Platinum Mining Corporation of India PLC
                            ("PMCI" or the "Company)

  Preliminary unaudited results for the 17 month period ended 31 December 2007
                              ("Unaudited Results")

Chairman's Statement

The financial period under review comprises the seventeen-month period from
1 August 2006 to 31 December 2007. This change in the reporting year end was
announced in April 2007, and brings PMCI's accounting period in line with that
of SUN Group. PMCI was acquired by SPI Partners Limited, a subsidiary of SUN
Group, on 8 December 2006.

Financial Results

There has been little operational activity in this period, and no revenue has
accrued. The only source of income has been interest from the Group's cash
balances amounting to some �686,000.  At 31 December 2007, the cash position of
the Group was �9.29m.  Administrative expenses in the period were approximately
�1.9m, of which �0.44m was for legal and financial advice in relation to the
takeover by SPI Partners Limited, and a further �0.2m was for legal advice over
the re-negotiation of contracts with Ferro Alloys Corporation Limited ("FACOR"),
PMCI's joint venture partner in India.


On 8 August 2007, PMCI announced that the Indian federal authorities had ordered
a suspension of mining activities at the Boula mine, because they asserted that
the mine lay in a designated wildlife zone.

FACOR has disputed this and the matter is currently sub-judice with the
Honourable Court of Anandpur in the state of Orissa. The court has granted the
status-quo order and has permitted FACOR to continue mining operations without
hindrance, and FACOR has continued to mine Chromite. FACOR is diligently
pursuing the case and PMCI is engaged in an on-going dialogue with FACOR to
understand and monitor the situation. Based on its assessment of the position,
PMCI is optimistic that a court decision in favour of FACOR may be reached.
However, in the event the court rules against FACOR, there can be no assurance
that PMCI would be able to derive value from the Boula mine, the Group's
principal asset. The Board have reviewed the carrying value of assets in the
balance sheet in respect of Boula amounting to �0.7 million (comprising
intangible fixed assets of �0.3million, equipment of �0.2 million and a
prepayment to FACOR of �0.2m) and have concluded it is appropriate to carry this
forward in the light of expectations of a favourable outcome.

As a result of the ongoing court process, the sampling and exploration programme
for platinum, which had been planned to commence after entering into the New
Contracts (referred to below), has been deferred pending a successful resolution
between FACOR and the Indian federal authorities.

The New Contracts refer to contracts intended to replace the Joint Operating
Agreement ("JOA") between FACOR and PMCI's 70%-owned subsidiary Boula Platinum
Mining Private Limited ("BPM") dated 5 February 2005 The Joint Venture Agreement
between FACOR, PMCI and BPM is the primary agreement setting out the terms of
the joint venture in relation to the Boula mine, and remains in full force and
effect. Both parties have agreed to suspend negotiations, which were at an
advanced stage, over the New Contracts until there has been a resolution of the
dispute in relation to the wildlife zone.

The Board

It was announced on 16 January 2008 that Keith Rumble had accepted the Board's
invitation to become a non-executive director.  He brings enormous experience in
the platinum sector and as Chief Executive Officer of SUN Mining will help to
drive the Company's development in the platinum industry.  Two Directors have
retired from the Board. Vijay Tandon joined the Board in June 2006 at a
difficult time in the Company's development, and his steadfast and practical
advice has been of great benefit to the Company ever since and the Board wishes
him well in pursuing his future business interests.  Sheldon Kirkpatrick, who
joined the Board in February 2007 following SUN's takeover, has also decided to
step-down from the Board.  The Company is seeking to appoint another independent
non-executive director.

Recent Developments

The Board is resolved to look for other investment opportunities in platinum and
related sectors. PMCI announced on 19 October 2007 it had entered into an
agreement, subject to completion of due diligence and necessary Government
approvals, to acquire 20% of the share capital of Majormatic167 (Proprietary)
Limited ("Majormatic") for US$1 million with the right to increase its interest
to 51% by investing a further US$3.5 million. Majormatic has been granted the 
prospecting rights over the Naboom Platinum Deposit in South Africa. Government
approvals were received in November 2007 and the Company has completed its due
diligence. The Company is now providing funding to Majormatic for its drilling
campaign and once it has funded US$1 million, it will complete the acquisition
of its 20% interest, provided the suspensive conditions of the agreement, as
outlined in Note 6 to these unaudited results, have been met. Should these
conditions not be met, all of PMCI's funding will be re-imbursed. The drilling
campaign at Naboom commenced in January 2008 and is expected to be completed at
the end of March 2008. Preliminary results will be made known as soon as


The delays at Boula are disappointing, especially as the Company was close to
concluding the New Contract negotiations. PMCI is determined to maintain the
right to mine at Boula. In the meantime, however, your Board, strengthened by
the appointment of Keith Rumble, is looking at other platinum opportunities and
awaits the results from the drilling campaign at Naboom. With the Group's strong
cash resources and the backing of SUN Mining, the Company is well positioned to
take advantage of other opportunities.

Philip Adeane
20 February 2008


                         Preliminary Results (Unaudited)
  Consolidated profit and loss account for the 17 months ended 31 December 2007
                                        Unaudited     Re-stated
                                  17 months to 31  12 months to
                                   December  2007       31 July
                                                �             �
Administrative expenses               (1,856,682)   (1,594,872)
                                          _______       _______              
Operating Loss                        (1,856,682)   (1,594,872)
Other interest receivable                 686,177       474,458
and similar income
                                          _______       _______       
Loss on ordinary activities           (1,170,505)   (1,120,414)
before taxation
Tax on loss on ordinary                         -             -
                                          _______       _______        
Loss on ordinary activities           (1,170,505)   (1,120,414)
after taxation
Minority interests                         22,717         6,702
                                          _______       _______       
Loss for the financial                (1,147,788)   (1,113,712)
period                                    =======       ======= 
                                            pence         pence
Basic and diluted loss per   4              (0.7)         (0.6)
ordinary share                            =======       =======  

Loss on ordinary activities after taxation for the current period and prior year
arose on continuing operations.

                         Preliminary Results (Unaudited)
                 Consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2007
                                     Unaudited       Re-stated
                                   31 December         31 July
                                          2007            2006
                                             �               �
Fixed Assets                                                  
Intangible assets             2        282,020         260,364
Tangible assets               2        189,248         197,409
                                      ________        ________
                                       471,268         457,773
                                      ========        ========    

Current Assets                                                
Debtors                       2        397,305         431,327
Cash at bank and in hand      3      9,295,728      10,455,942
                                      ________        ________
                                     9,693,033      10,887,269
Creditors: amounts falling           (160,445)       (246,711)
due within one year                   ________        ________
Net current assets                   9,532,588      10,640,558
Total assets less current           10,003,856      11,098,331
Creditors: amounts falling             (9,141)         (8,288)
due after more than one year          ________        ________
Net assets                           9,994,715      11,090,043
                                      ========        ========
Capital and reserves                                          
Called up share capital                 79,036          79,036
Share premium account               12,153,129      12,153,129
Merger reserve                       1,014,980       1,014,980
Profit and loss account            (3,229,997)     (2,136,737)
                                      ________        ________
Shareholders' funds -               10,017,148      11,110,408
Minority interests - equity           (22,433)        (20,365)
                                      ________        ________
                                     9,994,715      11,090,043
                                      ========        ========

                         Preliminary Results (Unaudited)

Consolidated cash flow statement for the 17 months ended 31 December 2007

                           Note         Unaudited      Re-stated
                                     17 months to   12 months to
                                       31December        31 July
                                             2007           2006
                                                �              �
Reconciliation of                                               
operating loss to net
cash flow
from operating activities                                       
Operating loss                        (1,856,682)    (1,594,872)
Depreciation charges                       37,700         28,382
Loss on disposal of fixed                   4,129         11,550
Foreign exchange loss                      10,494         26,560
Decrease in debtors                        34,022         67,095
(Decrease) in creditors                  (85,413)      (247,195)
Fair value of share based                   5,186        107,183
payments                                 ________       ________ 

Net cash outflow from                 (1,850,564)    (1,601,297)
operating activities                     ========       ========
Cash flow statement                                             
Cash flow from operating              (1,850,564)    (1,601,297)
Returns on investments                                          
and servicing of finance
Interest received                         698,668        474,458
Capital expenditure and                                         
financial investment
Purchase of tangible                     (20,496)      (211,119)
fixed assets
Investment in intangible                        -      (196,784)
Proceeds from sale of                                           
fixed assets                                4,294
                                         ________       ________  

Cash outflow before                   (1,168,098)    (1,534,742)
financing                                ========       ========

Share issue costs                               -       (56,591)
                                         ________       ________
(Decrease) in cash in      3          (1,168,098)    (1,591,333)
the period                               ========       ========

                         Preliminary Results (Unaudited)
            Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds

                                Note        Unaudited       Re-stated
                                      17 months to 31    12 months to
                                             December    31 July 2006
                                                    �               �
(Decrease) in cash in the                 (1,168,098)     (1,591,333)
Repayment of debt due after                         -               -
more than one year                         __________      __________
Change in net (debt) resulting            (1,168,098)     (1,591,333)
from cash flows
Exchange movement                               7,884         (7,340)
                                           __________      __________   

Movement in net (debt) in the             (1,160,214)     (1,598,673)
Net funds at the start of the              10,455,942      12,054,615
period                                     __________      __________ 
Net funds at the end of the      3          9,295,728      10,455,942
period                                     ==========      ========== 
                         Preliminary Results (Unaudited)

Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the 17 month
period ended 31 December 2007

                                             Unaudited      Re-stated
                                          17 months to      12 months
                                           31 December     to 31 July
                                                  2007           2006
                                                     �              �
Loss for the financial period              (1,147,788)    (1,113,712)
Net exchange differences on the                 49,342         12,104
retranslation of net investments and        __________     __________
related borrowings
Total recognised gains and losses          (1,098,446)    (1,101,608)
relating to the financial period            ==========     ==========

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds for the 17 month period ended
31 December 2007

                                             Unaudited      Re-stated
                                          17 months to      12 months
                                           31 December     to 31 July
                                                  2007           2006
                                                     �              �
Loss for the financial period              (1,147,788)    (1,113,712)
Other recognised gains and losses (net)         49,342         12,104
Share issue costs                                    -       (56,591)
Fair value of share based payments               5,186        107,183
                                            __________     __________
Net reduction in shareholders' funds       (1,093,260)    (1,051,016)
Opening shareholders' funds                 11,110,408     12,161,424
                                            __________     __________
Closing shareholders' funds                 10,017,148     11,110,408
                                            ==========     ==========

1. Basis of financial information

The Company changed its year end from July to December in April 2007 and the
Unaudited Preliminary Results presented here relate to the period from 1 August
2006 to 31 December 2007.

The financial information in this announcement does not constitute the
Company's statutory accounts for the 17 months ended 31 December 2007 or the 12
months ended 31 July 2006. The financial information for 2006 is derived from
the statutory accounts for 2006 which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The auditors have reported on the 2006 accounts; their report was
unqualified and did not contain statements under Section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1995. The financial information is prepared using the same
accounting policies as in the year ended 31 July 2006, with the exception of
adoption of FRS 20 Share-based Payment, the effect of which is disclosed in Note 5.

The statutory accounts for the 17 month period ended 31 December 2007 will be
finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the Directors
in this unaudited preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies.

2. Basis of Preparation

Boula assets
In light of the suspension of mining activities at Boula the Board have reviewed
the carrying value of assets on the balance sheet relating to Boula amounting to
�0.7 million (comprising intangible fixed assets of �0.3million, equipment of
�0.2 million and a long-term prepayment to FACOR of �0.2m) and have concluded it
is appropriate to carry this forward in the light of expectations of a
favourable outcome.

FRS 20 Share-based Payment

The Company has adopted FRS 20 Share-based Payment, under which an expense is
recognised in the profit and loss account for share based payments, calculated
at their fair value at the date of grant. The adoption of FRS 20 has given rise
to a charge of �5,186 for the 17 month period ended 31 December 2007. Prior year
comparatives have been restated, resulting in an additional expense of �107,183
for the 12 months ended 31 July 2006. There is no overall impact on the Group's
net assets with a corresponding credit booked in the Company's profit and loss

Other new standards which are adopted in the financial period are:

*  FRS23 `The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates'
*  FRS24 `Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies'
*  FRS26 `Financial instruments: measurement'
*  FRS29 `Financial instruments: disclosures'

3.   Analysis of net funds

                                     At 31 July     Cash Flow       Exchange   At 31 December 
                                           2006                     Movement             2007
                                              �             �              �                �

Cash in hand, at bank                10,455,942   (1,168,098)          7,884        9,295,728

Total                               10,455,942    (1,168,098)          7,884        9,295,728

4.   Loss per Share

The calculation of loss per ordinary share, is based on losses of �1,147,788
(2006: �1,113,712) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares
outstanding of 175,636,364 (2006: 175,636,364).  There is no difference between
the diluted loss per share and the basic loss per share presented as the share
options were anti-dilutive.

5.   Dividends

No dividend is proposed (2006: �nil).

6.   Commitments as at 31 December 2007 and Post balance sheet events

In  October  2007  it  was  announced that the Group  had,  via  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary  Indoplats  Holding Limited, entered into an agreement  to  become  a
shareholder in Majormatic 167 (Proprietary) Limited ("Majormatic"). For commercial 
reasons, the contractual party to this  agreement was  changed to Sarplat 
Investments Limited ("Sarplat") and on 2 February  2008, Sarplat, a wholly-owned 
subsidiary of the Group, signed a Subscription Agreement and  an  Interim Funding 
and Pledge Agreement concerning its investment  in  the Naboom  Platinum Project.  
This commits the Group to subscribing for  shares  in Majormatic  up  to a level 
of 20% in return for an investment of  US$1  million.
This  investment  will pay for a drilling programme which commenced  in  January
this  year.  The Subscription Agreement also provides that Sarplat may,  at  its
option,  increase  its  stake  to 51% of Majormatic  in  return  for  a  further
investment of US$ 3.5million.

The Interim Funding and Pledge Agreement contains certain suspensive conditions
which, if they are not met, provide for the re-imbursement of all of PMCI's
funding. The prime suspensive condition is that the vendors, Daros Proprietary
Limited ("Daros") procure an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders in
Centurion Gold Holdings Inc., ("Centurion") a company incorporated in Florida.
This EGM must pass a resolution to approve the transfer of shares in Majormatic
from Centurion to Daros.

7.  Report and Accounts

Copies of the Report and Accounts for the 17 month period ended 31 December 2007
will  be posted to all shareholders.  Further copies will be available from  the
Company at 42, Queen Anne's Gate, London SW1H 9AP, UK from the date of posting.


PMCI:         Charles Zorab    020 7340 0970

WH Ireland:   James Joyce      020 7220 1698

Platinum Mining Of India (LSE:PMCI)
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