Noront Resources Ltd. ("Noront or the Company") (TSX VENTURE:NOT) is pleased to
present additional assay results from its chromite exploration activities in the
McFaulds Lake area of northern Ontario in the James Bay Lowlands.


1) Assay results received from Hole NOT-08-1G43 (see Table 1) from Blackbird One
returned 34.9 meters from 462.1 meters onwards, averaging 33.0% Cr2O3 containing
22.6% Chrome (Cr) and 14.5% Iron (Fe) including 14 meters from 482 meters
onwards, averaging 39.8% Cr2O3 containing 27.3% Cr and 15.7% Fe (Cr:Fe ratio of

2) Drilling over a one kilometer trend between Blackbird One and Blackbird Two
continues to encounter chromite mineralization in holes designed to test gravity

One drill is currently drilling at the Blackbird Two chrome occurrence testing
the area between Blackbird One and Blackbird Two in systematic step outs of 100
meters to explore the intervening area to determine continuity of the two
chromium enriched zones. As previously announced (refer to press release dated
July 29, 2008) Blackbird Two was discovered while testing a large gravity
anomaly extending approximately 1000 meters to the east of Blackbird One and 1
kilometre south of the Eagle One magmatic massive sulphide (MMS) deposit.
Current drilling is designed to only indicate or outline, with widely spaced
drill holes, the scope and ultimate potential dimensions of the chromite

The continued success of Noront's drilling program at Blackbird One and also at
Blackbird Two, is a very positive development in the Company's exploration for
base and industrial minerals in the Ring of Fire. The grades of Cr2O3 that are
consistently being encountered by the drilling at Blackbird One, along with a
favourable chromium to iron ratio have placed this discovery amongst the best
chromite deposits in the world. Visual observations resultant from the drilling
at Blackbird Two are also encouraging, as these observations are starting to
imply large tonnage potential for the intervening area, although much more
drilling will be required in the future for 43-101 qualified resource studies.

Additional nearby discoveries by the Spider/Freewest/KWG joint venture of 48
metres of massive chromite located only a few kilometres northeast of Blackbird
Two, along with Freewest's recent discoveries of 100 metres of chromite that
included 60 meters of massive chromite, followed by 1.6 km stepout hole that
also intersected 120 meters of chromite mineralization, continue to lead the
Company to believe that there is a potential for an extensive massive chromite
belt in the current area of drilling. These chromite occurrences discovered in
the McFaulds Lake area to date are situated along a strike length of 10
kilometers within the Ring of Fire (ROF) as previously reported by Noront,
Freewest and the Spider/KWG/Freewest JV in their recent press releases. This
concentration of occurrences lends support to the comparison with the Kemi Mine
in Finland, where 12 chromite lenses occur in a similar geological setting along
a 15 kilometre belt as presented in Noront's recently filed NI-43-101 report on
the project area. (to see the report, please refer to Noront website

Noront and other Companies that continue to drill in the ROF area are now
delineating a potential new chromite belt that is still open at both ends along
strike and to depth, where the ROF continues on ground wholly owned by Noront.
Preliminary discussions are underway between the four companies (Noront,
Freewest, Spider and KWG) that are actively exploring for chromium along this
new belt, whereby they have agreed to share geological information. This
potential mega-project is rapidly progressing to the critical mass stage to
support development. The Company is committed to further identifying the
chromite footprint of Blackbird Two and testing its other holdings along the ROF
for chromite and related copper-nickel massive sulphide mineralization.


The layered Chromite ("LC") zone at Blackbird One is best described as a complex
of layers of massive chromite of varying thicknesses of massive chromite bearing
layers within the peridotite Sill. These chromitite layers dip steeply at
approximately 60 degrees to the west paralleling the contact between the
peridotite Sill and the adjacent granodiorite. The holes containing significant
chromite mineralization reported to date have delineated a chromitite body along
a strike length of 125 meters, down to a vertical depth of 500 meters over wide
(yet variable) core widths with favorable high Cr/Fe ratios. Blackbird One
chromite occurrence is open to depth and along strike. During the reporting
period since the last press release (September 23, 2008) an additional three
holes received final assays as presented in Table 1.

TABLE 1: Recently received significant Assay results (Blackbird One)

              From     To  Int             Pt   Pd   Au  TPM 
Hole ID         (m)    (m)  (m) Cu%  Ni%  g/t  g/t  g/t  g/t Cr03%  Cr%  Fe%

NOT-08-1G40  498.0  506.4  8.4 0.01 0.14 0.15 0.22 0.01 0.38  41.2   28 15.2
including    499.8  505.5  5.7 0.00 0.13 0.17 0.23 0.01 0.41  48.2   33 16.2

NOT-08-1G43  462.1  497.0 34.9 0.01 0.15 0.12 0.16 0.01 0.29  33.0 22.6 14.5
including    466.0  481.1 15.1 0.00 0.17 0.15 0.22 0.01 0.38  35.5 24.3 15.8
also         482.0  496.0 14.0 0.01 0.14 0.13 0.15 0.01 0.29  39.8 27.3 15.7

NOT-1G47    548.70 554.50 5.80    0 0.25 0.20 0.54 0.12 0.86 13.62 9.32 10.8

True widths are not yet determined for the chromite (LC) zones at Blackbird One.
Assays are pending for four drill holes completed at the Blackbird One
occurrence including holes NOT-08-1G52, 1G58, 1G60 and 1G62.


The Blackbird Two chrome occurrence, as announced July 30, 2008, was discovered
while testing a gravity anomaly, extending 1000m approximately one kilometer to
the east of Blackbird One. No assays have been received from this chromite
occurrence to date. The following table provides additional location and
descriptions of each hole drilled to test this anomaly, that has not yet been

TABLE 2: Summary of Recent Drilling (Blackbird 2 assays pending)

                              muth   Dip
            Northing Easting (deg- (deg-  Length
Hole Number     (UTM)   (UTM) rees) rees)     (m)    Observed Mineralization
NOT-08-1G71  5842160  546373   155   -50     684  443.5 - 448.3 intermittent
                                                   dissem to semi massive cr

                                                   552.0 - 559.4 two short 9
                                                     less than 1m) dissem to
                                                             massive cr beds
                                                     580.6 - 582.0 dissem cr
NOT-08-1G72  5842045  546425   155   -50     522            298.2 - 314.0 25
                                                  intermittent (less than 25
                                                                 cm) cr beds

                                                    432.9 - 435.2 massive cr

                                                     435.2 - 439.0 dissem cr
                                                  with short massive cr beds

                                                  439.0 - 446.2 intermittent
                                                  cr beds (one short massive
                                                                     cr bed)
NOT-08-1G73  5843120  546620   155   -50 current 11.8 - 19.8 minor cr clasts

                                                  52.1 - 57.9 rare cr clasts


A thorough quality control program has been in effect for the Double Eagle
project which includes grouping samples into batches of 35 into which are added
2 certified reference material standards, 2 field blanks comprised of sterile
drill core, and a field duplicate. Coarse reject and pulp duplicates also form
part of the QC program. Approximately 10% of the samples are sent to a secondary
lab as a monitor on the principal lab. It can be said with confidence that all
assays as reported in this Press Release have passed the strict quality control
guidelines as set out by Noront's independent Qualified Person ("IQP").

All samples reported upon herein were completed by Activation Labs (Actlabs) of
Ancaster, Ontario. The samples submitted to Actlabs were analyzed for
multi-elements, including Ni and Cu using a four acid digestion followed by ICP
analysis. The samples that received base metal values greater than the upper
limit for the method underwent further analysis using ICP-OES. For the Au, Pd
and Pt, the assay methodology was Fire Assay on a 30 gram aliquot with an ICP
finish. Silver was analyzed using a 3-acid digest with an ICP analysis. For
final chromium analysis, on the samples where elemental chromium using the
ICPOES multi-element analysis methodology provides greater than 10,000 ppm (1%
Cr), the samples are then submitted for additional analysis using INAA that
involves irradiating the samples prior to final analysis. This methodology
provides analysis in percent for elemental Cr as well as Cr2O3 and elemental Fe.
For more information on assay methodology please visit the Activation
Laboratories Ltd. Website at

Noront's field programs in the McFaulds Lake area are under the technical
direction of Dr. Jim Mungall, P. Geo. And supervised onsite by Jim Atkinson, P.
Geo. The former is Chief Geologist and the latter Exploration Manager for

Drilling results in this press release have been reviewed in the field and
approved for dissemination by Noront's senior management including John Harvey,
P.Eng. Chief Operating Officer of Noront.

Noront is a tier 2 junior resource company on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading
symbol NOT, with 129,894,783 shares issued to date.

This press release includes certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the
meaning of the US Private Securities Reform Act of 1995. Other than statements
of historical fact, all statements are "Forward-Looking Statements" that involve
such various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors. There can
be no assurance that such statements will prove accurate. Results and future
events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Readers of this press release are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these
"Forward-Looking Statements".

Investors are invited to visit Noront's IR Hub at
where they can post questions and receive answers or review questions and
answers by other investors. Alternatively, you can email questions to and also request to be added to the investor email list to
receive all future press releases and updates in real time.


R. Nemis, President and Chief Executive Officer

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