Avala Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:AVZ) (the "Company" or "Avala") is pleased to
present an update on progress and drill results from the Korkan project area,
part of the Timok Gold Project, a new gold discovery in an emerging
sediment-hosted gold belt located in Eastern Serbia.


--  The recently completed Korkan resource definition program was focused on
    establishing continuity of mineralization. The drilling program has used
    a nominal 80 meter by 80 meter grid spacing, together with a subset of
    the target area at a nominal 40 meter by 40 meter grid spacing. The
    drill holes are located within the Korkan mineralized 'footprint' that
    was outlined by Avala during the earlier, 160 meter by 160 meter diamond
    drilling program, which started in November, 2010. 
--  Recently completed resource definition reverse circulation (RC) and
    diamond (DD) drilling at Korkan has returned the following strong to
    moderate gold intercepts (0.4g/t Au cut-off grade): 

Hole ID         From (m)      To (m)  Interval (m)    Au (g/t)   Gram-meters
KORC080(i)             2          35            33        1.49            49
KORC085               18          52            34        1.17            40
KORC090              126         210            84        2.08           175
KORC097                3          28            25        0.91            23
KORC097               36          58            22        1.32            29
KORC097               65          70             5        2.06            10
KORC099               52          68            16        2.85            46
KORC099               76         116            40        1.28            51
KORC099              146         161            15        1.10            17
KORC100                8          66            58        3.41           198
KORC102               52         116            64        1.24            79
KORC104                3          44            41        0.84            34
KORC104               79          86             7        2.23            16
KORC109(i)            41         118            77        1.27            98
KORC120(i)             3          13            10        1.70            17
KORC120(i)            20          80            60        1.76           106
KORC123(i)            35          65            30        1.11            33
KORC123(i)            72          94            22        1.07            24
KORC126(i)            43         105            62        1.46            91
KORC131(i)             5          36            31        1.10            34
KORC140(i)            63         126            63        1.06            67
KORC140(i)           219         274            55        1.04            57
KODD114              148         166            18         2.6            47
KODD140(i)            29          48            19        3.93            75
KODD144              296         305             9        6.83            61
KODD144              372         387            15        1.81            27
KODD145(i)          12.8          49          36.2        0.97            35
KODT075              179         240            61        4.16           254
Note: Intersections calculated using 5 meter minimum thickness, 5 meter     
maximum included waste.                                                     
Note: The listing does not include 'twin' diamond drill hole intersections  
of drilled RC holes.                                                        
The prefix 'KODTxxx' represents a diamond tail of the corresponding RC drill
hole number for drill hole completion.                                      
((i)) Denotes a nominal 40 meter by 40 meter infill drill hole.             

--  The Timok Gold Project comprises several targets including Bigar Hill,
    Korkan and Kraku Pestar. Avala controls 100% of this newly identified
    sediment-hosted gold belt which totals approximately 250 square
    kilometres (Figure 1). 
--  The Bigar Hill resource estimate was the first of three scheduled
    resource estimates, with Korkan and Kraku Pestar to follow. The initial
    Korkan resource definition drilling program was recently completed and
    the database has been closed off, with the data forwarded to AMC
    Consultants Limited (UK) ("AMC"). The Kraku Pestar drilling database is
    due to follow as soon as selected 40 meter by 40 meter drilling is
--  The Company reported an initial resource estimate for Bigar Hill on July
    6, 2012. The Bigar Hill mineral resource prepared by AMC has been
    estimated at 38,000,000 tonnes grading an average of 1.3 g/t gold in the
    inferred resource category for 1,500,000 ounces of gold, using a 0.4 g/t
    gold cut-off. 
--  Infill drilling at 40 meter by 40 meter spacing has re-started at Bigar
--  Exploration diamond drilling continues to test new targets within the
    Project area. 
--  Avala currently has five diamond drill rigs and two RC drill rigs
    operating on the Timok Gold Project. 


Resource Definition Drilling: 

--  Avala commenced RC drilling at Korkan on the 9th January, 2012. Drilling
    was completed in July, 2012 for a total of 77,115.1 meters (47,634.1
    meters of diamond drilling and 29,481 meters of reverse circulation
    drilling). 'Twin' diamond drilling of reverse circulation drill holes
    represented approximately 10% of total RC drilling. 
--  The Korkan project, covering an area of approximately 0.5 square
    kilometers, has been drilled on a nominal 80 meter by 80 meter grid
    spacing. In addition, a portion of the target area has been drilled on a
    nominal 40 meter by 40 meter grid spacing to provide geostatistical
    support for resource estimation purposes. 
--  Refer to Table 1 for a summary of all intersections at a 0.4g/t Au cut-
    off grade for all Korkan reverse circulation and diamond drill holes.
    Figure 2 shows a gram-meter total metal contour plot (intervals greater
    than 0.4g/t Au x thickness), of all Korkan drilling to date,
    superimposed on topographic contours. Figure 3 shows representative
    cross-sections through Korkan. 
--  The routine reverse circulation-diamond 'twin' drilling program
    continues to confirm that the majority of mineralized intercepts and
    hence the deposit style, are dominated by layer-parallel,
    lithology/fault-controlled gold mineralization. 
--  The reverse circulation-diamond 'twin' drill holes suggest that there
    can be close spaced variation in gold grade, as is typical for gold

Korkan East: 

--  Additional multi-element assays have now been received for diamond drill
    holes within the Korkan East area within the Korkan project. Results
    have confirmed that the higher gold grade intersections in Korkan East
    are associated with elevated levels of lead, zinc, silver and arsenic,
    as supported by the geological logging of galena, sphalerite and
    arsenopyrite in the core. Selected intersections are tabulated below
    (0.4g/t Au cut-off grade): 

Hole ID     From (m) To (m)       (m) Au (g/t) Pb (%) Zn (%) Ag (g/t) As (%)
KODD037(i)        96    103         7     1.17   0.26   0.34       29   0.21
KODD037(i)       121    130         9     0.68   0.12   0.17     15.7   0.03
KODD058(i)       210    222        12     5.43   0.41   0.43     95.7   0.27
KODD061(i)     189.2    196       6.8     0.87   0.05   0.48      4.4   0.03
KODD061(i)       207    219        12     0.41   0.01   0.01      1.7   0.01
KODD061(i)       276    311        35     0.62   0.10   0.10        6   0.15
KODD084(i)       258    283        25     0.42   0.04   0.07        2   0.01
KODD084(i)       303    311         8     0.67   0.01   0.01      1.2   0.01
KODD084(i)       399    414        15     1.46   0.22   0.10      4.4   0.40
KODD084(i)       421    447        26    10.01   4.12   3.64     92.2   0.85
KODD100          265    271         6     0.79   0.09   0.09        6   0.33
KODD100          279    286         7     0.67      -   0.01      1.9   0.08
KODD100          297    346        49     4.23   2.41   2.55    137.8   3.38
Note: Intersections calculated using 5 meter minimum thickness, 5 meter     
maximum included waste.                                                     
((i)) Previously released drill hole.                                       

--  The gold and base metal mineralized rocks at Korkan East show
    characteristic features of carbonate replacement deposits; the link with
    the nearby lower temperature sediment-hosted gold is unclear at this
--  Multiple gold mineralized intercepts per hole are a common feature of
    the gold mineralization outlined to date in the Bigar Hill and Korkan
    target areas. 


--  Following site visits by international consultants AMC Consultants (UK),
    the Korkan exploration database has been delivered to AMC in order to
    undertake independent resource estimation. 
--  It is planned to complete the initial Canadian National Instrument 43-
    101 compliant resource estimate on Korkan by the end of Q3, 2012. 
--  The current Korkan database is based on 29,481 meters of RC drilling and
    47,634.1 meters of diamond drilling for a total of 77,115.1 meters in
    315 drill holes. The database includes over 190,000 analyses (gold,
    silver and sulfur) including 104,559 gold assays, of which approximately
    26% are internationally accredited standards, blanks and routine QAQC
    duplicate and replicate check assays. All drill holes have been down-
    hole surveyed at regular intervals; with drill collars surveyed using
    DGPS or total station surveying methods. The topographic surface is
    based on detailed DGPS and total station surveying methods, with an
    average survey station spacing of approximately 15 meters by 15 meters.
    Over 6,385 bulk density measurements have been collected, using standard
    wax-sealed immersion methods. Over 18 diamond/RC drill pairs have been
    completed to date. 
--  All drill hole assaying and bulk density measurements have been carried
    out independently by SGS. 


--  Sediment-hosted gold, located along the western margin of the Timok
    Magmatic Complex, represents a previously unrecognized style of gold
    mineralization within the Timok region. 
--  Within the Timok Gold Project, stratabound, fault-controlled breccia
    together with minor karst-infill breccia represent the styles of
    sediment-hosted gold mineralization recognized to date. 
--  Gold mineralization appears to be associated with fine-grained pyrite
    (sulfidation reaction) and a number of alteration styles including
    kaolinitization, decarbonatization of calcareous sedimentary rock
    adjacent to the gold mineralization and occasionally, silicification. 
--  Gold mineralization is predominantly hosted within a favourable
    sedimentary package - the 'target stratigraphy' - which is underlain by
    Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous limestones and consists predominantly of
    calcareous sandstones and conglomerates. Mineralization is also hosted
    in the underlying carbonate sequence, dominantly within tectonized
--  The upper portion of the target stratigraphy consists of 'red'
    sandstones and volcanic-lithic clastic sediments, which are in turn,
    overlain by calcareous marls, andesitic volcanic and volcaniclastic
    rocks, representing the youngest portion of the target stratigraphy. 
--  Figure 1 shows the location of the Korkan-Bigar trend and the Kraku
    Pestar target area within the greater sediment-hosted gold belt, as
    defined in this image by mapped 'target stratigraphy'. Figure 1 also
    shows anomalous gold soil geochemistry, on which the total metal contour
    plots, based on drill intersections, are superimposed. The significant
    potential of the belt can be clearly seen when the surface area of the
    mineralized 'footprints' of the currently drilled target areas within
    the Korkan-Bigar trend are compared to the overall extent of the
    presently defined gold soil anomalies. 
--  A major sediment-hosted gold belt bordering the western boundary of the
    Timok Magmatic Complex, identified by soil and trench samples, extends
    over 30 kilometers along strike and is up to 8 kilometers wide. 
--  Soil sampling has been completed to the south of the currently defined
    30 kilometer strike in order to attempt to determine the overall extent
    of the belt which, based on the extent of mapped 'target stratigraphy',
    has the potential to be approximately 70 kilometers in length. 
--  The geology, geochemistry and available drill intersections suggest a
    strong similarity to the style of gold mineralization typified by the
    North Carlin Trend, Nevada, USA. 
--  The recognition that the majority of the significant trench and diamond
    drill intercepts returned to date occur within the same flat lying or
    shallow dipping sedimentary package has significant implications for the
    gold potential of the Korkan-Bigar trend and the entire sediment-hosted
    gold belt. 
--  Avala intends to systematically explore all currently defined priority
    target areas on the belt. 
--  Please see the following link to view all Korkan-Bigar and Kraku Pestar
    drill holes located spatially in three dimensions:


The majority of soil samples have been assayed at the ALS Chemex laboratory,
Perth, Australia. More recent programs have been assayed at the SGS managed
laboratory at Chelopech in Bulgaria using a combination of ICP-OES and ICP-MS;
whereas, gold has been assayed by low level detection fire assay method with an
AAS finish. The Company has established a laboratory facility at Bor, Eastern
Serbia which is independently managed by SGS. Trench samples were prepared at
the laboratory facility at Bor and the samples have been assayed at the SGS
managed laboratory at Chelopech in Bulgaria or the laboratory facility at Bor.
Diamond drill core has been prepared at the laboratory facility at Bor and
assayed at either the SGS managed laboratory at Chelopech in Bulgaria or the
assay laboratory at Bor. A one metre sampling interval has been used where
possible for the Sediment-Hosted Gold project diamond drilling program. Half
core is routinely submitted to the laboratory for analysis. Reverse circulation
drill samples have been prepared at the laboratory facility at Bor and assayed
at the laboratory at Bor. A one metre sampling interval has been used for the
Sediment-Hosted Gold project reverse circulation drilling program. Following
Avala standard quality assurance procedures, a full suite of field and
laboratory duplicates and replicates along with internationally accredited
standards and blanks, have been submitted with each batch of samples.

Trench sampling was carried out as channels in the wall just above the trench
floor on 2m intervals. Except where extensive soil cover is encountered,
trenches were sampled in their entirety. The samples were routinely weighed
prior to final bagging to maintain an even sample size and to avoid sampling
bias in harder rock types. An average channel sample weight was maintained at
3kg/m, which produces a consistent sample weight approximating half HQ core
samples. Field duplicate samples were taken every 20 samples and known standards
were inserted into the sample stream after every 20th sample. A geological and
structural log was completed as for diamond drilling. All data collected in the
field was routinely entered into geology and structural geology spread sheets
using Field Marshal software for subsequent entry to an acQuire database and

Dr Julian F. H. Barnes, a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, a
Director and the Company's Special Consultant, has supervised the preparation of
the technical data in this press release.

Previously released data refers to data included in the "Potoj Cuka Gold
Project, Serbia National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report" by Paul Mazzoni
dated March 10, 2010 (the "Technical Report"), filed on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.
Further information in respect of results, investigations, interpretations,
quality assurance and quality control measures, along with geology, mineralogy,
sampling, and analytical procedures is included in the Technical Report.

About Avala Resources Ltd.: Avala Resources is a mineral exploration company
focused on the exploration and development of the Timok Gold Project in Eastern
Serbia. The Timok Gold Project comprises several targets, including Bigar Hill,
Korkan, and Kraku Pestar. Avala controls 100% of this newly identified
sediment-hosted gold belt which totals approximately 250 square kilometers. The
common shares of Avala trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol AVZ.

Avala is well-capitalized, with approximately $16 million in its treasury at
June 30, 2012, which it plans to use for the exploration and development of its
mineral projects in Serbia. Avala's issued and outstanding share capital totals
214,492,223 common shares, of which approximately 51.4% is held by Dundee
Precious Metals Inc. (TSX:DPM).

Cautionary Statement

This press release contains 'forward-looking information' within the meaning of
applicable Canadian securities legislation. Generally, forward-looking
information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as
"anticipate", "believe", "plan", "expect", "intend", "estimate", "forecast",
"project", "budget", "schedule", "may", "will", "could", "might", "should" or
variations of such words or similar words or expressions. Forward-looking
information is based on reasonable assumptions that have been made by the
Company as at the date of the information and is subject to known and unknown
risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results or events
to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking information. 

Forward looking information in this news release includes information with
respect to the Bigar Hill mineral resource estimate and its potential expansion,
the Company's plans to complete resource estimates on the Korkan and Kraku
Pestar project areas, the timing and location of future work programs, the
results and interpretation of studies and exploration activities, the nature of
the mineralization of the project, the potential size of the sediment-hosted
gold system, the possibility that the Timok Gold Project will prove to be
economic, and the suggested similarity to the style of gold mineralization of
the North Carlin Trend project. 

Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could
cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in
forward-looking information, there may be factors that cause results to be other
than as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that the
forward looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and
future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such
information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on
forward-looking information contained herein, except in accordance with
applicable securities laws. 

Figures 1, 2 and 3 and Table 1 are available at the following address:

Avala Resources Ltd. (TSXV:AVZ)
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Avala Resources Ltd. (TSXV:AVZ)
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De Jul 2023 a Jul 2024 Haga Click aquí para más Gráficas Avala Resources Ltd..