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Aref Thalassa Socimi SAU

Aref Thalassa Socimi SAU (MLARE)

Cerrado 29 Noviembre 10:30AM

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SSKILLZ1 SSKILLZ1 19 segundos hace
% # Of Wins For November

Commentary: Hope Everyone enjoys these statistics
Alias # Of Wins % Of Wins
NO WINNER 15 75.00%
BULLNBEAR52 3 15.00%
SSKILLZ1 2 10.00%
Totals 20 100.00%
PennyHoper PennyHoper 51 segundos hace
A 30-second video by 'The Denver Foodie' of Takiza Taco in the LoDo location:

The Google search result says it is dated Oct 4, 2024.
SSKILLZ1 SSKILLZ1 1 minuto hace
~~COMPX 12/2/2024~~~~~~~

Previous Close

19,218.17 +157.69

19125 SSKILLZ1
IHuser IHuser 2 minutos hace
imo... breaking~ Andrew Fauci has been found least as innocent as Laura Bush...on all charges that Trump is accused of and is guilty of ...PFE ..and my buddy goofball nova ferrari....

PFE. (Pissoff Fucking Everybody. ~

delerious1 delerious1 3 minutos hace
Can you give a summary?
janice shell janice shell 3 minutos hace
To you, too!
zab zab 4 minutos hace
You are already crying,  and blaming democrats,  the election was extremely close and the democrats excepted the results.  Trump would of never done that, he always cries it wasn't fair.
SilkRoad SilkRoad 5 minutos hace
Set your alarm anyway and put some excitement into your morning by turning the volume all the way up and putting it under your pillow. C’mon man. Live a little. KBLB might surprise us all. And if they don’t, you can repost Webby’s nothingburger and then go back to sleep. But if they do, oh Nell
MasterBlastr MasterBlastr 5 minutos hace
ChannelTrader ChannelTrader 6 minutos hace
He's good, been following him and his group.
blackhawks blackhawks 6 minutos hace
A simpler explanation, a consolation/assignation visit?

See Melania Trump's moment with Trudeau at the G7 summit
hedge_fun hedge_fun 6 minutos hace
FYI…’s a LLC….,-Nasdaq%20BX%2C%20Inc
moondogaz moondogaz 6 minutos hace
1st week?
PennyHoper PennyHoper 7 minutos hace
Here's a (just found it) review of Bodega Taco & Margarita Bar (dated Aug 20, 2024) on a person's Facebook site:

Last week Wednesday was mine and my sister’s last dinner in Colorado, and we decided to go to Bodega Taco & Margari
BestFishes BestFishes 7 minutos hace
can't tell if their earnings look more like a dumpster fire or train wreck!
ChannelTrader ChannelTrader 8 minutos hace
Gold Reserves
Stock_Barber Stock_Barber 9 minutos hace
So you, as always spout off "WRONG"... yet can't point to a ANYTHING in my post that was actually wrong!

If you are trying to claim that the stock was never over a penny for 30 days after they claimed they intended to uplist to OTCQB... you are lying! Everyone here knows that it was!
ilovetech ilovetech 10 minutos hace
synaphai synaphai 10 minutos hace
We've discussed it because it's been an ongoing saga.

Marc's reasons for dumping Bruce were shady and he was able to asse
Genz2 Genz2 12 minutos hace
Methinks, if you go to the YouTube video titled, “Steven Sprague of Rivetz discusses the protection of mobile devices and content with the TEE”. So I was under the impression with GlobalPlatform that when the TPM mobile was combined with the TEE Samsung would have better security and I thought ARM (
RainMaker2213 RainMaker2213 13 minutos hace
Please let those personal funds to continue operations be for good reason.

For us all!
dinogreeves dinogreeves 14 minutos hace
Bears are in full force tonight, almost like bots. Monday and Tuesday will be interesting to see how the story unfold between longs and bears.
DimesForShares DimesForShares 16 minutos hace
I see what you are saying.  For example, if someone makes the claim that KBLB would be selling for $1/share by the end of July, that's a general time frame and could mean the end of any July, not just the upcoming one.  And when someone makes the claim that KBLB is a "slam dunk" for DoD funding, 'sl

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