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ACRES Commercial Realty (ACR-C)

ACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
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26/05/202315:44Edgar (US Regulatory)Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership (4)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
03/05/202315:22Edgar (US Regulatory)Current Report Filing (8-k)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
20/04/202315:16Edgar (US Regulatory)Annual Report to Security Holders (ars)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
14/04/202315:11Edgar (US Regulatory)Additional Proxy Soliciting Materials (definitive) (defa14a)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
15/02/202305:08Edgar (US Regulatory)Disclosure of Asset-backed Securities (abs-15g)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
14/02/202316:02Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Statement of Ownership (sc 13g/a)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
07/11/202216:05Edgar (US Regulatory)Quarterly Report (10-q)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
11/05/202215:08Edgar (US Regulatory)Statement of Beneficial Ownership (sc 13d)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
21/03/202215:13Edgar (US Regulatory)Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership (3)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
09/03/202205:05Edgar (US Regulatory)Annual Report (10-k)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
04/10/202116:16Edgar (US Regulatory)Prospectus Filed Pursuant to Rule 424(b)(5) (424b5)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
10/08/202105:03Edgar (US Regulatory)Free Writing Prospectus - Filing Under Securities Act Rules 163/433 (fwp)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
14/07/202116:05Edgar (US Regulatory)Securities Registration: Employee Benefit Plan (s-8)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
13/05/202105:05Edgar (US Regulatory)Notice of Effectiveness (effect)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
12/04/202115:29Edgar (US Regulatory)Proxy Statement (definitive) (def 14a)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
16/03/202105:05Edgar (US Regulatory)Securities Registration Statement (simplified Form) (s-3)NYSE:ACR-CACRES Commercial Realty Corporation
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