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BNP Paribas Issuance

BNP Paribas Issuance (P1TKN3)

Cerrado 30 Noviembre 10:30AM

Herramientas de nivel profesional para inversores individuales.

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WebSlinger WebSlinger 25 segundos hace
stockprofitter stockprofitter 2 minutos hace
John would be an amazing hire and great for the stock. He is a truth, common sense kind of guy. Here’s an excerpt of what he said this past fall. Lets hope he’s the hire.

“The details are complicated but shouldn’t distract from the basic truth here. Despite Vice Chairm
Went up to my Moms yesterday afternoon. Had to drive on a bunch of ice. At one point traffic was only going about 4 miles an hour for a couple miles. Then went to about 20 for awhile. I went to Lowe's and got her a new refrigerator. I got back to my house at 1:45 this morning. What a long day 
Walter4 Walter4 7 minutos hace
Wayne R Wayne R 10 minutos hace
I had a problem with my freezer many years ago, there wasn't a lot of stuff in there but I created meals with the stuff.

One thing was a bag of spinach. I decided to make lasagna using that, with a meat sauce of course, just another ingredient.

It turned out so good th
oilin07 oilin07 19 minutos hace
Has anyone reached out to the former fed reserve banker on our board?
oilin07 oilin07 20 minutos hace
Who said hope is a strategy? Besides as a bag holder i would rather have hope than whine like you do.
ksquared ksquared 20 minutos hace
Morning, Bull. Good to see you up and ready to rumble.
Enjoy your warm weather.
We're in the low 20s here.
Fine by me, but I feel for Gmenfan.
I have college football to keep me warm. (HAR!)
Have a good one.
eagle8 eagle8 24 minutos hace
Peter Davis
#dcvax $nwbo #gbm

Linda Liau (co-authored) peer-reviewed 'Nature' article..

Integrated molecular and functional characterization of the intrinsic apoptotic machinery identifies therapeutic vulnerabilities in glioma
Seminole Red Seminole Red 30 minutos hace
thanks for posting Larry....RIP Wow Happens
jrockents jrockents 31 minutos hace
not turning to the darkside just yet!!!!! but my mans surfkast n techromancer are making some sense rite now!!!!!!!! this will be my first (hopefully last) bear post!!!! but its been a whole fffing year n still no had??? whaaat blagmans excuse time n time again was its the tv world everything takes
jrockents jrockents 31 minutos hace
not turning to the darkside just yet!!!!! but my mans surfkast n techromancer are making some sense rite now!!!!!!!! this will be my first (hopefully last) bear post!!!! but its been a whole fffing year n still no had??? whaaat blagmans excuse time n time again was its the tv world everything takes
chipboarder chipboarder 31 minutos hace
As Robert Frost wrote….”and miles to go before I sleep”.
Canna_Business Canna_Business 32 minutos hace
Pathway to Medical Cannabis: Prohibition to Prescription

1. DEA removes cannabis from Schedule 1.
2. FDA studies cannabis for medical use.
3. Hospitals and pharmacies administer medical cannabis.
4. Insurance companies cover co-pays for patients.
5. L
Canna_Business Canna_Business 32 minutos hace
Pathway to Medical Cannabis: Prohibition to Prescription

1. DEA removes cannabis from Schedule 1.
2. FDA studies cannabis for medical use.
3. Hospitals and pharmacies administer medical cannabis.
4. Insurance companies cover co-pays for patients.
5. L
Canna_Business Canna_Business 32 minutos hace
Pathway to Medical Cannabis: Prohibition to Prescription

1. DEA removes cannabis from Schedule 1.
2. FDA studies cannabis for medical use.
3. Hospitals and pharmacies administer medical cannabis.
4. Insurance companies cover co-pays for patients.
5. L
hopester hopester 33 minutos hace
One can make a case for a cup and handle but its not long enough ( much to small) to be convincing to me. The same can be said for the mid-Jan to early Feb pattern that "appeared" to be a C and H but failed to follow through. There needs to be Time and Length to be recognized as a legitimate C& H t
KIPK KIPK 34 minutos hace
Thank you...
misterfishman misterfishman 36 minutos hace
Ihorchu everywhere he goes he is sarcastic as hell
diggitydoodle diggitydoodle 37 minutos hace
Everyone here would be rich if everyone got a dime, every time the self proclaimed "real shareholders" said "won't be long now"...or similar so called "expert" comments over the past 3 years.

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