
Obotan Gold Project (SW Ghana, West Africa)

--  Independent NI 43-101 compliant Feasibility Study confirms a financially
    and technically robust mining operation at Obotan, with key outcomes

--  Pre-tax NPV of US$614M and Post-tax NPV of US$387M, assuming a
    US$1,300/oz gold price, 5% discount rate and contract mining scenario
    (consistent with the January 2012 Pre-feasibility Study): 
    --  Pre-tax IRR of 35% and post-tax IRR of 28% 
    --  Capital payback period of 2.9 years 
--  At a gold price of US$1600/oz: 
        --  Pre-tax NPV rises to US$1.07B and post-tax NPV to US$686M 
        --  Pre-tax IRR increases to 54% and post-tax IRR to 43% 
        --  Capital payback period reduced to 2.0 years 
    --  Average gold production of 221,500oz pa over the first five years 
    --  Total production of 2.26 million recovered ounces of gold over the
        11.5-year mine life 
    --  Life-of-mine Project Revenue of US$2.9 billion 
    --  Estimated average life-of-mine cash operating costs of US$626/oz 
    --  Increased Proven and Probable Ore Reserves of 34.2Mt at 2.21g/t for
        2.43Moz of gold across four deposits - an increase of 170,000oz from
        the January 2012 Pre-feasibility Study 
    --  Capital cost estimate of US$296.6M including a pre-strip mining cost
        of US$82.2M 

--  Minerals Commission of Ghana has favorably recommended that the Mining
    Leases for the Obotan Gold Project be granted. 

Regional Exploration

--  Encouraging results from first-pass aircore drilling at the Afiefiso
    Project, 12km SW of Obotan, including: 
    --  16m @ 1.73 g/t Au from 11m (including 3m @ 7.58 g/t Au from 19m) 
    --  15m @ 1.16 g/t Au from 48m (including 2m @ 4.99 g/t Au from 48m) 
    --  3m @ 13.64 g/t Au from 12m (including 1m @ 40.57 g/t Au from 12m) 

--  First-phase drilling completed at the Fromenda Prospect, 15km SW of
    Obotan, intersecting high-grade gold mineralization of up to 38.18g/t

--  Encouraging results from diamond drilling at Kubi South, 1.5km south of
    the Kubi Main Deposit, including: 
    --  5m @ 3.33 g/t Au from 103m (including 2m @ 5.3 g/t Au from 103m) 
    --  8m @ 1.39 g/t Au from 116m (including 2m @ 2.56 g/t Au from 119m) 
    --  4m @ 1.55 g/t Au from 98m (including 1m @ 5.23 g/t Au from 101m) 
    --  2m @ 2.40 g/t Au from 120m (including 1m @ 4.1 g/t Au from 121m) 

Acquisitions & Business Development

--  Government approval received for the acquisition of a strategically
    located Mining Lease from Midras Mining Co. This important Mining Lease
    is contiguous with the southern boundary of the Obotan Gold Project. 

Corporate and Finance

--  Optimum Capital Pty Ltd engaged to assist PMI to identify and secure
    appropriate debt finance for development of the Obotan Project. 
--  Decision to apply for listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange. 
--  US$30M standby funding facility secured with Macquarie Bank Ltd while
    full funding facility for Obotan development is completed. 
--  C$100 million equity financing announced subsequent to Quarter end. 
--  The Company's cash position at the end of the September 2012 Quarter was


Since the completion of the Pre-feasibility Study on its flagship Obotan Gold
Project at the beginning of 2012, PMI Gold Corporation (TSX
VENTURE:PMV)(ASX:PVM)(FRANKFURT:PN3NF) has implemented a growth strategy
encompassing activities on three fronts in Ghana, West Africa, namely:

1.  Completion of a Feasibility Study to enable a development decision to be
    made for the Obotan Gold Project, paving the way for PMI to join the
    ranks of gold producers in West Africa; 
2.  Ongoing regional exploration of a series of targets on its extensive
    tenement holdings to identify new resources, both additional sources of
    oxide ore to feed the Obotan gold plant and potential future standalone
    gold production centres; and 
3.  To identify and implement strategic acquisitions to strengthen the
    Company's regional position in the highly prospective Asankrangwa Gold
    Belt of SW Ghana. 

To view, Figure 1: PMI Gold's project locations in south-west Ghana, please
click on the following link:


Obotan Gold Project

The Obotan Gold Project is an advanced gold development project in south-west
Ghana, with established resources located within the Company's Abore-Abirem and
Adubea concessions. These concessions lie within the northern 15km of the total
70km strike length of contiguous concessions the Company holds in the
Asankrangwa Gold Belt (Figure 2). 

The Obotan Project comprises four known deposits (see resource estimates below)
- the larger Nkran Deposit and the smaller satellite deposits at Abore, Adubiaso
and Asuadai. The Obotan Project was previously operated by Resolute Mining Ltd;
mining ceased in 2002 after producing a total of 730,000oz at an average grade
of 2.2g/t, when the gold priced averaged about US$350/oz. 

Unlike the other Obotan deposits, the Asuadai deposit has not previously been

To view, Figure 2: Obotan Project - Location of PMI Gold's Concessions and
Project Deposits,

Feasibility Study

During the September 2012 Quarter, PMI reported positive results from an
independent NI 43-101 Feasibility Study on the Obotan Project, through its
wholly-owned subsidiary Adansi Gold Company Ghana Limited ("Adansi"). The
Feasibility Study outlined a strong and viable gold project based on a gold
price of US$1,300/ounce that will form the cornerstone of PMI's emerging West
African gold production strategy. 

The strong economics of the Obotan Project provide a solid investment case for
financing and development of the Obotan Project with the commencement of
construction targeted during Q1 of 2013 to achieve first gold production from
Obotan in 2014, conditional on obtaining all statutory approvals, Board
Approval, and the finalization of financing arrangements. 

The Feasibility Study, which commenced in the January 2012 Quarter, was
completed by GR Engineering Services Limited ("GRES") with support and input
from a range of internationally renowned consultancy groups including SRK,
Orelogy, Knight Piesold and AERC. Cost estimates were based on quotes from five
mining contractors and firm tenders received from suppliers. 

Key highlights of the Feasibility Study include:

--  Increased Proven and Probable Reserves of 34.2Mt at 2.21g/t for 2.43Moz
    of contained gold were calculated as part of the Feasibility Study. This
    represents a 13% increase in tonnage and 8% increase in contained gold
    compared with the maiden Proven and Probable Ore Reserve in the January
    2012 Pre-feasibility Study (30.3Mt at 2.32g/t for 2.26Moz of gold). A
    4.7% reduction in grade has been offset by the conversion of additional
    Inferred Resources to Indicated Resources then into reserves as a result
    of successful in-fill drilling programs. There are additional Inferred
    Resources within the open pit which have not been included in the Ore
    Reserve but which may be converted in future. 

--  Life-of-mine production of 2.26Moz of recovered gold over an initial
    11.5-year production life (exclusive of 1 year pre-strip operations).
    The waste-to-ore ratio has been reduced from 7.6 in the Pre-feasibility
    Study to 6.4 (including the pre-strip). Post pre-strip, the life-of-mine
    strip ratio drops to 5.6:1. 

--  Life-of-mine average cash operating costs are estimated at US$626/oz
    (excluding royalties, refining costs and pre-strip). Total cash
    operating costs are estimated at US$722/oz including royalties and
    refining costs, (excluding pre-strip). 

Mineral Resources & Ore Reserves

The previously-reported JORC / NI43-101 compliant Mineral Resource inventory for
the Obotan Gold Project was estimated by SRK Consulting and reported to the
ASX/TSX on 11 April 2012, as outlined below:

NI 43-101/JORC Code Compliant: SRK Resource Estimate (March 2012), based on 
0.5 g/t Au lower cut-off grade                      
                      Measured                        Indicated            
              Tonnes      Grade     Ounces     Tonnes      Grade     Ounces
Deposit     (million)   (g/t Au)  (million)  (million)   (g/t Au)  (million)
Nkran          11.74       2.55       0.96      20.41       2.12       1.39
Adubiaso        1.50       2.98       0.14       2.67       2.41       0.21
Abore           2.33       1.78       0.13       3.70       1.53       0.18
Asuadai          n/a        n/a        n/a       2.44       1.28       0.10
TOTAL          15.57       2.47       1.23      29.21       2.00       1.88

                Measured & indicated                   Inferred            
              Tonnes      Grade     Ounces     Tonnes      Grade     Ounces
Deposit     (million)   (g/t Au)  (million)  (million)   (g/t Au)  (million)
Nkran          32.15       2.28       2.35      14.47       2.21       1.05
Adubiaso        4.17       2.59       0.35       1.25       1.91       0.08
Abore           6.03       1.60       0.31       3.92       1.50       0.19
Asuadai         2.44       1.28       0.10       2.00       1.33       0.08
TOTAL          44.79       2.16       3.11      21.91       1.99       1.40

(All resource numbers are rounded to 2 decimal places - 10,000 tonnes).

Following completion of mine optimization and planning, an updated Ore Reserve
statement was completed by Orelogy Mining Consultants, as outlined below:

NI 43-101/JORC Code Compliant: Feasibility Study Obotan Ore Reserve     
Class                                Tonnes (Mt)  Grade (g/t Au)  Gold (Moz)
Proven                                     14.8            2.39        1.14
Probable                                   19.4            2.08        1.30
Total                                      34.2            2.21        2.43

This compares to the previous Ore Reserves (below) as reported in the
Pre-feasibility Study announcement:

NI 43-101/JORC Code Compliant: Pre-Feasibility Obotan Ore Reserve     
Class                                Tonnes (Mt)  Grade (g/t Au)  Gold (Moz)
Proven                                     14.0            2.36        1.06
Probable                                   16.3            2.28        1.20
Total                                      30.3            2.32        2.26

(Any inconsistencies due to rounding.)

To view, Figure 3: Obotan Project - 3D View of the Nkran Deposit and Proposed
Open Pit Design, please click on the following link:

Key Project Parameters

The Feasibility Study results demonstrate a technically robust mining operation
with anticipated life-of-mine (LOM) parameters as follows:

Item                                    Description / Estimate              
Mining method                           Open Pit Mining                     
Processing rate                         3Mtpa primary ore, 3.8Mtpa oxide ore
Metallurgical recovery                  92.8% average                       
Total recovered gold                    2.26 million oz                     
Mine Production Life                    11.5 years                          
Cash operating costs                    $626/ oz                            
Pre-Production Capital Cost             $296.6M                             
Pre-tax operating cashflow              $953M                               
Life of Mine sustaining mine capital    $56.2M                              
Construction commencement(i)            1st Quarter  2013                   
First production(i)                     End of 1st Quarter 2014             

(i)Subject to Financial Investment Decision (FID) timing

Capital Cost Breakdown

Cost Area                                                        US$ Million
Process Plant Direct                                          $         83.6
Infrastructure                                                $         49.2
Indirect                                                      $         26.1
Spares and First Fills                                        $          8.9
Owners Costs                                                  $         26.2
Pre-Strip                                                     $         82.2
Mining Establishment                                          $         20.3
Initial Capital                                               $        296.6
Deferred & Sustaining Life of Mine Capital                    $         56.2

Operating Cost Breakdown

                                                                  US$/oz Au
                      Total Cost         US$/t Milled             Recovered
Costs                US$ Million     (excl. pre-strip)     (excl. pre-strip)
Mining            $        850.4  $             24.84  $              376.5
Processing        $        473.1  $             13.82  $              209.4
General &                                                                  
 Administration   $         90.6  $              2.65  $               40.1
Sub Total         $       1414.0  $             41.31  $              626.0
Bullion and       
 Refining         $         12.1  $              0.35  $                5.3
Royalties         $        205.6  $              6.01  $               91.0
Total Operating   
 Cost             $       1631.7  $             47.67  $              722.3

To view, Figure 4: Obotan Gold Project - 3D View of CIL 3.0Mtpa Gold Processing

Financial Evaluation

                                      @ U$1300 / ounce      @ U$1600 / ounce
Project revenue                   $              2.9 B  $             3.61 B
Project pre-tax cash flow         $              953 M  $             1.58 B
Project pre-tax NPV (5% discount                                            
 rate)                            $              614 M  $             1.07 B
Project pre-tax NPV (8% discount                                            
 rate)                            $              472 M  $              856 M
Project pre-tax IRR                                35%                   54%

Project Implementation

Subject to the Board of Directors' Financial Investment Decision (FID), key
project milestones comprise; 

Key Project Implementation Milestones - Targeted Dates           
                                                  CY2012    CY2013    CY2014
                                                 1H   2H   1H   2H   1H   2H
Completion of Feasibility Study                        X                    
Project Finance                                        X                    
Commencement of Construction                                X               
Mining Pre-strip                                            X               
First Production                                                      X     

Recommendation to Grant Mining Leases

During the Quarter, the Company received notification that the Minerals
Commission of Ghana has favorably recommended that the Minister of Lands and
Natural Resources grant the Mining Leases covering the Obotan Gold Project. PMI
subsequently paid the required fees and the application has been sent to the
Minister for signature. 

Once formally issued, the three 15-year Mining Leases (renewable under the terms
of the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006) will cover a total area of 93.24 sq km,
encompassing the four key deposits at Obotan, the main Nkran Deposit and the
smaller satellite deposits, Abore, Adubiaso and Asuadai.

The grant of the Obotan Mining Leases represents a key step towards commencement
of construction at Obotan with approval from the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) representing the final remaining outstanding regulatory approval required
to enable project construction to commence.


During the September 2012 Quarter, the Company continued an extensive regional
exploration push focusing on its highly prospective ground holdings at Obotan
(15km area of influence to the Nkran Deposit), Asanko (southern half of the
Asankrangwa Gold Belt containing strike extensions to Obotan) in the Asankrangwa
Gold Belt and Kubi in the Ashanti Gold Belt.

The multi-pronged exploration program has the objectives of: 

(1) identifying additional oxide resources within trucking distance of Obotan; 

(2) discovering new standalone gold deposits within the adjoining Asanko
concessions within the Asankrangwa Gold Belt; and 

(3) drill testing multiple gold targets delineated by airborne magnetics and
near-surface geochemical sampling undertaken in 2011 at Kubi. 

Obotan Gold Project - Exploration Area of Influence

The Obotan Exploration Area of Influence is defined by a 15km trucking radius of
the Nkran Deposit.

Afiefiso Prospect 

The Afiefiso Prospect is a new discovery strategically located 15km south-west
of Obotan (Figure 5).

During the Quarter drilling was completed and all assay results returned from
first-pass Air Core exploration drilling program at the Afiefiso Prospect - a
high priority target identified and tested in the Company's +100,000m regional
exploration push undertaken during the first half of 2012. 

To view, Figure 5: Location of Afiefiso, Fromenda and Kubi South Prospects,
please click on the following link:

Drilling was designed as a first-pass test of a strong (greater than 100ppb)
gold-in-soil geochemical anomaly, defined by previous explorers, which extends
over a length of 2km striking north-east and is 200-500m wide. 

The soil anomaly is situated in a similar geological setting to the Obotan gold
deposits, at the junction of the regional north-east trending Fromenda Shear and
interpreted east-northeasterly cross-cutting structures within a sequence of
meta-sedimentary rocks. The program comprised broadly spaced reconnaissance Air
Core traverses (145 holes on four traverses at 200-800m intervals; Figure 2)
which commenced in March 2012. A total of 10,018m has been drilled into the

The reconnaissance Air Core drilling program intersected multiple zones of
anomalous gold at shallow depths (less than 100m), striking parallel to the
Fromenda Shear over a length of up to 1,600m and downhole widths of 2-12m. 

All assay results have been received for the 145 holes from MinAnalytical
Laboratory in Perth, Australia. Encouraging shallow gold intersections recorded

--  AFAC12-001 16m @ 1.73 g/t Au from 11m (including 3m @ 7.58 g/t Au from
--  AFAC12-003 6m @ 0.72 g/t Au from 21m 
--  AFAC12-011 15m @ 1.16 g/t Au from 44m (including 2m @ 4.99 g/t Au from
--  AFAC12-016 9m @ 0.97 g/t Au from 49m (including 2m @ 2.76 g/t Au from
--  AFAC12-073 3m @ 13.64 g/t Au from 12m (including 1m @ 40.57 g/t Au from

The results highlight the potential of the Fromenda Shear to host gold
mineralization, and the success of utilising the historical soil geochemical
data - notwithstanding the obscuring effects of alluvial and cultural processes.

PMI is currently reviewing the results of its regional exploration push with the
aim of prioritizing the prospects for further follow up drilling for the last
quarter of 2012 and leading into 2013.

Fromenda Prospect

Further positive results were received from the first phase of RC drilling
carried out at the Fromenda Prospect, part of the Obotan Exploration Area of
Influence (Figure 5).

The prospect is situated on the north-east trending regional Fromenda Shear,
which is interpreted from geophysical data to occur towards the eastern margin
of a regional, north-east trending structural corridor which extends over the
70km strike extent of PMI's Asankrangwa tenements. The corridor comprises a
parallel series of at least three continuous shear zones (Abore, Nkran and
Fromenda) interpreted to control the regional distribution of gold
mineralization, particularly at intersections with cross-cutting east-northeast
structures as characterizes PMI's Obotan deposits to the north.

Drilling at the Fromenda Prospect commenced in February 2012, with 68 RC holes
drilled for a total of 6,775m. The drilling program was planned to evaluate the
broader extent of the mineralized system at shallow depths, with some in-filling
of the historical drill pattern over a previously delineated gold in soil
anomaly. The results of 13 holes were released in April (refer to ASX/TSX
release dated April 30th 2012). 

All outstanding assays were received during the Quarter, with highlights of the
remaining results including:

--  NBRC12-021 5m @ 1.33g/t Au from 36m 
--  NBRC12-030 2m @ 3.94g/t Au from 21m 
--  NBRC12-035 36m @ 1.74g/t Au from 82m (including 1m @ 11.78g/t Au from
--  NBRC12-036 3m @ 2.07g/t Au from 116m 
--  NBRC12-038 40m @ 2.06g/t Au from 55m 
--  NBRC12-054 8m @ 6.80g/t Au from 18m (including 1m @ 38.18g/t Au from
--  NBRC12-055 17m @ 4.28g/t Au from 4m (including 3m @ 15.58g/t Au from

Drilling has delineated a gold system over a strike extent of more than 500m
(Figure 6). Many of the largest gold deposits in Ghana have short strike lengths
with substantial steep-plunging deep roots. 

The gold is hosted in a steeply dipping stockwork of quartz veins hosted by a
sequence of metavolcanics and sedimentary rocks. The drilling results have
confirmed the internal continuity of known mineralization and extended it to
depths in excess of 100m. It has also shown that the gold mineralization is open
along strike to both the north and south, and is open down-dip offering the
potential to be a more extensive system than presently drilled.

To view, Figure 6: Collar Location Plan of RC Drilling at the Fromenda Prospect,

Kubi Gold Project

The 100%-owned Kubi Gold Project is located 65km east of the Obotan Project and
15km south and along strike from AngloGold Ashanti's 60Moz Obuasi Mine within
the +100Moz Ashanti trend. The Project contains existing resources comprising a
Measured Resource of 112,000oz, an Indicated Resource of 121,000oz and an
Inferred Resource of 115,000oz. 

The Kubi Project was mined by the previous tenement holder, with a total of
500,000 tonnes grading 3.65g/t extracted from two shallow pits yielding 59,000oz
of gold up until 2005. This previous mining focused on just 400m of a total
strike length of +1km of the deposit, with the project offering the potential to
develop and mine steeply-plunging 6-8g/t shoots which remain open at depth.

PMI is undertaking an evaluation of this resource in parallel with a broader
regional exploration push targeting major new discoveries at the intersection of
two major regional geological structures - the north-south trending Ashanti
shear zone and the east-west trending structures associated with Perseus
Mining's 6.6Moz Ayanfuri deposit, located 12km to the south-west. 

Kubi South Prospect 

Diamond drilling at the Kubi South Prospect, within PMI's 100%-owned Kubi
Project (Figure 5), was completed in the June Quarter with all assay results
received during the reporting Quarter. Drilling intersected multiple zones of
significant gold mineralization ranging in strike length from 150m to 300m, open
along strike to both the north and south, and also down dip.

The diamond drilling program was aimed at in-filling historical intercepts and
testing the continuity of known mineralization along strike and down dip. Holes
were drilled on a nominal 100m line spacing 25m apart. A total of 12 holes for
2,164.5m were drilled. 

All samples were sent to MinAnalytical Laboratory, Perth, with encouraging
results including:

--  KV12-540 5m @ 3.33 g/t Au from 103m (including 2m @ 5.3 g/t Au from
--  KV12-546 2m @ 2.40 g/t Au from 120m (including 1m @ 4.1 g/t from 121m) 
--  KV12-549 8m @ 1.39 g/t Au from 116m (including 2m @ 2.56 g/t Au from
--  KV12-551 4m @ 1.55 g/t Au from 98m (including 1m @ 5.23 g/t Au from

Mineralization is hosted within a 1m to 15m thick garnetiferous horizon within
Birimian-age metasediments, near the contact with Tarkwaian-age metasedimentary
rocks, which has been confirmed over a strike of 300m and is open both to the
north and south and also down-dip. 

The geological and structural setting of the Kubi South Prospect is identical to
that at the Kubi Main Deposit. A series of east-northeast structures have also
been identified from airborne and ground geophysical surveys. These structures
coincide with Perseus Mining's Edikan Gold Mine (6.6Moz), 12km to the southwest,
and are considered favourable hosts for gold mineralization in Ghana. 


On the 9th of July, PMI entered into an agreement with Midras Mining Company Ltd
to acquire the Datano Mining Lease which is contiguous with the southern
boundary of PMI's Obotan Gold Project, in-filling a major gap in PMI's tenement
coverage of the gold mineralized structures. 

The parties agreed to a purchase price of US$6 million for PMI to acquire 100%
of the project area, contingent upon obtaining the approval of the sale and
transfer of the Mining Lease to Adansi by the Ghana Minerals Commission and
Minister of Lands, Forestry and Mines.

Adansi received formal notification from the Ghanaian Minister of Lands,
Forestry and Mines, Hon. M. Hammah, that he had approved the assignment of the
Datano-Manso Mining Lease from Midras to Adansi on 16 August.

This cleared the way for the acquisition to be completed, with settlement
completed at the end of August 2012.

The concession covers an area of 50km2 and sits strategically south of the Nkran
Deposit, providing PMI access to additional southern extensions of the
mineralized Nkran and Fromenda structures and the opportunity to develop
additional oxide resource targets close to the Obotan Project. The lease area
also provides greater flexibility in the design of infrastructure within the
Obotan Project Feasibility Study design. 


US$30 Million Standby Funding Facility 

During the Quarter the Company entered into a committed letter offer for a US$30
million standby funding facility from Macquarie Bank Limited while it completes
the full funding package for development of its flagship 100%-owned Obotan Gold
Project in Ghana. 

The standby funding facility gives the Company additional flexibility, if
required, to draw down on the additional funding to undertake key
pre-development activities including engineering design, environmental studies
and other statutory approvals. 

This additional flexibility will put the Company in the strongest possible
position while it finalises an appropriate funding package for Obotan. PMI is
currently in advanced discussions with a number of parties to fully fund the
Project and looks forward to advising the market when those arrangements are

The Board is pleased to obtain the support of Macquarie, PMI's largest
shareholder and an experienced Project Finance provider for projects in West
Africa, and views this arrangement as a positive endorsement of the Company and
the Project. Some of the key terms of the Macquarie Facility include:

--  Maturity date is the earlier of 30 June 2014 or the first draw-down
    under a project financing/equity funding of the Project; 
--  Interest rate of 6% over LIBOR; 
--  Associated warrant issue terms are as follows: 
    --  600,000 facility fee warrants; 
    --  Draw-down warrants: being 50% of drawn down funds divided by the
        exercise price; and 
    --  All warrants expiring 3 years from date of issue at an exercise
        price at a premium to VWAP in CAD; 
--  Cancellable in whole or in part at the discretion of the borrower; 
--  Security and general commercial terms standard for this type of
    facility; and 
--  This facility and the project finance facility are non-related. 

Proposed TSX Listing

PMI's Board has resolved to apply for quotation of its securities on the main
board of the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), which is expected to raise the
profile of the Company as well as make investment in PMI available to a broader
shareholder base as it moves towards production at Obotan.

Appointment of Optimum Capital to assist with securing project finance 

In July PMI engaged Optimum Capital Pty Ltd. ("Optimum Capital") to assist the
Company to identify and secure appropriate debt finance for development of the
Obotan Gold Project.

Optimum Capital is a well-known and independent advisory house based in
Australia that focuses on the mid-tier mining sector. Optimum Capital's team
provides commercial, financial and technical skills and experience aimed at
assisting clients to optimize their debt funding outcomes.

The full range of available financing alternatives is being explored in order to
ensure the best result for shareholders. PMI has received expressions of
interest to provide project debt finance for the Obotan Project from 12
international banks. 

Together with Optimum Capital, PMI has reduced these to a short-list of
potential funders to provide project finance to PMI. Each of the shortlisted
banks has a strong global reputation and demonstrated experience in financing
mining projects in Ghana.

Communications with the shortlisted banks have commenced on a range of issues
and due diligence is also underway. 

C$100 Million Equity Financing

Subsequent to the end of the Quarter, in early October PMI announced that it had
entered into an underwriting agreement with a syndicate of underwriters led by
Clarus Securities Inc. and RBC Capital Markets as joint bookrunners and co-lead
underwriters, and including Canaccord Genuity Corp., Euroz Securities Limited,
GMP Securities L.P. and Raymond James Ltd. (collectively, the "Underwriters") to
sell 119,050,000 Common Shares of the Company at a price of C$0.84 per share for
gross proceeds of C$100,002,000. 

In addition, the Company has granted the Underwriters an over-allotment option
to purchase up to that number of additional Common Shares equal to 15% of the
Common Shares sold pursuant to the Offering, exercisable at any time up to 30
days after the closing of the Offering.

The Company plans to use the net proceeds of the Offering to fund the
development of the Company's Obotan Gold Project in accordance with its
Feasibility Study, for Ghana exploration activities and for general and
administrative expenses.

The Offering is subject to customary conditions and receipt of required
regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange, as
well as shareholder approval by application of certain rules of the Australian
Securities Exchange. The Common Shares will be offered in Canada (other than
Quebec) by short form prospectus, and in Australia and the United States on a
private placement basis, and in other jurisdictions outside of Canada, Australia
and the United States which are agreed to by the Company and the Underwriters,
where the Common Shares can be issued on a private placement basis, exempt from
any prospectus, registration or other similar requirements. 

The Offering is expected to close on or about November 13, 2012.

Collin Ellison

On behalf of the Board,

Managing Director & CEO

Competent Person Statement

Obotan Gold Project:

Feasibility Study Mineral Resources and Reserves Estimate:

Information that relates to Mineral Resources at the Obotan Gold Project is
based on a resource estimate that has been carried out by Mr. Peter Gleeson, a
full time employee of SRK Consulting, Australia. Mr. Gleeson is a Member of the
Australian Institute of Geoscientists (MAIG). Information that relates to
Mineral Reserves (for the Feasibility Study) at the Obotan Gold Project is based
on a reserve estimate that has been carried out by Mr. Ross Cheyne, a full time
employee of Orelogy Mining Consultants. Mr. Cheyne is a Fellow of the
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (FAusIMM). Both have sufficient
experience which is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit
under consideration and to the activity undertaken to qualify as a Competent
Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of
Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC), and as a
Qualified Person (by ROPO) as defined in terms of NI 43-101 standards for
resource estimate of gold. Mr. Gleeson and Mr. Cheyne have more than 5 years'
experience in the field of exploration results and of resource/reserve
estimation and consent to and approve the inclusion of matters based on
information in the form and context in which it appears.

Technical Notes:

1.  The Orelogy Mineral Reserve was estimated by construction of a block
    model within constraining wireframes based on Measured and Indicated
2.  The Reserve is reported at lower a cut-off grade of 0.5g/t Au, which
    defines the continuous/semi-continuous mineralized zone potentially
    amenable to the low grade, bulk tonnage mining scenario currently being
    considered by PMI. 
3.  The grades and Reserve tonnes have been modified by an average ore loss
    and mining dilution of 4.8% with a mining dilution grade of 0.0g/t gold.
4.  An average metallurgical recovery of 92.8% was used in defining the
    optimal pit shell. 
5.  The Mineral Reserves are based on the March 2012 Mineral resource
    reports for the Nkran, Adubiaso, Abore and Asuadai deposits. 
6.  All tonnes reported are dry tonnes. 
7.  The base case pit optimization utilized a US$1,300/oz gold price 
8.  Mineral Reserves are reported in accordance with the NI 43-101 & JORC. 

The Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimates have been prepared in
accordance with the 2010 Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
(CIM) Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserve as
incorporated by reference in National Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian
Securities Administrators, and is consistent with the Australasian Guidelines
and Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore
Reserves (Revised December 2007) as prepared by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee
of the AusIMM, AIG and MCA (JORC). 

PMI filed a NI 43-101 compliant technical report on the Obotan Project outlining
the Mineral Resources and Reserves Estimate and the result of the Feasibility
Study on September 17, 2012. The NI 43-101 technical report was prepared by GR
Engineering Services Limited, and co-authored by P. Gleeson, B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc,
MAIGS, MGSA, J. Price, FAusIMM (CP), FGS, MIE(Aust.), R Cheyne, BEng. (Mining),
FAusIMM, CEng (IEI), and G. Neeling, BAppSc. (Multidisciplinary) FAusIMM, each
of whom is independent for the purposes of NI 43-101. Mr. Collin Ellison,
President & CEO, BSc Mining, IMO3, C.Eng, a "qualified person" within the
definition of that term in NI 43-101, has supervised the preparation of the
technical information regarding the Company's mineral projects which is not
covered by the filed NI 43-101 technical reports on the Obotan Project. 

Pre-Feasibility Study Mineral Reserves Estimates:

Information that relates to Pre-feasibility Study Mineral Reserves as previously
reported on the Obotan Gold Project is based on a reserve estimate that has been
carried out by Mr. Duncan Pratt, a full time employee of SRK Consulting,
Australia. Mr. Pratt (CP Mining) is a Member of the Australasian Institute of
Mining and Metallurgy (MAusIMM) and has sufficient experience which is relevant
to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to
the activities undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the
2004 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results,
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC), and as a Qualified Person in terms of
NI 43-101. Mr. Pratt consents to and approves the inclusion of matters based on
information in the form and context in which it appears.

Technical Notes:

1.  The SRK Mineral Reserve was estimated by construction of a block model
    within constraining wireframes based on Measured and Indicated
2.  The Reserve is reported at lower a cut-off grade of 0.5g/t Au, which
    defines the continuous/semi-continuous mineralized zone potentially
    amenable to the low grade, bulk tonnage mining scenario currently being
    considered by PMI. 
3.  The grades and Reserve tonnes have been modified by a 95% mining
    recovery and a 5% allowance for mining dilution at 0.0g/t gold. 
4.  At 93% metallurgical recovery for Oxide and Transitional material and
    94.5% metallurgical recovery for Fresh material was used in defining the
    optimal pit shell. 
5.  The Mineral Reserves are based on the October 2011 Mineral resource
    reports for the Nkran, Adubiaso, Abore and Asuadai deposits. 
6.  All tonnes reported are dry tonnes. 
7.  The base case pit optimization utilized a US$1,300/oz gold price. 
8.  Mineral Reserves are reported in accordance with the NI 43-101 & JORC. 

Kubi Gold Project:

The information that relates to Mineral Resources at the Kubi Main Deposit,
Ghana, is based on a resource estimate that has been audited by Simon Meadows
Smith, who is a full time employee of SEMS Exploration Services Ltd, Ghana.
Simon Meadows Smith is a Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and
Mining (IMO3), London and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the
style of mineralization and type of deposit under consideration and to the
activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in
the 2004 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results,
Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, and under NI43-101. Simon Meadows Smith
consents to the inclusion in the presentation of the matters based on
information in the form and context in which it appears.

Technical Notes:

1.  Resources figures for Kubi are based on a 2.0g/t Au cut-off grade 
2.  Mineral Resources are reported in accordance with NI43-101 & JORC. 

Exploration Results:

The information that relates to Exploration Results is based on information
compiled by Thomas Amoah, who is employed by Adansi Gold Company (Gh) Ltd, a
wholly owned subsidiary of PMI Gold Corporation. Mr Amoah, who is a Member of
the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (MAIG), has sufficient experience
which is relevant to the style of mineralization and type of deposit under
consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a
Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for
Reporting Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr Amoah
consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information
in the form and context in which it appears. 

Scientific and technical information relating to Exploration Results has been
reviewed and approved by Thomas Amoah, MAIG, MSEG. a "qualified person" as
defined under National Instrument 43-101. Field work was supervised by Mr. Amoah
(VP-Exploration). Drill cuttings were logged and sampled on site, with 3kg
samples sent to the MinAnalytical prep laboratory on site, and analyzed for gold
by fire assay-AA on a 50 gram sample charge or by screened metallics AA finish
in MinAnalytical laboratory in Perth. Internal QC consisted of inserting both
blanks and standards into the sample stream and multiple re-assays of selected
anomalous samples. Where multiple assays were received for an interval, the
final value reported was the screened metallic assay if available, or in lieu of
that the average of the other results for the interval. Results from the QC
program suggest that the reported results are accurate. Intercepts were
calculated using either a minimum 0.1 g/t Au (Afiefiso Prospect) or 0.5 g/t Au
(Fromenda Prospect and Kubi South) cut off at the beginning and the end of the
intercept and allowing for no more than three consecutive metres of less than
0.1 g/t Au (Afiefiso Prospect) or 0.5 g/t Au (Fromenda Prospect and Kubi South
Prospect) internal dilution. True widths are estimated at from 60% to 70% of the
stated core length.

Forward-Looking Statements

This Quarterly Activity Update Report includes forward-looking statements or
information. Forward-looking statements or information involve risks,
uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, performances,
prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied
by such forward-looking statement. All statements other than statements of
historical fact included in this release, including, without limitation,
statements regarding future gold production; initial mine life; average annual
gold production; forecast life of mine cash cost; initial capital cost; forecast
operating parameters including ore mined, mill feed and recoveries;
determination of a development decision for the Obotan Project; full production;
and financial outcomes of the FS, including NPV; the timing and use of proceeds
of the Offering and the completion of the Offering, are forward-looking
statements of information. There can be no assurance that such statements will
prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ
materially from those anticipated in such statements or information. Important
factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's
plans or expectations include the actual results of current exploration
activities; changes in gold prices; changes in exchange rates; possibility of
equipment breakdowns, delays and availability; changes in mine plans;
exploration cost overruns; unexpected increases in costs of equipment, steel,
cement and consumables such as diesel and fuel oil; unexpected environmental
liabilities or social charges; the unknown impact of the 10% windfall profit tax
announced by the Government of Ghana; title defects; the failure of contract
parties to perform; the unavailability of capital and financing; marketing
activities, changes in gold prices; adverse general economic, market or business
conditions; regulatory changes; failure to receive necessary government or
regulatory approvals; and other risks and factors detailed herein and from time
to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators and stock
exchanges, including in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the Company's
Annual Information Form dated September 25, 2012. 

Any forward-looking statement or information only speaks as of the date on which
it was made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the
Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking
statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
Although the Company believes that the assumptions inherent in the
forward-looking statements are reasonable, forward-looking statements are not
guarantees of future performance and accordingly undue reliance should not be
put on such.

Table 1: Significant Gold Intercepts

Afiefiso Prospect (greater than 0.1% Au)

NOTE: True widths are approximately 60-70% of the length of the stated
intersection lengths 

                            Easting  Northing                       
Prospect         Hole ID       (UTM)     (UTM)  RL (UTM)   Dip  Azimuth
Afiefiso      AFAC12-001   606819.0  687799.0    157.00    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-002   606547.8  688098.4     157.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-003   606582.5  688062.9     157.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-004   606616.3  688026.0     155.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-005   606649.2  687988.9     156.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-006   606681.6  687950.3     156.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-007   606714.9  687912.4     155.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-008   606749.3  687877.4     151.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-009   606781.9  687840.2     145.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-010   606815.0  687802.1     144.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-011   606485.3  688177.4     158.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-012   606449.0  688212.0     158.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-013   606419.2  688251.9     158.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-014   606383.6  688286.6     157.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-015   606351.5  688325.4     157.1    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-016   606319.3  688362.9     157.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-017   606283.1  688397.4     157.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-018   606249.2  688434.3     158.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-019   606213.6  688468.9     159.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-020   606180.5  688506.5     159.2    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-021   606145.0  688541.8     159.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-022   606110.2  688577.5     159.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-023   606076.8  688614.6     159.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-024   606041.8  688650.4     158.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-025   606007.7  688686.6     158.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-026   605974.4  688724.5     158.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-027   605936.2  688753.8     159.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-028   605899.3  688789.6     160.1    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-029   605864.8  688826.1     157.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-030   605827.4  688858.4     161.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-031   605791.2  688892.9     161.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-032   605754.3  688927.2     159.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-033   605718.0  688961.3     156.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-034   605680.4  688993.8     153.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-035   605642.4  689026.3     149.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-036   605607.1  689061.7     147.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-037   605572.7  689097.8     144.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-038   605533.6  689128.5     140.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-039   605496.1  689161.8     137.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-040   605458.4  689194.5     137.2    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-041   605421.7  689227.9     137.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-042   605385.0  689261.9     136.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-043   605298.0  689328.3     135.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-044   605255.6  689366.4     146.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-045   605221.8  689397.0     141.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-046   605183.2  689430.8     142.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-047   605145.3  689463.9     149.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-048   605107.6  689495.5     157.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-049   605074.6  689532.2     160.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-050   605035.7  689565.1     158.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-051   605001.3  689600.6     156.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-052   604974.8  689645.3     148.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-053   606620.1  689134.6     139.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-054   606577.2  689163.6     141.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-055   606541.1  689196.5     149.1    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-056   606507.2  689232.8     154.2    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-057   606475.1  689270.0     157.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-058   606441.2  689305.3     158.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-059   606402.8  689341.7     159.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-060   606371.1  689378.4     160.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-061   606334.2  689413.0     160.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-062   606303.9  689443.3     161.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-063   606264.5  689482.5     161.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-064   606227.0  689516.3     161.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-065   606191.8  689551.9     160.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-066   606155.5  689586.3     159.2    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-067   606123.7  689620.1     158.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-068   606081.6  689653.3     157.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-069   606044.9  689687.5     156.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-070   606005.4  689718.5     156.2    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-071   605967.9  689751.0     155.2    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-072   605928.7  689782.3     155.2    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-073   605893.1  689817.3     156.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-073   605893.1  689817.3     156.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-074   605854.5  689849.5     157.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-075   605812.5  689877.7     160.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-076   605772.6  689908.0     161.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-077   605733.8  689939.4     163.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-078   605696.9  689973.2     166.2    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-079   605660.4  690007.3     168.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-080   605626.1  690041.7     169.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-081   605587.2  690074.7     170.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-082   605550.9  690109.5     171.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-083   605511.9  690140.9     171.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-084   607693.3  689175.9     139.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-085   607671.3  689211.2     139.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-086   607634.7  689248.5     141.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-087   607599.6  689283.6     143.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-088   607516.3  689346.4     147.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-089   607495.5  689392.2     149.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-090   607460.3  689427.0     152.1    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-091   607425.5  689463.2     155.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-092   607390.3  689497.5     155.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-093   607343.5  689516.1     155.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-094   607324.5  689565.2     153.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-095   607291.9  689603.2     155.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-096   607257.7  689640.1     156.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-097   607221.2  689674.9     157.1    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-098   607186.1  689709.8     156.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-099   607150.7  689746.0     156.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-100   607115.4  689781.2     157.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-101   607079.9  689816.7     158.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-102   607045.6  689853.7     159.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-103   607011.0  689889.0     160.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-104   606975.1  689924.2     161.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-105   606938.5  689957.5     163.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-106   606903.7  689994.7     163.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-107   606868.7  690028.2     163.1    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-108   606832.2  690062.0     163.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-109   606783.0  690084.4     162.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-110   606759.9  690132.3     163.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-111   606721.3  690165.6     163.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-112   606684.1  690197.9     163.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-113   606644.4  690228.8     164.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-114   606603.4  690266.2     163.4    -50      135
Afiefiso     AFAC12-115B   606566.5  690297.4     162.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-116   606526.0  690327.8     160.7    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-117   606485.7  690355.9     160.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-118   606445.5  690385.7     160.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-119   606404.5  690413.8     161.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-120   606362.7  690441.9     162.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-121   606321.4  690470.7     162.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-122   606306.9  690483.7     162.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-123   607540.4  689319.0     146.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-124   607293.1  689115.1     132.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-125   607244.4  689111.0     138.1    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-126   607195.0  689106.8     140.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-127   607201.7  689107.3     142.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-128   607251.3  689111.5     144.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-129   607301.6  689115.8     143.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-130   607227.9  689109.6     143.8    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-131   607178.6  689105.4     143.1    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-132   607128.7  689101.1     143.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-133   607079.0  689096.9     143.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-134   607064.6  689095.7     143.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-135   607088.8  689097.8     145.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-136   606430.9  687945.7     146.9    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-137   606390.3  687975.9     149.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-138   606349.7  688008.3     152.4    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-139   606311.6  688040.5     154.6    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-140   606272.1  688071.9     154.5    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-141   606235.8  688105.9     155.2    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-142   606195.5  688137.0     156.3    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-143   606156.3  688169.0     157.4   -50       135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-144   606114.7  688203.3     158.0    -50      135
Afiefiso      AFAC12-145  606076.92 688235.32    157.73    -50      135

                                         Depth  Depth              Weighted
                      Easting  Northing   From     To  Interval  Avg. Grade
Prospect     Hole ID     (UTM)     (UTM)    (m)    (m)       (m)       (g/t)
Afiefiso  AFAC12-001 606819.0  687799.0  11.00  27.00     16.00        1.73
                       Including         19.00  22.00      3.00        7.58
                                         31.00  34.00      3.00        0.43
Afiefiso  AFAC12-002 606547.8  688098.4  12.00  14.00      2.00        0.13
Afiefiso  AFAC12-003 606582.5  688062.9  21.00  27.00      6.00        0.72
Afiefiso  AFAC12-004 606616.3  688026.0      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-005 606649.2  687988.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-006 606681.6  687950.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-007 606714.9  687912.4      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-008 606749.3  687877.4      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-009 606781.9  687840.2      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-010 606815.0  687802.1      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-011 606485.3  688177.4  30.00  32.00      2.00        1.11
                                         44.00  59.00     15.00        1.16
                       Including         48.00  50.00      2.00        4.99
Afiefiso  AFAC12-012 606449.0  688212.0  73.00  75.00      2.00        0.26
Afiefiso  AFAC12-013 606419.2  688251.9   1.00   4.00      3.00        0.25
Afiefiso  AFAC12-014 606383.6  688286.6      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-015 606351.5  688325.4      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-016 606319.3  688362.9  49.00  58.00      9.00        0.97
                       Including         50.00  52.00      2.00        2.76
Afiefiso  AFAC12-017 606283.1  688397.4      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-018 606249.2  688434.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-019 606213.6  688468.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-020 606180.5  688506.5      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-021 606145.0  688541.8      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-022 606110.2  688577.5      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-023 606076.8  688614.6  38.00  40.00      2.00         0.3
                                         44.00  46.00      2.00        0.25
Afiefiso  AFAC12-024 606041.8  688650.4      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-025 606007.7  688686.6      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-026 605974.4  688724.5      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-027 605936.2  688753.8      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-028 605899.3  688789.6      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-029 605864.8  688826.1      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-030 605827.4  688858.4  19.00  20.00      1.00        1.39
Afiefiso  AFAC12-031 605791.2  688892.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-032 605754.3  688927.2      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-033 605718.0  688961.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-034 605680.4  688993.8  30.00  32.00      2.00        0.27
Afiefiso  AFAC12-035 605642.4  689026.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-036 605607.1  689061.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-037 605572.7  689097.8   4.00   8.00      4.00        0.18
Afiefiso  AFAC12-038 605533.6  689128.5      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-039 605496.1  689161.8   1.00   3.00      2.00        0.17
Afiefiso  AFAC12-040 605458.4  689194.5      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-041 605421.7  689227.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-042 605385.0  689261.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-043 605298.0  689328.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-044 605255.6  689366.4      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-045 605221.8  689397.0      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-046 605183.2  689430.8      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-047 605145.3  689463.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-048 605107.6  689495.5      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-049 605074.6  689532.2      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-050 605035.7  689565.1      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-051 605001.3  689600.6      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-052 604974.8  689645.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-053 606620.1  689134.6      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-054 606577.2  689163.6      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-055 606541.1  689196.5      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-056 606507.2  689232.8      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-057 606475.1  689270.0      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-058 606441.2  689305.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-059 606402.8  689341.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-060 606371.1  689378.4      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-061 606334.2  689413.0  37.00  48.00     11.00        0.27
Afiefiso  AFAC12-062 606303.9  689443.3   6.00   8.00      2.00        0.38
Afiefiso  AFAC12-063 606264.5  689482.5   6.00   8.00      2.00        0.77
Afiefiso  AFAC12-064 606227.0  689516.3   6.00   9.00      3.00        0.24
Afiefiso  AFAC12-065 606191.8  689551.9   6.00   8.00      2.00        0.27
Afiefiso  AFAC12-066 606155.5  689586.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-067 606123.7  689620.1      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-068 606081.6  689653.3   3.00   4.00      1.00        2.72
                                         12.00  13.00      1.00        1.31
Afiefiso  AFAC12-069 606044.9  689687.5  10.00  12.00      2.00        1.12
Afiefiso  AFAC12-070 606005.4  689718.5  15.00  20.00      5.00        0.42
Afiefiso  AFAC12-071 605967.9  689751.0      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-072 605928.7  689782.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-073 605893.1  689817.3   7.00   9.00      2.00         0.6
Afiefiso  AFAC12-073 605893.1  689817.3  12.00  15.00      3.00       13.64
                       Including         12.00  13.00      1.00       40.57
Afiefiso  AFAC12-074 605854.5  689849.5      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-075 605812.5  689877.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-076 605772.6  689908.0   0.00   2.00      2.00        0.51
Afiefiso  AFAC12-077 605733.8  689939.4      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-078 605696.9  689973.2      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-079 605660.4  690007.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-080 605626.1  690041.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-081 605587.2  690074.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-082 605550.9  690109.5      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-083 605511.9  690140.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-084 607693.3  689175.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-085 607671.3  689211.2  52.00  53.00      1.00        1.10
Afiefiso  AFAC12-086 607634.7  689248.5  27.00  35.00      8.00        0.44
Afiefiso  AFAC12-087 607599.6  689283.6   1.00   6.00      5.00         0.5
Afiefiso  AFAC12-088 607516.3  689346.4   1.00   3.00      2.00        0.85
                                         72.00  74.00      2.00        1.74
Afiefiso  AFAC12-089 607495.5  689392.2  13.00  16.00      3.00        0.11
Afiefiso  AFAC12-090 607460.3  689427.0      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-091 607425.5  689463.2   4.00  12.00      8.00        0.16
                                         65.00  71.00      6.00        0.34
Afiefiso  AFAC12-092 607390.3  689497.5      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-093 607343.5  689516.1  22.00  24.00      2.00         0.2
Afiefiso  AFAC12-094 607324.5  689565.2      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-095 607291.9  689603.2      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-096 607257.7  689640.1      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-097 607221.2  689674.9  19.00  21.00      2.00        0.53
Afiefiso  AFAC12-098 607186.1  689709.8      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-099 607150.7  689746.0      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-100 607115.4  689781.2      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-101 607079.9  689816.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-102 607045.6  689853.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-103 607011.0  689889.0   3.00   7.00      4.00        0.63
Afiefiso  AFAC12-104 606975.1  689924.2      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-105 606938.5  689957.5      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-106 606903.7  689994.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-107 606868.7  690028.2  42.00  44.00      2.00        0.34
Afiefiso  AFAC12-108 606832.2  690062.0   4.00   7.00      3.00        0.92
Afiefiso  AFAC12-109 606783.0  690084.4   5.00   7.00      2.00        0.15
Afiefiso  AFAC12-110 606759.9  690132.3  25.00  27.00      2.00        0.59
Afiefiso  AFAC12-111 606721.3  690165.6   1.00   4.00      3.00        0.16
Afiefiso  AFAC12-112 606684.1  690197.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-113 606644.4  690228.8   1.00   4.00      3.00        0.16
Afiefiso  AFAC12-114 606603.4  690266.2   4.00   6.00      2.00        0.62
Afiefiso AFAC12-115B 606566.5  690297.4      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-116 606526.0  690327.8      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-117 606485.7  690355.9   3.00   6.00      3.00        0.13
Afiefiso  AFAC12-118 606445.5  690385.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-119 606404.5  690413.8      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-120 606362.7  690441.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-121 606321.4  690470.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-122 606306.9  690483.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-123 607540.4  689319.0  32.00  35.00      3.00        0.41
Afiefiso  AFAC12-124 607293.1  689115.1      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-125 607244.4  689111.0      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-126 607195.0  689106.8      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-127 607201.7  689107.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-128 607251.3  689111.5  20.00  24.00      4.00        0.98
                                         41.00  42.00      1.00        4.48
Afiefiso  AFAC12-129 607301.6  689115.8      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-130 607227.9  689109.6      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-131 607178.6  689105.4      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-132 607128.7  689101.1      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-133 607079.0  689096.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-134 607064.6  689095.7      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-135 607088.8  689097.8      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-136 606430.9  687945.7  20.00  21.00      1.00        2.26
Afiefiso  AFAC12-137 606390.3  687975.9   3.00   5.00      2.00        0.41
                                         24.00  30.00      6.00        0.30
                                         58.00  59.00      1.00        1.10
Afiefiso  AFAC12-138 606349.7  688008.3      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-139 606311.6  688040.5  38.00  40.00      2.00        0.58
                                         63.00  67.00      4.00        0.33
Afiefiso  AFAC12-140 606272.1  688071.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-141 606235.8  688105.9      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-142 606195.5  688137.0      No Significant Results     
Afiefiso  AFAC12-143 606156.3  688169.0     51     53      2.00        0.19
Afiefiso  AFAC12-144 606114.7  688203.3     51     56      5.00        0.25
Afiefiso  AFAC12    606076.92 688235.32     11     14      3.00        0.22

Fromenda Prospect (greater than 0.5% Au)

NOTE: True widths are approximately 60-70% of the length of the stated
intersection lengths 

                            Easting  Northing                       
Prospect         Hole ID       (UTM)     (UTM)  RL (UTM)   Dip  Azimuth
Fromenda      NBRC12-013   602431.8  684430.3     167.7    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-014   602400.1  684467.1     170.8    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-016   602213.4  684790.5     152.1    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-017   602251.6  684753.7     159.5    -50      131
Fromenda      NBRC12-018   602285.5  684723.0     164.3    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-019   602321.2  684681.9     172.0    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-020   602367.8  684642.9     192.3    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-021   602394.7  684608.3     198.7    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-022   602421.7  684572.8     192.6    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-023   602458.3  684543.7     188.2    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-024   602526.0  684473.1     171.6    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-025   602493.9  684506.0     176.4    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-026   602545.0  684619.7     206.7    -50      136
Fromenda      NBRC12-027   602578.8  684585.2     198.2    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-028   602607.5  684553.0     191.1    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-029   602476.2  684695.4     210.3    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-030   602799.3  684914.7     150.9    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-031   602830.4  684878.7     151.5    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-032   602865.8  684845.1     155.2    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-033   602673.1  684851.9     190.5    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-034   602683.9  684891.4     194.7    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-035   602610.1  684882.8     206.0    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-036   602640.1  684889.0     201.5    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-037   602630.0  684864.9     202.3    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-038   602599.5  684852.7     207.6    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-039   602569.9  684870.7     210.3    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-040   602367.6  684792.7     168.1    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-041   602392.0  684763.3     174.3    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-042   602424.0  684715.7     191.7    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-043   602512.2  684886.4     197.3    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-044   602690.9  684944.8     185.3    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-045   602533.3  684882.8     202.3    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-046   602143.3  684364.5     164.5    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-047   602185.2  684347.5     175.7    -61      139
Fromenda      NBRC12-048   602247.8  684260.1     236.7    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-049   602214.3  684297.4     180.8    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-050   602309.2  684339.7     156.4    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-051   602234.9  684406.6     163.0    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-052   602272.1  684369.7     227.3    -55      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-053   602207.1  684445.5     166.1    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-054   602640.5  684854.1     197.7    -60      135
              NBRC12-054   602640.5  684854.1     197.7    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-055   602617.0  684821.3     198.2    -55      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-056   602782.9  684949.0     152.0    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-057   602747.6  684993.1     154.0    -55      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-058   602694.8  685020.9     151.8    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-059   603006.8  684843.5     156.4    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-060   602974.2  684877.6     154.7    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-061   602936.1  684916.6     152.5    -50      135
Fromenda     NBRC12-062B   602907.1  684941.9     213.7    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-063   602868.3  684995.5     149.9    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-064   602841.8  685035.9     148.9    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-065   602764.6  685095.2     148.6    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-066   602803.1  685064.2     148.8    -50      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-067   601937.4  683865.5     153.4    -60      135
Fromenda      NBRC12-068   602639.8  684945.3     186.1    -60      135

                                         Depth  Depth              Weighted
                      Easting  Northing   From     To  Interval  Avg. Grade
Prospect    Hole ID      (UTM)     (UTM)    (m)    (m)       (m)       (g/t)
Fromenda NBRC12-013  602431.8  684430.3      8      9         1        1.33
Fromenda NBRC12-014  602400.1  684467.1      4      6         2        0.55
Fromenda NBRC12-016  602213.4  684790.5      2      3         1        0.90
                                            47     48         1        0.98
Fromenda NBRC12-017  602251.6  684753.7     78     80         2        0.56
Fromenda NBRC12-018  602285.5  684723.0      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-019  602321.2  684681.9      5      6         1        1.04
                                            43     46         3        0.77
Fromenda NBRC12-020  602367.8  684642.9      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-021  602394.7  684608.3     36     41         5        1.33
Fromenda NBRC12-022  602421.7  684572.8     23     24         1        3.68
                                            27     28         1        0.96
                                            43     46         3        1.61
                                            72     74         2        1.14
Fromenda NBRC12-023  602458.3  684543.7     58     62         4        1.86
Fromenda NBRC12-024  602526.0  684473.1      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-025  602493.9  684506.0     48     49         1        1.30
Fromenda NBRC12-026  602545.0  684619.7      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-027  602578.8  684585.2      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-028  602607.5  684553.0      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-029  602476.2  684695.4      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-030  602799.3  684914.7      0      2         2        0.87
                                            21     23         2        3.94
Fromenda NBRC12-031  602830.4  684878.7     48     49         1        1.11
Fromenda NBRC12-032  602865.8  684845.1      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-033  602673.1  684851.9     12     16         4        0.80
                                            53     57         4        0.61
Fromenda NBRC12-034  602683.9  684891.4     16     17         1        1.75
                                            24     27         3        2.21
                                            58     59         1        1.18
                                            72     73         1        1.97
                                           117    118         1        1.52
Fromenda NBRC12-035  602610.1  684882.8     16     17         1        1.29
                                            82    108        26        1.74
                       including            86     87         1       11.78
Fromenda NBRC12-036  602640.1  684889.0    116    119         3        2.07
Fromenda NBRC12-037  602630.0  684864.9     57     61         4        0.61
                                            73     75         2        3.19
Fromenda NBRC12-038  602599.5  684852.7     55     95        40        2.06
                                           128    131         3        0.93
Fromenda NBRC12-039 602569.9  684870.7      30     31         1        2.02
                                            88     96         8        0.73
                                           133    134         1        1.02
Fromenda NBRC12-040  602367.6  684792.7     76     81         5        1.60
Fromenda NBRC12-041  602392.0  684763.3      9     11         2        0.95
Fromenda NBRC12-042  602424.0  684715.7      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-043  602512.2  684886.4      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-044  602690.9  684944.8     35     36         1         1.8
                                            69     72         3        1.86
Fromenda NBRC12-045  602533.3  684882.8      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-046  602143.3  684364.5      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-047  602185.2  684347.5      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-048  602247.8  684260.1      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-049  602214.3  684297.4      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-050  602309.2  684339.7      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-051  602234.9  684406.6      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-052  602272.1  684369.7     15     18         3        0.99
                                            61     62         1        1.29
                                            84     88         4        0.57
Fromenda NBRC12-053  602207.1  684445.5      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-054  602640.5  684854.1      8      9         1        3.57
                                            18     26         8         6.8
                       including            25     26         1       38.18
         NBRC12-054  602640.5  684854.1     56     57         1        2.19
                                            83     84         1        1.34
Fromenda NBRC12-055  602617.0  684821.3      4     21        17        4.28
                       including            12     15         3       15.58
Fromenda NBRC12-056  602782.9  684949.0     49     50         1        2.98
Fromenda NBRC12-057  602747.6  684993.1     49     51         2        0.63
Fromenda NBRC12-058  602694.8  685020.9      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-059  603006.8  684843.5      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-060  602974.2  684877.6      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-061  602936.1  684916.6      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12      602907.1  684941.9      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-063  602868.3  684995.5     27     28         1        3.02
Fromenda NBRC12-064  602841.8  685035.9     47     48         1        0.86
Fromenda NBRC12-065  602764.6  685095.2      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-066  602803.1  685064.2      No Significant Result     
Fromenda NBRC12-067  601937.4  683865.5      3      4         1        0.79
Fromenda NBRC12-068  602639.8  684945.3    132    133         1        6.77

Kubi South Prospect (greater than 0.5% Au)

NOTE: True widths are approximately 60-70% of the length of the stated
intersection lengths 

                            Easting  Northing                       
Prospect         Hole ID       (UTM)     (UTM)  RL (UTM)   Dip  Azimuth
Kubi South      KV12-540     639952    662280       132    -50      290
Kubi South      KV12-541     639932    662287       135    -50      290
Kubi South      KV12-542     639969    662274       130    -50      290
Kubi South      KV12-543     640002    662367       149    -50      290
Kubi South      KV12-544     640067    662553       140    -50      290
Kubi South      KV12-545     640046    662561       147    -50      290
Kubi South      KV12-546     640030    662567       149    -50      290
Kubi South      KV12-547     640017    662466       157    -50      290
Kubi South      KV12-548     640031    662460       152    -50      290
Kubi South      KV12-549     639998    662473       164    -50      290
Kubi South      KV12-550     639964    662380       162    -50      290
Kubi South      KV12-551     639983    662374       157    -50      290

                                         Depth  Depth              Weighted
                      Easting  Northing   From     To  Interval  Avg. Grade
Prospect    Hole ID      (UTM)     (UTM)    (m)    (m)       (m)       (g/t)
Kubi South KV12-540    639952    662280   103.0 108.0       5.0        3.33
                       including          103.0 105.0       2.0        5.30
Kubi South KV12-541    639932    662287    74.0  78.0       4.0        0.68
                                          138.0 140.0       2.0        1.00
Kubi South KV12-542    639969    662274   128.0 129.0       1.0        1.51
                                          136.0 138.0       2.0        1.50
Kubi South KV12-543    640002    662367   123.0 133.0      10.0        0.67
Kubi South KV12-544    640067    662553   130.0 131.0       1.0        2.72
                                          136.0 137.0       1.0        1.96
Kubi South KV12-545    640046    662561    59.0  60.0       1.0        1.38
Kubi South KV12-546    640030    662567   120.0 122.0       2.0        2.42
                       including          121.0 122.0       1.0        4.10
Kubi South KV12-547    640017    662466   133.0 136.0       3.0        1.01
                                          140.0 142.0       2.0        0.64
Kubi South KV12-548    640031    662460      No Significant Result     
Kubi South KV12-549    639998    662473   116.0 124.0       8.0        1.39
                       including          119.0 121.0       2.0        2.56
Kubi South KV12-550    639964    662380      No Significant Result     
Kubi South KV12-551    639983    662374    98.0 102.0       4.0        1.55
                       including          101.0 102.0       1.0        5.23

Fig House Communications
Rebecca Greco
Investor Relations Canada
+1 (416) 822-6483

Read Corporate
Nicholas Read/Paul Armstrong
Investor Relations Australia
+61 8 9388 1474 or M. +61 419 929 046

PMI Gold Corporation - Canada
Marion McGrath
Corporate Secretary
+1 (604) 684-6264 or Toll-Free: 1 (888) 682-8089

PMI Gold Corporation - Australia
Collin Ellison
Managing Director & CEO
+61 8 6188 7900

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