13 años hace
Frank Candido’s Problem
Golden Hope’s President Says A Dysfunctional Market is Killing Juniors
By Kevin Michael Grace
Wednesday should have been a good day for Golden Hope TSXV:GNH President Frank Candido. His company released the first resource estimate of its Bellechasse-Timmins gold project, and he might have expected the market to reward its pioneering work in Quebec’s Beauce region. Instead, it was pummeled. Again.
Golden Hope shares fell Wednesday from $0.125 to $0.08. Candido is weary but not surprised. He explains, “In today’s market, good news doesn’t affect the market’s view of companies. If you look at all the press releases we’ve put out since March 1, you can be the judge if the results were good or if the information was positive.”
Read more about Golden Hope's Quebec play, and how market volatility negatively affects the junior market.
13 años hace
Golden Hope President Frank Candido on Quebec assays of 1.79 g/t gold, 27.52 g/t silver over 3.8m
Golden Hope Mines Limited TSXV:GNH announced assays from its Champagne deposit in the Appalachian Fold Belt of southeastern Quebec. Results include
1.23 g/t gold, 11.71 g/t silver and 1.6% zinc over 11.7 metres
(including 1.79 g/t gold, 27.52 g/t silver and 2.77% zinc over 3.8 metres)
1.15 g/t gold, 17.24 g/t silver and 2.2% zinc over 8.2 metres
(including 2.02 g/t gold, 30.14 g/t silver and 3.56% zinc over 4.7 metres)
1.28 g/t gold, 14.33 g/t silver and 1.73% zinc over 1.7 metres
President Frank Candido tells, “Bellechase-Timmins is a diorite quartz veining-hosted gold ore body, so it’s completely distinct from Champagne, which is a volcanic sulphide deposit. There was a report published by a gentleman by the name of Bergman in 1954, which was then updated in the 1990s by the Centre Geoscientifique de Quebec, which stated there was approximately a (non-NI 43-101) 300,000-tonne deposit—very shallow because all the drilling was very shallow—[grading] 2.4 g/t gold and approximately 20 g/t silver, with copper, lead and zinc credits.
Read more about the Golden Hope Mines' gold play.
13 años hace
From Hope To Reality
Golden Hope Leads the Pack in Quebec’s Beauce
By Greg Klein
Miners love Quebec. It offers infrastructure, tax incentives, settled land claims, iron ore in the Labrador Trough, gold in James Bay and gold galore in Abitibi. But Golden Hope Mines TSXV:GNH President/Director Frank Candido’s has found gold elsewhere: in the southeast Beauce region. That’s where the company has staked most of the Bellechase Belt, which Candido hopes will be Canada’s most significant new gold find.
“The craziest thing I hear is when people say, ‘I don’t believe there’s gold in southeastern Quebec because if there was, someone would have found it already.’ That’s complete nonsense. No one’s ever looked; no one’s ever really worked it. Golden Hope has been here for 30-plus years, but for most of that time it’s done very little. Only since 2009 have we really been working.”
Read the rest of this article.
15 años hace
Jay Taylors Newsletter Write Up post his site visit on Thursday, August 26, 2010Date: Sat
Golden Hope Mines Ltd. Business: Exploring for gold in the Beauce region of Quebec Web Site: This past week I visited Golden Hope Mines’ Bellechasse property located about 120 kilometers southeast of Quebec City. I took the time to visit this property because I believe it could become a major gold deposit in an area of Quebec that has not received much gold exploration attention until now, when early work by Golden Hope is suggesting a major new gold belt for this gold rich province may be in the making. The potential of Golden Hope’s property to host a very major gold deposit seems to be quite high given: a) bulk sampling and trenching results, b) drill results and c) a 17- kilometer long-strike length of the gold bearing structure on Golden Hope’s Timmins/Ascot claims shown in the map below, not to mention numerous other claims of promise in the district also shown on the map below. The blue lines shown on the map represent the host gabbro, diorite rocks for gold. What is shown of course is on the surface so those dioritic structures may spread out horizontally at depth. But note on surface the extensive area within the green claim boundaries where those blue lines occur. Those are for sure drill targets for Golden Hope. Again, the 17 kilometer structure we are talking about covers only a small area of claims by Golden Hope and so far, within that small area, only a tiny amount of it has been drilled. Golden Hope’s prospects have many things going for it that many projects do not have. When I visited the property, we drove by road right to it. There is abundant power and water and labor in the area. There is no apparent metallurgical problems with the company’s gold mineralization that would lead to low recovery grades or to any environmental issues. And as noted, the province of Quebec is second to none when it comes t omining legislation and an even-handed approach between environmental responsibility and the economic needs of the province. I only wished the U.S. would be so sensible in its approach to clean and responsible mining. Golden Hope’s Challenge Good as its prospects appear to be at this stage of its development, investors need to be aware that Golden Hope has one challenge important challenge it will need to address. If it can explain the technical issue of the “nugget effect” effectively to the market, it need not be a problem. If it is unable to do so however, it could mean the company fails to realize the full market value for its stock. For those of you who may not be familiar with what we mean by a “nugget effect” it has to do with the erratic distribution of gold in the ground. When gold mineralization is disseminated over a large area and is evenly distributed, then you can confidently say that drill hole data are representative of gold mineralization throughout a deposit. However, if you have some larger specks or “nuggets” of gold that appear sporadically in a deposit, once in a while you may have a drill core that provides a spectacular reading of gold and many others that have very low readings. In the case of Golden Hope, thus far drill results are showing an average of about 2 grams of gold per tonne. However, the bulk sampling of those same structures at surface provided an average grade of 3 grams per tonne or a 50% increase over the drill samples. The problem for the company is that they are permitted by regulation to report only drill