RNS Number:6601P
Nippon Sheet Glass Company Limited
03 August 2005
Nippon Sheet Glass Company Limited
Consolidated Financial Statement for 3 month to June 2005
Consolidated Balance Sheet (Yen million)
Jun 30, Mar 31, Change Jun 30,
2005 2005 2004
Current assets 154,837 167,724 (12,887) 188,19
Cash and deposits 55,661 64,163 (8,502) 78,612
Notes and account receivable: trade 53,706 59,785 (6,078) 61,124
Inventories 36,036 34,582 1,453 38,085
Other current assets 9,433 9,192 240 10,370
Fixed assets 262,912 259,185 3,727 275,719
Tangible fixed assets 113,674 114,084 (410) 126,339
Intangible fixed assets 7,205 3,890 3,315 3,846
Investments and other assets 142,032 141,210 822 145,533
Total assets 417,750 426,909 (9,159) 463,912
Current liabilities 96,166 108,007 (11,841) 130,030
Notes and accounts payable : 34,101 38,922 (4,821) 38,054
Short-term bank borrowings 39,772 37,178 2,594 50,035
Current portion of bonds - 9,600 (9,600) 19,791
Other current liabilities 22,292 22,306 (13) 22,149
Long-term liabilities 111,956 110,859 1,096 125,536
Unsecured bonds 43,000 43,000 - 52,800
Long-term bank borrowings 31,698 31,533 165 33,423
Other long-term liabilities 37,257 36,326 931 39,313
Total liabilities 208,122 218,867 (10,745) 255,567
(Minority interests)
Minority interests of consolidated subsidiaries 2,852 2,741 110 6,068
(Shareholder's Equity)
Common stock 41,060 41,060 - 41,060
Additional paid-in capital 50,373 50,373 0 50,372
Retained earnings 96,758 95,355 1,402 92,097
Unrealized holding gain on securities 26,721 26,787 (66) 29,150
Translation adjustments (7,881) (8,019) 138 (10,233)
Treasury stock, at cost (257) (257) (0) (171)
Total shareholder's equity 206,775 205,300 1,474 202,276
Total Liabilities, minority interests and 417,750 426,909 (9,159) 463,912
shareholder's equity
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(Yen million)
Quarter to Quarter to Year to
June 2005 June 2004 March 2005
Net sales 62,432 64,524 264,975
Cost of sales 45,601 47,487 194,843
Gross income 16,831 17,036 70,131
Selling, general and administrative expenses 14,527 14,460 58,106
Operating income 2,304 2,576 12,025
Non-operating income 2,611 2,637 7,485
Non-operating expense 1,427 1,689 6,240
Income before extra-ordinary items 3,488 3,524 13,270
Extra ordinary income 59 1,087 5,418
Extra ordinary losses 378 362 7,264
Income before income taxes and minority
Interests 3,169 4,248 11,424
Income tax: Current 977 1,354 4,294
Income tax: Deferred (370) (122) (873)
Minority interests in net income of
Consolidated subsidiaries 87 194 415
Net income 2,475 2,822 7,588
Consolidated Statement of cash flows
(Yen million)
Quarter to Quarter to Year to
June 2005 June 2004 March 2005
Income before income taxes and minority interests 3,169 4,248 11,424
Depreciation and amortization 3,030 3,037 12,553
Decrease (Increase) in notes and accounts receivable 7,337 2,601 (1,135)
Increase inventories (1,060) (2,074) (436)
Decrease in notes and accounts payable (5,917) (1,268) (1,793)
Other, net (1,118) (2,477) (1,313)
Sub total 5,439 4,067 19,298
Interest and dividend income received 1,066 901 4,485
Interest paid (381) (477) (2,036)
Income tax paid (1,071) (2,310) (4,947)
Net cash provided by operating activities 5,053 2,181 16,799
Purchases of property, plant and equipment (5,188) (2,624) (12,496)
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment 244 154 6,773
Purchases of investments in securities (103) (464) (1,123)
Proceeds from sales of investments in securities 130 2,701 7,041
Other, net 350 (319) (451)
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (4,565) (552) (255)
Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings 3,324 (351) (9,259)
Issuance of long-term indebtedness 251 - 8,279
Repayment of long-term indebtedness (1,588) (479) (7,265)
Issuance of bonds - 23,000 23,000
Redemption of bonds (9,600) - (19,791)
Cash dividends paid (1,329) (1,330) (2,659)
Other, net (68) (24) (110)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (9,010) 20,815 (7,806)
Effective of change rate on cash and cash
equivalents (66) 221 (438)
Net decrease (increase) in cash and cash equivalents (8,588) 22,665 8,297
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 63,512 55,356 55,356
Effect of change in scope of consolidation 85 (21) (142)
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the quarter 55,009 78,001 63,512
This information is provided by RNS
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