RNS Number:4689I
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S.
07 March 2003

                      Turk Ekonomi Bankasi Anonim Sirketi

                       Consolidated Financial Statements
                                 Together With
                         Report of Independent Auditors
                               December 31, 2002

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                    Page

Report of Independent Auditors                                        1
Consolidated Balance Sheet                                            2
Consolidated Income Statement                                         3
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity                           4
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement                                      5
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements                      6- 49
Unconsolidated Financial Statements of the Bank                   Appendix

To the Board of Directors of
Turk Ekonomi Bankasy Anonim Sirketi

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of Turk Ekonomi
Bankasy Anonim Sirketi (the Bank - a Turkish corporation) and its subsidiaries
as of December 31, 2002 and the related consolidated income, changes in equity
and cash flow statements for the year then ended, all expressed in the
equivalent purchasing power of Turkish lira as of December 31, 2002. These
consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Bank's
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated
financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing.
Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

The consolidated financial statements of Turk Ekonomi Bankasy Anonim Sirketi for
the year ended December 31, 2001 were audited by other auditors who have ceased
operations and whose report dated June 12, 2002 expressed an unqualified opinion
on those statements.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of Turk Ekonomi Bankasy Anonim Sirketi
and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2002 and the results of their operations
and their cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards.

March 5, 2003
Istanbul, Turkey

                                                              Notes          2002               2001

Cash and balances with the Central Bank                         4      430,766           192,993
Deposits with banks and other financial institutions            4      1,039,578         534,692
Other money market placements                                   4      414,125           805,833
Reserve deposits at the Central Bank                            5      133,072           132,482
Trading securities                                              6      53,650            9,012
Investment securities                                           6      57,245            202,935
Originated loans and advances                                   7      1,326,555         1,224,355
Factoring receivables                                           8      66,966            53,516
Minimum lease payments receivable                               9      85,780            61,840
Derivative financial instruments                               19      4,058             666
Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries                     10      337               820
Investments in associates                                      11      446               501
Premises and equipment                                         12      42,349            40,905
Intangible assets                                              13      3,742             3,303
Other assets                                                   14      29,307            25,183

Total assets                                                           3,687,976         3,289,036


Deposits from other banks                                     15      105,668         89,055
Customers' deposits                                           15      2,714,223       2,121,862
Other money market deposits                                   15      22,828          265,676
Funds borrowed
   - Subordinated loan                                        16      24,919          -
   - Other funds borrowed                                     16      394,661         417,788
Factoring payables                                             8      27,983          14,204
Derivative financial instruments                              19      4,568           543
Other liabilities and provisions                              17      108,519         117,255
Income taxes payable                                          18      13,396          15,860
Deferred tax liability                                        18      2,082           3,913

Total liabilities                                                     3,418,847       3,046,156

Minority interest                                                     11,897          10,347

Share capital issued                                          20      55,125          55,125
Adjustment to share capital                                   20      181,945         405,554
Currency translation differences                                      6,312           5,162
Legal reserves and accumulated profits (deficit)              21      13,850          (233,308)

Total equity                                                          257,232         232,533

Total liabilities and equity                                          3,687,976       3,289,036

The accompanying policies and explanatory notes on pages 6 through 49 form an
integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

                                                                          Notes        2002         2001
Interest income
Interest on originated loans and advances                                          206,298      255,343
Interest on securities                                                             58,543       81,051
Interest on deposits with banks and other financial institutions                   62,624       229,004
Interest on other money market placements                                          85,354       13,014
Interest on financial leases                                                       22,871       48,310
Other interest income                                                              18,010       44,173

Total interest income                                                              453,700      670,895

Interest expense
Interest on deposits                                                               (179,439)    (333,228)
Interest on other money market deposits                                            (28,723)     (585)
Interest on funds borrowed                                                         (50,176)     (148,286)
Other interest expense                                                             (1,408)      (291)

Total interest expense                                                             (259,746)    (482,390)

Net interest income                                                                193,954      188,505

Provision for possible loan, lease and factoring receivables losses       7,8,9    (15,205)     (10,172)

Net interest income (expense) after provision for possible loan and
lease (factoring) receivables losses                                               178,749      178,333

Foreign exchange gain (loss)                                                       (14,378)     (38,863)

Net interest income after foreign exchange gain (loss) and provision
for possible loan, lease and factoring receivables losses                          164,371      139,470

Other operating income
Fees and commissions income                                                        24,713       35,509
Income from banking services                                                       20,645       22,441
Trading income (loss)                                                              21,711       23,991
Other income                                                                25     17,503       24,730

Total other operating income                                                       84,572       106,671

Other operating expense
Fees and commissions expense                                                       (17,277)     (15,671)
Salaries and employee benefits                                              24     (60,098)     (63,312)
Depreciation and amortization                                             12,13    (13,632)     (13,615)
Taxes other than on income                                                         (13,050)     (17,153)
Other expenses                                                              25     (49,400)     (61,186)

Total other operating expense                                                      (153,457)    (170,937)

Profit (loss) from operating activities before income tax, monetary
gain (loss) and minority interest                                                  95,486       75,204

Income tax                                                                  18     (28,328)     (18,177)
Monetary gain (loss)                                                               (42,667)     (114,884)

Net profit (loss) from ordinary activities                                         24,491       (57,857)

Minority interest                                                                  (942)        6,798

Net profit (loss)                                                                  23,549       (51,059)
Earnings per share

Basic                                                                              214          (463)

The accompanying policies and explanatory notes on pages 6 through 49 form an
integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

                                                                                               Legal reserves
                                                                                              and accumulated
                                                   Share        Adjustment       Currency         profits
                                                                                translation      (deficit)
                                       Notes      capital        to share       differences                        Total

At January 1, 2001                             55,125         405,554         (407)           (183,502)        276,770

Effect of change in consolidation              -              -               -               153              153
Transfer to general banking reserves           -              -               -               1,100            1,100
Currency translation differences               -              -               5,569           -                5,569
Net loss for the year                          -              -               -               (51,059)         (51,059)

At December 31, 2001                           55,125         405,554         5,162           (233,308)        232,533

Accumulated losses netted off        20        -              (223,609)       -               223,609          -
Currency translation differences               -              -               1,150           -                1,150
Net profit for the year                        -              -               -               23,549           23,549

At December 31, 2002                           55,125         181,945         6,312           13,850           257,232

The accompanying policies and explanatory notes on pages 6 through 49 form an
integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

                                                                                 2002           2001
Cash flows from operating activities
Interest received                                                           470,780         797,535
Interest paid                                                               (275,761)       (595,640)
Fees and commissions received                                               24,713          35,509
Income from banking services                                                20,645          22,441
Trading income (loss)                                                       21,711          23,991
Recoveries of loans previously written off                                  1,004           2,008
Fees and commissions paid                                                   (17,277)        (15,671)
Cash payments to employees and other parties                                (60,098)        (63,312)
Cash received from other operating activities                               17,503          35,522
Cash paid for other operating activities                                    (62,450)        (78,339)
Income taxes paid                                                           (40,185)        (32,631)

Cash flows from operating activities before changes in operating assets and 100,585         131,413

Changes in operating assets and liabilities
Net (increase) decrease trading securities                                  (44,638)        (6,890)
Net (increase) decrease in reserve deposits at the Central Bank             754             (27,207)
Net (increase) in originated loans and advances                             (119,205)       (71,013)
Net (increase) decrease in factoring receivables                            (15,133)        56,752
Net (increase) decrease in minimum lease payments receivable                (23,940)        36,232
Net (increase) decrease in other assets                                     (4,124)         5,918
Net increase (decrease) in deposits from other banks                        16,410          (23,025)
Net increase in customers' deposits                                         600,093         580,000
Net increase (decrease) in other money market deposits                      (242,876)       163,732
Net increase in factoring payables                                          13,779          11,185
Net increase (decrease) in other liabilities                                (8,736)         15,118

Net cash from operating activities                                          272,969         872,215

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchases of available for sale securities                                  (17,520)        (87,177)
Proceeds from sale and redemption of available for sale securities          153,515         6,690
Purchases of held to maturity securities                                    (39,725)        (29,439)
Proceeds from redemption of held to maturity securities                     49,413          100,122
Disposal of subsidiaries and associates net of cash disposed                (483)           -
Purchases of premises and equipment                                         (15,265)        (12,074)
Proceeds from the sale of premises and equipment                            1,623           799
Purchase of intangible assets                                               (1,854)         -

Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                         129,204         (21,079)

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from funds borrowed                                                351,418         179,489
Repayments of funds borrowed                                                (390,961)       (1,022,019)

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                         (39,543)        (842,530)

Effect of net foreign exchanges difference and monetary gain (loss) on cash (43,664)        (5,522)
and cash equivalents
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                   319,466         3,084
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                              1,533,518       1,530,434

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                    1,852,984       1,533,518

The accompanying policies and explanatory notes on pages 6 through 49 form an
integral part of the consolidated financial statements.



Turk Ekonomi Bankasy A.S. (a Turkish joint stock company - TEB, the Bank) was
incorporated in Turkey. Certain shares of the Bank, representing 20% of the
total, are listed on the Ystanbul Stock Exchange.  The registered office address
of TEB is located at Meclis-i Mebusan Caddesi, No: 35, Fyndykly-Ystanbul/Turkey.
The Bank was originally incorporated in 1927 and in 1982 was acquired by the
Colakoglu Group and renamed as Turk Ekonomi Bankasy A.S.

The consolidated financial statements of the Bank were authorized for issue by
the management on March 5, 2003. The General Assembly and certain regulatory
bodies have the power to amend the statutory financial statements after issue.
The parent and the ultimate parent of the Bank is TEB Mali Yatyrymlar A.S..

Nature of Activities of the Bank / Group

For the purposes of the consolidated financial statements, the Bank and its
consolidated subsidiaries are referred to as "the Group".

The operations of the Group consist of banking, leasing, factoring, insurance,
brokerage and portfolio management in capital markets, which are conducted
mainly with local customers.

The Bank provides banking services through 74 (2001-54) branches and 1,673
employees (2001 - 1,263) (excluding the subsidiaries) as of December 31, 2002 in


Basis of Preparation

The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which
comprise standards and interpretations approved by the IASB, and International
Accounting Standards and Standing Interpretations Committee interpretations
approved by the IASC that remain in effect. The consolidated financial
statements have been prepared on an historical cost convention except for the
measurement at fair value of derivative financial instruments, trading
securities and available-for-sale financial assets.

The Bank and its subsidiaries which are incorporated in Turkey, maintain their
books of account and prepare their statutory financial statements ("Statutory
Financial Statements") in accordance with the regulations on accounting and
reporting framework and accounting standards which are determined by the
provisions of Banking Law and accounting standards promulgated by the other
relevant laws and regulations. The foreign subsidiaries maintain their books of
account and prepare their statutory financial statements in their local
currencies and in accordance with the regulations of the countries in which they
operate.  The consolidated financial statements have been prepared from
statutory financial statements of the Bank and its subsidiaries and presented in
accordance with IFRS in Turkish Lira (TL) with adjustments and certain
reclassifications for the purpose of fair presentation in accordance with IFRS.
Such adjustments mainly comprise effects of restatement for the changes in the
general purchasing power of Turkish lira, deferred taxation, and employee
termination benefits.  The effects of the differences between IFRS and the
generally accepted accounting principles in the United States or countries other
than Turkey, in which the IFRS financial statements may be used, have not been
quantified herein.


Reclassifications on 2001 Financials

The Group has made certain reclassifications in the consolidated financial
statements as of December 31, 2001 to be consistent with the current year

Such reclassifications relate to certain classifications in asset, liability and
income statement accounts and presentation of cash flow statement using direct
method and are made primarily to be consistent with the financial statement
reporting format prescribed by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency
(BRSA) effective December 31,2002, which is also in line with the international
banking practices.

Changes in Accounting Policies

The Group adopted IAS 39- Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement in
2001. The financial effects of adopting IAS 39 were reported in previous years'
consolidated financial statements.

Measurement and Reporting Currency and Translation Methodology

Measurement and Reporting Currency and Translation Methodology for the Bank and
Its Subsidiaries Which Operate in Turkey:

Measurement currency of the Bank and its subsidiaries, which operate in Turkey,
is Turkish Lira (TL). The restatement for the changes in the general purchasing
power of TL as of December 31, 2002 is based on IAS 29 ("Financial Reporting in
Hyperinflationary Economies").  IAS 29 requires that financial statements
prepared in the currency of a hyperinflationary economy be stated in terms of
the measuring unit current at the balance sheet date and the corresponding
figures for previous periods be restated in the same terms.  One characteristic
that necessitates the application of IAS 29 is a cumulative three year inflation
rate approaching or exceeding 100%. As of December 31, 2002, the three year
cumulative rate has been  227 % (2001- 308 %) based on the Turkish countrywide
wholesale price index published by the State Institute of Statistics.  Such
index and conversion factors as of the end of the three year period ended
December 31, 2002 are given below:

Dates                                  Index           Conversion Factors

December 31, 2000                      2,626.0             2.467
December 31, 2001                      4,951.7             1.308
December 31, 2002                      6,478.8             1.000

The main guidelines for the above mentioned restatement are as follows :

-  the financial statements of prior year, including monetary assets
and liabilities reported therein, which were previously reported in terms of the
measuring unit current at the end of that year are restated in their entirety to
the measuring unit current at December 31, 2002.

-  monetary assets and liabilities reported in the consolidated balance
sheet as of December 31, 2002 are not restated because they are already
expressed in terms of the monetary unit current at that balance sheet date.

-  the inflation adjusted share capital was derived by indexing cash
contributions, dividends reinvested, transfers from statutory retained earnings
and income from sale of investments and property transferred to share capital
from the date they were contributed.


-  non-monetary assets and liabilities which are not carried at amounts
current at the balance sheet date and other components of equity (except for the
statutory revaluation adjustment which is eliminated) are restated by applying
the relevant conversion factors.

-  the effect of general inflation on the net monetary position is
included in the income statement as monetary gain(loss).

-  all items in the income statement are restated by applying
appropriate average conversion factors with the exception of depreciation,
amortization, gain or loss on disposal of non-monetary assets (which have been
calculated based on the restated gross book values and accumulated depreciation/

Restatement of balance sheet and income statement items through the use of a
general price index and relevant conversion factors does not necessarily mean
that the Group could realize or settle the same values of assets and liabilities
as indicated in the consolidated balance sheets. Similarly, it does not
necessarily mean that the Group could return or settle the same values of equity
to its shareholders.

Measurement and Reporting Currencies of Foreign Subsidiaries:

As of December 31, 2002 and 2001,  foreign subsidiaries  (Economy Bank and Petek
International) have adopted EURO as their measurement and reporting  currency.

The foreign subsidiaries are regarded as foreign entities since they are
financially, economically and organizationally autonomous.

Basis of Consolidation

The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the
Bank and its subsidiaries drawn up to 31 December each year.

Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to
the Group and cease to be consolidated from the date on which control is
transferred out of the Group.

The consolidated financial statements of the Group include the Bank and its
subsidiaries, which it controls.  This control is normally evidenced when the
Group owns, either directly or indirectly, more than 50% of the voting rights of
a company's share capital and is able to govern the financial and operating
policies of an enterprise so as to benefit from its activities.  The equity and
net income attributable to minority shareholders' interests are shown separately
in the balance sheet and income statement, respectively.


Intercompany balances and transactions, including intercompany profits and
unrealized profits and losses are eliminated. Consolidated financial statements
are prepared using uniform accounting policies for like transactions and other
events in similar circumstances.

The subsidiaries included in consolidation and their shareholding percentages at
December 31, 2002 and 2001 are as follows :

                                                             Place of          Effective Shareholding
                                                           Incorporation        and Voting Rights %
                                                                                 2002           2001

The Economy Bank N.V.(Economy Bank)                         Netherlands               100.0        100.0
Petek International Holdings B.V.(Petek International)      Netherlands               100.0        100.0
TEB Yatyrym Menkul Degerler A.S.(TEB Yatyrym)             Turkey/Istanbul              91.8         91.8
TEB Portfoy Yonetimi A.S.(TEB Portfoy)                    Turkey/Istanbul              88.6         88.6
TEB Finansal Kiralama A.S.(TEB Leasing)                   Turkey/Istanbul              72.5         72.5
TEB Factoring A.S.(TEB Factoring)                         Turkey/Istanbul              70.8         70.8
TEB Sigorta A.S.(TEB Sigorta) (*)                         Turkey/Istanbul              50.0         50.0

(*) The management of the Company is controlled by the Bank representatives.

The principal activities of the consolidated subsidiaries are as follows:

Economy Bank -- Commercial bank, which deals mainly with trade and commodity

Petek International -- Private holding company.

TEB Yatyrym -- Rendering brokerage and investment banking services to customers
in line with the rules of the Capital Market Board of Turkey.

TE Portfoy -- Private company managing portfolios which are made up of the
capital market instruments according to the rules of the related regulation and
the Capital Market Law by making portfolio management agreements with the

TEB Leasing -- Leasing of industrial machinery, office equipment, various
equipment and transport vehicles.

TEB Factoring -- Providing both domestic and export factoring services to
industrial and commercial enterprises in Turkey.

TEB Sigorta -- Rendering all types of property and casualty insurance services.


Investment in Associates

The Group's investments in associates are accounted for under the equity method
of accounting. These are entities in which the Group has significant influence
and which are neither subsidiaries nor joint ventures of the Group. The
investments in associates are carried in the balance sheet at cost, less any
impairment in value. The income statement reflects the Group's share of the
results of operations of the associates.

Foreign Currency Translation

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate ruling at the date
of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currencies are translated at the rate of exchange ruling at the balance sheet
date. All differences are taken to the income statement.

Foreign currency translation rates used by the Group as of respective year-ends
are as follows:

Dates                                                 TL (full) / USD

December 31, 2000                                     671,765
December 31, 2001                                     1,446,638
December 31, 2002                                     1,639,745

The assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiaries are translated at the rate of
exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. The income statements of foreign
subsidiaries are also translated at year-end exchange rates, which is considered
as a proxy to restate such income statement amounts at year-end purchasing power
of TL. Differences resulting from the deviation between the inflation rate and
the appreciation of foreign currencies against the Turkish Lira related to
equity accounts of consolidated subsidiaries were taken to shareholders' equity
as a translation gain (loss).

Premises and Equipment

Premises and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any
impairment in value. Land is not depreciated.

The initial cost of premises and equipment comprises its purchase price,
including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes and any directly
attributable costs of bringing the assets to its working condition and location
for its intended use.  Expenditures incurred after the fixed assets have been
put into operation, such as repairs and maintenance, are normally charged to
income in the period in the costs are incurred.  Expenditures incurred that have
resulted in an increase in the future economic benefits expected from the use of
premises are capitalized as an additional cost of premises and equipment.

Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful
life of the asset as follows:

Buildings and land improvements            50 years
Machinery and equipment                    5 years
Office equipment                           5 years
Furniture, fixtures and vehicles           5 years
Leasehold improvements                     Lease period, not less than 5 years


The carrying values of premises and equipment are reviewed for impairment when
events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value may not be
recoverable. If any such indication exists and where the carrying values exceed
the estimated recoverable amount, the assets are written down to their
recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognized in the income statement.
The useful life and depreciation method are reviewed periodically to ensure that
the method and period of depreciation are consistent with the expected pattern
of economic benefits from items of premises and equipment.

Intangible Assets

Intangible assets acquired separately from a business are capitalized at cost.
Intangible assets, excluding development costs, created within the business are
not capitalized and expenditure is charged against profits in the year in which
it is incurred. Intangible assets are amortized on a straight-line basis over
the best estimate of their useful lives.

The carrying values of intangible assets are reviewed for impairment when events
or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be


All investments are initially recognized at cost, being the fair value of the
consideration given and including acquisition charges associated with the
investment. The Group maintains three separate securities portfolio, as follows:

Trading securities

Trading securities are securities, which were either acquired for generating a
profit from short-term fluctuations in price or dealer's margin, or are
securities included in a portfolio in which a pattern of short-term profit
taking exists. After initial recognition, trading securities are remeasured at
fair value based on quoted bid prices. All related realized and unrealized gains
or losses are recognized in trading income / (loss), net.

Held- to- maturity securities

Investment securities with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity
where management has both the intent and the ability to hold to maturity are
classified as held-to-maturity. Management determines the appropriate
classification of its investments at the time of the purchase.

Held-to-maturity investments include debt securities primarily government bonds
and treasury bills initially recognized at cost, which is the fair value of
consideration given for them and are carried at amortized cost using  the
effective yield method, less any impairment in value. Amortized cost is
calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition, over
the period to maturity. For investments carried at amortized cost, gains and
losses are recognized in income when the investments are derecognized or
impaired, as well as through the amortization process.

Interest earned whilst holding held-to-maturity securities is reported as
interest income.


Available- for- sale securities

All other investments are classified as available-for-sale. Available-for-sale
securities are subsequently carried at fair value. Gains or losses on
remeasurement to fair value are recognized in income. Gold and share
certificates and investment funds participation certificates are initially
recorded at cost which is the fair value of the consideration given for them,
including transaction costs and subsequently stated at fair value based on the
quoted market prices at the balance sheet date. Any changes in the carrying
value of gold, share certificates and investment fund participation certificates
during the year are charged or credited to the statement of income.

Available-for-sale securities also include debt securities primarily government
bonds and treasury bills. Debt securities classified as 'available-for-sale' are
stated at fair values, with resulting gain/(loss) and recognized in the
statement of income. Fair value is determined by reference to their quoted
market prices at the balance sheet date.

Foreign currency denominated debt securities are valued at their closing prices
and translated at the foreign currency year-end rate of exchange on the balance
sheet date.

Interest earned on available-for-sale investments is reported as interest
income. Dividends received are included in dividend income.

For investments that are actively traded in organized financial markets, fair
value is determined by reference to Stock Exchange quoted market bid prices at
the close of business on the balance sheet date. For investments where there is
no quoted market price, fair value is determined by reference to the current
market value of another instrument which is substantially the same or is
calculated based on the expected cash flows of the underlying net asset base of
the investment. Equity securities for which fair values cannot be measured
reliably are recognized at cost less impairment.

All regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognized on the
settlement date. Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of
financial assets that require delivery of assets within the time frame generally
established by regulation or convention in the market place.

Repurchase and Resale Transactions

The Group enters into short-term sales of securities under agreements to
repurchase such securities. Such securities, which have been sold subject to a
repurchase agreement, continue to be recognized in the balance sheet and are
measured in accordance with the accounting policy of the security portfolio
which they are part of. The counterparty liability for amounts received under
these agreements is included in other money market deposits. The difference
between sale and repurchase price is treated as interest expense and accrued
over the life of the repurchase agreements.

Assets purchased with a corresponding commitment to resell at a specified future
date (reverse repurchase agreements) are not recognized in the balance sheet, as
the Group does not obtain control over the assets. Amounts paid under these
agreements are included in other money market placements. The difference between
purchase and resale price is treated as interest income and accrued over the
life of the reverse repurchase agreement.


Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the
balance sheet when there is a legally enforceable right to set off the
recognized amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis or realize
the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.


Recognition and Derecognition of Financial Instruments

The Group recognizes a financial asset or financial liability in its balance
sheet when and only when it becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the
instrument. The Group derecognizes a financial asset or a portion of financial
asset when and only when it loses control of the contractual rights that
comprise the financial asset or a portion financial asset. The Group
derecognizes a financial liability when and only when a liability is
extinguished that is when the obligation specified in the contract is
discharged, cancelled and expired.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

For the purposes of the consolidated cash flow statement, cash and cash
equivalents comprise cash and balances with central banks, deposits with banks
and other financial institutions and other money market placements with an
original maturity of three months or less.

Originated Loans and Advances to Customers

Loans originated by the Group by providing money directly to the borrower or to
a sub-participation agent at draw down are categorized as loans originated by
the Group and are carried at amortized cost. Third party expenses, such as legal
fees, incurred in securing a loan are treated as part of the cost of the

All loans and advances are recognized when cash is advanced to borrowers.

Provisions for Possible Loan, Lease and Factoring Receivable Losses

Based upon its evaluation of credits granted, management estimates the total
credit risk provision that it believes is adequate to cover uncollectable
amounts in the Group's loan and receivable portfolio and losses under guarantees
and commitments. If there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able
to collect all amounts due (principal and interest) according to original
contractual terms of the loan; such loans are considered impaired and classified
as "loans in arrears".

The amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the loan's carrying
amount and the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the
loan's original effective interest rate or as the difference between the
carrying value of the loan and the fair value of collateral, if the loan is
collateralized and foreclosure is probable.

Impairment and uncollectibility are measured and recognized individually for
loans and receivables that are individually significant, and on a portfolio
basis for a group of similar loans and receivables that are not individually
identified as impaired. On the portfolio basis, management estimates that a 1.5%
lump sum allowance over net investments in direct financing leases to third
parties (excluding related parties) is adequate to cover future, potential or
unforeseen uncollectible amounts in rentals receivable and in the net investment
in direct financing leases.

The Group ceases to accrue interest on those loans that are classified as "loans
in arrears" and for which the recoverable amount is determined primarily in
reference to fair value of collateral. The reserve is also reviewed for
compliance with the Tax Procedural Law and Government Decrees and Communiques
issued by the BRSA with respect to classification of loans and minimum reserve

The carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its estimated recoverable amount
through use of an allowance for impairment account.  A write off is made when
all or part of a loan is deemed uncollectible or in the case of debt
forgiveness. Write offs are charged against previously established allowances
and reduce the principle amount of a loan and reduce the principal amount of a
loan. Recoveries of loans written off in earlier periods are included in income.


If the amount of the impairment subsequently decreases due to an event occurring
after the write-down, the release of the provision is credited to the provision
for loan losses expense. Unwinding of the discount is treated as income and
remaining provision is then reassessed.

Deposits and Funds Borrowed

Deposits and funds borrowed are initially recognized at cost. After initial
recognition, all interest liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized
cost using effective yield method, less amounts repaid. Amortized cost is
calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on settlement. Gain or
loss is recognized in the income statement when the liability is derecognized or
impaired as well as through the amortization process.

Employee Termination Benefits

In accordance with existing social legislation, the Group is required to make
lump-sum termination indemnities to each employee who has completed one year of
service with the Company and whose employment is terminated due to retirement or
for reasons other than resignation or misconduct. Such amounts are recognized in
the accompanying financial statements as earned. The total reserve represents
the estimated amount of liability required in accordance with IAS 19 (Revised
1998) - Employee Benefits.

In the financial statements the Group has reflected a liability calculated using
the Projected Unit Credit Method and based upon estimated limit increase rates
and factors derived using the Company and its Turkish subsidiaries' experience
of personnel terminating their services and being eligible to receive such
benefits and discounted by using the average current market yield at the balance
sheet date on government bonds.


Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present obligation (legal or
constructive) as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of
resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation
and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. If the
effect of the time value of money is material, provisions are determined by
discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre-tax rate that reflects
current market assessments of the time value of money and, where appropriate,
the risks specific to the liability. Where discounting is used, the increase in
the provision due to the passage of time is recognized as an interest expense.


The Group as Lessee

Finance leases

Finance leases, which transfer to the Group substantially all the risks and
benefits incidental to ownership of the leased item, are capitalized at the
inception of the lease at the fair value of the leased property or, if lower, at
the present value of the minimum lease payments. Lease payments are apportioned
between the finance charges and reduction of the lease liability so as to
achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability.
Finance charges are charged directly against income. Capitalized leased assets
are depreciated over the estimated useful life of the asset.


Operating leases

Leases where the lessor retains substantially all the risks and benefits of
ownership of the asset are classified as operating leases. These include rent
agreements of branch premises, which are cancelable subject to a period of
notice. Related payments are recognized as an expense in the income statement on
a straight-line basis over the lease term.

The Group as Lessor

Finance leases

The Group presents leased assets as a receivable equal to the net investment in
the lease.  Finance income is based on a pattern reflecting a constant periodic
rate of return on the net investment outstanding.  Initial direct costs are
recognized immediately as expenses.

Factoring Receivables and Factoring Payables

Factoring receivables are recognized at original factored receivable amount,
which represents the fair value of consideration given, and subsequently
remeasured at amortized cost less reserve for possible losses. Factoring
payables are recognized at original factored amount less advances extended
against factoring receivables, interest and factoring commissions charged, and
then carried at amortized cost.

Income and Expense Recognition

Interest income and expense are recognized in the income statement for all
interest bearing instruments on an accrual basis using the effective yield
method based on the actual purchase price. Interest income also includes coupons
earned on fixed income securities and accrued discount and premium on treasury
bills and other discounted instruments.

Commission income, fee for various banking services and dividends are recorded
as income when collected.

Insurance premium income represents premiums on policies written during the
period, net of cancellations.  Unearned premiums, set aside to provide for the
period of risk extending beyond the date of the balance sheet, are determined
from premiums written during the period, less reinsurance, on the basis that,
premiums are written on the middle day of each month (the twenty-fourth basis).

Income Tax

Tax expense / (income) is the aggregate amount included in the determination of
net profit or loss for the period in respect of current and deferred tax.

Deferred income tax is provided, using the liability method, on all temporary
differences at the balance sheet date between the tax bases of assets and
liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes.
Deferred income tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary
differences, except for the taxable temporary differences associated with
investments in subsidiaries and associates, where the timing of the reversal of
the temporary difference can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary
difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.


Deferred income tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary
differences. The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets is reviewed at
each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable
that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the
deferred income tax asset to be utilized.

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that
are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability
is settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or
substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.

Derivative Financial Instruments

The Group enters into transactions with derivative instruments including
forwards, swaps and options in the foreign exchange and capital markets. These
derivative transactions are considered as effective economic hedges under the
Group's risk management policies; however since they do not qualify for hedge
accounting under the specific provisions of IAS 39, they are treated as
derivatives held for trading.  Derivative financial instruments are initially
recognized in the balance sheet at cost and subsequently are remeasured at their
fair value.

Fair values are calculated by using forward exchange rates at the balance sheet
date.  In the absence of reliable forward rate estimations in a volatile market,
current market rate is considered to be the best estimate of the present value
of the forward exchange rates.

For derivatives that do not qualify for special hedge accounting, any gains or
losses arising from changes in fair value are taken directly to net profit or
loss for the period.

Fiduciary Assets

Assets held by the Group in a fiduciary, agency or custodian capacity for its
customers are not included in the balance sheet, since such items are not
treated as assets of the Group.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at
the date of the balance sheet. Actual results may vary from the current
estimates. These estimates are reviewed periodically, and, as adjustments become
necessary, they are reported in earnings in the periods in which they become


Segment information is prepared on the following bases:

Business segments

The Group conducts the majority of its business activities in the following

Year ended December 31, 2002:
                                                                    Insurance and
                            Banking      Leasing       Factoring        Other      Eliminations       Group           

Net interest income       166,060      22,649       2,146           3,099         -              193,954
Provision for possible
loan, lease and factoring
receivable losses         (14,562)     (631)        (12)            -             -              (15,205)
Foreign exchange gain/    2,004        (9,065)      662             1,822         (9,801)        (14,378)
Other operating income    64,547       2,030        1,752           27,161        (10,918)       84,572
Other operating expense   (127,519)    (4,157)      (3,723)         (20,876)      2,818          (153,457)

Profit loss from
operating activities      90,530       10,826       825             11,206        (17,901)       95,486

Income/loss from          -            -            -               -             -              -
Unallocated items         -            -            -               -             -              -
Income tax                (24,259)     (1,385)      (163)           (2,521)       -              (28,328)
Monetary gain/loss        (40,232)     (3,721)      (1,813)         (6,196)       9,295          (42,667)
Minority interest         -            -            -               -             (942)          (942)
Extraordinary items       -            -            -               -             -              -

Net profit/loss           26,039       5,720        (1,151)         2,489         (9,548)        23,549

Other segment information
Segment assets            3,572,331    133,848      72,417          49,648        (140,714)      3,687,530
Investment in associates  446          -            -               -             -              446
Unallocated assets        -            -            -               -             -              -

Total assets              3,572,777    133,848      72,417          49,648        (140,714)      3,687,976

Segment liabilities       3,245,172    111,535      63,977          22,032        (23,869)       3,418,847
Unallocated liabilities   -            -            -               -             -              -

Total liabilities         3,245,172    111,535      63,977          22,032        (23,869)       3,418,847

Capital expenditures
Tangible fixed assets     14,800       35           35              395           -              15,265
Intangible fixed assets   1,593        8            137             116           -              1,854
Investment properties     -            -            -               -             -              -

Depreciation              10,191       203          229             1,585         -              12,208
Amortization              1,132        45           50              197           -              1,424
Impairment losses         -            -            -               -             -              -
Other non-cash expenses
Provision for             -            -            -               -             -              -

3.  SEGMENT INFORMATION  (continued)

Year ended December 31, 2001:
                                                                     Insurance and
                               Banking     Leasing      Factoring        Other       Eliminations     Group

Net interest income          114,824     40,458       21,187        11,400          636            188,505
Provision for possible loan,
lease and factoring
receivable losses            (9,214)     (244)        (714)         -               -              (10,172)
Foreign exchange gain/loss   34,668      (36,565)     (18,710)      348             (18,604)       (38,863)
Other operating income       97,913      1,627        3,381         43,238          (39,488)       106,671
Other operating expense      (137,761)   (5,427)      (6,178)       (38,745)        17,174         (170,937)

Profit loss from operating   100,430     (151)        (1,034)       16,241          (40,282)       75,204

Income/loss from associates  -           -            -             -               -              -
Unallocated items            -           -            -             -               -              -
Income tax                   (14,808)    (1,196)      1,690         (3,863)         -              (18,177)
Monetary gain/loss           (91,951)    (13,279)     (7,530)       (15,906)        13,782         (114,884)
Minority interest            -           -            -             -               6,798          6,798
Extraordinary items          -           -            -             -               -              -

Net profit/loss              (6,329)     (14,626)     (6,874)       (3,528)         (19,702)       (51,059)

Other segment information
Segment assets               3,201,343   88,494       70,203        51,565          (123,070)      3,288,535
Investment in associates     501         -            -             -               -              501
Unallocated assets           -           -            -             -               -              -

Total assets                 3,201,844   88,494       70,203        51,565          (123,070)      3,289,036

Segment liabilities          2,908,675   71,900       60,612        26,331          (21,362)       3,046,156
Unallocated liabilities      -           -            -             -               -

Total liabilities            2,908,675   71,900       60,612        26,331          (21,362)       3,046,156

Transactions between the business segments are on normal commercial terms and
conditions. Those transactions are eliminated in consolidation.

Geographical segments:

The Group conducts majority of its business activities with local customers and
therefore, geographical segments are insignificant.


                                                                                  2002            2001

Cash on hand                                                                 87,952          188,671
Balances with the Central Bank                                               342,814         4,322

Cash and balances with the Central Bank                                      430,766         192,993

Deposits with banks and other financial institutions                         1,039,578       534,692

Funds lent under reverse repurchase agreements                               7,051           131,388
Interbank placements                                                         407,074         674,445

Other money market placements                                                414,125         805,833

Cash and cash equivalents in the balance sheet                               1,884,469       1,533,518

Less: Time deposits with original maturities of more than three months       (31,485)        -

Cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow statement                         1,852,984       1,533,518

As of December 31, 2002 and 2001, interest range of deposits and placements are
as follows:

                                             2002                                       2001
                                Amount       Effective interest rate       Amount          Effective interest rate
                          Turkish   Foreign    Turkish     Foreign    Turkish   Foreign   Turkish     Foreign
                            Lira   currency     Lira      currency    Lira     currency    Lira      currency

Balances with the Central 14,800   328,014        -         0.5%     2,520     1,802         -         0.86%
Deposits with banks and
other financial
institutions              42,884   996,694   42% - 71.5% 0.45% - 5%  514,868   19,824    55% - 60%    1% - 9%
Funds lent under reverse
repurchase agreements     7,051    -             42%          -      -         131,388       -        1.9% - 3.45%
Interbank placements      228,244  178,830   44%- 45.25%  1% -1.5%   138,271   536,174   59% - 62%  2.75% - 4%

Total                     292,979  1,503,538                         655,659   689,188

                                                                               2002              2001

- Turkish lira                                                                     10,162              9,803
- Foreign currency                                                                122,910            122,679

Total                                                                             133,072            132,482

According to the regulations of the Central Bank of Turkish Republic (the
Central Bank), banks are obliged to reserve a certain portion of their deposits
other than interbank deposits.  Such reserves are deposited with the Central

As of December 31, 2002, reserve deposit rates applicable for Turkish lira
deposits were 6% (2001- 4%) and 11% (2001- 11%) for foreign currency deposits.

Effective from August 2001 and 2002, the Central Bank has started to give
interest for the Turkish lira and foreign currency reserves deposited,
respectively. As of December 31, 2002, the interest rates applied for Turkish
lira and foreign currency reserve deposits are 25% and 0.55 % (December 31, 2001
- 40% and 0%), respectively.


Trading Securities:

                                                      2002         2001
                                                     Amount       Amount
Trading securities at fair value

Debt instruments
Turkish government bonds                          21,793       4,797
Turkish treasury bills                            22,210       4,215
Foreign currency government bonds                 1,475        -
Eurobonds issued by the Turkish government        7,900        -

                                                  53,378       9,012

Precious metals                                   272          -

                                                  272          -

Total trading securities                          53,650       9,012


Investment Securities :
                                                                 2002                        2001
                                                                 Effective                   Effective
                                                               Interest rate               Interest rate
                                                    Amount                      Amount

Available for sale securities at fair value

Debt instruments
Turkish government bonds                          -                  -        145,282        62% - 68%
Turkish treasury bills                            298              43.8%      -                  -
Eurobonds issued by the Turkish government        17,213           3.5%       8,036         8.1% -12.3%

                                                  17,511                      153,318

Precious metals                                   -                  -        196                -

Total available for sale securities at fair value 17,511                      153,514

Available for sale securities at cost

Equity instruments -unlisted                      9                  -        9                  -

Total available for sale securities               17,520                      153,523

                                                             2002                        2001
                                                                 Effective                   Effective
                                                    Amount     Interest rate    Amount     Interest rate

Held to maturity securities at amortized cost

Debt instruments
Turkish government bonds                          265              43.8%      49,412            62% - 64%
Eurobonds issued by the Turkish government        1,308          8.1% - 12.3% -                 -
Turkish treasury bills                            36,553        44.6% - 56.1% -                 -
Foreign currency government bonds                 1,599              -        -                 -

Total held to maturity securities                 39,725                      49,412

Total investment securities                       57,245                      202,935


Carrying value of debt instruments given as collateral under repurchase
agreements are:

                                                                                  2002             2001

Trading securities                                                         25,579             -
Available for sale                                                         -                  141,246

As of December 31, 2002, the carrying value and the nominal amounts (in
historical terms) of government securities kept in the Central Bank and in
Istanbul Menkul Kyymetler Borsasy Takas ve Saklama Bankasy Anonim Sirketi
(Ystanbul Stock Exchange Clearing and Custody Incorporation) for legal
requirements and as a guarantee for stock exchange and money market operations
are TL 38,417 and TL 35,270 (2001 - TL 49,412 and TL 34,500), respectively.


                                                                                  interest rate
                                                         Foreign                                   Foreign
                                                        currency                                  currency
                                   Turkish    Foreign    indexed      Turkish        Foreign       indexed
                                     Lira     currency                 Lira         currency

Corporate loans                   258,139    961,381    74,747         25%  - 90%  2.75%  - 16%     3.5% - 8%
Consumer loans                    12,319     346        5,937         0.36% - 84%   3.5% - 4.7%    9% - 10.8%
Credit cards                      13,677     1,180      -                     93%           93%             -
Total loans                       284,135    962,907    80,684
Loans in arrears                  20,212     -          -
Less: Reserve for possible loan   (21,343)   (40)       -

                                  283,004    962,867    80,684

                                                                                 interest rate
                                                         Foreign                                  Foreign
                                   Turkish    Foreign    Currency     Turkish       Foreign       indexed
                                     Lira     currency   indexed       Lira        currency

Corporate loans                   212,940    949,311    5,137      8.5% - 140%   1.7% - 26%    6% - 11%
Consumer loans                    31,383     -          -          12% - 120%    -             -
Credit cards                      13,893     870        -          96% - 102%    96% - 102%    -
Total loans                       258,216    950,181    5,137
Loans in arrears                  22,641     -          -
Less: Reserve for possible loan   (11,820)   -          -

                                  269,037    950,181    5,137


Movements in the reserve for possible loan losses:

                                                                                 2002             2001

Reserve at beginning of year                                                11,820          9,575
Provision for possible loan losses                                          15,540          11,222
Recoveries                                                                  (978)           (2,008)
Provision net of recoveries                                                 26,382          18,789
Loans written off during the year                                           (6)             (432)
Monetary gain                                                               (4,993)         (6,537)
Reserve at end of year                                                      21,383          11,820

As of December 31, 2002, loans and advances on which interest is not being
accrued, or where interest is suspended, amounted to TL 20,212 (2001- TL
22,641). There is no uncollected interest accrued on impaired loans.


                                                              Amount             Effective interest rate
                                                       Turkish       Foreign      Turkish       Foreign
                                                         Lira       currency       Lira        currency

Open accounts                                       14,380         24,793      53% - 58%     5% - 6%
Checks receivable                                   28,218         -           53% - 58%     5% - 6%
Notes receivable                                    908            -           53% - 58%     5% - 6%
Doubtful factoring receivables                      572            -           -             -

Total factoring receivables                         44,078         24,793

Less: Reserve for possible losses                   (637)          -           -             -
Less: Deferred income                               (1,268)        -           -             -

Net factoring receivables                           42,173         24,793

Factoring payables                                  13,104         14,879

Funds in use, net                                   29,069         9,914


                                                             Amount             Effective interest rate
                                                     Turkish       Foreign       Turkish       Foreign
                                                       Lira       currency        Lira        currency

Open accounts                                      21,270       23,562        59% - 62%     7% - 8%
Checks receivable                                  8,429        -             59% - 62%     -
Notes receivable                                   551          -             59% - 62%     -
Doubtful factoring receivables                     812          -             -             -

Total factoring receivables                        31,062       23,562

Less: Reserve for possible losses                  (812)        -
Less: Deferred income                              (296)        -

Net factoring receivables                          29,954       23,562

Factoring payables                                 -            14,204

Funds in use, net                                  29,954       9,358

Movements in the reserve for possible losses:

                                                                                   2002            2001

Reserve at beginning of year                                                   812           493
Provision for possible losses                                                  12            714
Recoveries                                                                     -             -
Provision net of recoveries                                                    824           1,207
Factoring receivables written off during the year                              -             -
Monetary gain                                                                  (187)         (395)

Reserve at end of year                                                         637           812


Gross investment in finance leases, receivable:

                                                                                 2002             2001

Not later than 1 year                                                       64,450          45,684
Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years                                32,342          28,066
Later than 5 years                                                          1,451           -

Minimum lease payments receivables, gross                                   98,243          73,750

Less: Unearned interest income                                              (11,151)        (10,870)
Net investment in finance leases                                            87,092          62,880
Less: Reserve for impairment                                                (1,312)         (1,040)

Minimum lease payments receivables, net                                     85,780          61,840

Net investment in finance leases may be analyzed as follows:

                                                                                 2002             2001

Not later than 1 year                                                       56,431          38,343
Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years                                29,290          24,537
Later than 5 years                                                          1,371           -

                                                                            87,092          62,880

As of December 31, 2002 and 2001, TL97,410 and TL65,705 of gross lease
receivables are denominated in foreign currency (mainly US$ and Euro) and TL,
respectively and the effective interest rates are 13.92% to 14.84% (2001-17.52%
to 16.14%) for foreign currency and 69% to 92% for TL (2001 - 59.09%).

Movements in the reserve for impairment:

                                                                                 2002             2001

Reserve at beginning of year                                                1,040           1,503
Provision for impairment                                                    657             244
Recoveries                                                                  (26)            -
Provision net of recoveries                                                 1,671           1,747
Minimum lease payments receivables written off during the year              (48)            -
Monetary gain                                                               (311)           (707)

Reserve at end of year                                                      1,312           1,040


Investment in unconsolidated subsidiaries

The breakdown of unconsolidated subsidiaries is comprised of the following:

                                                       Participation Percentage    Participation Amount
                                                          2002         2001         2002         2001

TEB Kyymetli Madenler A.S.                            66.1         66.1          337         337
Factors International Holding S.A.                    -            99.9          -           483

                                                                                 337         820

According to the General Meeting of Factors International Holding S.A. held on
December 28, 2001, it was decided to liquidate Factors International Holding
S.A. in 2002. Accordingly, in 2002, Factors International Holding S.A was

These investments were not consolidated on grounds of immateriality.


The following comprise investments in associates:

                                                              2002                             2001
                                                                        Group's                         Group's
                         Principle   Country of  Carrying  Ownership   Share (*)  Carrying  Ownership   Share (*)
        Entity           Activities   Business    Value     Interest   of Income     Value    Interest  of Income

Varlyk Yatyrym                       Turkey     446        34.0%      19          501       34.0%      124
Ortaklygy A.S.
                                                446                   19          501                  124

(*) Group's share of income represents statutory share of net income at related


                                                                               Equipment and
                                          Land and      Leased       Motor     Improvements
                                          Buildings     Assets     Vehicles                      Total

At January 1, 2002, net of accumulated
                                        8,367         13,673      2,129       16,736          40,905
Additions                               -             5,489       1,409       8,367           15,265
Disposals                               -             -           (109)       (1,514)         (1,623)
Depreciation charge for the year        (225)         (5,271)     (918)       (5,794)         (12,208)
Exchange adjustment                     -             -           1           9               10

At December 31, 2002, net of
accumulated depreciation                8,142         13,891      2,512       17,804          42,349

At December 31, 2001
Cost                                    10,973        27,512      4,666       42,675          85,826
Accumulated depreciation                (2,606)       (13,839)    (2,537)     (25,939)        (44,921)
Accumulated impairment                  -             -           -           -               -

Net carrying amount                     8,367         13,673      2,129       16,736          40,905

At December 31, 2002
Cost                                    10,973        32,949      5,479       47,266          96,667
Accumulated depreciation                (2,831)       (19,058)    (2,967)     (29,462)        (54,318)
Accumulated impairment                  -             -           -           -               -

Net carrying amount                     8,142         13,891      2,512       17,804          42,349


                                                                                           Licenses and

At January 1, 2002, net of accumulated amortization                                      3,303
Additions                                                                                1,854
Disposals                                                                                (1)
Amortization charge for the year                                                         (1,424)
Exchange adjustment                                                                      10

At December 31, 2002, net of accumulated amortization                                    3,742

At December 31, 2001
Cost                                                                                     7,534
Accumulated amortization                                                                 (4,231)

Net carrying amount                                                                      3,303

At December 31, 2002
Cost                                                                                     9,398
Accumulated amortization                                                                 (5,656)

Net carrying amount                                                                      3,742


                                                                               2002               2001

Insurance premium receivables                                           15,984             14,081
Transitory accounts and prepaid expenses                                2,044              2,797
Value added taxes receivable                                            1,104              -
Prepaid taxes                                                           492                3,280
Others                                                                  9,683              5,025
                                                                        29,307             25,183


Deposits from other banks

                                      2002                                           2001
                        Amount         Effective interest rate         Amount         Effective interest rate
                  Turkish   Foreign     Turkish      Foreign     Turkish    Foreign     Turkish     Foreign
                   Lira     currency     Lira       currency       Lira     currency     Lira       currency

Demand                 747     19,183   0% -   5%       -            1,297      4,317   0% -   5%        -
Time                32,785     52,953   41% - 49%  2.5% - 3.75%     20,322     63,119   54% - 62%  3.5% - 6%

Total               33,532     72,136                               21,619     67,436

Customers' deposits

                                     2002                                           2001
                        Amount        Effective interest rate         Amount          Effective interest rate
                  Turkish   Foreign     Turkish     Foreign     Turkish    Foreign     Turkish      Foreign
                   Lira     currency     Lira       currency      Lira     currency    Lira         currency

Demand           17,258         2,725     0% - 5%      -       6,561      4,678           0% - 5%      -
Time             151,983       65,260   28% - 65%  0.75% - 5%  103,482    98,726        33% - 75%    1% - 8.5%

                 169,241       67,985                          110,043    103,404

Commercial and
Demand           86,957       460,164     0% - 5%      -       58,068     338,767        0%  - 5%      -
Time             108,733    1,821,143   28% - 65%  0.75% - 5%  106,401    1,405,179    33%  - 75%    1% - 8.5%

                 195,690    2,281,307                          164,469    1,743,946

Total            364,931   2,349,292                           274,512    1,847,350

Other money market deposits

                                     2002                                            2001
                       Amount         Effective interest rate         Amount          Effective interest rate
                 Turkish   Foreign      Turkish      Foreign    Turkish    Foreign      Turkish       Foreign
                   Lira    currency       Lira       currency     Lira     currency      Lira         currency
under repurchase

-Due to          9,812    -          28.21% - 41%   -          134,306    131,370    51.28% - 64.1% 1.5% -
customers                                                                                           3.45%
-Due to banks    13,016   -          44% - 44.1%    -          -          -          59%            -

                 22,828   -                                    134,306    131,370

Interbank        -        -          -              -          -          -          -              -
Other money

market deposits  -        -          -              -          -          -          -              -

Total            22,828   -                                    134,306    131,370


                                   2002                                           2001
                      Amount         Effective interest rate        Amount          Effective interest rate
                Turkish    Foreign     Turkish     Foreign    Turkish    Foreign                  Foreign
                  Lira     currency               currency      Lira     currency                 currency
                                        Lira                                       Turkish Lira

Fixed interest 37,169     19,422      36% -71%    4% -7.42%  53,508     31,643     8.45% - 65%  1.75% - 13.00%
Floating       -          269,296         -       1% -6.22%  -          246,809         -       1.75% - 13.00%

Fixed interest -          682             -           -      71         782            100%     2.44% - 13.02%
Floating       -          93,011          -        2% -8%    -          84,975          -       2.44% - 13.02%
Finance lease
obligations    -          -               -           -      -          -               -       -
Debt           -          -               -           -      -          -               -       -

Total          37,169     382,411                            53,579     364,209

Repayments of medium-long-term borrowing are as follows:

                                                      2002                            2001
                                            Fixed rate   Floating rate    Fixed rate       Floating rate

2002                                       -                  -        -                 6,435
2003                                       -              9,379        213               10,770
2004                                       682           24,430        640               27,821
2005                                       -             15,131        -                 17,467
2006                                       -             12,916        -                 14,910
2007                                       -             11,478        -                 7,572
Thereafter                                 -             19,677        -                 -

                                           682           93,011        853               84,975

The Bank has signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation
(IFC) on July 17, 2002, to receive a US$85 million financing facility. The
facility consists of three separate loans. The first loan is a US$15 million,
7-year term, subordinated convertible loan, bearing an interest rate of Libor +
4.5% and matching BRSA's Tier II Capital definitions as well as contributing to
the Bank's capital adequacy ratio in a positive manner. The second loan is a
US$20 million medium-term loan facility to be lent as working capital,
investment or export pre-finance needs to TEB' clients with 3-month to 5-year
maturity from IFC's own account. The third part of the loan allows for the
syndication of up to US$50 million from private commercial banks when markets


Other liabilities and provisions

                                                                               2002               2001

Payment orders                                                          27,641             38,911
Transitory accounts                                                     14,893             21,766
Insurance technical reserves                                            11,961             10,619
Taxes other than on income                                              11,212             7,242
Trade payables                                                          5,318              -
Employee termination benefits                                           4,318              3,805
Others                                                                  33,176             34,912

                                                                       108,519            117,255

Employee Termination Benefits

In accordance with existing social legislation, the Bank and its subsidiaries
incorporated in Turkey are required to make lump-sum payments to employees whose
employment is terminated due to retirement or for reasons other than resignation
or misconduct.  In Turkey, such payments are calculated on the basis of 30 days'
pay (limited to a maximum of TL 1.260 and TL 0.978 at December 31, 2002 and
December 31, 2001 respectively) per year of employment at the rate of pay
applicable at the date of retirement or termination.  In the financial
statements as of December 31, 2002 and 2001, the Group reflected a liability
calculated using the Projected Unit Credit Method and based upon factors derived
using their experience of personnel terminating their services and being
eligible to receive retirement pay and discounted by using the current market
yield at the balance sheet date on government bonds.


IAS 19 (revised) requires actuarial valuation methods to be developed to
estimate the enterprise's obligation under defined benefit plans. Accordingly,
the principal actuarial assumptions used in the calculation of the total
liability at the balance sheet dates are as follows:

                                                                               2002               2001

Discount rate                                                                  43%                70%
Expected rates of limit increases                                              35%                60%

Actuarial gains and losses are recognized in the income statement in the period
they occur.

The movement in provision for retirement pay liability is as follows:

At January 1, 2001                                                                              3,976
Paid during the year                                                                            (611)
Increase during the year                                                                        2,422
Monetary gain                                                                                   (1,982)

At December 31, 2001                                                                            3,805

At January 1, 2002                                                                              3,805
Paid during the year                                                                            (479)
Increase during the year                                                                        1,909
Monetary gain                                                                                   (917)

At December 31, 2002                                                                            4,318

Insurance Technical Reserves

                                                                                 2002             2001

Unearned premiums reserve                                                   13,278          11,231
Unearned premiums reserve reinsurer' share                                  (5,203)         (4,099)

                                                                            8,075           7,132

Deferred commission income                                                  2,006           1,839

Claim provision                                                             5,918           3,458
Claim provision, reinsurer's share                                          (4,038)         (1,810)

                                                                            1,880           1,648

Total                                                                       11,961          10,619


General Information

The Group is subject to taxation in accordance with the tax procedures and the
legislation effective in the countries in which the Group companies operate.

In Turkey the effective corporate tax rate including the fund levied is 33%.
Items exempted from corporation tax (except dividends collected) are subject to
income tax at the effective rate of 11% or 19.8%. In case of dividend
distributions in the form of cash, depending on public or privately owned status
of the entity, 5% or 15% income tax (plus 10% additional fund) is calculated
over that portion of the distributed amount which is subject to 33% corporation
tax and paid to tax authorities on behalf of shareholders.

In Turkey, tax regulations do not provide a procedure for final agreement of tax
assessments.  Tax returns are filed within the fourth month after the end of the
year to which they relate to and tax authorities may examine the accounting
records and revise assessments within five years.

In Turkey, the tax legislation does not permit a parent company and its
subsidiaries to file a consolidated tax return.  Therefore, provision for taxes,
as reflected in the consolidated financial statements, has been calculated on a
separate-entity basis.

In accordance with the advance tax payment regulation in Turkey, entities are
required to file temporary tax returns quarterly and pay 25% of their quarterly
earnings which is offset from the final tax liability computed on the current
year's operating results. Accordingly, the taxation charge computed is not equal
to the final tax liability appearing on the balance sheet.

                                                                                      2002          2001
Consolidated income statement
Current income tax
Current income tax charge                                                         29,156        31,095
Deferred income tax
Relating to origination and reversal of temporary differences                     (828)         (12,918)

Income tax expense reported in consolidated income statement                      28,328        18,177

A reconciliation of income tax expense applicable to profit from operating
activities before income tax at the statutory income tax rate to income tax
expense at the group's effective income tax rate for the years ended December 31
was as follows :

                                                                                      2002          2001

Net profit/loss from ordinary activities before income tax                        51,877        (32,882)

At Turkish statutory income tax rate of 33%                                       17,120        (10,851)
Effect of different income tax rates in other countries                           243           313
Income not subject to tax                                                         (36,234)      (21,177)
Expenditure not allowable for income tax purposes                                 33,228        57,479
Utilization of previously unrecognized tax losses                                 (4,536)       -
Effect of restatement and other                                                   18,507        (7,587)

Income tax                                                                        28,328        18,177

18. INCOME TAXES (continued)

Deferred income tax

Deferred income tax at December 31, relates to the following:

                                                                                       Balance Sheet
                                                                                    2002           2001

Deferred income tax liabilities
Restatement of premises and equipment and intangible assets
    (including leased assets)                                                  5,892           6,254
Deferred gains and losses on foreign exchange contracts                        1,339           220
Deferred acquisition costs related to insurance contracts                      1,212           1,116
Others                                                                         592             1,337

Gross deferred income tax liabilities                                          9,035           8,927

Deferred income tax assets
Loan loss provisions                                                           2,010           1,593
Unearned premium reserve and claim provisions                                  1,886           1,945
Deferred gains and losses on foreign exchange contracts                        1,507           179
Post-employment benefits                                                       1,424           1,256
Others                                                                         126             41

Gross deferred income tax assets                                               6,953           5,014

Net deferred income tax liability                                              2,082           3,913

Net deferred income tax asset                                                  -               -

Movement of net deferred tax liability/asset can be presented as follows:

                                                                                     2002           2001

Balance at January 1                                                           3,913            23,560
Deferred income tax recognized in income statement                             (828)            (12,918)
Monetary gain/loss                                                             (1,003)          (6,729)

Balance at December 31                                                         2,082            3,913

Deferred income tax liabilities have not been established for the withholding
and other taxes that would be payable on the unremitted earnings of certain
subsidiaries incorporated in Turkey, as it is not certain whether such amounts
will be permanently reinvested or received in cash. Such unremitted earnings
totaled TL7,530 at December 31, 2002 (2001 - TL 1,400) at nominal values. If
such amounts are collected in cash in the form of dividends, they will be
subject to withholding tax at the effective rates of 5.5% to 16.5% depending on
whether the subsidiary is publicly quoted or not.


In the ordinary course of business, the Group enters into various types of
transactions that involve derivative financial instruments. A derivative
financial instrument is a financial contract between two parties where payments
are dependent upon movements in price in one or more underlying financial
instruments, reference rates or indices. Derivative financial instruments
include forwards, swaps, futures and options.

The table below shows the favorable (assets) and unfavorable (liabilities) fair
values of derivative financial instruments together with the notional amounts
analyzed by the term to maturity.  The notional amount is the amount of a
derivative's underlying asset, reference rate or index and is the basis upon
which changes in the value of derivatives are measured. The notional amounts
indicate the volume of transactions outstanding at year-end and are neither
indicative of the market risk nor credit risk.

The fair value of derivative financial instruments is calculated by using
forward exchange rates at the balance sheet date. In the absence of reliable
forward rate estimations in a volatile market, current market rate is considered
to be the best estimate of the present value of the forward exchange rates.

                                            Notional                                                    More
                                            amount in                                                  than 5
                     Fair     Fair value     Turkish    Up to 1   1 to 3    3 to 6    6 to 12  1 to 5  years
                     value    liabilities     Lira      months    months    months    months   years
                    assets                 equivalent

Derivatives held
for trading

Forward purchase   3,320     -             127,959     89,817    17,810    16,233    4,099     -      -
Forward sale       -         2,414         131,052     92,844    17,516    16,593    4,099     -      -
Currency swap      738       -             151,844     128,895   -         22,949    -         -      -
Currency swap sale -         2,154         153,188     130,705   -         22,483    -         -      -

                   4,058     4,568         564,043     442,261   35,326    78,258    8,198     -      -

                                           amount in
                     Fair    Fair value   Turkish Lira Up to 1   1 to 3    3 to 6  6 to 12   1 to 5    More
                    value    liabilities   equivalent   months   months    months   months   years    than 5
                    assets                                                                            years

Derivatives held
for trading
Forward purchase   653      -                  114,481 78,642   11,113    4,707    20,019   -        -
Forward sale       -        535                114,469 78,938   10,874    4,675    19,982   -        -
Currency swap      13       -                   14,467   14,467 -         -        -        -        -
Currency swap sale -        8                   14,641   14,641 -         -        -        -        -

                   666      543           258,058      186,688  21,987    9,382    40,001   -        -

The Bank has certain structured transactions with foreign financial
institutions, which the Bank has a right to set off the recognized amounts and
intends to settle on a net basis.  As of December 31, 2001, such transactions
which are due for settlement in 2002, are reflected net in the balance sheet as
the net of financial liabilities and financial assets in the form of foreign
currency share certificates with call and put options and Eurobonds with swap
commitments of TL38,573.


                                                                               2002              2001

Number of common shares, TL 500 (in full TL), par value
Authorized 110,250 million; Issued and outstanding                          110,250           110,250
110,250 million in 2002 and 2001                                           million            million

Share of TL500 nominal value each trade in the Istanbul Stock Exchange in the
form of units of two shares with a combined nominal value of TL1,000 each.

As of December 31, 2002 and 2001, the Bank's historical subscribed and issued
share capital was TL 55,125 (historical terms).

There is no increase in share capital of the Bank during 2002 and 2001.

As of December 31, 2002 and 2001, the composition of shareholders and their
respective % of ownership can be summarized as follows:

                                                              2002                        2001
                                                       Amount          %           Amount           %

TEB Mali Yatyrymlar A.S.                           38,631            70.08    38,631              70.08
Publicly Traded                                    11,025            20.00    11,025              20.00
Colakoglu Metalurji A.S.                           4,740              8.60    4,740                8.60
Other shareholders                                 729                1.32    729                  1.32

                                                   55,125           100.00    55,125              100.00
Restatement effect                                 181,945                    405,554

                                                   237,070          100.00    460,679             100.00

As allowed by the BRSA, the Bank has set off prior year losses against legal
reserves and restatement effect of share capital.


Legal Reserves

The legal reserves consist of first and second legal reserves in accordance with
the Turkish Commercial Code. The first legal reserve is appropriated out of the
statutory profits at the rate of 5%, until the total reserve reaches a maximum
of 20% of the entity's share capital. The second legal reserve is appropriated
at the rate of 10% of all distributions in excess of 5% of the entity's share
capital. The first and second legal reserves are not available for distribution
unless they exceed 50% of the share capital, but may be used to absorb losses in
the event that the general reserve is exhausted. As of December 31, 2002, the
Group's legal reserves, which were included within the legal reserves and
accumulated deficit balance amount to TL 7,294 (2001 - TL 7,068) at nominal

The statutory general reserve and statutory current year profit are available
for distribution, subject to the reserve requirements referred to above.



There are no dividends declared and authorized in 2001. The profit appropriation
for 2002 will be resolved in the annual general meeting of the shareholders to
be held in March 2003.


Basic earnings per share (EPS) are calculated by dividing the net profit for the
year attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of
ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

In Turkey, companies can increase their share capital by making a pro rata
distribution of shares ("Bonus Shares") to existing shareholders without
consideration for amounts resolved to be transferred to share capital from
retained earnings and revaluation surplus.  For the purpose of the EPS
calculation such Bonus Share issues are regarded as stock dividends.  Dividend
payments, which are immediately reinvested in the shares of the Bank, are
regarded similarly.  Accordingly the weighted average number of shares used in
EPS calculation is derived by giving retroactive effect to the issue of such
shares, which are shown in the table below, without consideration through
December 31, 2002.

                                    Number of Shares (in millions) Issued Attributable to
                            Transfers           Transfers
                               from                from              Reinvestment
                             Retained          Revaluation           of Dividend
                             Earnings            Surplus               Payments            Total
1995 and before                       32                  247                  2,969          3,248
1996                                   -                  330                  1,270          1,600
1997                               1,022                  596                  4,382          6,000
1998                                 529                  682                  7,277          8,488
1999                                 600                2,062                 16,338         19,000
2000                                   -                    -                 26,068         26,068
2001                                   -                    -                      -              -
2002                                   -                    -                      -              -
                                   2,183                3,917                 58,304         64,404

There is no dilution of shares as of December 31, 2002 and 2001.

The following reflects the income (in full TL) and share data (in billions) used
in the basic earnings per share computations:

                                                                                        2002         2001

Net profit / (loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders for basic earnings per        214         (463)

                                                                                        2002         2001

Weighted average number of ordinary shares (in billions)  for basic earnings per       110.25       110.25

There have been no other transactions involving ordinary shares or potential
ordinary shares since the reporting date and before the completion of these
financial statements.


Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the
other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making the
financial and operating decisions. The Group is controlled by TEB Mali
Yatyrymlar A.S. which owns 70.08% (2001 - 70.08%) of ordinary shares, and
included in Colakoglu Group of companies. For the purpose of these consolidated
financial statements, unconsolidated subsidiaries, associates, shareholders and
Colakoglu Group companies are referred to as related parties. Related parties
also include individuals that are principal owners, management and members of
the Group's Board of Directors and their families.

In the course of conducting its banking business, the Group conducted various
business transactions with related parties on commercial terms and at rates
which approximate market rates.

The following transactions have been entered into with related parties:
                                                                                               Fund lent              
                                                                 Minimum                       under                  
                                                                 lease                         securities             
                           Placements                Non-cash    payments       Premium        resale                 
  Related party            with bank     Cash        loans       receivable     receivable     agreements    Funds    
                                         loans                                                               borrowed 
  Shareholders     2002    -             103,147     6,730       -              2,496          -             -        
                   2001    -             21,505      505         10             4,068          -             -        
  Others           2002    17,461        10,154      4,373       34             2,382          -             44,146   
                   2001    19,296        107,876     6,432       216            3,826          131,155       35,131   
                                          Notional amount                                                             
                                          of derivative                                     Other          Other      
                           Deposits       transactions        Interest       Interest       operating      Operating  
  Related Party            taken                              income         expense        income         expense    
  Shareholders     2002    187,132        43,311              2              (2,450)        925            (813)      
                   2001    63,938         23,168              15,299         (9,570)        48             (73)       
  Others           2002    759,241        24,485              739            (13,645)       687            (1,019)    
                   2001    326,718        15,676              21,975         (44,605)       2,682          (405)      

Cash loans granted to related parties include TL102,553 (2001 - TL123,899) of
cash collateralized loans.


                                                                                    2002           2001
Staff costs
Wages and salaries                                                            46,106           49,410
Bonuses                                                                       1,505            793
Other fringe benefits                                                         5,480            5,785
Provision for employee termination benefits                                   1,909            2,422
Cost of defined contribution plan (employers' share of social security
                                                                              5,098            4,902

Total                                                                         60,098           63,312

The average number of employees during the year is:

                                                                                 2002           2001

The Bank                                                                    1,570           1,301
Subsidiaries                                                                318             324

Total                                                                       1,888           1,625


Other income

                                                                                 2002           2001

Fund management fees                                                        4,522           5,537
Insurance technical income                                                  5,518           7,131
Others                                                                      7,463           12,062

Total                                                                       17,503          24,730

Other expenses
                                                                                 2002           2001

Rent expense                                                                11,506          13,258
SDIF premium                                                                8,898           11,121
Advertisement expenses                                                      3,798           3,749
Various administrative expenses                                             25,198          33,058

Total                                                                       49,400          61,186


In the normal course of business activities, the Bank and its subsidiaries
undertake various commitments and incur certain contingent liabilities that are
not presented in the financial statements including:

                                                                                    2002           2001

Letters of guarantees
  - issued by the Bank                                                        553,430                577,640
  - obtained by consolidated subsidiaries from other banks                    27,203                  24,150
Letters of credit                                                             321,987                 28,222
Acceptance credits                                                            40,361                219,377

Total non-cash loans                                                          942,981                849,389
Other commitments                                                             122,968                269,605
Credit card limit commitments                                                 67,335                  63,971

                                                                              1,133,284            1,182,965
Trust Assets

The nominal values of the assets held by the Group in fiduciary, agency or
custodian capacities amounted to TL1,539,865 (2001 - TL 1,185,674) and EURO 40.2
million (2001 - EURO 1,468 million) at December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

Letters of Guarantee Given to Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) and Istanbul Gold
Market (IGM)

As of December 31, 2002 and 2001, in line with the requirements of IGM letters
of guarantee amounting to US$1,610,000 had been obtained from local banks and
were provided to IGM for transactions conducted in that market.

As of December 31, 2001 and 2002, according to the general requirements of the
ISE, letters of guarantee amounting to TL1,902 (in historical terms) and US$17
million had been obtained from various local banks and were provided to the ISE
for bond market transactions.  Also, as of December 31, 2002 and 2001, according
to the general requirements, letters of guarantee amounting to TL2,346 and TL
572 (2001 - TL 252) (in historical terms) were given to the Capital Market
Board, respectively.


The Group manages nine open-ended investment funds which were established under
the regulations of the Turkish Capital Board. In accordance with the funds'
charters, the Group purchases and sells marketable securities on behalf of
funds, markets their participation certificates and provides other services in
return for a management fee and undertakes management responsibility for their

As of December 31, 2002 and 2001, the total value of the investment funds
managed by the Group amounted to TL327,529 and TL194,436 respectively.



The Risk Management Group is headed by a dedicated member of the Board who is
assigned as Risk Supervisor. The group reports to the Board of Directors and
manages Market Risk, Credit Risk and Operational Risk.

Board of Directors sets limits and risks taken for all money, capital and
commodity markets and counterparties .

Credit Risk

Credit risk represents the risk generating from the counter party's not
fulfilling its responsibilities stated in the agreement either partially or

Credit Risk Department is established, the internal rating system for corporate
credits is being used by the Credit Control Department and a scoring system for
retail banking was put in-effect in 2001.  The rating of the firms, credit limit
and guarantee acceptance processes are taken into consideration all together in
accordance with conservative lending policies applied by the Loan Lending and
Risk Follow up Group.  Accordingly the follow up of credit risk is established.
Sectoral counterparty credit limits are set on individual borrowers and groups.
Money Market placement lines and risks of the Group companies are monitored
centrally by an in-house Line Limit System.

The risks and limits generated from treasury and client based commercial
transactions are followed up daily. Additionally, the control of the limits of
the correspondent banks is determined by their ratings and the control of the
accepted risk level in relation to the Bank's equity are performed daily. Risk
limits are determined for the transactions taking place daily and the risk
concentration of the off-balance sheet transactions are followed up by the

The credibility of the debtors of the Bank is assessed periodically in
accordance with the "Communique on Methods and Principles for the Determination
of Loans and Other Receivables to be Reserved for and Allocation of Reserves."
Majority of the accepted statements presenting the financial position of the
borrowers are audited statements.

Transaction limits for the    forward and other similar agreement positions held
by the Bank is determined by the Board of Directors and transactions take place
within these limits.

Foreign country and institution risks of the Bank are generally determined for
foreign countries and institutions, which are considered at the investment
level, in other words, which are stated as carrying minimum level of default
risk by the international rating companies. Accordingly, the likely risks that
may occur are minor risks when the financial structure of the Bank is


Sectoral break down of cash and non-cash loans is as follows:

                                                               2002                    2001
                                                         Cash      Non-cash       Cash      Non-cash

Financial institutions and discounted bills           208,221     85,026      187,499      87,934
Metals                                                184,191     90,187      85,380       68,143
Textiles                                              152,815     103,716     78,453       88,338
Chemicals and chemical products                       123,582     71,710      108,783      54,475
Food, beverage, tobacco                               102,275     102,349     86,289       91,320
Wholesale and retailing                               101,465     82,645      65,119       53,690
Transportation                                        64,409      30,860      60,788       37,422
Ready-to-wear textiles                                63,379      37,606      95,986       23,373
Wood products                                         61,204      24,412      85,503       24,828
Machinery                                             32,118      35,658      19,572       42,578
Construction                                          25,662      28,228      22,456       14,496
Tourism, transportation, warehousing                  24,402      24,456      15,147       31,144
Mining, other than metals                             18,659      9,651       7,184        6,919
Electricity and optic devices                         16,604      15,095      115,058      13,488
Fuel products                                         12,524      7,096       32,395       1,206
Fiber and plastic                                     10,290      29,196      15,297       49,719
Leather and leather products                          3,370       1,993       2,516        1,236
Others                                                72,051      39,898      65,025       12,541

Corporate loans                                       1,277,221   819,782     1,148,450    702,850
Consumer loans                                        31,176      10,358      32,413       11,957
Letters of guarantee secured by counter guarantees    -           48,550      -            51,458
Confirmed and collateralized letters of credit        -           37,088      -            58,974
Interest accruals                                     19,329      -           32,671       -
Loans in arrears                                      20,212      -           22,641       -
Provision for possible loan losses                    (21,383)    -           (11,820)     -

                                                      1,326,555   915,778     1,224,355    825,239

Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk occurs when there is insufficient amount of cash inflows to
fulfill the cash outflows completely on time.

Liquidity risk may occur when market penetration is not enough, when the open
positions cannot be closed at a suitable price and sufficient amount due to
barriers and conditions at the markets. The Bank's policy is to establish a
liquid asset structure that provides comfort in meeting all kinds of liabilities
by liquid assets. The Board of Directors of the Bank continuously determines the
liquidity ratios and related standards, and controls them, in order to keep this

When the funding and liquidity sources are considered, the Bank covers majority
of its liquidity need by deposits, and in addition to this source, it makes use
of prefinancing and syndication products to generate additional sources. The
Bank is a net lender in interbank money markets.


The table below analyses assets and liabilities of the Group into relevant
maturity groupings based on the remaining period at balance sheet date to
contractual maturity date.

                                         Up to 1     1 to 3    3 to 6    6 to 12   1 to 5    Over 5     Total
                        Undistributed      month     months    months    months     years     years

As at December 31, 2002
Cash and balances with  -               430,766    -          -         -         -         -         430,766
the Central Bank
Deposits with banks and -               1,014,347  13,493     9,035     2,703     -         -         1,039,578
other financial
Other money market      -               414,125    -          -         -         -         -         414,125
Reserve deposits at the -               133,072    -          -         -         -         -         133,072
Central Bank
Trading securities      -               368        16,281     10,760    6,719     18,588    934       53,650
Investment securities   -               572        17,213     1,600     1,307     36,553    -         57,245
Originated loans and    -               406,846    256,497    305,136   156,907   201,169   -         1,326,555
Factoring receivables   -               -          66,966     -         -         -         -         66,966
Minimum lease payments  -               4,685      13,728     12,978    22,919    31,470    -         85,780
Derivative financial    -               1,532      704        1,822     -         -         -         4,058
Investments in          337             -          -          -         -         -         -         337
Investments in          446             -          -          -         -         -         -         446
Premises and equipment  42,349          -          -          -         -         -         -         42,349
Intangible assets       3,742           -          -          -         -         -         -         3,742
Other assets            13,323          3,276      2,814      6,221     3,673     -         -         29,307

Total assets            60,197          2,409,589  387,696    347,552   194,228   287,780   934       3,687,976

Deposits from other     -               102,036    2,632      1,000     -         -         -         105,668
Customers' deposits     -               2,249,893  163,022    53,367    82,626    165,315   -         2,714,223
Other money market      -               22,828     -          -         -         -         -         22,828
Funds borrowed          -               33,289     32,427     80,793    188,757   64,637    19,677    419,580
Factoring payables      -               -          27,983     -         -         -         -         27,983
Derivative financial    -               2,690      563        1,082     233       -         -         4,568
Other liabilities and   77,501          8,472      4,645      5,908     11,961    -         32        108,519
Income taxes payable    13,396          -          -          -         -         -         -         13,396
Deferred tax liability  2,082           -          -          -         -         -         -         2,082

Total liabilities       92,979          2,419,208  231,272    142,150   283,577   229,952   19,709    3,418,847

Net liquidity gap       (32,782)        (9,619)    156,424    205,402   (89,349)  57,828    (18,775)  269,129

As at December 31,2001
Total assets            266,487         1,966,346  286,436    266,484   362,919   140,364   -         3,289,036
Total liabilities       151,775         1,910,705  294,132    208,940   315,494   165,110   -         3,046,156

Net liquidity gap       114,712         55,641     (7,696)    57,544    47,425    (24,746)  -         242,880


Market Risk

The interest rate and exchange rate risks of the financial positions taken by
the Bank related to balance sheet and off-balance sheet accounts are measured
and while calculating the capital adequacy, the amount subject to Value-at-Risk
(VAR) is taken into consideration. Scenario analysis and stress tests are used
additionally in market risk computations.

In order to measure the market risk of the Bank, the Board of Directors has
established risk management strategies in accordance with the proposals of the
Senior Management Risk Committee and these strategies are required to be
followed up periodically. The Board of Directors evaluates the basic risks faced
and determines limitations accordingly. The limits are revised periodically.
Additionally the Board of Directors requires the risk management group and
senior management to take necessary precautions to consider, evaluate, and
control the variety of risks the Bank faces.

Currency Risk

Foreign currency risk indicates the possibilities of the potential losses that
banks are subject to due to the exchange rate movements in the market. While
calculating the share capital requirement, all foreign currency assets,
liabilities and forward transactions of the Bank are taken into account. Net
short and long position of Turkish Lira equivalent of each foreign currency is
calculated. The value, which will be a base for calculating the share capital
requirement, is computed by taking the higher absolute value of the position by
adding to absolute net gold position. Share capital requirement is computed over
of this amount. The Board of Directors sets limits for the positions, which are
followed up daily. Additionally, possible value changes in the existing or
possible foreign currency positions are observed together with the follow-up of
the foreign currency risk in accordance with the provisions of the "Communique
on Internal Control and Risk Management Systems of Banks".

The Board of Directors of the Bank determines the short position limits that the
Bank can hold in accordance with the present legal limitations. The Treasury
Department of the Bank is responsible for the management of Turkish Lira or
foreign currency price, liquidity and affordability risks that could occur in
the domestic and international markets. The Risk Control Department continuously
controls risk and risk related transactions occurring in the money markets and
prepares weekly reports for the Bank's Asset-Liability Committee. The related
principles and limitations of the counterparties are determined by the Loan
Committee. The limits concerning the maturity structure of the foreign currency
transactions and interest rates are monitored by the  Asset-Liability Committee.


The concentrations of assets, liabilities and off balance sheet items:

                                  Turkish   US Dollars     Euro       Yen     Others     Total

As at December 31, 2002
Cash and balances with the      20,933      409,822     11         -         -         430,766
Central Bank (or central banks
Deposits with banks and other   42,884      787,297     146,701    1,834     60,862    1,039,578
financial institutions
Other money market placements   235,295     178,830     -          -         -         414,125
Reserve deposits at the Central 10,162      122,910     -          -         -         133,072
Bank (or central banks)
Trading securities              43,779      2,687       6,912      -         272       53,650
Investment securities           37,125      1,599       -          17,213    1,308     57,245
Originated loans and advances   283,004     793,657     226,656    -         23,238    1,326,555
Factoring receivables           42,173      6,238       9,835      -         8,720     66,966
Minimum lease payments          4,822       31,918      43,129     -         5,911     85,780
Derivative financial            3,743       -           315        -         -         4,058
Investments in unconsolidated   337         -           -          -         -         337
Investments in associates       446         -           -          -         -         446
Premises and equipment          41,940      -           409        -         -         42,349
Intangible assets               3,614       -           128        -         -         3,742
Other assets                    26,389      2,064       748        5         101       29,307

Total assets                    796,646     2,337,022   434,844    19,052    100,412   3,687,976

Deposits from other banks       33,532      39,758      7,979      3         24,396    105,668
Customers' deposits             364,931     2,028,520   267,990    804       51,978    2,714,223
Other money market deposits     22,828      -           -          -         -         22,828
Funds borrowed                  37,169      354,487     14,001     -         13,923    419,580
Factoring payables              13,104      3,688       5,478      -         5,713     27,983
Derivative financial            4,568       -           -          -         -         4,568
Other liabilities and           61,702      5,433       39,443     -         1,941     108,519
Income taxes payable            11,711      -           1,685      -         -         13,396
Deferred tax liability          2,082       -           -          -         -         2,082

Total liabilities               551,627     2,431,886   336,576    807       97,951    3,418,847

Net on-balance sheet position   245,019     (94,864)    98,268     18,245    2,461     269,129

Off-balance sheet position
Net notional amount of          (40,527)    169,107     (103,839)  (18,082)  (11,096)  (4,437)
Non- cash loans                 -           -           -          -         -         -

At December 31, 2001

Total assets                    758,565     2,100,439   355,230    382       74,420    3,289,036

Total liabilities               549,162     2,127,306   292,837    363       76,488    3,046,156

Net on balance sheet position   209,403     (26,867)    62,393     19        (2,068)   242,880

Off-balance sheet position      (2,104)     10,805      (8,990)    72        55        (162)


Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate risk measures the probability of loss related to the changes in
interest rates depending on the Bank's position. This is managed by the Treasury
Department. The Board of Directors determines the interest rate risk limits. The
Risk Control Department calculates, controls and reports the interest rate risk.

All types of sensitivity analysis are calculated by the risk management group
and reported to the Asset-Liability Committee. The Asset-Liability Committee
monitors the interest rate risk and takes these into consideration in defining
the repricing strategies.

The table below summarizes the Group's exposure to interest rate risk on the
basis of the remaining period at the balance sheet date to the repricing date.

                              Up to 1     1 to 3    3 to 6     6 to 12    1 to 5   Over 5   interest   
                               month      months    months     months     years    years     bearing     Total     
As at December 31, 2002
Cash and balances with the  342,814     -          -         -           -        -        87,952      430,766
Central Bank
Deposits with banks and     948,322     13,493     9,035     2,703       -        -        66,025      1,039,578
other financial
Other money market          414,125     -          -         -           -        -        -           414,125
Reserve deposits at the     133,072     -          -         -           -        -        -           133,072
Central Bank
Trading securities          2,694       32,002     11,148    6,822       666      46       272         53,650
Investment securities       265         53,766     1,600     1,307       -        -        307         57,245
Originated loans and        406,846     256,497    305,136   156,907     201,169  -        -           1,326,555
Factoring receivables       -           66,966     -         -           -        -        -           66,966
Minimum lease payments      4,685       13,728     12,978    22,919      31,470   -        -           85,780
Derivative financial              1,532 704        1,822     -           -        -        -           4,058
Investments in              -           -          -         -           -        -        337         337
unconsolidated subsidiaries
Investments in associates   -           -          -         -           -        -        446         446
Premises and equipment      -           -          -         -           -        -        42,349      42,349
Intangible assets           -           -          -         -           -        -        3,742       3,742
Other assets                3,276       2,814      6,221     3,673       -        -        13,323      29,307

Total assets                2,257,631   439,970    347,940   194,331     233,305  46       214,753     3,687,976

Deposits from other banks   102,036     2,632      1,000     -           -        -        -           105,668
Customers' deposits         2,249,893   163,022    53,367    82,626      165,315  -        -           2,714,223
Other money market deposits 22,828      -          -         -           -        -        -           22,828
Funds borrowed              33,289      198,619    75,374    101,744     10,554   -        -           419,580
Factoring payables          -           27,983     -         -           -        -        -           27,983
Derivative financial        2,690       563        1,082     233         -        -        -           4,568
Other liabilities and       -           -          5,908     11,961      -        32       90,618      108,519
Income taxes payable        -           -          -         -           -        -        13,396      13,396
Deferred tax liability      -           -          -         -           -        -        2,082       2,082

Total liabilities           2,410,736   392,819    136,731   196,564     175,869  32       106,096     3,418,847

On balance sheet interest   (153,105)   47,151     211,209   (2,233)     57,436   14       108,657     269,129
sensitivity gap
Off balance sheet interest  -           -          -         -           -        -        -           -
sensitivity gap

Total interest sensitivity  (153,105)   47,151     211,209   (2,233)     57,436   14       108,657     269,129


Operational Risk

Operational risk is defined as the risk of direct or indirect loss resulting
from inadequate or failed internal process, people and systems or from external

Operational risk which is inherent in all business activities is associated with
human error, system failure and inadequate controls and procedures. Operational
risk includes errors and omissions in business activities, internal and external
fraud and natural disasters.

The Bank's first objective is to achieve all qualitative standards of Basel
Committee, by implying policy and procedures, ensuring the strict observance of
internal code of conduct and also developing strong internal control culture.

Compliance with legal rules, information security, fraud prevention, contingency
planning and disaster recovery, and also incident management are the main
subjects of the operational risk mitigation controls.

Capital Adequacy

To monitor the adequacy of its capital, the Group uses ratios established by
BRSA. These ratios measure capital adequacy (minimum 8% as required by BRSA) by
comparing the Group's eligible capital with its balance sheet assets,
off-balance sheet commitments and market and other risk positions at weighted
amounts to reflect their relative risk. As of December 31, 2002, the Bank's
capital adequacy ratio on an unconsolidated basis is 15.40% (2001- 13.26%).

Fair Values

Set out below is a comparison by category of carrying amounts and fair values of
the Group's financial instruments that are carried in the financial statements
at other than fair values.

                                                           Carrying amount           Fair value
                                                          2002        2001        2002        2001

Financial assets
Originated loans and advances to customers             1,326,555   1,224,355   1,326,487   1,194,505
Investments held to maturity                           39,725      49,412      39,136      49,071
Minimum lease payments receivables                     85,780      61,840      86,000      59,411

                                                       1,452,060   1,335,607   1,451,623   1,302,987

Financial liabilities
Deposits from other banks                              105,668     89,055      105,658     89,055
Customer deposits                                      2,714,223   2,121,862   2,713,694   2,121,937
Funds borrowed                                         419,580     417,788     422,614     408,537

                                                       3,239,471   2,628,705   3,241,966   2,619,529

Fair values of remaining financial assets and liabilities carried at cost,
including deposit with banks and other financial instruments, balances with the
Central Bank, reserve deposits, other money market placements, deposits,
factoring receivables and payables, funds borrowed under securities repurchase
agreements and promissory notes are considered to approximate their respective
carrying values due to their short-term nature.

To the extent relevant and reliable information is available from financial
markets in Turkey, the fair value of financial instruments is based on such
market data. The fair values of other financial instruments are determined by
using estimation techniques that include reference to the current market value
of another instrument with similar characteristics or by discounting the
expected future cash flows at prevailing interest rates.

The interest used to determine the fair values of financial instruments, applied
on the balance sheet date to reflect active market price quotations are as

Originated loans and advances:
                                      Interest Rates Applied (%)
                               December 31,            December 31, 2001

Currency                           2002
Turkish lira                       37.59                             67.00
US$                                5.71                               7.31
EURO                               5.38                               6.63

Lease contract receivables:
                                      Interest Rates Applied (%)
                               December 31,            December 31, 2001

Currency                           2002
Turkish lira                       70.71                     70.00
US$                                11.26                     15.00
EURO                               13.31                     17.00
CHF                                 9.97                       -


                                   Interest Rates Applied (%)
                            December 31,             December 31, 2001
Currency                        2002
Turkish lira             43.87                                     58.00
US$                      2.51                                       2.75
EURO                     2.60                                       4.00

Funds borrowed:
                                     Interest Rates Applied (%)
                              December 31,           December 31, 2001
Currency                          2002
Turkish lira                45.23                                   59.00
US$                         3.25                                     4.75
EURO                        5.67                                     5.80


   i) The Bank is in the process of establishing a branch in Bahrain in an 
      offshore bank status based on the permission of the Under secretariat of 
      Treasury to the Prime Ministry of Turkish Republic and the branch
      is planned to start operations in March 2003.

  ii) As of January 1, 2003 retirement pay liability ceiling was increased to 
      TL 1.324.

 iii) In 2002, 24 branches have been acquired from banks, which are under the 
      control of the Saving Deposits Insurance Fund.


The Bank's own unconsolidated balance sheets and income statements prepared in
accordance with IFRS as of and for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001
are included in the Appendix for information purposes only.  In the
unconsolidated financial statements, the Bank opted to account for investments
in subsidiaries at restated cost in accordance with IAS 27.  These financial
statements have been included within the consolidated financial statements as of
the respective dates.


                                                                               2002             2001

Cash and balances with the Central Bank                                  430,654          173,379
Deposits with banks and other financial institutions                     331,085          251,553
Other money market placements                                            407,074          674,444
Reserve deposits at the Central Bank                                     133,072          132,482
Trading securities                                                       31,298           9,012
Investment securities                                                    54,039           196,773
Originated loans and advances                                            807,734          603,163
Derivative financial instruments                                         4,394            666
Investments in subsidiaries and associates                               106,816          94,712
Premises and equipment                                                   37,234           34,125
Intangible assets                                                        2,964            2,324
Deferred tax assets                                                      43               -
Other assets                                                             7,145            4,087

Total assets                                                             2,353,552        2,176,720


Deposits from other banks                                                60,147           23,762
Customers' deposits                                                      1,637,596        1,375,348
Other money market deposits                                              22,828           134,306
Funds borrowed
    - Subordinated loan                                                  24,919           -
    - Other funds borrowed                                               270,478          305,604
Derivative financial instruments                                         4,568            730
Other liabilities and provisions                                         71,684           92,770
Income taxes payable                                                     10,473           9,003
Deferred tax liability                                                   -                2,262

Total liabilities                                                        2,102,693        1,943,785

Share capital issued                                                     55,125           55,125
Adjustment to share capital                                              181,945          405,554
Legal reserves and accumulated profits (deficit)                         13,789           (227,744)

Total equity                                                             250,859          232,935

Total liabilities and equity                                             2,353,552        2,176,720


                                                                                2002          2001
Interest income
Interest on originated loans and advances                                   160,105       194,967
Interest on securities                                                      57,030        71,131
Interest on deposits with banks and other financial institutions            17,427        73,255
Interest on other money market placements                                   85,848        126,351
Other interest income                                                       4,675         1,348

Total interest income                                                       325,085       467,052

Interest expense
Interest on deposits                                                        (111,058)     (262,818)
Interest on other  money market deposits                                    (28,770)      (585)
Interest on funds borrowed                                                  (28,493)      (99,954)
Other interest expense                                                      (1,359)       (2,332)

Total interest expense                                                      (169,680)     (365,689)

Net interest income                                                         155,405       101,363

Provision for possible loan losses                                          (14,521)      (9,214)

Net interest income (expense) after provision for possible loan losses      140,884       92,149

Foreign exchange gain (loss)                                                1,127         35,221

Net interest income after foreign exchange gain (loss) and provision for
possible loan losses
                                                                            142,011       127,370

Other operating income
Fees and commissions income                                                 9,846         12,715
Income from banking services                                                19,193        25,766
Trading income (loss)                                                       18,776        20,282
Other income                                                                9,325         30,988

Total other operating income                                                57,140        89,751

Other operating expense
Fees and commissions expense                                                (15,150)      (11,715)
Salaries and employee benefits                                              (46,109)      (46,782)
Depreciation and amortization                                               (10,967)      (10,688)
Taxes other than on income                                                  (12,418)      (15,884)
Other expenses                                                              (36,459)      (46,881)

Total other operating expense                                               (121,103)     (131,950)

Profit (loss) from operating activities before income tax and monetary gain 78,048        85,171

Income tax                                                                  (19,891)      (9,473)
Monetary gain (loss)                                                        (40,232)      (91,950)

Net profit (loss)                                                           17,925        (16,252)

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange