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23 July 2024
European Green Transition
("European Green Transition",
"EGT" or "the Company")
Encouraging Preliminary
Sample Results from Copper Tailings Recycling
European Green Transition (AIM:
EGT), a company developing green economy assets in Europe which
aims to capitalise on the opportunity created by the green energy
transition, is pleased to announce what it believes are encouraging
results from samples taken from its Copper Tailings Recycling
Project at Limni in Cyprus.
The first stage of diligence on the Cyprus Copper
Tailings Recycling Project at the past-producing Limni copper mine
has delivered encouraging results across 68 samples.
Acid soluble copper ranging from 0.41% to 0.92%
found in crusts clearly demonstrates the presence of copper in
water at surface.
Results also indicate potential upside for gold,
with samples of up to 1.48 g/t Au recorded from waste near the edge
of the pit.
EGT will now progress to
the next stage of diligence as part of its option agreement (as
announced on 29 April 2024) to develop a copper tailings recycling
project through low-cost water treatment and tailings development,
with subsequent potential for solar development.
Aiden Lavelle, Chief Executive Officer of European Green
Transition, said:
"The first stage of diligence at the Limni site has yielded
encouraging results, indicating the potential for recovering a
meaningful amount of copper, in addition to newly identified gold
potential at the site which offers further upside for the project.
Dry sulphate crust samples returned grades of acid soluble copper
ranging from 0.41% Cu to 0.92% Cu and averaging 0.756% Cu. We were
also pleased to find indications of gold in rock chip samples taken
from the pit edge, with results up to 1.48 g/t providing additional
upside value.
"As a next step, we will now progress to the next stage of
diligence as part of our 12-month option agreement. This will
include further rock sampling, water sampling, and analysis of the
potential for solar development at the site."
Results have been received from the
first stage of EGT's diligence process, which included a total of
68 samples collected during fieldwork in May and June 2024. Three
different sample types were collected at Limni. These include five
sulphate crust samples from the surface of the pit where water
often lies during the wet season, nine rock chip samples collected
from the edge of the pit with visible or oxidised sulphides, and 54
surface samples of pit infill material.
Results for the five sulphate crust
samples from the surface of the pit confirm that copper-enriched
solutions are remobilising
copper from the tailings and depositing it at
surface when the water evaporates in the dry season. The samples
were taken in a line across a normally wet area of the pit with
sample spacing of c.9-15m. The average acid soluble copper grade of
the five samples was 0.756% Cu with a range of 0.41%
Cu to 0.92% Cu. Zinc and
cobalt were also elevated in these samples with an average of 0.25%
Zn and 250 ppm Co by aqua regia digestion. Sulphur was greater than
10%, explaining the observed acid mine drainage which is evident
through the outflow of blue metal-enriched water and blue
sulphosalts found at the site.
The nine rock chip and grab samples
were collected from waste material at the edge of the pit. Five of
the samples were taken from a 200m x 100m area to the south of the
pit and four to the northwest of the pit. The five samples from the
south of the pit had an average grade of 0.89g/t Au and 0.12% Cu
with a maximum of 1.48g/t Au. The four samples from the northwest
of the pit were all anomalous with two samples grading 0.15g/t Au
and 0.19g/t Au. The gold mineralised samples are hosted in
gossanous basalt with variable jarosite, hematite and kaolinite
alteration. These results indicate that there is excellent and
unquantified potential for gold mineralisation around the Limni
pit, both in waste and potentially hard rock gold-pyrite zones on
the periphery of the volcanic massive sulphide deposit
The 54 pit surface samples were
collected from 27 stations with 50m spacing along four separate
east-west lines across the pit. At each station, a sample was
collected from the surface (0-15cm depth) and also from 15-30cm
depth. The results of these samples show mixed results for copper,
gold, and zinc, and it was observed that the material at the
surface is generally mixed low-sulphide waste which is likely not
fully representative of the tailings beneath due to the presence of
coarse clasts. This material was placed as a cap over the
backfilled tailings and as part of the next phase of diligence, EGT
plans to obtain a more representative sample of the tailings
beneath the cap. The average copper grade in these 54 samples was
still elevated at 0.18% Cu with a maximum value of 0.38% Cu by aqua
regia digestion. The acid soluble copper grade was more variable
with 14 values c. 0.1% Cu and an average of 0.07% Cu for the 54
samples. All samples were anomalous in gold, with 14 samples
>800ppb Au including four grading c. 0.1 g/t Au (1,000 ppb)
supporting the Directors' view there is potential for gold upside
as part of this project.

Figure 1: Satellite image of the Limni pit showing location
and grade of samples collected. Refer to the map key for
These results confirm that copper is
mobilising within groundwater in the pit, adding weight to the
potential for copper recovery from the pit groundwater using
standard extraction wells i.e. in situ recovery which would have a
very low surface impact and potential near-term revenue generation.
The Company will consider further testing to quickly advance this
concept and progress to the next stage of diligence.
The model for VMS deposits has
advanced significantly since the Limni mine closed in 1978 and gold
has been found associated with zinc and pyrite around other
exploration sites in Cyprus and within the Limni District. In
modern VMS deposit models, gold may be associated with pyrite
stockworks and with argillic alteration either within the core of
the deposit or on the periphery of the sulphide mounds. The gold
grade of the historic Limni mine is unknown and there is no
production data for gold at the site. Further work is warranted to
determine the gold potential of the project.
The site and surroundings also offer
an excellent long-term potential to establish a solar power
facility following the completion of the tailings recycling
project. This optionality provides EGT with potential further
upside from the project. EGT would intend to partner with an
existing solar power operator with the expertise and track record
of developing a solar facility, with EGT maintaining a long-term
revenue stream, should this be viable.
Sample Information, Quality
Assurance / Quality Control
All samples were securely bagged,
cable tied, boxed, and shipped from Cyprus by courier to ALS
Romania. The samples were analysed by ALS for gold using a 50g gold
fire assay package (Code Au-AA24) and for acid soluble copper by a
sulphuric acid leach with atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS),
(Code Cu-AA05). The pit floor samples and rock samples were
analysed for multielements using ALS package ME-MS41 while the
sulphate crust samples were analysed by a four-acid leach (Code
ME-ICP61). ALS Minerals routinely includes standards, blanks and
duplicates in the sample stream and monitors the results which are
reported to EGT. Standards and blanks were not submitted by EGT
with this first pass batch of samples due to unavailability in the
field at the time of sampling, however, values are in line with
those expected given the history of the site and nature of the
sampled material. The duplicate samples from surface and 15-30cm
depth on the pit floor are generally consistent with each other,
with just four of the sample pairs showing significant deviation of
>22% between samples.
All scientific and technical
information in this announcement has been prepared under the
supervision of and reviewed and approved by EurGeol Aiden Lavelle,
M.Sc., P.Geo., EGT's Chief Executive Officer. Mr Lavelle has
sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and
type of deposit under consideration, and to the activity which he
is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person in accordance with
the guidance note for Mining, Oil & Gas Companies issued by the
London Stock Exchange in respect of AIM Companies, which outlines
standards of disclosure for mineral projects. Mr Lavelle consents
to the inclusion in this announcement of the matters based on his
information in the form and context in which it appears.
European Green Transition plc
Aiden Lavelle, CEO
+44 (0) 208 058 6129
Jack Kelly, CFO
Panmure Liberum - Nominated Adviser and
James Sinclair-Ford / Dougie
McLeod / Ivo Macdonald / Mark Murphy / Kieron Hodgson / Rauf
+ 44 (0) 20 7886 2500
Camarco - Financial PR
Notes to Editors
European Green Transition plc
(listed on the AIM London Stock Exchange under the ticker "EGT") is
a business operating in the green economy transition space in
Europe. EGT intends to capitalise on the opportunities created by
Europe's transition away from fossil fuels to a green,
renewables-focused economy. The Company plans to expand its
existing portfolio of green economy assets through M&A,
targeting what it believes to be distressed and undervalued
projects. EGT sees substantial opportunities to deliver value from
its M&A pipeline, which includes critical material, wind,
solar, processing and recycling projects.
EGT's highly experienced leadership
team has a strong track record of building successful public
companies through the acquisition of distressed assets. EGT plans
to replicate this approach, creating a sustainable and profitable
business while generating shareholder returns.
The Company's current portfolio of
green economy assets includes the Olserum Rare Earth Project in
Sweden. The Olserum project is one of Sweden's projects of
"National Interest" and has the potential to become Europe's first
operating REE mine. EGT has taken an exclusive option over a copper
tailings recycling project in Cyprus with the potential to generate
meaningful amounts of copper, and with the site and surroundings
offering an excellent long-term location to establish a potential
solar power facility. EGT has taken a further exclusive option to
develop a peatland carbon sink programme and in turn generate
carbon credits at Altan in Donegal in the northwest of Ireland. EGT
owns additional projects in northern Sweden and Germany which have
defined and tangible upside with potential to realise near-term
inflection points in a cost effective manner. EGT's objective is to
build a profitable business while aiming to monetise some of its
assets through sale or partnership with larger industry players or
European end users. The team is focused on success while remaining
committed to its defined ESG strategy, ensuring excellent
development practices across all projects in addition to regular
local community engagement.