Sumitomo Trust & Banking

I. Outlook of the financial results for the 1st half fiscal year 2003

1. Summary of the financial results for the 1st half fiscal year 2003

                                                                            Millions of Yen
                                                                 1HFY2003        1HFY2002                 Change
 profits                                              1          144,491         137,125                  7,366
  Net trust fees                                      2           31,627          26,618                  5,008
        Principal guaranteed trust a/c credit costs   3            2,239          16,514                -14,275
  Net interest income                                 4           48,695          76,499                -27,803
  Net fees and commissions                            5           24,963          18,397                  6,566
  Net gains on trading                                6            3,008           5,092                 -2,083
  Others                                              7           36,195          10,518                 25,677
General & administrative expenses                     8           66,545          68,094                 -1,549
Net transfer to general reserves                      9                -               -                      -
Banking a/c credit costs                             10           10,577           6,894                  3,683
  Net losses on direct write-offs                    11            8,552           5,575                  2,976
  Net transfer to specific loan losses reserves      12                -               -                      -
  Losses on sale of loans to CCPC                    13                -               -                      -
  Losses on sale of loans in bulk                    14              -14           1,181                 -1,195
  Net transfer to reserves for loans to borrowers in
   specific foreign countries                        15                -               -                      -
  Other credit costs                                 16            2,039             137                  1,902
Net gains on stocks                                  17            8,971         -16,943                 25,915
Net income from non-consolidated entities by equity
 method                                              18           -1,053            -258                   -795
Others                                               19           -8,653          -4,545                 -4,108
Net operating income                                 20           66,632          40,389                 26,243
Extraordinary income                                 21            5,637         -29,527                 35,164
  Reversal of reserves                               22            2,749           1,492                  1,257
  Net gains on securities contributed to employee
   retirement benefit trust                          23                -         -29,023                 29,023
  Refund of Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Tax on
   large banks                                       24            5,285               -                  5,285
Net income before income taxes                       25           72,270          10,862                 61,407
Income taxes                                         26              532             581                    -48
Deferred income taxes                                27           28,932           3,759                 25,173
Minority interest                                    28            1,843           1,305                    538
Net income                                           29           40,961           5,216                 35,744

Total credit costs (3 + 9 +10 - 22)                  30           10,067          21,917                -11,849

Net business profit (1-8-9)                          31           77,946          69,030                  8,915
Net business profit before credit costs (31+3+9)     32           80,186          85,545                 -5,359

(Number of subsidiaries/ affiliates)
                                                                Sep. 2003       Mar. 2003                 Change
Consolidated subsidiaries                                             20              20                      -
Number of affiliates (subject to the equity method)                    5               5                      -

                                                                  Millions of Yen
                                                           1HFY2003     1HFY2002       Change    % change
Gross profits                                       1      130,674      128,775        1,899          1.5
  excluding Net gains on bonds (1-9-18)             2      118,345      124,180       -5,834         -4.7
    Net trust fees                                  3       31,627       26,618        5,008         18.8
      Principal guaranteed trust a/c credit costs   4        2,239       16,514      -14,275        -86.4
         Net losses on direct write-offs            5        2,051       14,896      -12,845        -86.2
         Losses on sales of loans to CCPC           6            -        1,386       -1,386       -100.0
         Losses on sale of loans in bulk            7          188          231          -42        -18.5
      Trust fees from principal guaranteed trust
       a/c                                          8       16,448       25,612       -9,163        -35.8
         Net capital gains on bonds                 9         -502       -2,415        1,912         79.2
      Other trust fees                             10       17,418       17,521         -102         -0.6
  Net interest income                              11       47,197       74,903      -27,705        -37.0
    Domestic                                       12       41,894       46,252       -4,357         -9.4
    International                                  13        5,303       28,650      -23,347        -81.5
  Net fees and commissions                         14       12,507       11,226        1,280         11.4
    Domestic                                       15       13,905       12,025        1,879         15.6
  Net gains on trading                             16        3,008        5,092       -2,083        -40.9
  Others                                           17       36,333       10,934       25,398        232.3
    Net capital gains on bonds                     18       12,831        7,010        5,820         83.0
    Net gains on financial derivatives             19       22,057           51       22,006     43,019.5
General and administrative expenses                20       55,524       58,189       -2,664         -4.6
  Personnel expenses                               21       23,008       23,480         -471         -2.0
  Non-personnel expenses excluding taxes           22       30,056       32,296       -2,239         -6.9
  Taxes other than income taxes                    23        2,458        2,412           46          1.9
Net business profit before credit costs (1+4-20)   24       77,390       87,100       -9,710        -11.1
  excluding Net capital gains on bonds (24-9-18)   25       65,061       82,506      -17,444        -21.1
Net transfer to general reserves                   26            -            -            -            -
Net business profit                                27       75,150       70,586        4,564          6.5
Net non-recurring profit                           28      -12,763      -32,298       19,535         60.5
  Net gains on stocks                              29        8,972      -16,939       25,912        153.0
    Gains on sale of stocks                        30       19,923       10,473        9,449         90.2
    Losses on sale of stocks                       31        8,400       15,328       -6,927        -45.2
    Losses on devaluation of stocks                32        2,550       12,084       -9,534        -78.9
  Banking a/c credit costs                         33       10,549        6,867        3,681         53.6
    Net losses on direct write-offs                34        8,524        5,549        2,975         53.6
    Net transfer to specific loan loss reserves    35            -            -            -            -
    Losses on sale of loans to CCPC                36            -            -            -            -
    Losses on sale of loans in bulk                37          -14        1,181       -1,195       -101.2
    Net transfer to reserves for loans to borrowers
     in specific foreign countries                 38            -            -            -            -
    Other credit costs                             39        2,039          137        1,902      1,386.3
  Corporate taxes other than relating to income    40          414          550         -136        -24.7
  Others                                           41      -10,771       -7,940       -2,830        -35.7
Net operating income                               42       62,387       38,287       24,099         62.9
Extraordinary income                               43        5,755       -4,671       10,426        223.2
  Net gains on disposal of fixed assets            44       -1,139         -460         -679       -147.7
    Gains on disposal of fixed assets              45            3            -            3        497.3
    Losses on disposal of fixed assets             46        1,143          460          682        148.2
  Reversal of reserves                             47        2,838        2,419          418         17.3
  Amortized cost of net transition obligation for
   employee retirement benefit                     48        1,829        1,829            -            -
  Net gains on collection from write-offs          49          601          322          278         86.4
  Gains on partial transfer of stock transfer
   agency business                                 50            -       23,900      -23,900       -100.0
  Net gains on securities contributed to employee
   retirement benefit trust                        51            -      -29,023       29,023        100.0
  Refund of Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Tax on
   large banks                                     52        5,285            -        5,285            -
Net income before income taxes                     53       68,142       33,616       34,526        102.7
Income taxes                                       54           44           51           -7        -14.6
Deferred income taxes                              55       27,708       13,403       14,305        106.7
Net income                                         56       40,389       20,160       20,228        100.3

Total credit costs (4 + 26 + 33 - 47)                        9,951       20,963      -11,012        -52.5

2. Unrealized gains/losses on investment securities

(1) Banking a/c

                                                                        Millions of Yen
                                                       Sep. 2003                      Mar. 2003
                                                   NetUnrealized Unrealized      Net Unrealized Unrealized
                                                           gains     losses               gains     losses Change of
Held-to-maturity debt securities                  595       612         17      678        999        320       -82
Investment in affiliates                            -         -          -        -          -          -         -
Available-for-sale securities                  73,810   145,062     71,252  -19,637     91,456    111,093    93,447
Total                                          74,406   145,675     71,269  -18,958     92,455    111,414    93,364
Japanese stocks                                70,633   108,742     38,108  -63,625     35,432     99,057   134,259
Japanese bonds                                -12,942     4,877     17,819    8,462      8,560         98   -21,404
Foreign securities and others
 (*1)                                          16,714    32,054     15,340   36,204     48,463     12,258   -19,489
(Net unrealized gains on available-for-sale
 securities, net of tax)                       44,782        --         --  -11,309         --         --    56,092

(*1) Most part of securities categorized in "Foreign securities and
    others" are US Treasuries and German Bunds. The figures in the
    tables are translated in Japanese Yen. Although the value is shown
    in Japanese Yen, those bonds are funded by repo transactions. Thus
    there is not foreign exchange rate risk.

                                                                   Millions of Yen
                                                       Sep. 2003                      Mar. 2003
                                               Net    Unrealized Unrealized   Net    Unrealized Unrealized
                                                        gains     losses               gains        losses Change of
Held-to-maturity debt securities                    -         -          -        -          -          -         -
Investment in affiliates                            -         -          -        -          -          -         -
Available-for-sale securities                  73,224   144,298     71,073  -19,803     91,081    110,884    93,027
Total                                          73,224   144,298     71,073  -19,803     91,081    110,884    93,027
Japanese stocks                                70,538   108,646     38,108  -63,668     35,388     99,057   134,206
Japanese bonds                                -12,940     4,877     17,817    8,461      8,559         98   -21,401
Foreign securities and others
 (*1)                                          15,627    30,774     15,147   35,404     47,133     11,728   -19,776
(Net unrealized gains on available-for-sale
 securities, net of tax)                       43,598        --         --  -11,790         --         --    55,388

(2) Principal guaranteed trust a/c

                                                    Millions of Yen
                                            --------------------  Change
                                             Sep. 2003 Mar. 2003  of net
Total                                           3,013     4,775     -1,762
Japanese stocks                                     -         -          -
Japanese bonds                                  2,496     3,990     -1,494
Foreign securities and others                     516       785       -268

3. BIS capital ratio (Consolidated)

                                                                         Millions of Yen
                                                                                                Change from
                                                         Sep. 2003       Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002    Mar. 2003
 capital                                                1,380,346       1,213,927    1,369,033      166,419
  Tier I                                                  760,014         706,184      774,558       53,829
        Net unrealized losses on available-for-sale
         securities, net of tax                                 -          11,288       23,725      -11,288
        Minority interest in consolidated
         subsidiaries                                      89,610          89,072       89,064          537
        Non-cumulative preferred capital notes             83,000          83,000       83,000            -
   II                                                     624,114         511,306      597,414      112,808
        Upper Tier II                                     244,107         197,006      290,138       47,101
        Net unrealized gains on available-for-sale
         securities, net of tax                            33,677               -            -       33,677
        Revaluation surplus on land, after 55%
         discount                                           3,357           4,188        4,277         -830
        General reserves                                   78,397          88,243       83,961       -9,845
        Perpetual subordinated debts                      128,675         104,575      201,900       24,100
        Lower Tier II                                     380,007         314,300      307,275       65,707
        Termed subordinated debts, etc.                   380,007         314,300      307,275       65,707
  Deduction (double gearing)                                3,782           3,564        2,939          217
Total risk adjusted  assets                            11,405,376      11,580,899   11,840,383     -175,523
  On-balance-sheet items                               10,259,383      10,474,890   10,471,681     -215,506
  Off-balance- sheet items                              1,086,430       1,042,641    1,324,309       43,788
  Market risk equivalent                                   59,562          63,367       44,392       -3,804
 ratio                                                      12.10%          10.48%       11.56%        1.62%
(Tier I
 ratio)                                                      6.66%           6.09%        6.54%        0.57%

(*) Non-consolidated BIS capital ratio and Tier I ratio are 12.28% and
    6.77%, respectively.

4. Adequacy for calculating and posting net deferred tax assets

1. Adequacy for calculating and posting net deferred tax assets (Non-

The recoverability of deferred tax assets is estimated from future
taxable income that is estimated based on the Plan for restoring sound
management as well as historical financial performance.

Although a material amount of loss carried forwards exists at the end
of the first half of fiscal year 2003, it is due to extraordinary
causes in the past. Thus, the proviso of item 4 of the practical guideline, 
"Treatment for audit of recoverability of deferred tax assets" is applicable.
And net deferred tax assets are posted based on the tax planning with
limits of not more than the total future taxable income in reasonable
term for estimation (5 years).

Although there are negative figures for taxable income in the past
five years, those are due to extraordinary causes as following;

- Devaluation of assets in accordance with the introduction of new
    accounting standard for financial products

- Proactive final disposition of non-performing loans in line with
    Japanese government's policy

- Acceleration of unwinding of cross share-holdings to meet the new

                                                                    Billions of Yen
                                                    FY2002      FY2001     FY2000      FY1999     FY1998
Taxable income before deduction of loss carry
 forwards                                          -221.2        52.4     -122.4       107.3       14.1
Net business profit before credit
 costs                                              158.8       150.2      144.1       144.7      228.1

2. Estimated amount for future taxable income (Non- consolidated)

Net business profit before credit costs, income before income taxes,
and taxable income which are used for estimation of future tax income

                                                                    Billions of Yen
                                                            Total from 2HFY2003 to 1HFY2008
Net business profit before credit
 costs                                                          790.1
Income before income
 taxes                                                          559.3
Taxable income before deduction of existing deferred tax
 assets factors                                                 626.4

Effective tax rate for calculation of deferred tax assets       40.46%

3. Factors for deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities 

                                                              Billions of Yen
                                                           Sep. 2003   Mar. 2003
Deferred tax assets                                             235.9      272.5
Reserves for possible loan losses (including taxable
 losses on write-offs)                                           38.5       50.2
Devaluation of
 securities                                                      43.7       54.5
Reserves for employee retirement benefit                          8.6        7.1
Loss carry forwards                                             122.7      127.7
Net unrealized losses on available-for-sale securities              -        8.0
Others                                                           25.3       27.0
Valuation allowance                                              -3.2       -2.2
Deferred tax liabilities                                         35.1        5.6
Net unrealized gains on available-for-sale securities            29.6          -
Others                                                            5.5        5.6
Net deferred tax assets (on the balance sheet)                  200.7      266.8

4. Percentage to capital (Non-consolidated)

The portion of net deferred tax assets to Tier I has considerably
decreased from 37.4% to 26.1%.

                            Billions of Yen
                         Sep. 2003  Mar. 2003
Net deferred tax assets
 (A)                         200.7       266.8
Tier I (B)                   766.4       713.2
Percentage (A)/(B)            26.1%       37.4%

5. Factors for deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities (Consolidated)

                                                                   Billions of Yen
                                                                Sep. 2003   Mar. 2003
Deferred tax assets                                                  247.2       285.0
Reserves for possible loan losses (including taxable losses on
 write-offs)                                                          40.5        52.3
Devaluation of
 securities                                                           43.8        54.5
Reserve for employee retirement
 benefit                                                               9.4         7.8
Loss carry forwards                                                  126.2       130.6
Unrealized profit                                                      9.1        10.1
Net unrealized losses on available-for-sale
 securities                                                              -         8.0
Others                                                                26.2        27.9
Valuation allowance                                                   -8.1        -6.4
Deferred tax liabilities                                              35.1         5.6
Net unrealized gains on available-for-sale
 securities                                                           29.6           -
Others                                                                 5.5         5.6
Net deferred tax assets (on the balance sheet)                       212.0       279.4

Net deferred tax liabilities (on the balance
 sheet)                                                                0.1         0.1

6. Percentage to capital (Consolidated)

The portion of net deferred tax assets to Tier I has considerably
decreased from 39.5% to 27.9%.

                             Billions of Yen
                          Sep. 2003   Mar. 2003
Net deferred tax assets
 (A)                           212.0       279.4
Tier I (B)                     760.0       706.1
Percentage (A)/(B)              27.9%       39.5%

(*) Classification of companies in the practical guideline, the
    Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants ("JICPA")
    Industry Auditing Committee Report No. 66 "Treatment for audit of
    recoverability of deferred tax assets" (November 9, 2001)

Item 1: Companies which report taxable income every year, and the
    taxable income sufficiently exceeds temporary differences that
    will result in deductible amounts in the future years.

Item 2: Companies which show stable business performance but do not
    report taxable income enough for covering temporary differences
    that will amounts in the future years.

Item 3: Companies which show unstable business performance and do not
    report taxable income enough for covering temporary differences
    that result in deductible amounts in the future.

Item 4: Companies which post material amount of loss carry forwards.
    Proviso of item 4: Companies which post material amount of loss
    carry forwards but report taxable income every year except for
    extraordinary causes.

Item 5: Companies have post material amount of loss carry forwards for
    consecutive years (most commonly 3 years and more).

5. Cross shareholdings

(1) Cross shareholdings (Market price available)


                                   Billions of Yen
                            Sep. 2003   Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002
Cost basis                     487.0       588.7        840.3
Mark-to-market basis           557.7       525.1        722.1
Tier I                         760.0       706.1        774.5

(2) Unwinding of cross shareholdings (Cost basis)
                             Billions of Yen
               FY2003                   FY2002
            Full FY2003      1HFY2003 Full FY2002     1HFY2002
Plan              150.0        100.0       200.0        100.0
Actual               --        101.7       325.3        148.8

6. Assets classified under the Financial reconstruction law (After
partial direct write-offs)

(1) Banking a/c  (Non-consolidated)
                                                                         Millions of Yen
                                                                                        Change from Change from
                                                      Sep. 2003   Mar. 2003   Sep. 2002   Mar. 2003   Sep. 2002
Assets classified under the Financial
 reconstruction law (a)                                316,532     338,377     469,172     -21,844    -152,639
  Loans in bankrupt and practically bankrupt            19,766      21,984      60,091      -2,217     -40,324
  Doubtful loans                                       117,897     159,783     242,535     -41,885    -124,638
  Substandard loans (b)                                178,868     156,610     166,545      22,257      12,322
Ordinary assets                                      9,178,238   9,284,705   9,048,370    -106,467     129,867
  Loans to substandard debtors (excluding
   Substandard loans) (c)                               12,217      10,864      31,211       1,353     -18,993
  Loans to special mention debtors (excluding (b)
   and (c))                                            552,707     653,031     796,263    -100,323    -243,555
  Loans to ordinary debtors                          8,613,312   8,620,810   8,220,896      -7,497     392,416
Total loan balance (d)                               9,494,771   9,623,083   9,517,543    -128,312     -22,771
Ratio to total loan balance (a) / (d)                      3.3%        3.5%        4.9%       -0.2%       -1.6%

Loans to substandard debtors (b)+(c)                   191,086     167,475     197,756      23,611      -6,670

(*) Partial direct write-offs: Sep. 2003: 117.5 billion Yen, Mar.
    2003: 151.6 billion Yen, Sep. 2002: 256.3 billion Yen

(2) Principal guaranteed trust a/c  (Non- consolidated)

                                                                         Millions of Yen
                                                                                        Change from Change from
                                                      Sep. 2003   Mar. 2003   Sep. 2002   Mar. 2003   Sep. 2002
Assets classified under the Financial
 reconstruction law (e)                                 56,061      63,819     111,067      -7,758     -55,006
  Loans in bankrupt and practically bankrupt             5,976       7,050      10,048      -1,073      -4,071
  Doubtful loans                                        15,741      16,875      31,122      -1,134     -15,381
  Substandard loans (f)                                 34,343      39,893      69,896      -5,549     -35,553
Ordinary assets                                      1,254,927   1,480,130   1,647,491    -225,202    -392,563
  Loans to substandard debtors (excluding
   Substandard loans) (g)                                2,501       2,174       9,562         326      -7,061
  Loans to special mention debtors (excluding (f)
   and (g))                                             35,172      50,266      78,086     -15,093     -42,913
  Loans to ordinary debtors                          1,217,253   1,427,689   1,559,842    -210,436    -342,589
Total loan balance (h)                               1,310,989   1,543,950   1,758,559    -232,961    -447,570
Ratio to total loan balance (e) / (h)                      4.3%        4.1%        6.3%        0.2%       -2.0%

Loans to substandard debtors (f)+(g)                    36,845      42,068      79,459      -5,222     -42,614

(3) Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c combined  (Non-consolidated)

                                                                            Millions of Yen
                                                                                     Change from   Change from
                                                   Sep. 2003   Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002    Mar. 2003      Sep. 2002
Assets classified under the Financial
 reconstruction law (A)                             372,594     402,197      580,240      -29,603             -207,646
    Loans in bankrupt and practically bankrupt       25,743      29,034       70,139       -3,291              -44,396
    Doubtful loans                                  133,638     176,658      273,658      -43,020             -140,019
    Substandard loans (B)                           213,212     196,504      236,442       16,708              -23,230
Ordinary assets                                  10,433,166  10,764,836   10,695,861     -331,670             -262,695
    Loans to substandard debtors (excluding
     substandard loans) (C)                          14,719      13,039       40,774        1,680              -26,054
    Loans to special mention debtors (excluding
     (B) and (C))                                   587,880     703,297      874,349     -115,416             -286,468
    Loans to ordinary debtors                     9,830,566  10,048,499    9,780,738     -217,933               49,827
Total loan balance (D)                           10,805,760  11,167,033   11,276,102     -361,273             -470,341
Ratio to total loan balance (A) / (D)                   3.4%        3.6%         5.1%        -0.2%                -1.7%

Loans to substandard debtors (B)+(C)                227,931     209,543      277,216       18,388              -49,284

(4) Reserve ratio for loans to special mention / ordinary debtors
(general reserves) (Banking a/c) (Non-consolidated)

                                                                           Percentage points
                                                                                     Change from    Change from
                                                   Sep. 2003   Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002    Mar. 2003            Sep. 2002
Special mention                                         9.2         9.5          7.5         -0.3                  1.7
    Substandard debtors                                18.2        25.0         25.7         -6.8                 -7.5
            Against uncovered portion                  52.5        50.7         49.0          1.8                  3.5
    Other than substandard debtors                      6.1         5.6          3.0          0.5                  3.1
Ordinary debtors                                        0.1         0.1          0.1            -                    -

(*) Reserve ratio = general reserves / loan amount

(5) Asset classified under the Financial reconstruction law as of
    September 30, 2003 (Non-consolidated)

(Banking a/c)                                                                                

                                                                                (in millions of Yen)
                   -------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      Balance                    Collateral/ Reserves                         Reserve ratio
                                 Coverage ratio
                        (a)             Specific loan loss reserves (b)            957
Loans in bankrupt/
    bankrupt (A)         19,766    100%                                                                      100%
                       (21,984 ) (100%) Guarantee and collateral (c)            18,809          (b) / ( (a)-(c) )

--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        (d)             Uncovered                                7,494                        79%
Doubtful loans (B)      117,897     93% Specific loan loss reserves (e)         28,919                      (66%)
                      (159,783 )  (86%) Guarantee and collateral (f)            81,484          (e) / ( (d)-(f) )
--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        (g)             Uncovered                               32,234                        50%
Substandard loans                       General reserves (h)
        (C)             178,868     81%                                         33,335                      (50%)
                      (156,610 )  (75%) Guarantee and collateral (i)           113,299          (h) / ( (g)-(i) )
--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        General reserves                        44,348
  Ordinary assets                       Reserves for loans to borrowers in
                        9,178,238        specific foreign countries                538
                       (9,284,705 )
=======================================          -------------------------------------- -------------------------
       Total                                     Total of (A),(B) and                     Ratio to total loan
                        9,494,771                         (C)          316,532                   balance
                       (9,623,083 )                                  (338,377 )                              3.3%
---------------------------------------          -------------------------------------- -------------------------

(Principal guaranteed trust  a/c)                                                            (in millions of Yen)
--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      Balance               Collateral/ Reserves                         Reserves for principal
                                   Coverage Ratio
                                        Guarantee and collateral                 5,976
Loans in bankrupt/
practically bankrupt (D)
                          5,976    100%                                                                   10,075
                        (7,050 ) (100%)                                                  Reserves for loan trust

--------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                        Uncovered                                3,285                       674
Doubtful loans (E)       15,741     79% Guarantee and collateral                12,456      Reserves for JOMT
                       (16,875 )  (75%)

--------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
                                        Uncovered                               16,527
Substandard loans                       Guarantee and collateral
        (F)              34,343     51%                                         17,816
                       (39,893 )  (54%)

--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Ordinary assets       1,254,927
                       (1,480,130 )
=======================================          -------------------------------------- -------------------------
       Total                                      Total of (D), (E)                       Ratio to total loan
                        1,310,989                       and (F)         56,061                   balance
                       (1,543,950 )                                   (63,819 )                              4.3%
---------------------------------------          -------------------------------------- -------------------------

(Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c combined)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Grand total                                           Total of                        Ratio to grand total loan balance
                     10,805,760                         and (F)        372,594
                   (11,167,033 )                                     (402,197 )                              3.4%
---------------------------------------          -------------------------------------- -------------------------

(*) Numbers in parenthesis are as of Mar.2003

7. Forecast for full FY2003

                                                                   Billions of Yen
                                                 Forecast for     1HFY2003          FY2002       Change
                                                   FY2003 (A)     (Actual)    (Actual) (B)      (A)-(B)
   Net business profits before credit costs            145.0         77.3           158.8        -13.8
   Net business profits                                140.0         75.1           133.4          6.6
   Total credit costs                                   40.0          9.9            85.9        -45.9
       Banking a/c net credit costs                     35.0          7.7            65.6        -30.6
       Trust a/c net credit costs                        5.0          2.2            20.3        -15.3
   Other non-recurring items                            -5.0         -2.2          -141.3        136.3
   Net operating income                                100.0         62.3           -68.3        168.3
   Net income                                           60.0         40.3           -56.5        116.5
   Dividend   Dividend per common stock (Yen)

    per stock                                           4.00            -            3.00         1.00
              Dividend per preferred stock
               (Yen)                                    6.08            -            6.08            -

   Net operating income                                110.0         66.6           -66.1        176.1
   Net income                                           65.0         40.9           -72.9        137.9

II. Supplementary information I

1. Total risk adjusted assets, capital and deferred tax assets (Consolidated)

                                                        Billions of Yen
                          Total risk adjusted
                                 assets                              Capital
                                                   Total             Tier I            Tier II
Sep. 2002                           11,840.3           1,369.0             774.5               597.4
Sep. 2003                           11,405.3           1,380.3             760.0               624.1

                                                        Billions of Yen
                                               Deferred tax                       BIS capital ratio
Sep. 2002                                                225.2                                 11.56%
Sep. 2003                                                212.0                                 12.10%

2. Net business profit (Non-consolidated)

                                                        Billions of Yen
                          Net business profit
                              before net
                              transfer to      Net business    Net business profit before principal guaranteed a/c
                            general reserves       profit      credit costs

                                                                  Before net transfer to general

1HFY 2002 (Actual)                      70.5              70.5              87.1                87.1
1HFY 2003 (Previous
 forecast)                              60.0              60.0              65.0                65.0
1HFY 2003 (Actual)                      75.1              75.1              77.3                77.3
FY 2003 (Previous
 forecast)                             135.0             135.0             145.0               145.0
FY 2003 (Amended forecast)             140.0             140.0             145.0               145.0

3. Non-performing loans

(1) Credit costs


                                                        Billions of Yen
                          Net transfer to    Banking a/c           Principal      Total credit costs (a)+(b)+(c)
                            general reserves      credit costs  guaranteed trust
                                  (a)              (*) (b)      a/c credit costs

1HFY 2002                                  -               5.4              16.5                21.9
FY 2002                                  5.0              62.5              20.3                87.8
1HFY 2003                                  -               7.8               2.2                10.0

(*) For banking a/c credit costs, the sum of credit costs is booked to
    be non-recurring loss. However, in the table above, 1.4 billion
    yen of reversal of reserves (extraordinary income item) is
    included for 1HFY2002, and 2.7 billion yen of reversal of reserves
    (extraordinary income item) is included for 1HFY2003.


                                                        Billions of Yen
                          Net transfer to    Banking a/c        guaranteed trust
                            general reserves      credit costs  a/c credit costs Total credit costs
                                  (a)              (*) (b)             (c)            (a)+(b)+(c)
1HFY 2002                                  -               4.4              16.5                20.9
FY 2002                                  5.1              60.4              20.3                85.9
1HFY 2003                                  -               7.7               2.2                 9.9
FY 2003 (E)                              0.0              35.0               5.0                40.0

(*) For banking a/c credit costs, the sum of credit costs is booked to
    be non-recurring loss. However, in the table above, 2.4 billion
    yen of reversal of reserves (extraordinary income item) is
    included for 1HFY2002, and 2.8 billion yen of reversal of reserves
    (extraordinary income item) is included for 1HFY2003.

(2) Outstanding amount (Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c combined) 

(Classification under self-assessment)

                                                        Billions of Yen
                          Legally/ virtually    Potentially       Potentially      Special mention
                              bankrupt (a)    bankrupt          bankrupt or worse   (=Watch list)
                                                      (b)          categories         including
                                                                     (a)+(b)        Substandard (c)   (a)+(b)+(c)

Sep. 2002                               70.1             273.7             343.8             1,151.6     1,495.4
Mar. 2003                               29.0             176.7             205.7               912.8     1,118.5
Sep. 2003                               25.7             133.6             159.4               815.8       975.2

(Classification under the Financial reconstruction law)

                                              Billions of Yen
                                          Substandard Loans (d)       (a)+(b)+(d)
Sep. 2002                                                236.4             580.2
Mar. 2003                                                196.5             402.2
Sep. 2003                                                213.2             372.6

(3) Final disposal and new entry  (Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust 
a/c combined) (Non-consolidated)

a. Outstanding amount

                            Billions of Yen
                              Loans in bankrupt/ practically  Doubtful loans        Total
Sep. 2002                                               70.1            273.7            343.8
Mar. 2003                                               29.0            176.7            205.7
Sep. 2003                                               25.7            133.6            159.4
New entry during 1HFY2003                                0.9             15.8             16.7
Final disposal during
 1HFY2003                                               -5.8            -57.2            -63.0
Category migration during 1HFY2003                       1.6             -1.6                -
Net                                                     -3.3            -43.0            -46.3

b. Breakdown by disposal methods
                            Billions of Yen
                              Liquidation    Reconstruction     Financial
                                                                along with
                                                               reconstruction   Outright Sale
                                                                                                 Sale to RCC
FY 2002                                99.8            105.8             58.0            125.7            8.0
1HFY 2003                              36.6             19.6             19.1              5.5              -

                            Billions of Yen
                           Direct write-offs                      Others                            Total
                                                  Total        Collection/    Financial condition improvement
FY 2002                              -175.3            122.2            105.9             16.3          336.2
1HFY 2003                             -37.2             19.3             18.2              1.1           63.0

(4) Financial support to debtors (Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c 
combined) (Non-consolidated)

                                            Amount (Billions    Number of       Company name
                                                 of Yen)         companies
Debt forgiveness                                         6.4                1   Kumagai Gumi
     Based on private sector resolution
      guideline                                            -                -        ----------
Debt to equity swap                                      4.4                1   Kumagai Gumi
Preferred stock                                            -                -        ----------
Total                                                   10.8        ----------       ----------

(*) Based on public announcement

(5) Cash reserves and cash reserve ratio for each category of debtor 
(Banking a/c) (Non- consolidated)

                                                        Sep. 2003                        Mar. 2003
                                              Cash reserve     Cash reserves    Cash reserve    Cash reserves
                                                  ratio                             ratio
                                                             (Billions of Yen)                 (Billions of Yen)
Loans to bankrupt and      against uncovered
                            portion                    100.0%             0.9            100.0%           1.2
practically bankrupt
Loans to doubtful debtors  against uncovered
                            portion                     79.4%            28.9             66.9%          43.3

Loans to substandard       against uncovered
 debtors                    portion                     52.5%            34.9             50.7%          41.8
                           against loan
                            amount                      18.2%                             25.0%
Loans to special mention   against loan
 debtors                    amount                       6.1%            34.1              5.6%          36.6
(excluding Loans to
 substandard debtors)
Loans to ordinary debtors  against loan
                            amount                       0.1%             8.6              0.1%           8.6

(*) Cash reserves = General reserves or specific loan losses reserves

                                                        Sep. 2002
                                              Cash reserve     Cash reserves
                                                             (Billions of Yen)
Loans to bankrupt and      against uncovered
                            portion                    100.0%             3.4
practically bankrupt
Loans to doubtful debtors  against uncovered
                            portion                     67.1%            71.6

Loans to substandard       against uncovered
 debtors                    portion                     49.0%            50.8
                           against loan
                            amount                      25.7%
Loans to special mention   against loan
 debtors                    amount                       3.0%            23.8
(excluding Loans to
 substandard debtors)
Loans to ordinary debtors  against loan
                            amount                       0.1%             8.2


(6) Cash reserves for loans to substandard debtors calculated based on discount 
cash flow method (Banking a/c) (Non-consolidated)

                              Numbers of    Cash reserves         Reserve ratio against uncovered portion
                              applicable         (Billions of
                                debtors            Yen)

Mar. 2003                                 3              8.6             48.5%
Sep. 2003                                 5              8.8             46.2%

(7) Non-performing loan ratio (Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c 
combined) (Non-consolidated)

                                   Mar. 2002    Sep. 2002    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2003
The Financial reconstruction law
 basis                                    6.1%         5.1%         3.6%         3.4%

4. Cross shareholdings

(1) Cross shareholdings (Market price available)


                         Billions of Yen
                     Cost basis    Mark-to-      Tier I
                                  market  bais
Sep. 2002                  840.3        722.1        774.5
Mar. 2003                  588.7        525.1        706.1
Sep. 2003                  487.0        557.7        760.0

(2) Unwinding of cross shareholdings (Cost basis)


                                      Billions of Yen
FY2002                                  325.3
1HFY2002                                148.8
Plan for FY2003                         150.0
1HFY2003 (Actual)                       101.7

(3) Losses on devaluation of stocks (Non-consolidated)

                                      Billions of Yen
                                    Net gains of stocks
                                              Losses on devaluation of stocks
FY2002                                 -127.7                    -100.9
1HFY2003                                  8.9                      -2.5

5. Loans

(1) Loans to small and mid-sized corporations (Banking a/c and principal 
guaranteed trust a/c combined) (Non-consolidated)

                         Billions of Yen
Sep. 2002                4,522.4
Mar. 2003                4,562.0
Sep. 2003                4,586.6

(2) Loans by industry (Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c combined) 

                                                                       Billions of Yen
                                              Total amount                  Risk managed loans
                                                            Loans more  Restructured     Other     Loans in bankruptcy
                                                                than        loans      delinquent  proceedings
                                                            3 months
                                                           past due
Wholesale and retail               Mar. 2003         912.3          0.3         24.3           4.0          6.2
                                   Sep. 2003         895.9          0.2         24.7           2.4          5.3
Construction                       Mar. 2003         230.7            -         45.8          35.3          2.4
                                   Sep. 2003         206.7         17.3         63.1           7.2          0.8
Real                               Mar. 2003
 estate                                            1,125.2          0.4         41.4         111.4          8.2
                                   Sep. 2003       1,035.5          0.7         34.7          90.7          7.8
Finance and                        Mar. 2003
 insurance                                         2,602.2            -          0.4           2.0          0.3
                                   Sep. 2003       2,537.6            -          2.3           2.0          0.3

6. Dividend source for the public fund (Non-consolidated)

                                                               of Yen
Retained earnings available for dividend payment (*)            114.7
Net unrealized gains on available-for-sale securities, net of
 tax (**)                                                        43.5
Annual dividend for public fund                                   0.7

(*) Capital surplus (excluding additional paid in capital) + retained
    earnings (excluding legal retained earnings)

(**) Net unrealized gains on available-for-sale securities: 73.2
     billion yen

III. Supplementary information II

1. Return on equity (Non-consolidated)

                                                             1HFY2003       1HFY2002              Change
Dividend per stock                      Common stock               -              -                   -
                                      Preferred stock              -              -                   -
Net income per common stock                                    27.70          13.92               13.78
Return (Net business profit before trust a/c credit
 costs) on equity                                               26.5%          30.2%               -3.7%
Return (Net business profit before credit costs) on
 equity                                                         26.5%          30.2%               -3.7%
Return (Net income) on equity                                   13.8%           6.9%                6.9%
                                                      Millions of Yen
Total stockholders' equity (ending balance)                  729,117        701,046              28,070
      Net unrealized gains on available-for-sale
                 securities, net of tax                       43,598        -23,820              67,418

2. Spread

(1) Domestic banking a/c

                                                    Percentage points
                                              1HFY2003       1HFY2002         Change
  Average yield on interest-earning
              assets (A)                         1.11           1.21          -0.10
  Loans and bills discounted (a)                 1.28           1.38          -0.10
  Bonds (b)                                      0.83           0.94          -0.11
  Average yield on interest-bearing
            liabilities (B)                      0.35           0.38          -0.03
  Deposits (c)                                   0.21           0.24          -0.03
Gross margin (A) - (B)                           0.76           0.83          -0.07
Loan-deposit margin (a) - (c)                    1.07           1.14          -0.07

(2) Domestic banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c combined

                                                    Percentage points
                                              1HFY2003       1HFY2002         Change
  Average yield on interest-earning
              assets (A)                         1.15           1.31          -0.16
  Loans and bills discounted (a)                 1.29           1.46          -0.17
  Bonds (b)                                      0.87           1.09          -0.22
  Average yield on interest-bearing
            liabilities (B)                      0.27           0.26           0.01
  Deposits (c)                                   0.17           0.17           0.00
Gross margin (A) - (B)                           0.88           1.05          -0.17
Loan-deposit margin (a) - (c)                    1.12           1.29          -0.17

3. Breakdown of gains/ losses on securities (Non-consolidated)

(1) Bond related

                                                              Millions of Yen
                                                   1HFY2003         1HFY2002                Change
Net gains on bonds                                  12,831            7,010                 5,820
   Gains on sale of bonds                           36,857           75,857               -39,000
   Gains on redemption of bonds                          -                -                     -
   Losses on sale of bonds                          24,025           64,503               -40,477
   Losses on redemption of bonds                         -            1,482                -1,482
   Losses on devaluation of bonds                        1            2,862                -2,860

(2) Stock related

                                                              Millions of Yen
                                                   1HFY2003         1HFY2002                Change
Net gains on stocks                                  8,972          -16,939                25,912
   Gains on sale of stocks                          19,923           10,473                 9,449
   Losses on sale of stocks                          8,400           15,328                -6,927
   Losses on devaluation of stocks (*1)              2,550           12,084                -9,534

(*1) The Bank applies the rule for stock valuation as follows under
    Japanese GAAP.

Values of the stocks whose market values are obtainable in the markets are 
determined on the

- basis of the 1-month-average of their daily closing prices during
    September 2003 (the closing month of 1HFY2003).

- The Bank adopts the standard for devaluation of stocks shown below.

   Standard for devaluation of stocks
                                            Less than 30%           30 - 50%    More than 50%
   Stocks of ordinary debtors
   Stocks of special mention or worse                                 To be devaluated

   Devaluation of listed stocks
                                                              Millions of Yen
                                            Less than 30%           30 - 50%    More than 50%
   Stocks of ordinary debtors                            -                -                   752
   Stocks of special mention or worse
    debtors                                              -                -                    28

4. Unrealized gains/ losses on financial derivatives

(1) Unrealized gains/ losses on financial derivatives reflected upon the 
statement of income


                                                     Millions of Yen
                                            Sep. 2003        Mar. 2003           Change
Interest rate related                         36,336            4,451        ----------
     Interest rate swaps                      73,788            1,733        ----------
Bond related                                  -4,972             -285        ----------
Currency related                               7,900            3,276        ----------
Stock related                                    437               36        ----------
Credit derivatives                               -14             -179        ----------
Total                                         39,686            7,299        ----------

                                                     Millions of Yen
                                            Sep. 2003        Mar. 2003           Change
Interest rate related                         36,339            4,469        ----------
     Interest rate swaps                      73,791            1,751        ----------
Bond related                                  -4,972             -285        ----------
Currency related                               7,900            3,276        ----------
Stock related                                    437               36        ----------
Credit derivatives                               -14             -179        ----------
Total                                         39,690            7,317        ----------

(*1) In accordance with the change of hedge accounting standard for
    Japanese banks, category of derivative transactions whose
    unrealized gains/losses are reflected upon the statement of income
    has changed. Thus, the figures in Sep. 2003 are not comparable to
    those figures in Mar. 2003.

(*2) Unrealized gains/losses of forward exchange contracts and
    currency options whose unrealized gains/losses are reflected upon
    statement of income are not included in the figures for Mar. 2003
    but included in the figures for Sep. 2003.

(2) Derivatives to which hedge accounting is applicable

                                                     Millions of Yen
                                            Sep. 2003        Mar. 2003           Change
Interest rate related                        -16,647          -36,142        ----------
     Interest rate swaps                     -16,647           13,951        ----------
Bond related                                       -              133        ----------
Currency related                                  28                -        ----------
Total                                        -16,618          -36,008        ----------

(*1) In accordance with the change of hedge accounting standard for
    Japanese banks, hedge accounting category for derivative
    transactions has changed. Thus, the figures in Sep. 2003 are not
    comparable to those figures in Mar. 2003.

(*2) Unrealized gains/losses of cross currency swaps subject to the
    accrual-basis accounting standard are not included in the figures
    for Mar. 2003 but included in the figures for Sep. 2003.

5. General & administrative expenses (Non-consolidated)

                                                                   Millions of Yen
                                           1HFY2003        1HFY2002         Change      FY2003 Projection (*1)
General & administrative expenses               55,524          58,189          -2,664                 116,000
   Personnel expenses                           23,008          23,480            -471                  47,200
   Non-personnel expenses excluding
    taxes                                       30,056          32,296          -2,239                  63,800
   Taxes other than income taxes                 2,458           2,412              46                   5,000

(*1) Projection in the "Plan for restoring sound management"

6. Number of directors and employees (Non-consolidated)

                                          Sep. 2003       Mar. 2003         Change     Projection for Mar. 2004 (*1)
Number of directors and statutory
 auditors                                           18              18               -                      18
   Statutory auditors                                5               5               -                       5
Number of employees (*2)                         4,866           4,991            -125                   4,990

(*1) Projection in the "Plan for restoring sound management"

(*2) Including clerical staff, and staff dispatched to other
    companies. Not including part-timers.

7. Number of branches and subsidiaries (Non-consolidated)

                                          Sep. 2003       Mar. 2003         Change     Projection for Mar. 2004 (*1)
Number of domestic branches (*2)                    51              51               -                      51
Number of overseas branches                          3               3               -                       4
Number of overseas subsidiaries (*3)                 3               3               -                       3

(*1) Projection in the "Plan for restoring sound management"

(*2) Excluding satellite offices (14 offices for both in Mar. 2003 and
    in Sep. 2003)

(*3) Excluding special purpose companies

8. Employee retirement benefits

                                                                              Millions of Yen
                                                                     Sep. 2003     Mar. 2003        Change
Projected benefit                               (A)
 obligation                                                           168,139       163,815         4,323
   (Discount rate)                                                      (3.0%)        (3.0%)            -
   Plan assets (market                          (B)
    value)                                                            164,495       158,427         6,068
   Reserves for employee retirement benefits    (C)                     2,302         2,279            23
   Advance benefit paid                         (D)                    74,673        78,943        -4,270
   Unrecognized net plan assets                 (E)                     1,781         1,781             -
   Unrecognized net transition obligation       (F)                     5,489         7,319        -1,829
   Unrecognized net prior service cost          (G)                     2,205         2,360          -155
   Unrecognized net actuarial loss              (A-B-C+D+E-F-G)        70,101        74,154        -4,053

                                                                              Millions of Yen
                                                                      1HFY2003      1HFY2002        Change
Retirement benefit
 expenses                                                               8,979         8,349           630

                                                                              Millions of Yen
                                                                     Sep. 2003     Mar. 2003        Change
Projected benefit                               (A)
 obligation                                                           165,457       161,340         4,117
   (Discount rate)                                                      (3.0%)        (3.0%)            -
   Plan assets (market                          (B)
    value)                                                            163,889       157,915         5,973
   Reserves for employee retirement benefits    (C)                       226           315           -88
   Advance benefit paid                         (D)                    74,673        78,943        -4,270
   Unrecognized net plan assets                 (E)                     1,781         1,781             -
   Unrecognized net transition obligation       (F)                     5,489         7,319        -1,829
   Unrecognized net prior service cost          (G)                     2,205         2,360          -155
   Unrecognized net actuarial loss              (A-B-C+D+E-F-G)        70,101        74,154        -4,053

                                                                              Millions of Yen
                                                                      1HFY2003      1HFY2002        Change
Retirement benefit
 expenses                                                               8,710         8,027           683
   Service cost-benefits earned                                         1,768         2,031          -262
   Interest cost on projected benefit obligation                        2,415         2,404            10
   Expected return on plan assets                                      -2,787        -2,951           164
   Amortization of net transition obligation                            1,829         1,829             -
   Amortization of prior service cost                                     155           224           -68
   Amortization of net actuarial losses                                 4,053         2,286         1,766
   Others (additional benefit at retirement,
    etc.)                                                               1,275         2,202          -926

9. Risk managed loans

(1) Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c combined

                                                                    Millions of Yen
                                                                                  Change from   Change from
                                               Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002     Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002
Risk      Loans in bankruptcy proceedings
 loans                                           16,715       20,760       15,652        -4,044        1,063
          Other delinquent loans                140,863      184,231      325,920       -43,367     -185,056
          Loans more than 3 months past due      19,439        3,157        8,780        16,281       10,658
          Restructured loans                    194,158      193,784      229,394           373      -35,236
          Total Loans under risk management     371,176      401,933      579,747       -30,756     -208,571

(*)Partial direct write-offs: Sep. 2003: 121.5 billion yen, Mar. 2003:
    157.4 billion Yen, Sep. 2002: 262.5 billion Yen

Total Loan Balance                           10,303,966   10,687,105   10,742,310      -383,139     -438,344

                                                                   Percentage points
% to totalLoans in bankruptcy proceedings
 balance                                           0.16         0.19         0.15         -0.03         0.01
          Other delinquent loans                   1.37         1.72         3.03         -0.35        -1.66
          Loans more than 3 months past due        0.19         0.03         0.08          0.16         0.11
          Restructured loans                       1.88         1.81         2.14          0.07        -0.26
          Total Loans under risk management        3.60         3.76         5.40         -0.16        -1.80

(2) Banking a/c loans (Non-consolidated)

                                                                    Millions of Yen
                                                                                  Change from   Change from
                                               Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002     Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002
Risk      Loans in bankruptcy proceedings
 loans                                           11,656       14,670        9,513        -3,013        2,143
          Other delinquent loans                122,588      164,490      288,989       -41,902     -166,401
          Loans more than 3 months past due      10,532        1,199        4,356         9,332        6,175
          Restructured loans                    168,336      155,410      162,188        12,925        6,147
          Total Loans under risk management     313,113      335,771      465,048       -22,658     -151,934

(*)Partial direct write-offs: Sep. 2003: 117.5 billion yen, Mar. 2003:
    151.6 billion yen, Sep. 2002: 256.3 billion Yen

Total loan balance                            9,018,876    9,168,024    9,005,920      -149,147       12,956

                                                                   Percentage points
% to totalLoans in bankruptcy proceedings
 balance                                           0.13         0.16         0.11         -0.03         0.02
          Other delinquent loans                   1.36         1.79         3.21         -0.43        -1.85
          Loans more than 3 months past due        0.12         0.01         0.05          0.11         0.07
          Restructured loans                       1.87         1.70         1.80          0.17         0.07
          Total Loans under risk management        3.47         3.66         5.16         -0.19        -1.69

(3) Principal guaranteed trust a/c loans  (Non-consolidated)

                                              Millions of Yen
                                                                               Change from   Change from    Sep. 2002
                                            Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002   Mar. 2003
Risk     Loans in bankruptcy proceedings
 loans                                         4,875        5,847        5,806        -972                      -930
         Other delinquent loans               16,842       18,078       35,364      -1,236                   -18,522
         Loans more than 3 months past
          due                                  8,521        1,519        2,691       7,002                     5,830
         Restructured loans                   25,821       38,373       67,205     -12,551                   -41,383
         Total Loans under risk
          management                          56,061       63,819      111,067      -7,758                   -55,006

Total loan balance                         1,310,989    1,543,950    1,758,559    -232,961                  -447,570

                                             Percentage points
% to     Loans in bankruptcy proceedings
 balance                                        0.37         0.38         0.33       -0.01                      0.04
         Other delinquent loans                 1.28         1.17         2.01        0.11                     -0.73
         Loans more than 3 months past
          due                                   0.65         0.10         0.15        0.55                      0.50
         Restructured loans                     1.97         2.49         3.82       -0.52                     -1.85
         Total Loans under risk
          management                            4.28         4.13         6.32        0.15                     -2.04

(4) Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c combined (Non-consolidated)

                                              Millions of Yen
                                                                               Change from   Change from    Sep. 2002
                                            Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002   Mar. 2003
Risk     Loans in bankruptcy proceedings
 loans                                        16,532       20,518       15,319      -3,985                     1,212
         Other delinquent loans              139,430      182,569      324,354     -43,138                  -184,923
         Loans more than 3 months past
          due                                 19,053        2,719        7,048      16,334                    12,005
         Restructured loans                  194,158      193,784      229,394         373                   -35,236
         Total Loans under risk
          management                         369,175      399,591      576,116     -30,416                  -206,941

Total Loan Balance                        10,329,866   10,711,974   10,764,479    -382,108                  -434,613

                                             Percentage points
% to     Loans in bankruptcy proceedings
 balance                                        0.16         0.19         0.14       -0.03                      0.02
         Other delinquent loans                 1.35         1.70         3.01       -0.35                     -1.66
         Loans more than 3 months past
          due                                   0.18         0.03         0.07        0.15                      0.11
         Restructured loans                     1.88         1.81         2.13        0.07                     -0.25
         Total Loans under risk
          management                            3.57         3.73         5.35       -0.16                     -1.78

10. Final disposal of non-performing loans

(Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c combined) (Non-consolidated)

(1) Loans outstanding in doubtful or worse categories as of Sep. 2000 and 
disposal thereafter

a. Outstanding amount
                                                Billions of Yen
                                                Sep.2000    Mar. 2001      Sep.2001    Mar. 2002
Loans in bankrupt/practically bankrupt            112.1         82.7          89.9         38.4
Doubtful loans                                    614.7        377.5         277.7        240.2
Total                                             726.8        460.2         367.6        278.6

                                                Billions of Yen
                                             Sep.2002     Mar. 2003    Sep. 2003
                                                                                   Change from
                                                                                     Mar. 2003
Loans in bankrupt/practically bankrupt             55.9         14.3          13.0         -1.3
Doubtful loans                                    159.4         72.7          72.0         -0.7
Total                                             215.3         86.9          84.9         -2.0
                                                                          (A)           (B)

b. Breakdown by disposal methods
                                                        Billions of
Liquidation                                                     36.6
Reconstruction                                                   0.0
Financial condition improvement along with
 reconstruction                                                    -
Outright sales                                                   0.1
Direct write-
 offs                                                          -36.0
Others                                                           1.3
   Collection/ repayment                                         1.3
   Financial condition improvement                                 -
Total                                                            2.0               (B)

c. Quasi final disposal or in the process of final disposal (out of (A))
                                                              Billions of Yen
 liquidation                                                    11.9
Quasi legal liquidation                                          2.0
Divided into good company and bad company                          -
Residual of small amount loans after partial write-offs          0.3
Entrusted to RCC                                                70.6
Total                                                           84.8

(2) New entry to doubtful or worse categories during 2HFY2000 and disposal
a. Outstanding amount
                                                Billions of Yen
                                            Mar. 2001     Sep.2001     Mar. 2002     Sep.2002
Loans in bankrupt/practically bankrupt              2.7          0.7           1.3          7.4
Doubtful loans                                     34.5         29.4          26.4          5.5
Total                                              37.2         30.1          27.6         12.8

                                                Billions of Yen
                                            Mar. 2003     Sep. 2003
                                                                     Change from
                                                                     Mar. 2003
Loans in bankrupt/practically bankrupt              6.4          6.9           0.5
Doubtful loans                                      5.2          2.5          -2.7
Total                                              11.6          9.5          -2.1
                                                             (C)          (D)

b. Breakdown by disposal methods

                                                                   Billions of Yen
Liquidation                                                             -
Reconstruction                                                        0.1
Financial condition improvement along with reconstruction               -
Outright sales                                                          -
Direct write-offs                                                     1.5
Others                                                                0.6
      Collection/ repayment                                           0.6
      Financial condidion improvement                                 0.0
Total                                                                 2.1                (D)

c. Quasi final disposal or in the process of final disposal (out of (C))
                                                             Billions of
Legal liquidation                                                     1.1
Quasi legal liquidation                                                 -
Divided into good company and bad company                               -
Residual of small amount loans after partial write-offs               0.0
Entrusted to RCC                                                        -
Total                                                                 1.1

(3) New entry to doubtful or worse categories during 1HFY2001 and disposal thereafter
a. Outstanding amount
                                                            Billions of Yen
                                                Sep. 2001     Mar. 2002      Sep.2002
Loans in bankrupt/ practically bankrupt                 3.4           2.8            1.5
Doubtful loans                                         54.6          46.1           33.9
Total                                                  58.0          48.9           35.4

                                                            Billions of Yen
                                                Mar. 2003     Sep. 2003
                                                                        Change from Mar. 2003
Loans in bankrupt/ practically bankrupt                 2.7           1.2           -1.6
Doubtful loans                                         22.5          14.8           -7.7
Total                                                  25.2          16.0           -9.3
                                                                 (E)            (F)

b. Beakdown by disposal methods
                                                                   Billions of Yen
Liquidation                                                             -
Reconstruction                                                       11.1
Financial Condition improvement along with reconstruction               -
Outright Sales                                                          -
Direct Write-offs                                                    -3.2
Others                                                                1.3
      Collection/Repayment                                            1.2
      Financial Condition Improvement                                 0.2
Total                                                                 9.3                (F)

c. Quasi final disposal or in the process of final disposal (out of (E))
                                                       Billions of Yen
 liquidation                                               0.9
Quasi legal liquidation                                      -
Divided into good company and bad
 company                                                   5.8
Residual of small amount loans after partial
 write-offs                                                  -
Entrusted to RCC                                             -
Total                                                      6.8

(4) New entry to doubtful or worse categories during 2HFY2001 and disposal

a. Outstanding amount
                                          Billions of Yen
                                       Mar. 2002    Sep.2002     Mar. 2003
Loans in Bankrupt/Practically
 Bankrupt                                     4.8          2.5          2.1
Doubtful Loans                              111.7         53.7         17.0
Total                                       116.5         56.1         19.1

a. Outstanding amount
                                          Billions of Yen
                                       Sep. 2003
                                                    Change from Mar. 2003
Loans in Bankrupt/Practically
 Bankrupt                                     1.3         -0.8
Doubtful Loans                                8.1         -8.9
Total                                         9.4         -9.7
                                          (G)          (H)

b. Beakdown by disposal methods
                                                       Billions of Yen
Liquidation                                                  -
Reconstruction                                             0.5
Financial condition improvement along with
 reconstruction                                              -
Outright sales                                             4.6
Direct write-
 offs                                                     -0.3
Others                                                     4.8
   Collection/ repayment                                   4.5
   Financial condidion improvement                         0.3
Total                                                      9.7              (H)

c. Quasi final disposal or in the process of final disposal (out of (G))
                                                       Billions of Yen
 liquidation                                               0.3
Quasi legal liquidation                                      -
Divided into good company and bad
 company                                                     -
Residual of small amount loans after partial
 write-offs                                                1.0
Entrusted to RCC                                             -
Total                                                      1.3

(5) New entry to doubtful or worse categories during 1HFY2002 and disposal

a. Outstanding amount
                                          Billions of Yen
                                       Sep.2002     Mar. 2003    Sep. 2003
                                                                              Change from
                                                                                Mar. 2003
Loans in Bankrupt/ Practically
 Bankrupt                                     2.9          1.8          1.3             -0.5
Doubtful Loans                               21.3         14.9         11.4             -3.5
Total                                        24.2         16.7         12.7             -4.0
                                                                    (I)            (J)

b. Beakdown by disposal methods
                                                    Billions of Yen
Liquidation                                                      -
Reconstruction                                                 0.8
Financial Condition improvement along with
 reconstruction                                                  -
Outright Sales                                                   -
Direct Write-offs                                             -0.6
Others                                                         3.9
      Collection/Repayment                                     3.7
      Financial Condition Improvement                          0.2
Total                                                          4.0               (J)

c. Quasi final disposal or in the process of final disposal (out of
                                                    Billions of Yen
Legal liquidation                                              1.1
Quasi legal liquidation                                        0.2
Divided into good company and bad
 company                                                         -
Residual of small amount loans after partial write-
 offs                                                          0.3
Entrusted to RCC                                                 -
Total                                                          1.5

(6) New entry to doubtful or worse categories during 2HFY2002 and disposal
a. Outstanding amount
                                             Billions of Yen
                                        Mar. 2003      Sep. 2003
                                                                   Change from
                                                                   Mar. 2003
Loans in bankrupt/ practically
 bankrupt                                       1.8            1.2          -0.6
Doubtful loans                                 44.3            9.0         -35.3
Total                                          46.1           10.2         -35.9
                                                          (K)           (L)

b. Beakdown by disposal methods
                                                    Billions of Yen
Liquidation                                                      -
Reconstruction                                                 7.1
Financial Condition improvement along with
 reconstruction                                               19.1
Outright Sale                                                  0.8
Direct Write-off                                               1.5
Others                                                         7.3
      Collection/Repayment                                     6.9
      Financial Condition Improvement                          0.4
Total                                                         35.9               (L)

c. Quasi final disposal or in the process of final disposal (out of (K))

                                                    Billions of Yen
Legal liquidation                                              0.9
Quasi legal liquidation                                          -
Divided into good company and bad
 company                                                         -
Residual of small amount loans after partial write-
 offs                                                          0.3
Entrusted to RCC                                                 -
Total                                                          1.2

(7) New entry to doubtful or worse categories during 1HFY2003

a. Outstanding amount
                                        Billions of Yen
Loans in bankrupt/ practically bankrupt            0.9
Doubtful loans                                    15.8
Total                                             16.7

(8) Historical balance of doubtful or worse loans
                                        Billions of Yen
                                           Sep.2000      Mar. 2001       Sep.2001              Mar. 2002
Loans in bankrupt/ practically bankrupt          112.1          85.4             93.9                        47.2
Doubtful loans                                   614.7         412.0            361.8                       424.4
Total                                            726.8         497.5            455.7                       471.6

                                        Billions of Yen
                                           Sep.2002      Mar. 2003       Sep. 2003
                                                                                         Change from Mar. 2003
Loans in bankrupt/ practically bankrupt           70.1          29.0             25.7                        -3.3
Doubtful loans                                   273.7         176.7            133.6                       -43.0
Total                                            343.8         205.7            159.4                       -46.3
                                                                            (N)                   (O)


11. Loans by industry

After partial direct write-offs

(1) Loans by industry (Non-consolidated)

                           Millions of
                            Sep. 2003                                       Mar. 2003
                                          Trust a/c                                      Trust a/c
                             Banking a/c         (*)  Banking + trust a/c   Banking a/c         (*)Banking + trust a/c
                                                                   Change from Mar.2003
Domestic Branches             8,653,322   1,499,722  10,153,044   -369,519   8,760,658   1,761,904  10,522,563
(excluding offshore)
   Manufacturing              1,312,278     106,481   1,418,759    -70,281   1,334,972     154,067   1,489,040
   Agriculture                    1,705           -       1,705        240       1,465           -       1,465
   Forestry                         283           -         283       -516         799           -         799
   Fishing                        1,725           -       1,725          -       1,725           -       1,725                              
   Mining                         3,981       1,348       5,329        233       4,686         410       5,096
   Construction                 174,899      31,874     206,773    -23,953     180,224      50,502     230,726
   Energy and utilities          91,604     159,806     251,411    -71,122     157,828     164,705     322,533
   Communication                278,789       5,947     284,735    -22,925     297,687       9,974     307,660
   Transportation               465,610     218,537     684,147    -48,899     489,442     243,604     733,046
   Wholesale and retail         840,234      55,753     895,987    -16,352     850,035      62,303     912,339
   Finance and insurance      2,245,199     292,417   2,537,616    -64,666   2,215,804     386,477   2,602,282
   Real estate                  854,330     181,173   1,035,503    -89,753     920,789     204,468   1,125,256
   Various services           1,139,914     164,210   1,304,124    -33,406   1,150,468     187,062   1,337,530
   Others                     1,242,773     282,176   1,524,947     71,881   1,154,735     298,332   1,453,066
Overseas branches and
 offshore                       365,555           -     365,555    -41,810     407,365           -     407,365
Total                         9,018,876   1,499,722  10,518,598   -411,330   9,168,024   1,761,904  10,929,929

(2) Risk managed loans by industry (Non-consolidated)

                                                             Millions of Yen
                            Sep. 2003                                       Mar. 2003
                                          Trust a/c                                      Trust a/c
                             Banking a/c         (*)  Banking + trust a/c   Banking a/c         (*) Banking + trust a/c
                                                                Change from
Domestic Branches               300,434      56,061     356,496    -20,580     313,257      63,819     377,077
(excluding offshore)
   Manufacturing                 15,493         705      16,199      1,673      13,035       1,490      14,525
   Agriculture                        -           -           -          -           -           -           -
   Forestry                           -           -           -          -           -           -           -
   Fishing                            -           -           -          -           -           -           -
   Mining                             -           -           -          -           -           -           -
   Construction                  77,152      11,541      88,694      5,128      69,709      13,855      83,565
   Energy and utilities               -           -           -          -           -           -           -
   Communication                     55          20          76        -20          58          37          96
   Transportation                 7,870       2,537      10,408        192       7,604       2,611      10,215
   Wholesale and retail          29,594       3,136      32,730     -2,296      31,872       3,154      35,027
   Finance and insurance          4,261         469       4,730      1,860       2,368         501       2,869
   Real estate                  117,679      16,392     134,072    -27,526     142,322      19,275     161,598
   Various services              34,033      13,753      47,787       -333      33,375      14,744      48,120
   Others                        14,293       7,503      21,797        739      12,909       8,148      21,057
Overseas branches and
 offshore                        12,678           -      12,678     -9,835      22,514           -      22,514
Total                           313,113      56,061     369,175    -30,416     335,771      63,819     399,591

(*) Trust a/c is principal guaranteed trust a/c

12. Overseas loan portfolio (Non-consolidated)

(1) Overseas loan exposures by borrowers' location

                                                   Millions of Yen
                                        Sep. 2003                Mar. 2003    Change from
                                                                              Mar. 2003
                                  Total    Japanese  Non-Japanese
 America                       185,629       95,433       90,195      202,443       -16,813
Europe                          84,860       29,844       55,015       99,961       -15,101
Asia                           104,582       86,430       18,152      104,158           424

(2) Risk managed loans by borrowers' location
                                                   Millions of Yen
                                  Sep. 2003                      Mar. 2003     Change from
                                                                               Mar. 2003
                                  Total    Japanese  Non-Japanese
 America                        10,249        6,509        3,739       11,623        -1,373
Europe                           2,151           38        2,112        4,785        -2,634
Asia                             5,729          717        5,012       10,375        -4,645

13. Reserves for possible loan losses

(1) Banking a/c  (Consolidated)

                                                                   Millions of Yen
                                           Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002  Change from  Change from Sep.
                                                                                   Mar. 2003              2002
Reserves for possible loan losses           113,853      139,060      165,141       -25,206           -51,288
  General reserves                           78,397       88,243       83,961        -9,845            -5,563
  Specific loan loss
   reserves                                  34,917       49,915       80,098       -14,998           -45,180
  Reserves for loans to borrowers in
   specific foreign countries                   538          900        1,081          -362              -543


(2) Banking a/c  (Non-consolidated)
                                                                   Millions of Yen
                                           Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002  Change from       Change from
                                                                                   Mar. 2003         Sep. 2002
Reserves for possible loan losses           111,281      136,094      161,438       -24,812           -50,156
  General reserves                           77,909       87,534       83,000        -9,625            -5,090
  Specific loan loss
   reserves                                  32,834       47,658       77,356       -14,823           -44,522
  Reserves for loans to borrowers in
    specific foreign countries                  538          900        1,081          -362              -543


(3) Principal guaranteed trust a/c  (Non-consolidated)
                                                                   Millions of Yen
                                           Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002  Change from       Change from
                                                                                   Mar. 2003         Sep. 2002
Reserves for loan trust                      10,075       12,003       15,191        -1,927            -5,115
Reserves for jointly-operated money
 trust                                          674          844          937          -170              -262
Total                                        10,749       12,847       16,128        -2,098            -5,378

14. Balance of major accounts (Banking a/c) (Non-consolidated)
                                   Millions of Yen
                                                                             Change from  Change from
                                         Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003     Sep. 2002    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002
Deposits  (Ending
 balance)                               8,555,154    8,689,399     8,434,581     -134,245      120,572
                 balance)               8,578,877    8,187,326     8,077,708      391,550      501,169
Loans      (Ending
 balance)                               9,018,876    9,168,024     9,005,920     -149,147       12,956
                 balance)               8,831,478    8,838,309     8,719,112       -6,830      112,366

(Ending balance of domestic deposits classified by depositors)
                                   Millions of Yen
                                                                             Change from  Change from
                                         Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003     Sep. 2002    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002
Individuals                             5,683,482    5,395,585     5,029,757      287,896      653,724
Corporates                              2,032,405    2,315,006     2,141,956     -282,601     -109,551
Total                                   7,715,887    7,710,591     7,171,714        5,295      544,173

(*) Excluding NCDs and offshore accounts

15. Balance of major accounts (Principal guaranteed trust a/c) (Non-

                                   Millions of Yen
                                                                             Change from  Change from
                                         Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003     Sep. 2002    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002
 Principal Jointly       Ending
            operated      balance
            money trust                   956,829      968,763       985,256      -11,934      -28,427
                          balance         954,313      996,519     1,037,173      -42,206      -82,860
           Loan trust    Ending
                          balance       1,732,079    2,110,727     2,498,355     -378,647     -766,275
                          balance       1,911,746    2,557,960     2,816,169     -646,213     -904,423
           Total         Ending
                          balance       2,688,909    3,079,490     3,483,612     -390,581     -794,703
                          balance       2,866,059    3,554,479     3,853,343     -688,419     -987,283
   Loans   Jointly       Ending
            operated      balance
            money trust                   223,961      280,574       311,468      -56,612      -87,506
                          balance         264,772      304,596       301,255      -39,823      -36,482
           Loan trust    Ending
                          balance       1,087,027    1,263,376     1,447,090     -176,348     -360,063
                          balance       1,177,616    1,474,071     1,539,883     -296,454     -362,266
           Total         Ending
                          balance       1,310,989    1,543,950     1,758,559     -232,961     -447,570
                          balance       1,442,389    1,778,668     1,841,139     -336,278     -398,749

(Ending principal balance classified by customers)
                                   Millions of Yen
                                                                             Change from  Change from
                                         Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003     Sep. 2002    Mar. 2003    Sep. 2002
Individuals                             2,116,704    2,423,465     2,780,553     -306,761     -663,849
Corporates                                572,178      655,998       703,032      -83,820     -130,853
Others                                         26           26            26           -0           -0
Total                                   2,688,909    3,079,490     3,483,612     -390,581     -794,703

16. Loans and consumer-loans to small and mid-sized corporations

(Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c combined) (Non-consolidated)

                                          Percentage points,  Millions of Yen
                                                                         Change from        Change from       Sep. 2002
                                     Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003     Sep. 2002     Mar. 2003
Percentage to total loan balance         45.1         43.3          43.2           1.8                             1.9
Loan balance                        4,586,678    4,562,023     4,522,423        24,655                          64,255

17. Consumer loans

(Banking a/c and principal guaranteed trust a/c combined) (Non-consolidated)

                                      Millions of Yen
                                                                         Change from        Change from       Sep. 2002
                                     Sep. 2003    Mar. 2003     Sep. 2002     Mar. 2003
Residential mortgage loans            851,023      788,348       747,186        62,675                         103,836
Other consumer loans                  419,670      430,584       462,661       -10,914                         -42,990
Total                               1,270,694    1,218,933     1,209,847        51,760                          60,846