Washington, D.C. 20549
For the month of November, 2024
Commission File Number: 001-38049
Azul S.A.
(Name of Registrant)
Edifício Jatobá, 8th floor, Castelo Branco Office Park
Avenida Marcos Penteado de Ulhôa Rodrigues, 939
Tamboré, Barueri, São Paulo, SP 06460-040, Brazil.
+55 (11) 4831 2880
(Address of Principal Executive Office)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
Form 20-F x Form 40-F ¨
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):
Yes ¨ No x
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):
Yes ¨ No x
Declaration of the officers on the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements |
3 |
Declaration of the officers on the independent auditor’s report |
4 |
Summary report of the statutory audit committee |
5 |
Independent auditor report |
6 |
Statements of financial position |
8 |
Statements of operations |
10 |
Statements of comprehensive income |
12 |
Statements of changes in equity |
13 |
Statements of cash flows |
14 |
Statements of value added |
15 |
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated
financial statements |
16 |
| |
|  |
2 | |
Declaration of the officers
September 30, 2024 |
Declaration of the officers on
the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements
In accordance with item VI of article 27 of CVM Resolution
No. 80, of March 29, 2022, the Board of Directors declares that it reviewed, discussed and agreed with the interim condensed individual
and consolidated financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024.
Barueri, November 13, 2024.
John Peter Rodgerson
Alexandre Wagner Malfitani
Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations
Antonio Flavio Torres Martins Costa
Technical Vice President
Abhi Manoj Shah
Vice President of Revenue
| |
|  |
3 | |
Declaration of the officers
September 30, 2024 |
Directors' statement on the independent
auditor's report
In accordance with item V of article 27 of CVM Resolution
No. 80, of March 29, 2022, the Board of Directors declares that it reviewed, discussed and agreed with the opinion expressed in the independent
auditor's report of the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements relating to for the three and nine months ended
September 30, 2024.
Barueri, November 13, 2024.
John Peter Rodgerson
Alexandre Wagner Malfitani
Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations
Antonio Flavio Torres Martins Costa
Technical Vice President
Abhi Manoj Shah
Vice President of Revenue
| |
|  |
4 | |
Summary report of the statutory
audit committee
September 30, 2024
Opinion of the statutory audit
In compliance with the legal provisions, the Statutory
Audit Committee declares that it has reviewed, discussed and agreed to the reviewed the management report and the interim condensed individual
and consolidated financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2024 independent auditor's reports issued by Grant
Thornton Auditores Independentes Ltda. recommending its approval to the Board of Directors.
Barueri, November 13, 2024.
Sergio Eraldo de Salles Pinto
Member, Coordinator of the Audit Committee and Financial
Gilberto Peralta
Member of the Audit Committee
Renata Faber Rocha Ribeiro
Member of the Audit Committee
| |
|  |
5 | |

Independent auditor's report on review of interim financial
Thornton Auditores
Independentes Ltda.
Av. Eng. Luiz Carlos Berrini, 105 -
12o andar, Itaim Bibi - São Paulo (SP) Brasil
T +55
11 3886-5100
To the Shareholders, Board of Directors, and Management
Azul S.A.
São Paulo – SP
We have reviewed the accompanying individual
and consolidated interim financial information of Azul S.A.(the Company), comprised in the Quarterly Information Form for the quarter
ended September 30, 2024, comprising the balance sheet as of September 30, 2024, and the respective statements of income and of comprehensive
income for the three and nine-month periods then ended and of changes in shareholders’ equity and of cash flows for the period of
nine months then ended, including the footnotes.
Management is responsible for the preparation
of the individual and consolidated interim financial information in accordance with NBC TG 21 – Interim Financial Reporting and
with the international standard IAS 34 – Interim Financial Reporting, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
(IASB), such as for the presentation of these information in accordance with the standards issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange
Commission, applicable to the preparation of interim financial information. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim
financial information based on our review.
Review scope
We conducted our review in accordance with
the Brazilian and International standards on reviews of interim information (NBC TR 2410 – Review of Interim Financial Information
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity and ISRE 2410 – Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent
Auditor of the Entity, respectively). A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible
for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is significantly less in scope than
an audit conducted in accordance with Brazilian and International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain
assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an
audit opinion.

Conclusion on the individual
and consolidated interim financial information
Based on our review, nothing has come to our
attention that causes us to believe that the individual and consolidated interim financial information included in the quarterly information
form referred to above has not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with NBC TG 21 and IAS 34 applicable to the preparation
of interim financial information and presented in accordance with the standards issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission.
Other matters
Statements of value added
The quarterly information referred to above
includes the individual and consolidated statements of value added for the nine months period ended September 30, 2024, prepared under
the responsibility of the Company's management and presented as supplementary information for the purposes of IAS 34. These statements
were submitted to the same review procedures in conjunction with the review of the Company's interim financial information to conclude
they are reconciliated to the interim financial information and to the accounting records, as applicable, and whether the structure and
content are in accordance with the criteria established in the NBC TG 09 - Statement of Value Added.Based on our review, nothing has come
to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statements of value added were not prepared, in all material respects,
in accordance with the criteria defined in that standard and consistently in relation to the individual and consolidated interim financial
information taken as a whole.
Audit and review of values
corresponding to the comparative year and period
The amounts corresponding to the year ended
December 31, 2023, and the three- and nine-month periods ending September 30, 2023, presented for comparison purposes were, respectively,
audited and reviewed by another independent auditor, whose reports on the audit and reviews were, respectively, issued on April 12, 2024,
and December 07, 2023, without modifications.
São Paulo, November 13, 2024
Grant Thornton Auditores Independentes Ltda.
CRC 2SP-025.583/O-1
Élica Daniela da Silva Martins
Accountant CRC 1SP-223.766/O-0
Statements of financial position
September 30, 2024 and December
31, 2023
(In thousands of Brazilian reais
– R$)
company |
Consolidated |
Assets |
Note |
30, 2024 |
31, 2023 |
30, 2024 |
31, 2023 |
assets |
Cash and
cash equivalents |
5 |
1,759 |
2,809 |
1,082,155 |
1,897,336 |
investments |
6 |
- |
- |
56,980 |
- |
receivable |
7 |
- |
- |
1,356,737 |
1,109,408 |
sublease |
8 |
- |
- |
- |
14,592 |
Inventories |
9 |
- |
- |
1,026,505 |
799,208 |
Deposits |
10 |
- |
7,802 |
596,415 |
515,692 |
recoverable |
11 |
56 |
4,984 |
221,546 |
219,433 |
financial instruments |
23 |
- |
- |
- |
21,909 |
parties |
29 |
916,240 |
216,388 |
- |
- |
to suppliers |
12 |
- |
- |
194,608 |
221,051 |
assets |
5,143 |
2,079 |
476,205 |
245,518 |
current assets |
923,198 |
234,062 |
5,011,151 |
5,044,147 |
assets |
investments |
6 |
- |
- |
966,819 |
780,312 |
sublease |
8 |
- |
- |
- |
16,210 |
Deposits |
10 |
- |
70 |
2,220,211 |
1,777,803 |
parties |
29 |
1,591,305 |
1,578,332 |
- |
- |
assets |
- |
- |
518,016 |
143,781 |
Investments |
14 |
759,569 |
760,782 |
- |
- |
and equipment |
15 |
- |
- |
2,973,462 |
2,295,851 |
assets |
16 |
- |
- |
10,195,226 |
9,011,558 |
assets |
17 |
- |
- |
1,519,266 |
1,463,247 |
non-current assets |
2,350,874 |
2,339,184 |
18,393,000 |
15,488,762 |
assets |
3,274,072 |
2,573,246 |
23,404,151 |
20,532,909 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements.
| |
|  |
8 | |
Statements of financial position
September 30, 2024 and December
31, 2023
(In thousands of Brazilian reais
– R$)
company |
Consolidated |
and equity |
Note |
30, 2024 |
31, 2023 |
30, 2024 |
31, 2023 |
liabilities |
and financing |
18 |
144,026 |
- |
1,560,684 |
1,100,051 |
factoring |
22 |
- |
- |
49,971 |
290,847 |
Leases |
19 |
873,979 |
216,388 |
4,793,423 |
3,687,392 |
debt instruments |
20 |
69,019 |
25,807 |
69,019 |
25,807 |
payable |
21 |
49,122 |
10,651 |
3,703,328 |
2,277,841 |
taxes and fees |
24 |
- |
- |
691,833 |
588,404 |
Air traffic
liability and loyalty program |
25 |
- |
- |
5,813,008 |
5,205,876 |
and benefits |
26 |
3,015 |
2,344 |
564,330 |
474,797 |
payable |
27 |
733 |
506 |
168,854 |
142,168 |
financial instruments |
23 |
- |
- |
117,416 |
68,905 |
Provisions |
28 |
- |
- |
662,549 |
736,430 |
parties |
29 |
150 |
52,129 |
- |
- |
liabilities |
- |
- |
327,473 |
150,362 |
current liabilities |
1,140,044 |
307,825 |
18,521,888 |
14,748,880 |
liabilities |
and financing |
18 |
- |
- |
10,965,989 |
8,598,861 |
Leases |
19 |
1,467,030 |
1,443,351 |
12,977,520 |
11,459,019 |
debt instruments |
20 |
1,171,121 |
1,175,803 |
1,171,121 |
1,175,803 |
payable |
21 |
105,672 |
119,841 |
1,199,235 |
1,320,927 |
taxes and fees |
24 |
- |
- |
747,952 |
1,171,679 |
payable |
27 |
- |
- |
78,026 |
112,287 |
financial instruments |
23 |
- |
- |
- |
840 |
income tax and social contribution |
13 |
- |
39,526 |
- |
39,526 |
Provisions |
28 |
42 |
30 |
2,967,835 |
2,404,423 |
parties |
29 |
813,332 |
683,763 |
- |
- |
for loss on investment |
14 |
24,612,826 |
20,130,955 |
- |
- |
liabilities |
- |
- |
810,580 |
828,512 |
non-current liabilities |
28,170,023 |
23,593,269 |
30,918,258 |
27,111,877 |
Equity |
30 |
capital |
2,315,628 |
2,314,821 |
2,315,628 |
2,314,821 |
for future capital increase |
- |
789 |
- |
789 |
reserve |
2,055,462 |
2,029,610 |
2,055,462 |
2,029,610 |
shares |
(4,334) |
(9,041) |
(4,334) |
(9,041) |
comprehensive income |
3,106 |
3,106 |
3,106 |
3,106 |
losses |
(30,405,857) |
(25,667,133) |
(30,405,857) |
(25,667,133) |
(26,035,995) |
(21,327,848) |
(26,035,995) |
(21,327,848) |
liabilities and equity |
3,274,072 |
2,573,246 |
23,404,151 |
20,532,909 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements.
| |
|  |
9 | |
Statements of operations
Periods the three and nine months
ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
(In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, except
basic and diluted loss per share)
company |
periods ended |
periods ended |
Note |
30, 2024 |
30, 2023 |
30, 2024 |
30, 2023 |
expenses |
(15,639) |
(18,591) |
(44,952) |
(44,410) |
income (expenses), net |
602 |
(46) |
470 |
71,668 |
34 |
(15,037) |
(18,637) |
(44,482) |
27,258 |
Equity |
14 |
372,113 |
(1,428,795) |
(4,516,661) |
(1,883,707) |
profit (loss) |
357,076 |
(1,447,432) |
(4,561,143) |
(1,856,449) |
income |
615 |
1,331 |
3,234 |
3,160 |
expenses |
(82,309) |
(411,375) |
(225,508) |
(538,411) |
financial instruments, net |
(183,050) |
304,672 |
174,121 |
34,835 |
currency exchange, net |
28,854 |
(62,094) |
(168,954) |
29,246 |
result |
35 |
(235,890) |
(167,466) |
(217,107) |
(471,170) |
Profit (loss)
before income IR and CSLL |
121,186 |
(1,614,898) |
(4,778,250) |
(2,327,619) |
Deferred income tax and social contribution |
13 |
- |
- |
39,526 |
- |
profit (loss) for the period |
121,186 |
(1,614,898) |
(4,738,724) |
(2,327,619) |
earnings (loss) per common share – R$ |
31 |
- |
(0.06) |
(0.18) |
(0.09) |
earnings (loss) per common share – R$ |
31 |
- |
(0.06) |
(0.18) |
(0.09) |
earnings (loss) per preferred share – R$ |
31 |
0.35 |
(4.64) |
(13.63) |
(6.69) |
earnings (loss) per preferred share – R$ |
31 |
0.35 |
(4.64) |
(13.63) |
(6.69) |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements.
| |
|  |
10 | |
Statements of operations
Periods the three and nine months
ended September 30, 2024 and 2023
(In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, except
basic and diluted loss per share)
Consolidated |
periods ended |
periods ended |
Note |
30, 2024 |
30, 2023 |
30, 2024 |
30, 2023 |
revenue |
4,762,755 |
4,579,198 |
12,978,859 |
12,687,363 |
revenues |
366,842 |
337,242 |
1,001,895 |
961,600 |
revenue |
33 |
5,129,597 |
4,916,440 |
13,980,754 |
13,648,963 |
Cost of
services |
34 |
(3,539,660) |
(3,794,289) |
(10,387,888) |
(11,277,114) |
profit |
1,589,937 |
1,122,151 |
3,592,866 |
2,371,849 |
expenses |
(249,814) |
(215,976) |
(664,912) |
(586,742) |
expenses |
(162,694) |
(180,733) |
(437,004) |
(370,620) |
income (expenses), net |
(150,250) |
(53,614) |
(221,857) |
(273,401) |
34 |
(562,758) |
(450,323) |
(1,323,773) |
(1,230,763) |
profit |
1,027,179 |
671,828 |
2,269,093 |
1,141,086 |
income |
56,535 |
39,433 |
152,453 |
143,883 |
expenses |
(1,320,716) |
(1,883,867) |
(3,878,968) |
(4,339,550) |
financial instruments, net |
(305,137) |
466,360 |
53,303 |
(44,228) |
currency exchange, net |
664,010 |
(908,652) |
(3,373,158) |
771,190 |
result |
35 |
(905,308) |
(2,286,726) |
(7,046,370) |
(3,468,705) |
Profit (loss)
before income IR and CSLL |
121,871 |
(1,614,898) |
(4,777,277) |
(2,327,619) |
Current income tax and social contribution |
13 |
(685) |
- |
(973) |
- |
income tax and social contribution |
13 |
- |
- |
39,526 |
- |
profit (loss) for the period |
121,186 |
(1,614,898) |
(4,738,724) |
(2,327,619) |
earnings (loss) per common share – R$ |
31 |
- |
(0.06) |
(0.18) |
(0.09) |
earnings (loss) per common share – R$ |
31 |
- |
(0.06) |
(0.18) |
(0.09) |
earnings (loss) per preferred share – R$ |
31 |
0.35 |
(4.64) |
(13.63) |
(6.69) |
earnings (loss) per preferred share – R$ |
31 |
0.35 |
(4.64) |
(13.63) |
(6.69) |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements.
| |
|  |
11 | |
Statements of comprehensive (loss) income
Periods the three and nine months ended September 30,
2024 and 2023
(In thousands of Brazilian reais
– R$)
company and Consolidated |
periods ended |
periods ended |
30, 2024 |
30, 2023 |
30, 2024 |
30, 2023 |
Net profit
(loss) for the period |
121,186 |
(1,614,898) |
(4,738,724) |
(2,327,619) |
Other comprehensive
income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
comprehensive income |
121,186 |
(1,614,898) |
(4,738,724) |
(2,327,619) |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements
| |
|  |
12 | |
Statements of changes in equity
Periods the nine months ended
September 30, 2024 and 2023
(In thousands of Brazilian reais
– R$)
Description |
Note |
capital |
AFAC (a) |
shares |
reserve |
Other comprehensive income |
Accumulated losses |
Total |
At December 31, 2023 |
2,314,821 |
789 |
(9,041) |
2,029,610 |
3,106 |
(25,667,133) |
(21,327,848) |
Net loss for the period |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4,738,724) |
(4,738,724) |
Total comprehensive income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4,738,724) |
(4,738,724) |
Share repurchase, disposal and transfers |
30 |
- |
- |
4,707 |
(7,303) |
- |
- |
(2,596) |
Share-based payment (b) |
32 |
807 |
(789) |
- |
33,155 |
- |
- |
33,173 |
At September 30, 2024 |
2,315,628 |
- |
(4,334) |
2,055,462 |
3,106 |
(30,405,857) |
(26,035,995) |
Description |
Note |
capital |
AFAC (a) |
shares |
reserve |
comprehensive income |
losses |
Total |
At December 31, 2022 |
2,313,941 |
61 |
(10,204) |
1,970,098 |
5,281 |
(23,286,677) |
(19,007,500) |
Net loss for the period |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2,327,619) |
(2,327,619) |
Total comprehensive
income |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2,327,619) |
(2,327,619) |
Share repurchase, disposal
and transfers |
30 |
- |
- |
(6,826) |
- |
- |
- |
(6,826) |
payment (b) |
32 |
880 |
728 |
7,989 |
46,222 |
- |
- |
55,819 |
At September 30, 2023 |
2,314,821 |
789 |
(9,041) |
2,016,320 |
5,281 |
(25,614,296) |
(21,286,126) |
| (a) | Advance for future capital increase.
| (b) | Refers to the receipt of the exercise
of share options and the vesting of share-based compensation plans (Stock Options and RSU), net of income tax relating to the transfer
of RSU. |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements.
| |
|  |
13 | |
Statements of cash flows
Periods the nine months ended
September 30, 2024 and 2023
(In thousands of Brazilian reais
– R$)
company |
Consolidated |
periods ended |
30, 2024 |
30, 2023 |
30, 2024 |
30, 2023 |
flows from operating activities |
Loss for
the period |
(4,738,724) |
(2,327,619) |
(4,738,724) |
(2,327,619) |
reconciliation items |
and amortization |
- |
- |
1,852,037 |
1,820,347 |
(loss) from impairment of assets |
- |
- |
(21,366) |
- |
financial results, net |
(174,121) |
(34,835) |
(53,303) |
44,228 |
payment |
- |
2,362 |
33,014 |
58,043 |
currency exchange, net |
167,600 |
(32,796) |
3,292,158 |
(748,434) |
result |
235,757 |
416,342 |
3,694,275 |
4,173,463 |
net |
12 |
3,192 |
(114,666) |
(134,099) |
of expenses and write-offs of other assets |
- |
- |
(855,441) |
169,999 |
from modification of lease and provision |
- |
- |
(113,101) |
(99,281) |
of write-offs of fixed assets, right of use, intangible assets and inventories |
- |
- |
(22,683) |
20,318 |
income tax and social contribution |
(39,526) |
- |
(39,526) |
- |
Sale and
leaseback |
- |
- |
(59,496) |
- |
Equity |
4,516,661 |
1,883,707 |
- |
- |
result |
(32,341) |
(89,647) |
2,853,178 |
2,976,965 |
in operating assets and liabilities |
receivable |
- |
- |
131,335 |
262,715 |
sublease |
- |
- |
- |
19,485 |
Inventories |
- |
- |
(184,482) |
(30,396) |
Deposits |
(6) |
- |
(286,294) |
(295,785) |
Taxes recoverable |
4,928 |
4,587 |
(1,676) |
11,448 |
financial results, net |
- |
- |
(51,238) |
(154,699) |
Other assets |
5,822 |
(2,901) |
(224,733) |
(87,558) |
payable |
(3,697) |
104,080 |
615,285 |
(318,594) |
taxes and fees |
- |
- |
78,731 |
373,434 |
Air traffic
liability and loyalty program |
- |
- |
756,811 |
184,409 |
and benefits |
671 |
(2,734) |
146,866 |
73,567 |
Taxes payable |
(195) |
(3,174) |
(42,737) |
(26,654) |
Provisions |
- |
- |
(308,894) |
(269,232) |
Other liabilities |
- |
- |
123,509 |
2,794 |
changes in operating assets and liabilities |
7,523 |
99,858 |
752,483 |
(255,066) |
paid |
(96,069) |
(58,790) |
(1,796,940) |
(1,180,995) |
cash provided (used) by operating activities |
(120,887) |
(48,579) |
1,808,721 |
1,540,904 |
flows from investing activities |
Short and
long-term investments |
- |
- |
(106,037) |
- |
cash |
- |
- |
- |
(256,536) |
Sale and
leaseback |
- |
- |
22,677 |
- |
and equipment |
- |
- |
(531,110) |
(148,994) |
maintenance |
- |
- |
(347,964) |
(194,864) |
assets |
- |
- |
(120,141) |
(129,382) |
cash used by investing activities |
- |
- |
(1,082,575) |
(729,776) |
flows from financing activities |
and financing |
Proceeds |
250,000 |
- |
2,299,918 |
4,733,292 |
Repayment |
(106,429) |
- |
(1,147,155) |
(1,438,970) |
Costs |
(4,446) |
- |
(47,168) |
(488,812) |
factoring |
- |
- |
(447,627) |
(727,368) |
Lease |
- |
- |
(2,200,675) |
(1,673,192) |
debt instruments |
- |
(542,496) |
- |
(542,496) |
parties |
(16,876) |
590,594 |
- |
- |
for future capital increase |
18 |
789 |
18 |
789 |
increase |
- |
819 |
- |
819 |
shares |
(2,596) |
(6,826) |
(2,596) |
(6,826) |
cash provided (used) by financing activities |
119,671 |
42,880 |
(1,545,285) |
(142,764) |
rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
166 |
(123) |
3,958 |
62,680 |
(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
(1,050) |
(5,822) |
(815,181) |
731,044 |
and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period |
2,809 |
8,117 |
1,897,336 |
668,348 |
and cash equivalents at the end of the period |
1,759 |
2,295 |
1,082,155 |
1,399,392 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements.
| |
|  |
14 | |
Statements of value added
Periods the nine months ended September
30, 2024 and 2023
(In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$)
company |
Consolidated |
periods ended |
Note |
30, 2024 |
30, 2023 |
30, 2024 |
30, 2023 |
sales revenue |
revenue |
33 |
- |
- |
12,980,807 |
12,689,847 |
revenues |
33 |
- |
- |
1,087,494 |
1,081,176 |
loss with accounts receivable |
7 |
- |
- |
496 |
(2,907) |
- |
- |
14,068,797 |
13,768,116 |
acquired from third parties |
fuel |
- |
- |
(4,220,787) |
(4,377,466) |
energy, third-party services and others |
(17,973) |
54,224 |
(3,449,888) |
(4,431,011) |
Insurances |
(4,541) |
- |
(67,252) |
(46,375) |
34 |
(22,514) |
54,224 |
(7,737,927) |
(8,854,852) |
value added |
(22,514) |
54,224 |
6,330,870 |
4,913,264 |
Retentions |
34 |
and amortization |
- |
- |
(1,852,037) |
(1,820,347) |
of assets |
- |
- |
21,366 |
- |
value added |
(22,514) |
54,224 |
4,500,199 |
3,092,917 |
added received in transfers |
Equity |
14 |
(4,516,661) |
(1,883,707) |
- |
- |
income |
35 |
3,234 |
3,160 |
152,453 |
143,883 |
(4,513,427) |
(1,880,547) |
152,453 |
143,883 |
added to be distributed |
(4,535,941) |
(1,826,323) |
4,652,652 |
3,236,800 |
of value added: |
Personnel (a) |
and wages |
17,465 |
20,816 |
1,321,727 |
1,170,043 |
Benefits |
2,465 |
5,468 |
278,588 |
225,764 |
F.G.T.S. |
424 |
432 |
118,011 |
103,011 |
34 |
20,354 |
26,716 |
1,718,326 |
1,498,818 |
fees and contributions |
Federal (b) |
(37,912) |
250 |
230,141 |
248,673 |
State |
- |
- |
38,301 |
38,547 |
Municipal |
- |
- |
9,265 |
4,137 |
(37,912) |
250 |
277,707 |
291,357 |
party capital |
expenses |
35 |
225,508 |
538,411 |
3,878,968 |
4,339,550 |
financial instruments, net |
35 |
(174,121) |
(34,835) |
(53,303) |
44,228 |
currency exchange, net |
35 |
168,954 |
(29,246) |
3,373,158 |
(771,190) |
Rentals |
34 |
- |
- |
196,520 |
161,656 |
220,341 |
474,330 |
7,395,343 |
3,774,244 |
capital |
Loss for the period |
(4,738,724) |
(2,327,619) |
(4,738,724) |
(2,327,619) |
| (a) | Not including INSS in the amount
of R$1,494 in the parent company R$260,127 in the consolidated, as it is in the federal tax line. |
| (b) | Includes deferred income tax and
social contribution accounted for in the parent company. |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements.
| |
|  |
15 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Azul S.A. (“Azul”), together with its subsidiaries
(“Company”) is a corporation governed by its bylaws, as per Law No. 6404/76 and by the corporate governance level 2 listing
regulation of B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”). The Azul was incorporated on January 3, 2008, and its core
business comprises the operation of regular and non-regular airline passenger services, cargo or mail, passenger charter, provision of
maintenance and hangarage services for aircraft, engines, parts and pieces, aircraft acquisition and lease, development of frequent-flyer
programs, development of related activities and equity holding in other companies since the beginning of its operations on December 15,
The Azul carries out its activities through its subsidiaries,
mainly Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S.A. (“ALAB”) and Azul Conecta Ltda. (“Conecta”), which hold authorization
from government authorities to operate as airlines and ATS Viagens e Turismo Ltda (“Azul Viagens”) for tourism services.
The Azul shares are traded on B3 and on the New York
Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) under tickers AZUL4 and AZUL, respectively.
The Azul is headquartered at Avenida Marcos Penteado
de Ulhôa Rodrigues, 939, 8th floor, in the city of Barueri, state of São Paulo, Brazil.
| 1.1 | Organizational
structure |
The Company organizational structure as of September
30, 2024 is as follows:
| |
|  |
16 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
The table below lists the operational activities in
which the Azul subsidiaries are engaged, as well as the changes in ownership that occurred in period, when applicable.
% equity interest |
Company |
Type of investment |
Main activity |
State |
Country |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Azul IP Cayman Holdco Ltd. (Azul Cayman Holdco) |
Direct |
Holding of equity interests in other companies |
George Town |
Cayman Islands |
25% |
25% |
Azul IP Cayman Ltd. (Azul Cayman) |
Indirect |
Intellectual property owner |
George Town |
Cayman Islands |
100% |
100% |
IntelAzul S.A. (IntelAzul) |
Direct |
Frequent-flyer program |
São Paulo |
Brazil |
100% |
100% |
Azul IP Cayman Holdco Ltd. (Azul Cayman Holdco) |
Indirect |
Holding of equity interests in other companies |
George Town |
Cayman Islands |
25% |
25% |
Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S.A. (ALAB) |
Direct |
Airline operations |
São Paulo |
Brazil |
100% |
100% |
Azul IP Cayman Holdco Ltd. (Azul Cayman Holdco) |
Indirect |
Holding of equity interests in other companies |
George Town |
Cayman Islands |
25% |
25% |
Azul Conecta Ltda. (Conecta) |
Indirect |
Airline operations |
São Paulo |
Brazil |
100% |
100% |
ATS Viagens e Turismo Ltda. (Azul Viagens) |
Indirect |
Travel packages |
São Paulo |
Brazil |
100% |
100% |
ATSVP Viagens Portugal, Unipessoal LDA (Azul Viagens Portugal) |
Indirect |
Travel packages |
Lisbon |
Portugal |
100% |
100% |
Azul IP Cayman Holdco Ltd. (Azul Cayman Holdco) |
Indirect |
Holding of equity interests in other companies |
George Town |
Cayman Islands |
25% |
25% |
Cruzeiro Participações S.A (Cruzeiro) |
Indirect |
Holding of equity interests in other companies |
São Paulo |
Brazil |
100% |
100% |
Azul Investments LLP (Azul Investments) |
Indirect |
Funding |
Delaware |
100% |
100% |
Azul SOL LLC (Azul SOL) |
Indirect |
Aircraft financing |
Delaware |
100% |
100% |
Azul Finance LLC (Azul Finance) |
Indirect |
Aircraft financing |
Delaware |
100% |
100% |
Azul Finance 2 LLC (Azul Finance 2) |
Indirect |
Aircraft financing |
Delaware |
100% |
100% |
Blue Sabiá LLC (Blue Sabiá) |
Indirect |
Aircraft financing |
Delaware |
100% |
100% |
Canela Investments LLC (Canela) |
Indirect |
Aircraft financing |
Delaware |
100% |
100% |
Canela Turbo Three LLC (Canela Turbo) |
Indirect |
Aircraft financing |
Delaware |
100% |
100% |
Azul Saira LLC (Azul Saira) |
Indirect |
Aircraft financing |
Delaware |
100% |
100% |
Azul Secured Finance LLP (Azul Secured) |
Indirect |
Funding |
Delaware |
100% |
100% |
Azul Secured Finance 2 LLP (Azul Secured 2) |
Indirect |
Funding |
Delaware |
100% |
- |
Azul Secured Finance 2 LLP was incorporated on September
17, 2024.
The Company’s operating revenues depend substantially
on the general volume of passenger and cargo traffic, which is subject to seasonal changes. Our passenger revenues are generally higher
during the summer and winter holidays, in January and July respectively, and in the last two weeks of December, which corresponds to the
holiday season. Considering the distribution of fixed costs, this seasonality tends to cause variations in operating results between periods
of the fiscal year.
| |
|  |
17 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
The Company's interim condensed individual and consolidated
financial statements were prepared on going concern basis, which assumes that the Company will be able to fulfill its payment obligations
in accordance with contracted maturities, which is confirmed by a positive trend in generating operating cash flows.
On performing the Company's going concern assessment,
management considered the financial position and results of operations up to September 30, 2024, as well as other foreseen or occurred
events up to the date of issuance of these interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements.
Management understands that even with the existence
of a certain degree of uncertainty regarding the Company's ability to fulfill its obligations, the renegotiations carried out between
the Company and its creditors, including lessors and suppliers of aircraft services and parts (“OEMs”), as disclosed in note
39 Subsequent Events, corroborate Management's judgment regarding the Company's reasonable expectation of having sufficient resources
to continue operating in the foreseeable future.
Additionally, Management's conclusion is based on the
Company's business plan approved by the Board of Directors in December 2023 and the liability restructuring process described in these
interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements. The Company's business plans include planned future actions, macroeconomic
and aviation sector assumptions, such as level of demand for air transport with corresponding increase in traffic and fares, estimated
exchange rates and fuel prices.
Management confirms that all relevant information specific
to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements is being disclosed, and corresponds to that used by it in the
development of its business management activities.
Until September 30, 2024, Azul's Management continued
the process of restructuring its debts, as presented in detail in this interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements
(note 18 and 19).
During the quarter ended June 30, 2024, there was an
extreme weather event with heavy rains in the central region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, making it impossible to provide
air services due to flooding and the consequent closure of Salgado Filho Airport in Porto Alegre, the main airport in the region. The
Company dedicated humanitarian efforts with the aim of supporting actions carried out by local authorities who acted in response to the
emergency with the affected population. In order to face this scenario, the Company began to monitor and establish operational and financial
strategies to get through this period until the resumption of operations, increasing flights to nearby cities, in order to serve affected
In October 2024, air services were gradually resumed
at Salgado Filho international airport.
| |
|  |
18 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
| 2.4 | Net working
capital and capital structure |
As of September 30, 2024, the Company's working capital
and liquid equity position are as shown below:
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Variation |
Net working capital |
(13,510,737) |
(9,704,733) |
(3,806,004) |
Equity |
(26,035,995) |
(21,327,848) |
(4,708,147) |
The negative variation in the balance of net working
capital is mainly due to the increase in liabilities in foreign currency, due to the 12.5% devaluation of the real against the US dollar
and the postponement of accounts payable payments.
The negative variation of equity is mainly due to the
Company's negative financial result, which exceeds by R$4,777,277 the operating profit due to foreign currency exchange and interest on
leases, loans and financing.
The Company’s interim condensed individual and
consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil and the International Financial
Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”), specifically IAS
34 – Interim Financial Reporting. The accounting practices adopted in Brazil include those included in the Brazilian corporation
law and the technical pronouncements, guidelines and interpretations issued by the Accounting Pronouncements Committee (“CPC”),
approved by the Federal Accounting Council (“CFC”) and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”).
The Company’s
interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements have been prepared based on the real
(“R$”) as a functional and presentation currency. All currencies shown are expressed in thousands unless otherwise noted.
The Company operates mainly through its aircraft and
other assets that support flight operations, making up its cash generating unit (CGU) and its only reportable segment: air transport.
The preparation of the Company's interim condensed
individual and consolidated financial statements requires Management to make judgments, use estimates and adopt assumptions that affect
the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses. However, the uncertainty related to these judgments, assumptions
and estimates can lead to results that require a significant adjustment to the carrying amount of assets, liabilities, income and expenses
in future years.
| |
|  |
19 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
When preparing these interim condensed individual and
consolidated financial statements of the Company, Management used the following disclosure criteria to understand the changes observed
in the equity and in its performance, since the end of the last fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, disclosed on April 12, 2024: (i)
regulatory requirements; (ii) relevance and specificity of the information on the operations; (iii) informational needs of users of the
interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements; and (iv) information from other entities participating in the passenger
air transport market.
As a consequence of the improvements made to the
presentation of some items in the statements of cash flows and costs and expenses by nature, the following reclassifications were carried
out to ensure comparability of balances from the previous period:
Parent company |
September 30, 2023 |
Statements of Cash Flows |
reported |
Reclassifications |
Reclassified |
Changes in operating assets and liabilities |
Prepaid expenses |
(2,989) |
2,989 |
- |
Other assets |
88 |
(2,989) |
(2,901) |
Total |
(2,901) |
- |
(2,901) |
Consolidated |
September 30, 2023 |
Statements of Cash Flows |
reported |
Reclassifications |
Reclassified |
Changes in operating assets and liabilities |
Prepaid expenses |
(85,683) |
85,683 |
- |
Other assets |
(1,875) |
(85,683) |
(87,558) |
Advances to suppliers |
(989,754) |
989,754 |
- |
Accounts payable |
671,160 |
(989,754) |
(318,594) |
Total |
(406,152) |
- |
(406,152) |
The interim condensed individual and consolidated financial
statements have been prepared based on the historical cost, except for the items significant:
Fair value:
Short-term investments –TAP Bond;
Derivative financial instruments; and
Debenture conversion right.
Investments accounted for under the equity method.
| |
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20 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
| 3.1 | Approval and
authorization for issue of the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements |
The approval and authorization for issue of these interim
condensed individual and consolidated financial statements occurred at the Board of Directors’ meeting held on November 13, 2024.
The interim condensed individual and consolidated financial
statements of the company was prepared based on the main accounting procedures: practices and methods of calculating estimates adopted
and presented in detail in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023 and disclosed on April 12, 2024 and, therefore,
must be read together.
| 4.1 | New, changes
and interpretations of relevant accounting standards and pronouncements |
The following accounting standards
came into effect on January 1, 2024 and did not significantly impact the Company's balance sheet or income statement.
Norm |
Charge |
CPC 26 (R1) – equivalent to IAS 1 |
Classification of liabilities as current and non-current |
CPC 06 (R2) – equivalent to IFRS 16 |
Lease liabilities in a sale and leaseback transaction |
CPC 03 (R2) – equivalent to IAS 7 and CPC 40 – equivalent to IFRS 7 |
Reverse factoring |
CPC 40 – equivalent to IFRS 7 |
Reverse factoring |
CPC 09 (R1) |
Clarification of the requirements for applying the standard and concept for preparation and dissemination. |
| 4.2 | Foreign currency
transactions |
Foreign currency transactions are recorded at the exchange
rate in effect at the date the transactions take place. Monetary assets and liabilities designated in foreign currency are determined
based on the exchange rate in effect on the balance sheet date, and any difference resulting from currency conversion is recorded under
the heading “Foreign currency exchange, net” in the statements of operation.
The exchange rates to Brazilian reais are as follows:
Final exchange rates |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Variation % |
U.S. dollar |
5.4481 |
4.8413 |
12.5% |
Euro |
6.0719 |
5.3516 |
13.5% |
Average exchange rates |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Variation % |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Variation % |
U.S. dollar |
5.5472 |
4.8803 |
13.7% |
5.2445 |
5.0083 |
4.7% |
Euro |
6.1351 |
5.3122 |
15.5% |
5.7036 |
5.4249 |
5.1% |
| |
|  |
21 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Parent company |
Consolidated |
Description |
average rate p.a. |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Cash and bank deposits |
- |
1,017 |
1,709 |
160,088 |
271,857 |
Cash equivalents: |
Bank Deposit Certificate – CDB |
97.1% of CDI |
- |
- |
654,268 |
1,354,020 |
Repurchase agreements |
94.0% of CDI |
742 |
1,100 |
111,382 |
268,432 |
Time Deposit (a) |
5.0% |
- |
- |
42,184 |
2,985 |
Investment funds |
11.0% |
- |
- |
114,233 |
42 |
1,759 |
2,809 |
1,082,155 |
1,897,336 |
Investment in U.S. dollar.
Consolidated |
Description |
Weighted average
rate p.a. |
Maturity |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
TAP Bond |
7.5% |
Mar-26 |
912,923 |
780,312 |
Investment funds |
18.3% |
Jun-26 |
110,876 |
- |
1,023,799 |
780,312 |
Current |
56,980 |
- |
Non-current |
966,819 |
780,312 |
| |
|  |
22 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Local currency |
Credit card companies |
340,784 |
498,609 |
Cargo and travel agencies |
315,534 |
282,654 |
Travel package financing entities |
- |
29,203 |
Loyalty program partners |
88,034 |
114,932 |
Others |
33,917 |
40,121 |
Total local currency |
778,269 |
965,519 |
Foreign currency |
Credit card companies |
16,580 |
18,556 |
Reimbursement receivable for maintenance reserves |
80,624 |
57,528 |
Airline partner companies |
4,213 |
8,612 |
Clearinghouse - agencies and cargo |
28,452 |
30,533 |
Others |
475,337 |
55,894 |
Total foreign currency |
605,206 |
171,123 |
Total |
1,383,475 |
1,136,642 |
Allowance for losses |
(26,738) |
(27,234) |
Total net |
1,356,737 |
1,109,408 |
The increase in “Other” accounts receivable
in foreign currency mainly refers to contractual guarantees from aeronautical manufacturers.
In Brazil, credit card receivables are not exposed
to credit risk of the cardholder. The balances can easily be converted into cash, when necessary, through advance payment with credit
card companies.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the
Company anticipated the receipt of R$8,859,779 in accounts receivable from credit card administrators, without right of return, with an
average cost of 0.9% p.m. on the anticipated amount. On the same date, the balance of accounts receivable is net of R$3,027,182 due to
such advances (R$3,349,391 on December 31, 2023).
The breakdown of accounts receivable by maturity, net
of allowances for losses:
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Not past due |
1,067,988 |
970,145 |
Over 1 to 90 days |
175,553 |
122,040 |
Over 90 days |
113,196 |
17,223 |
Total |
1,356,737 |
1,109,408 |
| |
|  |
23 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
The movement of allowances for losses is presented
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Balances at the beginning the period |
(27,234) |
(24,084) |
Additions |
(22,176) |
(24,390) |
Reversal |
22,257 |
20,446 |
Write-off of uncollectible amounts |
415 |
1,037 |
Balances at the end of the period |
(26,738) |
(26,991) |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
2024 |
- |
15,386 |
2025 |
- |
15,386 |
2026 |
- |
4,001 |
Gross sublease |
- |
34,773 |
Accrued interest |
- |
(3,971) |
Net sublease |
- |
30,802 |
Current |
- |
14,592 |
Non-current |
- |
16,210 |
As of September 30, 2024, the Company did not
have sublease contracts.
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Maintenance materials and parts |
1,049,360 |
825,499 |
Flight attendance, uniforms and others |
33,593 |
21,367 |
Provision for losses |
(56,448) |
(47,658) |
Total net |
1,026,505 |
799,208 |
| |
|  |
24 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Parent company |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Security deposits |
- |
7,872 |
548,674 |
418,537 |
Maintenance reserves |
- |
- |
2,563,937 |
2,153,310 |
Total |
- |
7,872 |
3,112,611 |
2,571,847 |
Provision for loss |
- |
- |
(295,985) |
(278,352) |
Total net |
- |
7,872 |
2,816,626 |
2,293,495 |
Current |
- |
7,802 |
596,415 |
515,692 |
Non-current |
- |
70 |
2,220,211 |
1,777,803 |
The movement of security deposits and maintenance
reserves is as follows:
Parent company |
Consolidated |
Description |
deposits |
Security deposits |
Maintenance reserves |
Total |
At December 31, 2023 |
7,872 |
418,537 |
1,874,958 |
2,293,495 |
Additions |
- |
133,627 |
257,686 |
391,313 |
Returns |
(8,887) |
(47,013) |
(108,542) |
(155,555) |
Provision movement |
6 |
- |
18,346 |
18,346 |
Use by the lessor |
- |
- |
(10,511) |
(10,511) |
Foreign currency exchange |
1,009 |
43,523 |
236,015 |
279,538 |
At September 30, 2024 |
- |
548,674 |
2,267,952 |
2,816,626 |
At September 30, 2024 |
Current |
- |
60,729 |
535,686 |
596,415 |
Non-current |
- |
487,945 |
1,732,266 |
2,220,211 |
At December 31, 2023 |
Current |
7,802 |
64,788 |
450,904 |
515,692 |
Non-current |
70 |
353,749 |
1,424,054 |
1,777,803 |
The movement of the allowance for maintenance reserves
losses is as follows:
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Balances at the beginning of the period |
(278,352) |
(446,342) |
Additions |
(57,752) |
(44,277) |
Reversals |
69,029 |
16,402 |
Use by the lessor |
7,069 |
64,623 |
Foreign currency exchange |
(35,979) |
20,204 |
Balances at the end of the period |
(295,985) |
(389,390) |
| |
|  |
25 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Parent company |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
- |
- |
75,845 |
73,029 |
38 |
4,917 |
17,263 |
8,315 |
- |
- |
17,516 |
19,940 |
Taxes withheld |
18 |
67 |
114,683 |
121,216 |
Allowance for withheld taxes losses |
- |
- |
(4,607) |
(3,875) |
Others |
- |
- |
846 |
808 |
56 |
4,984 |
221,546 |
219,433 |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Local currency |
82,159 |
118,442 |
Foreign currency |
112,449 |
102,609 |
194,608 |
221,051 |
These amounts are presented net of allowance for losses
in the amount of R$49,120 (R$28,676 as of December 31, 2023).
| |
|  |
26 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
| 13.1 | Breakdown
of deferred taxes |
Parent company |
Consolidated |
Description |
December 31, 2023 |
Profit or loss |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Profit or loss |
September 30, 2024 |
Deffered liabilities |
Breakage |
- |
- |
- |
(195,923) |
(50,891) |
(246,814) |
Foreign currency exchange |
(191,219) |
(224,828) |
(416,047) |
(191,219) |
(224,828) |
(416,047) |
Leases |
- |
- |
- |
(3,034,585) |
(396,164) |
(3,430,749) |
Others |
- |
- |
- |
(1,057) |
- |
(1,057) |
Total |
(191,219) |
(224,828) |
(416,047) |
(3,422,784) |
(671,883) |
(4,094,667) |
Deffered assets |
Impairment |
- |
- |
- |
48,889 |
(7,265) |
41,624 |
Financial instruments |
- |
- |
- |
21,112 |
18,809 |
39,921 |
Foreign currency exchange |
149,986 |
264,207 |
414,193 |
149,986 |
264,207 |
414,193 |
Provisions |
1,707 |
(575) |
1,132 |
1,403,989 |
168,015 |
1,572,004 |
Leases |
- |
- |
- |
4,199,370 |
613,528 |
4,812,898 |
Others |
- |
722 |
722 |
- |
- |
- |
151,693 |
264,354 |
416,047 |
5,823,346 |
1,057,294 |
6,880,640 |
Deferred tax asset reducer |
- |
- |
- |
(2,440,088) |
(345,885) |
(2,785,973) |
Total |
151,693 |
264,354 |
416,047 |
3,383,258 |
711,409 |
4,094,667 |
Total income tax and deferred social contribution |
(39,526) |
39,526 |
- |
(39,526) |
39,526 |
- |
| |
|  |
27 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
| 13.2 | Reconciliation
of the effective income tax rate |
Parent company |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Profit (loss) before income tax and social contribution |
121,186 |
(1,614,898) |
(4,778,250) |
(2,327,619) |
Combined nominal tax rate |
34% |
34% |
34% |
34% |
Taxes calculated at nominal rates |
(41,203) |
549,065 |
1,624,605 |
791,390 |
Adjustments to determine the effective rate |
Equity |
126,518 |
(485,790) |
(1,535,665) |
(640,460) |
Unrecorded and recorded benefit no tax losses and temporary differences |
(13,024) |
(160,797) |
(80,171) |
(132,351) |
Mark to market of convertible instruments |
(62,237) |
103,588 |
59,201 |
11,844 |
Permanent differences |
(10,054) |
(6,066) |
(28,444) |
(30,423) |
- |
- |
39,526 |
- |
Deferred income tax and social contribution |
- |
- |
39,526 |
- |
- |
- |
39,526 |
- |
Consolidated |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Profit (loss) before income tax and social contribution |
121,871 |
(1,614,898) |
(4,777,277) |
(2,327,619) |
Combined nominal tax rate |
34% |
34% |
34% |
34% |
Taxes calculated at nominal rates |
(41,436) |
549,065 |
1,624,274 |
791,390 |
Adjustments to determine the effective rate |
Unrecorded and recorded benefit no tax losses and temporary differences |
124,048 |
(670,442) |
(1,634,079) |
(829,964) |
Mark to market of convertible instruments |
(62,237) |
103,588 |
59,201 |
11,844 |
Permanent differences |
(11,462) |
9,736 |
(31,152) |
10,173 |
Others |
(9,598) |
8,053 |
20,309 |
16,557 |
(685) |
- |
38,553 |
- |
Current income tax and social contribution |
(685) |
- |
(973) |
- |
Deferred income tax and social contribution |
- |
- |
39,526 |
- |
(685) |
- |
38,553 |
- |
| |
|  |
28 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
The Company has tax losses that are available indefinitely
for offset against 30% of future taxable profits on which deferred income tax and social contribution assets have not been created, as
it is not likely that future taxable profits will be available for the Company to use them, as below:
Parent company |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Tax losses and negative bases |
1,113,643 |
924,637 |
20,742,901 |
18,325,916 |
Tax loss (25%) |
278,411 |
231,159 |
5,185,725 |
4,581,479 |
Negative social contribution base (9%) |
100,228 |
83,217 |
1,866,861 |
1,649,332 |
Company equity interest |
Description |
Paid-up capital |
Voting capital |
Equity |
December 31, 2023 |
100% |
100% |
(20,130,955) |
IntelAzul |
100% |
100% |
(20,209) |
Goodwill – IntelAzul |
100% |
100% |
780,991 |
Azul Cayman Holdco |
25% |
25% |
- |
Total |
(19,370,173) |
September 30, 2024 |
100% |
100% |
(24,612,826) |
IntelAzul |
100% |
100% |
(21,422) |
Goodwill – IntelAzul |
100% |
100% |
780,991 |
Azul Cayman Holdco |
25% |
25% |
- |
Total |
(23,853,257) |
| 14.2 | Movement of
the investments |
Description |
IntelAzul |
Total |
December 31, 2023 |
(20,130,955) |
760,782 |
(19,370,173) |
Equity |
(4,515,448) |
(1,213) |
(4,516,661) |
Share-based payment |
33,577 |
- |
33,577 |
September 30, 2024 |
(24,612,826) |
759,569 |
(23,853,257) |
Investments |
759,569 |
Provision for loss on investment |
(24,612,826) |
| |
|  |
29 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Consolidated |
Description |
average rate (p.a.) |
31, 2023 |
Acquisitions |
Write-offs |
Transfers (a) |
30, 2024 |
Cost |
– flight |
2,036,144 |
249,416 |
(74,049) |
(39,581) |
2,171,930 |
– others |
195,810 |
20,132 |
(3,174) |
- |
212,768 |
engines and simulators |
593,953 |
114,707 |
(112,314) |
- |
596,346 |
Improvements |
555,412 |
49,816 |
(5,400) |
59,574 |
659,402 |
Maintenance |
44,016 |
72,250 |
- |
- |
116,266 |
Others |
29,231 |
3,621 |
(3,229) |
- |
29,623 |
in progress |
96,095 |
16,614 |
(63,881) |
(28,528) |
20,300 |
payments for acquisition of aircraft |
298,040 |
595,491 |
- |
- |
893,531 |
3,848,701 |
1,122,047 |
(262,047) |
(8,535) |
4,700,166 |
Depreciation |
– flight |
8% |
(785,204) |
(118,665) |
26,729 |
- |
(877,140) |
– others |
13% |
(120,860) |
(19,464) |
3,162 |
- |
(137,162) |
engines and simulators |
7% |
(271,104) |
(30,696) |
- |
- |
(301,800) |
Improvements |
13% |
(188,987) |
(53,772) |
4,764 |
- |
(237,995) |
Maintenance |
26% |
(19,616) |
(8,645) |
- |
- |
(28,261) |
Others |
8% |
(23,289) |
(1,856) |
3,223 |
- |
(21,922) |
(1,409,060) |
(233,098) |
37,878 |
- |
(1,604,280) |
and equipment |
2,439,641 |
888,949 |
(224,169) |
(8,535) |
3,095,886 |
Impairment |
(143,790) |
- |
21,366 |
- |
(122,424) |
property and equipment, net |
2,295,851 |
888,949 |
(202,803) |
(8,535) |
2,973,462 |
The transfer balances are between the groups “Aircraft
sublease “, “Inventories”, “Right-of-use assents” and “Other assets”.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the
Company carried out “sale and leaseback” transactions for two engines, where the revenue, net of sales costs, corresponds
to a gain of R$59,496 (there were no operations of this nature on September 30, 2023)
and is recognized under the heading “Other costs of services provided”.
| |
|  |
30 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Consolidated |
Description |
Weighted average rate (p.a.) |
December 31, 2023 |
Acquisi-tions |
Write-offs |
Modifica-tions |
Transfers (a) |
September 30, 2024 |
Cost |
Aircraft, engines and simulators |
14,279,939 |
1,474,063 |
(372,833) |
206,992 |
66,248 |
15,654,409 |
Maintenance |
1,552,036 |
478,048 |
(39,318) |
(12,383) |
- |
1,978,383 |
Restoration |
1,699,610 |
374,593 |
(38,988) |
(70,504) |
- |
1,964,711 |
Others |
324,650 |
34,022 |
(5,203) |
1,784 |
- |
355,253 |
17,856,235 |
2,360,726 |
(456,342) |
125,889 |
66,248 |
19,952,756 |
Depreciation |
Aircraft, engines and simulators |
8% |
(7,417,554) |
(874,411) |
372,833 |
- |
- |
(7,919,132) |
Maintenance |
21% |
(616,379) |
(246,869) |
39,318 |
- |
- |
(823,930) |
Restoration |
24% |
(701,501) |
(303,234) |
37,130 |
104,101 |
- |
(863,504) |
Others |
18% |
(109,243) |
(44,019) |
2,298 |
- |
- |
(150,964) |
(8,844,677) |
(1,468,533) |
451,579 |
104,101 |
- |
(9,757,530) |
Right-of-use assets, net |
9,011,558 |
892,193 |
(4,763) |
229,990 |
66,248 |
10,195,226 |
| (a) | The transfer balances are between
the groups “Aircraft sublease”, “Inventories”, “Other assets” and “Property and equipment”.
Consolidated |
Description |
Weighted average rate (p.a.) |
December 31, 2023 |
Acqui-sitions |
Write-offs |
September 30, 2024 |
Cost |
Goodwill |
- |
901,417 |
- |
- |
901,417 |
Slots |
- |
126,547 |
- |
- |
126,547 |
Software |
- |
776,311 |
208,194 |
(157,922) |
826,583 |
1,804,275 |
208,194 |
(157,922) |
1,854,547 |
Amortization |
Software |
28% |
(341,028) |
(151,581) |
157,328 |
(335,281) |
(341,028) |
(151,581) |
157,328 |
(335,281) |
Total intangible assets, net |
1,463,247 |
56,613 |
(594) |
1,519,266 |
| |
|  |
31 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Parent company |
Description |
nominal rate
p.a. |
Effective ratem p.a |
Maturity |
December 31, 2023 |
(–) costs |
Payment of principal |
Payment of interest |
Interest incurred |
Amortized cost |
September 30, 2024 |
In local currency - R$ |
Debentures |
CDI + 6.0% |
17.3% |
Nov-24 |
- |
245,554 |
(106,429) |
(19,687) |
20,142 |
4,446 |
144,026 |
Total in R$ |
- |
245,554 |
(106,429) |
(19,687) |
20,142 |
4,446 |
144,026 |
Current |
- |
144,026 |
Non-current |
- |
- |
| |
|  |
32 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Consolidated |
Description |
Average nominal rate p.a. |
Effective rate p.a. |
Maturity |
December 31, 2023 |
(–) costs |
Payment of principal |
Payment of interest |
Interest incurred |
Foreign currency exchange |
Effects of restructuring |
Amortized cost |
September 30, 2024 |
In foreign currency – US$ |
Senior notes – 2024 |
5.9% |
6.3% |
Oct-24 |
332,099 |
- |
- |
(10,331) |
15,453 |
42,051 |
- |
743 |
380,015 |
Senior notes – 2026 |
7.3% |
7.8% |
Jun-26 |
152,572 |
- |
- |
(6,172) |
9,541 |
19,089 |
- |
486 |
175,516 |
Senior notes – 2028 |
11.9% |
13.3% |
Aug-28 |
3,922,731 |
727,296 |
- |
(442,592) |
455,580 |
578,291 |
- |
27,134 |
5,268,440 |
Senior notes – 2029 |
11.5% |
11.5% |
May-29 |
1,165,545 |
- |
- |
(107,177) |
108,364 |
144,900 |
- |
- |
1,311,632 |
Senior notes – 2030 |
10.9% |
10.9% |
May-30 |
2,777,513 |
- |
- |
(241,657) |
244,333 |
345,453 |
- |
- |
3,125,642 |
Sofr 1M + 4.6% |
9.8% |
May-26 |
79,086 |
382,492 |
- |
(21,514) |
24,794 |
22,690 |
- |
- |
487,548 |
Sofr 3M + 2.6% |
11.3% |
Jun-27 |
- |
53,936 |
(5,626) |
(81) |
312 |
155 |
- |
61 |
48,757 |
Aircraft, engines and others |
4.9% |
5.9% |
Mar-29 |
284,279 |
- |
(152,382) |
(9,096) |
7,071 |
24,936 |
- |
902 |
155,710 |
8,713,825 |
1,163,724 |
(158,008) |
(838,620) |
865,448 |
1,177,565 |
- |
29,326 |
10,953,260 |
In local currency - R$ |
Working capital |
CDI + 1.6% |
20.0% |
Jan-25 |
29,648 |
982,796 |
(477,191) |
(9,811) |
26,240 |
- |
- |
13,439 |
565,121 |
Debentures |
CDI + 5.5% |
16.7% |
Dec-28 |
919,072 |
542,660 |
(494,105) |
(109,373) |
101,494 |
- |
18,173 |
14,319 |
992,240 |
Aircraft, engines and others |
Selic + 5.5% |
10.0% |
May-25 |
12,771 |
- |
(3,902) |
(3,552) |
1,145 |
- |
- |
24 |
6,486 |
6.5% |
6.5% |
Mar-27 |
23,596 |
- |
(13,949) |
(861) |
780 |
- |
- |
- |
9,566 |
985,087 |
1,525,456 |
(989,147) |
(123,597) |
129,659 |
- |
18,173 |
27,782 |
1,573,413 |
Total in R$ |
9,698,912 |
2,689,180 |
(1,147,155) |
(962,217) |
995,107 |
1,177,565 |
18,173 |
57,108 |
12,526,673 |
Current |
1,100,051 |
1,560,684 |
Non-current |
8,598,861 |
10,965,989 |
| |
|  |
33 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Schedule of amortization of debt
Parent company |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
2024 |
144,026 |
There was no comparative balance as of December 31,
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
2024 |
665,506 |
1,100,051 |
2025 |
1,033,942 |
222,201 |
2026 |
926,521 |
355,930 |
2027 |
150,020 |
116,146 |
2028 |
5,354,615 |
3,998,142 |
After 2028 |
4,396,069 |
3,906,442 |
12,526,673 |
9,698,912 |
Current |
1,560,684 |
1,100,051 |
Non-current |
10,965,989 |
8,598,861 |
Senior notes 2028
In February 2024, the subsidiary Azul Secured issued
additional notes in the principal amount of R$740,585 (equivalent to US$148,700), with funding costs of R$13,289. These notes were issued
to qualified institutional investors and there was no change in payment and interest conditions.
Aircraft, engines and others
During the three quarters of 2024, the subsidiary Azul
Finance raised R$77,175, R$143,933 and R$161,384 (equivalent to US$15,548, US$28,121 and US$28,874) respectively, with interest equivalent
to Sofr 1M + 4.6% p.a., payment monthly interest and maturity in May 2026.
During the third quarter of 2024, the subsidiary Azul
Investments raised R$56,148 (equivalent to US$10,293), with funding costs of R$2,212, with interest equivalent to Sofr 3M + 2.6% p.a.,
quarterly interest payments and maturity in June 2027.
Working capital
In March 2024, the subsidiary ALAB funding R$450,000,
with costs of R$1,802, with interest equivalent to CDI+1.5% p.a. and single payment of interest and principal in the second quarter of
2024. In April 2024, the debt was renegotiated, resulting in the postponement of the payment deadline to June 2024 with additional costs
of R$2,354. In June 2024, the balance was paid off.
| |
|  |
34 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
In June 2024, the subsidiary ALAB funding R$556,000,
with costs of R$19,048, interest equivalent to CDI+1.6% p.a. and single payment of interest and principal in January 2025.
In March 2024, the Board of Directors approved the
issuance of simple debentures not convertible into shares, of the type with real guarantee, with additional personal guarantee, in a single
series by Azul, in the total amount of R$250,000, with costs of R$4,446, nominal unit value of R$1, interest equivalent to CDI+6.0% p.a.,
payment of quarterly interest and maturity in March 2027. In September 2024, the maturity was changed to November 2024. In October 2024,
the balance was paid off.
In June 2024, the Board of Directors approved the issuance
of simple debentures not convertible into shares, of the type with real guarantee, with additional personal guarantee, in a single series,
from the subsidiary ALAB, in a total value of up to R$600,000. In June and July 2024, the subsidiary ALAB issued respectively the amount
of R$283,333 and R$20,000, with costs of R$3,417 and R$213 respectively, nominal unit value of R$1, interest equivalent to CDI+6.3% p.a.,
monthly amortization and maturity in June 2026.
The loans and financing below were renegotiated and
In accordance with CPC 48 – Financial Instruments, equivalent to IFRS 9, the Company concluded that the renegotiation does not fall
within the scope of debt extinguishment.
Working capital
In April 2024, the subsidiary ALAB renegotiated the
R$450,000 operation, resulting in the postponement of the payment deadline to June 2024 with additional costs of R$2,354. In June 2024,
the balance was paid off.
During the second quarter, the subsidiary ALAB renegotiated
the terms of the debentures, with a total value of R$700,000, with costs of R$2,597 in order to postpone the due date of the principal
installments from 2024 to March 2025. There was no change in rates of interest.
In September 2024, the Company renegotiated the terms
of the simple debentures not convertible into shares, with a total value of R$250,000, in order to postpone the maturity date to November
2024. In October 2024, the balance was paid off.
| |
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35 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
The Company measures restrictive clauses (“covenants”)
in some of its loan and financing contracts, as shown below:
related to: |
Frequency of measurement |
Indicators needed to
a measurement |
Reached |
2th ASA debentures issue |
Monthly |
(i) Immediate Liquidity exceeding R$1 billion. |
Reached |
Quarterly |
(ii) Leverage: equal to or less than 3.75x, with said ratio being obtained by adjusted net debt / adjusted EBITDA. |
Waiver |
12th ALAB debentures issue |
Quarterly |
(i) Immediate Liquidity exceeding R$1 billion. |
Reached |
Annual |
(ii) Leverage: equal to or less than 3.75x, as of December 31, 2024, with said ratio being obtained by adjusted net debt / adjusted EBITDA. |
- |
9th and 10th
ALAB issue |
Annual |
(i) adjusted debt service coverage ratio (ICSD) equal to or greater than
(ii) financial leverage less than or equal to 6.5 in 2023; 5.0 in 2024 and
2025; and 4.5 in 2026 and 2027. |
- |
Aircraft, engines and others |
Quarterly |
(i) The total cash balance on the last day of the quarter is not less than R$1 billion. |
Reached |
Annual |
(ii) Leverage: equal to or less than 5.50, with the referred Index being obtained by net debt / EBITDA on the last day of the year. |
- |
Annual |
(i) adjusted debt service coverage ratio (ICSD) equal to or greater than 1.2;
(ii) financial leverage less than or equal to 6.5. |
- |
| |
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36 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
In 2023, the Company defined the renegotiation conditions
and began to sign definitive agreements with the lessors, who agreed to receive negotiable debt securities maturing in 2030 (“Notes”)
and debt with the possibility of settlement in Azul preferred shares or cash, at the discretion of the Company (“Convertible to
equity”). During the nine months ended September 30, 2024 the Company renegotiated 17 lease contracts under these conditions.
Parent company |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Leases |
- |
- |
14,267,777 |
12,455,827 |
Leases – Notes |
- |
- |
1,162,157 |
1,030,845 |
Leases – Convertible to equity |
2,341,009 |
1,659,739 |
2,341,009 |
1,659,739 |
2,341,009 |
1,659,739 |
17,770,943 |
15,146,411 |
Current |
873,979 |
216,388 |
4,793,423 |
3,687,392 |
Non-current |
1,467,030 |
1,443,351 |
12,977,520 |
11,459,019 |
| |
|  |
37 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Consolidated |
Description |
Average remaining term |
Weighted average rate p.a. |
December 31, 2023 |
Additions |
Modifications |
Payments |
Interest incurred |
Transfers (a) |
Write-offs |
Foreign currency exchange |
September 30, 2024 |
Lease without purchase option: |
Aircraft, engines and simulators |
8.0 |
15.9% |
11,567,882 |
1,459,318 |
181,812 |
(2,307,820) |
1,357,052 |
(287,035) |
(17,942) |
1,412,022 |
13,365,289 |
Others |
4.3 |
10.8% |
237,254 |
34,022 |
1,784 |
(49,626) |
17,573 |
- |
(4,117) |
18,407 |
255,297 |
Lease with purchase option: |
Aircraft, engines and simulators |
4.3 |
13.6% |
650,691 |
- |
5,392 |
(155,985) |
66,972 |
- |
- |
80,121 |
647,191 |
Total |
12,455,827 |
1,493,340 |
188,988 |
(2,513,431) |
1,441,597 |
(287,035) |
(22,059) |
1,510,550 |
14,267,777 |
Current |
3,349,056 |
3,812,070 |
Non-current |
9,106,771 |
10,455,707 |
Transfer balances are between the “Leases”
Consolidated |
Description |
Average remaining term |
Weighted average rate p.a |
December 31, 2023 |
Payments |
Interest incurred |
Foreign currency exchange |
September 30, 2024 |
Financing with lessors – Notes |
5.8 |
14.8% |
1,030,845 |
(113,114) |
116,712 |
127,714 |
1,162,157 |
Total |
1,030,845 |
(113,114) |
116,712 |
127,714 |
1,162,157 |
Current |
121,948 |
107,374 |
Non-current |
908,897 |
1,054,783 |
| |
|  |
38 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
| 19.3 | Leases –
Convertible to equity |
Parent Company and Consolidated |
Description |
Average remaining term |
Weighted average rate p.a |
December 31, 2023 |
Interest incurred |
Transfers (a) |
Foreign currency exchange |
September 30, 2024 |
Financing with lessors – Convertible to equity |
2.9 |
14.4% |
1,659,739 |
213,902 |
287,035 |
241,578 |
2,341,009 |
Total |
1,659,739 |
213,902 |
287,035 |
241,578 |
2,341,009 |
Current |
216,388 |
873,979 |
Non-current |
1,443,351 |
1,467,030 |
Transfer balances are between the “Leases”
| |
|  |
39 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
| 19.4 | Schedule of amortization of
leases |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
2024 |
1,455,532 |
3,570,147 |
2025 |
3,448,175 |
2,851,258 |
2026 |
3,189,345 |
2,615,718 |
2027 |
2,783,189 |
2,226,313 |
2028 |
2,510,501 |
1,987,968 |
After 2028 |
10,332,901 |
7,606,103 |
Minimum lease payments |
23,719,643 |
20,857,507 |
Financial charges |
(9,451,866) |
(8,401,680) |
Present value of minimum lease payments |
14,267,777 |
12,455,827 |
Current |
3,812,070 |
3,349,056 |
Non-current |
10,455,707 |
9,106,771 |
| 19.5 | Schedule of amortization of
leases – Notes |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
2024 |
29,226 |
130,432 |
2025 |
116,904 |
103,883 |
2026 |
116,904 |
103,883 |
2027 |
116,904 |
103,883 |
2028 |
116,904 |
103,883 |
After 2028 |
1,734,077 |
1,540,940 |
Minimum lease payments |
2,230,919 |
2,086,904 |
Financial charges |
(1,068,762) |
(1,056,059) |
Present value of minimum lease payments |
1,162,157 |
1,030,845 |
Current |
107,374 |
121,948 |
Non-current |
1,054,783 |
908,897 |
| 19.6 | Schedule of amortization of
leases – Convertible to equity |
Parent company and consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
2024 |
205,603 |
235,897 |
2025 |
953,070 |
726,247 |
2026 |
953,070 |
726,247 |
2027 |
687,605 |
490,348 |
Minimum lease payments |
2,799,348 |
2,178,739 |
Financial charges |
(458,339) |
(519,000) |
Present value of minimum lease payments |
2,341,009 |
1,659,739 |
Current |
873,979 |
216,388 |
Non-current |
1,467,030 |
1,443,351 |
| |
|  |
40 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
In the quarter, the Company does not measure covenants
in its lease contracts, therefore, the related debt continues to be classified in these interim condensed individual and consolidated
financial statements in accordance with the contractual flow originally established.
Parent Company and Consolidated |
Description |
Average nominal rate p.a. |
Effective rate p.a (a) |
Maturity |
December 31, 2023 |
Variation of conversion right |
Payment of interest |
Interest incurred |
Foreign currency exchange |
September 30, 2024 |
In foreign currency – US$ |
Debentures |
12.3% |
12.3% |
Oct-28 |
1,201,610 |
(174,121) |
(76,382) |
198,406 |
90,627 |
1,240,140 |
Total in R$ |
1,201,610 |
(174,121) |
(76,382) |
198,406 |
90,627 |
1,240,140 |
Current |
25,807 |
69,019 |
Non-current |
1,175,803 |
1,171,121 |
| (a) | Does not consider the conversion
right. |
The balance includes the right to convert the debt
into Company shares in the amount of R$314,654 (R$488,775 as of December 31, 2023).
| 20.1 | Schedule of amortization |
Parent company and Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
2024 |
69,019 |
25,807 |
2028 |
1,171,121 |
1,175,803 |
1,240,140 |
1,201,610 |
Current |
69,019 |
25,807 |
Non-current |
1,171,121 |
1,175,803 |
| |
|  |
41 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Parent company |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Accounts payable |
6,861 |
10,651 |
4,310,138 |
3,077,225 |
Accounts payable – Notes |
- |
- |
444,492 |
401,702 |
Accounts payable – Convertible to equity |
147,933 |
119,841 |
147,933 |
119,841 |
154,794 |
130,492 |
4,902,563 |
3,598,768 |
Current |
49,122 |
10,651 |
3,703,328 |
2,277,841 |
Non-current |
105,672 |
119,841 |
1,199,235 |
1,320,927 |
The Company promotes negotiations with suppliers with
the aim of extending their payment terms. In this way, agreements were signed with financial institutions that allow their suppliers to
advance the payment titles, mainly fuel, with interest rates reanging from 1.19% and 1.30% p.m.
Consolidated |
Description |
December 31, 2023 |
Addition |
Payment |
Interest paid |
Interest incurred |
September 30, 2024 |
Reverse factoring |
290,847 |
208,804 |
(447,627) |
(12,256) |
10,203 |
49,971 |
290,847 |
208,804 |
(447,627) |
(12,256) |
10,203 |
49,971 |
Consolidated |
Changes in fair value |
Forward - fuel |
Option fuel |
Conversion right debentures (a) |
Total |
At December 31, 2023 |
(60,102) |
12,266 |
(488,775) |
(536,611) |
Gains (losses) recognized in result |
(109,947) |
(10,871) |
174,121 |
53,303 |
Payments (receipts) |
52,633 |
(1,395) |
- |
51,238 |
At September 30, 2024 |
(117,416) |
- |
(314,654) |
(432,070) |
Obligations with current derivative financial instruments |
(117,416) |
- |
- |
(117,416) |
Non-current convertible debt instruments |
- |
- |
(314,654) |
(314,654) |
(117,416) |
- |
(314,654) |
(432,070) |
| (a) | Balance recorded in the parent
company. |
| |
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42 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Government installment payment program federal |
852,186 |
97,271 |
Airport fees |
319,527 |
1,393,243 |
Boarding tax |
242,364 |
248,689 |
Other taxes |
25,708 |
20,880 |
1,439,785 |
1,760,083 |
Current |
691,833 |
588,404 |
Non-current |
747,952 |
1,171,679 |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Air traffic liability and loyalty program |
6,538,932 |
5,782,121 |
Breakage |
(725,924) |
(576,245) |
5,813,008 |
5,205,876 |
Average use term (a) |
63 days |
56 days |
Does not consider the loyalty program.
Parent company |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Salaries and benefits |
3,015 |
2,344 |
564,173 |
473,060 |
Share-based payment |
- |
- |
157 |
1,737 |
3,015 |
2,344 |
564,330 |
474,797 |
| |
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43 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Parent company |
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Government installment payment program federal |
- |
- |
156,653 |
157,970 |
7 |
2 |
84 |
4,231 |
Taxes withheld |
715 |
421 |
75,868 |
76,520 |
Import taxes |
11 |
83 |
10,491 |
13,483 |
Others |
- |
- |
3,784 |
2,251 |
733 |
506 |
246,880 |
254,455 |
Current |
733 |
506 |
168,854 |
142,168 |
Non-current |
- |
- |
78,026 |
112,287 |
Composition of provisions
Consolidated |
Description |
Return of aircrafts and engines (a) |
Tax, civil, labor and risks (b) |
Post-employment benefit |
Total |
At December 31, 2023 |
2,573,170 |
557,773 |
9,910 |
3,140,853 |
Additions |
302,503 |
82,381 |
116 |
385,000 |
Write-offs |
(74,076) |
(234,818) |
- |
(308,894) |
Interest incurred |
104,066 |
(27,453) |
729 |
77,342 |
Foreign currency exchange |
336,083 |
- |
- |
336,083 |
At September 30, 2024 |
3,241,746 |
377,883 |
10,755 |
3,630,384 |
At September 30, 2024 |
Current |
346,565 |
315,984 |
- |
662,549 |
Non-current |
2,895,181 |
61,899 |
10,755 |
2,967,835 |
At December 31, 2023 |
Current |
497,525 |
238,905 |
- |
736,430 |
Non-current |
2,075,645 |
318,868 |
9,910 |
2,404,423 |
Nominal discount rate 10.7% p.a. (10.7% p.a. on December
31, 2023).
Considers provision for civil risks in the amount of R$42
in the parent company (R$30 as of December 31, 2023).
| |
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44 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
28.1.1 Tax,
civil and labor risks
The balances of the proceedings with estimates of probable
and possible losses are shown below:
Consolidated |
Probable loss |
Possible loss |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Tax |
239,293 |
284,638 |
703,234 |
432,109 |
Civil |
72,951 |
131,464 |
108,846 |
49,930 |
Labor |
65,639 |
141,671 |
179,862 |
68,789 |
377,883 |
557,773 |
991,942 |
550,828 |
During the third quarter of 2024, the Company became
aware of processes with an estimated possible loss that deal with offsets, partially or not approved, of federal credits, in the amount
of R$254,877.
During second the quarter of 2024, the Company changed
the risk of lawsuits involving flight delays and cancellations from probable to possible after a detailed analysis of recent court decisions.
During the second quarter of 2024, the Company
changed the risk of a process involving crew hours on the ground, from probable to possible, taking into account the current stage of
the process.
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45 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
| 29.1 | Transactions between companies |
Observing accounting standards, such transactions were
duly eliminated for consolidation purposes:
Parent company |
Creditor |
Debtor |
Type of operation |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Azul |
Investment |
Debt securities exchange offers – costs |
9,524 |
8,464 |
Azul |
Secured |
Issuance of debt securities 2028 – costs |
9,079 |
6,676 |
Azul |
Renegotiation of accounts payable – Convertible to equity |
147,933 |
119,841 |
Azul |
Renegotiation of lease – Convertible to equity |
2,341,009 |
1,659,739 |
Azul |
Loan |
- |
(86,659) |
Azul |
Loan |
(88,881) |
- |
Azul |
Renegotiation of convertible debentures – costs |
- |
(496) |
Secured |
Azul |
Renegotiation of convertible debentures – costs |
(10,896) |
(9,685) |
Secured |
Azul |
Loan |
(713,705) |
(639,052) |
1,694,063 |
1,058,828 |
Rights with related parties current |
916,240 |
216,388 |
Rights with related parties non-current |
1,591,305 |
1,578,332 |
Obligations with current related parties |
(150) |
(52,129) |
Obligations with related parties non-current |
(813,332) |
(683,763) |
Parent company |
Revenue |
Expense |
Type of operation |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Azul |
Interest on Loan |
2,639 |
2,289 |
Azul |
Interest on Loan |
(2,176) |
- |
463 |
2,289 |
| 29.2 | Compensation of key management
personnel |
Key management personnel comprise the directors, officers
and members of the Executive Committee and directors. Expenses incurred with remuneration and the respective charges, paid or payable,
are shown below:
Consolidated |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Salaries and benefits |
8,237 |
8,358 |
28,090 |
24,080 |
Post-employment benefit |
228 |
- |
684 |
- |
Share-based payment |
8,335 |
10,343 |
30,257 |
48,112 |
16,800 |
18,701 |
59,031 |
72,192 |
Stock-based compensation plan, considers the Stock
Options, RSU and phantom shares. Such plans are expected to be settled in up to eight years and, therefore, and does not represent a cash
The Company signed sublease agreements with Breeze
Aviation Group (“Breeze”), an airline founded by the controlling shareholder of Azul, headquartered in the United States.
The transaction was voted and approved by 97% of the Azul's shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on March 2020. Following
good corporate practices, the controlling shareholder did not participate in the voting.
During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the
Company finalized the sublease agreements.
As of September 30, 2024, the operations with Breeze
as recorded the following balances:
Consolidated |
Creditor |
Debtor |
Type of operation |
Note |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Breeze |
Aircraft sublease |
Aircraft sublease |
- |
30,802 |
Breeze |
Reimbursement receivable for maintenance reserves |
Accounts receivable |
2,378 |
3,901 |
Breeze |
Reimbursement receivable for maintenance reserves |
Other liabilities |
(10,040) |
(19,559) |
Consolidated |
Revenues |
Expenses |
Type of operation |
Note |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Breeze |
Interest incurred |
Financial income |
1,754 |
4,521 |
| |
|  |
46 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
In August 2022, the Company made agreements for purchase
and sale of aircraft and engines with entities that are part of Azorra Aviation Holdings LLC. (“Azorra”), which has become
a related party as the Company’s Board of Directors’ Chairman was elected independent member of Azorra’s Board of Directors.
The transactions between the Company and the Azorra
group are shown below:
Consolidated |
Creditor |
Debtor |
Type of operation |
Note |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Azorra |
Security deposits |
Deposits |
25,296 |
4,643 |
Azorra |
Leases |
Leases |
(332,621) |
(302,947) |
Azorra |
Azul Investments |
Leases – Notes |
Leases |
(84,039) |
(74,572) |
Azorra |
Azul |
Leases – Equity |
Leases |
(127,919) |
(102,683) |
Revenue |
Expense |
Type of operation |
Note |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Azorra |
Interest incurred |
Financial expense |
56,539 |
11,032 |
| 29.5 | Other related parties |
The other related parties do not have significant amounts
for disclosure in these interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements.
Parent company and Consolidated |
Value |
Quantity |
Description |
Company’s capital |
AFAC (a) |
Common shares |
Preferred shares |
At December 31, 2023 |
2,314,821 |
789 |
928,965,058 |
335,747,796 |
Capital payment |
807 |
(807) |
- |
- |
Share-based payment |
- |
18 |
- |
3,000 |
At September 30, 2024 |
2,315,628 |
- |
928,965,058 |
335,750,796 |
(a) Advance for future capital increase.
| |
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47 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
The Company's shareholding structure is presented below:
Parent company and Consolidated |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Shareholder |
Common shares |
Preferred shares |
% economic participation |
Common shares |
Preferred shares |
% economic participation |
- |
David Neeleman |
67.0% |
2.2% |
4.5% |
67.0% |
2.2% |
4.5% |
Acionistas Trip (a) |
33.0% |
1.8% |
2.9% |
33.0% |
4.0% |
5.0% |
United Airlines Inc |
- |
5.5% |
5.4% |
- |
8.0% |
7.8% |
Blackrock |
- |
4.7% |
4.5% |
- |
5.0% |
4.8% |
Others |
- |
85.7% |
82.6% |
- |
80.7% |
77.8% |
Treasury shares |
- |
0.1% |
0.1% |
- |
0.1% |
0.1% |
Total |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
100.0% |
| (a) | This
refers to Trip Participações S.A., Trip Investimentos Ltda. and Rio Novo Locações Ltda. |
Parent company and Consolidated |
Description |
Number of shares |
Amount paid |
Average cost
(in R$) |
At December 31, 2023 |
499,999 |
9,041 |
18.08 |
Repurchase |
210,000 |
2,596 |
12.36 |
Alienation |
(4,125) |
(69) |
- |
Transfers |
(441,379) |
(7,234) |
- |
At September 30, 2024 |
264,495 |
4,334 |
16.39 |
In May 2024, the buyback plan for 1,300,000 preferred
shares was approved, maturing in 18 months, in order to keep them in treasury to later meet the obligations of the RSU plan.
| |
|  |
48 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Parent company and Consolidated |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Numerator |
Net profit (loss) for the period |
121,186 |
(1,614,898) |
(4,738,724) |
(2,327,619) |
Denominator |
Weighted average number of common shares |
928,965,058 |
928,965,058 |
928,965,058 |
928,965,058 |
Weighted average number of preferred shares |
335,326,702 |
335,731,250 |
335,275,653 |
335,667,578 |
Economic value of preferred shares |
75 |
75 |
75 |
75 |
Weighted average number of equivalent preferred shares (a) |
347,712,903 |
348,117,451 |
347,661,854 |
348,053,779 |
Weighted average number of equivalent common shares (b) |
26,078,467,708 |
26,108,808,808 |
26,074,639,033 |
26,104,033,408 |
Weighted average number of presumed conversions |
667,808,498 |
159,143,350 |
667,808,498 |
159,143,350 |
Weighted average number of shares that would have been issued at average market price |
98,733 |
5,760,266 |
151,004 |
3,834,227 |
Basic earnings (loss) per common share – R$ |
- |
(0.06) |
(0.18) |
(0.09) |
Diluted earnings (loss) per common share – R$ |
- |
(0.06) |
(0.18) |
(0.09) |
Basic earnings (loss) per preferred share – R$ |
0.35 |
(4.64) |
(13.63) |
(6.69) |
Diluted earnings (loss) per preferred share – R$ |
0.35 |
(4.64) |
(13.63) |
(6.69) |
| (a) | This refers to the participation
in the value of the Company's total equity, calculated as if all 928,965,058 common shares had been converted into 12,386,201 preferred
shares at the conversion ratio of 75 common shares for each preferred share. |
| (b) | This refers to the participation
in the value of the Company's total equity, calculated as if the weighted average of preferred shares had been converted into common shares
at the conversion ratio of 75 common shares for each one preferred share. |
The diluted result per share is calculated by adjusting
the weighted average number of shares in circulation, except those in treasury, for instruments potentially convertible into shares. However,
due to the losses recorded in the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, these instruments issued by the Company have a non-dilutive
effect and, therefore, were not considered in the total number of shares in circulation to determine the diluted loss per share.
| |
|  |
49 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
The conditions of the share-based grant plans remain
unchanged during the nine months ended September 30, 2024.
The movement of the plans is shown below:
Parent company and Consolidated |
Number of shares |
Description |
Option plan |
shares |
Total |
At December 31, 2023 |
20,521,684 |
1,544,065 |
246,930 |
22,312,679 |
Exercised |
(3,000) |
(608,472) |
(18,177) |
(629,649) |
Canceled |
(70,161) |
(91,292) |
(47,742) |
(209,195) |
At September 30, 2024 |
20,448,523 |
844,301 |
181,011 |
21,473,835 |
Parent company and Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Share price (in reais) |
6.24 |
16.01 |
Weighted average price of the stock option (in reais) |
5.97 |
12.93 |
Weighted average price of the phantom shares (in reais) |
10.35 |
10.35 |
Cash inflow stock option |
18 |
1,608 |
Flat cash inflow of phantom shares |
188 |
237 |
Income tax regarding RSU transfer |
1,439 |
3,239 |
Number of shares equivalent to RSU IR |
167,093 |
167,447 |
The expenses of share-based compensation plans are
shown below:
Consolidated |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Stock option |
9,046 |
15,024 |
29,411 |
50,625 |
1,782 |
2,131 |
5,183 |
6,823 |
Phantom shares |
(57) |
(1,715) |
(1,580) |
595 |
10,771 |
15,440 |
33,014 |
58,043 |
| |
|  |
50 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
32.1.1 Stock
Date of grant |
Option exercise price
(in R$) |
Everage fair value of the option on the grant
(in R$) |
Historical volatility |
Expected dividend |
Average risk-free rate of return |
Exercise rate per tranche |
remainder of
vesting period
(in years) |
Purchasing period up to (years) |
Total options granted |
Total outstanding options |
Total options available for exercise |
December 11, 2009 |
3.42 |
1.93 |
47.7% |
1.1% |
8.8% |
25.0% |
- |
4.0 |
5,032,800 |
180,870 |
180,870 |
March 24, 2011 |
6.44 |
4.16 |
54.8% |
1.1% |
12.0% |
25.0% |
- |
4.0 |
1,572,000 |
84,000 |
84,000 |
April 5, 2011 |
6.44 |
4.16 |
54.8% |
1.1% |
12.0% |
25.0% |
- |
4.0 |
656,000 |
6,200 |
6,200 |
June 30, 2014 |
19.15 |
11.01 |
40.6% |
1.1% |
12.5% |
25.0% |
- |
4.0 |
2,169,122 |
708,993 |
708,993 |
July 1, 2015 |
14.51 |
10.82 |
40.6% |
1.1% |
15.7% |
25.0% |
- |
4.0 |
627,810 |
177,592 |
177,592 |
July 1, 2016 |
14.50 |
10.14 |
43.1% |
1.1% |
12.2% |
25.0% |
- |
4.0 |
820,250 |
280,124 |
280,124 |
July 6, 2017 |
22.57 |
12.82 |
43.4% |
1.1% |
10.3% |
25.0% |
- |
4.0 |
680,467 |
442,796 |
442,796 |
August 8, 2022 |
11.07 |
8.10 |
70.0% |
- |
13.0% |
25.0% |
1.8 |
4.0 |
1,774,418 |
1,709,877 |
865,714 |
August 8, 2022 |
11.07 |
6.40 |
68.8% |
- |
13.2% |
33.3% |
0.8 |
3.0 |
1,514,999 |
1,381,499 |
1,036,374 |
August 19, 2022 |
11.07 |
7.39 |
67.2% |
- |
13.6% |
100.0% |
- |
1.0 |
4,900,000 |
4,824,333 |
4,824,333 |
August 19, 2022 |
11.07 |
11.54 |
74.6% |
- |
12.7% |
20.0% |
2.9 |
5.0 |
8,900,000 |
8,900,000 |
- |
July 7, 2023 |
15.60 |
10.80 |
75.4% |
- |
10.5% |
25.0% |
2.7 |
4.0 |
1,800,000 |
1,752,239 |
439,630 |
30,447,866 |
20,448,523 |
9,046,626 |
32.1.2 Restricted
stock option
Date of
grant |
Exercise rate per tranche |
Fair value of share
(in R$) |
Remaining term of the vesting period
(in years) |
Purchasing period up to (years) |
granted |
Total not
exercised |
June 19, 2020 |
25.0% |
21.80 |
- |
4.0 |
1,382,582 |
- |
July 7, 2021 |
25.0% |
42.67 |
0.7 |
4.0 |
300,000 |
55,017 |
July 7, 2022 |
25.0% |
11.72 |
1.7 |
4.0 |
335,593 |
144,743 |
July 7, 2022 |
25.0% |
11.72 |
1.7 |
4.0 |
671,186 |
274,468 |
July 7, 2023 |
25.0% |
19.32 |
2.7 |
4.0 |
500,000 |
370,073 |
3,189,361 |
844,301 |
32.1.3 Phantom
Date of grant |
Option exercise price
(in reais) |
Average fair value of option |
Historical volatility |
Expected dividend |
Average risk-free rate of return |
Exercise rate per tranche |
Remaining term of the vesting period
(in years) |
Purchasing period up to (years) |
Total options granted |
Total outstanding |
Total options available for exercise |
August 7, 2018 |
20.43 |
0.25 |
73.6% |
- |
12.1% |
25.0% |
- |
4.0 |
707,400 |
53,520 |
53,520 |
April 30, 2020 |
10.35 |
1.03 |
73.6% |
- |
12.1% |
33.3% |
- |
3.0 |
3,250,000 |
99,761 |
99,761 |
April 30, 2020 |
10.35 |
1.55 |
74.8% |
- |
12.2% |
25.0% |
- |
4.0 |
1,600,000 |
26,300 |
26,300 |
August 17, 2021 |
33.99 |
0.54 |
74.4% |
- |
12.3% |
25.0% |
0.8 |
4.0 |
580,000 |
1,430 |
1,430 |
6,137,400 |
181,011 |
181,011 |
| |
|  |
51 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Consolidated |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Revenue |
Passenger revenue |
4,763,216 |
4,569,634 |
12,980,807 |
12,689,847 |
Other revenues |
386,821 |
373,444 |
1,087,494 |
1,081,176 |
Total |
5,150,037 |
4,943,078 |
14,068,301 |
13,771,023 |
Taxes levied |
Passenger revenue (a) |
(461) |
9,564 |
(1,948) |
(2,484) |
Other revenues |
(19,979) |
(36,202) |
(85,599) |
(119,576) |
Total taxes |
(20,440) |
(26,638) |
(87,547) |
(122,060) |
Total revenue |
5,129,597 |
4,916,440 |
13,980,754 |
13,648,963 |
| (a) | As of January 1, 2023, the PIS
and COFINS rates on revenues arising from regular passenger air transport activities were reduced to zero, in accordance with Law 14,592/2023. |
Revenues by geographical location are as follows:
Consolidated |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Domestic revenue |
4,256,917 |
3,824,519 |
11,490,832 |
10,635,231 |
Foreign revenue |
872,680 |
1,091,921 |
2,489,922 |
3,013,732 |
Total revenue |
5,129,597 |
4,916,440 |
13,980,754 |
13,648,963 |
| |
|  |
52 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Parent company |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Administrative expenses |
Salaries and benefits |
(4,243) |
(11,375) |
(21,848) |
(26,680) |
Insurance |
(1,899) |
- |
(4,541) |
- |
Others |
(9,497) |
(7,216) |
(18,563) |
(17,730) |
(15,639) |
(18,591) |
(44,952) |
(44,410) |
Other income (expenses), net |
Others |
602 |
(46) |
470 |
71,668 |
602 |
(46) |
470 |
71,668 |
Total |
(15,037) |
(18,637) |
(44,482) |
27,258 |
Consolidated |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Cost of services |
Aircraft fuel |
(1,493,933) |
(1,365,847) |
(4,220,787) |
(4,377,466) |
Salaries and benefits |
(598,598) |
(594,516) |
(1,819,404) |
(1,616,057) |
Airport taxes and fees |
(287,057) |
(274,130) |
(768,900) |
(785,883) |
Traffic and customer servicing |
(221,887) |
(209,864) |
(636,621) |
(594,950) |
Maintenance |
(192,160) |
(284,667) |
(560,554) |
(665,839) |
Depreciation and amortization (a) |
(623,211) |
(622,685) |
(1,843,097) |
(1,812,741) |
Impairment |
7,092 |
- |
21,366 |
- |
Insurance |
(20,975) |
(19,912) |
(62,711) |
(46,375) |
Rents |
(76,543) |
(87,107) |
(196,520) |
(161,656) |
Others |
(32,388) |
(335,561) |
(300,660) |
(1,216,147) |
(3,539,660) |
(3,794,289) |
(10,387,888) |
(11,277,114) |
Selling expenses |
Salaries and benefits |
(9,602) |
(10,672) |
(31,269) |
(27,621) |
Sales and marketing |
(240,212) |
(205,304) |
(633,643) |
(559,121) |
(249,814) |
(215,976) |
(664,912) |
(586,742) |
Administrative expenses |
Salaries and benefits |
(39,667) |
(17,417) |
(127,780) |
(84,856) |
Depreciation and amortization (a) |
(2,912) |
(2,843) |
(8,940) |
(7,606) |
Insurance |
(1,899) |
- |
(4,541) |
- |
Others |
(118,216) |
(160,473) |
(295,743) |
(278,158) |
(162,694) |
(180,733) |
(437,004) |
(370,620) |
Other income (expenses), net |
Others |
(150,250) |
(53,614) |
(221,857) |
(273,401) |
(150,250) |
(53,614) |
(221,857) |
(273,401) |
Total |
(4,102,418) |
(4,244,612) |
(11,711,661) |
(12,507,877) |
Net of PIS and COFINS credits in the amount of R$356 in
the quarter and R$1,175 in the nine months ended September 30, 2024.
| |
|  |
53 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Parent company |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Financial income |
Short and long-term investments |
29 |
67 |
80 |
218 |
Others |
586 |
1,264 |
3,154 |
2,942 |
615 |
1,331 |
3,234 |
3,160 |
Financial expenses |
Interest on loans and financing |
(9,574) |
- |
(20,142) |
- |
Interest on convertible instruments |
(70,373) |
(58,044) |
(198,406) |
(180,652) |
Interest accounts payable |
(24) |
- |
(36) |
- |
Amortized cost of loans and financing |
(2,054) |
- |
(4,446) |
- |
Amortized cost of convertible instruments |
- |
(181) |
- |
(2,622) |
Cost of financial operations |
(97) |
(142) |
(258) |
(417) |
Restructuring of debentures |
- |
(352,430) |
- |
(352,430) |
Others |
(187) |
(578) |
(2,220) |
(2,290) |
(82,309) |
(411,375) |
(225,508) |
(538,411) |
Derivative financial instruments, net |
(183,050) |
304,672 |
174,121 |
34,835 |
Foreign currency exchange, net |
28,854 |
(62,094) |
(168,954) |
29,246 |
Financial result |
(235,890) |
(167,466) |
(217,107) |
(471,170) |
| |
|  |
54 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Consolidated |
Three-month periods ended |
Nine-month periods ended |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Financial income |
Short and long-term investments |
40,407 |
22,554 |
105,702 |
62,726 |
Interest on sublease receivables |
175 |
3,104 |
1,754 |
10,650 |
TAP Bond fair value |
9,012 |
2,966 |
12,017 |
46,573 |
Others |
6,941 |
10,809 |
32,980 |
23,934 |
56,535 |
39,433 |
152,453 |
143,883 |
Financial expenses |
Interest on loans and financing (a) |
(367,950) |
(286,570) |
(985,749) |
(570,479) |
Interest on lease |
(635,889) |
(584,378) |
(1,772,211) |
(1,875,402) |
Interest on convertible instruments |
(70,373) |
(58,044) |
(198,406) |
(180,652) |
Interest on factoring credit card receivables |
(84,313) |
(49,842) |
(244,374) |
(256,491) |
Interest on provisions |
(37,203) |
(77,585) |
(77,342) |
(218,312) |
Interest on reverse factoring |
(1,831) |
(45) |
(10,203) |
(12,303) |
Interest accounts payable and airport taxes and fees |
(49,543) |
(216,396) |
(262,695) |
(376,260) |
Amortized cost of loans and financing |
(23,413) |
(14,072) |
(57,108) |
(29,154) |
Amortized cost of convertible instruments |
- |
(181) |
- |
(2,622) |
Cost of financial operations |
(28,586) |
(15,884) |
(88,334) |
(46,495) |
TAP Bond fair value |
(8,233) |
(15,108) |
(14,842) |
(25,736) |
Restructuring of debentures |
- |
(352,430) |
- |
(352,430) |
Restructuring of loan and financing |
- |
(201,521) |
- |
(201,521) |
Others |
(13,382) |
(11,811) |
(167,704) |
(191,693) |
(1,320,716) |
(1,883,867) |
(3,878,968) |
(4,339,550) |
Derivative financial instruments, net |
(305,137) |
466,360 |
53,303 |
(44,228) |
Foreign currency exchange, net |
664,010 |
(908,652) |
(3,373,158) |
771,190 |
Financial result |
(905,308) |
(2,286,726) |
(7,046,370) |
(3,468,705) |
(a) Net of PIS and COFINS credits in the amount of R$9,358.
| 36.1 | Fair value hierarchy of financial
instruments |
The fair value hierarchy of the Company's
consolidated financial instruments, as well, as the comparison between book value and fair value, are identified below:
Parent company |
Carrying amount |
Fair value |
Description |
Note |
Level |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Liabilities |
Convertible debt instruments – conversion right |
23 |
2 |
(314,654) |
(488,775) |
(314,654) |
(488,775) |
| |
|  |
55 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Consolidated |
Carrying amount |
Fair value |
Description |
Note |
Level |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Assets |
Long-term investments – TAP Bond |
6 |
2 |
912,923 |
780,312 |
912,923 |
780,312 |
Derivative financial instruments |
23 |
2 |
- |
21,909 |
- |
21,909 |
Liabilities |
Loans and financing |
18 |
- |
(13,452,159) |
(9,698,912) |
(11,057,894) |
(9,796,608) |
Convertible debt instruments – conversion right |
23 |
2 |
(314,654) |
(488,775) |
(314,654) |
(488,775) |
Derivative financial instruments |
23 |
2 |
(117,416) |
(69,745) |
(117,416) |
(69,745) |
Financial instruments whose fair value approximates
their carrying value, based on established conditions, mainly due to the short maturity period, were not disclosed.
36.2.1 Interest
rate risk Sensitivity
As of September 30, 2024, the Company held assets and
liabilities linked to different types of interest rates. In the sensitivity analysis of non-derivative financial instruments, the impact
was considered only on positions with values exposed to such fluctuations:
Consolidated |
Exposure to CDI |
Exposure to SOFR |
Description |
Rate (p.a.) |
September 30, 2024 |
Weighted Rate (p.a.) |
September 30, 2024 |
Exposed assets (liabilities), net |
10.7% |
(790,699) |
4.7% |
(916,566) |
Effect on profit or loss |
Interest rate devaluation by -50% |
5.3% |
43,455 |
2.4% |
21,608 |
Interest rate devaluation by -25% |
8.0% |
21,727 |
3.5% |
10,804 |
Interest rate appreciation by 50% |
16.0% |
(43,455) |
7.1% |
(21,608) |
Interest rate appreciation by 25% |
13.3% |
(21,727) |
5.9% |
(10,804) |
| |
|  |
56 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
36.2.2 Aircraft
fuel price risk (“QAV”)
The price of fuel may vary depending on the volatility
of the price of crude oil and its derivatives. To mitigate losses linked to variations in the fuel market, the Company had, as of September
30, 2024, forward and options transactions on fuel (note 23). Sensitivity
The following table demonstrates the sensitivity analysis
of the price fluctuation of QAV liter:
Consolidated |
Exposure to price |
Description |
Average price per liter
(in reais) |
September 30, 2024 |
Aircraft fuel |
4.5 |
(4,220,787) |
Effect on profit or loss |
Devaluation by -50% |
2.2 |
2,110,394 |
Devaluation by -25% |
3.4 |
1,055,197 |
Appreciation by 50% |
6.7 |
(2,110,394) |
Appreciation by 25% |
5.6 |
(1,055,197) |
| |
|  |
57 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
36.2.3 Foreign
exchange risk
The foreign exchange risk arises from the possibility
of unfavorable exchange differences to which the Company's cash flows are exposed.
The equity exposure to the main variations in exchange
rates is shown below:
Parent company |
Exposure to US$ |
Exposure to € |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
497 |
706 |
439 |
388 |
Deposits |
- |
7,802 |
- |
- |
Related parties |
2,507,545 |
1,578,332 |
- |
- |
Total assets |
2,508,042 |
1,586,840 |
439 |
388 |
Liabilities |
Convertible debt instruments |
(1,240,140) |
(1,201,610) |
- |
- |
Leases |
(2,341,009) |
(1,659,739) |
- |
- |
Accounts payable |
(147,977) |
(119,888) |
- |
- |
Related parties |
(724,601) |
(649,232) |
- |
- |
Total liabilities |
(4,453,727) |
(3,630,469) |
- |
- |
Net exposure |
(1,945,685) |
(2,043,629) |
439 |
388 |
Net exposure in foreign currency |
(357,131) |
(422,124) |
72 |
73 |
Consolidated |
Exposure to US$ |
Exposure to € |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
53,663 |
82,975 |
859 |
4,092 |
Long-term investments |
- |
- |
912,923 |
780,312 |
Accounts receivable |
537,585 |
115,024 |
2,652 |
2,876 |
Aircraft sublease |
- |
30,802 |
- |
- |
Deposits |
2,710,399 |
2,196,474 |
- |
- |
Other assets |
9,262 |
26,207 |
- |
- |
Total assets |
3,310,909 |
2,451,482 |
916,434 |
787,280 |
Liabilities |
Loans and financing |
(11,114,660) |
(8,889,048) |
- |
- |
Leases |
(17,671,816) |
(14,043,101) |
- |
- |
Convertible debt instruments |
(1,240,140) |
(1,201,610) |
- |
- |
Accounts payable |
(2,799,956) |
(2,040,546) |
- |
- |
Airport taxes and fees |
(2,207) |
(21,994) |
- |
- |
Provisions |
(3,241,746) |
(2,573,170) |
- |
- |
Other liabilities |
(32,639) |
(108,687) |
(28) |
- |
Total liabilities |
(36,103,164) |
(28,878,156) |
(28) |
- |
Net exposure |
(32,792,255) |
(26,426,674) |
916,406 |
787,280 |
Net exposure in foreign currency |
(6,019,026) |
(5,458,590) |
150,926 |
147,111 |
| |
|  |
58 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| | Sensitivity
Parent company |
Exposure to US$ |
Exposure to € |
Description |
Closing rate |
September 30, 2024 |
Closing rate |
September 30, 2024 |
Exposed assets (liabilities), net |
5.4 |
(1,945,685) |
6.1 |
439 |
Effect on profit or loss |
Foreign currency devaluation by -50% |
2.7 |
972,843 |
3.0 |
(220) |
Foreign currency devaluation by -25% |
4.1 |
486,421 |
4.6 |
(110) |
Foreign currency appreciation by 50% |
8.2 |
(972,843) |
9.1 |
220 |
Foreign currency appreciation by 25% |
6.8 |
(486,421) |
7.6 |
110 |
Consolidated |
Exposure to US$ |
Exposure to € |
Description |
Closing rate |
September 30, 2024 |
Closing rate |
September 30, 2024 |
Exposed assets (liabilities), net |
5.4 |
(32,792,255) |
6.1 |
916,406 |
Effect on profit or loss |
Foreign currency devaluation by -50% |
2.7 |
16,396,128 |
3.0 |
(458,203) |
Foreign currency devaluation by -25% |
4.1 |
8,198,064 |
4.6 |
(229,102) |
Foreign currency appreciation by 50% |
8.2 |
(16,396,128) |
9.1 |
458,203 |
Foreign currency appreciation by 25% |
6.8 |
(8,198,064) |
7.6 |
229,102 |
| |
|  |
59 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Credit risk is inherent to the Company's operating
and financial activities, mainly disclosed in cash and cash equivalents, long-term investments, accounts receivable, security deposits
and maintenance reserves. The TAP Bond is guaranteed by intellectual property rights and credits related to the TAP mileage program.
Credit limits are established for all customers based
on internal classification criteria and the carrying amounts represent the maximum credit risk exposure. Outstanding receivables from
customers are frequently monitored by the Company and, when necessary, allowances for expected credit losses are recognized.
Derivative financial instruments are contracted on
the over-the-counter (OTC) market with counterparties that maintain a relationship, and can be contracted on commodity and futures exchanges
(B3 and NYMEX), which mitigates and contributes to credit risk. The Company assesses the risks of counterparties in financial instruments
and diversifies exposure periodically.
The maturity schedules of the Company’s consolidated
financial liabilities as of September 30, 2024 are as follows:
Consolidated |
Description |
Carrying amount |
Contractual cash flow |
Until 1 year |
From 2 to 5 years |
After 5 years |
Loans and financing |
12,526,673 |
18,369,462 |
2,926,934 |
12,074,110 |
3,368,418 |
Reverse factoring |
49,971 |
49,991 |
49,991 |
- |
- |
Leases |
17,770,943 |
28,749,910 |
5,086,888 |
17,498,591 |
6,164,431 |
Convertible debt instruments |
1,240,140 |
2,063,863 |
233,677 |
1,830,186 |
- |
Accounts payable |
4,902,563 |
5,274,539 |
3,812,576 |
921,086 |
540,877 |
Airport taxes and fees |
1,439,785 |
1,453,414 |
693,207 |
381,710 |
378,497 |
37,930,075 |
55,961,179 |
12,803,273 |
32,705,683 |
10,452,223 |
The Company seeks capital alternatives in order to
satisfy its operational needs, aiming for a capital structure that it considers adequate for the financial costs and the maturity terms
of the funding and its guarantees. The Company's Management continually monitors its net debt.
| |
|  |
60 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Parent company |
Description |
Maintenance reserves |
Transfers |
Total |
Deposits |
(8,887) |
- |
(8,887) |
Other assets |
8,887 |
- |
8,887 |
Leases |
- |
(681,270) |
(681,270) |
Related parties |
- |
681,270 |
681,270 |
September 30, 2024 |
8,887 |
- |
8,887 |
Parent company |
Description |
Transfers |
Total |
Leases |
(1,653,908) |
(1,653,908) |
Related parties |
1,653,908 |
1,653,908 |
September 30, 2023 |
- |
- |
| |
|  |
61 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Consolidated |
Description |
Acquisition of property and equipment |
Acquisition of capitalized maintenance |
Acquisition of intangible |
Mainte-nance prepayment |
Maintenance reserves |
Reverse factoring |
Compensation of lease |
Compensation of accounts payable |
Acquisition of lease |
Addition the ARO |
Lease Modifications |
Transfers |
Others |
Total |
Accounts receivable |
- |
- |
- |
- |
155,555 |
- |
(75,080) |
(159,996) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(79,521) |
Aircraft sublease |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(9,467) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(27,086) |
- |
(36,553) |
Inventories |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(2,260) |
(16,012) |
(18,272) |
Deposits |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(52,964) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(52,964) |
Advances to suppliers |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Property and equipment |
530,312 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(8,535) |
(51,957) |
469,820 |
Right-of-use assets |
- |
190,710 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1,508,086 |
374,593 |
222,577 |
66,248 |
- |
2,362,214 |
Intangible assets |
- |
- |
88,053 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
88,053 |
Other assets |
- |
- |
- |
222,217 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(28,367) |
77,540 |
271,390 |
Loans and financing |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(436,428) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(436,428) |
Leases |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
84,547 |
- |
(1,514,758) |
- |
(188,988) |
- |
- |
(1,619,199) |
Accounts payable |
(530,312) |
(190,710) |
(88,053) |
(222,217) |
(102,591) |
208,804 |
- |
596,424 |
2,769 |
- |
- |
- |
(9,571) |
(335,457) |
Reverse factoring |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(208,804) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(208,804) |
Provisions |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(374,593) |
(33,589) |
- |
- |
(408,182) |
Other liabilities |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,903 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,903 |
September 30, 2024 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Consolidated |
Description |
Acquisition of property and equipment |
Acquisition of capitalized maintenance |
Acquisition of intangible |
Maintenance reserves |
credit |
Compensation of sublease |
Compensation of lease |
Acquisition of lease |
Modification |
Transfers |
Total |
Accounts receivable |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(252,842) |
- |
- |
- |
439,433 |
186,591 |
Aircraft sublease |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(21,845) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(21,845) |
Deposits |
- |
- |
- |
144,489 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(439,433) |
(294,944) |
Advances to suppliers |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(885,954) |
(885,954) |
Property and equipment |
183,072 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
23,048 |
206,120 |
Right-of-use assets |
- |
41,833 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
550,593 |
238,924 |
594,407 |
(23,239) |
1,402,518 |
Intangible assets |
- |
- |
66,379 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
192 |
66,571 |
Loans and financing |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1,067 |
1,067 |
Leases |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
21,845 |
221,406 |
(593,782) |
- |
(891,580) |
(24,207) |
(1,266,318) |
Accounts payable |
(183,072) |
(41,833) |
(66,379) |
(144,489) |
104,194 |
- |
6,662 |
10,785 |
- |
- |
933,573 |
619,441 |
Reverse factoring |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(104,194) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(104,194) |
Provisions |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(238,924) |
297,173 |
- |
58,249 |
Other assets and liabilities |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
24,774 |
32,404 |
- |
- |
(24,480) |
32,698 |
Result |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
99,282 |
- |
99,282 |
As of September 30,2023 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
| |
|  |
62 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
Through contracts with manufacturers and lessors, the
Company committed to acquiring certain aircraft, as follows:
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Lessors |
29 |
31 |
Manufacturers |
94 |
96 |
123 |
127 |
The amounts shown below are brought to present value
using the weighted discount rate for lease operations, equivalent to 15.5% (15.8% on December 31, 2023) and do not necessarily represent
a cash outflow, as the Company is evaluating the acquisition of financing to meet these commitments.
Consolidated |
Description |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
2024 |
596,824 |
916,053 |
2025 |
1,551,352 |
1,290,764 |
2026 |
6,053,956 |
4,991,454 |
2027 |
5,396,784 |
4,359,775 |
2028 |
3,229,621 |
2,595,179 |
After 2028 |
2,668,025 |
2,294,727 |
19,496,562 |
16,447,952 |
The position of the letters of credit in use by the
Company follows, for the following purposes:
Consolidated |
September 30, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Description |
R$ |
US$ |
R$ |
US$ |
Security deposits and maintenance reserve |
2,130,609 |
391,074 |
1,979,883 |
408,957 |
Bank guarantees |
7,005 |
- |
9,161 |
- |
2,137,614 |
391,074 |
1,989,044 |
408,957 |
| |
|  |
63 | |
 | AZUL S.A.
Notes to the interim condensed individual and consolidated financial statements September 30, 2024 (In thousands of Brazilian reais – R$, unless otherwise indicated) |
| |
On October 7, 2024, the Company successfully reached
commercial agreements with its lessors and OEMs representing approximately 98% of the existing share issuance obligations, subject to
certain conditions and applicable corporate approvals. As a result of the agreements it is expected to convert around R$3.1 billion of
debt into 100 million new preferred shares in a single issue.
On October 28, 2024, the Company entered into agreements
with its current holders of debt securities (“Senior Notes”) to raise up to US$500 million in additional resources, with US$150
million already received and US$250 million expected by the end of 2024 and with potential to unlock another US$100 million.
These additional resources will support the efforts
to improve the Company's cash flow by more than $150 million by reducing certain obligations with lessors and OEMs over the next 18 months.
The Company will seek additional cash flow improvements of approximately US$100 million per year and thus there is a potential conversion
into equity instruments of up to US$800 million of existing secondary secured debt, leading to an additional reduction of almost US$100
million in interest payments per year.
Elton Flavio Ribeiro
CRC 1SP 253891/O-0
Controllership, tax and internal control director
| |
|  |
64 | |
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: November 14, 2024
Azul S.A.
By: /s/ Alexandre Wagner Malfitani
Name: Alexandre Wagner Malfitani
Title: Chief Financial Officer
Gráfica de Acción Histórica
De Feb 2025 a Mar 2025
Gráfica de Acción Histórica
De Mar 2024 a Mar 2025