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Cerrado 10 Marzo 2:00PM
( 0.00% )
Pre Mercado: 6:50AM

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GBR Discussion

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IRON_CROSS IRON_CROSS 2 semanas hace
Analysis con't. >>> If it doesn't hold here ($1.07) and go up, we will likely see it go all the way back to March 2020 low of .55 >>> $GBR has not had an R/S that I am aware of since I've been trading it (2020), but if this happens it will be the end of it. Damn evil bastards are doing their best to wreck the world. We need to win it back.

IRON_CROSS IRON_CROSS 2 semanas hace
Moment of truth today. $GBR needs to move up off of this $1.07 potential bottom to signal a reversal... if so, $1.35 needs to be taken out next and hold gains above $1.25 after that.

If all goes well, a run should be in the making very soon. If not, then par for the course these days... sad situation for a ton of small caps. This situation needs to turn around soon or the market is in BIG trouble. LG already!
Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 11 meses hace
Close near hod.....
Sauerkraut Sauerkraut 11 meses hace
Let's go. Bought @1.22. Sell @1.80. SL now @1.38

Just imo
In with a fairly large position. Watching closely-- OIL GOING UP _ $GBR trades like a wild child on too much candy when she pops! $$$
heyitsmeagain heyitsmeagain 3 años hace
Amazing! Added and got about 17000 shares
heyitsmeagain heyitsmeagain 3 años hace
I think see this go back to 6
glens0 glens0 3 años hace
GBR cooled down a little Afterhours. Lets see what happens tomorrow.
AvL AvL 3 años hace
Ready to explode.
$oldier Hard $oldier Hard 3 años hace
$GBR running in a/hs trading.
wickerman wickerman 4 años hace
$GBR for sure but they should change their name so fomos who keep getting burned stop thinking it's still an oil & gas company because it's not.
cjstocksup cjstocksup 4 años hace
That usually happens that is why you only day trade these.
wickerman wickerman 4 años hace
$GBR and today a nice steady dump

It's amazing how traders still haven't figured out all of their oil & gas assets were sold 10 months ago.

On August 31, 2020 the Company sold its entire oil and gas operation for $85,000 to an independent third party. In prior years the Company has accrued a liability of $2,745,000 to plug and abandon the existing wells. This obligation was assumed by the buyer. Upon the sale of the wells the Company recorded a gain of $2,138,000.

In September 2019 the Company wrote down the accounting value of its oil and gas reserves by $2,285,000.
cjstocksup cjstocksup 4 años hace
GBR simply had a nice steady climb today just the way I like them.
$oldier Hard $oldier Hard 4 años hace
$GBR, saweet!
$oldier Hard $oldier Hard 4 años hace
$GBR, heavy volume day on this low floater.
Awl416 Awl416 4 años hace
There she goes again

Gap & trap?
No problems here it's literally 5 cents A-day to borrow a $1000 I can hold my short for a year if I have to it will come down don't feel sorry for me feel sorry for the dipshits that bought when it was 30 bucks.
powerbattles powerbattles 4 años hace
Congrats Crazy move!
ClayTrader ClayTrader 4 años hace
* * $GBR Video Chart 01-28-2021 * *

Link to Video - click here to watch the technical chart video

RyGuy RyGuy 4 años hace
I bet you are shitting a golden brick right now...
Cleantade Cleantade 4 años hace
Lol how's that working out for you?!
RyGuy RyGuy 4 años hace
5,131,935 shares outstanding but 81,000,000 in volume in 5 hours???

On the record date of November 13, 2020, a total of 5,131,935 shares of Common Stock and 559 shares of Series B Preferred Stock were outstanding, with each share entitled to one vote.

ChrisTianSurfer ChrisTianSurfer 4 años hace
I'm just here to congratulate anyone that bought this at 2$ yesterday lol
RyGuy RyGuy 4 años hace
Looks like the volume is slowing up a tad,
Time to come on down to daddy
davidsson10 davidsson10 4 años hace
Any port in a storm.....
Crazy over here shorting this all day
Even a few at 7.8 ave short 5.89
Discipline15 Discipline15 5 años hace
This is a winner going into next week.

PT 4 to settle. Maybe 6-8 top of spike in the coming days
thesickmonk thesickmonk 5 años hace
hello i enjoyed holding this for a long time awhile back but exited maybe 2 years ago. i always noticed it spikes every other year in july. why does it do this? i could never really find any hard facts on this. if it follows the same subtle pattern it should spike some time right before july, during july or directly after july this year. but why does it do this every other year? thank you.
sanderburwil sanderburwil 5 años hace
Load up- it’ll move like $cei
Back In 1.51 premarket
Looking real good over here just wait till the real volume comes in....

Earnings going to be released soon probably tonight...
In $1.40
Dream_Weaving Dream_Weaving 6 años hace
Boom time coming.
ClayTrader ClayTrader 6 años hace
* * $GBR Video Chart 03-29-2019 * *

Link to Video - click here to watch the technical chart video

Imarket13 Imarket13 6 años hace
Dont tell me this only had an hour worth of a run in it
davidsson10 davidsson10 6 años hace
This is why Watch Lists were created.....
crudeoil24 crudeoil24 6 años hace
Up 71%
aristotelisonassis aristotelisonassis 6 años hace
Dream_Weaving Dream_Weaving 6 años hace
Gbergs Gbergs 6 años hace
?? it sure is quiet in here
Gbergs Gbergs 6 años hace
?? it sure is quiet in here
Dream_Weaving Dream_Weaving 6 años hace
No one else here?
I like this little low floater oil play.
a lot of fun,
Looking to pick up some more soon..
Thanks for the respond I thought my mic was broken.
Awl416 Awl416 6 años hace
Mic check 1 2 3
Yea, hello, check can you read me.
Is this a oil stock?
chintancp chintancp 6 años hace
Expecting another big move here. USO at 4 year highs!!!
cjstocksup cjstocksup 6 años hace
GBR another sweet day.
ClayTrader ClayTrader 6 años hace
* * $GBR Video Chart 09-24-18 * *

Link to Video - click here to watch the technical chart video
