Drilling Report
10 Diciembre 2007 - 1:30AM
UK Regulatory
December 10, 2007
Uranium Drilling Commences in Mauritania, West Africa
ACN 009 087 852
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ASX, AIM and Media Release
10 December 2007
Uranium Drilling Commences in Mauritania, West Africa
- Drilling commenced on Saturday 8 December 2007 at Bir En Nar in the Zednes region of Mauritania, with
downhole logging and assay results to be released to the market as they become available.
- Initial RC drilling program aims to drill 40 holes of approximately 100m each for 4,000m in total.
- Drilling program to follow up previously reported sampling results of up to 9,500ppm Uranium.
Murchison United NL (ASX: MUR, AIM: MUU) is pleased to announce that drilling has commenced on its second
uranium drilling program in West Africa, focusing on one of its key Exploration Licences at Bir En Nar in the
Zednes region of the Republic of Mauritania.
The current drilling program is the first drilling undertaken by Murchison United within its extensive
portfolio of uranium interests in Mauritania. It follows the successful completion of the Company's maiden
drilling program earlier this year at the Firawa prospect in Guinea, which returned encouraging initial
The drilling program at the Company's prospect in the Bir En Nar area will comprise of 40 Reverse Circulation
(RC) drill holes to an average depth of 100m per hole, for a total of 4,000 metres of drilling. The drilling
will focus on one of the Company's southernmost licences in the Zednes region, where episyenite samples
collected during previous field reconnaissance visits have returned assays of up to 9,500ppm U.
Samples will be taken every metre for multi-element analysis in Canada. The Company will release downhole
logging and assay results to the market as they become available. Figure 1 overleaf shows the planned drill-
hole locations in relation to historical exploration work undertaken in the region by Minatome Pty Ltd in the
1980's. The map also indicates locations where samples of greater than 2,000ppm U were collected during
previous field visits conducted by Murchison United.
Fig.1: Planned R/C drilling program is available at the following web link:
http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/munl1210fig1.jpg (please open in a new browser window)
Fig.2: Location of Murchison United's "Group 4" Uranium Exploration Permit Areas in Mauritania is available at
the following web link: http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/munl1210fig2.jpg (please open in a new browswer window)
Murchison currently holds six uranium exploration permits in Mauritania covering a total area of 8,200km2, with
additional permits under application. The permit areas are in the north of the country near the town of Bir
Moghrein and in the Zednes region. They are contained within the Reguibat Shield, part of the West African
This significant uranium exploration opportunity was originally identified by the Company's Technical Director,
Mr Bosse Gustafsson, from a study commissioned by the World Bank, and further refined from aeroradiometric data
highlighting the areas' prospectivity for uranium occurrences and follow up field reconnaissance visits.
Fig.3: Location of Murchison United's Bir En Nar Project in Mauritania is available at the following web link:
http://www.ccnmatthews.com/docs/munl1210fig3.jpg (please open in a new browser window)
Murchison United has secured an extensive portfolio of uranium exploration projects comprising some 13,600km2
of highly prospective tenements in Mauritania and Guinea, West Africa. Its objective is to delineate
significant new uranium deposits within these under-explored terrains.
Murchison United NL is an Australian-based no liability company whose principal activity is minerals
exploration. The company currently has uranium exploration projects in Mauritania and Guinea in West Africa and
copper interests in the Millennium copper/cobalt leases in Cloncurry, Queensland and the Maroochydore
copper/cobalt project in Western Australia.
Shares in the company are listed on both the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX - MUR) and the Alternative
Investment Market (AIM - MUU) of the London Stock Exchange.
Please call Mark Reilly with any queries.
Mark Reilly
Managing Director
Murchison's Nominated Advisor for the AIM market is RFC Corporate Finance Ltd.
Contact: Stuart Laing, Ph: +618 9480 2506
The information in this announcement that relates to exploration results is based on information compiled by
Mr. Bosse Gustafsson, who is a member of the European Federation of Geologists a Recognised Overseas
Professional Organisation ("ROPO"). Mr Bosse Gustafsson is a full time Technical Director of Murchison United
NL and is responsible for exploration activities in Mauritania and Guinea. Mr Gustafsson has sufficient
experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and the type of deposit under consideration and to
the activity, which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the
'Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserve'. Mr Gustafsson
consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on their information in the form and context in
which it appears.
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