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Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets Climate Selection ETF

Xtrackers MSCI Emerging Markets Climate Selection ETF (EMCS)

Cerrado 19 Noviembre 3:00PM
Fuera de horario: 3:15PM

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RobotDroid RobotDroid 2 minutos hace
CO, like most if not all on my ignore list, are high on hopium. They ignore the total failure of mute inept nonmanagement and criticize those who point out their obvious failures, which are many and the cause of the stock being almost worthless. You cannot argue facts with morons, their ignorant stu
cottonmather cottonmather 3 minutos hace
Metal always wins..... for thousands of years.
Investor082 Investor082 3 minutos hace
I will be sure to check in with you in Q1 2025 when LP disappoints again. No cash from big pharma will mean LP continues to dilute shareholders and such agreements will result in nothing. In fact, it will lead to more bleeding and dilution. Repeat of 2017?
worthylion worthylion 3 minutos hace
TAIT What a dog. Gave up and puked it out of my dividend portfolio. Reported crappy numbers and didn't issue PR. 
RickNagra RickNagra 3 minutos hace
Oh wow.  10K on deck.  $10 on deck.  I am a ten.  Oh wow.  Oh boy oh girl.
JOoa0ky JOoa0ky 3 minutos hace
Sort of but not really.
Based on historical trading data from 16 years of conservatorship... FNMA commons have always been around a ratio of 1:3.5 with FNMAS JPS.

Until concrete steps have been taken for conservatorship exit, there is NO reason for FNMAS to really trade above 5
stockinspector stockinspector 4 minutos hace
Put mommies smart phone back where you got it,
and tell her you were talking gibberish to the nice WDLF guys OK?
ExtremelyBullishZig ExtremelyBullishZig 4 minutos hace
Some fantasies are good...they are free online now ranging from 30 second clips to hour long full length videos...

I generally only need a 5 minute clip though...
Poor Man - Poor Man - 4 minutos hace
If the MTD is granted, it could be with prejudice —“That’s All Folks” to quote the Honorable Bugs Bunny. If they are given the option to amend, we’re practically back to square one.

It’s really that simple.

By the way, I miss the naked shorting discussions. What happe
MegaPirate61 MegaPirate61 4 minutos hace
Just search fintel Duquesne position of 680k shares you can validate this on multiple sites. Use ai in your searches lol
The Night Stalker The Night Stalker 5 minutos hace
dinogreeves dinogreeves 5 minutos hace
I can't FOC myself. Blame Hicks, your lover, you need to foc him.
luvthemtrainz luvthemtrainz 5 minutos hace
Things are pretty darned bleak when one must refer to $.039 as the high point for the year .......... or many years, for that matter.  Just sayin'.
boston127 boston127 6 minutos hace
The year end is known for selling shares.

Especially, the OTC, Pink, BB, and small caps. Most investors are up big time this year. Now is the time to sell the losers to minimize paying taxes on the gainers that were sold. That is why stocks do so well every year in January, the Januar
Hoghead7 Hoghead7 6 minutos hace
$8.04 After Hours, c'mon green Wednesday!
Investor082 Investor082 6 minutos hace
With that mindset, the investors would have lost over 90% of their holding in the last 10 years or so. They will never break even in this stock! While many of the well know stocks are up over 10,000% during the same period. Go figure!
dinogreeves dinogreeves 7 minutos hace
With expansion facilities in Malaysia and Taiwan, and San Jose, Supermicro stock target for 2025 will be $200!
jxyzobrien jxyzobrien 7 minutos hace
tim ord
DrivenByPain DrivenByPain 7 minutos hace
Investing in Digitalization of Proptech, Sue Xu, Amino Capital,+Ph.D,&sca_esv=9844c5af186a16ef&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS994US996&ei=Bkc9Z_a9FbWaptQP3vXhgAc&start=10&sa=N&sstk=ATObxK49QG6p1PP4kHOqCxtz3Rq4FnGUpm5vWXq_FUnV6LeJ06I22fpBA9ve7PYylDgvgDYb9K9
GolfnutBoston GolfnutBoston 8 minutos hace
Go F- uck yourself, he's not the reason the share price is where it is. 
rich2 rich2 8 minutos hace
I agree, the new Administration in America will likely be more pro Israel
1vman 1vman 8 minutos hace
***** Back to court 🚽HCMC🚽 goes ! RUT ROH ! With Weaker Case no chance their going to win - Wh👀ps

Pickme2 Pickme2 8 minutos hace
Haha no one‘s panicking at all, No one‘s trying to buy on the Bid or the ask either except for you and your ones very obvious.. I know it’s hard for you to get that in your head because you have a mental problem

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