UNITED  STATES, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN OR  south africa OR any jurisdiction in 
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united states, CANADA, australia, japan OR south africa. 
                             PROVEN HEALTH VCT PLC 
                                10 February 2012 
Further  to the  announcement by  ProVen Health  VCT plc  (the "Company") on 22 
December  2011, the Company and Longbow Growth  and Income VCT plc ("LGIV") have 
now  agreed the terms  of the merger  pursuant to which  the Company proposes to 
acquire LGIV's net assets in consideration for the issue of New Ordinary Shares. 
In  conjunction with the proposed merger with LGIV, the Board wishes to take the 
opportunity  to  put  forward  proposals  for  an  issue  of New Ordinary Shares 
pursuant  to an  Offer for  Subscription, a  proposed Enhanced  Share Buyback, a 
change  of the Company's investment policy and proposals for the cancellation of 
the  Company's share premium  account.  The Company  is also pleased to announce 
that  the temporary suspension on dividend  payments and share buybacks has been 
lifted and that it has declared an interim dividend in respect of the year ended 
31 January 2012 (further details of which are set out below). 
The  Proposals are subject  to satisfaction of  a number of conditions including 
the  approval of Shareholders at  a General Meeting to  be held at 10.00 a.m. on 
12 March  2012.  The Company  has today  published a  Circular and Prospectus in 
respect of the Proposals. 
The LGIV Scheme 
Background to and reasons for the LGIV Scheme 
In July 2011, LGIV completed an offer for subscription raising gross proceeds of 
approximately   GBP1.1  million  and  its  shares  were  admitted to listing on the 
Official  List with  a Premium  Listing and  trading on  the Main  Market of the 
London   Stock  Exchange.   Subsequently,  LGIV's  investment  manager,  Longbow 
Capital,  announced a  reorganisation of  its staff  and informed the LGIV Board 
that  it did not propose to assist in relation to a further fundraising round on 
behalf of LGIV.   The LGIV Board has carefully considered the future of LGIV and 
does  not believe  that it  makes economic  sense to  operate a  listed VCT with 
assets under management of approximately  GBP1 million.  The LGIV Board carried out 
a  review  of  its  management  arrangements  and has reached agreement with the 
Company in respect of a recommended merger of the assets of LGIV and the Company 
pursuant  to the LGIV Scheme.   The LGIV Scheme will  allow LGIV Shareholders to 
continue their investment in a VCT with a significant focus on the health sector 
(and  retain the upfront VCT income tax relief they obtained on subscription for 
their LGIV Shares). 
The LGIV Scheme 
Under the LGIV Scheme, LGIV will be wound up voluntarily pursuant to a scheme of 
reconstruction  under section 110 of  the Insolvency Act  1986.  The LGIV Scheme 
provides  for  the  net  assets  of  LGIV  to  be  transferred to the Company in 
consideration  for the issue  of New Ordinary  Shares of an  equivalent value to 
LGIV Shareholders.  The LGIV Scheme is subject to, amongst other conditions, its 
approval  by  LGIV  Shareholders  and  the  approval  by the Shareholders of the 
Benefits of the LGIV Scheme to the Company 
The  Board believes  that the  LGIV Scheme  provides an excellent opportunity to 
increase  the size of the Company in a cost effective manner.  The main benefits 
of the LGIV Scheme for Shareholders are as follows: 
  * the Enlarged Company will have increased cash resources from which to create 
    a  more diversified portfolio thereby dispersing the portfolio risk across a 
    broader range of investments and businesses; 
  * Beringea,  an investment manager with significant experience in investing in 
    small  and  medium  sized  unquoted  companies,  will continue to manage the 
  * Beringea  will make a contribution of  GBP75,000 towards the costs and expenses 
    of  the Company's participation in the LGIV Scheme which will be made by way 
    of a partial management fee waiver.  The costs and expenses of the Company's 
    participation  in the LGIV  Scheme will be  recovered pursuant to this Costs 
    Contribution  and will not  be dilutive to  the net asset  value of existing 
    Ordinary Shares (after taking into account the Costs Contribution); 
  * the  assets  to  be  acquired  from  LGIV  will  comprise  an  investment in 
    Polytherics  Limited (in which the Company  already holds an investment) and 
    cash.   Accordingly, there  will be  no need  to realign the assets acquired 
    from LGIV; and 
  * when combined with the benefits of other initiatives currently being pursued 
    by the Company described in this announcement the Board believes the Company 
    will be better positioned to deliver improved returns to Shareholders. 
New Ordinary Shares to be issued to LGIV Shareholders 
If the LGIV Scheme is implemented, the Company will acquire all of LGIV's assets 
(save  to the extent required by the  LGIV Liquidator to satisfy the liabilities 
of  LGIV).  The  consideration for  such acquisition  shall be  the issue of New 
Ordinary  Shares  to  LGIV  Shareholders.   The  assets to be transferred to the 
Company comprise an investment in Polytherics Limited (in which the Company also 
already  holds an  investment) and  approximately  GBP0.85  million of cash.  These 
assets  therefore comply with the Company's  existing investment policy (and its 
proposed new investment policy). 
The  number of New Ordinary  Shares to be issued  to LGIV Shareholders under the 
LGIV  Scheme will be based on the adjusted  Net Asset Value of an Ordinary Share 
(the  "FAV per Ordinary Share") and the adjusted Net Asset Value of a LGIV Share 
(the  "FAV per  LGIV Share").  The FAV  per Ordinary  Share and the FAV per LGIV 
Share  will be calculated as at  5.00 p.m. on 13 March 2012 using each company's 
respective  accounting policies  (which are  substantially similar). LGIV's only 
investment  in  a  portfolio  company  is  in  Polytherics Limited (in which the 
Company  also holds an investment).  The Company's investments which are listed, 
quoted  or traded on a recognised stock  exchange will be valued by reference to 
the  bid price on the principal stock  exchange where the relevant investment is 
listed,  quoted  or  dealt.   Unquoted  investments  held by the Company will be 
valued  at their  fair value  as at  the Calculation  Date as  determined by the 
Directors   (with the Company's investment in  Polytherics Limited valued on the 
same basis as LGIV's investment in that company). 
The  FAV per  Ordinary Share  will be  the net  asset value of an Ordinary Share 
adjusted  by making a deduction  in respect of the  Interim Dividend (which LGIV 
Shareholders  will not receive in respect of  their New Ordinary Shares) and any 
costs  and expenses of the LGIV Scheme, the Enhanced Share Buyback and the Offer 
to  be met by  the Company (save  to the extent  to be paid  or met by Beringea, 
Longbow  Capital  or  any  other  person   (as described in the section entitled 
"Costs  and expenses of the Proposals" below)).   The FAV per LGIV Share will be 
calculated in accordance with the LGIV Scheme and will be the net asset value of 
a  LGIV Share after  an adjustment in  respect of any  costs and expenses of the 
LGIV  Scheme to be met by  LGIV (save to the extent  to be paid or reimbursed by 
Beringea or Longbow Capital). 
LGIV  Shareholders will  be issued  such number  of New  Ordinary Shares  in the 
Company with a FAV per Ordinary Share equal to 100 per cent. of the FAV per LGIV 
Share of their LGIV Shares. 
The  New Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the LGIV Scheme will rank equally in 
all  respects  with  the  existing  issued  Ordinary  Shares  (save that the New 
Ordinary Shares will not qualify for the Interim Dividend in respect of the year 
ended  31 January 2012 to be paid by the Company on 9 March 2012) and holders of 
the  New Ordinary  Shares will  not be  entitled to  participate in the Enhanced 
Share Buyback. 
The Offer for Subscription 
The  Company  is  also  proposing  to  raise  gross proceeds of up to  GBP1 million 
pursuant  to an Offer  for Subscription of  up to 2,205,000 New Ordinary Shares. 
 This  will provide existing  Shareholders with the  opportunity to add to their 
current  shareholdings while  benefiting from  the tax  reliefs available  on an 
issue  of  new  VCT  shares  for  either  the  tax  year 2011/12 or the tax year 
2012/13, or  both.  New investors will also be  able to participate in the Offer 
for  Subscription  and  gain  exposure  to  the  Company's portfolio of investee 
companies.   The net proceeds of the Offer  for Subscription will be invested in 
accordance  with the Company's  existing investment policy  (or its proposed new 
investment policy if approved at the General Meeting). 
Reasons for the Offer for Subscription 
The  Board believes that there are  currently a significant number of attractive 
investment opportunities available to the Company.  The funds raised pursuant to 
the Offer for Subscription would also allow the Company to enhance its portfolio 
diversification.  The publication by the Company of the Prospectus in connection 
with  the  LGIV  Scheme  and  the  Enhanced  Share Buyback gives the Company the 
opportunity  to issue New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Offer for Subscription 
in a cost effective manner. 
Terms of the Offer for Subscription 
Up to 2,205,000 New Ordinary Shares (or such lower number of New Ordinary Shares 
as  would raise gross proceeds of  GBP1  million) are being offered pursuant to the 
Offer:  investors are invited to subscribe  an amount in pounds sterling, rather 
than  apply  for  a  particular  number  of  New  Ordinary  Shares.  The minimum 
subscription amount is  GBP5,000 (which may be spread across two tax years).  There 
is  no maximum investment per applicant.  However, potential investors should be 
aware  that the  maximum investment  in VCTs  on which  tax relief  is currently 
available  is  GBP200,000 in respect of  each of the 2011/12 and 2012/13 tax years. 
 A husband and wife can each invest up to  GBP200,000 in any one tax year with each 
enjoying the tax reliefs. 
The  Offer will  open on  10 February 2012 and  close at  12 noon on (i) 5 April 
2012 in respect of applications for the tax year 2011/12 and (ii) 13 April 2012 
in respect of applications for the tax year 2012/13. 
The  New Ordinary  Shares will  be issued  at the  Offer Price.  The Offer Price 
shall be the most recently published NAV per Ordinary Share divided by 0.945 (to 
take  account of the 5.5 per cent commission  payable by the Company to Beringea 
on  the allotment of the New Ordinary  Shares pursuant to the Offer), rounded up 
to the nearest  GBP0.001 per share. 
Although  no pro rata offer is being made to existing Shareholders, the Offer is 
to   be   made   available   to  all  potential  investors,  including  existing 
The  entitlements  of  applicants  for  New  Ordinary Shares under the Offer may 
require  to be scaled back to the extent  that they would result in the issue of 
more  than 2,205,000 New Ordinary  Shares (or such  lower number of New Ordinary 
Shares as would raise gross proceeds of  GBP1 million) under the Offer. 
The  New Ordinary  Shares will  rank equally  in all  respects with the existing 
issued  Ordinary Shares (save that the New  Ordinary Shares will not qualify for 
the Interim Dividend in respect of the year ended 31 January 2012, which will be 
paid  by  the  Company  on  9 March  2012 or  be  entitled to participate in the 
Enhanced Share Buyback). 
Enhanced Share Buyback 
The  Board is proposing  that the Company  gives Shareholders the opportunity to 
participate  in an enhanced share buyback. Under the terms of the Enhanced Share 
Buyback,  Qualifying Shareholders may apply to  sell Ordinary Shares back to the 
Company  with  the  sale  proceeds  used  to  subscribe for New Ordinary Shares. 
 Qualifying Shareholders do not have the option to sell Existing Ordinary Shares 
back  to  the  Company  without  reinvesting  the  sale proceeds in New Ordinary 
Shares.   This Enhanced Share Buyback provides a Qualifying Shareholder with the 
opportunity  to subscribe for New  Ordinary Shares, effectively retaining almost 
all  of his or her investment in the Company, while obtaining new VCT income tax 
relief  of up to 30 per cent. of the amount subscribed. Applications can be made 
under  the Enhanced Share  Buyback for New  Ordinary Shares to  be issued in the 
2011/12 tax  year  and/or  the  2012/13 tax  year.   HMRC has confirmed that, in 
accordance  with the current VCT Rules  and their interpretation, subject to the 
personal circumstances of Shareholders, VCT income tax relief would be available 
on the total amount subscribed for New Ordinary Shares. 
All  Qualifying Shareholders may  participate in the  Enhanced Share Buyback but 
Qualifying  Shareholders  should  consult  their  professional tax adviser as to 
whether  it is appropriate  for them to  do so. In  particular, please note that 
investors who dispose of their Existing Ordinary Shares within five years of the 
date  of investment are likely  to be subject to  clawback by HMRC of any income 
tax  relief  originally  obtained  on  subscription  for their Existing Ordinary 
Shares  if they  participate in  the Enhanced  Share Buyback  in respect of such 
shares.  Likewise, Qualifying Shareholders who participate in the Enhanced Share 
Buyback  who dispose of their New Ordinary  Shares within five years of the date 
of  subscription are likely to be subject to  clawback by HMRC of any income tax 
relief obtained on subscription for their New Ordinary Shares. 
Under  the Enhanced Share  Buyback, the Company  will purchase Existing Ordinary 
Shares  at the  Tender Price  with the  sale proceeds  used to subscribe for New 
Ordinary  Shares at  the ESBB  Issue Price.   The difference  between the Tender 
Price and the ESBB Issue Price will contribute towards the costs of the Enhanced 
Share  Buyback. The Tender Price will be an amount equal to 100 per cent. of the 
NAV  per Ordinary Share before taking into account the costs and expenses of the 
Proposals  (rounded down to  the nearest  GBP0.001  per share). New Ordinary Shares 
will  be issued to participants in the  Enhanced Share Buyback at the ESBB Issue 
Price  of the NAV  per Ordinary Share  divided by 0.955 (to  make a contribution 
towards  the costs of the Enhanced Share Buyback of 4.5 per cent.) rounded up to 
the nearest  GBP0.001 per share. 
The  Company  requires  distributable  reserves  and  cash resources to buy back 
Ordinary  Shares pursuant to the Enhanced Share Buyback. Applications in respect 
of  a maximum of  4,795,000 Existing Ordinary Shares  in aggregate (representing 
approximately  25 per cent. of the issued share  capital of the Company) will be 
accepted  under the Enhanced Share Buyback (with scaling back of applications in 
excess  of this number of Existing Ordinary Shares). Ordinary Shares bought back 
by the Company pursuant to the Enhanced Share Buyback will be cancelled. 
Change of the investment policy of the Company 
The  Company's current  investment policy  is to  create a balanced portfolio of 
growth  companies in the health sector.  The Board believes that the performance 
of  the  Company  could  be  improved  if  its  investment  policy  gave it more 
flexibility  to invest in a more diversified  portfolio of growth companies in a 
number  of sectors (rather than restrict  investments to companies in the health 
sector).   The  investment  performance  of  the  other VCTs managed by Beringea 
(whose  investment policies give them  the flexibility to invest  in a number of 
sectors (and do not restrict investment to the health sector)) over the past 10 
years  has generally  been better  than the  Company's performance over the same 
period.    The  Company  proposes  to  amend  its  investment  policy  to  allow 
investments  to be made in a diversified  portfolio of growth companies across a 
broad  range of industries.  Given the largely unquoted nature of the investment 
portfolio,  the  current  100 per  cent.  exposure  to the health sector and the 
continued  sourcing of health  investments it is  expected that the Company will 
continue  to be predominantly  exposed to the  health sector for the foreseeable 
Cancellation of the share premium account 
In  conjunction with the proposed  issue of New Ordinary  Shares pursuant to the 
LGIV  Scheme, the  Enhanced Share  Buyback and  the Offer  for Subscription, the 
Company  is proposing,  subject to  Shareholder approval  and Court Approval, to 
cancel  its share premium account and  transfer this amount to reserves, thereby 
creating  a special reserve which  shall be able to  be applied in any manner in 
which  the Company's profits  available for distribution  are able to be applied 
(as  determined  in  accordance  with  the  Companies Act 2006 and The Companies 
(Reduction  of Share Capital) Order 2008), including the buy back by the Company 
of Ordinary Shares. 
Costs and expenses of the Proposals 
Costs and expenses of participation in the LGIV Scheme 
The  aggregate costs  and expenses  to be  incurred by  the Company  and LGIV in 
connection  with  the  LGIV  Scheme  are  expected  to be approximately  GBP100,000 
(including  VAT  and  stamp  duty).   The  Company  has  agreed  to meet  GBP75,000 
(including  VAT and stamp duty) of those costs and expenses with all this amount 
to be reimbursed to the Company by Beringea by means of a partial management fee 
waiver  over two  years commencing  on the  Effective Date  (with  GBP9,375  of the 
management  fees otherwise  payable to  Beringea waived  each quarter  until the 
 GBP75,000  of costs and expenses paid by the Company have been recovered in full). 
 Longbow  Capital  has  agreed  to  meet  the  balance of the costs and expenses 
payable by the Company and LGIV in connection with the LGIV Scheme. 
If  the LGIV Scheme does not become effective, the Company will bear abort costs 
and  expenses estimated at approximately   GBP45,000 (including irrecoverable VAT). 
 Beringea  has agreed to reimburse these costs  by means of a partial management 
fee waiver. 
Costs and expenses of the Offer for Subscription 
The  Company  intends  to  carry  out  an  Offer for Subscription to raise gross 
proceeds  of up to  GBP1 million.  The Company  has agreed to pay Beringea a fee of 
5.5 per  cent. of  the gross  funds raised  under the  Offer for Subscription on 
allotment of the New Ordinary Shares pursuant to the Offer for Subscription plus 
an  annual commission  of 0.2 per  cent of  the gross  proceeds of the Offer for 
Subscription  for a period of  five years.  Out of  these fees, Beringea will be 
responsible for paying all of the costs of the Offer for Subscription, including 
professional  fees, marketing  expenses and  commission to  authorised financial 
advisors  (including any trail commissions). If  the Offer for Subscription does 
not become effective, Beringea will bear any abort costs and expenses. 
Costs and expenses of the Enhanced Share Buyback 
The Company has also put forward proposals for an enhanced share buyback whereby 
existing  Shareholders will be provided with  the opportunity to sell back their 
Existing Ordinary Shares and subscribe for New Ordinary Shares (whilst obtaining 
new  income tax relief of up to  30 per cent. of the amount re-subscribed).  The 
costs  and expenses  of the  Enhanced Share  Buyback will  vary depending on the 
number of valid applications made.  It is estimated that the Company's costs and 
expenses  in connection  with the  Enhanced Share  Buyback will  be a maximum of 
 GBP80,000  (including VAT).  These costs  and expenses will be  met in whole or in 
part  by participating Shareholders (as the Tender  Price is lower than the ESBB 
Issue  Price).   If  valid  applications  are  received  in  respect of at least 
2,700,000 Existing  Ordinary  Shares  in  aggregate  (representing approximately 
14.1 per  cent. of the issued share capital of the Company) all of the costs and 
expenses   of   the   Enhanced  Share  Buyback  will  be  met  by  participating 
Shareholders.   If the  Enhanced Share  Buyback does  not become  effective, the 
Company  will  bear  any  abort  costs  and  expenses  which are estimated to be 
approximately  GBP20,000 (including VAT). 
General Meeting 
A  General Meeting  has been  convened at  which Shareholders  will be  asked to 
consider  and, if  thought fit,  approve resolutions  required to  implement the 
Proposals.  The General Meeting,  notice of which  is set out  at the end of the 
Circular, will be held at 10.00 a.m. on 12 March 2012 at the offices of Beringea 
LLP at 39 Earlham Street, London WC2H 9LT. 
Interim Dividend 
The Company has declared an interim dividend of 1p per Ordinary Share in respect 
of the year ended 31 January 2012.  The Interim Dividend will be paid on 9 March 
2012 to  Shareholders on the Register on 24 February 2012.  The ex-dividend date 
for  the Interim Dividend is 22 February 2012.  The New Ordinary Shares will not 
qualify  for the  Interim Dividend  or for  participation in  the Enhanced Share 
Buyback  but  will  otherwise  rank  equally  in  all respects with the existing 
Ordinary Shares, including as to future dividends. 
Admission and dealings 
Applications  have been made  to the UK  Listing Authority for  the New Ordinary 
Shares  to be admitted to the Official List  (with a Premium Listing) and to the 
London  Stock Exchange for the New Ordinary  Shares to be admitted to trading on 
the  Main Market.  It is expected that (i)  the New Ordinary Shares to be issued 
pursuant to the LGIV Scheme will be allotted on 16 March 2012, credited as fully 
paid,  and that the first day of dealings in such shares on the Main Market will 
be 19 March  2012; and (ii) the New Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the 
Enhanced  Share Buyback and the Offer in respect of the 2011/12 tax year will be 
allotted  on 5 April  2012, credited as  fully paid,  and that  the first day of 
dealings in such shares on the Main Market will be 12 April  2012; and (iii) the 
New  Ordinary Shares to be issued pursuant to the Enhanced Share Buyback and the 
Offer  in respect of  the 2012/13 tax year  will be allotted  on 13 April 2012, 
credited  as fully paid, and  that the first day  of dealings on the Main Market 
shall be 17 April 2012. 
Ordinary  Shares purchased by the Company pursuant to the Enhanced Share Buyback 
will  be acquired by  the Company on  the London Stock  Exchange and such shares 
will subsequently be cancelled. 
Expected Timetables 
1.  LGIV Scheme 
LGIV First General Meeting                                    12 noon on 7 March 
Latest time for receipt of Forms of Proxy                  10.00 a.m. on 8 March 
for the General Meeting 
General Meeting                                           10.00 a.m. on 12 March 
Calculation Date                                   close of business on 13 March 
LGIV Second General Meeting                               10.00 a.m. on 16 March 
Effective  Date  for  the  LGIV  Scheme and                             16 March 
transfer  of  the  assets  of  LGIV  to the 
Company  and  the  issue  of  New  Ordinary 
Shares to LGIV Shareholders 
Announcement  of  the  results  of the LGIV                             16 March 
Admission  and dealings commence in the New                8.00 a.m. on 19 March 
Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the LGIV 
CREST accounts credited with New Ordinary                  8.00 a.m. on 19 March 
Shares issued pursuant to the LGIV Scheme 
Share and tax certificates for the New                   week commencing 9 April 
Ordinary Shares issued pursuant to the LGIV 
Scheme dispatched 
2.   Enhanced Share Buyback and Offer for Subscription 
Enhanced Share Buyback Record Date                       6.00 p.m. on 9 February 
Enhanced Share Buyback opens                                         10 February 
Offer opens                                                          10 February 
Recommended    last    date    for    CREST                              9 March 
Shareholders       to      arrange      for 
rematerialisation  of their holdings should 
they  wish to  participate in  the Enhanced 
Share Buyback 
Closing date for return of ESBB Application                1.00 p.m. on 30 March 
Closing  date for Offer  (in respect of the                   12 noon on 5 April 
2011/12 tax year) 
Announcement  of results  of Enhanced Share                              5 April 
Buyback  and the  Offer (in  respect of the 
2011/12 tax year) 
Allotment  of New Ordinary Shares under the                              5 April 
Enhanced  Share Buyback  and the  Offer (in 
respect of the 2011/12 tax year) 
Admission  and dealings commence in the New                             12 April 
Ordinary  Shares  issued  pursuant  to  the 
Enhanced  Share Buyback  and the  Offer (in 
respect of the 2011/12 tax year) 
Closing  date for the  Offer (in respect of                  12 noon on 13 April 
2012/13 tax year) 
Allotment  of New Ordinary Shares under the                             13 April 
Enhanced  Share Buyback  and the  Offer (in 
respect of the 2012/13 tax year) 
Admission  and  dealings  commence  in  New                             17 April 
Ordinary  Shares  issued  pursuant  to  the 
Enhanced  Share Buyback  and the  Offer (in 
respect of the 2012/13 tax year) 
Share  and  tax  certificates dispatched in      within 15 Business Days of each 
respect   of  New  Ordinary  Shares  issued                            allotment 
pursuant  to the Enhanced Share Buyback and 
the Offer 
 1. The  dates set out in  the expected timetables above  may be adjusted by the 
    Company  and/or LGIV (as the case may be), in which event details of the new 
    dates  will be  notified to  the UK  Listing Authority  and the London Stock 
    Exchange  and an announcement will be  made through a Regulatory Information 
 2. All  references  to  time  in  this  announcement are to London time (unless 
    otherwise stated). 
 3. Successful   subscribers  for  New  Ordinary  Shares  under  the  Offer  for 
    Subscription   (and/or   where   appropriate   their   authorised  financial 
    intermediaries)  will receive an acknowledgement  letter from the Company on 
    receipt of their Offer Application Form. 
 4. The  Offer for Subscription may close earlier than the dates stated above if 
    it  is fully subscribed by an earlier date.  The Directors reserve the right 
    to  accept Offer Application Forms and to  allot and arrange for the listing 
    of New Ordinary Shares in respect of applications received in respect of the 
    shares  issued under Offer for Subscription on or prior to the closing dates 
    of  the Offer for Subscription  as the Directors see  fit (provided that New 
    Ordinary  Shares will  be allotted  and issued  where valid applications are 
    received under the Offer in respect of the 2011/12 tax year on 5 April 2012 
    and  any other date prior to 5 April 2012 on which the Directors decide, and 
    for  valid applications received for the Offer in respect of the 2012/13 tax 
    year  on 13 April 2012 and  any other dates  after 5 April 2012 on which the 
    Directors decide). 
The  definitions set  out below  apply in  this announcement  unless the context 
requires otherwise: 
Admission                                admission of the New Ordinary Shares to 
                                         the  premium  segment  of  the Official 
                                         List and to trading on the Main Market, 
                                         in  each  case  in  accordance with the 
                                         Listing  Rules  and  the  Admission and 
                                         Disclosure Standards 
Admission and Disclosure Standards       the  admission and disclosure standards 
                                         of   the   London  Stock  Exchange  for 
                                         securities    admitted    or    seeking 
                                         admission to be admitted to trading, as 
                                         amended from time to time 
Board                                    the board of Directors 
Business Day                             any  day  on  which  banks are open for 
                                         business     in    London    (excluding 
                                         Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) 
Calculation Date                         the time and date, which is expected to 
                                         be close of business on 13 March 2012, 
                                         at  which  the  value  of the Company's 
                                         assets   and   LGIV's  assets  will  be 
                                         calculated for the purposes of the LGIV 
certificated or in certificated form     not in uncertificated form 
Circular                                 the  circular published  by the Company 
                                         on 10 February 2012 
Closing Date                             the  closing date of the Enhanced Share 
                                         Buyback  being  1.00 p.m.  on  30 March 
Company                                  ProVen   Health   VCT  plc,  a  company 
                                         incorporated  in England and Wales with 
                                         registered number 4131354 
Costs Contribution                       the  contribution towards the costs and 
                                         expenses  of  the  Company  and LGIV in 
                                         relation  to the LGIV Scheme to be made 
                                         by  Beringea,  Longbow  Capital and the 
                                         Company  under  the  Costs Contribution 
                                         and Process Agreement 
Costs Contribution and Process Agreement the   costs  contribution  and  process 
                                         agreement  entered  into  between LGIV, 
                                         the   Company,   Longbow   Capital  and 
                                         Beringea on 10 February 2012 
Court Approval                           the  confirmation of the  High Court of 
                                         England  and Wales  of the cancellation 
                                         of the Company's share premium account 
CREST                                    the system for the paperless settlement 
                                         of trades in securities and the holding 
                                         of  uncertificated  securities operated 
                                         by  Euroclear UK  & Ireland  Limited in 
                                         accordance with the CREST Regulations 
CREST Regulations                        the      Uncertificated      Securities 
                                         Regulations   2001 (SI   2001/3755) (as 
Directors                                the directors of the Company 
Effective Date                           the  date (which is  expected to be 16 
                                         March   2012) of  the  passing  of  the 
                                         resolution  to place LGIV into members' 
                                         voluntary   liquidation  at  a  general 
                                         meeting  of LGIV  convened for 16 March 
                                         2012 or, if later, on all conditions of 
                                         such resolution being satisfied 
Enhanced Share Buyback                   the     invitation     to    Qualifying 
                                         Shareholders  to  sell  Ordinary Shares 
                                         back   to   the  Company  and  use  the 
                                         proceeds  to subscribe for New Ordinary 
                                         Shares  on the terms and conditions set 
                                         out in the Circular, the Prospectus and 
                                         the ESBB Application Form 
Enhanced Share Buyback Record Date       6.00 p.m.  on 9 February  2012 (or such 
                                         other  time and  date as  determined at 
                                         the sole discretion of the Directors) 
Enlarged Company                         the Company following implementation of 
                                         the LGIV Scheme 
ESBB Application Form                    the    application    form   on   which 
                                         Qualifying  Shareholders  may  apply to 
                                         participate   in   the  Enhanced  Share 
ESBB Issue Price                         the  issue price of New Ordinary Shares 
                                         under  the Enhanced Share Buyback being 
                                         the  NAV per  Ordinary Share  as at the 
                                         date  of  issue  (after  a deduction in 
                                         respect  of any dividend  to be paid by 
                                         the  Company for which  the record date 
                                         is  prior  to  the  relevant  allotment 
                                         date)  divided  by  0.955 rounded up to 
                                         the nearest  GBP0.001 per share 
Existing Ordinary Shares                 Ordinary  Shares  held  on the Enhanced 
                                         Share Buyback Record Date 
FAV per LGIV Share                       the formula asset value of a LGIV Share 
                                         calculated  as at  the Calculation Date 
                                         in accordance with the LGIV Scheme 
FAV per Ordinary Share                   the  formula asset value of an Ordinary 
                                         Share  calculated as at the Calculation 
                                         Date in accordance with the LGIV Scheme 
Form of Proxy                            the   form   of   proxy   for   use  by 
                                         Shareholders  in  connection  with  the 
                                         General Meeting 
General Meeting                          the  general  meeting  of  the  Company 
                                         convened  for  10.00 a.m.  on  12 March 
                                         2012 (or any adjournment thereof) 
HMRC                                     HM Revenue & Customs 
Interim Dividend                         the  interim  dividend  payable  by the 
                                         Company  in respect  of the  year ended 
                                         31 January  2012 to be  paid on 9 March 
Investment Manager or Beringea           Beringea LLP, the investment manager of 
                                         the   Company,   a   limited  liability 
                                         partnership  registered in  England and 
                                         Wales with registered number OC342919 
Issue                                    the  issue of  Ordinary Shares pursuant 
                                         to  the LGIV Scheme, the Enhanced Share 
                                         Buyback    and/or    the    Offer   for 
                                         Subscription (as the context requires) 
LGIV                                     Longbow  Growth and  Income VCT  plc, a 
                                         company  incorporated  in  England  and 
                                         Wales with registered number 7423739 
LGIV Board or LGIV Directors             the  directors  of  LGIV  or  any  duly 
                                         constituted committee thereof 
LGIV First General Meeting               the  general  meeting  of LGIV convened 
                                         for  12 noon  on  7 March  2012, or any 
                                         adjournment thereof 
LGIV Liquidator                          the  liquidator of LGIV to be appointed 
                                         pursuant  to a resolution  to be passed 
                                         by  the LGIV Shareholders  at a general 
                                         meeting to be held on 16 March 2012, or 
                                         any adjournment thereof 
LGIV Scheme                              the   scheme   of   reconstruction  and 
                                         voluntary  winding  up  of  LGIV  under 
                                         section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986 
LGIV Second General Meeting              the  general  meeting  of LGIV convened 
                                         for 10.00 a.m. on 16 March 2012, or any 
                                         adjournment thereof 
LGIV Shareholders                        holders of LGIV Shares 
LGIV Shares                              ordinary   shares  of  1p each  in  the 
                                         capital of LGIV 
London Stock Exchange                    London Stock Exchange plc 
Longbow Capital                          Longbow  Capital  LLP  (the  investment 
                                         manager  of LGIV),  a limited liability 
                                         partnership  registered in  England and 
                                         Wales with registered number OC309046 
Main Market                              the London Stock Exchange's main market 
                                         for listed securities 
NAV or Net Asset Value                   in  relation to a  share, its net asset 
                                         value  on the  relevant date calculated 
                                         on  the basis of the relevant company's 
                                         normal    accounting   principles   and 
New Ordinary Shares                      the  new Ordinary  Shares to  be issued 
                                         pursuant to the Issue 
Offer or Offer for Subscription          the  offer for subscription of Ordinary 
                                         Shares as described in the Prospectus 
Offer Application Form                   the  application form in respect of the 
                                         Offer   set  out  at  the  end  of  the 
Offer Price                              the  issue price of New Ordinary Shares 
                                         under  the  Offer  being  the  NAV  per 
                                         Ordinary  Share as at the date of issue 
                                         (after  a deduction  in respect  of any 
                                         dividend  to be paid by the Company for 
                                         which  the record date  is prior to the 
                                         relevant  allotment  date)  divided  by 
                                         0.945 rounded  up to the nearest  GBP0.001 
                                         per share 
Offer Shares                             the  New Ordinary  Shares to  be issued 
                                         pursuant to the Offer for Subscription 
Official List                            the  official  list  of  the UK Listing 
Ordinary Shareholders or Shareholders    holders of Ordinary Shares 
Ordinary Shares or Shares                ordinary   shares  of  1p each  in  the 
                                         capital of the Company 
Premium Listing                          a listing on the premium segment of the 
                                         Official List 
Proposals                                the proposals for (i) the participation 
                                         of  the  Company  in  the  LGIV  Scheme 
                                         (including  the  issue  of New Ordinary 
                                         Shares  pursuant  to  the LGIV Scheme); 
                                         (ii)  the issue of  New Ordinary Shares 
                                         pursuant   to   the  Offer;  (iii)  the 
                                         proposed  Enhanced Share  Buyback; (iv) 
                                         the  proposed  change  of the Company's 
                                         investment policy; and (v) the proposed 
                                         cancellation  of  the  Company's  share 
                                         premium account 
Prospectus                               the prospectus published by the Company 
                                         on 10 February 2012 
Qualifying Shareholders                  holders  of Ordinary Shares whose names 
                                         are  entered on the register of members 
                                         of  the Company  on the  Enhanced Share 
                                         Buyback    Record   Date   other   than 
                                         shareholders  resident in,  or citizens 
                                         of, any Restricted Jurisdictions 
Register                                 the register of members of the Company 
Regulatory Information Service           a  regulatory information  service that 
                                         is    on   the   list   of   regulatory 
                                         information  services maintained by the 
                                         Financial Services Authority 
Restricted Jurisdictions                 Canada, Australia, Japan, South Africa, 
                                         the   United   States   and  any  other 
                                         jurisdictions    outside   the   United 
                                         Kingdom   where   either   sending  the 
                                         Circular, the Prospectus or issuing New 
                                         Ordinary  Shares would violate the laws 
                                         of that jurisdiction 
Tender Price                             the   tender   price   of  an  Existing 
                                         Ordinary Share under the Enhanced Share 
                                         Buyback  being 100 per cent. of the NAV 
                                         per  Ordinary  Share  at  the  date  of 
                                         calculation  before taking into account 
                                         the costs and expenses of the Proposals 
                                         (rounded down to the nearest  GBP0.001 per 
UK or United Kingdom                     the United Kingdom of Great Britain and 
                                         Northern Ireland 
UK Listing Authority                     the Financial Services Authority acting 
                                         in   its   capacity  as  the  competent 
                                         authority  for listing for the purposes 
                                         of  Part VI  of the  Financial Services 
                                         and Markets Act 2000 (as amended) 
uncertificated or in uncertificated form recorded  in the register of members of 
                                         the  Company as being in uncertificated 
                                         form in CREST and title to which may be 
                                         transferred by means of CREST 
VAT                                      value added tax 
VCT or Venture Capital Trust             a  venture capital trust  as defined in 
                                         section 259 of the Income Tax Act 2007 
                                         (as amended) 
VCT Relief                               the  reliefs from taxation described in 
                                         the VCT Rules 
VCT Rules                                the   legislation,   rules   and   HMRC 
                                         interpretation  and practice regulatory 
                                         the   establishment  and  operation  of 
                                         venture capital trusts 
 Steven Tuckley      Beringea LLP         020 7845 7820 
 Douglas Armstrong   Dickson Minto W.S.   020 7649 6823 
A  copy  of  the  Circular  and  Prospectus  have been submitted to the National 
Storage   Mechanism   and   will   shortly   be   available  for  inspection  at 
This  announcement is for information  purposes only and does  not purport to be 
full or complete and any decision regarding the Proposals should be made only on 
the basis of the Circular and the Prospectus. 
This  announcement does  not constitute  or form  part of  any offer to issue or 
sell,  or any solicitation of any offer to subscribe or purchase, any investment 
in  any jurisdiction, nor  shall it (or  the fact of  its distribution) form the 
basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract therefor. 
The  issue and  the distribution  of this  announcement, the Circular and/or the 
Prospectus  in certain jurisdictions  may be restricted  by law and persons into 
whose   possession   any   document   or other   information  referred  to  this 
announcement,  the Circular and/or the Prospectus comes should inform themselves 
about  and  observe  any  such  restriction.   Any  failure to comply with these 
restrictions  may  constitute  a  violation  of  the securities laws of any such 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Proven Health VCT Plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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