RNS Number : 0780A

Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp Ld

21 March 2017

   7    Trading assets 
                                                                                            2016                2015 
                                                                                            HK$m                HK$m 
Treasury and other eligible bills 
 .................                                                                        91,908              43,607 
Debt securities 
 ..........................................                                              180,501             178,358 
Equity shares 
 ............................................                                             71,915              44,775 
 ......................................................                                   27,310              35,886 
                                                                              ------------------  ------------------ 
                                                                                         371,634             302,626 
                                                                              ------------------  ------------------ 
   1    'Other' trading assets primarily include settlement accounts with banks and customers. 
                                                           2016                            2015 
                                              ------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                                               Treasury                             and 
                                              and other                           other 
                                               eligible        Debt   Equity   eligible        Debt   Equity 
                                                  bills  securities   shares      bills  securities   shares 
                                                   HK$m        HK$m     HK$m       HK$m        HK$m     HK$m 
Issued by 
  *    central governments and central banks     91,908     133,422        -     43,607     124,962        - 
- other public 
 sector entities 
 ......                                               -       2,421        -          -       8,115        - 
- banks 
 ......................................               -      21,708   13,675          -      22,095    5,806 
- corporate 
 entities ....................                        -      22,950   58,240          -      23,186   38,969 
                                                 91,908     180,501   71,915     43,607     178,358   44,775 
                                              ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
 .....                                            1,576     130,085   71,299      2,164     122,934   44,093 
 ...                                             90,332      50,416      616     41,443      55,424      682 
                                              ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
                                                 91,908     180,501   71,915     43,607     178,358   44,775 
                                              ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
   8    Derivatives 

Use of derivatives

The group transacts derivatives for three primary purposes: to create risk management solutions for clients, to manage the portfolio risk arising from client business, and to manage and hedge the group's own risks. Derivatives (except for derivatives which are designated as effective hedging instruments) are held for trading. Within the held for trading classification are two types of derivative instruments: those used in sales and trading activities, and those used for risk management purposes but which for various reasons do not meet the qualifying criteria for hedge accounting. The second category includes derivatives managed in conjunction with financial instruments designated at fair value. These activities are described more fully below.

The group's derivative activities give rise to significant open positions in portfolios of derivatives. These positions are managed constantly to ensure that they remain within acceptable risk levels. When entering into derivative transactions, the group employs the same credit risk management framework to assess and approve potential credit exposures that it uses for traditional lending.

   8    Derivatives (continued) 

Contract amounts and fair values of assets and liabilities by class of derivatives

The notional contract amounts of derivatives held for trading purposes indicate the nominal value of transactions outstanding at the balance sheet date; they do not represent amounts at risk.

                                                      2016                               2015 
                                        ---------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
                                          Contract                           Contract 
                                           amounts    Assets  Liabilities     amounts    Assets  Liabilities 
                                              HK$m      HK$m         HK$m        HK$m      HK$m         HK$m 
Trading derivatives 
Exchange rate 
 contracts .................            18,076,732   363,707      350,787  16,125,677   246,202      231,885 
                                        ----------  --------  -----------  ----------  --------  ----------- 
- spot, forward 
 and future...............              13,577,599   217,748      201,955  11,665,620   122,743      117,563 
- swaps 
 .....                                   3,390,162   130,488      132,717   3,392,883   109,227       99,997 
- options purchased 
 .......................                   554,632    14,071        1,039     515,299    14,054          131 
- options written 
 ...........................               554,339     1,400       15,076     551,875       178       14,194 
Interest rate 
 contracts ....................         18,861,627   150,198      150,582  15,974,328   136,697      135,827 
- forward and 
 future........................          1,877,788       243          204   1,146,748       183          244 
- swaps 
 .....                                  16,567,560   147,051      147,313  14,514,463   133,907      132,784 
- options purchased 
 .......................                   105,767     1,352          147      54,662     1,226           48 
- options written 
 ...........................               156,612        69        1,522      52,728        70        1,832 
- other 
 ......                                    153,900     1,483        1,396     205,727     1,311          919 
                                        ----------  --------  -----------  ----------  --------  ----------- 
Equity derivatives 
 ...........................               604,504    22,350       24,653     712,028    27,815       31,330 
Credit derivatives 
 ............................              474,160     2,431        2,437     432,544     2,800        2,790 
Commodity and 
 other .....................               140,339     4,529        4,208      95,216     5,920        5,675 
Total held for 
 trading .....................          38,157,362   543,215      532,667  33,339,793   419,434      407,507 
                                        ----------  --------  -----------  ----------  --------  ----------- 
Trading derivatives 
 managed in conjunction 
 with financial 
 instruments designated 
 at fair value 
Interest rate 
 contracts ....................              9,568        65            8       7,342        60           10 
                                             9,568        65            8       7,342        60           10 
                                        ----------  --------  -----------  ----------  --------  ----------- 
Cash flow hedging 
Exchange rate 
 contracts .................               140,665     6,570        1,322     118,323     1,511          994 
Interest rate 
 contracts ....................             46,049        22          247      66,684       171          127 
                                        ----------  --------  -----------  ----------  --------  ----------- 
                                           186,714     6,592        1,569     185,007     1,682        1,121 
                                        ----------  --------  -----------  ----------  --------  ----------- 
Fair value hedging 
Interest rate 
 contracts ....................            262,940     2,534          813     217,391       415        1,417 
                                        ----------  --------  -----------  ----------  --------  ----------- 
Gross total derivatives 
 ....................                   38,616,584   552,406      535,057  33,749,533   421,591      410,055 
 ......                                          -  (72,599)     (72,599)           -  (40,636)     (40,636) 
                                        ----------  --------  -----------  ----------  --------  ----------- 
 .........                              38,616,584   479,807      462,458  33,749,533   380,955      369,419 
                                        ----------  --------  -----------  ----------  --------  ----------- 

a Trading derivatives

Most of the group's derivative transactions relate to sales and trading activities. Sales activities include the structuring and marketing of derivative products to customers to enable them to take, transfer, modify or reduce current or expected risks. Trading activities include market-making and risk management.

b Hedging derivatives

The group uses derivatives (principally interest rate and currency swaps) for hedging purposes in the management of its own asset and liability portfolios and structural positions. This enables the group to optimise the overall costs to the group of accessing debt capital markets, and to mitigate the market risk which would otherwise arise from structural imbalances in the maturity and other profiles of its assets and liabilities.

The accounting treatment of hedging transactions varies according to the nature of the instrument hedged and the type of hedging transaction. Derivatives may qualify as hedges for accounting purposes if they are fair value hedges, cash flow hedges, or hedges of net investments in foreign operations.

   8    Derivatives (continued) 

Fair value hedges

The group's fair value hedges principally consist of interest rate swaps that are used to protect against changes in the fair value of fixed-rate long-term financial instruments due to movements in market interest rates.

Cash flow hedges

The group's cash flow hedges consist principally of interest rate and currency swaps that are used to protect against exposures to variability in future interest and principal cash flows on non-trading assets and liabilities which bear interest at variable rates or which are expected to be re-funded or reinvested in the future. The amounts and timing of future cash flows, representing both principal and interest flows, are projected for each portfolio of financial assets and liabilities on the basis of their contractual terms and other relevant factors, including estimates of prepayments and defaults. The aggregate principal balances and interest cash flows across all portfolios over time form the basis for identifying gains and losses on the effective portions of derivatives designated as cash flow hedges of forecast transactions.

Amount transferred to the income statement in respect of cash flow hedges included a gain of HK$2,286m (2015: HK$181m gain) taken to "Net interest income" and a loss of HK$341m (2015: HK$1,182m gain) taken to "Net trading income". The group does not have any qualifying cash flow hedges that involve non-financial assets or non-financial liabilities (2015: none).

The gains and losses on ineffective portions of such derivatives are recognised immediately in "Net trading income". During the year to 31 December 2016, an insignificant amount was recognised due to hedge ineffectiveness and termination of forecast transactions (2015: insignificant amount).

The schedule of forecast principal balances on which the expected interest cash flows arise as at 31 December 2016 is as follows:

                                                                              More than                    5 years 
                                                                                      3                    or less 
                                                                                 months                   but more 
                                                  3 months                     but less                       than 
                                                                                 than 1 
                                                   or less                         year                     1 year 
                                                      HK$m                         HK$m                       HK$m 
At 31 December 2016 
Cash inflows from assets 
 ....................                               92,356                      135,219                     82,205 
Cash outflows from 
 .............                                     (6,329)                      (6,329)                    (5,695) 
                               ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 
Net cash inflows 
 ....                                               86,027                      128,890                     76,510 
                               ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 
At 31 December 2015 
Cash inflows from assets 
 ....................                              103,693                      123,920                     65,679 
Cash outflows from 
 .............                                    (12,960)                     (22,468)                   (11,525) 
                               ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 
Net cash inflows 
 ....                                               90,733                      101,452                     54,154 
                               ---------------------------  ---------------------------  ------------------------- 

Derivatives valued using models with unobservable inputs

Any initial gain or loss on financial instruments where the valuation is dependent on unobservable parameters is deferred over the life of the contract or until the instrument is redeemed, transferred or sold or the fair value becomes observable. All derivatives that are part of qualifying hedging relationships have valuations based on observable market parameters.

The aggregate unobservable inception profit yet to be recognised in the income statement is immaterial.

   9    Financial assets designated at fair value 
                                                                                                        2016    2015 
                                                                                                        HK$m    HK$m 
Treasury and other eligible bills 
 .....                                                                                                   418   1,070 
Debt securities 
 ..............................                                                                       17,435  17,755 
Equity shares 
 ................................                                                                     88,163  80,270 
                                                                                                     106,016  99,095 
                                                                                        --------------------  ------ 
                                                           2016                            2015 
                                              ------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                                               Treasury                             and 
                                              and other                           other 
                                               eligible        Debt   Equity   eligible        Debt   Equity 
                                                  bills  securities   shares      bills  securities   shares 
                                                   HK$m        HK$m     HK$m       HK$m        HK$m     HK$m 
Issued by 
  *    central governments and central banks 
       ...................................          418         446        -      1,070         646        - 
- other public 
 sector entities 
 ......                                               -       1,332        -          -         993        - 
- banks 
 ......................................               -       8,121    2,840          -       8,433    2,501 
- corporate 
 entities ....................                        -       7,536   85,323          -       7,683   77,769 
                                                    418      17,435   88,163      1,070      17,755   80,270 
                                              ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
 .....                                                -       9,055   44,996          -       9,588   38,126 
 ...                                                418       8,380   43,167      1,070       8,167   42,144 
                                              ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
                                                    418      17,435   88,163      1,070      17,755   80,270 
                                              ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 

10 Loans and advances to customers

   a    Loans and advances to customers 
                                                                                       2016       2015 
                                                                                       HK$m       HK$m 
Gross loans and advances to customers 
 ..........................................................................       2,846,806  2,773,819 
Impairment allowances (note 11(a)) 
 ..............................................................................    (12,692)   (11,529) 
                                                                                  ---------  --------- 
                                                                                  2,834,114  2,762,290 
                                                                                  ---------  --------- 

10 Loans and advances to customers (continued)

   b    Analysis of loans and advances to customers based on categories used by the HSBC Group 

The following analysis of loans and advances to customers is based on the categories used by the HSBC Group, including the group, to manage associated risks.

                                                                                    Rest of 
                                                            Hong Kong          Asia-Pacific                  Total 
2016                                                             HK$m                  HK$m                   HK$m 
Residential mortgages(1) 
 ........................                                     492,989               267,619                760,608 
Credit card advances 
 ...........................                                   58,289                22,665                 80,954 
Other personal 
 ...................................                          132,171                70,947                203,118 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Total personal 
 ....................................                         683,449               361,231              1,044,680 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Commercial, industrial and 
 international trade 
 ..................................                           428,035               384,227                812,262 
Commercial real estate 
 .......................                                      198,579                55,786                254,365 
Other property-related lending 
 ...........                                                  221,919                69,911                291,830 
 .......................................                       20,230                 2,405                 22,635 
Other commercial 
 ..............................                               136,729               132,944                269,673 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Total corporate and commercial 
 ........                                                   1,005,492               645,273              1,650,765 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Non-bank financial institutions 
 ..........                                                   103,311                45,611                148,922 
Settlement accounts 
 ...........................                                    1,337                 1,102                  2,439 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Total financial 
 ...................................                          104,648                46,713                151,361 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Gross loans and advances 
 to customers 
 .............................................              1,793,589             1,053,217              2,846,806 
Individually assessed impairment 
 .....................................                        (2,960)               (5,099)                (8,059) 
Collectively assessed impairment 
 ....................................                         (1,959)               (2,674)                (4,633) 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Net loans and advances to 
 ..                                                         1,788,670             1,045,444              2,834,114 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Residential mortgages(1) 
 ........................                                     472,324               260,901                733,225 
Credit card advances 
 ...........................                                   56,791                22,180                 78,971 
Other personal 
 ...................................                          132,234                84,092                216,326 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Total personal 
 ....................................                         661,349               367,173              1,028,522 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Commercial, industrial and 
 international trade 
 ..................................                           419,589               405,594                825,183 
Commercial real estate 
 .......................                                      186,463                64,420                250,883 
Other property-related lending 
 ...........                                                  207,448                65,412                272,860 
 .......................................                        6,292                 2,484                  8,776 
Other commercial 
 ..............................                               133,718               145,632                279,350 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Total corporate and commercial 
 ........                                                     953,510               683,542              1,637,052 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Non-bank financial institutions 
 ..........                                                    64,050                42,414                106,464 
Settlement accounts 
 ...........................                                    1,099                   682                  1,781 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Total financial 
 ...................................                           65,149                43,096                108,245 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Gross loans and advances 
 to customers 
 .............................................              1,680,008             1,093,811              2,773,819 
Individually assessed impairment 
 .....................................                        (2,165)               (4,875)                (7,040) 
Collectively assessed impairment 
 ....................................                         (1,979)               (2,510)                (4,489) 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 
Net loans and advances to 
 ..                                                         1,675,864             1,086,426              2,762,290 
                                                 --------------------  --------------------  --------------------- 

1 Residential mortgages include Hong Kong Government Home Ownership Scheme loans of HK$30,215m (2015: HK$27,702m).

The geographical information shown above has been classified by the location of the principal operations of the subsidiary and by the location of the branch responsible for advancing the funds.

10 Loans and advances to customers (continued)

c Loans and advances to customers include equipment leased to customers under finance leases and hire purchase contracts having the characteristics of finance leases

                                                          2016                          2015 
                                              ----------------------------  ---------------------------- 
                                               Present                       Present 
                                                 value                         value 
                                                of the  Unearned     Total    of the  Unearned     Total 
                                               minimum    future   minimum   minimum    future   minimum 
                                                 lease   finance     lease     lease   finance     lease 
                                              payments    income  payments  payments    income  payments 
                                                  HK$m      HK$m      HK$m      HK$m      HK$m      HK$m 
Amounts receivable 
- Within one 
 year .................                          2,151       677     2,828     2,494       687     3,181 
  *    After one year but within five years 
       ...........................               7,764     1,951     9,715     8,152     1,893    10,045 
- After five 
 years ..................                       18,296     3,346    21,642    17,999     3,014    21,013 
                                              --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                                                28,211     5,974    34,185    28,645     5,594    34,239 
                                                        --------  --------            --------  -------- 
Impairment allowances...........                  (28)                          (26) 
                                              --------                      -------- 
Net investment 
 in finance leases 
 and hire purchase 
 contracts                                      28,183                        28,619 
                                              --------                      -------- 

11 Impairment allowances against loans and advances to customers

   a    Movement in impairment allowances on loans and advances to customers 
                                                                               Individually  Collectively 
                                                                                   assessed      assessed 
                                                                                 allowances    allowances    Total 
2016                                                                                   HK$m          HK$m     HK$m 
  At 1 January 
  ...........                                                                         7,040         4,489   11,529 
Amounts written off 
 ..........................................................................         (2,334)       (2,694)  (5,028) 
Recoveries of loans and 
 advances written off in 
 previous years ..........                                                              277           881    1,158 
Net charge to income statement 
 (note 2(g)) ......................................                                   3,380         2,065    5,445 
Unwinding of discount of 
 loan impairment ........................................                             (310)          (58)    (368) 
Exchange and other adjustments 
 ........................................................                                 6          (50)     (44) 
                                                                               ------------  ------------  ------- 
At 31 December (note 10(a)) 
 ............................................................                         8,059         4,633   12,692 
                                                                               ------------  ------------  ------- 
At 1 January 
 ..........                                                                           6,299         4,221   10,520 
Amounts written off 
 ..........................................................................         (1,505)       (3,109)  (4,614) 
Recoveries of loans and 
 advances written off in 
 previous years ..........                                                              305           978    1,283 
Net charge to income statement 
 (note 2(g)) ......................................                                   2,316         2,656    4,972 
Unwinding of discount of 
 loan impairment ........................................                             (210)          (67)    (277) 
Exchange and other adjustments 
 ........................................................                             (165)         (190)    (355) 
                                                                               ------------  ------------  ------- 
At 31 December (note 10(a)) 
 ............................................................                         7,040         4,489   11,529 
                                                                               ------------  ------------  ------- 

11 Impairment allowances against loans and advances to customers (continued)

   b    Impairment allowances on loans and advances to customers 

Impaired loans and advances to customers are those loans and advances where objective evidence exists that full repayment of principal or interest is considered unlikely. Individually assessed allowances are made after taking into account the value of collateral in respect of such loans and advances.

The geographical information shown below has been classified by the location of the principal operations of the subsidiary and by the location of the branch responsible for advancing the funds.

                                                                           Hong      Asia-Pacific            Total 
                                                                           HK$m              HK$m             HK$m 
At 31 December 2016 
Gross loans and advances 
 to customers 
Individually assessed impaired 
 gross loans and advances 
 ...................                                                      6,808            10,731           17,539 
Collectively assessed 
 .........                                                            1,786,781         1,042,486        2,829,267 
                                                                 --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
- Impaired loans and advances 
 ........................................................                   720             1,119            1,839 
- Non-impaired loans and 
 advances ................................................            1,786,061         1,041,367        2,827,428 
                                                                 --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
Total gross loans and advances 
 to customers ...................................                     1,793,589         1,053,217        2,846,806 
                                                                 --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
Impairment allowances 
 .                                                                      (4,919)           (7,773)         (12,692) 
- Individually assessed 
 .....                                                                  (2,960)           (5,099)          (8,059) 
- Collectively assessed 
 .....                                                                  (1,959)           (2,674)          (4,633) 
                                                                 --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
Net loans and advances 
 ......                                                               1,788,670         1,045,444        2,834,114 
                                                                 --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
  Fair value of collateral 
  which has been taken into 
  account in respect of individually 
  assessed impaired loans 
  and advances to 
  ......................                                                  3,258             5,488            8,746 
Individually assessed impaired 
 gross loans and advances 
 as a percentage of gross 
 loans and advances to customers 
 ............                                                              0.4%              1.0%             0.6% 
Total allowances as a percentage 
 of total gross loans and 
 advances ..                                                               0.3%              0.7%             0.4% 
At 31 December 2015 
Gross loans and advances 
 to customers 
Individually assessed impaired 
 gross loans and advances 
 ...................                                                      5,781            11,005           16,786 
Collectively assessed 
 ..........                                                           1,674,227         1,082,806        2,757,033 
                                                                 --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
- Impaired loans and advances 
 ........................................................                   728               889            1,617 
- Non-impaired loans and 
 advances ................................................            1,673,499         1,081,917        2,755,416 
                                                                 --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
Total gross loans and advances 
 to customers ...................................                     1,680,008         1,093,811        2,773,819 
                                                                 --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
Impairment allowances 
 ......                                                                 (4,144)           (7,385)         (11,529) 
                                                                 --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
- Individually assessed 
 .....                                                                  (2,165)           (4,875)          (7,040) 
- Collectively assessed 
 .....                                                                  (1,979)           (2,510)          (4,489) 
                                                                 --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
Net loans and advances 
 ......                                                               1,675,864         1,086,426        2,762,290 
                                                                 --------------  ----------------  --------------- 
  Fair value of collateral 
  which has been taken into 
  account in respect of individually 
  assessed impaired loans 
  and advances to 
  ......................                                                  2,360             5,153            7,513 
Individually assessed impaired 
 gross loans and advances 
 as a percentage of gross 
 loans and advances to customers 
 ............                                                              0.3%              1.0%             0.6% 
Total allowances as a percentage 
 of total gross loans and 
 advances ..                                                               0.2%             0.7%             0.4% 

12 Financial investments

                                                                                                     2016       2015 
                                                                                                     HK$m       HK$m 
- treasury and other eligible bills 
 ........................................................................................         688,369    691,636 
- debt securities(1) 
 ...................                                                                              877,504    786,746 
- equity shares 
 ......................                                                                             8,711      9,065 
                                                                                                ---------  --------- 
                                                                                                1,574,584  1,487,447 
- debt securities(2) 
 ...................                                                                              260,767    228,599 
                                                                                                ---------  --------- 
                                                                                                1,835,351  1,716,046 
                                                                                                ---------  --------- 

1 Included certificates of deposit of HK$66,462m (2015:HK$76,037m).

2 Included certificates of deposit of HK$7,763m (2015:HK$12,601m).

   a    Available-for-sale 
                                                           2016                            2015 
                                              ------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                                               Treasury                             and 
                                              and other                           other 
                                               eligible        Debt   Equity   eligible        Debt   Equity 
                                                  bills  securities   shares      bills  securities   shares 
                                                   HK$m        HK$m     HK$m       HK$m        HK$m     HK$m 
Issued by 
  *    central governments and central banks    688,369     599,854        -    691,636     574,173        - 
- other public 
 sector entities 
 .....                                                -      89,280        -          -      72,658        - 
- banks 
 .....................................                -     146,584    4,820          -      98,417    4,651 
- corporate 
 entities ..................                          -      41,786    3,891          -      41,498    4,414 
                                              ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
                                                688,369     877,504    8,711    691,636     786,746    9,065 
                                              ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
 .......................................         42,746     647,552    3,344     29,841     548,039    3,810 
 ....................................           645,623     229,952    5,367    661,795     238,707    5,255 
                                              ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
                                                688,369     877,504    8,711    691,636     786,746    9,065 
                                              ---------  ----------  -------  ---------  ----------  ------- 
   b    Held-to-maturity 
                                                                         2016                    2015 
                                                                ----------------------  ---------------------- 
                                                                Book value  Fair value  Book value  Fair value 
                                                                      HK$m        HK$m        HK$m        HK$m 
Issued by 
- central governments 
 and central banks 
 ..............                                                      6,845       7,383       5,907       6,584 
- other public sector 
 entities ................................                          27,546      27,729      25,676      26,851 
- banks 
 ....                                                               87,709      88,857      90,955      93,945 
- corporate entities 
 ..............................................                    138,667     138,420     106,061     108,540 
                                                                ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                   260,767     262,389     228,599     235,920 
                                                                ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 .......                                                            95,668      95,694      74,128      75,846 
 ...                                                               165,099     166,695     154,471     160,074 
                                                                ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                   260,767     262,389     228,599     235,920 
                                                                ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

13 Assets pledged, assets transferred and collateral received

Financial assets pledged as collateral

                                                                                                       2016     2015 
                                                                                                       HK$m     HK$m 
Treasury bills, debt securities, 
 equities and deposits .................................................................            206,526  118,762 
                                                                                           ----------------  ------- 

The above table shows assets where a charge has been granted to secure liabilities on a legal and contractual basis. These transactions are conducted under terms that are usual and customary to collateralised transactions including, where relevant, standard securities lending, repurchase agreements and derivative margining.

Hong Kong currency notes in circulation are secured by the deposit of funds in respect of which the Hong Kong Government certificates of indebtedness are held.

Transferred financial assets not qualifying for full derecognition and associated financial liabilities

                                                             2016                        2015 
                                                  --------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                                      Carrying      Carrying      Carrying      Carrying 
                                                        amount        amount        amount        amount 
                                                            of            of            of            of 
                                                   transferred    associated   transferred    associated 
                                                        assets   liabilities        assets   liabilities 
                                                          HK$m          HK$m          HK$m          HK$m 
Repurchase agreements 
 ............................................           61,738        21,851        16,039        14,830 
Securities lending 
 agreements ...................................          3,506             -         1,658             1 
                                                        65,244        21,851        17,697        14,831 
                                                  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 

The financial assets shown above include amounts transferred to third parties that do not qualify for derecognition, notably debt securities held by counterparties as collateral under repurchase agreements. As the substance of these transactions is secured borrowings, the collateral assets continue to be recognised in full and the related liabilities, reflecting the group's obligation to repurchase the transferred assets for a fixed price at a future date, are also recognised on the balance sheet. As a result of these transactions, the group is unable to use, sell or pledge the transferred assets for the duration of the transactions. The group remains exposed to interest rate risk, credit risk and market risk on these pledged instruments. The counterparty's recourse is not limited to the transferred assets.

Collateral accepted as security for assets

                                                                                                       2016     2015 
                                                                                                       HK$m     HK$m 
Fair value of the collateral permitted 
 to sell or repledge in the absence 
 of default ...................                                                                     531,561  369,184 
Fair value of collateral actually 
 sold or repledged ....................................................................              86,287   56,451 

These transactions are conducted under terms that are usual and customary to standard securities borrowing and reverse repurchase agreements.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 21, 2017 07:54 ET (11:54 GMT)

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