Medusa Mining Limited (TSX:MLL)(ASX:MML)(AIM:MML) - 



--  Record gold production of 25,505 ozs (compared to 21,108 ozs in the
    previous quarter) at an average grade of 20.61 g/t gold and average cash
    cost of US$180 per oz


--  Phase II expansion completed on time with the annualised production of 
    100,000 ounces recorded for the quarter

--  Mill commissioning completed


--  Drilling continuing. New gold results include 1.70 metres @ 99.63 g/t, 
    6.40 metres @ 23.36 g/t and 4.90 meters @ 20.27 g/t

--  Resource/reserve estimates scheduled for July-August 2010


--  Planning is underway to commence pre-feasibility studies for drilling 
    campaign in July 2010


--  Drilling paused to allow assessment of results to date to be undertaken;
    drill rigs re-allocated


--  Preparations are underway to drill at the Saugon Project, last drilled
    in 2004

--  A summary of previous results will be provided shortly


--  Cash and cash equivalent at end of quarter of US$48.1 million

--  Bonus issue of 1 new ordinary share for every 10 ordinary shares 
    announced and completed during the quarter


--  Expanding gold producer operating solely in the Philippines 

--  Debt free and un-hedged 

--  Forecast production FY 2009/10 approximately 90,000 ozs. 

--  Long term cash costs at Co-O Mine circa US$190 per oz 

--  Co-O Mine conceptual target size 3 to 7 million ounces(ii) 

--  Mineral Resources comprise 
    --  Co-O Mine: Indicated 580k ozs at 12.3 g/t gold; Inferrred 660k ozs
        at 9.0 g/t gold 
    --  Bananghilig: Inferred 650k ozs at 1.3 g/t gold 

--  Probable Reserves : Co-O Mine 500k ozs @ 14.9 g/t gold 

--  Organic growth policy to potentially produce 300,000 to 400,000 ozs per

--  Excellent exploration upside: high grade vein and disseminated bulk gold
    targets, plus six porphyry copper targets 

(ii) The potential target size and grade is conceptual in nature, and there
has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource, and it is 
uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being defined as
a mineral resource. Refer to Stock Exchange announcement dated 18 January 

Board of Directors

Geoffrey Davis (CEO) 
Roy Daniel (CFO)

Robert Weinberg (Non-executive Director) 
Andrew Teo (Non-executive Director)

Peter Hepburn-Brown
(Non-executive Director and Acting Chairman)

Capital Structure:

Ordinary shares:  187,409,805 
Unlisted options:   1,340,000 

ASX and AIM (Code: MML), TSX (Code: MLL)

Address and Contact Details:

PO Box 860 
Canning Bridge WA 6153
Telephone  : +618 9367 0601
Facsimile  : +618 9367 0602 
Email      : 
Website    : 


The locations of the Company's projects are shown on Figures 1 and 2.

To view Figure 1, please visit the following link:

To view Figure 2, please visit the following link:



The production statistics for the March 2010 quarter and year to date (nine
months to 31 March 2010) with comparatives for the December 2009 and September
2009 quarters are summarised in Table I.

Table I. Gold production statistics

                      Quarter ended Quarter ended Quarter ended Current YTD
Period           Unit   31 Mar 2010   31 Dec 2009   30 Sep 2009 31 Mar 2010
Tonnes mined   tonnes        45,359        53,064        40,434     138,857
Ore milled     tonnes        40,943        37,588        40,467     118,998
Head grade        gpt         20.61         18.68         14.78       18.07
Recovery            %            94%           94%           94%         94%
Gold produced     ozs        25,505        21,108        18,054      64,667
Cash costs (1)     US$         $180          $184          $193        $185
Gold sold (2)     ozs             -        21,108        18,054      39,162
Average gold
 price received    US$            -        $1,111          $975      $1,047


(1) Cash costs refers to the cost of gold mined (net of development costs),
    produced and sold and includes taxes, royalties and local production
    taxes of US$48 per ounce for the Mar 2010 qtr (Dec 09 qtr: US$48 per oz,
    Sep 2009 qtr: US$34 per ounce; Current YTD: US$46 per ounce) 
(2) The Company did not sell any gold during the Mar 2010 qtr and retained
    its entire gold production for the qtr as bullion or on metal account. 

Gold production for the quarter increased to 25,505 ounces (a 20% increase from
the previous quarter's production) at an average grade of 20.61 g/t gold and
cash costs of US$180 per ounce.

Medusa an unhedged gold producer, did not sell any gold during the quarter and
retained its entire gold production for the quarter as bullion or on metal

Phase II of the Company's expansion programme was completed on schedule and the
forecast gold production for the fiscal year to 30 June 2010 is anticipated to
be around 90,000 ounces at an anticipated cash cost of US$190 per ounce.

As reported in the previous quarter, the presence of unusual amounts of black
leader material in current mine development concentrated along the Great Hamish,
Central, Jeremy and Roysan veins has resulted in the current high grades being
processed. It should be noted that the occurrence of black leader material
rarely shows up in drilling and its occurrence is highly unpredictable.

To view Graph 1, please visit the following link:


Mine Development

The mine development has proceeded extremely well with 5 levels at 50 metres
apart operating and a 6th expected to be opened around mid-year. There is
currently approximately 60,000 tonnes of broken ore in stopes underground, 21
headings and approximately 36 stopes on the breaking cycle. In addition there is
around 20,000 tonnes of ore stockpile.

This situation augurs well for meeting our production targets going forward.

Mine Production

Production has continued uninterrupted at the mine.

The fitting of the skip and headframe to the vertical Ventilation Shaft near the
Baguio Shaft to haul mineralised material from above Level 2 should be completed
in the next quarter.

Driving from Level 3 northwards from the Baguio Shaft area to link up with the 3
compartment Tinago Shaft is progressing well. A rise from Level 3 to Level 2
will complete this work and open the Tinago Shaft for ventilation initially. If
sufficient mineralised material can be located in this area, then it could be
converted to a haulage shaft.

Mill Expansion

Commissioning of the expanded milling capacity has now been completed.

Tailings Dam

Construction of a new eight year life tailings dam is progressing and is due for
completion late in the 2nd quarter of 2010 subject to favourable weather


The Company is finalising arrangements with the local power provider for a
dedicated line from San Francisco to the mill. Surveying of the route has
already commenced with the current projection for completion in the 3rd quarter
of the year. All costs over the estimated budget will be advanced initially by
the Company and these will be recovered through tariff reductions.

To view Plate 1, please visit the following link:



Figure 3 (attached) shows all the new MD series diamond drill holes from MD 217
to MD 240 totalling 11,262 metres which have been completed around the Co-O Mine
since 9 December 2009. Results are awaited for MDs 236 and 240.

The on-going drilling programme has concentrated on infill and extensional (up
and down dip, and lateral) drilling in and around the Co-O Mine.

Drill results

Table II lists the surface diamond drilling results greater than 3 g/t gold from
the Co-O Mine for new drill holes from MD 217 to MD 240 as well as results not
previously reported for some earlier holes. These drill hole results will be
incorporated into a new resource estimate which is expected to be completed in
July-August 2010. Other reports containing intersections for holes numbered
below MD 217 were announced on 18 January 2010, 1 July 2009, 1 December 2008 and
11 August 2008. In 2007 the announcements are dated 9 July, 15 May and 28
February. The 2007 announcements also contain information regarding drilling and
surveying techniques, comments on vein interpretation and methodologies and
assaying protocols.

The announcement of 29 March 2010 contained more detailed results down to 0.2
metres wide as underground development shows that in many cases as the veins
approach cross-cutting faults, they narrow down on both sides of the fault over
5 to 10 metres before widening out, and hence the narrower intersections are
important in defining vein continuity. There is also some pinching and swelling
of veins along strike. Most drilling is sub-parallel to the fault direction and
rarely intersects the faults, which are subsequently identified by underground
on-vein development.

Table II. Drill hole results greater than 3 g/t gold and equals 0.5 metres
downhole for new holes MD 217 to MD 240 and complete assays for some previously
partly reported holes designated (i)

Hole        East   North       Dip   Azimuth     From    Width Grade (uncut)
                          (degrees) (degrees) (metres) (metres)   (g/t gold)
MD 212(i) 614329  913256       -53       180   301.80     0.70         3.09
                                               387.15     0.95         9.67
                                               468.10     0.50        10.23
                                               486.30     1.30         3.46
                                               494.20     3.90         3.75
MD 213(i) 613320  912924       -80      180     58.80     2.25         3.06
                                                66.15     4.25         6.02
                                                72.55     1.15         3.53
MD 214(i) 614532  913022       -60      160    427.65     0.65        23.50
                                               479.80     1.70        99.63
                                               590.10     6.40        23.36
MD 215(i) 614498  913211       -65      165    612.50     1.00         4.85
MD 216(i) 613551  912780       -45      220    126.80     0.45        15.07
MD 217    613284  912951       -74      121     96.60     2.55         5.14
                                               141.10     3.00         3.59
MD 218    614331  913241       -45      177    377.10     0.50        13.83
                                               558.95     0.65        58.66
                                               626.70     1.70         4.42
MD 220    613286  912950       -77      162     87.40     3.80         8.34
MD 221    613366  913038       -45      202    151.45     2.45         6.33
MD 222    613437  913229       -45      340    605.80     0.70         3.60
MD 226    614331  913243       -47      160    436.50     1.05         3.05
                                               523.05     0.55        10.50
MD 227    614137  912987       -45      180    241.10     3.10         3.61
                                               322.25     0.50        25.63
                                               332.85     1.40        20.63
MD 228    613388  913227       -45      150     73.95     1.35         3.65
                                               108.20     1.00         3.83
                                               118.10     4.75         3.03
                                               147.45     0.85        30.33
                                               189.10     2.50         3.44
                                               198.80     1.60        22.48
                                               408.20     0.60         3.07
                                               411.70     1.85         3.97
MD 230    613836  913239       -46      170    232.00     1.30         3.67
                                               266.60     1.95         3.34
                                               372.30     3.80         6.36
                                               380.10     1.85         7.38
                                               445.90     1.00         5.67
                                               468.45     1.55         3.43
                                               533.60     3.00        10.00
MD 231    613969  913099       -46      189     85.25     0.75        24.93
                                               158.90     1.70         4.38
                                               169.10     2.00        16.49
                                               235.60     1.65         6.25
                                               240.40     1.50         3.82
MD 232    614353  913191       -56      154    350.20     1.30        17.59
                                               590.65     1.15        35.18
                                               704.80     1.00         6.27
MD 233    614137  912993       -60      175    306.50     2.05         5.98
                                               423.80     0.50        10.20
MD 235    614020  913156       -57      200    142.20     3.30         3.69
MD 237    613812  913203       -49      176    299.40     1.20        13.16
                                               331.20     1.00        26.83
MD 239    613369  913037       -45      168    110.90     4.90        20.27
                                               125.10     0.50         8.76
                                               156.80     1.30         4.84
                                               195.75     1.45         8.91
                                               233.00     1.00        10.70
                                               244.80     2.30         9.53


(i)    Intersection widths are downhole drill widths not true widths;
(ii)   All assays are by Philsaga Mining Corporation's laboratory;
(iii)  Grid coordinates based on the Philippine Reference System 92;


Using the Co-O Mine as a model, drill testing commenced in the September quarter
of 2009 on veins in the vicinity of the Co-O Mine.

The Co-O vein system outcrops at surface on the western side of the Oriental
Fault, where it was first discovered. The veins at surface rarely exceed 0.5
metres width and generally assay around 1 to 5 g/t gold (with possibly some
supergene enrichment). Gold values started to increase significantly
approximately 80 metres below surface.

To date 22 drill holes (EXP 1 to 22) as shown on Figure 3 (attached) have been
completed. Results for EXP 1 to 12 were announced on 17 December 2010.
Subsequent drill holes have not achieved any significant results above 1 g/t
gold to date. Hole EXP 17 was re-drilled as EXP 18, and drill hole EXP 19 was
re-drilled as EXP 21.

To view Figure 3, please visit the following link:

To view  Figure 4, please visit the following link:


The Lingig prospect is covered by a Mines Operating Agreement ("MOA") over
Mineral Production Sharing Agreement ("MPSA") application number APSA 024-XIII
comprising two parcels situated to the north and to the east (the Lingig
porphyry copper prospect) of the Co-O Mine and millsite as shown on Figure 2.

Drilling was completed during the quarter while results to date are assessed and
the rigs can be re-allocated to other projects. An update of recent drilling
will be provided when all results are available.


The Tambis project, currently comprising the Bananghilig Gold Deposit and the
Kamarangan copper porphyry prospect (Fig. 2), is operated under a Mining
Agreement with Philex Gold Philippines Inc. over MPSA application
APSA-000022-XIII which covers 6,262 hectares.

Figure 2 shows the location of the Bananghilig Deposit. Preparations are
advancing for a major drilling campaign commencing around July 2010 as the basis
for pre-feasibility studies. The aim of the work will be to increase the
resources to a level which could provide a 5 year minimum mining life at a
production rate of approximately 200,000 ounces per year.


The Mines Operating Agreement with Alcorn Gold Resources Inc. covers MPSA
application number 039-XIII situated approximately 8 kilometres north from the
millsite as shown on Figure 2. Processing of the MPSA is progressing.

Mapping and sampling is continuing. Drilling will recommence when the MPSA is


--  Sur-sur Project.

    The Company is advancing the tenement applications.

--  Saugon Project

    Construction of field camps and access are in progress for the
    commencement of drilling shortly. A summary of results from the
    Company's drilling in 2004 will be provided in the near future.


As at 31 March 2010, the Company which is debt free, had a cash and cash
equivalent balance of US$48.1 million (Dec 2009: US$35.5 million);

During the quarter,

--  The Company did not sell any gold and retained it's entire gold produced
    for the quarter as bullion or on metal account (Dec 2009 qtr: Gold
    proceeds totalling US$23.4 million from the sale of 21,108 ozs of gold
    at an average price of US$1,111 per oz);

--  Incurred exploration expenditure of US$4.3 million (Dec 2009 qtr: US$5.8

--  Spent US$1.8 million on capital works associated with the mine/mill
    expansion and sustaining capital (Dec 2009 qtr: US$1.7 million); and

--  Expensed US$1.8 million in mine development costs (Dec 2009 qtr: US$1.8


A one for ten bonus issue of shares to all shareholders of the Company was
announced on 8 March 2010 and finalised during the quarter.

Information in this report relating to Exploration Results has been reviewed and
is based on information compiled by Mr Geoff Davis, who is a member of The
Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr Davis is the Managing Director of
Medusa Mining Limited and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the
style of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the
activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a "Competent Person" as defined
in the 2004 Edition of the "Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves" and is a "Qualified Person" as
defined in "National Instrument 43-101" of the Canadian Securities
Administrators. Mr Davis consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters
based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Information in this report relating to Mineral Resources has been estimated and
compiled by Mark Zammit of Cube Consulting Pty Ltd of Perth, Western Australia.
Mr Zammit is a member of The Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy and
has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and
type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking
to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the
"Australian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore
Reserves" and is a "Qualified Person" as defined in "National Instrument 43-101"
of the Canadian Securities Administrators. Mr Zammit consents to the inclusion
in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in
which it appears.

Information in this report that relating to Ore Reserves is based on information
compiled by Declan Franzmann, B Eng (Mining), MAusIMM. Mr Franzmann is a
full-time employee of Crosscut Consulting. Mr Franzman has sufficient experience
which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under
consideration and to the activity which they are undertaking to qualify as
Competent Persons as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for
Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves" and is a
"Qualified Person" as defined in "National Instrument 43-101" of the Canadian
Securities Administrators. Mr Franzmann consents to the inclusion in the report
of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it

Refer to the revised Technical Report which was filed on in March
2010 for further discussion of the Co-O Deposit's geology, structural controls,
drilling, sampling and assaying information, and any known material
environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing or
other relevant issue.


Medusa Mining Limited ("Medusa" or the "Company") a public company listed on the
ASX, AIM and the TSX, is an Australian based gold producer, focussed solely on
the Philippines.

With current mineral resources comprising Indicated 580,000 ounces of gold and
Inferred 1,310,000 ounces of gold, Medusa's corporate strategy is to become a
mid-tier, 300,000 to 400,000 ounce per year, low-cost gold producer.

The Company is currently expanding its high grade Co-O Mine operations
(Indicated Resources 580,000 ounces of gold inclusive of a Probable Reserve of
500,000 ounces of gold, and Inferred Resources 660,000 ounces of gold) to
increase its forecast production to 100,000 ounces per year in 2010, and is
conducting near mine exploration to assess the possibilities of further
expansion to 200,000 ounces per year. Current cash costs at the Co-O Mine are
approximately US$190 per ounce.

A pipe-line of deposits is now being established with the Bananghilig Deposit
(Inferred Resource of 650,000 ounces of gold) recently added and which is
expected to expand, potentially in conjunction with nearby discoveries.

Further potential upside exists in the discovery of substantial copper deposits
within the tenement holding of more than 800 km2.


This announcement may contain certain forward-looking statements. The words
'anticipate', 'believe', 'expect', 'project', 'forecast', 'estimate', 'likely',
'intend', 'should', 'could', 'may', 'target', 'plan' and other similar
expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Indications of,
and guidance on, future earnings and financial position and performance are also
forward-looking statements.

Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and
involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which
are beyond the control of Medusa, and its officers, employees, agents and
associates, that may cause actual results to differ materially from those
expressed or implied in such statements.

Actual results, performance or outcomes may differ materially from any
projections and forward-looking statements and the assumptions on which those
assumptions are based.

You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and neither
Medusa nor any of its directors, employees, servants or agents assume any
obligation to update such information.

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Mountain Lake Resources Inc. (TSXV:MOA)
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