Sumitomo Trust & Banking
Koichi Onaka, +81-3-3286-8354

       Financial Information of 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2003

The Sumitomo Trust and Banking Company, Limited (hereinafter, "the
Bank") announces its financial information of 3rd quarter of fiscal
year 2003 ended December 31, 2003. The information below is
voluntarily disclosed, based on "Front-Loaded Reform Program"
announced by Government Committee and "The Project for Structural
Reform of the Securities Market" announced by FSA.
Note: The financial information below is unaudited.

1.  Assets Classified under Financial Reconstruction Law (Non-consolidated)
Banking Account                                     

                                                        Billions of Yen
                                            Dec. 2003            Sep. 2003            Jun. 2003
Loans in Bankruptcy and
 Practical Bankruptcy                           20.4                 19.8                 21.4
Doubtful Loans                                 112.9                117.9                156.8
Substandard Loans                              148.1                178.9                154.0
Total                                          281.4                316.5                332.1

Trust Account (Principal Guaranteed)

                                                        Billions of Yen
                                            Dec. 2003            Sep. 2003            Jun. 2003
Loans in Bankruptcy and
 Practical Bankruptcy                            5.5                  6.0                  6.6
Doubtful Loans                                  15.8                 15.7                 14.6
Substandard Loans                               33.0                 34.3                 38.3
Total                                           54.3                 56.1                 59.5

Banking and Trust Account (Principal Guaranteed) combined     

                                                        Billions of Yen
                                            Dec. 2003            Sep. 2003            Jun. 2003
Loans in Bankruptcy and
 Practical Bankruptcy                           25.9                 25.7                 28.0
Doubtful Loans                                 128.8                133.6                171.3
Substandard Loans                              181.1                213.2                192.2
Total                                          335.8                372.6                391.6

1.  Loans in Bankruptcy and Practical Bankruptcy and Doubtful Loans

(a) As for the categories as of June 2003 and December 2003, the Bank
    reclassified the debtors who exhibited significant financial
    deterioration or improvement during 1st or 3rd quarter.
    Example of significant financial deterioration and improvement;

    --  Deterioration: Failed repayment, negative networth or a
        significant sales decline, in addition to bankruptcy and bills
        dishonored, etc.

    --  Improvement: Substantial increase of revenue or profit, etc.

(b) The figures as of June 2003 and December 2003 are before write-off
    and cash reserve, and do not reflect the changes in the
    liquidation estimate of collateral. However, the amount of
    collection and sales to third parties during the quarter is taken
    into account.

2.  Substandard Loans

(a) As for this category as of June 2003 and December 2003, the Bank
    revised the figures by identifying debtors who had been classified
    either in "Special Mention" or "Ordinary" category at the end of
    March 2003 and September 2003 respectively, but thereafter became
    3-month overdue or given mitigation to terms and conditions of
    loans during 1st or 3rd quarter.

*Classification under Financial Reconstruction Law /
Debtor-classification under Self-Assessment Compared

      Financial Reconstruction Law                         Self-Assessment
Loans in Bankruptcy and Practical       Legally Bankrupt ("Hatan") and Virtually Bankrupt
 Bankruptcy                              ("Jissitsu-Hatan")
Doubtful Loans                          Potentially Bankrupt ("Hatan-Kenen")
Substandard Loans                       Principal or interest 3-month overdue, or terms
                                         conditions mitigated among Special Mention ("Yo-

2. Loans to Debtors in "Special Mention" and "Ordinary" Category
(Non-consolidated) (Debtor Classification under Self-Assessment)

Banking and Trust Account (Principal Guaranteed) combined 

                                                         Billions of Yen
                                              Dec. 2003           Sep. 2003           Jun. 2003
Substandard                                      201.2               227.9               202.8
Special Mention excluding
 Substandard                                     572.1               587.8               661.7
Ordinary                                       9,210.6             9,830.5             9,543.2

3.  BIS Capital Adequacy Ratio Forecast (Consolidated)

                                   Mar. 2004              Sep. 2003 (Actual)
Capital Adequacy Ratio              Mid 11%                      12.10%
Tier I Ratio                       6.5 - 7.0%                     6.66%

Note: 1. Forecast is subject to change.

      2. Forecast is based on the value of stocks calculated by using
         the average market price during the last one month of the 3rd

      3. The decline of ratios as of March 2004 compared with as of
         September 2003 is mainly due to the repayment of public fund (100
         billion yen of termed subordinated bond).

4.  Securities Market Value Information (Non-consolidated)

(Excluding securities whose market values are not available)

Banking Account 

                                               Billions of Yen
                       Dec. 2003                 Sep. 2003                  Jun. 2003
               Market   Unrealized Gain   Market  Unrealized Gain    Market  Unrealized Gain
                 Value -----------------  Value  ------------------  Value  ------------------
                        Net Gains Losses          Net Gains Losses           Net Gains Losses
Stocks           560.6 83.9 119.7  35.8    557.5  70.5 108.6  38.1    546.2 -12.6  62.2  74.9
Japanese Bonds 1,010.9 -8.5   1.7  10.3  1,190.7 -12.9   4.8  17.8  1,419.8  -1.9   7.2   9.1
 Securities and
 Others        1,609.0 -0.1  16.9  17.1  1,806.2  15.9  30.7  14.7  1,873.9  33.3  47.2  13.9
Total          3,180.5 75.1 138.5  63.3  3,554.5  73.5 144.2  70.7  3,840.0  18.7 116.7  97.9

1. Values are calculated by using the average market prices during the
    last one month of the 3rd quarter as for "Stocks," and by using
    the market prices at the end of 3rd quarter as for "Japanese
    bonds" and "Foreign Securities and Others."
2. There are no investments in subsidiaries and affiliates with market
3. "Foreign Securities and Others" represents mainly US Treasury
    Bonds/Notes and German Bunds.
4. Figures for June 2003 and December 2003 are before
    amortization/accumulation and devaluation. Devaluation for
    September 2003 was 0.7 billion yen.

                                              Billions of Yen
                      Dec. 2003                 Sep. 2003                  Jun. 2003
              Market   Unrealized Gain   Market  Unrealized Gain   Market   Unrealized Gain
              Value   ------------------ Value  ------------------ Value  -------------------
                        Net Gains Losses         Net Gains  Losses        Net Gains    Losses
 Stocks         1.0     0.8   0.8      -    -     -     -       -     -    -     -         -

5. Unrealized Gains/Losses on Financial Derivatives to be reflected
    upon the Statement of Income (Non-consolidated)
(Including derivatives on Trading Account)

                                                      Billions of Yen
                                          Dec. 2003           Sep. 2003             Jun. 2003
Interest Rate Related
 Transactions                                 18.3                36.3                  11.0
Bond Related Transactions                     -4.6                -4.9                   3.3
Currency Related Transactions                  8.2                 7.9                   8.5
Stock Related Transactions                    -0.6                 0.4                  -0.4
Credit Derivative Transactions                -0.0                -0.0                  -0.2
Total                                         21.2                39.6                  22.2

6. Unrealized Gains/Losses on Financial Derivatives to which Hedge
    Accounting is applicable (Non-consolidated)

                                                       Billions of Yen
                                           Dec. 2003           Sep. 2003             Jun. 2003
Interest Rate Related
 Transactions                                  -6.9               -16.6                 -20.2
Bond Related Transactions                         -                   -                     -
Currency Related Transactions                  -0.2                 0.0                   0.7
Total                                          -7.2               -16.6                 -19.4

7.  Unwinding of Cross-Shareholding (Non-consolidated, Cost basis)

               Billions of Yen
 Projection for FY2003         As of Dec. 2003
                150.0                   114.7

8.  Ending Balance of Domestic Loans (Non-consolidated)

                                                           Billions of Yen
                                                Dec. 2003          Sep. 2003           Jun. 2003
Trust Account (Principal Guaranteed)             1,242.6            1,310.9             1,444.5
Banking Account                                  8,051.9            8,653.3             8,306.3
Total                                            9,294.6            9,964.3             9,750.8

9. Ending Balance of Principal of Trust (Principal Guaranteed) and
    Domestic Banking Deposits (Non-consolidated)

                                                           Billions of Yen
                                                Dec. 2003          Sep. 2003           Jun. 2003
Trust A/C (Principal Guaranteed)                 2,512.9            2,688.9             2,831.7
   Individuals                                   2,001.4            2,116.7             2,278.6
   Corporations and other
    organizations                                  511.4              572.2               553.1
Banking A/C                                      8,141.6            8,011.8             8,029.1
   Individuals                                   5,739.4            5,683.4             5,574.9
   Corporations and other
    organizations                                2,402.2            2,328.3             2,454.1
Total                                           10,654.5           10,700.7            10,860.8

10.  Volume of Entrusted Assets (Non-consolidated)

                                                           Billions of Yen
                                                Dec. 2003          Sep. 2003           Jun. 2003
Money Trust                                     18,832.1           18,943.9            18,159.5
Pension Trust                                    5,658.5            5,187.7             4,918.5
Mutual Fund                                      6,759.4            6,784.0             6,559.2
Securities Trust                                 8,897.1            9,107.7             8,866.9