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Nuveen New York Quality ... (NAN)

Nuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
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27/01/202508:11Edgar (US Regulatory)Form NPORT-P - Monthly Portfolio Investments Report on Form N-PORT (Public)NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
03/12/202410:28Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 3 - Initial statement of beneficial ownership of securitiesNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
14/11/202407:56Edgar (US Regulatory)Form N-CEN - Annual Report for Registered Investment CompaniesNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
08/11/202409:21Edgar (US Regulatory)Form N-CSR - Certified Shareholder ReportNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
28/10/202415:35Edgar (US Regulatory)Form N-23C-2 - Notice by closed-end investment companies of intent to purchase their own securitiesNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
28/08/202420:28Edgar (US Regulatory)Form N-PX - Annual Report of proxy voting record of management investment companiesNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
06/03/202414:06Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 8-K - Current reportNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
13/10/202306:30PR Newswire (US)Nuveen Formalizes Co-PM Structure Across Municipal PlatformNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
30/06/202315:57Edgar (US Regulatory)Form DEF 14A - Other definitive proxy statementsNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
15/05/202312:07Edgar (US Regulatory)Annual Report for Registered Investment Companies (n-cen)NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
05/05/202312:38Edgar (US Regulatory)Certified Annual Shareholder Report for Management Investment Companies (n-csr)NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
26/04/202312:30Edgar (US Regulatory)Monthly Portfolio Investments Report on Form N-port (public) (nport-p)NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
02/11/202208:56Edgar (US Regulatory)Fidelity Bond Filed Pursuant to Rule 17g-1(g)(1) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (40-17g)NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
21/10/202214:04Edgar (US Regulatory)Notice by Closed-end Investment Companies of Intention to Call or Redeem Their Own Securities (n-23c-2)NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
15/08/202217:31Edgar (US Regulatory)Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership (3)NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
28/06/202215:38Edgar (US Regulatory)Proxy Statement (definitive) (def 14a)NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
08/06/202208:02Business WireOver 100M Procedures Performed with Nanosonics’ trophon Devices Across North America Since 2011 Protecting Patients from Ultrasound Probe Cross-ContaminationNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
04/01/202205:02Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Statement of Beneficial Ownership (sc 13d/a)NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
05/11/202112:41Edgar (US Regulatory)Certified Semi-annual Shareholder Report for Management Investment Companies (n-csrs)NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
16/08/202105:43Edgar (US Regulatory)Annual Report of Proxy Voting Record for Management Investment Companies (n-px)NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
05/10/202017:08Business WireCertain Nuveen Closed-End Funds Announce the Board’s Approval of Amended and Restated By-Laws of the FundsNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
02/10/201908:15Business WireNuveen Closed-End Funds Declare DistributionsNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
13/12/201815:40Business WireNuveen Closed-End Funds Complete Preferred Share ExchangesNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
06/03/201815:32Business WireCORRECTING and REPLACING Nuveen Closed-End Funds Declare DistributionsNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
22/11/201711:03Business WireCORRECTING and REPLACING Several Nuveen Closed-End Funds Declare Capital GainsNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
14/11/201715:46Business WireSeveral Nuveen Closed-End Funds Declare Capital GainsNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
17/11/201608:00Business WireSeveral Nuveen Closed-End Funds Announce Fund Name ChangesNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
01/07/201615:15Business WireFive Nuveen Municipal Closed-End Funds Complete Private Issuances of Preferred SecuritiesNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
08/06/201507:30Business WireNuveen Announces Completion of New York Municipal Closed-End Funds MergerNYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
28/05/201515:30Business WireNuveen New York Municipal Closed-End Funds Merger to Close June 5, 2015NYSE:NANNuveen New York Quality Municipal Income Fund
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