The Directors of Platinum Mining Corporation of India Plc are pleased to
                       announce their interim results for
                      the six months ended 31 January 2007

Chairman's Statement

The  financial result for the six month period to end of January 2007 was a  net
loss  after  taxation of �833,974 compared to a loss after taxation of  �232,679
for  the six months to end January 2006.  Income in the period was entirely  due
to  interest on our bank balances and amounted to �230,539 compared to �259,620.
The  increased loss was accounted for by administrative costs in relation to the
takeover offer made for PMCI by SPI Partners Ltd, a subsidiary of SUN Group, and
legal  fees  incurred in the renegotiation of contracts with  FACOR,  our  joint
venture partner in India.

There  have  been no operational developments to report upon within  the  period
under  review.   As  referred  to above, the extensive  discussions  with  FACOR
relating to our mining contracts were interrupted by the takeover offer and as a
consequence, could not be concluded.

The Board

Since  the successful takeover offer of PMCI by SPI Partners Ltd at the  end  of
last  year,  SUN Group have moved to further strengthen the Board by  appointing
three  of  their  senior  executives as non-executive  Directors.   We  welcomed
Sandeep  Kamat, Sheldon Kirkpatrick and Vaidyanathan Sivakumar as  Directors  in
February  and  expect  that their knowledge of the mining industry,  with  their
experience  of  corporate finance and of operating in  India  will  be  a  great
benefit to the Company. Malcolm Groat and Umesh Sahdev will be retiring from the
Board at the conclusion of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting to be held  on
3rd  May  2007.   I would like to acknowledge the contribution made  by  Malcolm
since  joining  the  Board in March 2005 and also to Umesh  since  he  became  a
Director in February 2006.

Financial Position

The  Company maintains a healthy cash balance of over �9million even  after  the
exceptional  costs  referred  to  above.  Your board  is  currently  considering
proposals  to maximise returns on this cash.   Our finances put us in  a  strong
position to commit to exploration and development expenditure as soon as we have
agreement  to do so and would also enable us to consider other opportunities  in

We  intend  to change our financial year end from 31 July to 31 December,  which
will  align  our year end with that of the SUN Group as well as the majority  of
mining  companies.  Accordingly, the next reporting period will be a  seventeen-
month period from 01 August 2006 to 31 December 2007.


As  previously  mentioned,  SUN Group, on behalf of  your  Company  is  devoting
considerable  human  and  financial resources in  order  to  reach  satisfactory
agreements  between your Company and our joint venture partner, FACOR.   In  the
meantime,   Platinum's   strength  is  underpinned   by   robust   fundamentals,
particularly demand from autocatalysts.

Philip Adeane

Platinum Mining Corporation of                              
India PLC
Unaudited interim results                                 
Consolidated Profit and Loss                              
for the six months ended 31                               
January 2007
                                           Six       Twelve    Six months
                                     months to    months to            to
                                            31      31 July    31 January
                                       January         2006          2006
                                          2007     Restated      Restated   
                                     Unaudited      audited     unaudited

                                              �            �            �
Administrative expenses                                                
                                   (1,064,513)  (1,594,872)     (492,299)
                                       _______      _______       _______
Operating loss                                                           
                                   (1,064,513)  (1,594,872)     (492,299)
Interest receivable and similar        230,539      474,458       259,620
                                       _______      _______       _______
Loss on ordinary activities                                            
activities before taxation           (833,974)  (1,120,414)     (232,679)
Taxation                                     -            -             -
Loss on ordinary activities                                            
after taxation                       (833,974)  (1,120,414)     (232,679)
Minority interests - equity              1,218        6,702      (11,714)
                                       _______      _______       _______
Loss for the period                                                    
                                     (832,756)  (1,113,712)     (244,393)
                                       =======      =======       =======
Loss per ordinary share (p)              (0.5)        (0.6)         (0.1)

Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                            31           31            31
                                       January         July       January
                                          2007         2006          2006
                                     Unaudited      Audited     Unaudited
                                             �            �             �
Fixed Assets                                              
Intangible Assets                      260,364      260,364       256,068
Tangible Assets                        186,933      197,409       242,569
                                       _______      _______       _______
                                       447,297      457,773       498,637
                                       =======      =======       =======
Current Assets                                                         
Debtors                                474,982      431,327       522,208
Cash at bank and in hand             9,465,014   10,455,942    11,034,698
                                       _______      _______       _______
                                     9,939,996   10,887,269    11,556,898
Creditors: amounts falling due       (142,552)    (246,711)     (118,916)
within one year
                                       _______      _______       _______
Net current assets                   9,797,444   10,640,558    11,437,982
                                       _______      _______       _______
Total assets less current           10,244,741   11,098,331    11,936,619
Creditors: amounts falling due         (8,302)      (8,288)       (9,225)
after more than one year               _______      _______       _______
Net assets                          10,236,439   11,090,043    11,927,394
                                       =======      =======       =======

Capital and reserves                                                   
Called up share capital                 79,036       79,036        79,036
Share premium account               12,153,129   12,153,129    12,150,868
Merger reserve                       1,014,980    1,014,980     1,014,980
Profit and loss account            (2,985,171)  (2,136,737)   (1,320,607)
                                       _______      _______       _______
Shareholders' funds - Equity        10,261,974   11,110,408    11,924,277
Minority interests - equity                                            
                                      (25,535)     (20,365)         3,117
                                       _______      _______       _______
                                    10,236,439   11,090,043    11,927,394
                                       =======      =======       =======
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                           Six       Twelve    Six months
                                     months to    months to            to
                                            31      31 July    31 January
                                       January         2006          2006
                                          2007      Restated     Restated   
                                     Unaudited       audited    unaudited

                                             �            �             �
Reconciliation of operating loss                           
to net cash flow
from operating activities                                  
Operating loss                     (1,064,513)  (1,594,872)     (492,299)
Depreciation charges                    13,673       28,382         3,039
Loss/(profit) on disposal of                 -       11,550       (5,500)       
fixed assets                                                      
Foreign currency exchange loss           3,319       26,560             -

(Increase)/decrease in debtors        (43,655)       67,095      (23,778)
Decrease) in creditors               (104,145)    (247,195)     (373,868)
Fair value of share based payments    (20,363)      107,183        53,592

Net Cash outflow from operating                                        
activities                         (1,215,684)  (1,601,297)     (838,814)
                                       =======      =======       =======

Cash Flow Statement
Cash flow from operating                                               
activities                         (1,215,684)  (1,601,297)     (838,814)
Returns on investments and                                             
servicing of finance
Interest received                      243,030      474,458       259,620
Capital expenditure and                                                
financial investment
Purchases in respect of fixed assets   (2,885)    (211,119)     (403,471)
Investment in intangible assets              -    (196,784)             _
                                       _______      _______       _______

Cash outflow before financing        (975,539)  (1,534,742)     (982,665)
Share issue costs                            -     (56,591)      (58,852)
                                       _______      _______       _______

(Decrease) in cash in the period     (975,539)  (1,591,333)   (1,041,517)
                                       =======      =======       =======


Reconciliation of net cash flow
to Movements in net funds
                                           Six       Twelve    Six months
                                     months to    months to            to
                                            31      31 July    31 January
                                       January         2006          2006
                                          2007     Restated      Restated
                                     Unaudited      audited     unaudited
                                             �            �             �
(Decrease) in cash for the period    (975,539)  (1,591,333)   (1,041,517)
Repayment of debt due after more             -            -             -
than one year 
                                       _______      _______       _______

Change in funds resulting from       (975,539)  (1,591,333)   (1,041,517)
cash flows
Exchange movement                     (15,389)      (7,340)        21,600
Movement in net funds in the period  (990,928)  (1,598,673)   (1,019,917)
Net funds at the start of the       10,445,942   12,054,615    12,054,615
                                       _______      _______       _______
Net funds at the end of the period   9,465,014   10,455,942    11,034,698
                                       =======      =======       =======

Consolidated Statement of Total                                        
Recognised Gains and Losses                                            
Loss for the period                  (832,756)  (1,113,712)     (244,393)
Net exchange differences on the          4,685       12,104        12,506                     
retranslation of net investments                     
and related borrowings
Fair value of share based payments    (20,363)      107,183        84,134
                                       _______      _______       _______
Total recognised gains and                                             
losses relating to the Period        (848,434)    (994,425)     (147,753)
                                       =======      =======       =======
Reconciliation of Movements in                                         
Shareholders' Funds                                                    
Loss for the period                  (832,756)  (1,113,712)     (244,393)
Net exchange differences on the          4,685       12,104        12,506
retranslation of net investments 
and related borrowings
New share capital subscribed                 -     (56,591)      (58,852)
(net of issue costs)                                             
Fair value of share based payments    (20,363)      107,183        53,592

Net reduction in equity                                                
shareholders' funds                  (848,434)  (1,051,016)     (237,147)
Opening equity shareholders' funds  11,110,408   12,161,424    12,161,424
                                       _______      _______       _______

Closing equity shareholders' funds  10,261,974   11,110,408    11,924,277
                                       =======      =======       =======

Notes to the unaudited interim results

1.   Basis of preparation
     The  interim financial information has been prepared on the same basis  and
     using  the  same  accounting policies as were applied  in  drawing  up  the
     company's  statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 July  2006.
     The report was approved by the Board of Directors on 26 April 2007.
     The  financial  information  for the 6 months  ended  31  January  2007  is
     unaudited.   In the opinion of the Directors the financial information  for
     this  period presents fairly the financial position and cash flows for  the
     period  in  conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.   The
     financial information for the 12 months ended 31 July 2006 has been derived
     from the Group's audited financial statements for that period as filed with
     the  Registrar of Companies and does not constitute the statutory financial
     statements  for  that  period.   The  auditors'  report  on  the  statutory
     financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2006 was unqualified.
     As  explained in the Chairman's Statement, the financial year end  for  the
     Company will be changing from July to December, and the next Annual  Report
     will be for a 17-month period up to 31 December 2007.

     In  common  with other AIM listed companies, the Group is not  required  to
     adopt  International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) until  accounting
     periods  beginning on or after 01 January 2007, which will be the Company's
     year  ended  31  December 2008.  The Directors are currently assessing  the
     impact of IFRS on the Group's financial results, particularly that of  IFRS
     6 "Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources".

2.   Loss per share
     The  calculation of loss per ordinary share is based on losses of  �832,756
     (12  months  to  31 July 2006: (�1,113,712), 6 months to 31  January  2006:
     (�244,393))  and  the  weighted  average  number  of  ordinary  shares   of
     175,636,364 (12 months to 31 July 2006: 175,636,364, 6 months to 31 January
     2006:  175,636,364) There is no difference between the  basic  and  diluted
     earnings per share as the share options are non-dilutive.

3.   FRS 20
     The Company has adopted FRS 20 Share Based Payments, under which an expense
     is  recognised  in  the profit and loss account for share  based  payments,
     calculated on their fair value at the date of grant.  The adoption  of  FRS
     20  has  given  rise  to a write-back of �20,363 for the  period  ended  31
     January 2007 due to the reversal of a prior charge.  The charge for the  12
     months ended 31 July 2006 is �107,183, for the 6 months ended January  2006
     the  charge is �53,592 and for the year ended 31 July 2005, the  charge  is
     �84,134.  All comparative figures have been restated accordingly.

4.   Dividends
     The Directors do not recommend the payment of the dividend.
     Copies of the interim report
     Copies  of  this Interim Report will be posted to shareholders and  further
     copies  will  be available from the Company's office and downloadable  from
     Charles Zorab
     Platinum Mining Corporation of India Plc
     Telephone number: 020 7340 0970
     James Joyce/David Porter
     WH Ireland
     Telephone number: 020 7220 1698

Platinum Mining Of India (LSE:PMCI)
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Platinum Mining Of India (LSE:PMCI)
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