RNS No 0649v
26 July 1999

                          American Express Company
                              Financial Summary   

(Dollars in millions)
                            Quarter Ended            Six Months Ended
                               June 30,   Percentage      June 30,   Percentage
                           1999      1998 Inc/(Dec)  1999       1998  Inc/(Dec)

Net Revenues by 
Segment (A)

Travel Related 
Services                $ 3,678   $ 3,270    12.5%  $7,099    $ 6,353     11.7 
American Express 
Financial Advisors          916       807    13.6    1,802      1,541     16.9
American Express Bank/
Travelers Cheque            259       251     3.0      506        508     (0.6) 
                        -------   -------           ------    -------    
                          4,853     4,328    12.1    9,407      8,402     12.0

Corporate and Other,
including adjustments 
and eliminations            (33)      (42)   21.9      (75)       (82)     8.5

REVENUES (A)            $ 4,820    $ 4,286   12.5   $9,332    $ 8,320     12.2 

Pretax Income by Segment 

Travel Related Services   $ 628    $   546   15.0   $1,182    $ 1,028     15.0 
American Express 
Financial Advisors          353        309   14.2      665        580     14.5 
American Express Bank/
Travelers Cheque              6         23  (73.9)      18       (151)     - 
                            987        878   12.4    1,865      1,457     28.0
Corporate and Other         (92)       (78) (17.1)    (178)      (44)      *

PRETAX INCOME           $   895    $   800   11.9  $ 1,687     $1,413     19.4

Net Income by Segment

Travel Related Services $   411    $   360   14.0  $   774   $    676     14.5
American Express 
Financial Advisors          242        212   14.2      456        398     14.5 
American Express Bank/
Travelers Cheque             38         47  (18.1)      79        (36)     -
                           ----       ----  ------   -----      ------    
                            691        619   11.7    1,309      1,038     26.1

Corporate and Other         (45)       (41)  (9.4)     (88)        (1)     *

NET INCOME               $  646    $   578   11.8  $ 1,221   $  1,037     17.7 

* Denotes variance of more than 100%.

(A) Net revenues are reported net of interest expense, where applicable,
    and American Express Financial Advisors' provision for losses and benefits.

                         American Express Company
                       Financial Summary (continued)

                            Quarter Ended            Six Months Ended
                               June 30,   Percentage      June 30,   Percentage
                           1999      1998 (Inc/(Dec) 1999       1998  Inc/(Dec)


Earnings Per Common 
Share                  $   1.44  $   1.27    13.4%  $   2.73 $  2.26     20.8%
Average common shares 
outstanding (millions)    447.4     456.3    (2.0)     447.5   458.4     (2.4)
Earnings Per Common 
Share                    $ 1.41    $ 1.24    13.7   $   2.67  $ 2.22     20.3
Average common shares 
outstanding (millions)   457. 1     465.3    (1.8)     456.5   467.4     (2.3)

Cash dividends declared 
per common share      $   0.225    $0.225      -    $   0.45  $ 0.45       -

                        Selected Statistical Information 

                            Quarter Ended            Six Months Ended
                               June 30,    Percentage      June 30,   Percentage
                           1999      1998  Inc/(Dec)  1999       1998  Inc/(Dec)
Return on Average 
Equity*                    25.3%     23.5%     -       25.3%     23.5%      -
Common Shares 
Outstanding (millions)    449.0     456.8    (1.7)%   449.0     456.8    (1.7)%
Book Value per Common Share:
  Actual               $  21.74  $  20.35     6.8%   $21.74  $  20.35     6.8%
  Pro Forma*           $  21.77  $  19.11    13.9%   $21.77  $  19.11    13.9%
Shareholders' Equity 
(billions)             $    9.8  $    9.3     5.0%   $  9.8  $    9.3     5.0%

* Excludes the effect of SFAS No. 115.

                          American Express Company
                             Financial Summary
(Dollars in millions)

                                            Quarter Ended

                      June 30,  March 31,  December 31,  September 30,  June 30,
                        1999      1999         1998          1998         1998
Net Revenues by 
Segment (A)

Travel related 
Services             $  3,678   $  3,421      $  3,545     $  3,339     $ 3,270 
American Express 
Financial Advisors        916        885           837          802         807
American Express 
Bank/Travelers Cheque     259        247           239          255         251
                    ---------   --------      --------     --------     -------
                        4,853      4,553         4,621        4,396       4,328

Corporate and Other, 
including adjustments 
and eliminations          (33)       (42)          (67)         (54)        (42)

REVENUES (A)         $  4,820   $  4,511      $  4,554      $ 4,342     $ 4,286

Pretax Income by Segment

Travel Related 
Services             $    628   $    554      $    483      $   554     $   546
American Express 
Financial Advisors        353        312           304          308         309
American Express 
Bank/Travelers Cheque       6         12             2           20          23 
                     --------   --------      --------      -------     -------
                          987        878           789          882         878 

Corporate and Other       (92)       (87)          (76)         (83)        (78)

PRETAX INCOME        $    895   $    791     $     713      $   799     $   800

Net Income by Segment

Travel Related 
Services             $    411   $    363     $     326       $  362     $   360
American Express 
Financial Advisors        242        214           209          211         212
American Express 
Bank/Travelers Cheque      38         41            36           43          47
                     --------   --------     ---------      -------     -------
                          691        618           571          616         619
Corporate and Other       (45)       (43)          (41)         (42)        (41)

NET INCOME           $    646   $    575     $     530      $   574     $   578

(A) Net revenues are reported net of interest expense, where applicable, and
American Express Financial Advisors' provision for losses and benefits.

                          American Express Company
                             Financial Summary

                                            Quarter Ended
                      June 30,  March 31,  December 31,  September 30,  June 30,
                        1999      1999         1998          1998         1998

Earnings Per Common
Share                $   1.44   $    1.28    $    1.18    $     1.27    $  1.27
Average common shares 
outstanding (millions)  447.4        447.7       448.7         451.6      456.3 

Earnings Per Common 
Share                $   1.41   $    1.26    $    1.16    $     1.25    $  1.24 
Average common shares  
outstanding (millions)  457.1       456.2        456.0         459.6      465.3

Cash dividends declared 
per common share     $  0.225   $   0.225    $   0.225    $    0.225    $ 0.225

                        Selected Statistical Information

                                            Quarter Ended
                      June 30,  March 31,  December 31,  September 30,  June 30,
                        1999      1999         1998          1998         1998
Return on Average 
Equity*                  25.3%     25.1%       24.0%          23.9%       23.5%
Common Shares 
Outstanding (millions)  449.0     450.0       450.5          452.3       456.8
Book Value per Common 
 Actual              $  21.74  $  21.74     $ 21.53       $  20.79    $  20.35
 Pro Forma*          $  21.77  $  20.92     $ 20.24       $  19.28    $  19.11 
Shareholders' Equity 
(billions)           $    9.8  $    9.8     $   9.7       $    9.4    $    9.3

* Excludes the effect of SFAS No. 115.

(Preliminary)                Travel Related Services
                               Statement of Income
(Dollars in millions)
                                           Quarter Ended
                                              June 30,        Percentage
                                         1999           1998    Inc/(Dec)
Net Revenues: 
 Discount Revenue                     $  1,662      $   1,525      9.0   %
 Net Card Fees                             393            398     (1.4) 
 Travel Commissions and Fees               469            403     16.2 
 Other Revenues                            845            614     37.8
  Finance Charge Revenue                   465            493     (5.6) 
  Interest Expense                         156            163     (4.3)       

   Net Finance Charge Revenue              309            330     (6.3)
  Total Net Revenues                     3,678          3,270     12.5      

 Marketing and Promotion                   325            275     18.4      
 Provision for Losses and Claims:
  Charge Card                              249            236      5.2
  Leading                                  137            187    (26.6) 
  Other                                     14             11     17.4 

   Total                                   400            434     (8.1)

Charge Card Interest Expense               198            203     (2.3) 
Net Discount Expense                       131            170    (23.1) 
Human Resources                            968            843     14.9 
Other Operating Expenses                 1,028            799     28.7 

 Total Expenses                          3,050          2,724     12.0 

Pretax Income                              628            546     15.0 
Income Tax Provision                       217            186     16.8  

Net Income                             $   411        $   360     14.0

(Preliminary)                   Travel Related Services
                                  Statement of Income
                           (Unaudited, Managed Asset Basis)
  (Dollars in million)
                                       Quarter Ended
                                         June 30,              Percentage
                                    1999          1998         Inc/(Dec) 
Net Revenues:
 Discount Revenue                $  1,662      $  1,525            9.0   %
 Net Card Fees                        393           393              -
 Travel Commissions and Fees          469           403           16.2
 Other Revenues                       669           536           25.0
  Finance Charge Revenue              684           595           14.9
  Interest Expense                    208           197            5.5

   Net Finance Charge Revenue         476           398           19.5
  Total Net Revenues                3,669         3,255           12.7
 Marketing and Promotion              267           239           11.9
 Provision for Losses and Claims:
  Charge Card                         288           307           (6.0)
  Lending                             260           251            3.6
  Other                                14            11           17.4

   Total                              562           569           (1.3)

 Charge Card Interest Expense         257           259           (1.3)
 Human Resources                      968           843           14.9
 Other Operating Expenses             987           799           23.6

  Total Expenses                    3,041         2,709           12.3

Pretax Income                         628           546           15.0
Income Tax Provision                  217           186           16.8

Net Income                         $  411        $  360           14.0

This Statement of Income is provided on a Managed Asset Oasis for analytical
purposes only. It presents the income statement of TRS as if there had been no
securitization transactions. Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 
No. 125 (SFAS No. 125), which prescribes the accounting for securitized
receivables, TRS recognized pretax gains of $99 million ($64 million after-tax)
and $36 million ($23 million after-tax) in the second quarter of 1999 and
1998, respectively, related to the securitization of U.S. receivables. These
gains were invested in additional Marketing and Promotion expenses in both
years and other business building initiatives in 1999 and had no material
impact on Net Income or Total Expenses in either quarter. For purposes of this 
presentation such gains and corresponding increases in Marketing and Promotion
and Other Operating Expenses have been eliminated in each quarter.

(Preliminary)                Travel Related Services
                        Selected Statistical Information
(Amounts in billions, except percentages and where indicated)

                                         Quarter Ended
                                            June 30,              Percentage 
                                      1999            1998        Inc/(Dec)
Total Cards in Force (millions):-
 United States                        28.7            29.6           (3.0) % 
 Outside the United States            15.2            14.2            6.8 

  Total                               43.9            43.8            0.2 
Basic Cards in Force (millions): 
 United States                        22.5            23.3           (3.6) 
 Outside the United States            11.7            11.0            6.1 

  Total                               34.2            34.3           (0.4) 
Card Billed Business: 
 United States                     $  46.0         $  41.4           11.0
 Outside the United States            16.4            15.4            7.3 

  Total                            $  62.4         $  56.8           10.0 

Average Discount Rate*                2.73 %          2.72 %            - 
Average Basic Cardmember 
 Spending (dollars)*               $ 1,933         $ 1,717           12.6
Average Fee per Card (dollars)*    $    38            $ 38              -  
Travel Sales                       $   6.0         $   4.9           22.3 
Travel Commissions and Fees/Sales**    7.8 %           8.2 %            - 

Total Debt                         $  30.6         $  24.0           27.6 
Shareholder's Equity               $   5.3         $   5.0            6.4 
Return on Average Equity***           28.8 %          26.5 %            -
Return on Average Assets***            3.3 %           3.2 %            -

*    Computed excluding Cards Issued by strategic alliance partners and
     independent operators as well as business billed on those Cards.  
**   Computed from information provided herein. 
***  Excluding the effect of SFAS No. 115. 

                              Travel Related Services
                   Selected Statistical Information (continued)
(Amounts in billions,except percentages and where indicated)

                                        Quarter Ended
                                           June 30,           Percentage
                                      1999         1998       Inc/(Dec)
Owned and Managed Charge Card
 Total Receivables                 $  24.6      $  23.4          5.3  %
 90 Days Past Due as a % of Total      2.6 %        3.1 %          -
 Loss Reserves (millions)          $   932      $ 1,015         (8.2) 
 % of Receivables                      3.8 %        4.3 %          -
 % of 90 Days Past Due                 148 %        142 %          -
Net Loss Ratio                        0.39 %       0.46 %          -

Owned and Managed U.S. Cardmember
 Total Loans                       $  18.3      $  14.8         23.2
Past Due Loans as a % of Total:
 30-89 Days                            1.8 %        2.3 %          -
 90+ Days                              0.9 %        1.1 %          -
Loss Reserves (millions):
 Beginning Balance                 $   623      $   591          5.5
 Provision                             209          219         (4.4)
 Net Charge-Offs/Other                (230)        (233)        (0.8)

  Ending Balance                   $   602      $   577          4.3
% of Loans                             3.3 %        3.9 %          -
% of Past Due                          124 %        115 %          -
Average Loans                      $  17.4 %    $  14.5         20.5  
Net Write-Off Rate                     5.3 %        6.6 %          -
Net Interest Yield                     9.3 %        9.5 %          -

(Preliminary)                       Travel Related Services
                                    Statement of Income
(Dollars in millions)               (Unaudited)

                                    Quarter Ended
                   June 30,  March 31,   December 31,   September 30,  June 30, 
                     1999      1999         1998            1998         1998
Net Revenues 
Discount Revenue    $1,662     $1,514        $1,639          $1,522     $1,525
Net Card Fees          393        403           398             393        398
Travel Commissions  
and Fees               469        426           452             441        403
Other Revenues         845        731           687             645        614
Finance Charge Revenue 465        503           535             502        493
Interest Expense       156        156           166             164        163
Net Finance Charge 
 Revenue               309        347           369             338        330

Total Net Revenues   3,678      3,421         3,545           3,339      3,270

Marketing and 
Promotion              325        270           301             310        275 
Provision for Losses 
and Claims:      
Charge Card            249        182           100             148        236 
Lending                137        235           293             224        187 
Other                   14         14            14              17         11

Total                  400        431           407             389        434
Charge Card  
Interest Expense       198        183           211             199        203 
Net Discount Expense   131        143           185             170        170
Human Resources        968        912           990             924        843
Other Operating 
Expenses             1,028        928           968             793        799

 Total Expenses      3,050      2,867         3,062           2,785      2,724

Pretax Income          628        554           483             554        546
Income Tax Provision   217        191           157             192        186

Net Income          $  411     $  363        $  326          $  362     $  360

(Preliminary)                       Travel Related Services
                                    Statement of Income
(Dollars in millions)               (Unaudited, Managed Asset Basis)

                                    Quarter Ended
               June 30,   March 31,    December 31,    September 30, June 30,
               1999       1999         1998            1998          1998
Net Revenues:
Discount       $1,662     $1,514        $1,639          $1,522        $1,525
New Card Fees     393        403           398             395           393
Travel Commissions          
and Fees          469        426           452             441           403
Other Revenues    669        639           617             562           536
 Finance Charge  
 Revenue          684        652            655            636           595
 Interest Expense 208        200            211            209           197

Net Finance       476        452            444            427           398
Charge Revenue 

Total Net       3,669      3,434          3,550          3,347         3,255

 Marketing and  267         270            301            310         239
 Provision for Losses 
 and Claims:
  Charge Card   288         233            192            224         307
  Lending       260         282            331            263         251
  Other          14          14             14             17          11

  Total         562         529            537            504         569
Charge Card Interest
Expense         257         241            271            262         259
Human Resources 968         912            990            924         843
Other Operating 987         928            968            793         799
Total Expenses  3,041     2,880          3,067          2,793       2,709
Pretax Income   628         554            483            554         546
Income Tax      217         191            157            192         186

Net Income     $411        $363           $326           $362        $360

This statement of Income is provided on a Managed Asset Basis for analytical
purposes only.  It presents the income statement of TRS as if there had been no
securitization transactions.  Under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No.125 (SFAS No.125), which prescribes the accounting for securitized
receivables, TRS recognized pretax gains of $99 million ($64 million after-tax)
and $36 million ($23 million after-tax) in the second quarter of 1999 and 1998,
respectively, related to the securitization of U.S receivables.  These gains h
were invested in additional Marketing and Promotion expenses in both years and
other business building initiatives in 1999 and had no material impact on Net
Income or Total Expenses in either quarter. For purposes of this presentation
such gains and corresponding increases in Marketing and Promotion and Other
Operating Expenses have been eliminated in each quarter.

(Preliminary)                       Travel Related Services
                                    Selected Statistical Information
(Amounts in billions, except        (Unaudited)
percentages and where indicated)
                                    Quarter Ended
               June 30,   March 31,    December 31,    September 30, June 30,
               1999       1999         1998            1998          1998
Total Cards in 
Force (millions):
United States  28.7       27.9         27.8             29.5          29.6
Outside the    15.2       15.0         14.9             14.6          14.2
United States
 Total         43.9       42.9         42.7             44.1          43.8

Basic Cards in 
Force (millions):
United States  22.5       21.8         21.7             23.3          23.3
Outside the    11.7       11.5         11.5             11.3          11.0
United States

Total          34.2       33.3         33.2             34.6          34.3

Card Billed 
United States  $46.0      $41.6       $44.2            $41.5          $41.4
Outside the     16.4       15.2        17.2             15.2           15.4
United States
 Total          62.4       56.8        61.4             56.7           56.8

Average Discount
Rate*            2.73%      2.73%        2.72%            2.72%         2.72%
Average Basic 
Cardmember Spending 
(dollars)*     $ 1,933    $1,781        $1,861          $1,704         $1,717
Average Fee per $   38    $   40        $   38          $   37         $   38
Card (dollars)*

Travel Sales   $    6.0   $   5.3       $ 5.6           $ 5.1          $ 4.9
Travel Commissions 
and Fees/Sales**    7.8%      8.0%        8.1%            8.6%           8.2%

Total Debt     $   30.6   $  28.2       $28.0           $26.9          $24.0
Shareholder's Equity
Return on Average 
Equity***           28.8%     28.4%       27.8%          27.1%          26.5%
Return on Average
Assets***            3.3%      3.3%        3.3%           3.3%           3.2%

*  Computed excluding Cards issued by strategic alliance partners and
   independent operators as well as business billed on those cards.
** Computed from information provided herein.
***Excluding the effect of SFAS No.115.

(Preliminary)            Travel Related Services
                Selected Statistical Information (continued)

(Amounts in billions, except percentages and where indicated)
                                            Quarter Ended
                        June 30, March 31, December 31, September 30, June 30, 
                          1999     1999       1998          1998        1998
Owned and Managed Charge Card 
Total Receivables        $ 24.6     $ 23.5       $ 24.0        $ 23.3   $ 23.4
90 Days Past Due as a 
  % of Total                2.6%       3.0%         2.7%          2.7%     3.1%
Loss Reserves (millions) $  932     $  876       $  897        $  961   $1,015
% of Receivables            3.8%       3.7%         3.7%          4.1%     4.3%
% of 90 Days Post Due       148%       126%         138%          151%     142%
Net Loss Ratio             0.39%      0.43%        0.42%         0.48%    0.46%

Owned and Managed U.S. 
 Cardmember Lending:
 Total Loans             $ 18.3     $ 16.7       $ 16.7        $ 15.4   $ 14.8
 Past Due Loans as a % 
 of Total:
  30-89 Days                1.8%       2.1%         2.2%          2.2%     2.3%
  90+ Days                  0.9%       1.0%         0.9%          1.0%     1.1%
 Loss Reserves (millions):  
  Beginning Balance        $  623     $  619      $  579        $  577   $  591
  Provision                   209        244         285           236      219
  Net Charge-Offs/Other      (230)      (240)       (245)         (234)    (233)

  Ending Balance           $  602     $  623       $ 619           579   $  577

% of Loans                  3.3%       3.7%        3.7%          3.8%     3.9% 
% of Past Due               124%       121%        120%          118%     115%
Average Loans              $ 17.4     $ 16.7      $ 15.9        $ 15.2   $ 14.5
Net Write-Off Rate          5.3%       5.9%        6.2%          6.4%     6.6%
Net Interest Yield          9.3%       9.4%        9.5%          9.6%     9.5%

(Preliminary)        American Express Financial Advisors
                            Statement of Income

(Dollars in millions)

                           Quarter Ended
                              June 30           Percentage
                          1999       1998        Inc/(Dec)
Net Revenues:
Investment Income        $  615     $  603          1.9%
Management and 
  Distribution Fees         553        482         14.6 
Other Revenues              226        197         15.3 

Total Revenues            1,394      1,282          8.7
Provision for losses and
Annuities                   273        292         (6.5) 
Insurance                   132        125          5.8
Investment Certificates      73         58         24.4 
Total                       478        475          0.5
Net Revenues                916        807         13.6

Human Resources             430        388         11.0
Other Operating Expenses    133        110         20.8

Total Expenses              563        498         13.2

Pretax Income               353        309         14.2
Income Tax Provision        111         97         14.3
Net Income                  242        212         14.2

(Preliminary)         American Express Financial Advisors
                        Selected Statistical Information,
(Dollars In millions, except where indicated)

                                       Quarter Ended          
                                          June 30            Percentage
                                       1999     1998            Inc/(Dec)

Investments (billions)              $   30.7  $   31.0          (1.2) %
Client Contract Reserves (billions) $   30.8  $   30.2           2.0
Shareholder's Equity (billions)     $    4.0  $    4.0          (0.3)
Return on Average Equity*               22.8%     22.3 %           - 

Life Insurance in Force (billions)  $   84.6  $   77.8           8.7 
Assets Owned, Managed or
 Administered (billions):
  Assets Managed for
  Institutions                      $   49.9  $   44.0           13.3
  Assets Owned, Managed or Administered 
  for Individuals:
   Separate Account Assets              30.1      26.6           13.1 
   Other Owned Assets                   37.8      37.2            1.7

    Total Owned Assets                  67.9      63.8            6.5

  Managed Assets                        96.3      83.0           16.2
  Administered Assets                   18.3      11.2           62.5
   Total                            $  232.4  $  202.0           15.1
Market Appreciation (Depreciation) During 
 the Period: 
 Owned Assets:
  Separate Account Assets            $ 1,520  $   361              @
  Other Owned Assets                 $  (395) $    24              -     
   Total Managed Assets              $ 5,063  $ 1,045              @

Sales of Selected Products:
 Mutual Funds                        $ 6,207  $ 5,474             13.4 
 Annuities                           $   750  $   702              6.8
 Investment Certificates             $   777  $   383              @ 
 Life and Other Insurance Products   $   110  $   104              5.8

Number of Financial Advisors          10,489    9,869              6.3 
Fees From
Financial Plans                      $  22.8  $  20.9              9.2
Product Sales Generated from
 Financial Plans as a Percentage of
 Total Sales                           65.2%    64.7%               -

* Excluding the effect of SFAS No. 115. 
@  Denotes variance of more than 100%.

(Preliminary)             American Express Financial Advisors 
                               Statement of Income 
(Dollars in millions)                      Quarter Ended 
                          June 30, March 31,December 31, September30, June 30,
                            1999    1999       1998          1998      1998
Net Revenues:
 Investment Income      $     615  $   595   $    647     $    573   $    603
 Management and Distribution             
 Fees                         553       522       476          476        482
 Other Revenues               226       228       222          198        197

Total Revenues              1,394     1,345     1,345        1,247      1,282
Provision for Losses 
and Benefits:
 Annuities                    273       270       282          280        292
 Insurance                    132       126       125          122        125
 Investment Certificates       73        64       101           43         58

Total                         478       460       508          445        475
Net Revenues                  916       885       837          802        807

Human Resources               430       416       407          384        388
Other Operating Expenses      133       157       126          110        110

Total Expenses                563       573       533          494        498

Pretax Income                 353       312       304          308        309
Income Tax Provision          111        98        95           97         97

Net Income               $    242   $   214   $   209      $   211  $     212

       (Preliminary)         American Express Financial Advisors          
                              Selected Statistical Information
(Dollars in millions, except where indicated)

                                        Quarter Ended                     
                         June 30,  March31,  December 31,September 30, June 30,
                           1999      1999      1998          1998         1998

Investments (billions) $   30.7   $   30.6  $   30.9    $    30.8    $   31.0
Client Contract
 Reserves (billions)   $   30.8   $   30.5  $   30.3    $    30.2    $   30.2  
 Shareholder's Equity 
(billions)             $    4.0   $    4.1  $    4.1    $     4.1    $    4.0
Return on Average 
Equity*                    22.8 %     22.6%      22.5%       22.4%       22.3%
Life Insurance in Force 
(billions)             $   84.6   $   82.9  $    81.1   $    79.2    $   77.8
Assets Owned, Managed or
 Administered (billions):   
  Assets Managed 
  for Institutions     $   49.9   $   46.9  $    45.9   $    40.5    $   44.0 
  Assets Owned, Managed 
  or Administered
  for Individuals:
  Owned Assets:
 Separate Account Assets   30.1       28.2       27.3        23.0        26.6  
 Other Owned Assets        37.8       37.4       37.3        37.0        37.2
 Total Owned Assets        67.9       65.6       64.6        60.0        63.8
 Managed Assets            96.3       91.2       87.9        76.8        83.0
 Administered Assets       18.3       15.7       14.0        11.2        11.2

Total                  $  232.4  $   219.4  $   212.4   $   188.5     $ 202.0 

Market Appreciation
During the Period:  
Owned Assets: 
Separate Account  
Assets                 $  1,520  $    912    $   4,288  $ (3,712)     $ 361
Other Owned Assets     $  (395)  $   (204)   $    (243) $     91      $  24 
Total Managed
Assets                 $   5,063 $  2,889    $ 14,493   $ (10,595)    $ 1,045

Sales of Selected Products: 
Mutual Funds           $ 6,207   $  6,033    $ 4,936    $   5,262     $ 5,474
Annuities              $   750   $    579    $   557    $     648     $   702 
Investment Certificates $  777   $    660    $   575    $     560     $   383
Life and Other Insurance  
Products                $ 110    $     92    $   100    $     102     $   104

Number of 
Financial Advisors      10,489     10,372     10,350       10,060       9,869
Fees From 
 Financial Plans      $    22.8      21.3    $  18.4    $    15.6     $  20.9 
 Product Sales
 Generated from Financial
 Plans as a Percentage
 of Total Sales            65.2%      66.5%     66.8%       65.4%       64.7%  

* Excluding the effect of SFAS No. 115.
(Preliminary)                  American Express Bank/Travelers Cheque
                                        Statement of Income  
(Dollars in millions)             Quarter Ended        Percentage 
                                      June30,           Inc(Dec) 
                                 1999        1998
Net Revenues: 
Interest Income                $    183   $   218        (16.1)% 
Interest Expense                    108       147        (26.2) 
Net Interest Income                  75        71          4.8 
TC Investment Income                 86        80          7.4 
Foreign Exchange Income              14        35        (58.6) 
Fees and Other Revenue               84        65         28.6  

Total Net Revenues                  259       251          3.0 

Human Resources                      85        79          6.6  
Other Operating Expenses            150       136         10.3  
Provision for Losses                 18        13         38.7 
Total Expenses                      253       228         10.7 
Pretax income                         6        23        (73.9) 
Income Tax Benefit                  (32)      (24)        35.5 

Net Income                    $     38   $     47        (18.1)

(Preliminary)                 American Express Bank/Travelers Cheque
                                  Selected Statistical Information 
(Dollars in billions, except where indicated) 
                                    Quarter Ended          Percentage
                                       June 30,             Inc/(Dec)
                                 1999         1998
Total Shareholder's 
Equity (millions)            $  1,048     $  1,135           (7.7)%
Return on Average
 Common Equity*                  18.5%        10.4%            -
Return on Average Assets*         0.86%       0.50%            -
American Express Bank: 
Total Loans                  $    5.2     $   6.1            (14.9) 
Total Nonperforming
 Loans (millions)            $    210     $   205              2.1
 Other Nonperforming
 Assets (millions)           $     55     $    73            (24.5)
 Reserve for Credit 
 Losses (millions)**         $    249     $   350            (28.7) 
 Loan Loss Reserves as 
 a % of Total Loans               4.1%        4.3%              -
 Deposits                    $    8.0     $   8.1             (1.6)
 Assets Managed /
 Administered***             $    7.0     $   5.6             25.0 
 Assets of Non-Consolidated
 Joint  Ventures             $    2.2     $   2.7            (20.3) 
 Capital Ratios: 
  Tier 1                          9.8%       9.2%              - 
Total                            12.1%      12.2%              -
Leverage Ratio                    5.7%       5.6%              -
Travelers Cheque:
 Sales                       $    6.1     $  6.4              (5.7) 
Average Outstanding          $    6.1     $  6.0               1.2
Average Investments          $    5.7     $  5.7               1.4
Tax equivalent yield              8.8%       9.0%              -

*  Excludes the effect of SFAS No. 115 for all periods presented.

** Allocation:
       Loans                 $       216   $    265
       Other Assets,
       primarily derivatives          32          84  
       Other Liabilities               1           1      
Total Credit Loss Reserves   $       249   $     350

*** Includes assets managed by American Express Financial Advisors

(Preliminary)                 American Express Bank/Travelers Cheque 
                                    Statement of Income 
(Dollars In millions)                     Quarter Ended
                          June 30, March31, December31, September 30, June 30,
                             1999     1999      1998         1998         1998

Net Revenues: 
Interest Income          $  183       193    $   210     $   217      $   218 
Interest Expense            108       119        136         143          147

Net Interest Income          75        74         74          74           71 
TC Investment Income         86        79         82          88           80
Foreign Exchange Income      14        18         32          30           35 
Commissions, Fees
and Other Revenue            84        76         51          63           65

Total Net Revenues          259       247        239         255          251

Human Resources              85        82         86          83           79  
Other Operating
Expenses                    150       136        136         140          136
Provision for Losses         18        17         15          12           13
Total Expenses              253       235        237         235          228
Pretax Income                 6        12          2          20           23 
Income Tax Benefit          (32)      (29)       (34)        (23)         (24)
Net Income               $   38   $    41    $    36     $    43        $  47

(Preliminary)                    American Express Bank/Travelers Cheque
                                    Selected Statistical Information
(Dollars in billions. except where indicated)
                                            Quarter Ended
                         June 30, March 31,  December31,  September 30,  June30,
                           1999     1999        1998         1998         1998
Total Shareholder's 
Equity (millions)        $  1,048  $  1,148    $  1,197    $ 1,210     $ 1,135
Return on Average 
Common Equity*              18.5%     19.7%       4.9%        8.1 %     10.4%
Return on Average Assets*     86%      0.90%      0.23%       0.39%     0.50%
American Express Bank: 
Total Loans              $     5.2   $    5.3  $    5.6    $    6.1    $    6.1
Total Non-performing
 Loans (millions)        $    210    $   209   $    180    $   239     $   205
Other Non-performing
 Assets (millions)       $     55    $    64   $     63    $    92     $    73
Reserve for Credit
 Losses (millions)**     $    249    $   261   $    259    $   348     $   350
Loan Loss Reserves
 as a % of Total Loans        4.1%       4.1%      3.8%        4.6%       4.3%
Deposits                 $    8.0   $    7.9  $    8.3    $    8.7    $    8.1
Assets Managed/
Administered***          $     7.0   $    6.3  $    6.2    $    5.7    $    5.6
Assets of Non-Consolidated
 Joint  Ventures         $     2.2   $    2.6  $    2.6    $    2.4    $    2.7
Risk-Based Capital Ratios: 
Tier 1                        9.8 %       9.8%      9.8%      9.4%        9.2%
Total                        12.1 %      12.1 %    12.6%     12.2%       12.2%
Leverage Ratio                5.7%        5.4%      5.5%      5.6%        5.6%
Travelers Cheque: 
Sales                    $    6.1     $   4.6   $   5.0       7.8     $   6.4
Average Outstanding      $    6.1     $   5.8   $   5.9    $  6.4     $   6.0
Average Investments      $    5.7     $   5.6   $   5.8    $  6.1     $   5.7
Tax equivalent yield          8.8%        8.9%      8.8 %     8.8%        9.0%

*Excludes the effect of SFAS No. 115 for all periods presented.

** Allocation
   Loans                 $    216    $    218  $    214   $   279    $   265
   Other Assets, 
   primarily derivatives       32          41        43        66         84
   Other Liabilities            1           2         2         3          1 
 Total Credit 
 Loss Reserves          $     249    $    261  $    259   $   348   $    350

*** Includes assets managed by American Express Financial Advisors.

                            American Express Bank
                       Exposures By Country and Region
($ in billions)
                                       Guarantees          6/30/99    3/31/99
                            FX and        and               Total      Total
Country            Loans  Derivatives  Contingents  Other* Exposure** Exposure**

Hong Kong          $ 0.6        -       $    0.2    $ 0.1   $   0.9    $   1.0
Indonesia            0.2        -            -        0.2       0.4        0.4
Singapore            0.4        -            0.1      0.1       0.5        0.5
Korea                0.1        -            0.1      0.2       0.4        0.4
Taiwan               0.3        -            0.1      0.1       0.5        0.6
China                 -         -            -        -         -          -
Japan                 -         -            -        -         0.1        0.1
Thailand              -         -            -        -         -          -
Other                 -         -            -        0.1       0.2        0.1
Total Asia/Pacific
Region **            1.8    $   0.1          0.5      0.8       3.2        3.1

Chile                0.3       -             -        0.1       0.4        0.4
Brazil               0.3       -             -        0.1       0.3        0.4
Mexico               0.1       -             -        -         0.1        0.1
Peru                 0.1       -             -        -         0.1        0.1
Argentina            0.1       -             -        -         0.1        0.1
Other                0.2       -             0.1      0.1       0.4        0.4
Total Latin 
America **           1.0       -             0.1      0.2       1.3        1.4

India                0.3       -             0.1      0.4       0.8        0.8
Pakistan             0.1       -             -        0.1       0.2        0.2
Other                0.1       -             0.1      0.1       0.2        0.2
 Subcontinent**      0.5       -             0.2      0.5       1.2        1.2

Egypt                0.4       -             -        0.2       0.7        0.6
Other                0.2       -             0.1      -         0.3        0.3
Total Middle East
    & Africa **      0.5       -             0.1      0.3       0.9        0.9

Total Europe ***     1.3         0.1         0.7      2.2       4.3        4.3
Total North 
     America **      0.2       -             0.1      1.4       1.8        1.8

Total Worldwide**  $ 5.2    $    0.2    $    1.8    $ 5.5   $  12.8    $  12.8

  * Includes cash, placements and securities.
 ** Individual items may not add to totals due to rounding.
*** Total exposures at 6/30/99 and 3/31/99 includes $12 million and $20 million
    of exposures to Russia, respectively.

Note: Includes cross-border and local exposure and does not net local funding
      or liabilities against any local exposure.



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