RNS Number : 0764A

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp Ld

21 March 2017

                                                                     Page                                         Page 
Financial Statements 
                                                                                 Trading liabilities 
Consolidated income                                                              ............................... 
 statement ..............................                              66    20  .................                 113 
Consolidated statement                                                           Financial liabilities 
 of comprehensive income                                                          designated at fair 
 ..                                                                    67    21   value ..........                 113 
Consolidated balance                                                         22  Debt securities in 
 sheet ......................................                                    issue.......................... 
                                                                       68        ...............                   113 
Consolidated statement                                                 69    23  Accruals and deferred 
 of changes in equity                                                            income, other liabilities 
 ...........                                                                     and provisions 
                                                                                 ........................          113 
                                                                                 Liabilities under 
Consolidated statement                                                            insurance contracts 
 of cash flows.......................                                  71    24   ....................             114 
                                                                                 Provisions for liabilities 
                                                                             25  and charges....................   114 
Notes on the Financial                                                       26  Subordinated 
 Statements                                                                      liabilities.................... 
                                                                                 ......................            115 
                                  Basis of preparation 
  1                               and significant 
                                  accounting policies                            Preference 
                                  .................................              shares.........................   115 
                                  .......................              72    27  ..........................          ] 
                                  Operating profit                     86    28  Share 
  2                               .................................              capital........................ 
                                  .............                                  ...............................   116 
                                                                                 ...                                 ] 
                                  Insurance income                     89    29  Other equity instruments          116 
  3                               .................................              ............................... 
                                  ...........                                    ........ 
                                  Employee compensation                90    30  Maturity analysis 
  4                                and benefits .............                    of assets and 
                                                                                 liabilities................       117 
                                                                             31  Analysis of cash 
                                                                                  flows payable under 
                                  Tax expense                                     financial liabilities 
                                  .................................               by remaining contractual 
  5                               ..................                   94         maturities.....                  121 
                                                                             32  Reconciliation of 
                                                                                 operating profit 
                                                                                 to cash generated 
                                  Dividends                                      from 
                                  .................................              operations..................... 
  6                               .......................              95        .............                     122 
                                  Trading assets                             33  Analysis of cash 
  7                               .................................              and cash 
                                  ................                               equivalents.................... 
                                                                       96        .                                 123 
                                  Derivatives                          96    34  Contingent liabilities 
  8                               .................................              and 
                                  ....................                           commitments.................      123 
                                  Financial assets                               Other 
  9                                designated at fair                            commitments.................... 
                                   value............                   99    35  ...........................       124 
                                                                                 Offsetting of financial 
                                  Loans and advances                              assets and financial 
10                                to customers.....................    99    36   liabilities                      125 
11                                Impairment allowances 
                                  against loans and 
                                  advances to                                    Segmental analysis 
                                  customers........................              ............................... 
                                  ..........                          101    37  .................                 127 
12                                Financial                           103    38  Related party transactions        129 
                                  investments......................              ............................... 
                                  ................                               ...... 
13                                Assets pledged,                            39  Fair values of financial          132 
                                  assets transferred                             instruments carried 
                                  and collateral                                 at fair value 
                                  received.........................              ............................... 
                                  ...............................                ............................... 
                                                                      104        ... 
14                                Investments in                      105    40  Fair values of financial 
                                  subsidiaries.....................              instruments not carried 
                                  ..........                                     at fair 
                                                                                 ...                               136 
15                                Interests in associates                    41  Structured                        137 
                                   and joint ventures..........                  entities....................... 
                                                                      106        ........................... 
16                                Goodwill and intangible                    42  Bank balance sheet                139 
                                  assets...........................              and statement of 
                                                                                 changes in 
                                                                      110        ......... 
                                  Property, plant 
                                  and                                            Legal proceedings 
                                  equipment........................              and regulatory 
17                                .                                   111    43  matters...............            141 
18                                Prepayments, accrued                       44  Ultimate holding                  143 
                                   income and other                              company 
                                   assets.                                       ............................... 
                                                                      112        ..... 
19                                Customer                                   45  Events after the                  143 
                                  accounts.........................              balance sheet 
                                  ..................                  112        date........................ 
                                                                                 Approval of financial 
                                                                             46  ..........................        143 

Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2016

                                                                                                      2016      2015 
                                                                                            Note      HK$m      HK$m 
Interest income 
 ...............                                                                              2a   122,564   124,060 
Interest expense 
 ..............                                                                                   (25,656)  (29,683) 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Net interest income 
 .........                                                                                          96,908    94,377 
Fee income 
 ......................                                                                             47,139    51,926 
Fee expense 
 .....................                                                                             (7,837)   (6,267) 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Net fee income 
 ................                                                                             2b    39,302    45,659 
Net trading income 
 ..........                                                                                   2c    24,064    23,616 
Net income/(expense) from financial 
 instruments designated at fair 
 value .................                                                                      2d     3,570   (2,560) 
Gains less losses from financial 
 investments ..............................................................                   2e     1,232    11,611 
Dividend income 
 ..............                                                                                        234       210 
Net insurance premium income 
 .................................................................................            3a    55,912    52,593 
Other operating income 
 ...                                                                                          2f    11,516    10,439 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Total operating income 
 .........................................................................................         232,738   235,945 
Net insurance claims and benefits 
 paid and movement in liabilities 
 to policyholders...                                                                          3b  (64,586)  (52,431) 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Net operating income before loan 
 impairment charges 
 and other credit risk provisions 
 .......................................................................                           168,152   183,514 
Loan impairment charges and other 
 credit risk provisions ........................................                              2g   (5,554)   (5,074) 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Net operating income 
 ..                                                                                                162,598   178,440 
Employee compensation and benefits 
 .......................................................................                      4a  (38,896)  (41,126) 
General and administrative expenses 
 .........................................................................                    2h  (29,917)  (29,883) 
Depreciation of property, plant 
 and equipment ........................................................                      17a   (4,493)   (4,380) 
Amortisation and impairment of 
 intangible assets .....................................................                           (1,497)   (1,602) 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Total operating expenses 
 ......................................................................................           (74,803)  (76,991) 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Operating profit 
 ...........                                                                                        87,795   101,449 
Share of profit in associates 
 and joint ventures .........................................................                       14,912    15,830 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Profit before tax 
 ...........                                                                                       102,707   117,279 
Tax expense 
 ....................                                                                         5a  (17,912)  (17,296) 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Profit for the year 
 ........                                                                                           84,795    99,983 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Profit attributable to shareholders 
 of the parent company ........................................                                     78,646    89,533 
Profit attributable to non-controlling 
 interests .........................................................                                 6,149    10,450 

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year ended 31 December 2016

                                                                                                      2016      2015 
                                                                                                      HK$m      HK$m 
Profit for the year 
 ..................                                                                                 84,795    99,983 
Other comprehensive income/(expense) 
Items that will subsequently be 
 reclassified to the income statement 
 when specific conditions are met: 
Available-for-sale investments: 
- fair value changes taken to 
 equity........................................................................................      (430)   (2,430) 
- fair value changes transferred 
 to the income statement on disposal 
 .....................................                                                             (1,226)  (15,637) 
- amounts transferred to the income 
 statement on impairment .............................................                                   2         8 
- fair value changes transferred 
 to the income statement on hedged 
 items..............................                                                                 2,296        37 
- income 
 .............................                                                                       (143)       354 
Cash flow hedges: 
- fair value changes taken to equity 
 .......................................................................................             1,354     1,662 
- fair value changes transferred 
 to the income statement .......................................................                   (2,295)   (1,433) 
- income 
 .............................                                                                         139      (97) 
Share of other comprehensive income 
 of associates and joint ventures...................................                                 1,266       460 
 ..........................                                                                       (15,241)  (19,188) 
Items that will not subsequently 
 be reclassified to the income statement: 
Property revaluation: 
- fair value changes taken to 
 equity........................................................................................      3,825     6,601 
- income 
 .............................                                                                       (678)   (1,101) 
Remeasurement of defined benefit: 
- before income 
 ...................                                                                                 1,016     (662) 
- income 
 .............................                                                                       (183)       105 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Other comprehensive income/(expense) 
 for the year, net of tax ...........................................                             (10,298)  (31,321) 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 year, net of tax .....................................................                             74,497    68,662 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 year attributable to: 
- shareholders of the parent company 
 ...................................................................................                68,577    63,447 
- non-controlling interests 
 .....                                                                                               5,920     5,215 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 
                                                                                                    74,497    68,662 
                                                                                                  --------  -------- 

Consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2016

                                                                                                     2016       2015 
                                                                                          Note       HK$m       HK$m 
Cash and sight balances at central 
 banks ..................................................................                         213,783    151,103 
Items in the course of collection 
 from other banks .................................................                                21,401     25,020 
Hong Kong Government certificates 
 of indebtedness ..............................................                                   242,194    220,184 
Trading assets 
 ..................                                                                          7    371,634    302,626 
 ......................                                                                      8    479,807    380,955 
Financial assets designated at 
 fair value ...................................................................              9    106,016     99,095 
Reverse repurchase agreements 
 - non-trading .........................................................                          271,567    212,779 
Placings with and advances to 
 banks .......................................................................                    463,211    421,221 
Loans and advances to 
 customers.............................................................................     10  2,834,114  2,762,290 
Financial investments 
 ......                                                                                     12  1,835,351  1,716,046 
Amounts due from Group companies 
 ......................................................................                     38    242,773    244,396 
Interests in associates and joint 
 ventures .................................................................                 15    125,792    122,438 
Goodwill and intangible assets 
 .................................................................................          16     56,936     49,568 
Property, plant and equipment 
 ...............................................................................            17    111,640    110,064 
Deferred tax assets 
 ...........                                                                                 5      1,503      1,836 
Prepayments, accrued income and 
 other assets .......................................................                       18    171,230    134,062 
                                                                                                ---------  --------- 
Total assets 
 ....................                                                                           7,548,952  6,953,683 
                                                                                                ---------  --------- 
Hong Kong currency notes in circulation 
 ................................................................                                 242,194    220,184 
Items in the course of transmission 
 to other banks .................................................                                  37,753     30,753 
Repurchase agreements - non-trading 
 .....................................................................                             27,810     16,158 
Deposits by banks 
 ............                                                                                     192,479    148,294 
Customer accounts 
 ...........                                                                                19  4,900,004  4,640,076 
Trading liabilities 
 .............                                                                              20    188,470    191,851 
 ......................                                                                      8    462,458    369,419 
Financial liabilities designated 
 at fair value ..............................................................               21     51,116     50,770 
Debt securities in issue 
 .....                                                                                      22     25,235     40,859 
Retirement benefit liabilities 
 ...................................................................................        4c      3,867      5,809 
Amounts due to Group companies 
 ...........................................................................                38    198,038    110,073 
Accruals and deferred income, 
 other liabilities and provisions 
 .................................                                                          23     99,487     86,920 
Liabilities under insurance contracts 
 ........................................................................                   24    386,170    340,820 
Current tax liabilities 
 .......                                                                                     5      1,619      2,456 
Deferred tax liabilities 
 ......                                                                                      5     21,401     18,799 
Subordinated liabilities 
 ......                                                                                     26      4,836      8,003 
Preference shares 
 .............                                                                              27     26,879     36,553 
                                                                                                ---------  --------- 
Total liabilities 
 .............                                                                                  6,869,816  6,317,797 
Share capital 
 ....................                                                                       28    114,359     96,052 
Other equity instruments 
 .                                                                                          29     14,737     14,737 
Other reserves 
 .................                                                                                 85,886     93,031 
Retained profits 
 ...............                                                                                  413,024    380,381 
Total shareholders' equity 
 ......................................................................................           628,006    584,201 
Non-controlling interests 
 .                                                                                                 51,130     51,685 
                                                                                                ---------  --------- 
Total equity 
 .....................                                                                            679,136    635,886 
                                                                                                ---------  --------- 
Total equity and 
 ......                                                                                         7,548,952  6,953,683 
                                                                                                ---------  --------- 


Stuart Gulliver

Peter Wong

Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2016

                     -------  ------------  --------  ----------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------------  ---------- 
                                                                         Other reserves 
                                                                   Available-     Cash                         Total 
                                     Other               Property    for-sale     flow   Foreign              share- 
                       Share        equity  Retained  revaluation  investment    hedge  exchange            holders'  Non-controlling     Total 
                     capital   instruments   profits      reserve     reserve  reserve   reserve  Other(1)    equity        interests    equity 
                        HK$m          HK$m      HK$m         HK$m        HK$m     HK$m      HK$m      HK$m      HK$m             HK$m      HK$m 
At 1 January 
 ..                   96,052        14,737   380,381       52,099       4,880     (35)  (16,991)    53,078   584,201           51,685   635,886 
Profit for 
 the year 
 ...........               -             -    78,646            -           -        -         -         -    78,646            6,149    84,795 
Other comprehensive 
 income/ (expense) 
 (net of tax) 
 ............              -             -       542        3,123       1,309    (758)  (14,870)       585  (10,069)            (229)  (10,298) 
                     -------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------  -------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------  -------- 
 .................         -             -         -            -         622        -         -         -       622            (123)       499 
Cash flow 
 ..............            -             -         -            -           -    (758)         -         -     (758)             (44)     (802) 
 .......                   -             -     (245)        3,123           -        -         -         -     2,878              269     3,147 
 gains on 
 defined benefit 
 ................          -             -       793            -           -        -         -         -       793               40       833 
Share of 
 of associates 
 and joint 
 .....                     -             -       (6)            -         687        -         -       585     1,266                -     1,266 
 .......                   -             -         -            -           -        -  (14,870)         -  (14,870)            (371)  (15,241) 
                     -------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------  -------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------  -------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income/ (expense) 
 for the year 
 ...........               -             -    79,188        3,123       1,309    (758)  (14,870)       585    68,577            5,920    74,497 
Shares issued 
 ..                   18,307             -         -            -           -        -         -         -    18,307                -    18,307 
 ...............           -             -  (43,296)            -           -        -         -         -  (43,296)          (6,297)  (49,593) 
 in respect 
 of share-based 
 ...............           -             -       235            -           -        -         -     (258)      (23)              (3)      (26) 
 and other 
 .................         -             -   (3,484)      (1,459)           -        -         -     5,183       240            (175)        65 
At 31 December 
 ..............      114,359        14,737   413,024       53,763       6,189    (793)  (31,861)    58,588   628,006           51,130   679,136 
                     -------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------  -------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------  -------- 

Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended 31 December 2015

                     -------  ------------  --------  ----------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------------  -------- 
                                                                         Other reserves 
                                                                   Available-     Cash                         Total 
                                     Other               Property    for-sale     flow   Foreign              share- 
                       Share        equity  Retained  revaluation  investment    hedge  exchange            holders'  Non-controlling     Total 
                     capital   instruments   profits      reserve     reserve  reserve   reserve  Other(1)    equity        interests    equity 
                        HK$m          HK$m      HK$m         HK$m        HK$m     HK$m      HK$m      HK$m      HK$m             HK$m      HK$m 
At 1 January 
 ................     96,052        14,737   339,061       48,481      16,537    (166)     1,872    41,261   557,835           50,511   608,346 
Profit for the 
 year .......              -             -    89,533            -           -        -         -         -    89,533           10,450    99,983 
Other comprehensive 
 income/ (expense) 
 (net of tax) 
 ..............            -             -     (929)        5,146    (11,657)      131  (18,863)        86  (26,086)          (5,235)  (31,321) 
                     -------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------  -------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------  -------- 
 .............             -             -         -            -    (12,032)        -         -         -  (12,032)          (5,636)  (17,668) 
Cash flow hedges 
 ..........                -             -         -            -           -      131         -         -       131                1       132 
 ...                       -             -     (238)        5,146           -        -         -         -     4,908              592     5,500 
Actuarial losses 
 on defined benefit 
 plans                     -             -     (690)            -           -        -         -         -     (690)              133     (557) 
Share of other 
 of associates 
 and joint ventures 
 .                         -             -       (1)            -         375        -         -        86       460                -       460 
 ...                       -             -         -            -           -        -  (18,863)         -  (18,863)            (325)  (19,188) 
                     -------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------  -------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------  -------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income/ (expense) 
 for the year 
 .                         -             -    88,604        5,146    (11,657)      131  (18,863)        86    63,447            5,215    68,662 
Dividends paid(2) 
 ............              -             -  (37,405)            -           -        -         -         -  (37,405)          (4,053)  (41,458) 
Movement in respect 
 of share-based 
 ...........               -             -         7            -           -        -         -       345       352                4       356 
Transfers and 
 other movements(3) 
 .............             -             -   (9,886)      (1,528)           -        -         -    11,386      (28)                8      (20) 
At 31 December 
 ..........           96,052        14,737   380,381       52,099       4,880     (35)  (16,991)    53,078   584,201           51,685   635,886 
                     -------  ------------  --------  -----------  ----------  -------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------  -------- 

1 The other reserves mainly comprise the share-based payment reserve account, purchase premium arising from transfer of business within the HSBC Group and other non-distributable reserves. The share-based payment reserve account is used to record the amount relating to share awards and options granted to employees of the group directly by HSBC Holdings plc.

2 Including distributions paid on perpetual subordinated loans classified as equity under HKFRSs.

3 The movement from retained profits to other reserves includes the relevant transfers in associates according to local regulatory requirements.

Consolidated statement of cash flows for the year ended 31 December 2016

                                                                                                     2016       2015 
                                                                            Note                     HK$m       HK$m 
Operating activities 
Cash generated from operations 
 .......                                                                      32                  210,612    168,508 
Interest received on financial 
 ................................................................                                  17,961     15,201 
Dividends received on financial 
 investments .............................................................                            235        212 
Dividends received from associates 
 ..                                                                                                 4,664      4,990 
Taxation paid 
 ..................................                                                              (18,222)   (17,020) 
                                                                                  -----------------------  --------- 
Net cash inflow from operating 
 activities ..........................................................                            215,250    171,891 
                                                                                  -----------------------  --------- 
Investing activities 
Purchase of financial investments 
 ....                                                                                           (567,270)  (579,361) 
Proceeds from sale or redemption 
 of financial investments ......................................                                  446,850    462,793 
Purchase of property, plant and 
 equipment ...............................................................                        (3,009)    (3,687) 
Proceeds from sale of property, 
 plant and equipment and assets 
 held for sale ............                                                                             2        355 
Purchase of other intangible 
 ...                                                                                              (1,825)    (1,796) 
Net cash inflow from the sale 
 of interests in business portfolios 
 ................................                                                                     388      5,092 
Net cash outflow from investing 
 activities .........................................................                           (124,864)  (116,604) 
                                                                                  -----------------------  --------- 
Net cash inflow before financing 
 activities.........................................................                               90,386     55,287 
                                                                                  -----------------------  --------- 
Financing activities 
Issue of ordinary share capital 
 ..........                                                                                        18,307          - 
Issue of subordinated liabilities 
 ........                                                                                          63,982      1,395 
Redemption of preference shares 
 .....                                                                                            (9,688)          - 
Repayment of subordinated liabilities 
 ........................................................................                         (3,110)    (7,704) 
Ordinary dividends paid 
 ....................                                                          6                 (42,565)   (36,750) 
Dividends paid on perpetual subordinated 
 loans .........................................................               6                    (731)      (655) 
Dividends paid to non-controlling 
 interests ...............................................................                        (6,297)    (4,053) 
Interest paid on preference shares 
 ....                                                                                             (1,008)      (864) 
Interest paid on subordinated 
 ......................................................................                           (1,010)    (1,004) 
                                                                                  -----------------------  --------- 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 
 financing activities ..........................................                                   17,880   (49,635) 
                                                                                  -----------------------  --------- 
Increase in cash and cash equivalents 
 ................................................................             33                  108,266      5,652 
                                                                                  -----------------------  --------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 21, 2017 07:51 ET (11:51 GMT)

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