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("Avation" or "the Company")
Avation PLC (LSE: AVAP), the commercial passenger aircraft leasing company advises that all resolutions put to its nineteenth annual general meeting held today in Singapore were passed.
Avation PLC - Jeff Chatfield, Executive Chairman +65 6252 2077
Avation welcomes shareholder questions and comments and advises the email address for questions is: and the Company provides an investor Q & A during the conference call associated with release of results. The head office telephone number is +65 6252 2077.
Notes to Editors: Avation PLC is an aircraft leasing company, headquartered in Singapore, owning and managing a fleet of commercial passenger aircraft which it leases to airlines around the world. More information on Avation is available at
Más de Avation PLC Artículos de Noticias
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