RNS Number : 2724M 
Bramdean Alternatives Limited 
26 January 2009 

RNS Announcement 
26 January 2009 
Portfolio update 
Bramdean Alternatives Limited 
This portfolio update contains information for the calendar month ending 
31 December 2008, unless otherwise stated. The Company will publish its Interim 
Management Statement for the quarter ended 31 December 2008 by mid-February 
The Company's Net Asset Value as at 31 December 2008 is as follows: 
Sterling Share class:     99.81 pence, up 4.49% 
U.S. Dollar Share class:    US$0.8188, up 0.61% 
| Manager                | Type                | Portfolio Weighting  | 
| Cash                   | Cash                | 19.4%                | 
| Greenpark              | Private Equity      |  6.9%                | 
| International          |                     |                      | 
| Investors              |                     |                      | 
| III L.P.               |                     |                      | 
| Paulson Advantage Plus | Strategic Hedge     |  5.7%                | 
| Ltd.                   | Funds               |                      | 
| D.E. Shaw Oculus       | Strategic Hedge     |  5.2%                | 
| International Members  | Funds               |                      | 
| Interest               |                     |                      | 
| Oaktree OCM            | Specialty           |  5.1%                | 
| Opportunities Fund     |                     |                      | 
| VIIb L.P.              |                     |                      | 
| Alydar Fund Ltd.       | Strategic Hedge     |  4.9%                | 
|                        | Funds               |                      | 
| Aarkad Plc             | Transitional        |  4.3%                | 
| Lansdowne UK Equity    | Strategic Hedge     |  4.2%                | 
| Fund                   | Funds               |                      | 
| Hard Assets 2X Fund    | Strategic Hedge     |  4.1%                | 
| Ltd.                   | Funds               |                      | 
| Thomas H. Lee Parallel | Private Equity      |  4.0%                | 
| Fund VI L.P.           |                     |                      | 
| Renaissance            | Transitional        |  3.1%                | 
| Institutional Futures  |                     |                      | 
| Fund International LLC |                     |                      | 
| King Street Capital    | Strategic Hedge     |  3.0%                | 
| Ltd.                   | Funds               |                      | 
| Deephaven Global       | Strategic Hedge     |  2.9%                | 
| Multi-Strategy Fund    | Funds               |                      | 
| Ltd.                   |                     |                      | 
| Coller International   | Private Equity      |  2.9%                | 
| Partners V L.P.        |                     |                      | 
| Kaiser Trading Fund    | Transitional        |  2.7%                | 
| Goldman Sachs Capital  | Private Equity      |  2.6%                | 
| Partners               |                     |                      | 
| VI L.P.                |                     |                      | 
| MatlinPatterson Global | Specialty           |  2.5%                | 
| Opportunities Partners |                     |                      | 
| III L.P.               |                     |                      | 
| Terra Firma Capital    | Private Equity      |  2.3%                | 
| Partners III L.P.      |                     |                      | 
| Kaiser Trading         | Strategic Hedge     |  2.1%                | 
| Diversified 2X         | Funds               |                      | 
| Segregated Portfolio   |                     |                      | 
| Kei Ltd.               | Strategic Hedge     |  1.6%                | 
|                        | Funds               |                      | 
| DFJ Athena             | Private Equity      |  1.4%                | 
| Lehman Brothers        | Private Equity      |  1.4%                | 
| Venture Partners V     |                     |                      | 
| L.P.                   |                     |                      | 
| Silver Lake Partners   | Private Equity      |  1.2%                | 
| III L.P.               |                     |                      | 
| AIG Brazil Special     | Private Equity      |   0.9%               | 
| Situations II L.P.     |                     |                      | 
| Atticus European Fund  | Strategic Hedge     |   0.8%               | 
| Ltd.                   | Funds               |                      | 
| SVG Strategic Recovery | Specialty           |   0.8%               | 
| Fund II L.P.           |                     |                      | 
| Evergreen MAC Ltd.     | Strategic Hedge     |   0.8%               | 
|                        | Funds               |                      | 
| Pine Brook Capital     | Specialty           |   0.7%               | 
| Partners L.P.          |                     |                      | 
| Rho Ventures VI L.P.   | Private Equity      |   0.7%               | 
| Resonant Music I L.P.  | Specialty           |   0.7%               | 
| HIG Bayside Debt & LBO | Specialty           |   0.7%               | 
| II Fund L.P.           |                     |                      | 
| Thoma Bravo Fund IX    | Private Equity      |   0.4%               | 
| L.P                    |                     |                      | 
| LimeTree Emerging      | Specialty           |   0.1%               | 
| Beachfront Land        |                     |                      | 
| Investment Fund II     |                     |                      | 
| L.P.                   |                     |                      | 
Transitional investments: The Company will seek to avoid return dilution 
caused by holding amounts that are not committed or are committed, but not yet 
drawn-down, on both underlying private equity funds and underlying specialty 
funds by investing a portion of such amounts in a range of transitional 
investments, which may include equity hedge, senior debt, mezzanine and market 
neutral funds. 
|              | 
| Geographical | Allocation | 
| Allocation   |          % | 
| North        |       55.3 | 
| America      |            | 
| Global       |       22.3 | 
| Europe       |       18.6 | 
| Asia &       |        3.8 | 
| Other        |            | 
|              | 
| Portfolio    | Allocation | 
| Holdings     |          % | 
| Strategic    |       35.1 | 
| Hedge        |            | 
| Funds        |            | 
| Private      |       24.7 | 
| Equity       |            | 
| Cash         |       19.4 | 
| Transitional |       10.1 | 
| Specialty    |       10.7 | 
The Company has now made commitments to eighteen private equity and specialty 
funds. These are listed below. The Company has made total commitments to 
underlying private equity and specialty funds amounting to $224.9 million. 
The portfolio has allocations to two secondaries funds, nine private equity and 
venture capital funds, and seven specialty funds. Please see the table below. 
|                 | 
| Private         | Private        | Commitment | Date of   | Fund     | 
| Equity &        | Equity &       | in local   | Admission | Vintage  | 
| Specialty       | Specialty      | currency   |           |          | 
| Funds           | Funds          |            |           |          | 
|                 | Focus          |            |           |          | 
| Terra           | Europe-Large   | EUR15        | 26        | 2006     | 
| Firma           | Buy-out        | million    | January   |          | 
| Capital         |                |            | 2007      |          | 
| Partners        |                |            |           |          | 
| III L.P.        |                |            |           |          | 
| Goldman         | Global-Mega    | US$15      | 15 March  | 2006     | 
| Sachs           | Buy-out        | million    | 2007      |          | 
| Capital         |                |            |           |          | 
| Partners        |                |            |           |          | 
| VI L.P.         |                |            |           |          | 
| Greenpark       | Secondaries    | EUR14.6      | 29 March  | 2006     | 
| International   |                | million    | 2007      |          | 
| Investors III   |                |            |           |          | 
| L.P.            |                |            |           |          | 
| Coller          | Secondaries    | US$15      | 13 April  | 2006     | 
| International   |                | million    | 2007      |          | 
| Partners V      |                |            |           |          | 
| L.P.            |                |            |           |          | 
| Thomas          | US-Mega        | US$15      | 27 April  | 2006     | 
| H. Lee          | Buy-out        | million    | 2007      |          | 
| Parallel        |                |            |           |          | 
| Fund VI         |                |            |           |          | 
| L.P.            |                |            |           |          | 
| Silver          | Global -       | US$15      | 18 May    | 2007     | 
| Lake Partners   | Large          | million    | 2007      |          | 
| III L.P.        | Buy-out        |            |           |          | 
| MatlinPatterson | Global -       | US$10      | 28 June   | 2007     | 
| Global          | distressed     | million    | 2007      |          | 
| Opportunities   |                |            |           |          | 
| Partners III    |                |            |           |          | 
| L.P.            |                |            |           |          | 
| SVG             | Activist       | GBP7.5     | 21 May    | 2006     | 
| Strategic       | UK             | million    | 2007      |          | 
| Recovery        | small-cap      |            |           |          | 
| Fund II         |                |            |           |          | 
| L.P.            |                |            |           |          | 
| AIG             | Latin          | US$10      | 10        | 2007     | 
| Brazil          | America        | million    | August    |          | 
| Special         | -              |            | 2007      |          | 
| Situations      | Special        |            |           |          | 
| Fund II         | situations     |            |           |          | 
| L.P.            |                |            |           |          | 
| Lehman          | US -           | US$12.5    | 16 July   | 2007     | 
| Brothers        | mid-stage      | million    | 2007      |          | 
| Venture         | Venture        |            |           |          | 
| Partners        | capital        |            |           |          | 
| V L.P.          |                |            |           |          | 
| Oaktree         | Global -       | US$15      | 19        | 2007     | 
| OCM             | distressed     | million    | September |          | 
| Opportunities   | debt           |            | 2007      |          | 
| Fund VII b      |                |            |           |          | 
| L.P.            |                |            |           |          | 
| DFJ             | Venture        | US$10      | 20        | 2007     | 
| Athena          | capital        | million    | December  |          | 
| L.P.            | - Korean       |            | 2007      |          | 
|                 | companies      |            |           |          | 
| Rho             | US             | US$10      | 21        | 2008     | 
| Ventures        | Venture        | million    | December  |          | 
| VI L.P.         | capital        |            | 2007      |          | 
|                 | - life         |            |           |          | 
|                 | sciences       |            |           |          | 
|                 | and            |            |           |          | 
|                 | technology     |            |           |          | 
| Pine            | Global -       | US$10      | 1         | 2007     | 
| Brook           | growth         | million    | October   |          | 
| Capital         | equity         |            | 2007      |          | 
| Partners        |                |            |           |          | 
| L.P.            |                |            |           |          | 
| Thoma           | US -           | US$10      | 27 March  | 2008     | 
| Bravo           | growth         | million    | 2008      |          | 
| Fund IX         | equity         |            |           |          | 
| L.P.            |                |            |           |          | 
| HIG             | US -           | US$15      | 14 May    | 2008     | 
| Bayside         | distressed     | million    | 2008      |          | 
| Debt &          | debt and       |            |           |          | 
| LBO Fund        | growth         |            |           |          | 
| II L.P.         | equity         |            |           |          | 
| Limetree        | Asia           | US$ 5      | 13        | 2008     | 
| Emerging        | Pacific        | million    | August    |          | 
| Beachfront Land | beachfront     |            | 2008      |          | 
| Investment Fund | land with      |            |           |          | 
| II L.P.         | development    |            |           |          | 
|                 | potential      |            |           |          | 
| Resonant        | U.S. and       | US$5.45    | 31        | 2008     | 
| Music I         | UK             | million    | October   |          | 
| L.P.            | music-for-film |            | 2008      |          | 
|                 | financing fund |            |           |          | 
This portfolio update has been produced by Bramdean Asset Management LLP, which 
is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. It is aimed 
solely at shareholders of Bramdean Alternatives Limited and it should not be 
relied upon by any other person. 
Please note that Bramdean Asset Management LLP has obtained information from a 
wide variety of sources for the content of this portfolio update. Whilst it has 
made reasonable endeavours to verify such information, this portfolio update 
should not be used as the exclusive basis of any investment decisions. It 
relates to a relatively short time period whilst many of the investments of 
Bramdean Alternatives Limited are of a long-term nature. An investment in 
Bramdean Alternatives Limited may rise or fall in value and investors may not 
recoup the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a guide to future 
Bramdean Alternatives Limited invests in high risk alternative investment 
vehicles. It is 
aimed at professional or sophisticated investors who intend to hold their 
for the longer term. If you are not a professional or sophisticated investor you 
should take independent financial advice in relation to any proposed investment 
 Bramdean Alternatives Limited. 
Please note that up to date information on the Company, including its monthly 
NAV and share prices, fact sheets, Prospectus and portfolio information can be 
found at www.bramdeanalternatives.com. 
Registered Office: Canada Court, Upland Road, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3QE, 
Channel Islands. 
Amanda McCrystal, or amccrystal@bramdean.com 
Bramdean Asset Management LLP. 35 Park Lane, London W1K 1RB, United Kingdom 
T: +44 (0)20 7052 9272 F: +44 (0)20 7052 9273 W: www.bramdeanalternatives.com 
Capita Registrar's helpline is 0871 664 0300 (Calls cost 10 pence per minute 
plus network extras). For callers outside the UK, please dial: +44 (0)20 8639 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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