Troy Resources NL (TSX:TRY)(ASX:TRY) - 



- Casposo gold-silver project within budget and on schedule to produce first
gold in the September quarter, 12 months after construction first commenced.

- Signed LOI to monetize the iron ore on the Andorinhas leases.

- Quarterly gold production of 12,644oz.

- Improved performance at Andorinhas with 17.7% higher production at 7,808oz and
15% lower unit cash costs at US$665/oz compared to the March quarter.

- Both tranches of the US$25m revolving debt facility with Investec Bank
(Australia) approved and available for drawdown.

- Net cash and bullion of over A$11m as at June 30, 2010.


Brazil - Andorinhas

- The plant processed 59,750t which was 2% higher than the previous quarter
bringing total throughput for the financial year to 232,718t - 9% higher than
the previous financial year.

- Grade at 4.43g/t was 14% higher than the previous quarter.

- The higher throughput, grade and metallurgical recovery (91.7% vs 90.6%)
resulted in gold production of 7,808oz, 17.7% higher than the previous quarter
and a 15% reduction in unit cash costs to US$655/oz.

- The improved quarterly results were driven by a very strong performance in
June where mined grades underground benefited from areas of higher grade, wider
ore zones and lower dilution. June performance included a head grade of 6.7g/t
and production of 4,080oz.

- Reserve and mine plans for Andorinhas are currently being updated to
incorporate the latest drilling which has increased the drilling density for the
lower parts of the Mamao and M2 orebodies and additional drilling at the Barbosa
East and Coruja NE deposits. A more detailed guidance on Life of Mine production
and costs will be available for communication in September.

- Signed Letter of Intent with Mineracao Floresta Do Araguaia ("MFA") for the
sale of the high grade colluvial iron ore found on the Andorinhas Gold Mine
leases. From the date of signing the LOI, MFA have 30 days to complete Due
Diligence. The companies are targeting to complete and sign a Definitive
Agreement within 30 days of the close of the Due Diligence period.

- Iron ore transaction includes payments to Troy of US$4m over FY2011 and
FY2012, and yearly royalty based payments of over US$3m based on current iron
ore prices and expected production tonnages.

Australia - Sandstone

- Sandstone commenced the quarter processing low grade stockpiles. Material from
the last remaining pit to be mined, Eureka, entered the mill feed in June. As
such, grade and production were down and costs up for the quarter. Grade at
1.39g/t gold (2.64g/t Q3) leading to production at 4,836oz (7,994oz Q3) and a
unit cash cost of A$1,227 per oz (A$1039 per oz Q3).

- The delay in accessing the Eureka pit will now see mining continue into early
August and processing to continue through to around mid September.

- The site is expected to then move to care and maintenance.


Argentina - Casposo

- Casposo gold-silver project within budget and on schedule to produce first
gold in the September quarter, 12 months after construction first commenced.

- Mining of the Kamila open pit is continuing and by the end of the quarter, ore
stockpiles were 17,983t at 9.54 g/t Au_eq.

- Commissioning of the crushing conveying system commenced.


Argentina - Casposo

- The new 400m long, east-west striking Casposo Norte quartz-calcite epithermal
vein was discovered, located about 4km north of the mill. The vein is open along
strike under shallow soil cover and down dip. "First Pass" rock chip channel
sampling yielded a number of encouraging results over a strike length of 200m
including 1.35m at 8.55g/t Au_eq and 1.0m at 6.97g/t Au_eq.

- At the Julieta Prospect, 6km from the Casposo Plant site, an initial shallow
Inferred Resource of 268,700t grading 3.21g/t gold and 15.44g/t silver (3.43g/t
Au_eq) for 29,700 Au_eq ounces has been reported.

Brazil - Andorinhas

- Underground Resource infill drilling was completed within the deeper portion
of the Melechete Lode. The best intercepts reported included 2.95m at 26.56g/t
gold from 189.60m downhole, 3.45m at 32.57g/t gold from 40.45m downhole and
3.20m grading 27.44g/t gold from 131.80m downhole.

- Resource infill drilling was completed within the deepest portion of the M2
Lode with the best gold interval reported being 5.02m at 44.48g/t gold from
179.88m downhole.


- Finalised conditions precedent for the A$25m Investec Revolving Credit
Facility - both tranches are now available for drawdown.


Commenting on the quarter, Troy CEO Paul Benson said, "There was good progress
in a number of areas during the quarter. Obviously the main focus is Casposo.
Despite losing almost a week due to some exceptionally cold weather, the project
remains on schedule and within budget for the first gold pour this September
quarter. All the main plant components are on site and now it's just a matter of
finalising smaller pieces of instrumentation and equipment which are still in

"We've run the front-end crushing and conveying and the Kamila pit is starting
to take shape. We already have about half a month of mill feed stockpiled
running at 9.5g/t Au_eq.

"The improvement at Andorinhas is very pleasing. Production was up over 17% and
unit cash costs down 15% compared to the previous quarter. This was primarily
driven by better mining conditions in June with higher grades, wider ore and
thus lower dilution. We will be in a position to provide more detailed Life of
Mine production guidance in September once we complete an update of the mining
Reserve incorporating all new drilling completed in the June quarter.

"The September quarter should really be one of transition as Sandstone finishes
production and moves to care and maintenance and Casposo pours first gold."


ANDORINHAS - BRAZIL (Troy 100% through Reinarda Mineracao Ltda)

- The Andorinhas Plant treated 40,391t of underground Mamao ore for April and
June, and in May, treated 19,358t of Lagoa Seca stockpiled ore. In total, some
59,750t of ore was treated for the fourth quarter.

- Underground development at Mamao is ahead of schedule, opening new faces for
ore production.

- Gold production for the fourth quarter was 7,808 ounces, a 17.71% increase in
production over the preceding (third) quarter, with a 15% reduction in the unit
cash cost to US$665/oz.

Production Summary

---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------
                       June        June   12 Months   12 Months       March
                       2010        2009     to June     to June        2010
                    Quarter     Quarter        2010        2009     Quarter
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------
Tonnes Milled        59,750      58,416     232,718     213,762      58,329
Head Grade             4.43        5.12        4.59        4.76        3.90
Recovery               91.7        90.3        91.8        88.2        90.6
Gold Produced oz      7,808       8,643      31,568      28,856       6,633
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------
Cash cost per oz      A$740       A$656       A$717       A$753       A$853
                     US$655      US$506      US$634      US$548      US$768
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------

Occupation, Health & Safety

A total of 151,888 personnel hours were worked during the quarter with no lost
time injuries.


For two of the three months of the fourth quarter underground ore was fed to the
processing plant. The mill head grade for the quarter increased to 4.43g/t vs
3.90g/t in the previous quarter. The grade improvement is due to the increased
ore body width and grade from the Melechete 1060 stope. As the mine production
comes from lower levels of the ore body below Melechete 1040, the width and
grade is forecast to increase further. The Andorinhas Plant continues to process
lower grade Lagoa Seca ore at 2.21 g/t for one of the three months of each
quarter. Melechete production is now from Mel-1100, Mel-1080 and Mel-1060. Ore
production has also increased in the M2 stopes where the newly adopted open
shrink system has increased production while at the same time significantly
increasing mine safety.

The mine plan requires the treatment of stockpiled low grade Lagoa Seca ore for
one month in three while underground Mamao ore is treated for the remaining two
months. With the treatment of a lower grade ore, gold recovery is reduced and
currently metallurgical gold recovery averages 90.87% compared to 89.94% for the
third quarter. The mill feed achieved budget for the quarter and a 2.44%
increase in throughput from the third quarter (59,750t vs 58,329t). Gold
production for the quarter increased by 17.71% (7,808oz vs 6,633oz) as
underground production, grade and metallurgy recovery increased. With a
significant increase in gold production there was a corresponding reduction in
the unit cash cost compared to the March quarter (US$665/oz vs US$768/oz).


There were no environmental incidents during the quarter. In accordance with the
environment rehabilitation programme proposed by the PCA (Environmental Control
Plan) and EIA-RIMA (Environmental Impact Study-Environmental Impact Report) the
inherited Mandioca Garimpeiro Pit has been dewatered and is currently being
filled with waste.

SEMA, the Para State environmental authority completed an environmental
inspection of Lagoa Seca and Mamao sites during May. This was completed without
incident or further requirement from SEMA.

Mine development and production, Mamao underground mine

Jumbo development: A total of 908m was developed for the quarter. Ore produced
for the quarter was 42,897t at 5.77 g/t gold.


Andorinhas received the signed LI (Installation License) on April 8. Within this
approval Reinarda was required to complete 18 reports and submit these to SEMA.
These reports have been completed and submitted. In July the Company will focus
on obtaining the LO (Operations License).

The Mamao gold and iron ore Reserves and Resources were approved by the DNPM

General Comments

The reliability of the electricity supply to Andorinhas continued to improve.
The local power authority, CELPA have connected the mine to a new more effective
substation. As a result power supply to the mine, although not perfect, is much


The acacia and elution tanks have been successfully installed and the system is
fully operational and working well. The plant is currently going through a full
maintenance programme to improve the efficiency of the intensive leach and gold
carbon extraction system, to increase gold metallurgical recovery. Maintenance
to the major plant components was completed in mid July, and is expected to
improve processing performance towards the budgeted recovery for Mamao ore
treatment of 94%.

Underground Mining Operations

Development of the Melechete ore body continues in accordance with the mine
plan. Due to deteriorating ground conditions cable bolting has been introduced
particularly around stope access areas. Mining has been completed on Melechete
Mel-1140 and Mel-1120 levels. The Melechete 1060 sill drive has been completed
and is now a production stope. In addition, the Melechete ramp has crossed over
to the footwall and will now access the ore body from the footwall in a bid to
further improve stoping support.

Since May, the development of the M2 Ramp has been temporarily stopped to allow
definition and exploration drilling to take place. All M2 stopes are now
functioning using the open shrink stope method. The one drawback of shrink
stoping is broken ore remains in the stope for a greater period. This drawback
is compensated by much improved mine safety, increased production and better
stope management. Increasing mine flexibility allows improved sequencing of ore
extraction allowing the technical services department to direct production
requirements more effectively. Open shrink stoping is in operation on M2-1140,
M2-1120 and M2-1100 levels. The M2-1080 sill drive development is nearing

The introduction of open shrink stoping in M2 with the introduction of the cable
bolting system in Melechete has increased safety and ore production tonnages.
Grades have increased on the Melechete 1060 level and are expected to improve as
the ore body grades and width continue to increase with depth. The M2
conventional mining, shrink stope crews and technical services department are
becoming well accustomed to the new system and grade and production will
increase as a result of reduced dilution.


Despite the armed robbery of Andorinhas in February 2010, the Company has been
able to support its employees through the difficult period that followed and
also continue interacting with the local community. The Company continues to
support the Floresta do Araguaia football park development. Reinarda also played
a prominent role on Environmental Day and participated at the Floresta region
schools fiesta with an environmental presentation followed by the donation of a
computer system and printer to all local schools.

Meetings continue to be held with Floresta and Rio Maria representatives to
review future company sponsored community projects.


Production Summary

---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------
                       June        June   12 Months   12 Months       March
                       2010        2009     to June     to June        2010
                    Quarter     Quarter        2010        2009     Quarter
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------
Tonnes Milled       116,317     118,891     474,704     541,656     103,322
Head Grade             1.39        1.74        2.10        2.10        2.64
Recovery               92.9        92.6        93.2        90.0        91.4
Gold Produced oz      4,836       6,157      29,885      32,930       7,994
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------
Cash cost per oz    A$1,227       A$543     A$1,000       A$602     A$1,039
                   US$1,085      US$424      US$854      US$450      US$930
---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------

Health, Safety and Environment

There were no lost time injuries recorded during the quarter.

Extensive rehabilitation work has commenced on the old tailings dams TSF1 and
TSF2. The dams will be capped with waste then covered with topsoil and ripped
prior to seeding. The Lord Nelson, Lord Henry and Bulchina waste dumps have been
ripped and seeded and are awaiting the winter rains to germinate.

Fences are currently being sourced to enclose the waste dumps to prevent the
destruction of the rehabilitated areas by feral goats.


Mining of the Eureka pit finally commenced in May 2010 after long delays in the
permitting approval process. A total of 99,669 bcms of material was mined from
this pit during the quarter, including 7,568t of ore at a grade of 2.64g/t gold.
It is anticipated that mining will be completed in the first week of August


116,317t of ore at a grade of 1.39g/t gold was milled during the quarter
yielding 4,836oz of fine gold. Mill throughput increased during the quarter due
to improved mechanical availability and the blend of softer mineralised waste
from the Lord Nelson stockpiles.

Milling recoveries increased while the purity of the gold bars was similar to
the March quarter. The mill recovery averaged 92.9% for the quarter.


Site morale continues to remain high in spite of the imminent closure of the
Sandstone operations. It is anticipated that the Sandstone operations will be
put on care and maintenance in September 2010.


CASPOSO - ARGENTINA (Troy 100% through Troy Argentina Ltd)

Occupational Health and Safety

During the quarter five minor safety accidents were recorded by Troy's contractors.

The Safety and First Aid facility was completed and brought into use at the end
of the June quarter. The facility is under the control of a local doctor and is
manned 24 hours a day. The First Aid Station has been certified by the Argentine
government inspectors and licensed under State rules.

Safety department procedures are being upgraded to replicate those used in the
Company's other operations, and structured training of Troy personnel is
scheduled to start at the end of July 2010. The department is operated under the
control of a contract Safety Engineer and staffing will be increased in July and


The Company continued the environmental monitoring work as required and
participated in some community events by invitation. The department purchased an
additional weather station to be used when others are being calibrated. The
section also employed a trainee Environmental Technician.

There were no environmental issues except minor problems with one monitoring
bore which appears to have since been rectified.


During the quarter the pre-strip of the Kamila deposit continued and a total of
158,492bcms was excavated including 17,983t of ore at an average grade of
9.54g/t Au_eq. Part of the waste production was used to form the tailings dam
basement preparing for the clay lining. Several internal roads were constructed
and the main waste dump established. Main issues related to mining were the
availability of suitable equipment but this is now largely resolved.

During the quarter a new mine design and mining schedule were completed
following further optimisations, the result of additional Reserves and a new
cost study aimed at defining the optimum open pit and underground change over
position. A major cost study covering underground development and stoping was
concluded as was a new geotechnical study by the University of Western
Australia's, Centre for Geomechanics.

Mining continues to be controlled by personnel seconded from the Brazilian


All service buildings were completed during the quarter as was the refinery
building. The crusher station and crusher have been completed and commissioned
during the quarter with the ore feed system to the mill also completed except
for instrumentation. The borefield was commissioned and put in production
following the issue of the water usage license. The total waste water system
including digesters was commissioned and registered with the authorities.

The main grinding and leaching plant was 80% completed at the end of the quarter
including grinding thickener and cyanide mixing plant.

Construction of the CCD section, belt filter assembly, detox-system and most
pressure filters was completed to approx 75%. Similarly the Merrill Crowe
smelting and clarification sections were completed to approx 75%. Remaining
construction risks are related to late arrival of goods from overseas.

Electrical installations were progressed during the quarter including
installation of the internal power lines for the 33kV incoming line, design and
manufacture of switchboards, cabling of pump and equipment motors, and buildings
and construction of MCC cubicles. A decision was made to procure an Emerson
control system to replace the old PLC system and this is expected to be
completed by the end of July and will provide total plant automation.

The government installation of the 500kV power line, to which Troy is
contributing US$14 million, has been delayed requiring the acquisition of
additional diesel electrical generation capacity. This plant is scheduled to be
installed first week in August. The capital cost of this additional equipment
has been funded within existing project contingencies and will not impact the
forecast project capital cost.

The explosives magazines and other special storages were completed. Chemical
consumables, grinding balls and spare parts were purchased with most on site at
the end of June.

At the end of June around 200 persons were employed on site in construction.

The project remains on budget and within schedule to pour first gold in the
September quarter 2010.


The administration and supervision on site was strengthened with the employment
of a Human Resources Accountant, Senior Metallurgist, Plant Manager and a
Mechanical Engineer. In addition, a specialist Electrician/Supervisor was
contracted for site. The administration systems and communications were improved
with the installation of new equipment both in the head office and the various
site offices. At the end of the month assaying personnel and a Head Chemist with
more than 20 years experience in Chemistry and Metallurgy was added to
management. The majority of operating and supervisory staff for operations will
be recruited in July. During the period administration entered contracts for
fuel, lime, and cyanide supply, and refining and security contracts were under
negotiation at the end of the quarter.

A stores control system was added to the accounting system with user training
under way.


A number of licenses were acquired during the quarter including the borefield
water usage, tailings deposit approval, building licenses for all service
buildings, waste water license, chemical storage license, registration of the
First Aid facility under the State Health Regulations, and the Company name
change and registration with local State and Federal agencies.

Numerous smaller construction type permits and licenses were also secured.
Licenses still in process include the explosive permit which is ready for
approval, the license for use of radioactive sources which is applied for and
awaiting approval and the fire department license which is also ready for issue.

The final exploitation license for plant operation is expected to be issued by
the end of July.


The Company continued its training and education programs for the community and
also provided some equipment to some of the smaller schools in the local
communities. A program to assist the local hospital was also started and will
continue until a system using medical insurance funding is available. The
Company is providing assistance to complete this process. The program funds some
purchases of essential drugs used in the hospital.

The Company was again involved in community activities, and supported a youth
sporting programme as an added activity during holidays and weekends. The social
office continues to function well and has been upgraded to provide better
facilities for training and visits.



Casposo Project (Troy 100%)

Recent surface exploration has identified a new outcropping vein, known as
Casposo Norte located about 4km north of the mill at the Casposo Project in San
Juan Province, Argentina. The new discovery is an east-west striking outcropping
quartz - calcite epithermal vein hosted within andesite. The vein dips at about
60 degrees to the south and outcrops over a length of 400m within a 560m long
east-west structural corridor. The vein is open along strike under shallow soil
cover and down dip. The average vein width is 1.5m but reaches a maximum of 4m.
The western half is dominated by banded quartz-calcite veins with
colloform-crustiform textures. Thin stockworks veining, of similar texture and
composition, extends outwards into the host andesite parallel to the main vein.

To view Figure 1: Casposo Project Brownfields Targets Location Plan, please
click on the following link:

Of the 6 initial rock chip samples collected at about 50m spacings along the
vein, 4 samples returned with encouraging gold and silver grades with a peak
value of 7.47g/t of gold and 41g/t of silver (8.06g/t Au_eq) (see Table 1).

Additional channel sampling and detailed mapping is ongoing. A total of 12 rock
chip channel samples have been collected along the vein at 25m intervals. "First
Pass" rock chip channel sampling yielded a number of encouraging results over a
strike length of 200m including 1.35m at 8.55g/t Au_eq and 1.0m at 6.97g/t Au_eq
(see Table 2).

Mapping and sampling are ongoing with a preliminary Reverse Circulation "RC"
drill test planned to commence in the September quarter.

To view Figure 2: Casposo Norte - Geology, Channel Sampling and Results, please
click on the following link:

The Julieta Prospect was discovered in 2005 and has been the focus of several
Diamond Core "DC" drilling campaigns and most recently RC drilling. Following
completion of the RC program (10 holes/1043m) in February 2010, a geological
model and initial Resource estimate for the Julieta Prospect was completed. This
work has defined an Initial shallow Inferred Resource of 268,700t grading
3.21g/t gold and 15.44g/t silver (3.43g/t Au_eq) for 29,700 Au_eq ounces (see
Table 1).

The Julieta Main Zone vein system is a structurally controlled low-sulphidation
quartz-calcite-adularia vein system within a 1km northwest-southeast trending
structural corridor. The vein system is well exposed as two outcropping veins
along a ridge line having an average width of about 1.7m and maximum widths of
5m. The drilling, at shallow depths (about 140m below the ridge line) focussed
on the Julieta Main Zone.

Drilling and mapping confirmed quartz-calcite veins, as well as
banded-brecciated quartz veins with sections of well developed
crustiform/colloform textures. Both northwest-southeast and north-south striking
veins were recorded.

The veins are hosted within a package of rocks that include porphyritic
andesite, rhyolitic flows and minor andesite ashflow tuff. A series of felsic
and mafic dykes (late) cut the veins. The host rocks exhibit weak to moderate
propylitic-argillic alteration.

To view Figure 3: Julieta Target Plan of Outcropping Veins and Drill Collars,
please click on the following link:

During the quarter the final 4 holes (RC-10-37 to RC-10-40) at the Mercado NW
Prospect were completed for a total of 744m drilled. Three of the four holes
intersected the Mercado NW Structure below 2400m RL. All assay results are

The Cerro Norte Prospect consists of three east-west trending quartz-carbonate
veins (North, Central and South) and subsidiary stockworks veining, hosted in
rhyolite-andesite volcanic sequence flows. Each vein set is 2m to 3m wide and
outcrops for approximately 1000m. A "first pass" drilling program to test the
continuity of the three set of veins at depth (50m below surface) was completed
in June.

Significant rock chip channel samples from the three veins are as follows:

- South Vein: TRCN88 1.5m at 6.23g/t gold and 41g/t silver and TRCN88: 1.5m at
1.68g/t gold and 4.85g/t silver.

- Central Vein: TRCN90 3.4m at 1.65g/t gold and 8.5g/t silver.

- North Vein: TRCN13: 2m at 4.43g/t gold and 9.45g/t silver and TRCN15 2m at
3.43g/t gold and 14.5g/t silver.

Four holes were drilled targeting the best surface trenching results. RC-10-41
targeted the South Vein from the lower access track and intercepted minor
quartz-calcite veins at 23m and, 24m, 34m - 35m; and brecciaed vein zones from
73m - 76m, and 91m to 96m. The South "Main" Vein was intercepted from 81m to
83m. RC-10-42 targeted the South Vein from the upper road cut veins and breccia
veins were intersected from 69m - 71m, 86m - 89m and 90m - 91m. RC-10-43
targeted the Central Vein from the upper road and cut veins and stockworks zones
from 24m - 26m, 32m - 35m, 72m - 73m and 127m to 128m (see Figure below).
RC-10-44 targeted the North Vein and cut minor veining from 35.5m - 36.5m. All
assays are pending.

To view Figure 4: Cerro Norte Target Geology & Reverse Circulation Drill Collar
Location Plan, please click on the following link:

At Castano Nuevo, reconnaissance mapping and selective sampling of the joint
venture tenements was completed. All major vein systems, splay veins, veinlets
structures and major lithological units have been identified on the ground. And
a detailed channel sampling and mapping program has started (see Figure 5).

The San Agustin Vein is the westernmost of the outcropping veins at Castano and
extends for more than 1100m, striking between 150 degrees to 170 degrees and
dipping 80 degrees to the west. It is characterized by strong colloform banding
with adularia and milky quartz. Channel sampling was completed over the entire
strike length at 25m intervals.

Encouraging assay results were obtained from rock grab sampling (see Figure 4).
The best results are as follows:

- North of San Agustin Vein: 33.75g/t gold and 776g/t silver taken from a 1.5m
wide vein;

- North of Dios Protege Vein: 10.35g/t gold and 5.2g/t silver taken from a 1.0m
wide vein;

- Northern half of Dios Protege Vein: 27.60g/t gold and 688g/t silver taken from
a 0.4m wide vein.

The environmental permitting is progressing with the inventory of the historic
workings and surface disturbance (roads, mining tracks, and waste ore dumps)

To view Figure 5: Castano Nuevo Channel and Chip Sampling Location with Results,
please click on the following link:


Sandstone Nickel JV (Western Areas earning up to 70%)

Exploration was dominated by the continued assessment of the Area C and Area D
Prospects. Three DC holes (613.8m) and three RC holes (374m) were drilled at
Area C in March/April for a total of 987.8m. WAD002 intersected disseminated and
vein style sulphides over a wide interval from the base of oxidation to
approximately 90m downhole depth. The host is a strongly carbonated ultramafic

Assay results for the disseminated zone in WAD002 returned 26.2m at 0.4% nickel
from 60.3m downhole including a narrow interval of semi massive sulphides which
analyzed 0.2m at 4.1% nickel from 86.3m downhole. WAD004 was drilled below
WAD002 and did not replicate the sulphides intersected in WAD002. Initial
interpretation suggests that the mineralisation is associated with a folded
sequence of orthocumulate ultramafic rocks.

Western Areas have commenced a program of detailed relogging of RAB drill spoils
over the main Target "A" to Target "D" area in an attempt to better define the
mafic-ultramafic stratigraphy. The aim of this effort which is expected to take
from 2 to 3 months is to framework the ultramafic stratigraphy and attempt to
define the basal sequence which is the prime nickel sulphide target.

Detailed relogging of RAB drill spoils has also been extended over the broader
region of the Sandstone tenement package.


Andorinhas Project (Troy 100%)

Diamond drilling beneath the proposed pit at the Coruja NE Deposit (8
holes/1,068m) was completed. The final two holes drilled, BBD030 and BBD031,
tested a possible northeasterly dip of the mineralisation, for a total of
216.50m. The best assays returned included BBD026: 1.0m at 10.54g/t gold from
92m downhole, BBD030: 3.05m at 4.17g/t gold from 84.90m downhole (including
1.02m at 6.49g/t gold from 86.93m) and BBD031: 2.09m at 3.81g/t gold from 93.18m
downhole (including 0.97m at 7.03g/t gold from 94.30m) (see Figure 6 and Table
4). Both holes have confirmed the lode system is dipping to the northeast and
continues at depth below the current interpretation. The lode is narrow and
associated with gold grades up to 7g/t over a 1m width.

To view Figure 6: Coruja NE Deposit Geology and Drill Collar Plan with Assay
Rsults, please click on the following link:

Mamao Mine Exploration

Exploration during the reporting period consisted mainly of drilling at Mamao to
better define existing high grade zones within the M2 and Melechete Resource and
test for possible extensions.

The program focused on infill drilling within the lower portion of the Melechete
Lode Resource, infill drilling within the lower part of the M2 Lode and drill
testing of the Barbosa East Target. The Barbosa East target is considered to be
the extension of the Mamao system east of the old Barbosa underground garimpo

DC infill drilling was completed within the deepest portion of the M2 Lode (6
holes/1,164.72m). The M2 Lode was intersected in all holes and consisted of
quartz veining within sheared silica and biotite altered zone. The best gold
assay intervals included MMD044: 4.98m at 4.35g/t gold from 184.41m downhole,
MMD048: 1.0m grading 7.92g/t gold from 164.88m downhole and MMD049: 5.02m at
44.48g/t gold from 179.88m downhole (see Figure 7 and Table 5).

To view Figure 7: Surface Diamond Core Drill Plan and Assay Results M2 Lode,
please click on the following link:

Underground DC infill drilling was completed within the deeper portion of the
Melechete Lode (15 holes/2,491.50m). The Melechete Lode was intersected in all
holes and typically comprised quartz veining within a sheared silica and biotite
altered zone. The best intersections reported included MUD087: 1.10m at 19.37g/t
gold from 189.60m downhole and 0.8m at 58.10g/t gold from 191.75m downhole and
0.8m at 49.57g/t gold from 193.35m downhole, MUD091: 4.80m grading 10.93g/t gold
from 146.70m downhole, MUD094: 3.45m at 32.57g/t gold from 40.45m downhole,
MUD96: 3.20m grading 23.36g/t gold from 131.80m downhole, MUD097: 2.0m grading
16.52g/t gold from 154.75m downhole and MUD098: 2.20m at 12.00g/t gold from
175.65m downhole (see Table 6).

Diamond drilling from surface of the Barbosa East Target was completed in June
with nine (9) holes for a total of 1,009.86m which included 91.49m of RC
pre-collar drilling and 918.37m of DC drilling. Assay results include MMD034:
3.03m at 6.07g/t gold from 123.12m downhole and, MMD040: 1.01m at 2.84g/t gold
from 83.84m (see Figure 8 and Table 7 below).

To view Figure 8: Surface Diamond Drill Collar Positions and Assay Results at
Barbosa East, please click on the following link:

Final assays were received for the four underground drill holes that targeted
the lower portion of the Barbosa East Zone (MUD075 to MUD078). MUD075 and MUD076
hit the Melechete Lode with 3.30m at 10.66g/t gold from 153.0m downhole and
1.15m at 4.47g/t gold from 150.15m downhole. MUD077 and MUD078 did not intercept
the Melechete Lode but cut the M1 Lode with 2.0m at 13.93g/t gold from 93.6m
downhole and 1.0m at 19.94g/t gold from 92.75m downhole (see Table 8).



As at 30 June 2010, Troy within Australia held A$9.2 million in available cash
with major Australian banks and 385 ounces of gold awaiting sale (A$0.6M at
A$1,450 per ounce). This equates to a total of approximately A$9.8 million of
liquid assets.

Troy's wholly owned Brazilian and Argentine subsidiaries held cash deposits of
A$4.3 million. At quarter end, Reinarda Mineracao Ltda ("RML") in Brazil held 23
ounces of gold awaiting sale.

The Troy group's available cash and other liquid assets is approximately A$14.2
million as at 30 June 2010. In addition, Troy also held A$2.7 million in cash
deposits as security for various environmental bonds and listed investment
securities with a market value totalling A$2.7 million as at 30 June 2010.


Troy has a debt facility with Investec Bank (Australia) Limited with A$15.0
million available from Tranche A, as at 30 June 2010. Troy has drawn A$3.0
million against this facility to 30 June 2010 and therefore Net cash and liquid
assets totalled approximately A$11.2 million.

Investec Bank (Australia) Limited (Investec) has confirmed that the Company has
satisfied the key conditions precedent to Tranche B of the Revolving Loan
Facility and that the full A$25 million loan amount will be available for
drawing. Under the terms of the loan facility, the Company will issue 632,912
call options over Company shares to Investec at an exercise price of A$3.16 per
share with an expiry date 3 years from the date of issue.


Gold sales from the Sandstone operation for the quarter were 4,943 ounces at an
average price of A$1,335 per ounce. The average Cash Cost was A$1,227 per ounce
which gives a Cash Margin of $108 per ounce for the quarter.

During the quarter, RML sold 9,199 ounces of gold at an average price of
US$1,221 per ounce. The average Cash Cost was US$655 per ounce, which gives a
Cash Margin of US$566 per ounce for the quarter. Approximately 1,400 ounces of
gold was realised out of the circuit for the quarter.


The full insurance claim was received during the quarter for the gold stolen in
the armed robbery at Andorinhas on the 22 February 2010, the equivalent of 1,835
ounces of fine gold.


The Troy group is totally unhedged.


During the quarter, exploration expenditure incurred was A$1.7 million of which
A$0.7 million was incurred in Argentina, A$0.6 million in Brazil, and the
balance of A$0.4 million in Australia. Troy also received payment from Western
Areas for 12 months worth of shared rents and rates relating to the Nickel JV
totaling A$0.2 million during the quarter.


Capital and development expenditure during the quarter was $A14.7 million.
Capital and development expenditure on the Casposo Project in Argentina totaled
$A11.5 million. Plant and equipment expenditure at the Andorinhas Project in
Brazil totaled A$0.3 million while ongoing underground development for the
Project totaled A$2.9 million.


Geological information in this Report has been compiled by Troy's Vice President
Exploration & Business Development, Peter Doyle, who:

- Is a full time employee of Troy Resources NL

- Has sufficient experience which is relevant to the type of deposit under
consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a
Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for
Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'

- Is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

- Has consented in writing to the inclusion of this data

Information of a scientific or technical nature in this report was prepared
under the supervision of Peter J. Doyle, Vice President Exploration and Business
Development of Troy, a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 -
"Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects", a Fellow of the Australasian
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Mr. Doyle has sufficient experience, which
is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under
consideration, and to the activity he is undertaking, to qualify as a "competent
person" as defined in the 2004 edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting
of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr. Doyle has
reviewed and approved the information contained in this report. For further
information regarding the Company's projects in Brazil, Australia and Argentina,
including a description of Troy's quality assurance program, quality control
measures, the geology, samples collection and testing procedures please refer to
the technical reports filed which are available under the Company's profile at or on the company's website.

This report contains forward-looking statements. These forward-looking
statements reflect management's current beliefs based on information currently
available to management and are based on what management believes to be
reasonable assumptions. A number of factors could cause actual results,
performance, or achievements to differ materially from the results expressed or
implied in the forward looking statements. Such factors include, among others,
future prices of gold, the actual results of current production, development
and/or exploration activities, changes in project parameters as plans continue
to be refined, variations in ore grade or recovery rates, plant and/or equipment
failure, delays in obtaining governmental approvals or in the commencement of

This Quarterly Report is available on Troy's Website at and under
Troy's profile on SEDAR at

Table 1: Summary of Rock Chip Grab Sampling Results
                                             Gold       Silver       Equiv
               Easting       Northing       Grade        Grade       Grade
Sample              (m)            (m)    (g/t Au)     (g/t Ag)     (Au_eq)
6668           2439391        6551284        7.47        41.00        8.06
6669           2439456        6551282        2.11        15.00        2.32
6670           2439520        6551267        5.70        32.00        6.16
6671           2439591        6551251        0.17         4.00        0.23
6672           2439692        6551227        5.02        42.00        5.62
- All samples were prepared and assayed by Alex Stewart (Assayers)
  Argentina Laboratory in Mendoza Argentina.
- Au by FA and either a gravimetric or AAS finish, using method Au4-50 or
  Au4A-50 for samples with Au greater than 10 g/t.
- Ag by three techniques: four-acid digestion followed by AAS reading for
  check samples up to February 2006, aqua regia digestion followed by
  inductively coupled plasma with optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES)
  reading for all samples in mineralized intersections after February
  2006. Method numbers were GMA, ICP-AR-39 and Ag4A-50.

Table 2: Summary of Rock Chip Channel Sample Results
                                                  Sample     Gold
              Easting    Northing   From      To   Width    Grade
Channel            (m)         (m)    (m)     (m)     (m) (g/t Au)
TRCAN-10-  2439598.74  6551258.83   9.05   10.05    1.00     1.54
 01                                10.05   11.05    1.00     1.11
                                   11.05   12.05    1.00     0.32
                                   12.05   12.55    0.50     1.80
TRCAN-10-  2439571.40  6551250.90   2.00    2.80    0.80    10.89
 02                                 2.80    3.35    0.55     1.62
TRCAN-10-  2439548.98  6551257.63   3.00    4.50    1.50     2.88
 03                                 4.50    4.85    0.35    15.57
TRCAN-10-  2439517.79  6551268.28   3.00    3.65    0.65     3.41
 04                                 3.65    4.30    0.65     4.55
TRCAN-10-  2439492.31  6551266.63   3.00    3.50    0.50     1.85
TRCAN-10-  2439459.61  6551280.60   1.50    2.20    0.70     4.52
 06                                 2.20    3.20    1.00     2.68
TRCAN-10-  2439439.54  6551276.52   3.20    4.20    1.00     6.24
TRCAN-10-  2439439.54  6551276.52   8.40    9.60    1.20     1.07
TRCAN-10-  2439420.35  6551280.88   5.50    6.50    1.00     3.57
TRCAN-10-  2439405.95  6551285.07   2.70    3.80    1.10     2.40
 09                                 3.80    4.25    0.45     1.23
TRCAN-10-  2439375.52  6551286.87
TRCAN-10-  2439360.26  6551273.08
TRCAN-10-  2439333.95  6551279.92   2.00    2.60    0.60     0.56

              Silver             Intervals             True
               Grade     Grade   True Width            Width
Channel      (g/t Ag)    Au_Eq  (Au / Ag)              Au_Eq
TRCAN-10-      32.00      2.00   3.5m at 1.11g/t       3.5m at
 01             6.80      1.21   Au 13.94 g/t Ag       1.31g/t
                3.80      0.37   
               12.40      1.98
TRCAN-10-     164.40     13.24   1.35m at 7.11 g/t     1.35m at
 02             7.90      1.73   Au 100.64 g/t Ag      8.55g/t
TRCAN-10-      18.90      3.15   1.85m at 5.28 g/t     1.85m at
 03           173.10     18.04   Au 48.07 g/t Ag       5.97g/t
TRCAN-10-      44.20      4.04   1.30m at 3.98 g/t     1.30m at
 04            47.50      5.23   Au 45.85 g/t Ag       4.64g/t
TRCAN-10-      22.40      2.17   0.5m at 1.85 g/t      0.5m at
 05                              Au 22.4g/t Ag         2.17g/t
TRCAN-10-      54.90      5.30   1.7m at 3.44 g/t      1.7m at
 06            46.20      3.34   Au 49.78g/t Ag        4.15g/t
TRCAN-10-      51.20      6.97   1.0m at 6.24 g/t      1.0m at 
 07                              Au 51.2 g/t Ag        6.97g/t
TRCAN-10-      11.80      1.24   1.2m at 1.07 g/t      1.2m at 
 07                              Au 11.8 g/t Ag        1.24g/t
TRCAN-10-       8.40      3.69   1.0m at 3.57 g/t      1.0m at 
 08                              Au 8.4 g/t Ag         3.69g/t
TRCAN-10-      13.70      2.60   1.55m at 2.06 g/t     1.55m at
 09             9.00      1.36   Au 12.33 g/t Ag       2.24g/t
TRCAN-10-                         NSR                  NSR
 11                               NSR                  NSR
TRCAN-10-       1.00      0.57   0.6m at 0.56 g/t      0.6m at 
 12                              Au 1.0 g/t Ag         0.57g/t
1. Au_Eq grade calculated using a Gold to Silver ratio of 1:70.
2. NSV - No significant Results All samples were prepared and assayed by
   Alex Stewart (Assayers)Argentina Laboratory in Mendoza Argentina.
3. Au by FA and either a gravimetric or AAS finish, using method Au4-50 or
   Au4A-50 for samples with Au greater than 10 g/t.
4. Ag by three techniques: four-acid digestion followed by AAS reading for
   check samples up to February 2006, aqua regia digestion followed by
   inductively coupled plasma with optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES)
   reading for all samples in mineralized intersections after February
   2006. Method numbers were GMA, ICP-AR-39 and Ag4A-50.

Table 3: Julieta Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate
Tonnes                       Grade g/t                Contained oz
268,700                    3.21 g/t Au                      27,750
                          15.44 g/t Ag                     133,400
                        3.43 g/t Au_eq                      29,700
Gold equivalency is calculated using a gold : silver ratio of 1:70

Table 4: Andorinhas Project - Diamond Core Significant Assay
         Results Coruja NE Deposit
                    Coordinates                     Survey
Hole_ID  Easting (m)   Northing (m)  Azimuth     Dip (degrees)
BBD024    631600.07     9176165.51       180              -65
BBD025    631600.07     9176166.92         0              -90
BBD026    631560.82     9176161.28       180              -65
BBD027    631560.83     9176161.67         0           -90.00
BBD028    631522.08     9176170.87       180           -65.00
BBD029    631522.08     9176171.44         0           -90.00
BBD030    631702.95     9176149.69       180           -65.00
BBD031    631650.00     9176149.99       180           -65.00

          Survey                        RML Lab Results                    
Hole_ID    Depth (m)     From (m)    To (m)  Length (m)(i)    Assay (g/t Au)
BBD024       129.60       110.34    110.85           0.51              0.17
BBD025       146.10       132.00    133.37           1.37              4.38
           includes       132.00    132.37           0.37             15.94
BBD026        130.7        92.00     93.00           1.00             10.54
BBD027       174.30        66.36     67.22           0.86              0.20
BBD028       131.40       101.31    102.31           1.00              0.45
BBD029       139.40        16.00     17.00           1.00              1.18
BBD030       105.80        84.90     87.95           3.05              4.17
           includes        86.93     87.95           1.02              6.49
BBD031       110.70        93.18     95.27           2.09              3.81
           includes        94.30     95.27           0.97              7.03
Note: (i) The column length represents downhole widths.
      (ii) All samples were prepared and assayed by the RML Mine site
           laboratory with selected check sampling by SGS Mineral Services
           Laboratory using Method FA50 being Fire Assay on a 50 gram
           charge with an AAS finish.

Table 5: Andorinhas Project Significant Assay Results Infil
         Diamond Core M2 Lode
                      Coordinates                         Survey
Hole_ID     Easting (m)   Northing (m)  Azimuth        Dip (degrees)
MMD044        630900.9        9175721         -         -90 degrees
MMD045        630901.1        9175721       207         -85 degrees
MMD046        630901.1        9175721       128         -85 degrees

MMD047        630848.1        9175675       270         -85 degrees
MMD048          630848        9175675       201         -83 degrees
MMD049        630848.2        9175675         -         -90 degrees

            Survey                        Lab Results                   
                                                              Gold Assay
Hole_ID       Depth (m)  From (m)    To (m)  (i)Length (m)       (g/t Au)
MMD044          197.15    184.41    189.39           4.98           4.35
          Including       186.41    187.39           0.98          11.13
MMD045          199.72    198.83    199.72           0.89           2.49
MMD046          199.73    149.58    150.65           1.07           1.62
                          192.09    193.09           1.00           1.07
MMD047          198.73    185.99    188.97           2.98           2.61
MMD048          172.64    164.88    165.88           1.00           7.92
MMD049          196.75    179.88    184.90           5.02          44.48
          Including       180.90    181.92           1.02         101.65
          Including       183.90    184.90           1.00          64.32
Note: (i) The column length represents downhole widths.
      (ii) All samples were prepared and assayed by the RML Mine site
           laboratory with selected check sampling by SGS Mineral
           Services Laboratory using Method FA50 being Fire Assay on a
           50 gram charge with an AAS finish.

Table 6: Andorinhas Project Diamond Core Significant Assays Infill
         Drilling Melechete Drilling
Hole_ID      Easting (m)   Northing (m)  Azimuth       Dip       Depth (m)
MUD079        630797.23     9175455.76    188.19    -57.68         164.20
MUD080        630796.86     9175455.71    198.72    -52.50         169.35
MUD087        630801.42     9175472.60    221.11    -57.15         202.85
MUD088        630802.06     9175472.34    199.22    -59.89         190.10
MUD089        630802.32     9175472.38    190.47    -65.54         190.50
MUD090        630801.21     9175473.32    242.51    -70.57         240.90
MUD091        630797.22     9175455.64    186.06     48.96         160.70
MUD092        630796.34     9175455.74    208.44    -43.67         178.40
MUD093        630797.96     9175456.03    165.32    -54.57         161.30
MUD094        630621.57     9175341.14    193.61    -79.07          59.50
MUD095        630620.24     9175342.02    251.51    -64.08          59.40
MUD096        630624.13     9175343.10     77.98    -31.05         151.15
MUD097        630729.82     9175425.86    212.31    -72.35         167.60
MUD098        630729.49     9175426.01    225.86    -66.55         185.75
MUD099        630729.24     9175426.46    239.68    -57.70         209.80

Hole_ID         From (m)         To (m)  Length(i) (m)      Gold (g/t) Au
MUD079           153.20         154.10           0.90                8.08
MUD080           150.35         152.45           2.10                4.84
MUD087           184.20         195.35          11.15               13.95
                 184.20         185.00           0.80               22.02
                 189.60         190.70           1.10               19.37
                 191.75         192.55           0.80               58.10
                 193.35         194.15           0.80               49.57
MUD088           167.70         168.70           1.00       8.59 (M1 Lode)
                 167.70         168.70           1.00                3.61
MUD089           170.80         173.60           2.80                6.47
                 171.60         172.50           0.90               10.15
MUD090           231.90         232.75           0.85               97.57
MUD091           146.70         151.50           4.80               10.93
                 147.70         148.70           1.00               20.32
                 148.70         149.50           0.80               14.90
MUD092           167.40         170.80           3.40                5.66
                 173.70         174.45           0.75               13.39
MUD093           146.60         148.70           2.10                4.18
MUD094            40.45          43.90           3.45               32.57
                  41.50          42.30           0.80               30.28
                  43.10          43.90           0.80              100.98
MUD095            46.75          47.75           1.00                6.41
MUD096           124.60         129.60           5.00                5.93
                 131.80         135.00           3.20               23.36
MUD097           152.60         157.65           5.05                9.03
                 154.75         155.75           1.00               11.39
                 155.75         156.75           1.00               21.65
MUD098           175.65         177.85           2.20               12.00
                 176.65         177.85           1.20               17.83
MUD099           198.30         199.90           1.60                3.70
Note: (i) The column length represents downhole widths.                  
      (ii) All samples were prepared and assayed by the RML Mine site     
           laboratory with selected check sampling by SGS Mineral
           Services Laboratory using Method FA50 being Fire Assay on a 50
           gram charge with an AAS finish.

Table 7: Andorinhas Project - Diamond Core Assay Results Barbosa East -
         Melechete Extension
                                      Dip                          (i) Assay
          Easting    Northing   Azi- degr-  Depth   From     To Length  (g/t
Hole_ID        (m)         (m) muth   ees      (m)    (m)    (m)    (m)  Au)
MMD032   630789.7 9175274.254   129   -80   137.3 108.71 109.54   0.83  2.48
MMD034  630790.03 9175273.898   186   -85  126.15 123.12 126.15   3.03
                    Including                     123.12 124.12   1.00 10.61
MMD036  630789.49 9175253.167   195   -70  105.56  92.21  93.14   0.93  2.47
MMD039     630790     9175255   154   -82   116.8 107.07 108.07   1.00  2.48
MMD040 630789.893 9175254.791   192   -58   90.75  83.84  84.85   1.01  3.11
MMD043  630789.67 9175255.094   107   -60   105.9  94.37  95.37   1.00  1.56
Note: (i) The column length represents downhole widths.
      (ii) All samples were prepared and assayed by the RML Mine site
           laboratory with selected check sampling by SGS Mineral Services
           Laboratory using Method FA50 being Fire Assay on a 50 gram charge
           with an AAS finish.

Table 8: Andorinhas Project Diamond Core Significant Assay Results Barbosa
         East Zone
Hole_ID       Easting (m)  Northing (m)    Azimuth         Dip  Target      
MUD075         630797.70    9175455.00      177.26      -31.48  Barbosa East
MUD076         630798.05    9175455.56      163.74      -30.95  Barbosa East
MUD077         630798.18    9175455.77      157.90      -23.59  Barbosa East
MUD078         630798.10    9175456.01      160.09       -7.98  Barbosa East

                                            Length   Gold (g/t)       
Hole_ID     Depth (m)  From (m)    To (m)    (i)(m)         Au  Target      
MUD075        164.20    153.00    155.20      2.20       21.45  Barbosa East
MUD076        161.65     46.05     48.10      2.05       25.56  Barbosa East
MUD077        167.60     74.40     74.90      0.50      287.25  Barbosa East
MUD078        197.50     92.75     93.75      1.00       15.59  Barbosa East
Note: (i) The column length represents downhole widths.
      (ii) All samples were prepared and assayed by the RML Mine site
           laboratory with selected check sampling by SGS Mineral Services
           Laboratory using Method FA50 being Fire Assay on a 50 gram charge
           with an AAS finish.

Troy Resources NL
ABN 33 006 243 750

44 Ord Street
West Perth
Western Australia 6005

Corporate Details


Issued Capital:
87,474,323 ordinary shares
350,000 unlisted partly paid
4,028,381 unlisted options


Non-Executive Chairman:
John Dow
Executive Director:
Ken Nilsson
Non-Executive Directors:
Gordon Chambers
David Dix
John Jones
Robin Parish

Paul Benson
30 July 2009

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