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ENBW Intl Finance BV

ENBW Intl Finance BV (E2DE)

Cerrado 10 Noviembre 3:00PM
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cadillacdave cadillacdave 5 minutos hace
"Where is the proof DJT isn't a penny scam"

Here's the proof - it's not a penny stock, it trades in the $30 range.

Penny stocks are thinly traded, easy to manipulate and have less oversight. None of that applies here.
GrandAdmiralThrawn GrandAdmiralThrawn 6 minutos hace
This just needs that interview update, but actually that PR would've been best for a Friday release. Hopefully we will get something tomorrow.
NY1972 NY1972 6 minutos hace
ADR targets Treg and mAb targets NK and macrophages. Interesting to me ADR working like LD to create endogenous space. Now I understand why chemo + PD1 has higher ORR than PD1 alone in NSCLC. Also explains why less toxic ADC beats ADC with more toxic payload.
doc2016 doc2016 7 minutos hace
might want to consider the effect of gpu passthrough/virtualization on the power consumption........the em state of a physical gpu isn't required in the virtual gpu or the virtual sim of quantum computer. i don't know but might be needing to clarify the energy consumption and follow their progress
ysung ysung 7 minutos hace
If MHSA is such a big deal, why no positive reaction from the market ?  
zab zab 7 minutos hace
Good for you, now what, trump losing , it's what he always does, he is America's biggest loser.
newmedman newmedman 7 minutos hace
zab zab 8 minutos hace
Get over yourself, 1/2 of America will always resist trump and his version of insanity. When he fails again, maybe you will learn something about yourself. Either way I will always be around, that's what I do.
pete807 pete807 8 minutos hace
Agree 100% It could be the path to world peace.
It supports my earlier post today. Putin may be just smart enough to join a new CSAO... common sense alliance organization, as Trump and He agree NATO is old ideas of colloquialism, and that leaves Ukraine to become part of the new order embrac
nwsun nwsun 9 minutos hace
If Loyalty and Ladin did collude, what was Loyalty going to get out of it?
Vexari Vexari 9 minutos hace
11, 12, 20, 22
Monksdream Monksdream 9 minutos hace
BHVN 10Q due 11/11
againstallodds againstallodds 9 minutos hace
Sure… and do you define revenue ?
againstallodds againstallodds 9 minutos hace
Sure… and do you define revenue ?
Guido2 Guido2 10 minutos hace
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 11 minutos hace
No doubt. First time I need a tax loss, it's gone.
William777 William777 12 minutos hace
nosfelle nosfelle 13 minutos hace
You know it, and same to you!
terbert terbert 13 minutos hace
Has anyone noticed big volume on Friday
21million shs traded
Monksdream Monksdream 13 minutos hace
CW, new 52 week high
DR_rugby DR_rugby 13 minutos hace
Not yet but the system is setup for someone to be chopped default notice issued and liquidated

Markets open
Banks closed
Bond desks closed

A market partner or participant will not be able to cove
Biotechotcguy Biotechotcguy 13 minutos hace
It's un solicited bud what do you expect right now ?

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