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Washington D.C. 20549







PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16


For the month of August 2020

Commission File Number: 1-12158



Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited

(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



No. 48 Jinyi Road, Jinshan District, Shanghai, 200540

The People’s Republic of China

(Address of principal executive offices)



Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.

Form 20-F  ☒            Form 40-F  ☐

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):  ☐

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):  ☐




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99.1    2020 Interim Results Announcement.

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: August 26, 2020     By:  

/s/ Wu Haijun

    Name:   Wu Haijun
    Title:   Chairman of the Board of Directors

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Exhibit 99.1





(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China)

(Stock Code: 00338)

2020 Interim Results Announcement

For the Six Months Ended 30 June 2020






This interim results summary of Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited (the “Company” or “Sinopec Shanghai”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) for the six months ended 30 June 2020 (the “Reporting Period”) is extracted from the full text of the 2020 interim report. For detailed content, investors are advised to read the full text of the 2020 interim report which is published on the websites of the Shanghai Stock Exchange or other designated website of China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”), Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and the Company.



Corporate Information


A Shares   

Stock Exchange Listing


Stock Short Name


Stock Code


Shanghai Stock Exchange





H Shares:    Stock Exchange Listing   

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“Hong Kong Stock Exchange”)




Stock Short Name


   Stock Code   
American Depository    Stock Exchange Listing    New York Stock Exchange
Receipts (“ADR”):    Stock Code    SHI



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Secretary to the Board


Securities Affairs Representative

Name    Huang Fei    Yu Guangxian
Correspondence Address   

48 Jinyi Road, Jinshan District, Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”)


48 Jinyi Road, Jinshan District, Shanghai, the PRC

      Postal Code: 200540
   Postal Code: 200540   
Telephone    8621-57943143    8621-57933728
Fax    8621-57940050    8621-57940050



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Major Financial Data

Prepared under the People’s Republic of China (“China”) Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (“CAS”)



Major Accounting Data

Unit: RMB’ 000


Major accounting data

   The Reporting Period
(January to June)
     Corresponding period
of the previous year
     Increase/decrease as compared
to the corresponding period

of the previous year (%)

Operating income

     35,663,352        51,992,583        -31.41  

Total (loss)/profit

     -2,354,618        1,359,243        -273.23  

Net (loss)/profit attributable to equity shareholders of the holding company

     -1,716,072        1,137,241        -250.90  

Net (loss)/profit attributable to equity shareholders of the holding company excluding non-recurring items

     -1,788,160        1,137,729        -257.17  

Net cash (used in)/generated from operating activities

     -2,904,221        245,974        -1,280.70  
     As at the end of the
Reporting Period
     As at the end of
the previous year
     Increase/decrease at the end
of the Reporting Period
as compared to the end
of the previous year (%)

Net assets attributable to equity shareholders of the Company

     26,905,393        29,885,341        -9.97  

Total assets

     42,307,625        45,636,128        -7.29  



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Major Financial Indicators


Major financial indicators

   The Reporting Period
(January to June)
     Corresponding period
of the previous year
     Increase/decrease as
compared to the
corresponding period

of the previous year (%)

Basic (losses)/earnings per share (RMB/Share)

     -0.159        0.105        -251.43  

Diluted (losses)/earnings per share (RMB/Share)

     -0.159        0.105        -251.43  

Basic (losses)/earnings per share after non-recurring items (RMB/Share)

     -0.164        0.106        -254.72  

(Loss)/return on net assets (weighted average) (%)*

     -6.588        3.676       

Decrease 10.26

percentage points



(Loss)/return on net assets after non-recurring items (weighted average) (%)*

     -6.835        3.698       

Decrease 10.53

percentage points





The above-mentioned net assets do not include minority shareholders’ interests.



Differences between Financial Statements Prepared under CAS and those Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”)

Unit: RMB’ 000


     Net (loss)/profit attributable to equity
shareholders of the holding company
     Total equity attributable to
equity shareholders of the holding company
     The Reporting
period of the
previous year
     At the end of the
Reporting Period
     At the beginning of
the Reporting Period

Prepared under CAS

     -1,716,072        1,137,241        26,905,393        29,885,341  

Prepared under IFRS

     -1,670,829        1,143,560        26,884,345        29,863,288  

For a detailed description of the differences between financial statements prepared under CAS and those prepared under IFRS, please refer to the Supplementary Information to the Financial Statements prepared under CAS contained in the 2020 interim report.



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Non-recurring Profit and Loss Items (Prepared under CAS)

Unit: RMB’ 000


Non-recurring profit and loss items


Gains on disposal of non-current assets


Government grants recorded in profit and loss


Employee reduction expenses


Profits from changes in fair value of derivative financial assets and liabilities


Gains from structured deposits


Gains on foreign exchange options


Loss on selling of fair value through other comprehensive income


Other non-operating income and expenses other than those mentioned above


Income tax effect


Effect attributable to minority interests (after tax)












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Shareholding of the Top Ten Shareholders as at the end of the Reporting Period


Number of shareholders of ordinary shares as at the end of the Reporting Period


Unit: Shares

Shareholding of the top ten shareholders


Name of shareholders

(Full name)

   Class of
decrease of

during the

Period (shares)
     Number of
shares held
at the end of
the Reporting
Period (shares)
     Percentage of

     Number of
shares held
with selling

     Pledged/frozen      Nature of
of shares
of shares

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

     A shares        0        5,460,000,000        50.44        0        None        0       



HKSCC (Nominees) Limited

     H shares        -809,717        3,453,874,030        31.91        0        Unknown        —         





China Securities Finance Corporation Limited

     A shares        0        324,111,018        2.99        0        None        0        Others  

Central Huijin Investment Limited

     A shares        0        67,655,800        0.63        0        None        0        Others  

HKSCC Limited

     A shares        -13,130,965        64,546,170        0.60        0        None        0        Others  

Huitianfu Fund Management Co., Ltd.—Social Security Fund 1103 portfolio

     A shares        5,000,000        50,000,620        0.16        0        None        0        Others  

GF Fund – Agricultural Bank of China – GF CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

     A shares        0        45,222,300        0.42        0        None        0        Others  

Dacheng Fund – Agricultural Bank of China – Dacheng CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

     A shares        0        43,531,469        0.40        0        None        0        Others  

China Asset Fund – Agricultural Bank of China – China Asset CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

     A shares        0        43,083,750        0.40        0        None        0        Others  

Bosera Fund – Agricultural Bank of China – Bosera CSI Financial Asset Management Plan

     A shares        0        43,083,700        0.40        0        None        0        Others  


Note on connected relations or acting in concert of the above shareholders

   Among the above-mentioned shareholders, China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (“Sinopec Corp.”), a State-owned legal person, does not have any connected relationship with the other shareholders, and does not constitute an act-in-concert party under the Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies. Among the above-mentioned shareholders, HKSCC (Nominees) Limited is a nominee. Apart from the above, the Company is not aware of any connected relationship among the other shareholders, or whether any other shareholder constitutes an acting-in-concert party under the Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies.



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Interests and short positions of the substantial shareholders of the Company in shares and underlying shares of the Company

As at 30 June 2020, so far as was known to the Directors or chief executive of the Company, the interests and short positions of the Company’s substantial shareholders (being those who are entitled to exercise or control the exercise of 5% or more of the voting power at any general meeting of the Company but excluding the Directors, chief executive and Supervisors) in the shares and underlying shares of the Company who are required to disclose their interests pursuant to Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “SFO”) or as recorded in the register of interests required to be kept under section 336 of the SFO were as set out below:

Interests in ordinary shares of the Company


Name of shareholder


Interests held or

deemed as held (shares)


Percentage of
total issued
shares of the
Company (%)


Percentage of

total issued

shares of the

relevant class (%)



China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (“Sinopec Corp.”)


5,460,000,000 A shares (L)

Shares of legal person

  (1)   50.44 (L)   74.50 (L)   Beneficial owner

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation


405,786,808H shares (L)

348,916,700H shares (S)

53,222,904H shares (P)


3.75 (L)

3.22 (S)

0.49 (P)


11.61 (L)

9.98 (S)

1.52 (P)

  Interests of controlled corporation

BlackRock, Inc.


321,970,895H shares (L)

36,728,400H shares (S)


2.97 (L)

0.34 (S)


9.21 (L)

1.05 (S)

  Interests of controlled corporation

Corn Capital Company Limited

  211,008,000H shares (L)
200,020,000H shares (S)

1.95 (L)

1.85 (S)


6.04 (L)

5.72 (S)

  Beneficial owner

Hung Hin Fai


211,008,000H shares (L)

200,020,000H shares (S)


1.95 (L)

1.85 (S)


6.04 (L)

5.72 (S)

  Interests of controlled corporation

Yardley Finance Limited

  200,020,000H shares (L)   (5)   1.85 (L)   5.72 (L)   Secured equity holders

Chan Kin Sun

  200,020,000H shares (L)   (5)   1.85 (L)   5.72 (L)   Interests of controlled corporation

Citigroup Inc.


227,905,889H shares (L)

11,912,455H shares (S)

208,391,836H shares (P)


2.11 (L)

0.11 (S)

1.93 (P)


6.52 (L)

0.34 (S)

5.96 (P)

  Secured equity holders, Interests of controlled corporation, and approved lending agents

Wellington Management Group LLP


213,197,224H shares (L)

13,926H shares (S)


1.97 (L)



6.10 (L)


  Investment manager

(L): Long position; (S): Short position; (P): Lending Pool



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Based on the information obtained by the Directors from the website of The Hong Kong Stock Exchange and as far as the Directors are aware, China Petrochemical Corporation directly and indirectly owned 68.77% of the issued share capital of Sinopec Corp. as at 30 June 2020. By virtue of such relationship, Sinopec Group is deemed to have an interest in the 5,460,000,000 A shares of the Company directly owned by Sinopec Corp.



All the 405,786,808 H shares (long position) and 348,916,700 H shares (short position) are deemed to be held by The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, due to control of multiple companies (among which 348,916,700 H shares (short position) are held through physical-settlement unlisted derivatives) Below are the companies indirectly or wholly owned by The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation:



All the 405,769,008 H shares (long position) and 348,916,700 H shares (short position) are held by The Bank of New York Mellon. Since The Bank of New York Mellon is wholly owned by The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation is deemed to have an interest in the 405,769,008 H shares (long position) and 348,916,700 H shares (short position) of the Company held by The Bank of New York Mellon.



All the 17,800 H shares (long position) are held by BNY MELLON, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Since BNY MELLON NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is wholly owned by The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation is deemed to have an interest in the 17,800 H shares (long position) of the Company held by BNY MELLON, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION.



All the 321,970,895 H shares (long position) (among which 2,806,000 H shares (long position) are held through cash settled unlisted derivatives) and 36,728,400 H shares (short position) (among which 334,000 H shares (short position) are held through cash settled unlisted derivatives) are deemed to be held by BlackRock, Inc., due to control of multiple companies. Below are the companies indirectly wholly owned by BlackRock, Inc:



All the 2,355,000 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Investment Management, LLC. Since BlackRock Investment Management, LLC is indirectly wholly owned by BlackRock, Inc. through Trident Merger, LLC, BlackRock, Inc. is deemed to have an interest in the 2,355,000 H shares (long position) of the Company held by BlackRock Investment Management, LLC.



All the 15,058,700 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. Since BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. is indirectly wholly owned by BlackRock, Inc. through BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc., BlackRock, Inc. is deemed to have an interest in the 15,058,700 H shares (long position) of the Company held by BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. In addition, BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. is interested in the shares of the Company through the following companies:



1,070,000 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Advisors, LLC.



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BlackRock Holdco 4, LLC is wholly owned by BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. BlackRock Holdco 4, LLC is interested in the shares of the Company through the following companies:



56,398,337 H shares (long position) and 36,394,400 H shares (short position) are held by BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, National Association.



83,156,000 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Fund Advisors.



86% of interest in BR Jersey International Holdings L.P. are indirectly held by BlackRock, Inc. BR Jersey International Holdings L.P. is interested in the shares of the Company through the following companies:



5,044,788 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Japan Co., Ltd. (which is indirectly wholly owned by BR Jersey International Holdings L.P.)



942,000 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited (which is 99.9% indirectly held by BR Jersey International Holdings L.P.)



1,596,000 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited (which is indirectly wholly owned by BR Jersey International Holdings L.P.)



1,991,813 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited (which is indirectly wholly owned by BR Jersey International Holdings L.P.)



1,124,000 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock (Singapore) Limited (which is indirectly wholly owned by BR Jersey International Holdings L.P.)



90% of interest in BlackRock Group Limited is indirectly held by BR Jersey International Holdings L.P. (See (3.3) above). BlackRock Group Limited is interested in the shares of the Company through the following companies, which are directly or indirectly wholly owned by BlackRock Group Limited:



552,000 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock (Netherlands) B.V.



Table of Contents

1,794,000 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited.



30,898,998 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited.



19,603,951 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Fund Managers Limited.



372,000 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock International Limited.



7,848,308 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Life Limited.



31,433,000 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited.



60,704,000 H shares (long position) and 334,000 H shares (short position) are held by BLACKROCK (Luxembourg) S.A.



28,000 H shares (long position) are held by BlackRock Asset Management (Schweiz) AG.



These shares were held by Corn Capital Company Limited. Hung Hin Fai held 100% interests in Corn Capital Company Limited. Pursuant to the SFO, Hung Hin Fai was deemed to be interested in the shares held by Corn Capital Company Limited.



These shares were held by Yardley Finance Limited. Chan Kin Sun held 100% interests in Yardley Finance Limited. Pursuant to the SFO, Chan Kin Sun was deemed to be interested in the shares held by Yardley Finance Limited.



Of the H shares (long position) held by Citigroup Inc., 4,535,100 H shares (long position) are held through physically settled listed derivatives, 5,222,031 H shares (long position) are held through physically settled unlisted derivatives, and 226,000 H shares (long position) are held through cash settled unlisted derivatives. Of the H shares (short position) held by Citigroup Inc., 2,450,000 H shares (short position) are held through cash settled unlisted derivatives. In addition, Citigroup Inc. is deemed to hold a total of 227,905,889 H shares (long position) and 11,912,455 H shares (short position) of the Company, due to control of multiple companies. The following companies are indirectly owned by Citigroup Inc.:



All the 208,391,836 H shares (long position) are held by Citibank, N.A. Since Citibank, N.A. is indirectly wholly owned by Citigroup Inc., Citigroup Inc. is deemed to have an interest in the 208,391,836 H shares (long position) of the Company held by Citibank, N.A.



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All the 5,518,486 H shares (long position) are held by Citigroup Global Markets Hong Kong Limited. Since Citigroup Global Markets Hong Kong Limited is indirectly wholly owned by Citigroup Inc., Citigroup Inc. is deemed to have an interest in the 5,518,486 H shares (long position) of the Company held by Citigroup Global Markets Hong Kong Limited.



All the 3,300 H shares (long position) and 296,455 H shares (short position) are held by Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Since Citigroup Global Markets Inc. is indirectly wholly owned by Citigroup Inc., Citigroup Inc. is deemed to have an interest in the 3,300 H shares (long position) and 296,455 H shares (short position) of the Company held by Citigroup Global Markets Inc.



All the 13,992,267 H shares (long position) and 11,616,000 H shares (short position) are held by Citigroup Global Markets Limited. Since 90% of interest in Citigroup Global Markets Limited are indirectly held by Citigroup Inc., Citigroup Inc. is deemed to have an interest in the 13,992,267 H shares (long position) and 11,616,000 H shares (short position) of the Company held by Citigroup Global Markets Limited.



Of the H shares (short position) held by Wellington Management Group LLP, 13,926 H shares (short position) are held through cash settled listed derivatives. In addition, Wellington Management Group LLP is deemed to hold a total of 213,197,224 H shares (long position) and 13,926 H shares (short position) of the Company, due to control of multiple companies. The following companies are indirectly owned by Wellington Management Group LLP:



All the 12,482,220 H shares (long position) and 11,514 H shares (short position) are held by Wellington Management Company LLP. Since 99.99% of interest in Wellington Management Company LLP are directly held by Wellington Investment Advisors Holdings LLP, 99.99% of interest in Wellington Investment Advisors Holdings LLP are directly held by Wellington Group Holdings LLP, and 99.70% of interest in Wellington Group Holdings LLP are directly held by Wellington Management Group LLP, Wellington Management Group LLP is deemed to have an interest in the 12,482,220 H shares (long position) and 11,514 H shares (short position) of the Company held by Wellington Management Company LLP.



All the 436 H shares (short position) are indirectly held by Wellington Management Hong Kong Ltd. Since Wellington Management Hong Kong Ltd is wholly owned by Wellington Management Global Holdings, Ltd., and Wellington Management Global Holdings, Ltd. is held by Wellington Investment Advisors Holdings LLP, Wellington Management Group LLP (see (7.1)) is deemed to have an interest in the 436 H shares (short position) of the Company held by Wellington Management Hong Kong Ltd.



All the 1,917 H shares (short position) are indirectly held by Wellington Management International Ltd. Since Wellington Management International Ltd is wholly owned by Wellington Management Global Holdings, Ltd., and Wellington Management Global Holdings, Ltd. is held by Wellington Investment Advisors Holdings LLP, Wellington Management Group LLP (see (7.1)) is deemed to have an interest in the 1,917 H shares (short position) of the Company held by Wellington Management International Ltd.



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All the 200,715,004 H shares (long position) and 59 H shares (short position) are held by Wellington Management Singapore Pte. Ltd. Since Wellington Management Singapore Pte. Ltd. is wholly owned by Wellington Management Global Holdings, Ltd., and Wellington Management Global Holdings, Ltd. is held by Wellington Investment Advisors Holdings LLP, Wellington Management Group LLP (see (7.1)) is deemed to have an interest in the 200,715,004 H shares (long position) and 59 H shares (short position) of the Company held by Wellington Management Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2020, the Directors have not been notified by any person (other than the Directors, chief executive and Supervisors) who had interests or short positions in the shares or underlying shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company pursuant to Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO or as recorded in the register of interests required to be kept by the Company under Section 336 of the SFO.



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Interests and Short Positions of the Directors, Chief Executive and Supervisors in Shares and Underlying Shares and Debentures of the Company or its Associate Corporation

As at 30 June 2020, the interests and short positions of the Directors, chief executive and Supervisors of the Company in the shares, underlying shares and debentures of the Company or its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which were required to be notified to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests and short positions which they were taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO); or to be recorded in the register of interests required to be kept under Section 352 of the SFO; or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant the “Model Code for Securities Transactions” set out in Appendix 10 to the “Hong Kong Listing Rules” were as follows:

Interests in the Shares and Underlying Shares of the Company






Number of

shares (shares)



of total issued

shares (%)



of total issued

A shares (%)



Jin Qiang


Executive Director and Vice President


301,000 A

shares (L)

   0.0028    0.0041   

Beneficial owner

Jin Wenmin


Executive Director and Vice President


175,000 A

shares (L)

   0.0016    0.0024   

Beneficial owner

Huang Xiangyu


Executive Director and Vice President


140,000 A

shares (L)

   0.0013    0.0019   

Beneficial owner

Zhang Feng




10,000 A

shares (L)

   0.0001    0.0001   

Beneficial owner

Chen Hongjun




31,400 A

shares (L)

   0.003    0.0004   

Beneficial owner

(L): Long position

Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2020, so far as was known to the Directors, chief executive and Supervisors of the Company, none of the Directors, chief executive or Supervisors of the Company had any interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares and debentures of the Company or its associated corporations which were required to be disclosed or recorded pursuant to the SFO and the Hong Kong Listing Rules as mentioned above.



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Management Discussion and Analysis of the Overall Operations during the Reporting Period

(The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the unaudited financial report of the Group and the notes in the 2020 interim report. Unless otherwise specified, certain financial data involved interim report hereinafter are extracted from the unaudited interim financial report of the Group prepared in accordance with IFRS.)

Review and Discussion of Operating Results

In the first half of 2020, world economic growth has slowed down sharply, and the coronavirus disease -19 (“COVID-19”) has brought the most severe challenge to the global economy since the 2008 financial crisis. The U.S. economy has entered a recession since the first quarter. Even though there were signs of recovery afterwards, there are still high uncertainties existing for economic recovery. The growth in Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”) of major economies in the Eurozone and Japan declined significantly, industrial production capacity has been reduced, and unemployment rates in many countries substantially increased. Facing the severe challenges brought by COVID-19, as well as the complicated and ever-changing domestic and foreign environment, China’s GDP fell by 1.6% year-on-year in the first half of the year. As everyone has exerted efforts in pandemic prevention, as well as national promotion of economic performance and social development, China’s economy started to improve after the worsening situation in the first half of the year, GDP in the second quarter increased by 3.2% year on year, and a steady economic recovery could be seen as well. Profits of the petroleum and chemical industries fell sharply, due to the challenges caused by not only uncertainties brought by COVID-19, global trade policies and crude oil prices, but also continuous decline in product prices, historical declines in production and sales, and pressure of additional production and import capacity, all of which adversely affected the industry’s operation.

In the first half of 2020, despite the severe and complicated domestic and international economic and industrial situations, the Group completely eased away the pressure caused by COVID-19 and low oil prices by highly focusing on epidemic prevention and control, safety and environmental protection, production and operation, the 100-Day Breakthroughs, reform and development, etc., resulting in stable and orderly production and operation. The Company’s annual target is well achieved, with most of the indicators having met the time schedule or other control requirements. As of 30 June 2020, the Group’s turnover reached RMB35,627.6 million, representing a decrease of RMB16,327.6 million, or 31.43% from the same period last year. Pre-tax loss of RMB2,309.4 million was recorded (pre-tax profit of RMB1,365.6 million in the same period last year), representing a year-on-year decrease of RMB3,674.9 million. Loss after tax and non-controlling shareholders’ equity was RMB1,670.8 million (a profit of RMB1,143.6 million in the same period last year), representing a year-on-year decrease of RMB2,814.4 million.



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In the first half of 2020, the total amount of commodities produced by the Group was 6,653,100 tons, representing a decrease of 3.27% from the same period of last year. From January to June, 7.0183 million tons of crude oil were processed (including 211,700 tons of crude oil processing on given materials), a decrease of 6.08% over the same period last year. The production of refined oil was 3.9475 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 11.58%, of which gasoline was 1,473,900 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 12.69%; diesel was 1,836,100 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 0.82%; aviation kerosene was 637,600 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 31.08%; LPG was 430,500 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 5.58%. The production of ethylene was 409,000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 3.06%; para-xylene was 320,200 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 2.82%. Production of synthetic resins and plastics was 531,400 tons (excluding polyester and polyvinyl alcohol), an increase of 4.83% year-on-year. The production of synthetic fiber raw materials was 273,600 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 9.19%; the production of synthetic fiber polymers was 165,600 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 13.62%; the production of synthetic fibers was 72,600 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 22.93%. In the first half of the year, the product sales rate and payment return rate of the Group were 100.45% and 100.00% respectively.

The epidemic prevention and control achieved phased success. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Group has immediately taken action to respond and carry out orderly pandemic control measures on Company staff and contractors, guaranteed material supply for pandemic control, and cooperated with local communities to prevent and control the pandemic, etc. Meanwhile, the Group prioritized the production of medical-grade polypropylene, as well as successfully developed and produced raw materials of melt-blown nonwovens for mask manufacturing. As a result, the Group produced in total 10,452 tons of Y2600T polymer chips base material, 5,728 tons of Y2600T-F polypropylene and 3,289 tons of specialized materials for melt-blown nonwovens. The Group vigorously promoted information technology applications, optimized daily routines and working arrangements to achieve “zero infection case internally or imported from the external”, and therefore ensured the stability of the team and the Group.

Safety and environmental protection situations were under control. In the first half of the year, the Group fully implemented process safety management measures, strengthened fundamental environmental protection management and LDAR (leak detection and repair) which basically achieved full coverage. In order to enhance safety management ability, the Group formulated and implemented a special rectification plan, and carried out a series of educational promotion and emergency drills in “Safe Production Month”. From January to June, the Group achieved 100% wastewater discharge compliance rate, while the total emissions of COD, ammonia nitrogen, SO2, and NOX decreased by 10.69%, 8.16%, 10.76% and 11.61% year-on-year, respectively. The average concentration of VOCs at the boundary of the plant decreased by 19.71% year-on-year. The Group’s accumulated comprehensive energy consumption was 0.755 tons of standard coal per RMB10,000, representing an increase of 1.29% compared with the annual total of 0.745 tons of standard coal per RMB10,000 last year.



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Production and operation were generally stable. In the first half of the year, by means of process stability management and equipment integrity management, the Group strengthened process safety management and strictly controlled the “three small” (i.e. small fluctuations, small anomalies and small deviations) and put an end to the “three non” (i.e. non-planned shutdown of truck, non-planned shutdown of machine and non-planned shutdown of furnace) to ensure the smooth operation of equipment. The equipment operation efficiency was improved by implementing limit management, optimizing and upgrading the management platform of technology digitalization, as well as strengthening abnormal production analysis. The safety and environmental protection maintenance of 12 sets of oil refining units was completed and the start-up was successful at one time, and the unplanned shutdown was conducted once. The operation of the units remained stable as a whole. Meanwhile, with the release of equipment integrity management system and online operation of the management platform, the management quality of predictive maintenance and full life cycle maintenance was strengthened and thus there was implement of special protection work for large units. According to the market situation, the diesel-gasoline ratio was flexibly adjusted, aviation fuel was reduced, the production workflow of refined oil was optimized, and the sales pipeline was expanded. The diesel-gasoline ratio was 1.25, representing an increase of 0.15 year-on-year. A total of 185,000 tons of heavy low-sulfur marine fuel oil were exported. The Group optimized the structure of ethylene raw materials and decreased the cost. The Group intensified its market and sales expansion, seized market opportunities and actively aligned with customers, achieving full production and sales of carbon five, polyolefin and ethylene oxide products as well as the expansion of export of vinyl acetate and acrylic and therefore decreased the total inventory of products. Among the 58 major technical and economic indicators listed in the monitoring, 34 were better than the level of last year, with a year-on-year progress rate of 58.62%; 19 items reached the advanced level of the industry, and the industry advanced rate has reached 32.76%.

The 100-Day Breakthroughs achieved remarkable results. In the first half of 2020, the Group implemented the concept of “challenge the advanced levels and align with the highest standards” and built excellent teams on the company, regional and management departments levels. In line with market changes, the Group adjusted the types of crude oil purchased in the Middle East and purchased Oman crude oil using reserves financial derivatives and DME pricing method to reduce the cost of crude oil procurement. The Group tapped the potential of cost reduction of large-scale procurement and vigorously promoted competitive and open procurement. Additionally, the Company strengthened the centralized operation of funds, carried out bidding for structured deposits, low-interest loans, bill discounting and forward exchange rate locking. The Group made good use of national and local anti-pandemic preferential policies benefiting the enterprises and actively strive for tax incentives to ensure the implementation of the policy of natural gas price adjustment, port construction fees, social security expenses and other special expenses.



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The pace of reform and development remained rapid and steady. In the first half of 2020, the Group furthered implemented the new development strategies, persistently put innovation at a top priority of promoting the construction of “One Leader, One Core and One Base”, continued to advance the R&D of scientific research projects such as key technologies of carbon fiber and its composite materials, green and environmentally friendly automobile lightweight materials, and completed 30 patent applications and 17 patent authorizations. The Group adjusted and optimized the organizational structure, implemented classified guidance and management of joint ventures, and carried out standard and comprehensive risk management and internal management. Moreover, the Group steadily promoted the construction of intelligent chemical plants and doubled efforts to move projects forward despite adverse factors brought by the pandemic. The large tow carbon fiber project completed the environmental assessment; Zhejiang Jinlian Petrochemical Storage and Transportation Co., Ltd. was established; joint venture cooperation projects such as hazardous waste disposal and hydrogen energy utilization were proceeding in an orderly manner. The 400,000 tons/year clean gasoline components units project was mechanical completion on schedule at the end of June and entered the production preparation stage.

The following table sets forth the Group’s sales volume and net sales after business tax and surcharges for the Reporting Period:


     For the six months ended 30 June  
     2020      2019  
     Sales volume
(‘000 tons)
     Net sales
(RMB million)
     %      Sales volume
(‘000 tons)
     Net sales
(RMB million)

Synthetic fibers

     73.1        717.6        2.4        93.7        1,198.6        2.6  

Resins and plastics

     655.8        4,411.3        14.7        633.8        5,054.2        11.0  

Intermediate petrochemicals

     1,092.7        4,094.7        13.7        1,077.4        5,164.4        11.2  

Petroleum products

     4,889.4        14,680.8        49.1        5,086.0        21,006.9        45.5  

Trading of petrochemical products

     —          5,693.3        19.0        —          13,305.5        28.8  


     —          328.1        1.1        —          395.5        0.9  




















     6,711.0        29,925.8        100.0        6,890.9        46,125.1        100.0  





















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In the first half of 2020, net sales of the Group amounted to RMB29,925.8 million, representing a decrease of 35.12% over the same period last year. Among which, net sales of synthetic fibers decreased by 40.13%, resins and plastics decreased by 12.72%, intermediate petrochemicals decreased by 20.71%, petroleum products and trading of petrochemical products decreased by 30.11% and 57.21%, respectively. Affected by the fluctuation of crude oil prices and the pandemic, the net sales of products in all sectors dropped significantly. Except for the sales of resins and plastics and intermediate petrochemicals, which increased by 3.47% and 1.42% respectively, the sales of other sectors all declined compared with the same period last year. At the same time, the weighted average sales price of each sector also decreased compared with the same period last year.

In the first half of 2020, the Group’s cost of sales decreased by 28.03% year-on-year to RMB32,549.4 million, representing 108.77% of total net sales. The Group’s main raw material is crude oil. In the first half of 2020, international crude oil futures prices fluctuated abnormally, and international oil prices fell precipitously in the first quarter. While COVID-19 led to a decline in oil demand, Saudi Arabia and Russia increased production in order to compete for market share, thus exacerbating the already oversupplied market. Since mid-April, as countries have successively lifted lockdowns, global fuel demand has recovered, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies OPEC + have implemented record production cuts, and international crude oil futures prices have begun to gradually rise. However, near the end of June, concerns that the second wave of pandemic may curb fuel demand have limited the rise in oil prices. In the first half of the year, Brent crude oil futures closed at a maximum of USD68.91/barrel, with a minimum of USD19.33/barrel. Half-year average price was approximately USD42.11/barrel, representing a year-on-year decrease of 39.29%. WTI crude oil futures closed at a maximum of USD63.27/barrel and minimum of USD-37.63/barrel, with the half-year average price of approximately USD36.82/barrel, representing a year-on-year decrease of 35.79%. Dubai crude oil futures closed at a maximum of USD69.60/barrel and minimum of USD13.55/barrel, with the half-year average price of approximately USD40.59/barrel, a year-on-year decrease of 38.15%.



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In the first half of 2020, the average unit cost of crude oil processed by the Group was RMB2,716.99/ton, representing a decrease of RMB592.35/ton compared to the same period last year, or a decrease of 17.90%. The Group processed a total of 7,018,300 tons of crude oil (including 211,700 tons of crude oil processed on a sub-contract basis), representing a decrease of 454,700 tons (including a decrease of 159,000 tons in self-exploited crude oil processing) compared to the same period last year. From January to June 2020, processing costs decreased by RMB4,558.0 million. Among them, processing costs decreased by RMB526.0 million due to a decrease in the volume of crude oil processed, and the decrease in unit cost of processed crude oil brought costs down by RMB4,032.0 million. In the first half of 2020, the Group’s cost of crude oil accounted for 56.82% of the total cost of sales.

In the first half of 2020, the Group’s cost for other ancillary materials amounted to RMB3,939.0 million, a decrease of 14.52% compared with the same period of last year, mainly due to the decrease in procurement prices. During the Reporting Period, the Group’s depreciation and maintenance expenses amounted to RMB887.8 million and RMB575.4 million, respectively. The depreciation and amortization increased by 2.32% year-on-year to, mainly due to the addition of some catalysts during the Reporting Period. The maintenance expenses decreased by 17.49% year-on-year, mainly due to a decrease in maintenance work during the Reporting Period, which led to the decrease in maintenance costs.

In the first half of 2020, sales and administrative expenses of the Group amounted to RMB233.8 million, representing a decrease of 12.07% as compared to RMB265.9 million for the same period last year. This was mainly due to a decrease of RMB13.2 million in agency fees of Shanghai Petrochemical headquarters and a decrease of RMB6.1 million in miscellaneous charges.



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In the first half of 2020, other operating income of the Group amounted to RMB54.0 million, representing an increase of RMB8.2 million compared to the same period last year. This was mainly due to an increase of RMB13.9 million in government subsidy during the Reporting Period.

In the first half of 2020, the Group’s net finance income amounted to RMB151.0 million, compared to the net finance income of RMB213.7 million for the same period last year. This was mainly due to a decrease of RMB55.2 million in interest income and an increase of RMB7.5 million in interest expenditure during the Reporting Period.

In the first half of 2020, the Group’s profit after tax and non-controlling shareholder interests was RMB1,670.8 million, representing a decrease of RMB2,814.4 million as compared to the profit of RMB1,143.6 million for the same period last year.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

In the first half of 2020, the Group’s net cash outflow generated from operating activities amounted to RMB2,938.9 million and the net cash inflow for the same period last year was RMB220.4 million. This was primarily due to the operating losses during the Reporting Period.

In the first half of 2020, the Group’s net cash outflow generated from investing activities amounted to RMB3,120.6 million and the net cash inflow for the same period last year was RMB411.2 million. This was primarily attributable to: 1) the net cash outflow generated by the purchase of fixed deposit and structural deposit during the Reporting Period, which increased by RMB3,100.0 million compared with the previous period; 2) the acquisition of Zhejiang China National Aviation Fuel Petrochemical Storage and Transportation Co., Ltd., which was RMB340.4 million; 3) the cash used to dispose of fixed assets and other long-term assets during the Reporting Period increased by RMB130.4 million compared with the previous period.

In the first half of 2020, the Group’s net cash inflow generated from financing activities amounted to RMB1,469.2 million and the net cash inflow for the same period last year was RMB561.1 million. This was primarily attributable to the increase of RMB914.3 million in cash received by the Group as loans during the Reporting Period.



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Borrowings and Debts

The Group’s long-term borrowings are mainly used in capital expansion projects. In general, the Group arranges long-term borrowings according to its capital expenditure plans. On the whole, there are no seasonal borrowings. Short-term borrowings are used to replenish the Group’s working capital requirements during the normal course of production. During the first half of 2020, the Group’s total borrowings increased by RMB1,482.4 million to RMB3,030.0 million as at the end of the Reporting Period as compared to the beginning of the Reporting Period, mainly due to the increase of short-term borrowings by RMB1,482.4 million. As at 30 June 2020, the total borrowings of the Group at fixed interest rates amounted to RMB3,000.0 million.

Capital Expenditures

In the first half of 2020, the Group’s capital expenditures amounted to RMB417.0 million, mainly attributable to the preparation and implementation of various projects, including oil cleaning project 400,000 tons/year clean gasoline components units, separation of waste and clear water project of the Storage and Transportation Department, function reconstruction of emergency shut-off valve, upgraded factory facilities reconstruction of bunker fuel oil project, T-104 tank security risk management project and drying and reduction of oil sludge project of the Environmental Water Department.

In the second half of 2020, the Group continues to advance the implementation of projects such as the oil cleaning project 400,000 tons/year clean gasoline components units, second phase of PAN (Polyacrylonitrile) based carbon fiber project with annual production of 1,500 tons, separation of waste and clear water project in the tank area of the Storage and Transportation Department, function reconstruction of emergency shut-off valve in the tank area of the Storage and Transportation Department and drying and reduction of oil sludge project of the Environmental Water Department. The Group plans to start various projects, such as 24,000 tons/year precursors, 48K large tow carbon fiber project with annual production of 12,000 tons, the third loop of 220kv power supply engineering, Jinyang spinning process optimization project, security risk rectification project of the central control room of the olefin section, No. 5 and no. 6 equipment relocation project of the thermal power section, domestic water pipe network optimization project of Shanghai Petrochemical, etc. The Group’s planned capital expenditure would be funded from cash generated from operations and from bank financing.

Gearing Ratio

As at 30 June 2020, the Group’s gearing ratio was 35.92% (as at 30 June 2019: 34.07%). The ratio was calculated using the following formula: total liabilities/total assets.



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The Group’s Employees

As at 30 June 2020, the total number of enrolled employees of the Group was 8,516, among which the number of production staff was 5,038, the number of sales, financial and other staff was 2,409 and the number of administrative staff was 1,069. 56.34% of the Group’s employees were college graduates or above.

The Group’s employees and Directors are remunerated with reference to their position, performance, experience and prevailing salary trends in the market. Other benefits include the Share Option Incentive Scheme and the state-managed retirement pension scheme. The Group also provides professional and vocational trainings to employees.

Income Tax

The Enterprise Income Tax Law of the PRC took effect from 1 January 2008, subsequent to which the income tax rate for enterprises was uniformly adjusted to 25%. As of half year ended 30 June 2020, the income tax rate applicable to the Group is 25%.

Disclosure Required by the Hong Kong Listing Rules

Save as disclosed herein, pursuant to paragraph 40 of Appendix 16 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules, the Company confirms that there were no material differences between the existing information of the Company relating to the matters as set out in paragraph 32 of Appendix 16 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules and the relevant information disclosed in the Company’s 2019 annual report.

Market Outlook and Work Plans for the Second Half of the Year

Looking forward to the second half of 2020, there is still great uncertainty in the global spread of COVID-19. Affected by the pandemic, the global economy may plunge into recession, which will be reflected in global supply chains, international trade and energy prices. The “long-tail effect” of the pandemic and geopolitical games have a profound impact on both ends of supply and demand. International oil prices are likely to fluctuate at a low level, and the uncertainty of oil prices is further highlighted. China is in a critical period of transforming the development model, optimizing economic structure and shifting growth drivers. However, an interlacing of structural, institutional and cyclical problems increases the downward pressure on the economy. The energy and chemical industry ushers in an accelerated period of strategic transformation, the refining industry witnesses intensified competition and the chemical industry sees more prominent pressure on transformation and upgrading. The Company faces both pressure and risk as well as opportunities and challenges, and therefore the overall production and operation will be more severe and complex.



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In the second half of 2020, the Group will focus on stable operation, continuous breakthroughs, transformation and upgrading, precision management and talent optimization, and continue to promote innovation and efficiency, striving to create better-than-expected operating results that outperform the market.



Focus on stable operation and consolidate the foundation for profit generation. The Group will highlight the “main theme” of safe and green operation, ensure safe production, effectively operate the HSSE management system, promote special rectification work in key areas and key links of safety production, and address both the symptoms and root causes to ensure stable operation. The Group will also continue to implement the process safety management system and build the equipment integrity management system. The Group will persevere in the construction of green enterprises, actively carry out the comprehensive environmental improvement work in Jinshan area and accelerate the joint venture cooperation regarding hazardous waste projects. While continuously promoting the establishment of green grassroots units to ensure that the Group passes the green enterprise review, the Group will not slacken efforts to prevent and control the pandemic, through emphasizing regular anti-pandemic response, preventing import of confirmed cases and adjust work focus and response measures accordingly.



Focus on continuous breakthroughs and drive the engine of profit generation. The Group will improve the multi-level optimization mechanism, reduce the cost of crude oil procurement, increase the crude oil processing capacity and total product volume, and adjust the product mix in time to ensure full operation of 400,000 tons/year clean gasoline components units at the end of August. The Group will optimize and tap the potential of ethylene raw materials, optimize residue processing, and increase the output of asphalt, liquefied gas, propylene and other high value-added products. Moreover, The Group will cooperate with SECCO in the supply of raw materials to maximize regional benefits, focus on market expansion, continuously improve marketing efficiency, reduce costs and fees and strengthen cost control.



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Focus on transformation and upgrading and accelerate the pace of profit generation. The Group will promote transformation and upgrading with industrial restructuring as the priority, adhere to the development direction of “basic + high-end”, deepen efforts to the production of new materials, accelerate the R&D of medical and health materials and high-end materials, and expand new areas of product applications to create new drivers for profit generation. In addition, the Group will improve industrial planning for new materials to ensure that the mechanical completion and full production of the second stage of carbon fiber project and the construction of the large tow carbon fiber project within the year. The Company will explore new projects, new systems and mechanisms adopted by new enterprises and accelerate the establishment of Advanced Materials Innovation Research Institute to provide mechanism guarantee for technological innovation. Also, the Company will actively integrate into the “Yangtze River Delta Hydrogen Corridor Construction and Development Plan” and jointly create “hydrogen source and carbon valley” with local governments.



Focus on delicate management and improve the efficiency of profit generation. The Group will focus on the refinement of management, adopt the methods of “ welcoming in and going out” to learn from the advanced abroad experience and pay attention to internal management, so as to improve the performance of crude oil procurement, plan optimization, production and operation, and financial value guidance. The Group will continuously improve management efficiency and effectiveness, carry out actions to increase effectiveness of internal control system and the compliance management system. The Group will continue to explore the application of big data and artificial intelligence to accelerate the construction of intelligent factories.



Focus on talent optimization and stimulate the vitality of profit generation. The Group will optimize the concept of employment and improve per capita labor efficiency. The Group will also optimize the age structure of the management, comprehensively improve the overall quality and managing ability of management personnel at all levels and strengthen training and application to improve the professional ability of the staff.



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Analysis of the Company’s Principal Performance during the Reporting Period (Certain of the following financial data is extracted from the unaudited interim report prepared under CAS)



Analysis of Changes in the Company’s Related Financial Data

Unit: RMB’ 000



   As at
30 June 2020
     As at
31 December 2019

Reason for change

Cash at bank and on hand

     3,869,936        8,958,538        -56.80     

During the Reporting Period, the gross profit of product sales decreased significantly, the balance of operating payable items such as taxes and fees payable decreased, and the net outflow of cash from operating activities led to the decrease of monetary fund balance.


     4,381,070        6,754,434        -35.14     

Affected by COVID-19 and the decline of international crude oil prices, the unit cost of crude oil inventory of the Company decreased by 50.4%, the inventory quantity of products in process and finished products decreased by 11.1%, and the average inventory unit cost decreased by 30.1%.

Construction in process

     1,202,594        1,815,549        -33.76     

During the Reporting Period, the oil cleaning project was mechanical completion, and the transferred capital was RMB650.0 million.

Accounts payable

     6,066,658        7,664,296        -20.85     

Affected by the downturn of the industry and the pandemic, the unit price of raw materials procurement of the Company decreased, and the purchase payment payable decreased.

Other payable

     2,599,719        867,967        199.52     

The increase of other payable mainly included an increase of RMB1.298 billion in dividends payable.



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Unit: RMB’ 000



   For the six months
ended 30 June

Reason for change

   2020      2019  


     35,663,352        51,992,583        -31.41     

The reduction of downstream market demand resulting from the pandemic and the sharp drop in refined products resulting from the sharp drop in International crude oil prices.

Finance income-net

     145,840        198,402        -26.49     

Short term loans increased from RMB1.5 billion to RMB3.0 billion, and interest expenses increased. The average balance of bank deposits decreased, interest rates decreased, and interest income decreased.

Asset impairment losses

     -120,928        -24,786        387.89     

Due to the significant decline in prices of refined oil in March 2020, the Company made a provision in impairment losses on inventories.

Income tax expenses

     -646,300        215,526        -399.87     

Affected by the pandemic and the downturn of the industry, the Company operated losses during the reporting period .

Net (loss)/profit attributable to shareholders of the Company

     -1,716,072        1,137,241        -250.90     

Affected by the pandemic and the downturn of the industry, the Company operated losses during the reporting period .

Net cash (used in)/ generated from operating activities

     -2,904,166        245,974        -1,280.68     

During the Reporting Period, the Company’s gross profit on product sales decreased significantly, and operating losses occurred. At the same time, business payable items such as taxes and fees decreased significantly, resulting in net cash outflow from operating activities.

Net cash (used in)/ generated from investment activities

     -3,120,578        411,176        -858.94     

During the Reporting Period, the net cash flow from purchasing structured deposits and time deposits increased by RMB3.1 billion compared with the previous period, and the cash paid for purchasing new subsidiaries in the reporting period was RMB 340.0 million.

Net cash generated from financing activities

     1,434,389        535,564        167.83     

The short-term borrowing during the reporting period was increased compared with the previous period.

R&D expenses

     47,528        21,379        122.31     

During the Reporting Period, The R&D expenditure of the industrial test project of carbon fiber quality improvement and large tow preparation increased year on year.



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Analysis of Business Operations by Industry, Product or Geographical Location Segment



Principal Operations by Industry or Product

Unit: RMB’ 000


Business Segment/

Product Segment

   Revenue      Cost
of sales
decrease in
compared to
period of the

year (%)
decrease in
cost of sales
compared to
period of the
previous year


decrease in gross

profit margin


to last year



Synthetic fibers

     720,697        983,671        -36.49        -40.91        -25.16      Decrease 28.71 percentage points

Resins and plastics

     4,432,141        4,276,569        3.51        -13.66        -0.64      Decrease 12.64 percentage points

Intermediate petrochemicals

     4,112,537        4,142,428        -0.73        -21.84        -5.89      Decrease 17.07 percentage points

Petroleum products

     20,334,775        15,553,621        23.51        -23.62        -22.59      Decrease 1.02 percentage points

Trading of petrochemical products

     5,697,394        5,643,283        0.95        -57.21        -57.35      Increase 0.32 percentage points


     207,128        195,045        5.83        -2.57        12.55      Decrease 12.66 percentage points

Note: This gross profit margin is calculated according to the price of petroleum products which includes consumption tax. Gross profit margin of petroleum products after consumption tax was -1.06%.



Revenue by Geographical Location



Table of Contents

Unit: RMB’ 000



location segment

   Revenue      Increase/decrease
in revenue
as compared to
the same period
last year (%)

Eastern China

     28,487,627        -18.64  

Other regions in the PRC

     2,128,956        150.18  


     4,888,089        -69.26  



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Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

Unit: RMB’ 000



   As at 30 June
     As at 31 December
     Change of
amount on
30 June 2020

compared to
31 December
2019 (%)

Main reason for change

   Amount      % of
     Amount      % of

Cash at bank and on hand

     3,869,936        9.15        8,958,538        19.63        -56.80     

During the Reporting Period, the gross profit of product sales decreased significantly, the balance of operating payable items such as taxes and fees payable decreased, and the net outflow of cash from operating activities led to the decrease of monetary fund balance.


     4,381,070        10.36        6,754,434        14.8        -35.14     

Affected by COVID-19 and the decline of international crude oil prices, the unit cost of crude oil inventory of the Company decreased by 50.4%, the inventory quantity of products in process and finished products decreased by 11.1%, and the average inventory unit cost decreased by 30.1%.

Construction in process

     1,202,594        2.84        1,815,549        3.98        -33.76     

During the Reporting Period, the oil cleaning project was mechanical completion, and the transferred capital was RMB650.0 million.

Accounts payable

     6,066,658        14.34        7,664,296        16.79        -20.85     

Affected by the downturn of the industry and the pandemic, the unit price of raw materials procurement of the Company decreased, and the purchase payment payable decreased.

Other payable

     2,599,719        6.14        867,967        1.9        199.52     

The increase of other payable mainly included an increase of RMB1.298 billion in dividends payable.



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Analysis of Core Competitiveness

As one of the largest integrated petrochemical enterprises in China with an integrated refinery and petrochemical capacity, the Company possesses competitive business scale and strength, which made it a major manufacturer of refined oil, intermediate petrochemicals, synthetic resins and synthetic fibers in China. The Company also has self-owned utilities and environmental protection systems, as well as sea transport, inland shipping, rail transport and road transport ancillary facilities.

The Company’s major competitive advantages include quality, geographical location and its vertically integrated production. The Company has over 40 years of petrochemical production and management experience, and has accumulated extensive resources in the petrochemical industry. The Company has won several quality product awards from the central and local governments. Located at the core region of Yangtze River Delta, the most economically active region in China with a strong demand for petrochemical products, the Company has built a comprehensive logistics system and supporting facilities with close geographic proximity with most of its clients which enables the Company to enjoy the convenience of coastal and inland shipping. This gave it a competitive edge in terms of transportation costs and timely delivery. The Company has leveraged its advantages in integrated refinery and petrochemical capacity to actively strengthen product structure, while continuously improving products quality and variety. The Company has also improved production technology and boosted capacity of key upstream units to maximize the use and the efficiency in the utilization of its corporate resources, and is therefore able to achieve strong and sustainable development.



Analysis of Investments



Entrusted Wealth Managements and Entrusted loans



Entrusted Wealth Management

The Company did not engage in entrusted wealth management during the Reporting Period.



Entrusted Loans



Table of Contents

The Company did not engage in entrusted loans during the Reporting Period.



Projects funded by Non-fund Raising Capital

During the Reporting Period, the Company did not raise funds, nor has it used the funds raised from the previous reporting periods.



Analysis of the Companies in which the Company has Controlling Interests or Investment Interests

Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Company Limited, an associate company of the Group, recorded a net profit of RMB801.0 million during the Reporting Period, profit attributable to the Group was RMB160.0 million, representing 9.33% of net profit or loss attributable to equity shareholders of the Company during the Reporting Period.



Projects funded by Non-fund Raising Capital

Unit: RMB’ 000


Major Project

   Estimated total
project investment
     Estimated total
project investment
     Status as at
30 June 2020

Oil cleaning project 400,000 tons/year clean gasoline components units

     781,657        198,917       

PAN (Polyacrylonitrile) based carbon fiber project (second stage) with annual production of 1500 tons

     847,794        0        Under construction  

Separation of waste and clear water project in the tank area of the Storage and Transportation Department

     64,474        3,342        Under construction  

Function reconstruction of emergency shut-off valve in the tank area of the Storage and Transportation Department

     76,766        2,789        Under construction  

Upgraded factory facilities reconstruction of bunker fuel oil project

     47,532        1,108        Under construction  

Drying and reduction of oil sludge project of the Environmental Water Department

     52,520        1,190        Under construction  



Table of Contents

Plan for Profit Distribution or Capital Reserves Capitalization



Implementation of or Amendment to Profit Distribution Plan during the Reporting Period

The 2019 Profit Distribution Plan was considered and approved at the 2019 Annual General Meeting held on 18 June 2020 to distribute a dividend of RMB1.20 per 10 shares (including tax) totaling RMB1,298,857,620 based on the total issued share of 10,823,813,500 as at dividend payout date. The relevant announcement was published in Shanghai Securities News, China Securities Journal and Securities Times on 19 June 2020 and was uploaded to the websites of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange on 18 June 2020. The record date for H shares dividend payment was 29 June 2020 and the dividend payment date for H shares was 21 July 2020. On 13 July 2020, the Company published an announcement on the implementation of profit distribution for A shares for the year 2019. The record date for A shares dividend payment was 20 July 2020 and the ex-dividend date was 21 July 2020. The dividend payment date for A shares was 21 July 2020. The Profit Distribution Plan was implemented as scheduled.



Plan for Profit Distribution or Capital Reserves Capitalization during the Reporting Period




Table of Contents




Corporate Governance

The Company acted in strict compliance with regulatory legislations such as the PRC Company Law, the PRC Securities Law, the Corporate Governance Principles for Listed Companies and the Guidelines for Establishing the Independent Directors System for Listed Companies issued by the CSRC, as well as the relevant requirements of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange to push forward the innovation of the Company’s system and management, to improve the corporate governance structure, and to strengthen the establishment of the Company’s system in order to enhance the overall image of the Company.



Audit Committee

On 25 August 2020, the Audit Committee of the Tenth Session of the Board held its first meeting, primarily to review the financial report of the Group for the Reporting Period, and discussed matters relating to the risk management, internal control and financial reporting.



Purchase, Sale and Redemption of the Company’s Securities

During the Reporting Period, the Company did not purchase, sell or redeem any of the Company’s securities (for the definition of “securities”, please refer to paragraph 1 of Appendix 16 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules).



Compliance with Corporate Governance Code

During the Reporting Period, the Company applied and complied with all code provisions as set out in the Corporate Governance Code contained in Appendix 14 to the Hong Kong Listing Rules.



Compliance with Model Code for Securities Transactions

The Company has adopted and implemented the Model Code for Securities Transactions to regulate the securities transactions of the Directors and supervisors of the Company. After making specific enquiries with all Directors and supervisors of the Company and having obtained written confirmations from each Director and supervisor, the Company is not aware of any incident of non-compliance with the Model Code for Securities Transactions by the Directors and supervisors of the Company during the Reporting Period.

The Model Code for Securities Transactions is also applicable to the senior management who may be in possession of unpublished inside information of the Company. The Company is not aware of any incident of non-compliance with the Model Code for Securities Transactions by the senior management of the Company.



Table of Contents




Interim financial statements prepared under China Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise


AS AT 30 JUNE 2020

(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


     30 June 2020
     31 December
     30 June 2020
     31 December
     Consolidated      Consolidated      Company      Company  



Current Assets


Cash at bank and on hand

     3,869,936        8,958,538        2,706,273        7,263,279  

Derivative Financial instruments

     21,394        263        21,011        —    

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     3,727,444        3,318,407        3,727,444        3,318,407  

Accounts receivable

     1,842,932        1,639,916        1,512,041        1,310,449  

Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

     1,451,072        1,540,921        555,915        669,889  

Advances to Suppliers

     74,351        56,602        70,112        47,547  

Other receivables

     87,985        28,111        14,810        14,637  


     4,381,070        6,754,434        4,145,169        6,368,389  

Other current asset

     1,018,868        11,971        1,002,966        —    













Total Current Assets

     16,475,052        22,309,163        13,755,741        18,992,597  













Non-Current Assets


Long-term equity investments

     5,550,290        5,328,758        6,917,143        6,489,898  

Other equity instrument investments

     5,000        5,000        —          —    

Investment properties

     375,252        367,468        404,849        397,573  

Property, plant and equipment

     11,953,743        11,322,850        11,487,063        11,123,442  

Construction in


     1,202,594        1,815,549        1,200,807        1,814,985  

Right-of-use assets

     20,928        23,648        16,648        20,520  

Intangible assets

     430,865        337,846        292,542        298,914  

Long-term prepaid expenses

     461,541        463,780        453,778        455,391  

Deferred tax assets

     817,445        150,832        805,593        138,648  

Other non-current asset

     5,014,915        3,511,234        5,014,915        3,511,234  













Total Non-Current Assets

     25,832,573        23,326,965        26,593,338        24,250,605  













Total Assets

     42,307,625        45,636,128        40,349,079        43,243,202  















Table of Contents


AS AT 30 JUNE 2020

(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


     30 June 2020
     31 December
     30 June 2020
     31 December
     Consolidated      Consolidated      Company      Company  

Liability & Equity


Current Liability


Short-term loan

     3,030,000        1,547,600        3,000,000        1,500,000  

Derivative financial liability

     33,028        799        32,353        —    

Note payable

     850,800        733,900        834,000        715,000  

Accounts payable

     6,066,658        7,664,296        4,908,230        5,951,568  

Contract liabilities

     366,246        660,783        279,089        601,912  

Staff salaries and welfares payable

     528,567        189,547        524,198        183,912  

Taxes payable

     1,608,263        3,803,287        1,574,846        3,776,221  

Other payable

     2,599,719        867,967        2,642,144        854,759  

Current portion of non-current liabilities

     11,706        11,450        8,905        10,059  













Total Current Liability

     15,094,987        15,479,629        13,803,765        13,593,431  













Non-Current Liability


Deferred tax liabilities

     36,704        —          —          —    

Lease liabilities

     6,813        10,593        5,415        8,860  

Deferred revenue

     125,414        130,005        125,005        130,005  













Total Non-Current Liability

     168,931        140,598        130,420        138,865  













Total Liability

     15,263,918        15,620,227        13,934,185        13,732,296  















Share capital

     10,823,814        10,823,814        10,823,814        10,823,814  

Capital surplus

     610,327        610,327        600,768        600,768  

Other comprehensive income

     8,582        17,838        8,582        17,838  

Specific reserve

     101,375        57,137        101,375        57,135  

Surplus reserve

     6,437,010        6,437,010        6,437,010        6,437,010  

Undistributed profits

     8,924,285        11,939,215        8,443,345        11,574,341  













Total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company

     26,905,393        29,885,341        26,414,894        29,510,906  













Non-controlling interests

     138,314        130,560        —          —    













Total Equity

     27,043,707        30,015,901        26,414,894        29,510,906  













Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity

     42,307,625        45,636,128        40,349,079        43,243,202  















Table of Contents



(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


     Six months ended 30 June     Six months ended 30 June  
     2020     2019     2020     2019  
     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)  
Items    Consolidated     Consolidated     Company     Company  


     35,663,352       51,992,583       29,679,232       38,462,207  

Less: Cost of sales

     30,909,800       43,664,730       25,098,218       30,315,825  

Taxes and surcharges

     5,701,797       5,830,148       5,694,869       5,818,515  

Selling and distribution expenses

     229,966       260,415       191,543       215,684  

General and administrative expenses

     1,511,043       1,516,182       1,472,892       1,460,716  

R&D expenses

     47,528       21,379       43,664       17,531  

Finance income - net

     (145,840     (198,402     (129,590     (185,514













Including: finance expenses

     28,120       20,648       27,300       19,416  

finance income

     (176,082     (209,960     (161,542     (195,459













Add: Other income

     16,495       2,551       15,144       952  

Investment income

     334,728       519,967       286,378       502,015  













Including: Share of profits of associates and joint ventures

     273,712       492,230       227,993       463,496  













Gains/(losses) from changes in fair value

     9,281       (12,441     9,037       (12,252

Credit impairment losses

     —         (2     —         (7

Asset impairment losses

     (120,928     (24,786     (120,140     (24,786

Asset disposal (gains)/losses

     15,256       (18,724     15,256       (23,772













Operating (loss)/profit

     (2,336,110     1,364,696       (2,486,689     1,261,600  













Add:Non-operating income

     6,706       10,886       6,566       5,136  

Less:Non-operating expenses

     25,214       16,339       25,205       16,337  

Total (loss)/profit

     (2,354,618     1,359,243       (2,505,328     1,250,399  













Less: Income tax expenses

     (646,300     215,526       (673,190     193,418  

Net (loss)/profit

     (1,708,318     1,143,717       (1,832,138     1,056,981  













Attributable to shareholders of the Company

     (1,716,072     1,137,241       —         —    

Non-controlling interests

     7,754       6,476       —         —    













(Loss)/profit from continuing operations

     (1,708,318     1,143,717       (1,832,138     1,056,981  

Profit from discontinued operations

     —         —         —         —    

Other comprehensive loss

     (9,256     (3,667     (9,256     (3,667













Total comprehensive loss

     (1,717,574     1,140,050       (1,841,394     1,053,314  













Attributable to shareholders of the Company

     (1,725,328     1,133,574       —         —    

Non-controlling interests

     7,754       6,476       —         —    













(Losses)/earnings per share


Basic (losses)/earnings per share(RMB Yuan)

     (0.159     0.105       —         —    

Diluted (losses)/earnings per share(RMB Yuan)

     (0.159     0.105       —         —    















Table of Contents



(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


     Six months ended 30 June     Six months ended 30 June  
     2020     2019     2020     2019  
     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)  
Items    Consolidated     Consolidated     Consolidated     Consolidated  

Cash flows (used in)/generated from operating activities


Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services

     38,458,330       56,684,422       32,430,797       42,562,910  

Refund of taxes and surcharges

     1,347       1,498       1,115       —    

Cash received relating to other operating activities

     15,970       6,864       14,441       1,075  













Sub-total of cash inflows

     38,475,647       56,692,784       32,446,353       42,563,985  













Cash paid for goods and services

     (31,791,568     (45,204,639     (25,509,820     (31,876,173

Cash paid to and on behalf of employees

     (1,219,934     (1,210,323     (1,149,376     (1,068,554

Payments of taxes and surcharges

     (8,177,756     (9,820,804     (8,135,238     (9,819,625

Cash paid relating to other operating activities

     (190,555     (211,044     (114,250     (140,738













Sub-total of cash outflows

     (41,379,813     (56,446,810     (34,908,684     (42,905,090













Net cash flows (used in)/generated from operating activities

     (2,904,166     245,974       (2,462,331     (341,105













Cash flows (used in)/generated investing activities


Cash received from structured deposits

     7,273,170       2,757,306       6,869,412       2,555,306  

Cash received from returns on investments

     51,432       18,152       —         —    

Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets

     19,410       12,098       19,410       3,834  

Cash received relating to other investing activities

     685,155       1,718,568       669,655       1,704,127  

Sub-total of cash inflows

     8,029,219       4,506,124       7,558,477       4,263,267  













Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible asset and other long-term assets

     (696,245     (565,379     (692,921     (566,454

Cash payment of structured deposits

     (7,600,000     (500,000     (7,200,000     (500,000

Cash payment of acquisition of subsidiary

     (340,315     —         (200,000     —    

Cash paid relating to other investing activities

     (2,513,185     (3,029,569     (2,511,027     (3,016,787













Sub-total of cash outflows

     (11,149,745     (4,094,948     (10,603,948     (4,083,241













Net cash flows (used in)/generated from investing activities

     (3,120,578     411,176       (3,045,471     180,026  















Table of Contents



(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


     Six months ended 30 June     Six months ended 30 June  
     2020     2019     2020     2019  
     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)     (unaudited)  
Items    Consolidated     Consolidated     Company     Company  

Cash flows inflow from financing activities


Cash received from borrowings

     3,438,100       2,405,100       3,398,107       2,380,000  













Sub-total of cash inflows

     3,438,100       2,405,100       3,398,107       2,380,000  













Cash repayments of borrowings

     (1,958,562     (1,839,897     (1,900,969     (1,801,775

Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profits and interest expenses

     (35,651     (25,561     (34,309     (19,257

Other paid cash related to financing activities

     (9,498     (4,078     (7,864     (2,873













Sub-total of cash outflows

     (2,003,711     (1,869,536     (1,943,142     (1,823,905













Net cash flows generated from financing activities

     1,434,389       535,564       1,454,965       556,095  













Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     5,923       6,444       —         —    













Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents

     (4,584,432     1,199,158       (4,052,837     395,016  

Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period

     7,449,699       8,741,893       5,754,440       7,619,013  













Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period

     2,865,267       9,941,051       1,701,603       8,014,029  















Table of Contents



(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


Items    Attributable to equity shareholders of the Company               

Balance at 1 January 2019

     10,823,814        610,327        10,389       57,135       6,237,170        12,631,291       116,378        30,486,504  

























Movements for the six months ended 30 June 2019 (unaudited)


Total comprehensive income


Net profit for the period

     —          —          —         —         —          1,137,241       6,476        1,143,717  

Other comprehensive loss

     —          —          (3,667     —         —          —         —          (3,667

Appropriation of profits


Distributions to shareholders

     —          —          —         —         —          (2,705,953     —          (2,705,953

Specific reserve



     —          —          —         69,133       —          —         —          69,133  


     —          —          —         (63,819     —          —         —          (63,819

























Balance at 30 June 2019 (unaudited)

     10,823,814        610,327        6,722       62,449       6,237,170        11,062,579       122,854        28,925,915  

























Balance at 1 January 2020

     10,823,814        610,327        17,838       57,137       6,437,010        11,939,215       130,560        30,015,901  

























Movements for the six months ended 30 June 2020(unaudited)


Total comprehensive loss


Net (loss)/profitfor the period

     —          —          —         —         —          (1,716,072     7,754        (1,708,318

Other comprehensive loss

     —          —          (9,256     —         —          —         —          (9,256

Contributions of equity


Shareholder contribution

     —          —          —         —         —          (1,298,858     —          (1,298,858

Specific reserve



     —          —          —         69,588       —          —         —          69,588  


     —          —          —         (25,350     —          —         —          (25,350

























Balance at 30 June 2020 (unaudited)

     10,823,814        610,327        8,582       101,375       6,437,010        8,924,285       138,314        27,043,707  



























Table of Contents



(All amounts in thousands of Renminbi Yuan unless otherwise stated)


Items    Share

Balance at 1 January 2019

     10,823,814        600,768        10,389       57,135       6,237,170        12,481,733       30,211,009  






















Movements for the six months ended 30 June 2019 (unaudited)


Total comprehensive income


Net profit for the year

     —          —          —         —         —          1,056,981       1,056,981  

Other comprehensive loss

     —          —          (3,667     —         —          —         (3,667

Appropriation of profits


Distributions to shareholders

     —          —          —         —         —          (2,705,953     (2,705,953

Specific reserve



     —          —          —         66,000       —          —         66,000  


     —          —          —         (60,863     —          —         (60,863






















Balance at 30 June 2019 (unaudited)

     10,823,814        600,768        6,722       62,272       6,237,170        10,832,761       28,563,507  






















Balance at 30 June 2019 (unaudited)

     10,823,814        600,768        17,838       57,135       6,437,010        11,574,341       29,510,906  






















Movements for the six months ended 30 June 2020 (unaudited)


Total comprehensive loss


Net loss for the year

     —          —          —         —         —          (1,832,138     (1,832,138

Other comprehensive loss

     —          —          (9,256     —         —          —         (9,256

Appropriation of profits


Distributions to shareholders

     —          —          —         —         —          (1,298,858     (1,298,858

Specific reserve



     —          —          —         66,240       —          —         66,240  


     —          —          —         (22,000     —          —         (22,000






















Balance at 30 June 2020 (unaudited)

     10,823,814        600,768        8,582       101,375       6,437,010        8,443,345       26,414,894  
























Table of Contents

Interim financial information prepared under International Financial Reporting Standard (Unaudited)

Interim condensed consolidated income statement


Six months period ended 30 June
RMB’ 000
RMB’ 000


     35,627,558       51,955,226  

Taxes and surcharges

     (5,701,797     (5,830,148







Net sales

     29,925,761       46,125,078  

Cost of sales

     (32,549,404     (45,225,356







Gross (loss)/profit

     (2,623,643     899,722  







Selling and administrative expenses

     (233,782     (265,883

Net impairment losses on financial assets

     —         (2

Other operating income

     53,995       45,794  

Other operating expenses

     (6,796     (11,741

Other gains/(losses) – net

     71,117       (13,302







Operating (loss)/profit

     (2,739,109     654,588  







Finance income

     179,142       234,392  

Finance expenses

     (28,120     (20,648







Finance income – net

     151,022       213,744  

Share of net profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method

     278,712       497,230  







(Loss)/profit before income tax

     (2,309,375     1,365,562  

Income tax expense

     646,300       (215,526







(Loss)/profit for the period

     (1,663,075     1,150,036  







(Loss)/profit is attributable to:


– Owners of the Company

     (1,670,829     1,143,560  

Non-controlling interests

     7,754       6,476  






     (1,663,075     1,150,036  







(Losses)/earnings per share attributable to owners of the Company for the period (expressed in RMB per share)


Basic (losses)/earnings per share

     RMB(0.154     RMB0.106  







Diluted (losses)/earnings per share

     RMB(0.154     RMB0.106  









Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income


Six months period ended 30 June
RMB’ 000
RMB’ 000

(Loss)/profit for the period

     (1,663,075     1,150,036  

Other comprehensive loss


Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss


Share of other comprehensive loss of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method

     (748     (3,667

Losses on cash flow hedges

     (11,344     —    

Income tax relating to these items

     2,836       —    







Other comprehensive loss for the period, net of tax

     (9,256     (3,667







Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the period

     (1,672,331     1,146,369  







Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the period is attributable to:


– Owners of the Company

     (1,680,085     1,139,893  

Non-controlling interests

     7,754       6,476  







Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the period

     (1,672,331     1,146,369  









Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated balance sheet


30 June 2020
RMB’ 000
31 December

RMB’ 000



Non-current assets


Property, plant and equipment

     11,932,695        11,300,797  

Right-of-use assets

     435,618        343,860  

Investment properties

     375,252        367,468  

Construction in progress

     1,202,594        1,815,549  

Investments accounted for using the equity method

     5,435,290        5,208,758  

Deferred tax assets

     817,445        150,832  

Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

     5,000        5,000  

Time deposits with banks

     5,014,915        3,511,234  

Other non-current assets

     477,716        481,414  






     25,696,525        23,184,912  







Current assets



     4,381,070        6,754,434  

Trade receivables

     87,149        120,739  

Other receivables

     79,622        26,101  


     24,086        23,767  

Amounts due from related parties

     1,830,579        1,565,993  

Cash and cash equivalents

     2,865,267        7,449,699  

Time deposits with banks

     2,007,369        1,508,839  

Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

     1,451,072        1,540,921  

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     3,727,444        3,318,407  

Derivated financial assets

     21,394        263  






     16,475,052        22,309,163  







Total assets

     42,171,577        45,494,075  









Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated balance sheet (Continued)


30 June 2020
RMB’ 000
31 December

RMB’ 000

Equity and liabilities


Equity attributable to owners of the Company


Share capital

     10,823,814        10,823,814  


     16,060,531        19,039,474  






     26,884,345        29,863,288  

Non-controlling interests

     138,314        130,560  







Total equity

     27,022,659        29,993,848  









Non-current liabilities


Lease liabilities

     6,813        10,593  

Deferred tax liabilities

     36,704        —    

Deferred income

     10,414        10,005  






     53,931        20,598  







Current liabilities



     3,030,000        1,547,600  

Lease liabilities

     11,706        11,450  

Derivated financial liabilities

     33,028        799  

Trade and other payables

     6,548,115        7,330,000  

Contract liabilities

     364,946        655,117  

Amounts due to related parties

     5,083,409        5,708,394  

Income tax payable

     23,783        226,269  






     15,094,987        15,479,629  







Total liabilities

     15,148,918        15,500,227  







Total equity and liabilities

     42,171,577        45,494,075  









Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity


     Attributable to owners of the Company               



    Total     Non-controlling



     RMB’000      RMB’000     RMB’000     RMB’000     RMB’000      RMB’000  

Balance at 1 January 2020

     10,823,814        4,369,391       14,670,083       29,863,288       130,560        29,993,848  

(Loss)/profit for the period

     —          —         (1,670,829     (1,670,829     7,754        (1,663,075

Other comprehensive loss

     —          (9,256     —         (9,256     —          (9,256



















Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the period

     —          (9,256     (1,670,829     (1,680,085     7,754        (1,672,331



















Dividends proposed and approved

     —          —         (1,298,858     (1,298,858     —          (1,298,858

Appropriation of safety production fund

     —          44,238       (44,238     —         —          —    



















Balance at 30 June 2020

     10,823,814        4,404,373       11,656,158       26,884,345       138,314        27,022,659  





















Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity (Continued)


     Attributable to owners of the Company               



    Total     Non-controlling



     RMB’000      RMB’000     RMB’000     RMB’000     RMB’000      RMB’000  

Balance at 1 January 2019

     10,823,814        4,361,940       15,160,309       30,346,063       116,378        30,462,441  



















Profit for the period

     —          —         1,143,560       1,143,560       6,476        1,150,036  

Other comprehensive loss

     —          (3,667     —         (3,667     —          (3,667



















Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the period

     —          (3,667     1,143,560       1,139,893       6,476        1,146,369  



















Dividends proposed and approved

     —          —         (2,705,953     (2,705,953     —          (2,705,953

Appropriation of safety production fund

     —          5,314       (5,314     —         —          —    



















Balance at 30 June 2019

     10,823,814        4,363,587       13,592,602       28,780,003       122,854        28,902,857  





















Table of Contents

Interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2020     2019  
     RMB’ 000     RMB’ 000  

Cash flows from operating activities


Cash (used in)/generated from operating activities

     (2,684,204     702,670  

Interest paid

     (34,763     (25,561

Income tax paid

     (219,962     (456,696







Net cash (inflow)/outflow from operating activities

     (2,938,929     220,413  







Cash flows from investing activities


Dividends received from joint ventures and associates

     51,432       18,152  

Interest received from structured deposits

     73,170       57,306  

Interest received

     184,124       218,568  

Net proceeds from settlement of foreign exchange options

     1,031       (15,350

Net proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment

     19,410       12,098  

Cash received from time deposits within one year

     500,000       1,500,000  

Cash received from structured deposits

     7,200,000       2,700,000  

Cash payment of structured deposits

     (7,600,000     (500,000

Cash payment for time deposits within one year

     (1,000,000     (3,000,000

Cash payment for time deposits above one year

     (1,500,000     —    

Payments for acquisition of subsidiary

     (340,369     —    

Payments for sale of financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

     (13,185     (14,219

Cash held by the subsidiary before acquisition

     54       —    

Purchases of property, plant and equipment and other long-term assets

     (696,245     (565,379







Net cash (inflow)/outflow from investing activities

     (3,120,578     411,176  







Cash flows from financing activities


Proceeds from borrowings

     3,438,100       2,405,100  

Principal elements of lease payments

     (9,498     (4,078

Repayments of borrowings

     (1,958,562     (1,839,897

Dividends paid to the Company’s shareholders

     (888     —    







Net cash inflow from financing activities

     1,469,152       561,125  







Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents

     (4,590,355     1,192,714  

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period

     7,449,699       8,741,893  

Exchange gains on cash and cash equivalents

     5,923       6,444  







Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period

     2,865,267       9,941,051  









Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information



Basis of preparation

This condensed consolidated interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2020 has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 (“IAS 34”), ‘Interim financial reporting’. The condensed consolidated interim financial information should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”).

The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year and corresponding interim reporting period, except for the adoption of new and amended standards as set out below.



New and amended standards adopted by the Group

The Group has applied the following standards and amendments for the first time for their current reporting period commencing 1 January 2020:



Amendments to IAS 1 ‘Presentation of financial statements’ and IAS 8 ‘Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’



Amendments to IFRS 3 ‘Business Combinations’



Amendments to conceptual Framework of IASB, and



Amendments to IFRS 9 ‘Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation’, IAS 39 ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’ and IFRS 7 ‘Financial Instruments: Disclosures’.



New standards and interpretations not yet adopted

The following new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations have been issued but are not effective for the financial year beginning on 1 January 2020 and have not been early adopted by the Group:



IFRS 17 ‘Insurance Contracts’, effective for the accounting period beginning on or after 1 January 2023, and



Amendments to IFRS 10 ‘Sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its associate or joint venture’.

The new standards and interpretations that are not yet effective are not expected to have a material impact on the Group in the current or future reporting periods and on foreseeable future transactions.



Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Segment information

The basis of segmentation and the basis of measurement of segment profits or losses, and assets and liabilities are consistent with those of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019.


Six months ended

30 June 2020

RMB’ 000
    Resins and
RMB’ 000
RMB’ 000
RMB’ 000
    Trading of
RMB’ 000
RMB’ 000
RMB’ 000

Total segment revenue

     720,697       4,479,214       9,192,552       24,275,022       5,889,864       660,449       45,217,798  

Inter segment revenue

     —         (47,073     (5,080,015     (3,940,247     (192,470     (330,435     (9,590,240






















Revenue from external customers

     720,697       4,432,141       4,112,537       20,334,775       5,697,394       330,014       35,627,558  






















Timing of revenue recognition


At a point in time

     720,697       4,432,141       4,112,537       20,334,775       5,696,343       330,014       35,626,507  

Over time

     —         —         —         —         1,051       —         1,051  





















     720,697       4,432,141       4,112,537       20,334,775       5,697,394       330,014       35,627,558  






















Total gross (loss)/profit

     (323,920     (226,806     (383,396     (1,720,744     48,550       (17,327     (2,623,643






















Six months ended

30 June 2019

RMB’ 000
    Resins and
RMB’ 000
RMB’ 000
RMB’ 000
    Trading of
RMB’ 000
RMB’ 000
RMB’ 000

Total segment revenue

     1,219,618       5,372,785       12,138,660       32,291,902       13,434,925       755,551       65,213,441  

Inter segment revenue

     —         (239,302     (6,877,155     (5,668,424     (120,706     (352,628     (13,258,215






















Revenue from external customers

     1,219,618       5,133,483       5,261,505       26,623,478       13,314,219       402,923       51,955,226  






















Timing of revenue recognition


At a point in time

     1,219,618       5,133,483       5,261,505       26,623,478       13,308,687       402,923       51,949,694  

Over time

     —         —         —         —         5,532       —         5,532  





















     1,219,618       5,133,483       5,261,505       26,623,478       13,314,219       402,923       51,955,226  






















Total gross (loss)/profit

     (201,185     423,781       426,682       134,331       73,757       42,356       899,722  
























Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Segment information(continued)



     Six months ended 30 June  
     2020      2019  
     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

Segment result – (loss)/profit from operations


Synthetic fibres

     (337,374      (222,079

Resins and plastics

     (313,186      332,716  

Intermediate petrochemicals

     (460,168      336,548  

Petroleum products

     (1,745,070      111,120  

Trading of petrochemical products

     20,983        40,762  


     95,706        55,521  







(Loss)/profit from operations

     (2,739,109      654,588  







Finance income – net

     151,022        213,744  

Share of net profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method

     278,712        497,230  







(Loss)/profit before income tax

     (2,309,375      1,365,562  









Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Segment information (continued)


     As at      As at  
     30 June 2020      31 December 2019  
     Total assets      Total assets  
     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

Allocated assets


Synthetic fibres

     963,616        997,650  

Resins and plastics

     1,715,148        1,802,681  

Intermediate petrochemicals

     3,386,704        3,721,337  

Petroleum products

     12,494,266        14,014,403  

Trading of petrochemical products

     1,444,611        1,492,405  


     2,256,266        2,294,668  







Allocated assets

     22,260,611        24,323,144  







Unallocated assets


Investments accounted for using the equity method

     5,435,290        5,208,758  

Cash and cash equivalents

     2,865,267        7,449,699  

Time deposits with banks

     7,022,284        5,020,073  

Deferred tax assets

     817,445        150,832  

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     3,727,444        3,318,407  

Derivative financial assets

     21,394        263  


     21,842        22,899  







Unallocated assets

     19,910,966        21,170,931  







Total assets

     42,171,577        45,494,075  









Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



Segment information (continued)


     As at      As at  
     30 June 2020      31 December 2019  
     Total liabilities      Total liabilities  
     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

Allocated liabilities


Synthetic fibres

     253,719        340,034  

Resins and plastics

     1,421,319        1,372,574  

Intermediate petrochemicals

     1,534,622        1,736,967  

Petroleum products

     7,379,088        8,482,596  

Trading of petrochemical products

     1,376,911        1,946,530  


     83,527        73,127  







Allocated liabilities

     12,049,186        13,951,828  







Unallocated liabilities



     3,030,000        1,547,600  

Deferred tax liabilities

     36,704        —    

Derivative financial liabilities

     33,028        799  







Unallocated liabilities

     3,099,732        1,548,399  







Total liabilities

     15,148,918        15,500,227  









Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)




(Loss)/profit before income tax



Finance income - net


     Six months ended
30 June
     2020      2019  
     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

Interest income

     176,082        209,960  

Net foreign exchange gains

     3,060        24,432  







Finance income

     179,142        234,392  







Interest on bank and other borrowings

     (35,274      (21,905

Less: amounts capitalized on qualifying assets

     7,154        1,257  







Finance expenses

     (28,120      (20,648







Finance income – net

     151,022        213,744  









Other gains/(losses) – net


     Six months ended
30 June
     2020      2019  
     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

Gains from structured deposits

     82,207        41,497  

Net gains/(losses) on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     2,186        (18,724

Net gains/(losses) on foreign exchange option contracts and forward exchange contracts

     1,275        (11,982

Net foreign exchange losses

     (1,366      (9,874

Net losses on selling of FVOCI

     (13,185      (14,219






     71,117        (13,302









Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)

3 Profit before income tax (continued)


(c) Operating items


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2020      2019  
     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  


     (780,290      (810,197

Research and development costs

     (47,528      (21,379

(Provision)/reversal of inventory write-down

     (3,836      26,743  

Net gains/(losses) on disposal of property, plant and equipment

     2,186        (18,724

Impairment of construction in progress

     —          (486

4 Income tax expense


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2020      2019  
     RMB’ 000  

Provision for PRC income tax for the period

     (17,477      (217,114

Deferred taxation

     663,777        1,588  






     646,300        (215,526







The provision for PRC income tax is calculated at the rate of 25% (six months ended 30 June 2019: 25%) on the estimated taxable income of the six months ended 30 June 2020 determined in accordance with relevant income tax rules and regulations.



Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)


5 (Losses)/earnings per share

(a) Basic

The calculation of basic (losses)/earnings per share is based on the loss attributable to equity shareholders of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2020 of RMB1,670,829 thousands (six months ended 30 June 2019: profit of RMB1,143,560 thousands) and 10,823,813,500 shares (six months ended 30 June 2019: 10,823,813,500 shares) in issue during the interim period.


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2020      2019  
     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

(Loss)/profit attributable to owners of the Company

     (1,670,829      1,143,560  

Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (thousands of shares)

     10,823,814        10,823,814  







Basic (losses)/earnings per share (RMB per share)

     RMB (0.154)        RMB 0.106  







(b) Diluted

There were no dilutive potential ordinary shares, therefore diluted earnings per share is the same as basic earnings per share.

6 Dividends

Pursuant to a resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting held on 18 June 2020, a total dividend of RMB1,298,858 thousand was declared for the year ended 31 December 2019 and subsequently paid in July 2020. The Board of Directors did not propose any dividend in respect of the six months ended 30 June 2020.

Pursuant to a resolution passed at the Annual General Meeting held on 20 June 2019, a total dividend of RMB2,705,953 thousand was declared for the year ended 31 December 2018 and subsequently paid in July 2019. The Board of Directors did not propose any dividend in respect of the six months ended 30 June 2019.



Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)


7 Trade and other receivables


     As at      As at  
     30 June 2020      31 December 2019  
     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

Trade receivables

     87,149        120,739  

Less: impairment provision

     —          —    






     87,149        120,739  







Amounts due from related parties

     1,764,146        1,521,187  






     1,851,295        1,641,926  







Other receivables

     79,622        26,101  






     1,930,917        1,668,027  









Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)

7 Trade and other receivables (continued)


The interest receivable amounted of RMB674 thousands was recorded in the balance of other receivables (31 December 2019: RMB10,927 thousands).

Amounts due from related parties mainly represent trade-related balances, unsecured in nature and bear no interest.

The aging analysis based on invoice date of trade receivables and amounts due from related parties excluded prepayments (net of allowance for doubtful debts) is as follows:


     As at
30 June 2020
RMB’ 000
     As at
31 December 2019
RMB’ 000

Within one year

     1,851,295        1,641,926  







Movements of the Group’s impairment provision for trade and other receivables are as follows:


     Six months ended 30 June  
     2020      2019  
     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

As at 1 January

     139        198  

Provision for receivables impairment

     —          2  







As at 30 June

     139        200  







As at 30 June 2020 and 31 December 2019, no trade receivables was pledged as collateral.

Sale to third parties are generally on cash basis or on letter of credit. Subject to negotiation, credit is generally only available for major customers with well-established trading records.



Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



8 Borrowings



As at

30 June 2020


As at

31 December 2019

     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

Credit loan due within one year-Short term bank loans

     3,030,000        1,547,600  







The weighted average interest rate for the Group’ s borrowings was 2.88% as at 30 June 2020 (31 December 2019: 3.35%).

As at 30 June 2020 and 31 December 2019, no borrowings were secured by property, plant and equipment.

The Group has the following undrawn facilities:



As at

30 June 2020


As at

31 December 2019

     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

Expiring within one year

     12,203,816        15,101,233  

Expiring beyond one year

     6,100,000        2,500,000  






     18,303,816        17,601,233  







These facilities have been arranged to finance the working capitals as well as ongoing investments on long-term assets.

The Company does not have any exposure to collateralized debt obligations. The Company has sufficient headroom to enable it to conform to covenants on its existing borrowings. The Company has sufficient undrawn financing facilities to service its operating activities and ongoing investments.



Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



9 Trade and other payables



As at

30 June 2020


As at

31 December 2019

     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

Trade payables

     1,709,215        2,142,402  

Bills payable

     850,800        673,900  

Amounts due to related parties

     5,083,409        5,708,394  






     7,643,424        8,524,696  







Staff salaries and welfares payable

     528,567        189,547  

Taxes payable (exclude income tax payable)

     1,584,480        3,577,018  

Interest payable

     2,197        1,686  

Dividends payable

     671,914        29,144  

Construction payable

     116,206        277,184  

Other liabilities

     1,084,736        439,119  






     3,988,100        4,513,698  






     11,631,524        13,038,394  







As at 30 June 2020 and 31 December 2019, all trade and other payables of the Group were non-interest bearing, and their fair value, approximated their carrying amounts due to their short maturities.

As at 30 June 2020, the amounts due to related parties included the dividend payable due to Sinopec Corp. of RMB655,200 thousands (31 December 2019: Nil).



Table of Contents

As at 30 June 2020 and 31 December 2019, the ageing analysis of the trade payables (including amounts due to related parties of trading in nature) and bills payable based on invoice date were as follows:



As at

30 June 2020


As at

31 December 2019

     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000  

Within one year

     7,617,002        8,509,327  

Between one and two years

     25,094        11,209  

Over two years

     1,328        4,160  






     7,643,424        8,524,696  









Table of Contents

Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information (Continued)



10 Reserves





    Hedging     Share
     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000     RMB’ 000     RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000      RMB’ 000     RMB’ 000  

Balance at 1 January 2019

     4,072,476        13,739        101,355        10,389       —         106,846        57,135        15,160,309       19,522,249  




























Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company

     —          —          —          —         —         —          —          1,143,560       1,143,560  

Dividends proposed and approved

     —          —          —          —         —         —          —          (2,705,953     (2,705,953

Appropriation of safety production fund

     —          —          —          —         —         —          5,314        (5,314     —    

Share of other comprehensive loss of investments accounted for using the equity method

     —          —          —          (3,667     —         —          —          —         (3,667




























Balance at 30 June 2019

     4,072,476        13,739        101,355        6,722       —         106,846        62,449        13,592,602       17,956,189  




























Balance at 1 January 2020

     4,072,476        13,739        101,355        17,838       —         106,846        57,137        14,670,083       19,039,474  




























Net loss attributable to shareholders of the Company

     —          —          —          —         —         —          —          (1,670,829     (1,670,829

Dividends proposed and approved

     —          —          —          —         —         —          —          (1,298,858     (1,298,858

Appropriation of safety production fund

     —          —          —          —         —         —          44,238        (44,238     —    

Change in fair value of hedging instruments

     —          —          —          —         (87,138     —          —          —         (87,138

Reclassified to cost of inventory

     —          —          —          —         75,794       —          —          —         75,794  

Deferred income tax

     —          —          —          —         2,836       —          —          —         2,836  

Share of other comprehensive loss of investments accounted for using the equity method

     —          —          —          (748     —         —          —          —         (748




























Balance at 30 June 2020

     4,072,476        13,739        101,355        17,090       (8,508     106,846        101,375        11,656,158       16,060,531  






























Table of Contents

By Order of the Board


Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited


Huang Fei


Joint Company Secretary

Shanghai, the PRC, 26 August 2020



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