Bank Przemyslowo - Handlowy PBK SA

Current report no. 103/2003

Bank Przemyslowo - Handlowy PBK SA (BPH PBK) informs that it has sold to Solid
Security Sp. z o.o. 4,875 stakes of Mi锟絛zybankowe Centrum Got锟絯ki Sp. z o.o.,
with a nominal value of PLN 1000 each, representing 75% of the share capital and
entitling to 4,875 votes at the General Assembly (75% of all votes).

The total price for these stakes amounts to PLN 19,626,750. The value of these
stakes in the BPH PBK's books amounted to PLN 6,284,391.76 (as at 30 November