International Marketing & Sales Group Ltd

Unaudited Results for the Six Months ended 30 June 2008

Strong Revenue Growth with Increased Gross Margin

International Marketing & Sales Group Plc ("IMSG" or the "Group"), the emerging
markets focused sales and marketing company, today announces unaudited results
for the six months ended 30 June 2008.

Financial Highlights

    --  Turnover up 67% to US$100.7million (2007: US$60.4 million)

    --  Gross profit up 69% to US$30.7million (2007: US$18.1 million)

    --  Underlying pre-tax loss of US$3.4 million before US$6 million impairment
        of IMSG's holding in Turkish agency RPM Radar "RPM", US$0.5 million
        write down on trading investments and US$1.0 million discounting loss
        charged on deferred payments.

    --  Net cash of US$11.0 million (US$8.3 million as at 31 December 2007)

    --  Net cash generated from operating activities of $3.9m

    --  82% of forecast Group turnover for the second half of 2008 is either
        booked or in the process of being contracted

Operational Highlights

    --  In the first six months of 2008 the Group successfully completed three

        --  Elektrik, a leading Turkish specialised sales & marketing agency

        --  ONE Media, one of the leading direct marketing agencies in Sweden

        --  EY ZHN, a leading consumer experiential business that enables the
            group to continue to develop this service offering and enable other
            markets to take advantage of the Greek market

    --  Provision of additional services to Metro and Oriflame

    --  Secondary listing on the Swedish stock exchange AktieTorget

    --  Re-organisation of the Russian business with the establishment of a
        Russian Management Board chaired by Mark Huntley, who is one of three
        joint Managing Directors running the business with Michael Green,
        Managing Director IMSG International and Adrian Stewart, Managing
        Director Specialist Service Area Development, IMSG International

Commenting on the results, Greg Thain, Chairman of the Group said:

"The first six months of 2008 has been a turbulent period for IMSG. The Group
has completed its restructuring in Russia and now has consolidated its new
acquisitions and is ready for a phase of strong organic growth. Increases in
turnover of 67% and in gross profit of 69% highlight the development and dynamic
growth of the Group. More international sales and integrated services have been
achieved in the Group than ever before and consequently, an international sales
team with participants from UK, Russia, Sweden and Turkey has been formed.
During the period, IMSG's international sales force has succeeded in extending
the range of services provided to Metro and Oriflame."

"The results for the first half reflect the unanticipated disruption to the
business in Russia as a consequence of the previously announced loss of a number
of key personnel, other provisions that we have considered it prudent to make
and the need to write down our investment in the above the line agency RPM in
Turkey. RPM has lost two major clients and the political environment in Turkey
in the first half has made it difficult to replace this lost business as clients
have held back on advertising spending. We are now considering our strategic
options with regard to RPM, including the possibility of a near-term disposal."

"The acquisitions of ONE Media, Elektrik and EY ZHN during the period reinforce
the board's strategy to focus on sales driven marketing in emerging markets.
IMSG now has the platform from which to serve multinational clients in 18
countries. The objective of this strategy is to make IMSG the tenth largest
marketing services group worldwide by 2010. We believe, with our focus on sales
driven marketing in emerging markets, that we are better placed to grow than our

Certain statements in this press release are forward looking statements. Forward
looking statements involve evaluating a number of risks, uncertainties or
assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from those
expressed or implied by those statements. Forward looking statements regarding
past trends, results or activities should not be taken as a representation that
such trends, results or activities will continue in the future. Undue reliance
should not be placed on forward looking statements.


Johanna Fagrell-Kohler                            Tel: +46 734 100 550
Terry Livingstone                                 Tel: +44 (0)20 7735 6788
International Marketing & Sales Group Limited

Emily Bruning/Andrew Best
Shared Value Limited                              Tel: +44 (0)20 7321 5010

Mark Williams / Henry Fitzgerald-O'Conner
Canaccord Adams Limited                           Tel: +44 (0)20 7050 6500

Notes to Editors

    --  IMSG was founded in 1996 and the Group was admitted to trading on AIM on
        6 December 2005.

    --  The Group's clients include multinational and first tier local companies
        operating in FMCG, telecommunications, retail trade, banking and
        finance, automotive, consumer electronics and pharmaceutical industries.

    --  IMSG currently has over 40 offices predominantly in emerging markets:
        Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Nizhniy Novgorod,
        Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Krasnodar (Russia), Kiev (Ukraine),
        Almaty, Astana (Kazakhstan), Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Tashkent
        (Uzbekistan), Erevan (Armenia), Belgrade (Serbia) Istanbul (Turkey), New
        Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad (India), Kuala
        Lumpur (Malaysia), Dubai (UAE), Doha (Qatar), Budapest (Hungary),
        Bucharest (Romania), Athens (Greece), Sofia (Bulgaria) London (UK),
        Stockholm, Malmo (Sweden) and Barcelona (Spain).

    --  Further information about the Group is available on its website at:

Chairman's statement

On Admission to trading on AIM in December 2005, we set out our strategy for
growth, to be achieved both organically and by acquisition. In line with this
strategy, I am pleased to be able to report the completion of three major
acquisitions in the first eight months of 2008, bringing our total number of
acquisitions to 16 from admission.

In May 2008, IMSG completed its offer for the entire issued share capital of ONE
Media, one of the leading direct marketing companies in the Nordic Region. ONE
Media's expertise in the field of direct marketing, which is the fastest growing
form of marketing communications, complements IMSG's existing offering and IMSG
is now very well positioned to meet the demand among international and local
businesses for direct marketing services in emerging markets. IMSG is now a full
service provider able to offer multi channel marketing services to its customer
base across a wider geographic footprint stretching from the Nordic Region
across Eastern Europe into Russia and Turkey.

The second acquisition, also completed in May, was of Elektrik, the Turkish
events organising agency, which was established in 2006. Its core businesses are
event planning/organising, below the line marketing communication services and
advertisement agency services. Amongst its clients are some prestigious Turkish
banks and multinational companies. Elektrik has 20 permanent employees and its
last audited accounts, for the year ended 31 December 2007, show turnover of
US$10,288,008, a profit after tax of US$247,887 and gross assets of
US$1,549,268. Elektrik is one of the fastest growing Marketing Communication
Services Company in the Turkish market. The acquisition provides IMSG with an
expanded presence in the fast-growing Turkish market and the agency has been
integrated under IMSG's umbrella of event businesses branded One2Remember.

In June, IMSG completed the third acquisition, of EY ZHN, the Athens based
events production and Management Company. EY ZHN is a leading event management
and production company in the Greek market with activities in the Balkans,
Russia and the Middle East. It has significant owned resources, infrastructure,
international clients and experience of major projects in all these markets and
had turnover for 2007 of US$4 million, EBITDA of US$60,000 and Net Assets of
US$1,600,000. EY ZHN will enter the One2Remember international network and will
lead the expansion and development of the One2Remember International event
business of IMSG in the Balkans, the Middle East, Africa and Cyprus.

Since its IPO the Group has already completed 16 major acquisitions:

    --  IMCA (Russian market research agency)

    --  RPM (Turkish Above-the-Line advertising agency)

    --  Candid Marketing (Indian Below-the-Line marketing agency)

    --  Storewars (worldwide business simulation and training programme)

    --  HPS Marketing (Below-the-Line marketing agency in Hungary)

    --  Tarantula (Russian Below-the-Line agency)

    --  MAPP (Turkish Below-the-Line agency)

    --  PRAGMA (Strategy consultancy firm)

    --  FRIENDS (Romanian full service communications agency)

    --  V+0 (Greek PR & Corporate Communication consultancy)

    --  ZAP (a leading Turkish internet business)

    --  Shared Value (a Financial PR consultancy)

    --  BIP (Sales & Marketing outsourcing company in Romania)

    --  One Media (Swedish Direct Marketing company)

    --  Elektrik (Event agency in Turkey)

    --  EY ZHN (a Greek event agency)

Brand Portfolio

The brand portfolio has been expanded to accommodate and facilitate strong
growth both in our existing markets and into new territories, and provide a full
set of services to our clients:

    --  Outsourced Sales & Trade Marketing

    --  Events & Consumer Marketing

    --  Multi Channel Marketing

    --  Retail Marketing & Consultancy

    --  PR & IR


The full year will reflect a number of positive steps taken during the year,
namely the fulfilment of a unified and integrated service offering in Russia
with continued business success and significant client contracts; the
establishment of One2remember as an international offering with client contracts
covering a number of territories; the integration of multi-channel marketing
using the expertise of ONE Media and Zap Medya to drive cutting edge
communication in the digital sphere across all our regions of contact; the
development of our retail offering underpinned by the expertise of Pragma
leading us into the Middle East and the increased service offering in our
existing markets such as Romania and Turkey.

We have traded through a disruptive first half year during 2008 while still
achieving significant year on year growth and, going forward, we will illustrate
the real value opportunity to shareholders that we believe IMSG provides.

IMSG now expects its turnover in 2008 will be at least US$230 million and its
underlying pre-tax profit before impairment charges will be at least US$8

Greg Thain
Executive Chairman, IMSG

Statements of IMSG Managing Directors


Mark Huntley, Chairman of IMSG Russia Management Board

"A year of two distinct halves but a stronger business resulting, with the
foundation to provide healthier, better balanced growth in the Russia and former
CIS Marketing Services sector. "

That's very much my own assessment of how we will be looking back at this period
in our development, I sincerely believe that the apparent adversity of losing
people will, in the near term, result in a more profitable and sustainable
business for IMSG in the region. The fundamentals in our business units, namely
experienced, innovative and competitive service offerings provided to the
leading clients in their industries, remain intact. We have 14 business units
now operating together out of just two offices in Moscow, with all the benefits
of operational synergy and business referral across them. Philips, Total, P&G,
OBI, Oriflame & SAB Miller are some of the examples of the significant business
wins achieved so far in 2008, all of which will have significant impact on the
second half results and carry forward into 2009.

Our new Management Board is focused on motivating and incentivising profitable
growth amongst the units and developing new service offerings which will be
launched in the second half of 2008. Healthy demand for diversified and
specialist agency services is fuelling these new initiatives - they are truly
market and client led enterprises. As a group, we are in a unique position to
capitalise on such growth areas with our geographical footprint, with 12 offices
in the region, and the vast array of clients across our different service areas.
The combination of IMSG's unique international business connections, with the
relevant talent and local resources, ensures we fulfil the pledge of our sales
pitch: "The most local of the international agencies and the most international
of the local agencies."

I am highly confident of our abilities to ensure that Russia & former CIS
countries remain at the forefront of the growth of the Group, delivering
increasingly sophisticated and highly competitive sales & marketing solutions
for our clients in the region.

Turkey, Romania and Hungary

Michael Green, Managing Director, IMSG International


It has been a disappointing year so far for our advertising agency RPM, with
losses of 2 major clients, Yapi Kredi and Ulker. The political environment in
the first half has made it difficult to replace this lost business as clients
have held back on advertising spending. We hope for better performance in the
second half, but are also considering several long term strategic options
including a possible near term disposal of the agency.

We have seen strong performances in our other Turkish businesses in the first 6
months. Our online media agency, Zap Medya and its creative online agency,
Bezoone have both seen good results. Client wins include Hyundai, Fox TV, Coca
Cola, Bilyoner, Turk Telekom, Air France. Zap Medya will also be spearheading
the expansion of online interactive services across our markets and is currently
working on a Russian market strategy with IMSG Russia. Our trade marketing
agency, MAPP has seen a highly successful period continuing its excellent
service for its main client, Coca Cola, as well as major new client wins for
Samsung, TurkCell and Kipa (Tesco). In April we completed the acquisition of
Elektrik, a leading events and experiential agency. This greatly strengthens our
offer to the Turkish market and now gives complete international client coverage
for IMSG's One2Remember events network. Yapi Kredi is Elektrik's lead client and
major wins for the agency this year include BAT, Aviva and Ulker.


Romania is showing one of best GDP and industry growth rates in the whole of
Europe and our local agencies are both growing ahead of the industry. IMSG
Bucharest continues to perform well in 2008 with its strengthened market offer
of strategic communications, advertising, media services branding, events,
promotions, production and retail services. Its clients include Unilever,
European Drinks, Canon, Vodafone, and MKB. Major new wins include Dimri and
Metro CC, the latter being supported strongly by IMS Retail internationally. BIP
Grup "BIP", acquired at the end of 2007, offers trade marketing and outsourcing
services that complement the marketing services offered by IMSG Bucharest. BIP
has shown excellent growth ahead of budget expectations. Its clients include
Coca Cola, Tuborg, Philip Morris, L'Oreal and Kraft.


Despite the Hungarian economy being under pressure for the last 18 months, HPS
Group has performed extremely well in the first half. A well diversified offer
of marketing and sales services has helped support clients in a slow market and
has allowed HPS to grow, especially in outsourced sales services and marketing
activity involving planning and creativity. HPS's clients include BAT, Tesco,
Cadbury, Pepsi, P&G, Samsung, Friesland, Zwack, Borsodi, HP and Pfizer.

Specialist Service Areas

Adrian Stewart, Managing Director, Specialist Service Area Development, IMSG

The first half of 2008 saw continued growth within IMS Retail in Russia and the
launch of this business unit in two new countries within the IMSG network. In
Russia the team have consolidated our long-term strategic relationship with
Metro CC and expanded several core business areas with this client, including
price monitoring and non food consultancy. In addition the team has picked up
major new projects for two of the biggest Russian chains, 7th Continent
(supermarket) and Lenta (hypermarket).

IMS Retail also launched operations in Turkey and Romania in the first half of
2008, building on its relationship with Metro CC in Romania and, in Turkey, IMS
Retail has been launched with a non food consultancy pilot with Tesco-Kipa.

ITM in Russia has recovered strongly in the wake of senior management defections
in Q1 2008 with the acquisition of several major new accounts in Q2 and Q3 08
including Philips and Total. In addition this business unit has significantly
grown a number of existing clients including Nokia and SAB Miller and is in a
strong position going forward into 2009.

In August 2008 we communicated our new business development strategy for the
next 12 months to the Group. This approach is already starting to bear fruit. In
2008 IMSG opened global negotiations with a major international business to
provide field marketing solutions in four major IMSG markets: Russia, Turkey,
Hungary and Romania.

General Information

These unaudited interim accounts have been approved for issue by the Board of
Directors on 27 August 2008.

The 2008 interim accounts will be circulated to all shareholders. Further copies
can be obtained from the registered office of the Company in Jersey at 47,
Esplanade, Jersey JE1 0BD. They may also be accessed via the investor section of
the Company's website at

Certain statements in this press release are forward looking statements. Forward
looking statements involve evaluating a number of risks, uncertainties or
assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from those
expressed or implied by those statements. Forward looking statements regarding
past trends, results or activities should not be taken as a representation that
such trends, results or activities will continue in the future. Undue reliance
should not be placed on forward looking statements.

International Marketing & Sales Group Plc
Consolidated Income Statement

                                                 Year to 30       Year to 30    Year ended
                                                        June             June
In thousands of US Dollars                                                     31 December
                                     Note               2008             2007         2007

Continuing operations:

Revenue                                1             100 746           60 389      155 235
Cost of sales                                         70 061           42 272      104 030
Gross profit                           1              30 685           18 117       51 205

Other operating income                               (1 134)            (521)        (789)
General and administrative expenses                   33 844           17 395       42 139
Research and development costs                             0              182            -
Other operating expenses                               7 251              228          147

Operating profit                                     (9 276)              833        9 708

Finance income                                           485              493          985
Finance costs                                          2 116              231        1 164
Share of result of associates
Profit/(loss) before income tax                     (10 907)            1 095        9 529
Income tax expense                     2                 575              354        2 553
Profit/(loss) for the year                          (11 482)              741        6 976

Profit/(loss) is attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company                       (11,604)              644        5 611
Minority interest                                        122               97        1 365

Profit/(loss) for the year                          (11,482)              741        6 976


Earnings per share:
Basic                                          (12.39) pence       0.87 pence   7.00 pence
Diluted                                        (12.20) pence       0.85 pence   6.88 pence

International Marketing & Sales Group Plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                Six Months        Six Months     Year ended
                                                   30 June           30 June    31 December
                                   Notes              2008              2007           2007
                                                   US$'000           US$'000        US$'000
Non-Current Assets
Property, plant and equipment                        6 042             3 061          4 679
Investment property                                      -                 -             10
Goodwill                             4              89 614            31 117         76 515
Other intangible assets                              2 829             1 145          1 978
Investments                                            167                80            101
Deferred income tax asset                            1 883               608          1 255
Other non-current assets                               428               655            902
Total Non-Current Assets                           100 963            36 666         85 440

Current Assets
Inventories                                          2 108               967            429
Trade and other receivables                         73 318            43 144         60 703
Current income tax prepayment                        1 813               268          1 735
Investments                                          1 141             1 327          1 329
Cash and cash equivalents                           10 983            19 768          8 313
Total Current Assets                                89 363            65 474         72 509
Total assets                                       190 326           102 140        157 949

Share capital                        5                 640               483            534
Retained earnings                                    2 867             9 708         14 045
Other reserves                                      76 999            51 319         65 346
Equity attributable to the
 Company's equity holders                           80 506            61 510         79 925
Minority Interest                                    3 896             1 575          3 298
Total Equity                                        84 402            63 085         83 223
Non-Current Liabilities
Borrowings                                             873               183            180
Deferred income tax liability                        1 353               833          1 062
Trade and other payables                            27 152               635         20 015
Provisions                                             420               320            341
Total Non-Current Liabilities                       29 798             1 971         21 598
Current Liabilities
Borrowings                                          17 242             1 101            981
Trade and other payables                            51 708            31 711         45 854
Current income tax payable                           2 127               976          3 115
Other taxes payable                                  4 844             3 252          3 042
Other provisions for liabilities
 and charges                                           205                44            136
Total Current Liabilities                           76 126            37 084         53 128
Total liabilities                                  105 924            39 055         74 726
Total liabilities and equity                       190 326           102 140        157 949

International Marketing & Sales Group Plc
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                   Six Months      Six months      Year ended
                                                      30 June         30 June     31 December
                                                         2008            2007            2007
                                                      US$'000         US$'000         US$'000

Cash flow from operating activities
Profit for the period                                (11 482)             741           6 976
Adjustments for:
Depreciation and impairment of property,
 plant and equipment                                    1 003             770           1 680
Amortisation and impairment of intangible
 assets                                                   233             207             382
Impairment of trade and other receivables                  59              77            (26)
Impairment of goodwill                                  5 986               -               -
Losses less gains on disposals of property,
 plant and equipment                                        -             (3)             234
Losses less gains on early redemption of
 borrowings                                               246               -               -
Losses less gains on available for sale
 investments                                                -             (5)               -
Revaluation of property, plant and equipment                -               1            (16)
Income tax expense                                        575             353           2 553
Interest income                                         (504)           (143)           (985)
Interest expense                                          578              74             433
Share options valuation                                    55              35              80
Losses less gains on trading investments                  494           (411)           (411)
Provision for retirement obligations                      119             106              77
Discounting loss                                          977              36             727
Exchange differences                                      474              41             143

Operating cash flows before working capital
 changes                                              (1 187)           1 879          11 847
(Increase) in trade and other receivables                (41)         (5 530)        (13 082)
Decrease /(Increase) in inventories                   (1 325)              33             757
Increase / (decrease) in trade and other
 payables                                               6 689             506         (1 582)
Increase / (decrease) in taxes payable                    560             880           (340)

Cash generated (used) in operations                     4 696         (2 232)         (2 400)

Income tax paid                                         (931)           (874)         (2 571)
Interest received                                         504             131             985
Interest paid                                           (401)            (66)           (433)

Net cash generated (used) in operating
 activities                                             3 868         (3 041)         (4 419)

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment               (889)           (469)         (1 934)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and
 equipment                                                207               9               8
Proceeds from sale of available-for-sale
 investments                                                -             220               -
Proceeds from sale of investment property                   -               -             215
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash
 acquired                                            (11 049)         (6 047)        (24 725)
Purchase of intangible assets                           (419)           (290)         (1 074)

Net cash used in investing activities:               (12 150)         (6 577)        (27 510)

Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from borrowings                               11 156              42               -
Repayment of borrowings                               (5 789)           (200)         (1 499)
Proceeds from share issues                                  -          18 320          31 357
Share options execution                                     -             194             194
Purchase of treasury shares                                 -           (677)           (677)
Issue of ordinary shares - relevant expenses             (12)               -               -
Contribution from minority                                  -               -             556
Withholding tax on dividends                            (132)               -           (117)
Dividends declared to former shareholders of
 subsidiary for pre-acquisition period                  (188)               -               -
Dividends paid to the Company's shareholders                -               -           (632)
Dividends paid to minority interests                     (26)               -         (1 508)

Net cash provided by financing activities               5 009          17 679          27 674

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents             (3 273)           8 061         (4 255)

Translation differences                                     -               -             773
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of
 the period                                             8 313          11 918          11 918
Less bank overdrafts (included in current
 liabilities - borrowings)                              (614)           (737)           (737)

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of
 period                                                10 983          19 768           8 313
Less bank overdrafts (included in current
 liabilities - borrowings)                            (6 557)           (526)           (614)

International Marketing & Sales Group Plc
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                           Share       Other      Retained                  Minority    Total Equity
                           capital    reserves     earnings      Total       interests
                            US$'000      US$'000      US$'000      US$'000      US$'000      US$'000

As at 01.01.2007                408       33 431        9 076       42 915        2 371       45 286

Profit for the period             -            -          644          644           97          741
Currency translation
 differences                      -           79            -           79            -           79
Shares issued                    74       18 249            -       18 323            -       18 323
Share options expense             -           35            -           35            -           35
Share options exercised           4          190            -          194            -          194
Treasury shares                 (3)        (665)         (12)        (680)            -        (680)
Acquisitions in the year          -            -            -            -           84           84
Dividends declared                -            -            -            -        (977)        (977)

As at 30.06.2007                483       51 319        9 708       61 510        1 575       63 085

Profit for the period             -            -        4 967        4 967        1 268        6 235
Currency translation
 differences                      -           87            -           87          308          395
Shares issued                    51       13 338            -       13 389            -       13 389
Share options expense             -           46            -           46            -           46
Contribution from
 minority                         -          556            -          556            -          556
Treasury shares                   -            -            2            2            -            2
Acquisitions in the year          -            -            -            -          539          539
Dividends declared                -            -        (632)        (632)        (392)      (1 024)

As at 31.12.2007                534       65 346       14 045       79 925        3 298       83 223

Profit for the period             -            -     (11 604)     (11 604)          122     (11 482)
Currency translation
 differences                      -            -          716          716          242          958
Shares issued                   106       11 598            -       11 704            -       11 704
Share options expense             -           55                        55            -           55
Withholding tax on
 dividends                        -            -        (102)        (102)         (29)        (131)
Dividends declared to
 former shareholders of
 subsidiary for pre-
 acquisition period               -            -        (188)        (188)            -        (188)
Acquisitions in the year          -            -            -            -          500          500
Dividends declared                -            -            -            -        (237)        (237)

As at 30.06.2008                640       76 999        2 867       80 506        3 896       84 402

International Marketing & Sales Group Plc

Notes to the interim accounts for the period ended 30 June 2008

Basis of preparation

The condensed Group financial statements for the half-year ended 30 June 2008
included in this report have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim
Financial Reporting as adopted by the European Union. The condensed Group
financial statements should be read in conjunction with the annual financial
statements for the year ended 31 December 2007, which were prepared in
accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union.

The condensed Group financial statements have been reviewed, not audited, and
were approved by the Board on 12 August 2008. The full year figures for 2007
included in this report do not constitute statutory accounts for the purpose of
Section 104 of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991. A copy of the Company's
statutory accounts is available on The independent auditors'
report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under
Section 111(2) or (5) of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991.

The condensed Group financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the annual financial statements for the year
ended 31 December 2007.

1. Segment Reporting

The Group is organised into five main business segments comprising, see below.

Segmental information

Analysis by business segments of revenues, gross profit and profit before tax is
given below:

                            Outsourced      Events &         Multi           Retail
                           Sales & Trade     Consumer       Channel        Marketing &       PR & IR          Group
                             Marketing       Marketing      Marketing       Consutancy
                                               6m     6m
                          6m 2008 6m 2007    2008   2007 6m 2008 6m 2007 6m 2008 6m 2007 6m 2008 6m 2007 6m 2008 6m 2007

Total sales                20 130  19 743  49 415 30 267  13 139       -  11 440  10 660   6 989       - 101 113  60 670
Inter-segment sales           199      62       -      5       -       -     169     214       -             367     281
Sales to third parties     19 931  19 681  49 415 30 262  13 139       -  11 271  10 446   6 989       -  100746  60 389

Gross profit                3 357   5 711  12 288  8 266   5 088       -   4 336   4 140   5 616       -  30 685  18 117

Overheads and other
 results                    4 690   5 114  21 596  7 125   4 833       -   4 701   4 783   5 772       -  41 592  17 022

Profit / (loss) before
 tax                      (1 333)     597 (9 308)  1 141     255       -   (365)   (643)   (156)       - (10907)   1 095

A geographical analysis of revenues by destination is given below:

                  Russia           India           Turkey          Hungary     United Kingdom       Greece
              6m 2008 6m 2007 6m 2008  6m 2007 6m 2008 6m 2007 6m 2008 6m 2007 6m 2008 6m 2007 6m 2008  6m 2007

Turnover by
Sales to
 parties       42 993  40 900   3 155    1 874  27 198  10 901   6 851   6 219   2 598       -   4 214        -

Gross profit   10 846  14 357   1 494      956   2 699   1 636   1 693   1 122   1 371       -   3 087        -


                  Romania          Sweden       Rest of the World          Group
              6m 2008 6m 2007 6m 2008   6m 2007   6m 2008  6m 2007   6m 2008    6m 2007

Turnover by
Sales to
 parties        6 338       -   4 805         -     2 594      495   100 746     60 389

Gross profit    3 123       -   4 465         -     1 907       46    30 685     18 117

2. Tax

The tax charge comprises:

                                                Six Months to     Six Months to
                                                 30 June 2008      30 June 2007
                                                      US$'000           US$'000
Current tax:
Corporation tax on profits for the year                                       -
Foreign tax - Russian subsidiaries (24%)                  353               342
Foreign tax - Other                                       735               340
Adjustment in respect of prior years                        -              (12)
Total current tax charge                                1 088               670

Deferred tax:
Origination and reversal of timing
 differences                                            (513)             (316)
Total deferred tax charge                               (513)             (316)

Total tax charge                                          575               354

3. Earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per share is based on the following profits and
number of shares:

                                    Six Months to 30 June      Six Months to 30 June 2007  Year ended 31 December 2007
                                   Profit     Average            Profit     Average           Profit     Average
                                 attributable  Number Pence    attributable Number  Pence   attributable Number  Pence
                                  to equity     of      per     to equity     of     per     to equity     of     per
                                 holders of    shares  share   holders of    shares  share  holders of    shares  share
                                  the parent                    the parent                   the parent
                                  US$ '000     '000             US$ '000     '000            US$ '000     '000
Basic earnings per share             (11 604)  47,137 (12.39)           644  36,988   0.87         5 611  40,147   7.00
Impact of share options                           732    0.19                   726 (0.02)                   705 (0.12)
Total                                          47,869 (12.20)                37,714   0.85                40,852   6.88

4. Goodwill

Movement of goodwill was as follows:

                                                       As at           As at           As at
                                                     30 June         30 June     31 December
                                                        2008            2007            2007

At beginning of period                                76 515          23 828          23 828

Acquisitions in the period                            21 573           7 289          52 687
RPM/ radar impairment loss                           (5 986)               -               -
Reduction of RPM/radar deferred purchase
 consideration                                       (2 488)               -               -

At end of period                                      89 614          31 117          76 515

Summary of net assets and goodwill arose on acquisitions during the period:

                                                         book value at the fair value at the
                                                              date of           date of
name of subsidiary                                          acquisition        acquisition

One Media
Net assets acquired:
Tangible fixed assets                                                  611                611
Goodwill                                                            10 733             10 733
Debtors                                                              9 557              9 557
Creditors                                                          (5 761)            (5 761)
Borrowings                                                         (4 589)            (4 589)
Cash                                                                   168                168
Minority interest                                                    (511)              (511)

Purchase consideration:                                                                 9 859
satisfied by:
                                               Cash paid                                  413
                                           Shares issued                                9 446

Goodwill arising on acquisition                                                         (349)

Net assets acquired:
Tangible fixed assets                                                   88                 88
Debtors                                                              1 099              1 099
Creditors                                                          (1 086)            (1 086)
Cash                                                                   194                194

Purchase consideration:                                                                 5 165
satisfied by:
                                               Cash paid                                3 049
                                         Cash to be paid                                1 870
                                           Shares issued                                  246

Goodwill arising on acquisition                                                         4 870

Net assets acquired:
Tangible fixed assets                                                1 765              1 765
Debtors                                                              2 207              2 207
Creditors                                                          (1 657)            (1 657)
Borrowings                                                           (703)              (703)
Cash                                                                   131                131

Purchase consideration:                                                                 5 999
satisfied by:
                                               Cash paid                                1 030
                                         Cash to be paid                                4 501
                                           Shares issued                                  468

Goodwill arising on acquisition                                                         4 256

5. Share Capital

The number of ordinary shares in issue at 30 June 2008 amounted to 51,080,847.
During the course of the period the company issued 6,815,781 new EUR 0.01
ordinary shares for prices that vary from GBP 0.75 to 1.49 per share. .

6. Commitments

The Group has entered into commitments related to the purchase of the remaining
minority interests of a number of subsidiaries undertakings. The Company
committed to pay US$3,417 thousand and issue ordinary shares for US$189 thousand
in 2010 for Candid Marketing, US$1,583 thousand and issue ordinary shares for
US$528 thousand in 2009 for HPS, US$107 thousand and issue ordinary shares for
US$85 thousand in 2010 for MAPP and Promer, US$2,744 thousand and issue ordinary
shares for US$ 305 thousand in 2012 for Friends, US$2,613 thousand and issue
ordinary shares for US$1,407 thousand in 2010 for Zap Medya.

     Independent Review Report to International Marketing & Sales Group Plc


We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of consolidated
financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months
ended 30 June 2008 which comprises the consolidated income statement,
consolidated balance sheet, consolidated statement of changes in equity,
consolidated cash flow statement and the related notes. We have read the other
information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether
it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
information in the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with our terms of
engagement. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the company
those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other
purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume
responsibility to anyone other than the company, for our review work, for this
report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved
by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly
financial report in accordance with the requirements of the AIM Rules.

As disclosed the annual financial statements of the group are prepared in
accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The condensed set of
financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been
prepared in accordance with accounting policies which are based on the
recognition and measurement principles of IFRS as adopted by the European Union
expected to be effective and adopted at 30 June 2008.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed
set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our

Scope of Review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, ''Review of Interim Financial Information
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity'' issued by the Auditing
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial
information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review
procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and
consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we
do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe
that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial
report for the six months ended 30 June 2008 is not prepared, in all material
respects, in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union and the AIM

St. Paul's House,                       MOORE STEPHENS LLP
Warwick Lane, London                    Registered Auditor
EC4M 7BP                                Chartered Accountants

27 August 2008

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International Marketing & Sales (LSE:IMSG)
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