RNS Number:1322M
Crystalband PLC
18 January 2008

                 Crystalband Plc - Results to 30 September 2007

Chairman's Statement

The Group's turnover for the year ended 30 September 2007 was �5,920,701, an
increase of �885,230 on the previous year.  We are delighted that this has been
achieved in a very competitive market.

The loss on ordinary activities before taxation for the period was �279,969
(2006:  �654,604 loss) and given the losses sustained the Board does not
recommend a dividend to be paid at this time.

Whilst it is disappointing to report a trading loss for the third consecutive
year we are nevertheless pleased with the Group's performance, particularly in
the last 8 months of the year.  We believe that the management changes
implemented at the beginning of the period have been fully justified and were a
major factor in the company having produced net profits on a month by month
basis for the final two thirds of the year.  The post tax retained profit for
the year of �23,655 arises as a result of the Board's decision to recognize the
benefit of the brought forward losses as an asset.

We are particularly pleased that the new management team's efforts in restoring
quality and service levels to the standards we and our customers expect have
clearly had a positive impact on the business.  From a financial perspective,
the efficiency improvements implemented have helped to contribute an extra 4% to
the gross margin.

I am delighted that Gary Torr accepted the position as Managing Director of the
Company, as announced on 21 December 2007.  Gary brings with him considerable
experience of the sector and the Board believes that he has the necessary drive
and vision to help us grow the business in a controlled manner. Indeed, the
significant improvement in the business in the last few months has been, to a
large degree, a result of the consultancy services he has provided.

The Group now  has in place sound financial and operational controls which are
measured monthly by the Board using detailed key performance indicators.

The Group continues to expand its customer base which leaves it well placed to
continue to grow the business in a consistent fashion.

In summary I now believe the difficulties the group faced when I accepted the
position as Chairman have been overcome and this is reflected by further strong
trading results in the first 3 months of the current financial year.  This has
taken longer than expected but I believe the measures taken at the beginning of
the period were in the best long term interests of the Company and the Group. 
Looking forward, I believe the Group is well placed to take advantage of its
strengthened position and your Board believes it will continue to deliver a good
trading performance in the remainder of the financial year.

Alan Rothwell

18 January 2008

                                                                                      2007                2006
                                                                Notes                    �                   �

Turnover                                                            2            5,920,701           5,035,471
Cost of sales                                                                  (4,174,280)         (3,731,419)

Gross Profit                                                                     1,746,421           1,304,052

Administrative expenses                                                        (1,880,097)         (1,899,155)
Other operating income                                              3                    -               2,693

Operating Loss                                                      4            (133,676)           (592,410)

Interest receivable                                                                 10,679              72,627
Interest payable and similar charges                                5            (156,972)           (134,821)

Loss on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation                                      (279,969)           (654,604)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities                                                 303,624                   -

Profit/(Loss) for the Financial Year                                                23,655           (654,604)

Profit/(Loss) per ordinary share (pence)                            6                 0.09               (2.3)

All of the activities of the group are classed as continuing.

The group has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the 
period as set out above.

There is no difference between the results for the year shown above and those 
presented on the historical costs basis.


                                                                                 2007                     2006
                                                                                    �                        �

Profit/(Loss) for the financial year                                           23,655                (654,604)

Net addition/(reduction) to shareholders' funds                                23,655                (654,604)

Opening shareholders funds                                                    779,882                1,434,486

Closing shareholders' funds                                                   803,537                  779,882


                                                                                2007                       2006
                                                   Notes             �             �            �             �
Fixed Assets
Intangible assets                                                          2,733,311                  2,894,094
Tangible assets                                                              481,681                    535,210

                                                                           3,214,992                  3,429,304
Current Assets
Stocks                                                 7       245,599                    252,341
Debtors                                                8     1,606,227                  1,367,578
Short term deposits                                                  -                  1,600,000
Cash in hand                                                     1,174                        554
                                                             1,853,000                  3,220,473

Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year         9   (2,630,646)                (5,770,810)

Net Current Liabilities                                                    (777,646)                (2,550,337)

Total Assets Less Current Liabilities                                      2,437,346                    878,967

Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than
one year                                              10                 (1,633,809)                   (99,085)

                                                                             803,537                    779,882

Capital and Reserves
Called-up equity share capital                                               139,432                    139,432
Share premium account                                                      2,768,865                  2,768,865
Profit and loss account                                                  (2,104,760)                (2,128,415)

Shareholders' Funds                                                          803,537                    779,882

                                                                                2007                       2006
                                                                       �           �            �             �

Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities                                    285,766                    107,655

Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Interest received                                                 10,679                   72,627
Interest paid                                                  (104,022)                (120,610)
Interest element of hire purchase                               (33,793)                 (14,211)

Net Cash (Outflow) from Returns on Investments & Servicing
of Finance                                                                 (127,136)                   (62,194)

Capital Expenditure
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                       (17,617)                (121,477)
Receipts from sale of fixed assets                                     -                   29,000

Net Cash (Outflow) from Capital Expenditure                                 (17,617)                   (92,477)

Cash Inflow/(Outflow) Before Financing                                       141,013                   (47,016)

Principal payment on hire purchase agreements                   (81,063)                 (55,053)

Net Cash (Outflow) from Financing                                           (81,063)                   (55,053)

Increase/(Decrease)in Cash                                                    59,950                  (102,069)

                                                                            2007                           2006
                                                                               �                              �

Operating loss                                                         (133,676)                      (592,410)
Amortisation                                                             160,783                        160,783
Depreciation                                                              71,146                         71,035
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                               -                          5,117
Decrease in stocks                                                         6,742                         38,578
Decrease/(Increase) in debtors                                         1,664,975                      (432,092)
(Decrease)/Increase in creditors                                     (1,484,204)                        856,644

Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities                                285,766                        107,655

                                                                            2007                           2006
                                                                               �                              �

Increase/(Decrease) in cash in the period                                 59,950                      (102,069)
New hire purchase agreements                                                   -                      (200,000)
Cash outflow in respect of hire purchase                                  81,063                         55,053

Change in net debt                                                       141,013                      (247,016)
Net Debt at 30 September 2006                                          (326,575)                       (79,559)

Net Debt at 30 September 2007                                          (185,562)                      (326,575)

                                                             At                                              At
                                                       30.09.06       Cash flows          Non-Cash     30.09.07
                                                              �                �                 �            �

Net cash                                                    554              620                 -        1,174
Cash in hand and at bank                              (117,036)           59,330                 -     (57,706)
                                                      (116,482)           59,950                 -     (56,532)

Hire purchase agreements                              (210,093)           81,063                 -    (129,030)

Net Debt                                              (326,575)          141,013                 -    (185,562)


Basis of accounting

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost 
convention, and in accordance with applicable accounting standards.

Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of
the company and all group undertakings. As a consolidated profit and loss
account is published, a separate profit and loss account for the parent company
is omitted from the group financial statements by virtue of Section 230 of the
Companies Act 1985.

Going Concern

The directors have prepared detailed cashflows for the group for a period of 12
months from the date of signing these financial statements.  These indicate that
the group will be able operate within its existing facilities with both its
bankers and suppliers. On this basis, the director considers it appropriate to
prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis.


The turnover shown in the profit and loss account represents amounts
invoiced during the period, exclusive of Value Added Tax.


Positive purchased goodwill arising on acquisitions is capitalised,
classified as an asset on the Balance Sheet and amortised over its estimated
useful life up to a maximum of 20 years.  This length of time is presumed to be
the maximum useful life of purchased goodwill because it is difficult to make
projections beyond this period.  Goodwill is reviewed for impairment at the end
of the first full financial year following each acquisition and subsequently as
and when necessary if circumstances emerge that indicate that the carrying value
may not be recoverable.

Fixed Assets

All fixed assets are initially recorded at cost.


Depreciation is calculated so as to write off the cost of an asset, less its 
estimated residual value, over the useful economic life of that asset as 
follows: -

Plant & Machinery                     -           10 years straight line
Fixtures & Fittings                   -           10 years straight line
Motor Vehicles                        -            3  years straight line


Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value, after making
due allowance for obsolete and slow moving items.

Work in progress is valued on the basis of direct costs plus attributable
overheads based on normal level of activity. Provision is made for any
foreseeable losses where appropriate.  No element of profit is included in the
valuation of work in progress.

Hire Purchase Agreements

Assets held under hire purchase agreements are capitalised and disclosed under
tangible fixed assets at their fair value.  The capital element of the future
payments is treated as a liability and the interest is charged to the profit and
loss account on a straight line basis.

Operating Lease Agreements

Rentals applicable to operating leases where substantially all of the benefits
and risks of ownership remain with the lessor are charged against profits on a
straight line basis over the period of the lease.

Deferred Taxation

Deferred tax is recognised in respect of all timing differences that have
originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date where transactions or
events have occurred at that date that will result in an obligation to pay more,
or a right to pay less or to receive more tax, with the following exceptions: -

Provision is made for tax on gains arising from the revaluation (and similar
fair value adjustments) of fixed assets, and gains on disposal of fixed assets
that have been rolled over into replacement assets, only to the extent that, at
the balance sheet date, there is a binding agreement to dispose of the assets
concerned.  However, no provision is made where, on the basis of all available
evidence at the balance sheet date, it is more likely than not that the taxable
gain will be rolled over into replacement assets and charged to tax only where
the replacement assets are sold.

Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that the directors
consider that it is more likely than not that there will be suitable taxable
profits from which the future reversal of the underlying timing differences can
be deducted.

Deferred tax is measure on an undiscounted basis at the tax rates that are
expected to apply in the periods in which timing differences reverse, based on
tax rates and laws enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.


The turnover is attributable to the one principal activity of the group.

An analysis of turnover is given below: -
                                                              2007                                           2006
                                                                 �                                              �

United Kingdom                                           5,920,701                                      5,035,471


                                                              2007                                           2006
                                                                 �                                              �

Other operating income                                           -                                          2,693


Operating loss is stated after                                2007                                           2006
charging: -                                                      �                                              �

Amortisation                                               160,783                                        160,783
Depreciation of owned fixed assets                          24,044                                         23,933
Depreciation of assets held under                           47,102                                         47,102
HP agreements
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                 -                                          5,117
Auditors remuneration                                        9,000                                         10,000
Restructuring costs                                         95,293                                              -
Operating lease costs:
- plant & equipment                                              -                                          3,437
- vehicles                                                 145,595                                         98,217

During the year the auditors provided no other services to the group.

5    INTEREST PAYABLE                                         2007                                           2006
     AND SIMILAR CHARGES                                         �                                              �

Interest payable on bank borrowing                           8,254                                         67,535
Other loans                                                 19,157                                              -
Finance charges                                             33,793                                         14,211
Debt factoring charge                                       95,768                                         53,075

                                                           156,972                                        134,821

6    PROFIT/(LOSS) PER SHARE                                2007                                             2006
                                                           Pence                                            Pence

Profit/(Loss( per ordinary share                            0.09                                           (2. 3)

Profit/Loss per share has been calculated on the net basis on the profit/loss on 
ordinary activities after taxation of �23,655 (2006: (�654,604)) using the 
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of 27,866,401  (2006: 


                                                                                       2007                  2006
                                                                                          �                     �

Raw materials                                                                       180,380               175,398
Work in progress                                                                     21,419                41,960
Finished goods                                                                       43,800                34,983

                                                                                    245,599               252,341

8                DEBTORS

                                                                                       2007                  2006
                                                                                          �                     �

Trade debtors                                                                     1,081,099             1,193,124
VAT recoverable                                                                       4,916                 4,916
Deferred taxation                                                                   303,624                     -
Prepayments & accrued income                                                        216,588               169,538
                                                                                  1,606,227             1,367,578

                                                                                       2007                  2006
9        CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year                                   �                     �

                                                                                     57,706               117,036
Bank loans and overdrafts                                                           625,654             1,063,182
Trade creditors                                                                     432,840               239,500
           Other tax and social security payable                                     95,221               111,008
Hire purchase agreements                                                          1,332,097             4,118,889
Other creditors                                                                      87,128               121,195
Accruals & deferred income
                                                                                  2,630,646             5,770,810

10   CREDITORS: Amounts due after more than one year

                                                                                       2007                  2006
                                                                                          �                     �
Other Creditors                                                                   1,600,000                     -
Hire purchase agreements                                                             33,809                99,085
                                                                                  1,633,809                99,085

Future commitments under hire purchase
agreements are as follows: -
                                                                                       2007                  2006
                                                                                          �                     �
Amounts payable within 1 year                                                        95,221               111,008
Amounts payable between 1 to 2 years                                                 33,809                66,666
Amounts payable between 2 to 5 years                                                      -                32,419

                                                                                    129,030               210,093

11         Accounts

The financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2007 will be despatched
to shareholders on or before 25 January 2008, at which time copies will also be
available to the public, free of charge from the Company's registered office:
Unit 22, Castle Park Industrial Estate, Flint, CH6 5XA and on the Company's
website www.frame1.co.uk.

12       Annual General Meeting

The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 21 February 2008.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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