Interim results for 26 weeks ended 1 May 2004


Trading Results

In  the  six months under review, turnover has increased by nearly 8% to �1.400 million (�1.299  million)
with  the  trading  loss,  before  exceptional items, falling to just �34,000  (�172,000).   This  result
represents  a steady improvement compared with the previous three half-year periods but we still  have  a
long  way  to go.  However, as reported earlier, we were successful in selling our warehouse premises  in
the  period and this resulted in an exceptional profit of �350,000 which means that the outcome  for  the
half year, after exceptional items, is a profit of �316,000 (�647,000 loss).

We  are  starting  to see the benefits of our overseas sourcing policy through improved  margins  in  the
period,  particularly  due  to  improved exchange rates.  However  it  would  be  unwise  to  rely  on  a
continuation of a strong pound with the present state of uncertainty in international affairs.   We  have
still  retained our ceramic manufacturing facility as we have not yet been able to find suitable overseas


During  the period, we launched nine new ranges of metal bathroom accessories together with a  number  of
ancillary  products.   These were presented at the Kitchen, Bedroom and Bathroom Exhibition  at  the  NEC
Birmingham in January.  We received a very positive response to our new products and we are now  seen  in
the trade as a leader in design and presentation.

All  the new products are being sourced from the Far East but, unfortunately, we have experienced  delays
in  getting  deliveries which has affected the level of sales in the period.  We  are  working  with  our
agents  to  correct the problems but as some of the ranges are completely new to our manufacturers  there
have  been  a number of teething problems.  These have now been, mostly, resolved and we expect  improved
service from our suppliers from now on.

Our  sales  to  the  major DIY stores have been disappointing as some groups are now starting  to  import
direct  themselves.  Although they have retained some of our ranges, it does limit our  opportunities  to
develop new product ranges with them.  This makes it increasingly important that we increase our sales to
the  general  retail  outlets  and  hence  the  emphasis we  are  placing  on  design,  presentation  and

New Product Development

Our  programme of product development continues.  We are finalising an additional range of  new  products
which  we  intend  to  launch in September 2004.  These products will substantially broaden  our  product
offering  which  is  essential if we are to compete successfully with the  very  large  number  of  other
companies who are supplying products similar to our own.

Balance Sheet

The  results  for the year, after exceptional items mean that, at the half year end, our net  assets  per
share have increased to 37.5p (33.4p).  Bank borrowings have also fallen and at the half year represented
37.4% of shareholders' funds.  Stocks have inevitably increased as a result of bringing in new ranges  of
products.   With our suppliers in many cases 6,000 miles away, it is essential to hold higher  levels  of
stocks  as  the  replacement time is quite long.  It was not considered necessary to  make  any  abnormal
provisions against stocks at the half year.


We  have reduced the deficit on the Profit and Loss Account as a result of the reported profit.  However,
as long as the deficit remains we are unable to recommend the payment of a dividend.

Future Prospects

The  market  place is difficult at present with intense competition and a proliferation of new  companies
entering the market.  In addition, more and more large chains are seeking to import their products direct
from  overseas  manufacturers.   It  is for this reason that we are placing  great  emphasis  on  design,
development and product presentation.

The increase in house prices is also a source of concern as it may lead to an eventual fall in prices and
a consequent reduction in household expenditure which, inevitably, would result in a lower demand for our
type of products.

To counter these factors we are broadening our product base.  There are still many opportunities which we
can exploit provided that our product offering is right.

R E W Newman
22 July 2004


                                                       Unaudited 26 weeks to 1 May 2004      Unaudited        Audited
                                                   Before     Exceptional         Total    26 weeks to    52 weeks to
                                              Exceptional            Item                   3 May 2003     1 Nov 2003
                                                    �'000           �'000         �'000          �'000          �'000
TURNOVER                                            1,400               -         1,400          1,299          2,598
Cost of sales                                       (812)               -          (812)        (1,412)        (2,256)
                                                    _____            _____         _____          _____          _____
Gross profit                                          588               -           588           (113)           342
Operating costs                                     (592)             351          (241)          (494)          (998)
                                                    _____            _____         _____          _____          _____
OPERATING (LOSS)/                                                                                                    
PROFIT                                                (4)             351           347          (607)          (656)
Interest receivable                                    -                -             -              -              -
Interest payable                                     (31)               -           (31)           (40)           (78)
                                                    _____           _____           _____          _____          _____
PROFIT/(LOSS) ON                                                                                                     
ORDINARY ACTIVITIES                                                                                                  
BEFORE TAXATION                                      (35)             351           316          (647)          (734)
                                                    _____           _____                                            
Tax on profit on ordinary                                                                                            
                                                                                      -              -              -
                                                                                  _____          _____          _____
PROFIT/(LOSS) ON ORDINARY                                                                                            
ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION                                                           316          (647)          (734)
Dividends                                                                             -              -              -
                                                                                  _____          _____          _____
RETAINED PROFIT/(LOSS)                                                                                               
FOR THE PERIOD                                                                      316          (647)          (734)
                                                                                  _____          _____          _____
EARNINGS/(LOSS) PER SHARE                                                                                                
(PENCE)                                                                           17.66p       (11.59)p       (13.15)p

AT 1 MAY 2004

                                                 Unaudited          Unaudited          Audited
                                                     as at              as at            as at
                                                1 May 2004         3 May 2003       1 Nov 2003
                                                     �'000              �'000           �'000
FIXED ASSETS                                                                                 
Intangible Assets                                       23                 26              25
Tangible Assets                                      1,510              1,999           1,980
                                                     _____              _____           _____
                                                     1,533              2,025           2,005 
                                                     _____              _____           _____
CURRENT ASSETS                                                                               
Stocks                                               1,275              1,162            1,202
Debtors                                                548                542              670
Cash at bank and in hand                                 4                 4                 9
                                _____              _____            _____
                                                     1,827              1,708            1,881
CREDITORS: amounts                                                                           
falling due within one year                          (634)            (1,150)             (956)
                                                     _____              _____             _____
NET CURRENT ASSETS                                   1,193                558              925
                                                     _____              _____             _____
TOTAL ASSETS LESS                                                                            
CURRENT LIABILITIES                                  2,726              2,583             2,930
CREDITORS: amounts                                                                           
falling due after one year                           (632)              (718)            (1,153)
PROVISIONS FOR                                                                               
LIABILITIES & CHARGES                                    -                 -                  -
                                                     _____              _____             _____
                                                     2,094              1,865             1,777
                                                     _____              _____             _____
Called up share capital                                558                558               558
Share premium account                                1,398              1,398             1,398
Capital redemption  reserve                             19                 19                19
Revaluation reserve                                    268                273               270
Profit and loss account                              (149)              (383)              (468)
                                                     _____              _____              _____
TOTAL EQUITY                                                                                 
SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                  2,094              1,865              1,777
                                                     _____              _____              _____


                                                              Unaudited            Unaudited             Audited
                                                            26 weeks to          26 weeks to         52 weeks to
                                                             1 May 2004           3 May 2003          1 Nov 2003
                                                                  �'000                �'000               �'000
CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING                                                                                        
ACTIVITIES (Note 1)                                                  42                 (21)               (198)
Returns on investment and                                                                                       
servicing of finance                                               (34)                 (38)                (80)
Taxation                                                              -                    -                   -
Capital expenditure and                                                                                         
financial investment                                                782                 (21)                (48)
                                                                  _____                _____               _____
NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW)                                                                                       
BEFORE FINANCING                                                    790                 (80)               (326)
Financing - (Decrease)/increase in debt                           (587)                 (53)                 395
                                                                  _____                _____               _____
IN CASH                                                             203                (133)                  69
                                                                  _____                _____               _____

Note 1: Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities

                                                              Unaudited            Unaudited           Audited
                                                            26 weeks to          26 weeks to       52 weeks to
                                                             1 May 2004           3 May 2003        1 Nov 2003
                                                                  �'000                �'000             �'000
Operating profit/(loss)                                             347                (607)             (656)
Depreciation                                                         55                  246               295
(Profit) on sale of fixed assets                                  (351)                  (1)               (2)
(Increase)/decrease in stock                                       (73)                  202               162
Decrease in debtors                                                 122                  191                63
(Decrease) in creditors                                            (58)                 (52)              (60)
                                                                  _____                _____             _____
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                                                                         
      operating activities                                           42                 (21)             (198)
                                                                  _____                _____             _____
Note 2: Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

                                                              Unaudited          Unaudited          Audited
                                                            26 weeks to        26 weeks to      52 weeks to
                                                             1 May 2004         3 May 2003       1 Nov 2003
                                                                  �'000              �'000            �'000
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the period                           203              (133)               69
Cash inflow/(outflow) from increase in                                                                     
debt and lease and hire purchase financing                            587              53              (395)
                                                                  _____              _____             _____
                                                                    790               (80)             (326)
New finance lease and hire                                                                                 
purchase obligations                                               (14)               (22)              (22)
                                                                  _____              _____            _____
Movement in net debt in period                                      776              (102)             (348)
Net debt at beginning of period                                 (1,619)            (1,271)           (1,271)
                                                                  _____              _____            _____
Net debt at end of period                                         (843)            (1,373)           (1,619)
                                                                  _____              _____            _____
ANALYSIS OF NET DEBT                                                                                        
                                                   At                                Other                At
                                           1 Nov 2003         Cash flow           non-cash        1 May 2004
                                                �'000             �'000              �'000             �'000
Cash                                                9               (5)                  -                 4
Overdraft                                       (314)               208                  -              (106)
                                                _____             _____              _____             _____
                                                (305)               203                  -             (102)

Debt due within one year                        (130)                51                  5              (74)
Debt due after one year                       (1,138)               535                (5)             (608)
Finance leases                                   (46)                 1               (14)              (59)
                                                _____             _____              _____             _____
TOTAL                                         (1,619)               790               (14)             (843)
                                                _____             _____              _____             _____

Note 3: Earnings per share

The loss per ordinary share is calculated on the loss on ordinary activities after taxation and on a weighted
average of ordinary shares in issue of 5,584,391 in the period (26 weeks to 3 May 2003: 5,584,391 and  52
weeks to 1 November 2003: 5,584,391).

Note 4: Preparation of interim financial statements

These unaudited financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the
Group's 2003 statutory financial statements.

Note 5: Copies of the Accounts

Copies  of the interim accounts will be sent to shareholders.  Further copies will be available from  the
Company's  head office at The Longmead Group plc, Millwey Industrial Estate, Axminster, Devon,  EX13  5HU
and  from the Company's nominated adviser, Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited, at No. 1  Riding
House Street, London, W1A 3AS for at least one month from the date of this announcement.

The Longmead Group PLC


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