Net cash from financing activities                                                           8,041              -

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                    1,370              2

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                                 552            550

Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                                                       (11)              -

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                                     1,911            552

Future Internet Technologies plc
Notes to the results statement
Year ended 30 June 2006

1.       Significant accounting policies

Basis of accounting

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) for the first time. Under first time
adoption procedures set out in IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International
Financial Reporting Standards, the Company is required to establish its IFRS
policies as at 1 July 2005 and to apply these retrospectively in the
determination of prior period comparatives from 1 July 2004, the date of

No adjustments affecting the Company's equity, net income and cash flows have
been identified on transition from UK GAAP to IFRS.  Consequently no
reconciliation table has been provided.

The financial statements have also been prepared in accordance with IFRSs
adopted by the European Union and therefore comply with Article 4 of the EU IAS

The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis.

Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of
the Company and the entity controlled by the Company (its subsidiary) made up to
30 June each year. Control is achieved where the Company has the power to govern
the financial and operating policies of an investee entity so as to obtain
benefits from its activities.

The Company acquired its first subsidiary in the year ended 30 June 2006 and as
a result the comparative information for the year ended 30 June 2005 is on a
company basis. Minority interests in the net assets of consolidated subsidiaries
are identified separately from the Group's equity therein. Minority interests
consist of the amount of those interests at the date of the original business
combination (see below) and the minority's share of changes in equity since the
date of the combination. Losses applicable to the minority in excess of the
minority's interest in the subsidiary's equity are allocated against the
interests of the Group except to the extent that the minority has a binding
obligation and is able to make an additional investment to cover the losses.

The result of the subsidiary acquired during the year is included in the
consolidated income statement from the effective date of acquisition.

Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of the
subsidiary to bring the accounting policies used into line with those used by
the Group.

All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on

2.       Loss for the year

Loss for the year has been arrived at after charging / (crediting):
                                                                            Consolidated     Consolidated
                                                                                    2006             2005
                                                                                   #'000            #'000

Net foreign exchange gains                                                         (11)                -
Operating lease rentals - land and buildings                                         47                -
Depreciation of plant and equipment                                                  31                -
Amortisation of intangibles                                                          60                -
Impairment of investment                                                            698               15
Profit on sale of investments                                                      (14)                -
Cost of inventories recognised as expense                                            56                -
Staff costs (see note 6)                                                            786                -
Employee benefits                                                                    14                -
Auditors' remuneration for audit services (see below)                                30                3

Amounts payable to Deloitte & Touche LLP (2005: Orolus Limited) and their
associates by the Company and its UK subsidiary undertakings in respect of
non-audit services were #7,500 (2005: #300).

Costs of #131,611 have been recognised during the year in respect of the
professional costs incurred in connection with an aborted acquisition.

3.       Earnings per share

The consolidated group has no discontinued operations. The warrants on issue do
not have a dilutive effect as the market price of ordinary shares exceeded the
exercise price of the warrants during the financial year. As a result, diluted
earnings per share is the same as basic earnings per share.

                                                                           Consolidated     Consolidated
                                                                                   2006             2005
                                                                                  #'000            #'000

Earnings for the purposes of basic earnings per
share being net profit attributable to equity holders
of the parent                                                                  (3,159)              (6)

                                                                                Number           Number
Number of shares
Weighted average number of ordinary shares
for the purposes of basic earnings per share                               110,552,747       16,050,006

4.       Share capital
                                                                                 2006              2005
                                                                                #'000             #'000
Fully paid ordinary shares:
1,050,676,947 (2005: 1,050,676,947) ordinary
shares of 1 pence each                                                           10,507          10,507

Issued and fully paid:
176,900,006 (2005: 16,050,006) ordinary shares
of 1 pence each                                                                   1,769             161

Deferred ordinary shares:
900,447 (2005: 900,447) deferred ordinary
shares of #4.99 each                                                              4,493           4,493

Issued and fully paid:
Nil (2005: 900,447) deferred ordinary shares
of #4.99 each                                                                         -           4,493

                                                             2006                      2005
                                                        No. '000       #'000     No. '000       #'000
Fully paid ordinary shares:
Balance at beginning of financial year                    16,050         161       16,050         161
Shares issued                                            160,000       1,600            -           -
Warrant conversion                                           850           8            -           -

Issued and fully paid:                                   176,900       1,769       16,050         161

Fully paid ordinary shares carry one vote per share and carry the rights to

                                                              2006                      2005
                                                        No. '000        #'000    No. '000        #'000
Deferred ordinary shares:
Balance at beginning of financial year                       900        4,493         900        4,493
Shares repurchased                                         (900)      (4,493)           -            -

Issued and fully paid:                                         -            -         900        4,493

Deferred ordinary shares do not carry the right to vote and do not carry the
rights to dividends.

On 22 December 2005 the Company bought back all of its issued deferred share
capital comprising 900,447 shares with a nominal value of #4.99 each for a total
consideration of 1 pence.  This effect of this transaction has been to reduce
issued share capital by #4,493,231 and create a capital redemption reserve of
the same amount.

5.       Notes to the cash flow statement
                                                                                Consolidated     Consolidated
                                                                                        2006             2005
                                                                                       #'000            #'000

Loss from continuing operations                                                       (3,923)             (6)

Adjustments for:
     Investment revenues                                                                (135)            (25)
     Impairment of investment                                                             698              15
     Tax                                                                                  152               -
     Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                                         31               -
     Amortisation of intangible assets                                                     60               -
     Share based payment expense                                                          336               -
     Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                   (14)               -
     Increase / (decrease) in provisions                                                  425               -

                                                                                      (2,370)            (16)

Operating cash flows before movements in
working capital
     Increase in inventories                                                             (34)               -
     Decrease / (increase) in receivables                                             (1,139)               1
     Increase / (decrease) in payables                                                  2,163             (8)

Cash generated by operations                                                          (1,380)             (7)

Income taxes paid                                                                       (352)               -

Net cash from operating activities                                                      1,732            (23)

Cash and cash equivalents (which are presented as a single class of assets on
the face of the balance sheet) comprise cash at bank and other short-term highly
liquid investments with a maturity of three months or less.

6.       Events after the balance sheet date

On 11 September 2006, the Board agreed the sale, to Flasktent Limited, of
certain of the Group's intellectual property and physical assets pertaining to a
potential consumer offering and the rights related thereto.

As a result of the sale of certain assets to Flasktent Limited, the Company will
no longer pursue the creation of a consumer branded "Unified Communication
Service". Instead, the Group will focus upon opportunities in the B2B and B2B2C
communication sector based on completion of the transactions outlined below.

On the same date, Robert Bonnier resigned as Chief Executive and director of FIT
and left the Company. Paul Gratton, Executive Chairman of FIT, has assumed the
role of acting Chief Executive.

Pursuant to the transaction, Flasktent Limited acquired certain assets which had
yet to become revenue generating and had a capitalised value of approximately
#1.3 million. In consideration for the assets, Flasktent assumed approximately
#3.0 million of existing FIT obligations of which #1.2 million were currently
due at the date of the transaction. FIT may also receive up to #15 million of
deferred consideration, which is contingent upon a realisation of equity in
Flasktent for value within three years of the transaction date. Certain
personnel also transferred from FIT to Flasktent. FIT agreed to make a further
payment in respect of the development costs of Flasktent's proposition, the net
effect to the Group being approximately #0.1 million. Flasktent will assume the
future commitments relating to the assets thus removing any further obligations
from the Company.

On 16 March 2006, trading in FIT's shares was suspended at the Company's request
pending the posting of a circular to shareholders providing further detail on
certain proposed transactions with Advance Global Communications, Inc ("AGC")
and Artilium.  The Company has been in continual consultation with AIM
concerning a possible extension to the application of Rule 41 of the AIM Rules
which would otherwise have resulted in the Company's listing being terminated on
16 September 2006 due to the current suspension having continued for more than a
six month period. It has been agreed with the AIM team that the Company's shares
will remain suspended pending the publication of such a circular, which is now
envisaged to be on or around 15 December 2006.

On 8 December 2006 resolutions were passed at an EGM to reorganise the share
capital of the Company.  The effect of the capital reorganisation is to remove
shareholders holding less than 20 shares from the Company's share register.

7.       Financial Statements

The announcement set out above does not constitute a full financial statement of
the Group's affairs for the period ended 30 June 2006. The auditors have
reported on the full accounts for the period and have accompanied them with an
unqualified report. The accounts have yet to be delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The annual report and accounts have been posted to shareholders.

8.       Further Copies

Copies of the annual report and accounts will be available from the Company's
registered office at MoFo Notices Limited, City Point, One Ropemaker Street,
London, EC2Y 9AW.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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