BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced December 1, 2009:

Number of Shares:            1,700,000 shares

Purchase Price:              $0.125 per share

Warrants:                    1,700,000 share purchase warrants to purchase 

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.165 for a two year period

Number of Placees:           3 placees

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company 
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement 
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must 
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close 
promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend 
the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum 
permitted term


(formerly Rocher Deboule Minerals Corp. ("RD"))
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Pursuant to a resolution passed by shareholders January 12, 2010, the 
Company has changed its name as follows. There is no consolidation of 

Effective at the opening Wednesday, January 20, 2010, the common shares of 
American Manganese Inc. will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange, and 
the common shares of Rocher Deboule Minerals Corp. will be delisted. The 
Company is classified as a junior natural resource - mining company

Capitalization:              unlimited shares with no par value of which 
                             51,187,225 shares are issued and outstanding
Escrow:                      nil escrow shares

Transfer Agent:              Computershare Investor Services Inc.
Trading Symbol:              AMY  (new)
CUSIP Number:                02735A 10 5 (new)


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced December 22, 2009:

Number of Shares:            800,000 flow-through common shares and 38,000 
                             common shares

Purchase Price:              $0.25 per flow-through common share and per 
                             common share

Warrants:                    838,000 warrants to purchase 838,000 common 

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.40 for a two-year period

Number of Placees:           15 placees

Finder's Fees:               $16,760 was paid in cash to Canaccord 
                             Financial Inc., as well as 83,800 finder's 
                             warrants, each entitling the Holder to 
                             purchase one common share and one common 
                             share purchase warrant at a price of $0.25 
                             per share for a period of two years following 
                             the closing of the Private Placement. Each 
                             warrant carries the same terms as those of 
                             the Private Placement. 

The Company has announced the closing of the Private Placement by way of a 
press release dated December 29, 2009.

TYPE DE BULLETIN: Placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 19 janvier 2010
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance

Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de la documentation 
relativement a un placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier, tel 
qu'annonce le 22 decembre 2009 :

Nombre d'actions :           800 000 actions ordinaires accreditives et 38 
                             000 actions ordinaires

Prix :                       0,25 $ par action ordinaire accreditive et  
                             par action ordinaire

Bons de souscription :       838 000 bons de souscription permettant de 
                             souscrire a 838 000 actions ordinaires

Prix d'exercice des bons :   0,40 $ pour une periode de 2 ans suivant la 

Nombre de souscripteurs :    15 souscripteurs

 d'intermediation :          Canaccord Financial inc. a recu 16 760 $ en 
                             especes ainsi que 83 800 bons de 
                             souscriptions d'intermediaire. Chaque bon de 
                             souscription d'intermediare permet au 
                             titulaire de souscrire a une action ordinaire 
                             et un bon de souscription de la societe au 
                             prix de 0,25 $ par action pendant une periode 
                             de deux ans suivant la cloture du placement 
                             prive. Chaque bon de souscription porte les 
                             memes termes que ceux du placement prive.

La societe a confirme la cloture du placement prive ci-avant mentionne par 
voie d'un communique de presse date du 29 decembre 2009.


BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Debt
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to 
issue 135,761 shares to settle outstanding debt for $17,648.86.

Number of Creditors:         7 Creditors

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                  Insider=Y /    Amount    Deemed Price
Creditor         Progroup=P       Owing       per Share    # of Shares

Alan Ryder                Y   $4,340.60           $0.13         33,389
Robert Tretiak            Y   $4,043.00           $0.13         31,100
Kaleil Tuzman             Y   $5,000.00           $0.13         38,462
Scott Patterson           Y   $3,517.25           $0.13         27,056
Larry Binnion             Y     $249.34           $0.13          1,918
Robert Landry             Y     $249.34           $0.13          1,918
Timothy Stanley           Y     $249.34           $0.13          1,918

The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued and the 
debt extinguished.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Brokered Private Placement announced November 19, 2009 and December 18, 

Number of Shares:            2,000,000 common shares

Purchase Price:              $0.25 per share

Number of Placees:           32 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                   ProGroup=P /     # of Shares

Reno Redenback                  P           140,000
George Gracio                   P            52,000
Darrell Moore                   P            40,000
Doug Sheridan                   P            40,000
Clancey Ellingon                P            28,000
Ryan Burla                      P            20,000
Saleem, Tyab                    P            60,000
C.M. Stockdale                  P            60,000
Bruce McDonald                  P           160,000
John Kenny                      P            40,000
Kerk Hilton                     P            20,000
Rosalyn Hilton                  P            60,000

Agent's Fee:                 Canaccord Adams - $4,000 cash
                             Leede Financial Markets Inc. - $7,500 cash

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company 
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement 
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must 
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close 


BULLETIN TYPE: Notice of Distribution
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

The Issuer has declared the following distribution:

Distribution per Trust Unit: $0.0067
Payable Date:                February 15, 2010
Record Date:                 January 31, 2010
Ex-Distribution Date:        January 27, 2010


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement, Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a non-brokered private placement announced on December 22 and 24, 2009 and 
January 4, 2010:

Number of Shares:            2,817,000 post-consolidation common shares

Purchase Price:              $0.1125 per post-consolidation common share

Warrants:                    2,817,000 warrants to purchase 2,817,000 
                             post-consolidation common shares

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.15 per post-consolidation common share for 
                             a period of 24 months

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                  Pro Group=P                       Number of Shares

Ronald H Winston                Y      625,000 post-consolidation shares

The Company has confirmed the closing of the above-mentioned private 

TYPE DE BULLETIN : Placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 19 janvier 2010
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance

Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de la documentation en vertu 
d'un placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier, tel qu'annonce les 22 
et 24 decembre 2009 et le 4 janvier 2010 :

Nombre d'actions :           2 817 000 actions ordinaires "post 

Prix :                       0,1125 $ par action ordinaire "post 

Bons de souscription :       2 817 000 de bons de souscription permettant 
                             de souscrire a 2 817 000 actions ordinaires 
                             "post regroupement"

Prix d'exercice des bons :   0,15 $ par action ordinaire "post 
                             regroupement" pour une duree de 24 mois

                        Initie = Y /
Nom                 Groupe Pro = P             Nombre d'actions

Ronald H Winston                 Y   625 000 actions ordinaires
                                            "post regroupement"

La societe a confirme la cloture du placement prive mentionne ci-dessus.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement, Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a non-brokered private placement announced on September 29 and November 
16, 2009:

Number of Shares:            817,696 post-consolidation common shares

Purchase Price:              $0.1125 per post-consolidation common share

Warrants:                    817,696 warrants to purchase 817,696 post-
                             consolidation common shares

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.15 per post-consolidation common share for 
                             a period of 24 months

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                  Pro Group=P                       Number of Shares
Ronald H Winston                Y      195,536 post-consolidation shares

The Company has confirmed the closing of the above-mentioned private 

TYPE DE BULLETIN : Placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 19 janvier 2010
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance

Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de la documentation en vertu 
d'un placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier, tel qu'annonce les 29 
septembre et 16 novembre 2009 :

Nombre d'actions :           817 696 actions ordinaires "post 

Prix :                       0,1125 $ par action ordinaire "post 

Bons de souscription :       817 696 de bons de souscription permettant de 
                             souscrire a 817 696 actions ordinaires "post 

Prix d'exercice des bons :   0,15 $ par action ordinaire "post 
                             regroupement" pour une duree de 24 mois

                        Initie = Y /
Nom                 Groupe Pro = P                Nombre d'actions

Ronald H Winston                 Y      195 536 actions ordinaires
                                               "post regroupement"

La societe a confirme la cloture du placement prive mentionne ci-dessus.


(formerly Talon International Energy Ltd. ("TAR"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Reinstated for Trading, Reverse Takeover-Completed, Shares 
for Debt, Private Placement-Non-Brokered, Name Change and Consolidation
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Reinstated for Trading:
Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated May 7, 2008 the common 
shares of the Company have been suspended from trading pursuant to the 
Alberta Securities Commission ("ASC") Cease Trade Order and a British 
Columbia Securities Commission ("BCSC") Cease Trade Order. The ASC and the 
BCSC issued revocation orders on October 14, 2009 and November 30, 2009 

Effective at the opening Wednesday, January 20, 2010, trading will be 
reinstated in the securities of the Company (CUSIP 13566Y 104).

The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Talon International 
Energy Ltd.'s (the "Company") Reverse Take Over ("RTO"), which includes 
the following transactions:

Reverse Takeover-Completed:
Pursuant to an arm's length amalgamation agreement dated October 7, 2009, 
the Company and Fifth Avenue Diversified Inc. ("Fifth Avenue") completed a 
business combination to form Canadian Exploration Inc. ("CEE"). Pursuant 
to the business combination, the former security holders of the Company 
received one (1) CEE share for every 10 shares of the Company held. The 
former security holders of Fifth Avenue received 5,713,101 CEE shares for 
all of the issued and outstanding securities of Fifth Avenue at a deemed 
price of $0.05 per share for a total deemed consideration of $285,655. An 
aggregate of 9,735,533 CEE shares issued pursuant to the Reverse Takeover 
and the Shares For Debt transaction described below will be subject to a 
TSX Venture Exchange Tier 2 Value Security escrow agreement.

For complete details on the RTO please refer to the Company's Information 
Circular dated October 7, 2009 and available at www.sedar.com.

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                  Pro group=P     # of Shares

George Tsafalas                 Y         933,334
David Stadnyk                   Y       2,491,667
Don Edwards                     Y         150,000

Shares for Debt:
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to 
issue 7,445,000 common shares to settle outstanding debt for $372,250.

Number of Creditors:         6 Creditors

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                  Insider=Y /    Amount    Deemed Price
Creditor        Pro group=P       Owing       per Share    # of Shares

George Tsafalas           Y    $172,750           $0.05      3,455,000
David Stadnyk             Y    $106,500           $0.05      2,130,000

The Company shall issue a news release when the shares are issued and the 
debt extinguished.

Private Placement-Non-Brokered:
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced July 23, 2009:

Number of Shares:            9,781,470 common shares
                             6,554,167 flow through shares

Purchase Price:              $0.05 per common share
                             $0.06 per flow through share

Number of Placees:           56 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                   ProGroup=P /     # of Shares

William Sudhaus                 Y         1,311,220
Chris Bloomer                   Y         1,019,584
Donald Edwards                  Y           325,000
Darrin Hopkins                  P           100,000
Anthony Kinnon                  P           200,000
Don Graveline                   P           200,000
Jim Cumming                     P           500,000

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company 
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement 
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must 
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close 
promptly. Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later extend 
the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum 
permitted term.

Name Change and Consolidation:
Pursuant to a resolution passed by shareholders on November 9, 2009, the 
Company has consolidated its shares on a ten old for one new basis.

Effective at the opening Wednesday, January 20, 2010, the common shares of 
Canadian Energy Exploration Inc. will be reinstated for trading on TSX 
Venture Exchange, and the shares of Talon International Energy Ltd. will 
be delisted.

The Company is classified as an "Oil and Gas Extraction" company.

The Exchange has been advised that the above transactions, approved by 
shareholders on November 9, 2009, have been completed.

Post Consolidation
 Capitalization:             Unlimited common shares with no par value of 
                             which 31,428,737 common shares are issued and 
Escrow:                      9,735,533 common shares

Transfer Agent:              Computershare Trust Company of Canada
CUSIP Number:                13566Y 10 4 (new)
Symbol:                      XPL (new)

Company Contact:             George Tsafalas
Company Address:             #1220, 666 Burrard Street
                             Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8

Company Phone Number:        (604) 685-5051
Company Fax Number:          (604) 685-0078
Company Email Address:       info@cdnenergy.com


BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at the opening, January 19, 2010, trading in the shares of the 
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an announcement; 
this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry Regulatory 
Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to 
the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at 8:15 a.m. PST, January 19, 2010, shares of the Company 
resumed trading, an announcement having been made over Marketwire.


BULLETIN TYPE: Miscellaneous
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to the Exchange's Bulletin of March 6, 2009 and the Company's 
press release of July 15, 2009, the Company which is a Capital Pool 
Company ('CPC') is required to complete a Qualifying Transaction ('QT') by 
February 19, 2010.

The records of the Exchange indicate that the Company has not yet 
completed a QT. If the Company fails to complete a QT by February 19, 
2010, the Company's trading status may be changed to a halt or suspension 
without further notice, in accordance with Exchange Policy 2.4 Section 


BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at the opening, January 19, 2010, trading in the shares of the 
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an announcement; 
this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry Regulatory 
Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to 
the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at 11:45 a.m. PST, January 19, 2010, shares of the Company 
resumed trading, an announcement having been made over StockWatch.


BULLETIN TYPE: Regional Office Change
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Pursuant to Policy 1.2, TSX Venture Exchange has been advised of, and 
accepted the change of the Filing and Regional Office from Vancouver, 
British Columbia to Montreal, Quebec.


BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at 9:00 a.m. PST, January 19, 2010, shares of the Company 
resumed trading, an announcement having been made over Market News 


BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading, Qualifying Transaction-Announced
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at the opening Wednesday, January 20, 2010, trading in the 
Company's shares will resume.

Further to the Company's November 5, 2009 news release, regarding the 
proposed acquisition of Longview Advantage Limited (the 'Qualifying 
Transaction'), Leede Financial Markets Inc., subject to completion of its 
review has agreed to act as the Company's Sponsor.

This resumption does not constitute acceptance of the Qualifying 
Transaction and should not be construed as an assurance of the merits of 
the transaction or the likelihood of completion. The Company is required 
to submit all of the required initial documentation relating to the 
Qualifying Transaction within 75 days of the issuance of the news release. 

Completion of the transaction is subject to a number of conditions. Prior 
to the Exchange granting final acceptance of the Qualifying Transaction, 
the Company must satisfy the Exchange's Minimum Listing Requirements. 
There is a risk that the transaction will not be accepted or that the 
terms of the transaction may change substantially prior to acceptance. 


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced December 15, 2009 and amended 
on December 23, 2009:

Number of Shares:            2,150,000 non flow-through shares
                             2,066,429 flow-through shares

Purchase Price:              $0.175 per share

Warrants:                    2,150,000 share purchase warrants to purchase 

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.30 for a two year period

Number of Placees:           32 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                   ProGroup=P /     # of Shares

Donald Lay                      Y           227,213
James Blake                     P           100,000
Spiro Angelos                   P           100,000
Scott Hall                      P            45,714
Gary Winters                    P            30,000

Finder's Fee:                $15,750 and 90,000 finder warrants payable to 
                             Limited Market Dealer Inc.
                             $8,999.99 and 51,428 finder warrants payable 
                             to Byron Capital Markets
                             $4,500 and 25,714 finder warrants payable to 
                             Canaccord Capital Corp.
                             $2,441.25 and 13,950 finder warrants payable 
                             to PI Financial Corp.
                             $8,505 payable to Taro Johal
                             $3,465 payable to Trevor Burns
                             $4,725 payable to Ken Blake

                             -Each finder warrant is exercisable at $0.225  
                             for a two year period

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company 
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement 
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must 
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close 
promptly. (Note that in certain circumstances the Exchange may later 
extend the expiry date of the warrants, if they are less than the maximum 
permitted term.)


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Disposition Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to 
an Option and Joint Venture Agreement between Mountain Lake Resources Inc. 
(the "Company") and Marathon PGM Corporation ("Marathon"), whereby 
Marathon may acquire a 50% interest in the Valentine Lake Property 
("Property") located in Newfoundland. The Company currently holds a 30% 
interest in the Property and an exclusive option to acquire a further 70% 
interest from Richmont Mines Inc. ("RMI"). In consideration, Marathon must 
pay a total of $3 million to RMI and incur an additional $3 million in 
exploration work on the Property over the next four years.

For further information please refer to the Company's news release dated 
December 23, 2009.

Insider / Pro Group
 Participation:              N/A


BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-IPO-Shares
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

The Company's Initial Public Offering ("IPO") Prospectus dated December 
18, 2009 has been filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange, and 
filed with and receipted by the Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario 
Securities Commissions and the Autorite des marches financiers effective 
December 21, 2009, pursuant to the provisions of the Alberta, British 
Columbia and Ontario and Quebec Securities Acts. The common shares of the 
Company will be listed and admitted to trading on TSX Venture Exchange, on 
the effective date stated below.

The gross proceeds received by the Company for the offering is $5,226,760  
(2,523 A units at $1,000 per unit, 2,500 B units at $500 per unit and 649 
C units at $2,240 per unit ). Each A Unit consists of 1,250 flow-through 
common shares at a price of $0.64 per flow-through common share, 400 
common shares a price of $0.50 per share and 825 common share purchase 
warrants. Each B Unit consists of 1,000 common shares at a price of $0.50 
per common share and 1,000 common share purchase warrants. Each C Unit 
consists of 3,500 flow-through common shares at a price of $0.64 per flow-
through common share and 1,750 common share purchase warrants. Each 
warrant entitles its holder to purchase one common share at a price of 
$0.80 per share at any time prior to 5:00 p.m. (Montreal time) on the date 
that is 24 months following the Closing Date. The Corporation may 
accelerate the warrant expiry date if, before the warrant expiry date and 
at any time commencing the 20th trading day following the closing date, 
the trading price of the common shares listed on the TSX Venture Exchange 
is equal to or above $1.20 for a period of 20 consecutive trading days.

The Company is classified as a "Mineral Exploration/ Development" company.

Commencement date:           At the opening on January 20, 2010, the 
                             common shares will commence trading on TSX 
                             Venture Exchange

Corporate jurisdiction:      Canada

Capitalization:              Unlimited common shares with no par value of 
                             which 43,274,706 common shares are issued and 

Escrowed shares:             6,505,715 common shares, 1,375,000 Incentive 
                             Options, 4,285,714 warrants and one 
                             convertible debenture of $1,000,000

Transfer Agent:              Computershare Investor Services Inc. 
                             (Montreal & Toronto)
Trading Symbol:              NMX
CUSIP Number:                64045B 10 8

Agent:                       CTI Capital Securities Inc.

Agent's fee:                 A corporate finance fee of $50,000 plus 
                             taxes, a cash commission of $418,140.80 and 
                             893,445 non-transferable warrants. The 
                             warrants allow their holders to purchase, at 
                             any time for a period of 24 months after the 
                             closing, 350,920 common shares at a price of 
                             $0.50 per share and 542,525 common shares at 
                             a price of $0.64 per share.

For further information, please refer to the Company's Prospectus dated 
December 18, 2009.

Company contact:             Mr. Guy Bourassa, President 
Company address:             450 Gare du Palais Street, P.O. Box #10
                             Quebec (Quebec) G1K 3X2

Company phone number:        (418) 704-6038
Company fax number:          (418) 948-9106
Company Web Site:            www.explorationnemaska.com
Company E-mail address:      info@nemaskaexploration.com

TYPE DE BULLETIN : Nouvelle inscription - Appel public a l'epargne - 
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 19 janvier 2010
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX croissance

Dans le cadre d'un premier appel public a l'epargne, le prospectus de la 
societe date du 18 decembre 2009 a ete depose aupres de et accepte par 
Bourse de croissance TSX, ainsi que depose aupres de et vise, le 21 
decembre 2009, par les commissions des valeurs mobilieres de l'Alberta, de 
l'Ontario et de la Colombie-Britannique et par l'Autorite des marches 
financiers en vertu des dispositions des lois sur les valeurs mobilieres 
de l'Alberta, de l'Ontario, de la Colombie-Britannique et du Quebec. Les 
actions ordinaires de la societe seront inscrites et admises a la 
negociation a la date enumeree ci-apres.

Le produit brut recu par la societe en vertu de l'appel public a l'epargne 
est de $5 226 760 (2 523 unites A au prix de 1 000 $ l'unite, 2 500 unites 
B au prix de 500 $ l'unite et 649 unites C au prix de 2 240 $ l'unite). 
Chaque Unite A consiste en 1 250 actions ordinaires accreditives au prix 
de 0,64 $ par action accreditive, 400 actions ordinaires au prix de 0,50 $ 
l'action et 825 bons de souscription. Chaque Unite B consiste en 1 000 
actions ordinaires au prix de 0,50 $ l'action et 1 000 bons de 
souscription. Chaque Unite C consiste en 3 500 actions accreditives au 
prix de 0,64 $ par action accreditive et 1 750 bons de souscription. 
Chaque bon de souscription confere a son porteur le droit de souscrire une 
action ordinaire au prix de 0,80 $ l'action en tout temps avant 17 h 
(heure de Montreal) a la date qui tombe 24 mois apres la date de cloture. 
La Societe peut devancer la date d'expiration des bons de souscription si, 
entre la date d'expiration des bons de souscription et a tout moment a 
compter du 20e jour de bourse apres la date de cloture, le cours moyen 
pondere des actions ordinaires inscrites a la cote de la Bourse de 
croissance TSX s'etablit a 1,20 $ ou au-dessus de ce prix pendant une 
periode de 20 jours de bourse consecutifs.

La societe est categorisee comme une "societe d'exploration et de 
developpement minier".

Date d'entree en vigueur :   Les actions ordinaires de la societe seront 
                             admises a la negociation a Bourse de 
                             croissance TSX a l'ouverture des affaires le 
                             20 janvier 2010

Juridiction de la societe :  Canada

Capitalisation :             43 274 706 actions ordinaires sans valeur 
                             nominale sont emises et en circulation.

Titres entierces :           6 505 715 actions ordinaires, 1 375 000 
                             options incitatives 4 285 714 bons de 
                             souscription et une debenture convertible de 
                             1 000 000 $

Agent des transferts :       Services aux investisseurs Computershare Inc. 
                             (Montreal et Toronto)

Symbole au telescripteur :   NMX
Numero de CUSIP :            64045B 10 8
Agent :                      CTI Capital Valeurs mobilieres inc.

Remuneration de l'agent :    Des honoraires de financement de 50 000 $ 
                             plus taxes en especes, une commission en 
                             especes de 418 140,80 $ et 893 445 bons de 
                             souscription non transferables. Les bons de 
                             souscription permettent aux porteurs 
                             d'acquerir, pour une periode de 24 mois 
                             suivant la cloture du placement, 350 920 
                             actions ordinaires au prix d'exercice de 0,50 
                             $ l'action et 542 525 actions ordinaires au 
                             prix d'exercice de 0,64 $ l'action.

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez vous referer au prospectus de la 
societe date du 18 decembre 2009.

Contact de la societe :      M. Guy Bourassa, president
Adresse de la societe :      450, rue de la Gare du Palais, boîte postale 
                             Quebec (Quebec) G1K 3X2

Telephone de la societe :    (418) 704-6038
Telecopieur de la societe :  (418) 948-9106
Site internet de
 la societe :                www.explorationnemaska.com
Courriel de la societe :     info@nemaskaexploration.com


BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-CPC-Shares
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

This Capital Pool Company's ('CPC') Prospectus dated December 9, 2009 has 
been filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange and the British 
Columbia and Alberta Securities Commissions effective December 11, 2009, 
pursuant to the provisions of the British Columbia and Alberta Securities 
Acts. The Common Shares of the Company will be listed on TSX Venture 
Exchange on the effective date stated below.

The Company has completed its initial distribution of securities to the 
public. The gross proceeds received by the Company for the Offering were 
$400,000 (4,000,000 common shares at $0.10 per share).

Commence Date:               At the opening Wednesday, January, 20, 2010, 
                             the Common shares will commence trading on 
                             TSX Venture Exchange.

Corporate Jurisdiction:      British Columbia

Capitalization:              unlimited common shares with no par value of 
                             which 9,700,000 common shares are issued and 
Escrowed Shares:             2,500,000 common shares

Transfer Agent:              Olympia Trust Company (Vancouver)
Trading Symbol:              OSA.P
CUSIP Number:                688264 10 0
Sponsoring Member:           Canaccord Financial Ltd.

Agent's Options:             400,000 non-transferable options. One option 
                             to purchase one share at $0.10 per share up 
                             to 24 months.

For further information, please refer to the Company's Prospectus dated 
December 9, 2009.

Company Contact:             Herrick Lau
Company Address:             Suite 1980, 1075 West Georgia Street
                             Vancouver, BC, V6E 3C9

Company Phone Number:        (604) 688-9588
Company Fax Number:          (778) 329-9361
Company Email Address:       herrick.lau@barongroupintl.com

Seeking QT primarily in these sectors: All


BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

Effective at the opening, January 19, 2010, trading in the shares of the 
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an announcement; 
this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry Regulatory 
Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to 
the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

Effective at 9:30 a.m. PST, January 19, 2010, shares of the Company 
resumed trading, an announcement having been made over Canada News Wire.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered, Convertible Debenture
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the documentation with 
respect to a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced on October 28, 2009.

Convertible Debentures:      $200,000

Conversion Price:            Principal is convertible into common shares 
                             at a conversion price of $0.10 per share if  
                             converted prior to September 30, 2010, $0.15 
                             per share if converted between September 30, 
                             2010 and September 29, 2011 and $0.20 per 
                             share if converted between September 30, 2011 
                             and September 30, 2012.

Maturity date:               September 30, 2012

Interest Rate:               8%

Number of Placees:           2 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                                                  Number of Shares (Upon
                        Insider=Y /        conversion of the Convertible
Name                  Pro Group=P                    Debentures at $0.10)

Adrian Teuscher                 Y                             1,000,000

The Company has announced the closing of the transaction by way of a press 
release on December 18, 2009.

TYPE DE BULLETIN : Placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier, 
Debenture convertible
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 19 janvier 2010
Societe du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance

Bourse de croissance TSX a accepte le depot de la documentation en vertu 
d'un placement prive sans l'entremise d'un courtier, tel qu'annonce le 28 
octobre 2009.

Debentures convertibles:     200 000 $

Prix de conversion :         Le capital est convertible en actions 
                             ordinaires au prix de conversion de 0,10 $ 
                             par action si les debentures sont converties 
                             avant le 30 septembre 2010, 0,15 $ par action 
                             si les debentures sont converties entre le 30 
                             septembre 2010 et le 29 septembre 2011 et 
                             0,20 $ par action si les debentures sont 
                             converties entre le 30 septembre 2011 et le 
                             30 septembre 2012.

Date d'echeance :            Le 30 septembre 2012

Taux d'interet :             8 %

Nombre de souscripteurs :    2 souscripteurs

Participation Initie / Groupe Pro :

                                                Nombre d'actions (lors de 
Nom                     Initie = Y /                    la conversion des 
                    Groupe Pro = P       debentures convertibles a 0,10 $)

Adrian Teuscher                  Y                               1 000 000

La societe a confirme la cloture de l'operation par voie d'un communique 
de presse le 18 decembre 2009.


BULLETIN TYPE: Shares for Bonuses
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to 
issue 400,000 non-transferable bonus shares to a non-arm's length lender 
in consideration of a CDN$100,000 secured non-convertible loan made to the 

Insider(s)                   Shares
David Williams               400,000


BULLETIN TYPE: CPC-Filing Statement
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2  Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's CPC Filing 
Statement dated December 1, 2009, for the purpose of filing on SEDAR.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
a Brokered Private Placement announced November 23, 2009:

Number of Subscription
Receipts:                    175,000,000 subscription receipts

Purchase Price:              $0.20 per subscription receipt

Number of Placees:           310 placees

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                   ProGroup=P /     # of Sub Receipts

Penny Walker                    P                  50,000
David Hunt                      P                 200,000
Rebecca Felesky                 P                 125,000
Wade Felesky                    P               2,050,000
David Beddis                    P                 100,000
Jakob & Jessica Schneider       P                 947,000
Lane Mosby                      P                 250,000
Michael Hayward                 P                 125,000
Frank Haika                     P                 125,000
Ken Hayward                     P                 125,000
Uniwest Holdings Ltd.           P                 125,000
Dan Distefano                   P                 125,000
Craig Baun                      P                 125,000
Luanne Baun                     P                 125,000
Teepy Tang                      P                 125,000
Angela Verigin                  P                  10,000
Kenneth Muir                    P                  60,000
Darryll Gillings                P                  50,000
Patti Lou Cheatley              P                 187,500
Mark McGinnis                   P                 300,000
Gordon Winter                   P                 125,000
James Shannon                   P                 100,000
Alexandre Tyszkiewicz           P                  50,000
Rachel Goldman                  P                 150,000
Marco Ottoni                    P                 375,000
Ottoni GM&P Partner Corp.       P                 250,000
Cameron Baker                   P               1,250,000
Simon Tremblay                  P                  75,000
Sylvie Pouliot                  P                 200,000
Corporation Gagnon GM&P Assoc.  P               1,000,000
Myles Wesetvik                  P                 125,000
Anne Byrne-Furlotte and Mark 
 Furlotte                       P                 125,000
Marck Furlotte                  P                 125,000
Bruce Towler                    P                 125,000
Herb Levine                     P                 125,000

Agent's Fee:                 GMP Securities L.P. - $ 756,000 cash
                             Peters & Co. Limited - $ 756,000 cash
                             Genuity Capital Markets - $ 210,000 cash
                             Macquarie Capital Markets Canada Ltd. - 
                             $210,000 cash
                             Acumen Capital Finance Partners Limited - 
                             $42,000 cash
                             CIBC World Markets Inc. - $ 42,000 cash
                             Dundee Securities Corporation - $ 42,000 cash
                             Paradigm Capital Inc. - $ 42,000 cash

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company 
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement 
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must 
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close promptly


BULLETIN TYPE: Declaration of Dividend
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company

The Issuer has declared the following dividend:

Dividend per Class A Share:  $0.30
Payable Date:                February 19, 2010
Record Date:                 January 29, 2010
Ex-Dividend Date:            January 27, 2010


BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Disposition Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pursuant to an 
Option Agreement dated January 15, 2010 (the "Agreement") between 
StrikePoint Gold Inc. (the "Company") and San Gold Corporation ("San 
Gold"). Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, San Gold can earn a 50% 
interest in the Company's property in Bissett, Manitoba. The Company's 
property consists of 26 claims covering 3595 hectares. Total consideration 
is $1,170,000 cash.


BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at the opening, January 19, 2010, trading in the shares of the 
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an announcement; 
this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry Regulatory 
Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to 
the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN TYPE: Remain Halted
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Further to TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated January 19, 2010, effective 
at 9:28 a.m. PST, January 19, 2010 trading in the shares of the Company 
will remain halted pending receipt and review of acceptable documentation 
regarding the Qualifying Transaction pursuant to Listings Policy 2.4.


BULLETIN TYPE: Warrants for Bonuses
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's proposal to 
issue 10,000,000 bonus warrants ("Warrants") to K2 Principal Fund LP (the 
"Lender") in connection with a credit facility in the amount of $7,500,000 
granted to the Company by the Lender. Each Warrant is exercisable for one 
common share at a price of $0.25 for a period of 24 months from the date 
of issuance.

Shares                        Warrants
K2 Principal Fund LP        10,000,000


(formerly JG Capital Corp. ("JGC.P"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Qualifying Transaction-Completed/New Symbol, Name Change, 
Amalgamation, Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's Qualifying 
Transaction described in its Information Circular dated November 27, 2009 
and Addendum dated December 16, 2009. As a result, at the opening 
Wednesday, January 20, 2010, the shares of the Company will resume trading 
and the Company will no longer be considered a Capital Pool Company. The 
Qualifying Transaction includes the following:

Qualifying Transaction:
The Qualifying Transaction consists of the amalgamation of JG Capital 
Corp. with VersaPay Corporation.

By Certificate of Amalgamation, JG Capital Corp. and VersaPay Corporation 
have amalgamated on the following basis:

1. The holders of 6,600,000 common shares of JG Capital Corp. will be 
entitled to receive one common share of the Amalgamated Company for each 
seven and a half common shares held.

2. The holders of 11,765,326 common shares of VersaPay Corporation will be 
entitled to receive one common share of the Amalgamated Company for each 
common share held.

For further information on the transaction, please see the Company's 
Information Circular, Addendum and press releases.

The Exchange has been advised that the above transactions, approved by 
Shareholders on December 29, 2009, have been completed.

Post - Amalgamation
Capitalization:              unlimited shares with no par value of which 
                             12,645,318 shares are issued and outstanding
Escrow:                      7,064,162 shares
                             100,000 options

Transfer Agent:              Computershare Investor Services Inc.
Trading Symbol:              VPY (new)
CUSIP Number:                92529P 10 3 (new)

Effective at the opening Wednesday, January 20, 2010, the common shares of 
VersaPay Corporation will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange under 
the ticker symbol, "VPY" and the common shares of JG Capital Corp. will be 
delisted. The Company is classified as a "Finance and Insurance" company.

Company Contact:             Michael Gokturk, Chief Executive Officer
Company Address:             1150 West Georgia Street
                             Vancouver, BC V6G 2Z6

Company Phone Number:        (604) 678-3230
Company Fax Number:          (604) 678-3538
Company Email Address:       investors@versapay.com


BULLETIN TYPE: Company Tier Reclassification
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

In accordance with Policy 2.5, the Company has met the requirements for a 
Tier 1 company. Therefore, effective January 20, 2020, the Company's Tier 
classification will change from Tier 2 to:


Tier 1


BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

Effective at 8:33 a.m. PST, January 19, 2010, trading in the shares of the 
Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an announcement; 
this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry Regulatory 
Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to 
the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.


BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company

TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to 
the first tranche of a Non-Brokered Private Placement announced December 
23, 2009:

Number of Shares:            1,660,000 shares

Purchase Price:              $0.20 per share

Warrants:                    1,660,000 share purchase warrants to purchase 

Warrant Exercise Price:      $0.25 for a one year period
                             $0.30 in the second year

Number of Placees:           11 placees

Finder's Fee:                $31,000 cash and 155,000 warrants payable to 
                             PI Financial Corp.

Pursuant to Corporate Finance Policy 4.1, Section 1.11(d), the Company 
must issue a news release announcing the closing of the private placement 
and setting out the expiry dates of the hold period(s). The Company must 
also issue a news release if the private placement does not close 



BULLETIN TYPE: Cease Trade Order
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
NEX Company
A Cease Trade Order has been issued by the Autorite des marches financiers 
on January 19, 2010, against the following Company for failing to file the 
document indicated within the required time period:

                                                            Period Ending
Symbol    Company            Failure to File                       (Y/M/D)

("CCH.H") Campbell Resources Annual Financial Statements         08/12/31
           Inc.              Quarterly Financial Statements      09/03/31
                             Quarterly Financial Statements      09/06/30
                             Quarterly Financial Statements      09/09/30

Upon revocation of the Cease Trade Order, the Company's shares will remain 
suspended until the Company meets TSX Venture Exchange requirements. 
Members are prohibited from trading in the securities of the Company 
during the period of the suspension or until further notice.

TYPE DE BULLETIN : Interdiction d'operations sur valeurs
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 19 janvier 2010
Societe NEX
Une interdiction d'operations sur valeurs a ete emise le 19 janvier 2010 
par l'Autorite des marches financiers envers la societe suivante pour 
defaut de deposer le document indique dans la periode prescrite :

                                                               Periode se
Symbole    Societe            Defaut de deposer                    (A/M/J)

("CCH.H")  Les Ressources     Etats financiers annuels           08/12/31
            Campbell inc.     Etats financiers intermediaires    09/03/31
                              Etats financiers intermediaires    09/06/30
                              Etats financiers intermediaires    09/09/30

Suite a l'interdiction d'operations sur valeurs, la negociation des titres 
de la societe demeurera suspendue jusqu'a ce que la societe reponde aux 
normes de Bourse de croissance TSX. Il est interdit aux membres de 
transiger les titres de la societe durant la periode de suspension ou 
jusqu'a un avis ulterieur.


(formerly Costa Energy Inc. ("CEQ.H"))
BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading, Reverse Takeover-Completed, Name Change and 
Consolidation, Graduation from NEX to TSX Venture
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
NEX Company

The common shares of the Company have been halted from trading since 
October 29, 2009, pending completion of a Reverse Take-Over.

The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing the Company's Reverse 
Take-Over ("RTO"), which includes the following transactions:

Reverse Takeover:
Pursuant to an arm's length arrangement agreement dated November 24, 2009, 
the Company and Artek Exploration Ltd. ("Artek") completed a business 
combination to form Artek Exploration Ltd. ("Resulting Issuer"). Pursuant 
to the RTO, the former securityholders of the Company have received 
0.028947 Resulting Issuer share for every one share of the Company held. 
The former securityholders of Artek received 25,155,270 Resulting Issuer 
shares for all of the issued and outstanding securities of Artek at a 
deemed price of $3.80 per share for a total deemed consideration of 
$95,590,026. 9,027,360 Resulting Issuer shares will be subject to a TSX 
Venture Exchange Tier 1 Value Security escrow agreement.

Insider / Pro Group Participation:

                        Insider=Y /
Name                   ProGroup=P    # of Shares

Darryl Metcalfe                 Y      3,502,950
Bruce Chernoff                  Y      1,565,860
Rafi Tahmazian                  Y        861,910
Gary Aitken                     Y        386,750
David Wilson                    Y        993,600
Darcy Anderson                  Y         65,000
Greg Frolek                     Y        413,290
Peter Andrews                   Y        564,830
Bruce Nociar                    Y         15,000
Jennifer Swertz                 Y        578,420
Marc Houls                      Y         26,000
Michael Sandrelli               Y         53,750

Resume Trading, Name Change and Consolidation:
Pursuant to a resolution passed by shareholders on January 14, 2010 
approving the arrangement, the Company has effectively consolidated its 
capital on a one old for 0.028947 new basis. The name of the Company has 
also been changed as follows.

Effective at the opening Wednesday, January 20, 2010, the common shares of 
Artek Exploration Inc. will resume trading on TSX Venture Exchange, and 
the common shares of Costa Energy Inc. will be delisted.

The Exchange has been advised that the above transactions, approved by 
shareholders on January 14, 2010, have been completed.

The Company is classified as an 'oil and gas exploration and development' 

Graduation from NEX to TSX Venture:
The Company has met the requirements to be listed as a TSX Venture Tier 1 
Company. Therefore, effective on January 20, 2010, the Company's listing 
will transfer from NEX to TSX Venture, the Company's Tier classification 
will change from NEX to Tier 1 and the Filing and Service Office will 
change from NEX to Calgary.

Post - Consolidation
Capitalization:              Unlimited shares with no par value of which 
                             25,388,469 shares are issued and outstanding
Escrow:                      9,027,360 shares

Transfer Agent:              Valiant Trust Company
Trading Symbol:              RTK (new)
CUSIP Number:                043004 10 0 (new)

Company Contact:             Darcy Anderson
Company Address:             Suite 1000, 700 - 4th Avenue S.W.
                             Calgary, Alberta T2P 3J4

Company Phone Number:        (403) 296-4775
Company Fax Number:          (403) 532-1890
Company Email Address:       danderson@artekexploration.com


(formerly Consolidated Global Cable Systems Inc. ("GCS.H"))
BULLETIN DATE: January 19, 2010
NEX Company

Pursuant to a special resolution passed September 21, 2009, the Company 
has changed its name as follows. There is no consolidation of capital.

Effective at the opening Wednesday, January 20, 2010, the common shares of 
Chelsea Minerals Corp. will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange, and 
the common shares of Consolidated Global Cable Systems Inc. will be 
delisted. The Company is classified as an 'Exploration/Development' 

Capitalization:              100,000,000 shares with no par value of which 
                             5,361,901 shares are issued and outstanding
Escrow:                      0 shares

Transfer Agent:              Computershare Trust Company of Canada
Trading Symbol:              CCC.H (new)
CUSIP Number:                163371 10 7 (new)


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