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BNP Paribas Issuance

BNP Paribas Issuance (P1IE81)

Cerrado 28 Marzo 10:30AM

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XMaster2023 XMaster2023 3 minutos hace
Legend, give it a rest. You’re annoying.
gitreal gitreal 4 minutos hace
....this company is a Poster Child...

Sure is!!! Poster child for serial OTC frauds. An absolute classic!!
hardlesson hardlesson 5 minutos hace
"The merging entity is EnergySource, LLC. GM has done all he can. Eric Spomer is diligently working with his staff to perfect the deal. He gets one shot at taking his company public and surely wants/needs to get it right. They are going public to access the public equity market and need to have thei
Legend431 Legend431 7 minutos hace
When the defendants are found not guilty are you going to retract your comment about the "end of the road" or when they are found innocent are you still going to claim they did wrong? 
Legend431 Legend431 9 minutos hace
You won't see anything except more dilution
Legend431 Legend431 10 minutos hace
The only manipulation is LP and her crew taking 4.5 million a month from us in dilution. Open your eyes. 
bbotcs bbotcs 11 minutos hace
Think that U.S. Government agencies' computer systems might need updating? Read this:
Legend431 Legend431 11 minutos hace
No chance
rikkie rikkie 12 minutos hace
I wasn't in the stock for very long because I just didn't believe in what the company had going for it.
If I understand correctly, you are buying shares in a company that you do not believe in. When I read that, I know enough, you are a good-for-nothing
Legend431 Legend431 12 minutos hace
You may get one but you won't get both. Under $1 still in 2026 and all of US shareholders will be left wanting more but we will be screwed like a turtle on its back
island man island man 12 minutos hace
Yeah see what transires
236T568 236T568 14 minutos hace
 Now, about those unions
GrandAdmiralThrawn GrandAdmiralThrawn 14 minutos hace
I wouldn’t worry yourself too much. This is just a preliminary, there will be plenty of wins moving forward. Just sit back and enjoy the show of naysayers and less knowledgeable people rant.
island man island man 15 minutos hace
Maybe a r/s 100 to 1 will get this be moving
rikkie rikkie 16 minutos hace
It just amazes me that people can't see the reality of what's happening here. An opportunity that rarely comes along. An absolute top product that will be ubiquitous. Soon all the clowns will disappear like snow in the sun.
ron_66271 ron_66271 17 minutos hace
The Historical Numbers are Facts.

All documented in SEC filings and FDIC documents.

The clock has runout for TBTF CDS.

The OTC Plaintiffs have settled.
OTC Plaintiffs are retirement funds that invested into offerings like WMI/WMB ABS/RMBS offerings
GrandAdmiralThrawn GrandAdmiralThrawn 19 minutos hace
Again, even though your speculation is warranted, I don’t believe your speculation will have any fruitful rewards. Just my take on your theory.
GrandAdmiralThrawn GrandAdmiralThrawn 22 minutos hace
Good that you found this, someone should sticky this post so that people are made aware of the facts at hand. Great due diligence!
GrandAdmiralThrawn GrandAdmiralThrawn 24 minutos hace
Yes, you’re correct on that assumption, however, what you aren’t taking into account is the fact that a reverse split is just here-say, and is resting in the balance of approval and disapproval. Of course, people who would like to see this fail will hope for a reverse split, but I think there are ma
PickStocks PickStocks 25 minutos hace
I hope I am wrong....16 years and we all wait and see......if this drags out for another 16 years....what then...right now Coop is still above 100.00 and that is a fact...
ron_66271 ron_66271 30 minutos hace
Simple Math Proves You Wrong!

According to the FDIC
“WMI/WMB securitized $2 Trillion Dollars of which $500 Billion as sold to F&F.”

Globic showed that the ABS/RMBS loss rate of 11.9% for the ABS/RMBS.

Therefore TBTF owes $178.5 Billion to WMI/WMB
ducci1 ducci1 37 minutos hace
Pivot Calcs: SPX Pivot--5698----R1--5726----R2--5760----S1--5664----S2--5636-----SPY Pivot--567----R1--570----S1--564-----ES Pivot--5750-----VIX Pivot--18.66 !!LOL!!
cryptopunks cryptopunks 37 minutos hace

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