RNS Number : 5661B

Rubicon Software Group PLC

22 February 2011

Rubicon Software Group plc


Rubicon Software Group plc ("Rubicon" or "the Group"; AIM: RUBI) announces its unaudited results for the six months ended 31 December 2010.


-- Significant contract with new customer during the period, outside the Financial Services sector

-- Revenues of GBP258,000 (2009 underlying*: GBP308,000)

-- Significant reduction in ongoing cost base

-- Underlying loss** for the period reduced to GBP69,000 (2009: GBP91,000)

*Underlying revenue for the comparative period is adjusted to take account of the effect of the one-off perpetual licence recognised in the prior year, as explained in the June 2010 financial statements.

**Underlying loss is adjusted for the above and for non-recurring costs.

Commenting on these results Chairman, Rob Burnham, said:

"The last 6 months have been a continuation of major transition for the Group in realigning the cost base and diversifying its market focus."

Notes to Editors

About Rubicon Software

Based near Woking in Surrey, Rubicon is a provider of smart customer relationship management and collaboration IT solutions. Its core technology is designed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of customer service, fulfilment and product selection, whilst facilitating business process and change management. Current clients include First Response Finance Limited, Market Harborough Building Society Limited, Norton Finance (UK) Limited, Segen Limited and Videocall Limited.

For further information, please contact:

 Rubicon Software Group plc                    01276 706900 
 Alistair Hancock, Chief Executive Officer 
 W.H. Ireland                                 0117 945 3470 
 John Wakefield/Marc Davies 


Business review

The last 6 months have been a continuation of transition for the Group in diversifying its market focus and realigning the cost base.

I am delighted to announce that we have contracted with a significant new customer, outside of the financial services sector from whom we expect to generate significant revenues over the medium term.

I am also pleased to confirm that the restructuring plan announced in my last statement has now been completed. The cost base of the Group has been reduced significantly going forward including reduction in headcount, particularly in administrative and corporate functions. Most significantly, we have reached an agreement to lease a smaller property, adjacent to our previous location; this property is much more suitable for the scale and nature of the business and reduces our on-going property costs significantly. As part of the negotiations we have agreed to pay an amount of GBP125,000 to release the Group from obligations under the previous lease. This results in a one-off cost to the Group which has been recognised in full in these interim financial statements, but over the medium term results in much lower overall property costs.

Financial review

Reported revenues for the period are GBP258,000 which represents a reduction of GBP80,000 compared to the same period last year, and a GBP50,000 reduction after adjusting for the effect of the one-off perpetual licence recognised in the prior year, as explained in the June 2010 financial statements.

The operating loss for the period amounts to GBP180,000 (2009: GBP61,000) but this includes a one-off cost of GBP110,000 in respect of the property move as explained above. After adjusting for the above effects, underlying losses are down to GBP69,000 from GBP91,000 in the six months to 31 December 2009.

Despite the disappointing financial results, the Group has been cash generative for the period with net cash generated of GBP17,000.


The last couple of years have seen extremely difficult market conditions in the Group's niche within Financial Services and our results continue to reflect those conditions. However, demonstrable progress has also been made in the period and the Board believes that a solid platform has now been created from which to develop and sustain future profitable growth.

 R. Burnham 
  21 February 2011 

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

                                        6 months          6 months     Year to 
                                  to 31 December    to 31 December     30 June 
                                            2010              2009        2010 
                                         GBP'000           GBP'000     GBP'000 
                          Note       (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
 Revenue                                     258               338       1,147 
 Other operating income 
  and charges                              (434)             (399)       (862) 
  amortisation and 
  impairment                                 (3)                 -       (240) 
  (loss)/profit                            (179)              (61)          45 
 (loss)/profit before 
 non-recurring items 
 Impairment of                              (69)              (61)         302 
 intangible assets                             -                 -       (166) 
 Reorganisation costs        3             (110)                 -        (91) 
-----------------------  -----  ----------------  ----------------  ---------- 
  (loss)/profit after 
  non-recurring items                      (179)              (61)          45 
 Finance income                                -                 -           - 
 Finance charges                             (1)               (1)         (1) 
-----------------------  -----  ----------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 (Loss)/profit from 
  continuing activities 
  before tax                               (180)              (62)          44 
 Taxation                                      -                 -         (1) 
 (Loss)/profit and 
  total comprehensive 
  income for the 
  period                                   (180)              (62)          43 
-----------------------  -----  ----------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 (Loss)/profit per 
  share (basic and 
  diluted)                   4           (0.41)p           (0.15)p       0.11p 
-----------------------  -----  ----------------  ----------------  ---------- 

All activities of the Group are classed as continuing.

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

                   Share       Share      option    Merger   Retained    Total 
                 capital     premium     reserve   reserve   earnings   equity 
                 GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
--------------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  ---------  ------- 
       at 1 
       2009          402         413          15       596    (1,281)      145 
Share issue            6           -           -         -          -        6 
Employee share 
 options               -           -           1         -          -        1 
--------------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 with owners           6           -           1         -          -        7 
--------------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 (loss)/income         -           -           -         -       (62)     (62) 
Balance at 31 
 2009                408         413          16       596    (1,343)       90 
--------------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  ---------  ------- 
Share issue           28           1           -         -          -       29 
Employee share 
 options               -           -           1         -          -        1 
--------------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 with owners          28           1           1         -          -       30 
--------------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 (loss)/income         -           -           -         -        105      105 
Balance at 30 
 June 2010           436         414          17       596    (1,238)      225 
--------------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  ---------  ------- 
Share issue            3           -           -         -          -        3 
Employee share 
options                -           -           -         -          -        - 
--------------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 with owners           3           -           -         -          -        3 
--------------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 (loss)/income         -           -           -         -      (180)    (180) 
Balance at 31 
 2010                439         414          17       596    (1,418)       48 
--------------  --------  ----------  ----------  --------  ---------  ------- 

Consolidated statement of financial position

                                              At             At          At 
                                     31 December    31 December     30 June 
                                            2010           2009        2010 
                                         GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000 
                                     (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
---------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Trade and other receivables due 
  after one year                             150              -         328 
 Property, plant and equipment                 6             11           9 
 Intangible assets                             -            198           - 
---------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ---------- 
                                             156            209         337 
---------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Cash                                         26             73           7 
 Trade and other receivables due 
  within one year                            208            150         190 
                                             234            223         197 
---------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Total assets                                390            432         534 
---------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Called up equity share capital              439            404         436 
 Share premium account                       414            417         414 
 Share option reserve                         17             16          17 
 Merger reserve                              596            596         596 
 Retained earnings                       (1,418)        (1,343)     (1,238) 
 Total equity                                 48             90         225 
---------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                    100              -           4 
                                             100              -           4 
---------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                    242            342         305 
                                             242            342         305 
 Total liabilities                           342            342         309 
---------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities and equity                390            432         534 
---------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ---------- 

Consolidated statement of cash flows

                                        6 months          6 months     Year to 
                                  to 31 December    to 31 December     30 June 
                                            2010              2009        2010 
                                         GBP'000           GBP'000     GBP'000 
                                     (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Operating activities 
 Result for the period before 
  tax and finance costs                    (179)              (61)          45 
 Impairment of intangible 
  assets                                       -                 -         166 
 Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                                       -                29          60 
 Depreciation of property, 
  plant and equipment                          3                 7          14 
 Decrease/(increase) in trade 
  and other receivables                      160                47       (320) 
 Increase/(decrease) in trade 
  and other payables                          34               115           4 
 Share option charges                          -                 1           2 
 Net cash flow from operating 
  activities                                  18               138        (29) 
 Investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment                                -                 -         (3) 
 Interest received                             -                 -         (2) 
------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Net cash flow from in 
  investing activities                         -                 -         (5) 
 Financing activities 
 Proceeds from the issue of 
  shares                                       3                 6          35 
 Director's loan                               -              (15)           - 
 Other loan                                    -                 -          61 
 Finance lease payments                      (2)               (2)           - 
 Interest paid                                 -                 -         (1) 
------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Net cash flow from financing                  1              (11)          95 
 Net movement in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                 19               127          61 
 Opening cash and cash 
  equivalents balance                          7              (54)        (54) 
------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Closing cash and cash 
  equivalents balance                         26                73           7 
------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------- 

Notes to the interim results

1. Basis of preparation and accounting policies

The financial information set out in this interim results statement is for the six months to 31 December 2010 and has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 "Interim Financial Reporting". The interim financial information has not been audited and does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006.

The accounting policies applied are consistent with those of the last annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2010, which were prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted for use in the European Union, and on which the auditor gave an unqualified opinion containing no statement under either Section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The Group's annual financial statements have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

The interim financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and are presented in Pounds Sterling (GBP), which is the functional currency of all Group companies.

Application of the Group's accounting policies in preparing these interim financial statements requires management to make judgements and estimates that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities, revenues and expenses. Actual results may ultimately differ from these estimates.

Rubicon Software Group plc is the Group's ultimate parent company. It is incorporated and domiciled in Great Britain. The Group's shares are listed on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange.

2. Segment reporting

The Board reviews the Group's internal reporting in order to assess business performance and allocate resources. The business is viewed as one unit, in terms of both geography and product, and the internal reporting reflects this. Therefore the Directors do not believe that segment disclosures are required.

3. Re-organisation costs

Re-organisation costs in the period to 31 December 2010, and the year to 30 June 2009 represent amounts paid or payable to release the Group from obligations under the previous lease, together with redundancy costs.

4. (Loss)/profit per share

The relevant figures used in the calculation are stated below:

                                            6 months      6 months 
                                                  to            to     Year to 
                                         31 December   31 December     30 June 
                                                2010          2009        2010 
                                         (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
(Loss)/profit attributable to 
 shareholders (GBP'000)                        (180)          (62)          43 
Weighted average number of shares         43,652,808    40,241,162  40,581,537 
Basic (loss)/profit per share (pence)         (0.41)        (0.15)        0.11 

In view of the loss for the period, share options in issue have no dilutive effect.

Copies of this interim report will be available on the company's website at www.rubiconsoftware.com


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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