5.07 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security-Holders
following is a summary of how the 21,273,916 shares were voted at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Research Frontiers
Incorporated (Nasdaq: REFR) held at the corporation’s headquarters on June 8, 2023 on the various proposals voted upon and
adopted at the Annual Meeting.
the election of Darryl Daigle as a Class III member of the Company’s Board of Directors, 5,674,641 shares voted in favor of election,
2,320,184 shares were withheld, and 13,279,091 shares were Broker Non-Votes.
the ratification of the appointment of CohnReznick LLP as independent registered accountants of the Company for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2023, 20,648,121, shares were voted in favor of appointment, 511,681 shares were voted against appointment, and 114,114
shares abstained from voting.
the non-binding vote approving the Company’s executive compensation, 6,917,810 shares were voted in favor of approval, 819,624
shares were voted against approval, 257,391 shares abstained from voting, and 13,279,091 shares were Broker Non-Votes.
the non-binding vote approving the frequency of stockholder advisory votes on the Company’s executive compensation, 3,001,641 shares
were voted in favor of a three year frequency, 259,243 shares were voted in favor of a two year frequency, 4,399,239 shares were voted
in favor of a one year frequency, 334,702 shares abstained from voting, and 13,279,091 shares were Broker Non-Votes.