Platinum Mining Corporation of India PLC
                            (the "Company" or "PMCI")
                       Proposed Cancellation of Admission,
        Proposed Offer to Buyback the minority interests in the Company,
             Proposed Re-registration as a Private Limited Company,
                     Notice of Annual General Meeting (2008)
                       Notification of Related Party Loan
The  Company announces that, subject to shareholder approval, it has decided  to
cancel   the  admission  to  trading  on  AIM  of  the  Company's  shares   (the
"Cancellation").  In  accordance with the AIM  Rules  for  Companies  (the  "AIM
Rules"),  Cancellation will take place no earlier than 20  business  days  after
today's date and it is currently anticipated that Cancellation will take  effect
from  7.00a.m.  on 29 April 2008. The Board has also decided to re-register  the
Company as a private limited company (the "Re-registration").

In light of the proposed Cancellation and Re-registration and in order to afford
Shareholders with an opportunity to realise their investment in the Company, the
Company  will  make  an  offer, following Cancellation and  Re-registration,  to
minority  Shareholders (i.e. Shareholders other than SPI and  its  nominees)  to
acquire their shares in the Company (the "Buyback").  There is no obligation  on
the Company to make the Buyback offer, however, the Buyback has been approved by
the  Company's parent company, SPI Partners Limited ("SPI"), and the Independent
Directors, Philip Adeane and Jeffrey O'Leary.  Subject to Cancellation  and  Re-
registration, the Buyback offer will be made at 17 pence per PMCI  share,  which
is  (i) equal to PMCI's current mid-market share price and (ii) over 40 per cent
above  the price paid by SPI in its offer to PMCI Shareholders in October  2006.
Under  the  Companies Act 1985 it is not possible for the Company to effect  the
Buyback until the Re-registration has been completed, however, the Board intends
to effect the Buyback as soon as practicable following the Re-registration.

Shareholders' approval is required under the AIM Rules for the Cancellation  and
under  the  Companies  Act  1985, as amended, for the  Re-registration  and  the

A circular (the "Circular") is being posted today to Shareholders giving details
of,  and  seeking  Shareholder approval for, the proposed Cancellation  and  Re-
registration.  The Circular includes a notice of Annual General Meeting  of  the
Company, at which, in addition to the ordinary business to be conducted  at  the
Annual  General  Meeting, special resolutions will be  proposed  to  effect  the
Cancellation  and Re-registration.  A copy of the Circular is available  on  the
Company's website at

Shareholders are urged not take any action until they have taken the opportunity
to  consider  the  proposals  in  full, as set out  in  the  Circular.  You  are
encouraged  to read this announcement and the Circular carefully as Cancellation
and Re-registration will affect your rights as a Shareholder.

You   should   note  that  if  Cancellation  takes  place,  the  liquidity   and
marketability of the Company's shares will be reduced significantly.   In  light
of the Cancellation and Re-registration and in order to afford Shareholders with
an  opportunity to realise their investment in the Company, the Company proposes
to  make the Buyback offer at 17 pence per PMCI share, further details of  which
are set out under "Share Buyback" below.

If  you  have  any doubt about the effect of Cancellation or Re-registration  or
your  rights generally you should seek independent professional advice  from  an
appropriate  independent financial adviser or legal adviser prior to  voting  on
the Cancellation and Re-registration.

Set  out  below is a summary of the reasons why the Board wishes to  effect  the
Cancellation and the Re-registration.

   *    Lack of Liquidity in PMCI shares

     SPI  and  its  nominees currently hold 97.82 per cent of the  issued  share
     capital  of  the  Company.   With a free float of  2.18  per  cent  of  the
     Company's  issued  share capital there has been very low liquidity  in  the
     Company's  shares  since SPI's acquisition of control  of  the  Company  in
     November 2006.

   *    Administrative costs

     The  Report and Accounts of the Company for the 17 months ended 31 December
     2007  (the  "Report and Accounts") noted that administrative costs  in  the
     period  were approximately GBP1.9 million. Administrative costs in the period
     were  approximately GBP1.46 million excluding extraordinary items. The Report
     and  Accounts also showed that as at 31 December 2007 the cash reserves  of
     the Company were GBP9.2 million.

     Substantial administrative costs will be saved by the Company as  a  result
     of   the  Cancellation  and  Re-registration.  Such  cost  savings  include
     significant  internal  costs  in  ensuring  ongoing  compliance  with   the
     Company's  requirements as a publicly quoted company and professional  fees
     associated with the AIM quotation (including legal, accounting, broking and
     Nomad  costs).  In addition, further administrative costs and  professional
     fees  will  be  saved  as a result of the Re-registration  including  lower
     accounting fees.

   *    Strategy

     The Board believes that the Company can implement its current strategy with
     more  flexibility without the need to comply with the reporting  and  other
     requirements  imposed by the AIM Rules and free from  short  term  concerns
     about share price movements.

   *    Lighter regulatory burden

     As  a  result  of  Cancellation and Re-registration, the Company  would  be
     subject  to  a less onerous regulatory regime than public quoted companies,
     with  attendant  lower  administrative costs.  As a  private  company,  the
     Company  would have more flexibility and be subject to less onerous company
     administration procedures under the Companies Acts 1985 and 2006 than apply
     to public companies.

In  November  2006, following SPI's acquisition of control of the  Company,  SPI
stated  that it would endeavor to ensure that the listing of the Company on  AIM
would  be maintained. However, given the low level of liquidity in the Company's
shares since December 2006 and in light of the reasons set out above, the  Board
has  decided that the maintenance of the AIM quotation is no longer in the  best
interests of the Company.

Update on Boula Mine

As  has  been  communicated to Shareholders in the Report and Accounts,  and  in
prior  announcements, the Company is very disappointed with the  delays  at  the
Boula mine. The matter continues to be under discussion in court proceedings  in
India  with no further clarity as to when a resolution may be reached.  However,
the  Company remains cautiously optimistic that a favourable court decision will
be reached. Until a favourable court decision is reached, no further activity in
connection with the Boula mine, including the negotiation of new contracts  with
Ferro Alloys Corporation Limited, and commencement of the exploration programme,
will be undertaken by the Company.

Share Buyback

Although  there is no obligation on the Company to purchase the  shares  in  the
Company held by minority Shareholders, in light of the proposed Cancellation and
Registration the Board has decided to afford all minority Shareholders  with  an
opportunity to realise their investment in the Company.  The Buyback  offer  has
been  approved  by  the Company's parent company, SPI, and  by  the  Independent
Directors,  Philip  Adeane  and Jeffrey O'Leary.   The  Buyback  offer  will  be
conditional,  inter  alia, on Shareholder approval of the  Buyback  having  been

Under  the  Companies Act 1985 it is not possible for the Company to effect  the
Buyback until Re-registration has been completed, however, the Board intends  to
effect  the  Buyback  as  soon  as practicable following  Re-registration.   The
Buyback offer will be made at 17 pence per PMCI share, which is equal to  PMCI's
current  mid-market share price and is over 40 per cent above the price paid  by
SPI  in  its offer to PMCI Shareholders in October 2006. The detailed terms  and
conditions  of the Buyback offer will be set out in detail in a circular  to  be
sent  to  Shareholders at or about the date of the Re-registration. The  Buyback
will  be  conducted in accordance with the City Code on Takeovers  and  Mergers.
Please note that there will be no requirement on minority shareholders to accept
the Buyback offer if they wish to remain as Shareholders in the Company.

Effect of the Cancellation

Cancellation  will reduce significantly the liquidity and marketability  of  the
Company's  shares.   Following  the Cancellation  there  is  no  guarantee  that
Shareholders  will  be  able  to sell their shares  in  the  Company  or  at  an
acceptable price.

Following  Cancellation and Re-registration, shares in the Company  will  remain
freely  transferable but will not be transferable through CREST.  Following  the
Cancellation  taking  effect Shareholders will receive share  certificates.   In
such  circumstances  share transfers may still be effected  after  the  date  of
Cancellation  by  depositing  a duly executed and stamped  stock  transfer  form
together with an appropriate share certificate with the Company's registrars  or
the Company secretary (as the case may be).

Re-registration as a private limited company

As  referred  to  above, it is proposed that the Company be re-registered  as  a
private  limited company under Section 53 of the Companies Act 1985, as amended,
and  that  the  necessary  consequential amendments be  made  to  the  Company's
Memorandum and Articles of Association. At the Annual General Meeting, a special
resolution  will be proposed to effect the Re-registration (the "Re-registration

If  the  Re-registration Resolution to be put to the Annual General  Meeting  is
unanimously  passed,  the  Company  will,  following  the  passing  of  the  Re-
registration Resolution, be able to effect Re-registration with immediate effect
once  the requisite documentation and fee have been filed with and paid  to  the
Registrar  at Companies House.  If the Re-registration Resolution is not  passed
unanimously, Re-registration may be delayed if Shareholders who did not vote  in
favour  of the Re-registration Resolution apply to court within 28 days  of  the
Meeting  to have the Re-registration Resolution cancelled. In order to  exercise
such  rights, dissenting Shareholders must either (i) hold in aggregate not less
than  5%  in  the  nominal value of the Company's issued share capital  or  (ii)
number  not  less  than 50, and in both instances they must not  have  voted  in
favour of the Re-registration Resolution.

Notification of Related Party Loan

The  Board  has  agreed to extend a loan to SPI (the "SPI Loan"), the  Company's
parent  company,  of a substantial portion of the excess cash  reserves  of  the

The  Company  currently has approximately GBP9.2 million in  cash  reserves.   The
amount to be lent to SPI under the Shareholder Loan will be approximately  GBP5.65
million  leaving the Company with cash reserves of approximately GBP
3.55  million,
comprising  approximately GBP650,000 to effect the proposed Buyback offer  of  all
minority  Shareholder  interests and approximately  GBP2.9  million  to  meet  the
Company's  working capital requirements for the next 12 months and to  fund  the
exploration  programme  at the Boula mine.  The SPI Loan  will  be  made  at  an
interest rate which is 150 basis points above the rate which the Company is paid
under  its existing banking arrangements.  The Board believes that the SPI  Loan
will  have  no impact on the Company's current operations as it will  leave  the
Company with sufficient cash reserves to (i) effect the Buyback,  (ii) meet  the
Company's  working capital requirements for the next 12 months, and  (iii)  fund
the  exploration programme at the Boula mine, should a favourable court decision
be  received.  At the same time or after the Buyback, the Company will offer  to
buy  back  such number of shares in the Company held by SPI as is equal  to  the
then  outstanding  amount of the SPI Loan and at the same  price  as  under  the
Buyback.  If such offer is accepted by SPI, the Company's payment obligation  to
SPI  in  respect  of such buyback will be set off against the  then  outstanding
amount of the SPI Loan.

The  Independent Directors, Philip Adeane and Jeffrey O'Leary, consider,  having
consulted  with the Company's Nominated Adviser, WH Ireland, that the  terms  of
the SPI Loan are fair and reasonable insofar as the Shareholders are concerned.

If you have any doubt about the effect of the Cancellation or Re-registration or
your  rights generally you should seek independent professional advice  from  an
appropriate  independent financial adviser or legal adviser prior to  voting  on
the Re-registration Resolution.


The  Circular contains a notice convening the 2008 Annual General Meeting of the
Company  to  be held at the Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall, London,  SW1Y
5ED  on 21 April 2008 at 9.30 a.m. As explained above, the Cancellation and  Re-
registration  are subject to Shareholder approval at the AGM.  At  the  AGM,  in
addition to ordinary business, special resolutions will be proposed to:
  1)   approve the Cancellation in accordance with the AIM Rules;
  2)    re-register  the Company as a private limited company and  make  certain
     alterations to the Company's Memorandum of Association; and
  3)   adopt new Articles of Association.


Charles Zorab
Telephone:     0207 340 0970

James Joyce
WH Ireland Limited
Telephone:     0207 220 1698

Platinum Mining Of India (LSE:PMCI)
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Platinum Mining Of India (LSE:PMCI)
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