Effective immediately Appendix A to the SAI is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:



ALPS Advisors, Inc.

Proxy Voting Policy, Procedures and Guidelines


1. Policy Statement & General Background


a. Overview


An investment adviser that exercises voting authority over clients’ proxies must adopt written policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure that those proxies are voted in the best economic interests of clients. An adviser’s policies and procedures must address how the adviser resolves material conflicts of interest between its interests and those of its clients. An investment adviser must comply with certain record keeping and disclosure requirements with respect to its proxy voting responsibilities. In addition, an investment adviser to ERISA accounts has an affirmative obligation to vote proxies for an ERISA account, unless the client expressly retains proxy voting authority.


b. Policy Summary


With respect to investment companies registered under the 1940 Act, any assignment of voting authority over the Funds’ voting securities is typically delegated to ALPS Advisors, Inc. (“AAI”) as the Funds’ investment adviser, or the Funds’ sub-adviser by the respective Funds’ Board of Trustees/Directors. If the Funds’ day-to-day investment decisions are performed by the Funds’ investment sub-adviser(s), Funds’ Board of Trustees/Directors may elect to delegate the responsibility of voting proxies to such sub-adviser to be voted in accordance to the sub-adviser’s proxy voting policies and procedures in conformance with Rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. For securities in the portfolio of a Fund that is managed by more than one sub-adviser, each sub-adviser shall make voting decisions pursuant to their own proxy voting policies and procedures, as adopted in conformance with the Advisers Act for their respective portions of the Fund’s portfolio, unless directed otherwise. In addition, proxy voting authority may be delegated to AAI where it serves as the Funds’ sub-adviser.


AAI has adopted and implemented the following policies and procedures, which it believes are reasonably designed to: (1) ensure that proxies are voted in the best economic interest of clients and (2) address material conflicts of interest that may arise. AAI will provide clients with a copy of its policies and procedures, as they may be updated from time to time, upon request. Information regarding AAI’s proxy voting decisions is confidential. Therefore, the information may be shared on a need to know basis only, including within AAI. Advisory clients may obtain information on how their proxies were voted by AAI. However, AAI will not selectively disclose its investment company clients’ proxy voting records to third parties; the investment company clients’ proxy records will be disclosed to shareholders by publicly-available annual filings or each investment company’s proxy voting record for 12-month periods ending June 30th.


c. Policy


All proxies regarding client securities for which AAI has authority to vote will, unless AAI determines in accordance with policies stated below to refrain from voting, be voted in a manner considered by AAI to be in the best interest of AAI’s clients. The best interest of clients is defined for this purpose as the interest of enhancing or protecting the economic value of client accounts, considered as a group rather than individually, as AAI determines in its sole and absolute discretion. There may also be instances where a fund relies upon Section 12(d)(1)(F) of the 1940 Act, and by law, the fund may be required to vote proxies in the same proportion as the vote of all other shareholders of the acquired fund (i.e., “echo vote”). In the event a client believes that its other interests require a different vote, AAI will vote as the client clearly instructs, provided AAI receives such instructions in time to act accordingly.




AAI endeavors to vote, in accordance with this Policy, all proxies of which it becomes aware, subject to the following general exceptions (unless otherwise agreed) when AAI expects to routinely refrain from voting:


i. Proxies will usually not be voted in cases where the security has been loaned from the client’s account and subsequently, AAI determines that the type of proxy issue is not material to shareholders. AAI will utilize the below considerations to determine if a security then on loan should be recalled for voting purposes. Decisions will generally be made on a case-by-case basis depending on whether, in AAI’s judgment,:


the matter to be voted on has critical significance to the potential value of the security in question;
the security represents a significant holding and whether the security is considered a long-term holding; and
AAI believes it can recall the security in time to cast the vote.


ii. Proxies will usually not be voted in cases where AAI deems the costs to the client and/or the administrative inconvenience of voting the security outweigh the benefit of doing so (e.g., international issuers who impose share blocking restrictions).


AAI seeks to avoid the occurrence of actual or apparent material conflicts of interest in the proxy voting process by voting in accordance with predetermined voting guidelines and observing other procedures that are intended to guard against and manage conflicts of interest (refer to Section 2.b., Conflicts of Interest, below).


2. Operating Procedures & Control Activities


Where proxy voting is delegated to the sub-adviser, the sub-adviser will adopt proxy voting policies and procedures in accordance in conformance with Rule 206(4)-6 under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. AAI has adopted the following proxy voting procedures and controls for any client securities which AAI has authority to vote on:


a. Proxy Committee


AAI has established a Proxy Committee whose standing members are determined by AAI’s Chief Compliance Officer. These members participate as voting authorities on the Proxy Committee. Each standing member may designate a senior portfolio manager or a senior analyst officer to act as a substitute in a given matter on their behalf. Additionally, the Proxy Committee regularly involves other associates who participate as needed to enable effective execution of the Committee’s responsibilities.


The Proxy Committee’s functions include, in part,


i. direction of the vote on proposals where there has been a recommendation to the Proxy Committee not to vote according to the predetermined Voting Guidelines (stated in 2.c.i) or on proposals which require special, individual consideration in accordance with Section 2.c.iii.;
ii. review periodically this Proxy Voting Policy and Procedure to ensure consistency with internal policies, client disclosures and regulatory requirements;
iii. development and modification of Voting Procedures, as stated in Section 2.d., as it deems appropriate or necessary.


b. Conflicts of Interest


For purposes of this policy, a material conflict of interest is a relationship or activity engaged in by AAI, an AAI affiliate, or an AAI associate that creates an incentive (or appearance thereof) to favor the interests of AAI, the affiliate, or associate, rather than the clients’ interests. For example, AAI may have a conflict of interest if either AAI has a significant business relationship with a company that is soliciting a proxy, or if an AAI associate involved in the proxy voting decision-making process has a significant personal or family relationship with the particular company. A conflict of interest is considered to be “material” to the extent that a reasonable person could expect the conflict to influence AAI’s decision on the particular vote at issue. In all cases where there is deemed to be a material conflict of interest, AAI will seek to resolve it in the clients’ best interests.




AAI follows the proxy guidelines and uses other research services provided by Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (“ISS”) or another independent third party. In providing proxy voting services to AAI, ISS provides vote recommendations on a pre-determined policy. Generally, AAI will vote proxies based on ISS’ pre-determined voting policy. In doing so, AAI demonstrates that its vote would not be a product of a conflict of interest as AAI would have little or no discretion on how the proxy was voted.


AAI has undertaken a review of ISS’ conflicts of interest procedures, and will continue to monitor them on an ongoing basis. In the event that AAI determines that it would be appropriate to use another third party, it will undertake a similar conflicts of interest assessment review.


c. Proxy Voting Guidelines


i. AAI’s Proxy Voting Guidelines – General Practices


The Proxy Committee has adopted the guidelines for voting proxies specified in Appendix A of this policy. AAI will use an independent, third-party vendor to implement its proxy voting process as AAI’s proxy voting agent. In general, whenever a vote is solicited, ISS or another independent third party will execute the vote according to AAI’s Voting Guidelines.


ii. Ability to Vote Proxies Other than as Provided by Voting Guidelines


A portfolio manager or other party involved with a client’s account may conclude that the best interest of the firm’s client, as defined above, requires that a proxy be voted in a manner that differs from the predetermined proxy Voting Guidelines. In this situation, he or she will request that the Proxy Committee consider voting the proxy other than according to such Guidelines. If any person, group, or entity requests the Proxy Committee (or any of its members) vote a proxy other than according to the predetermined Voting Guidelines, that person will furnish to the Proxy Committee a written explanation of the reasons for the request and a description of the person’s, group’s, or entity’s relationship, if any, with the parties proposing and/or opposing the matter’s adoption. The Proxy Committee may consider the matter including any potential conflicts of interest. A research analyst or portfolio manager must disclose in writing any inappropriate attempt to influence their recommendation or any other personal interest that they have with the issuer.


iii. Other Proxy Proposals


For the following categories of proposals either the Proxy Committee will determine how proxies related to all such proposals will be voted, or the proxies will be voted in accordance with ISS’ or a an individual client’s guidelines.


New Proposals. For each new type of proposal that is expected to be proposed to shareholders of multiple companies, the Proxy Committee will develop a Voting Guideline which will be incorporated into this Policy.


Accounts Adhering to Taft Hartley Principles. All proposals for these accounts will be voted according to the Taft Hartley Guidelines developed by ISS.


Accounts Adhering to Socially Responsible Principles. All proposals for these accounts will be voted according to the Socially Responsible Guidelines developed by ISS or as specified by the client.




Proxies of International Issuers which Block Securities Sales between the Time a Shareholder submits a Proxy and the Vote. In general, AAI will refrain from voting such securities. However, in the exceptional circumstances that AAI determines that it would be appropriate to vote such proxies, all proposals for these securities will be voted only on the specific instruction of the Proxy Committee and to the extent practicable in accordance with the Voting Guidelines set forth in this Policy.


Proxies of Investment Company Shares. Proposals on issues other than those provided in Section 2.c.i will be voted on the specific instruction of the Proxy Committee.


Executive/Director Compensation. Except as provided in Section 2.c.i, proposals relating to compensation of any executive or director will be voted as recommended by ISS or as otherwise directed by the Proxy Committee.


Preemptive Rights. Proposals to create or eliminate shareholder preemptive rights. In evaluating these proposals the Proxy Committee will consider the size of the company and the nature of its shareholder base.


d. Voting Procedures


The Proxy Committee has developed the following procedures to aid the voting of proxies according to the Voting Guidelines. The Proxy Committee may revise these procedures from time to time, as it deems necessary or appropriate to affect the purposes of this Policy.


i. AAI will use an independent, third-party vendor, to implement its proxy voting process as AAI’s proxy voting agent. This retention is subject to AAI continuously assessing the vendor’s independence from AAI and its affiliates, and the vendor’s ability to perform its responsibilities (and, especially, its responsibility to vote client proxies in accordance with AAI’s proxy voting guidelines) free of any actual, potential or apparent material conflicts of interests that may arise between the interests of the vendor, its affiliates, the vendor’s other clients and the owners, officers or employees of any such firm, on the one hand, and AAI’s clients, on the other hand. As means of performing this assessment, AAI will require various reports and notices from the vendor, as well as periodic audits of the vendor’s voting record and other due diligence.


ii. ISS will provide proxy analysis and record keeping services in addition to voting proxies on behalf of AAI in accordance with this Policy.


iii. On a daily basis, AAI or designee will send to ISS a holdings file detailing each equity holding held in all accounts over which AAI has voting authority.


iv. AAI will complete a Vote Authorization Registration with ISS for any new client, which will describe how ballots will be executed on behalf of the client. In addition, AAI will complete and provide the client’s custodian bank with a Letter of Authorization. The letter will serve as notice that AAI has retained ISS to act as the voting agent for the securities held in the client’s account and will instruct the custodian bank to forward all ballots, meeting notices, and other proxy materials to ISS.


v. ISS will receive proxy material information from Proxy Edge or the custodian bank for the account. This will include issues to be voted upon, together with a breakdown of holdings for AAI accounts. ISS will then reconcile information it receives from Proxy Edge and custodian banks. Any discrepancies will be promptly noted and resolved by ISS, with notice to AAI.


vi. Whenever a vote is solicited, ISS will execute the vote according to AAI’s Voting Guidelines which will be delivered by AAI to ISS as set forth in Appendix A of these policies and procedures and anytime there is a material change to these guidelines.  




If ISS is unsure how to vote a particular proxy, ISS will issue a request for voting instructions to AAI over a secure website. AAI personnel will check this website regularly. The request will be accompanied by a recommended vote. The recommended vote will be based upon ISS’ understanding of the Voting Guidelines previously delivered to ISS. AAI will promptly provide ISS with any amendments or modifications to the Voting Guidelines if necessary. AAI will return a final instruction to vote to ISS, which ISS will record with Proxy Edge or the custodian bank as our agent.


vii. Each time that ISS will send AAI a request to vote, the request will be accompanied by the recommended vote determined in accordance with AAI’s Voting Guidelines. ISS will vote as indicated in the request unless the client has reserved discretion, the Proxy Committee determines that the best interest of clients requires another vote, or the proposal is a matter as to which the Proxy Committee affords special, individual consideration under Section 2.c.ii. In such situations, ISS will vote based on the direction of the client or the Proxy Committee, as the case may be. The interests of AAI’s Taft Hartley or Socially Responsible clients may impact a proposal that normally should be voted in a certain way. ISS will inform AAI of all proposals having impact on its Taft Hartley and or Socially Responsible clients. The Proxy Voting Committee will be consulted before a vote is placed in cases where Taft Hartley or Socially Responsible issues are presented.


viii. ISS will have procedures in place to ensure that a vote is cast on every security holding maintained by AAI on which a vote is solicited unless otherwise directed by the Proxy Committee. On a yearly basis, or as required by our clients, AAI will receive a report from ISS detailing AAI’s voting for the previous period.


e. Proxy Advisory Firm Oversight


i. Initial Assessment


In selecting a third-party proxy advisory firm, AAI will perform an initial due diligence review to ensure that voting determinations are made in the best interests of AAI clients and in accordance with these policies and procedures. AAI’s review will include, but is not limited to, assessing:


The necessary resources to fulfill the proxy voting responsibilities;
Policies and procedures with respect to obtaining issuer and client input on proxy voting policies; and
Transparency regarding voting recommendations and research methodologies.


ii. Ongoing Reviews


In addition to the initial evaluation of a proxy advisory firm, AAI will conduct ongoing assessments of the proxy advisory firm’s business. Such reviews will occur at periodic intervals and will include, but are not limited to:


Summary of material changes, if any, to the proxy advisory firm’s business and how such changes impact the services provided to AAI and its clients;
Methodology updates to guidelines and voting recommendations; and
Disclosure of conflicts of interest.


f. Securities Lending


Each Fund advised by AAI, where authorized by its respective Board, may engage in securities lending transactions, to the extent permitted by the Fund’s investment policies and limitations. The Adviser will be required to monitor for scheduled or anticipated proxy votes relating to securities on loan and determine whether the securities should be recalled from loan on the relevant record date. There may be situations where the Adviser may not be able to recall the security in time to cast the vote.




g. Supervision


Managers and supervisory personnel are responsible for ensuring that their associates understand and follow this policy and any applicable procedures adopted by the business group to implement the policy.  The Proxy Committee has ultimate responsibility for the implementation of this Policy.


h. Escalation


With the exception of conflicts of interest-related matters, issues arising under this policy should be escalated to AAI’s CCO, or designee. Issues involving potential or actual conflicts of interest should be promptly communicated to Compliance or Legal. Compliance will notify the Funds’ Chief Compliance Officer(s), if a material conflict of interest is deemed to have arisen.


i. Monitoring


AAI’s Compliance Department is primarily responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the proxy voting process. The Compliance Department’s monitoring will take into account the following elements: (1) periodic review of ISS votes to ensure that ISS is accurately voting consistent with AAI’s Proxy Guidelines and such voting recommendations are based on accurate and complete information; and (2) review of the Funds’ N-PX report to ensure that it’s filed in a timely and accurate manner. Additionally, AAI will review ISS’ conflicts of interest policies.


AAI’s Compliance Committee monitors proxy matters for its clients including monitoring material conflicts of interest identified.


j. Availability of Proxy Policy and Voting Record

A summary disclosure regarding the provisions of this Policy will be available in AAI’s Form ADV, to the extent AAI is required to prepare Part 2 to Form ADV. Upon receipt of a Client’s request for more information, AAI will provide to the Client a copy of this Policy and/or how AAI voted proxies for the Client pursuant to this Policy for up to a one-year period.


AAI will not selectively disclose its investment company clients’ proxy voting records; rather, AAI will disclose such information by publicly available annual filings. AAI will create and maintain records of each investment company’s proxy record for 12-month periods ended June 30th. AAI will compile the following information for each matter relating to a portfolio security considered at any shareholder meeting during the period covered by the annual report and which the company was entitled to vote:


The name of the issuer of the security;
The exchange ticker symbol of the portfolio security (if symbol is available through reasonably practicable means);
The Council on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures number for the portfolio security (if number is available through reasonably practicable means);
The shareholder meeting date;
A brief identification of the matter voted on;
Whether the matter was proposed by the issuer or by a security holder;
Whether the company cast its vote on the matter;
How the company cast its vote (e.g., for or against proposal, or abstain; for or withhold regarding the election of directors); and
Whether the company cast its vote for or against management.


k. Other Recordkeeping Requirements

Business groups and support partners are responsible for maintaining all records necessary to evidence compliance with this policy. The records must be properly maintained and readily accessible in order to evidence compliance with this policy. 




These records include:

Proxy Committee Meeting Minutes and Other Materials (routine oversight matters are discussed within AAI’s Compliance Committee meetings and will be documented within the Compliance Committee’s materials);
Analysis and Supporting Materials of Investment Management Personnel Concerning Proxy Decisions and Recommendations;
Conflicts of Interest Review Documentation, including Conflicts of Interest Forms; and
Client Communications Regarding Proxy Matters.


Records should be retained for a period of not less than six years.  Records must be retained in an appropriate office of AAI for the first three years.




Summary of Proxy Voting Guidelines


AAI has adopted Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc.’s (“ISS”) standard benchmark proxy voting guidelines and ISS’ sustainability proxy voting guidelines. AAI will apply the most appropriate guidelines to ensure proxy votes are voted consistent with proxy voting policies and procedures and in the best interests of clients.


ISS has created multiple guidelines to cover various markets, including, but not limited to: U.S., Canada, Europe, United Kingdom, Asia, Africa and Australia. AAI retains the right to override any of ISS’ guidelines on a case-by-case basis. A concise summary of ISS’ current Proxy Voting Guidelines can be found at:









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