2 años hace
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the above corporation was held on October 4, 2022, at 09:43 a.m. by conference call. QUORUM. Quorum was declared based on the participation of the following members: Jack Wagenti, Frederick R. Dunne, Jr., Richard Scheller, and Jenevieve Wagenti-Gillen The following corporate actions were taken by appropriate motions duly made, seconded, discussed and adopted by the majority of the vote of the Directors present and entitled to a vote: 1. Accept resignations and approve forwarding all paperwork to SEC: Resignations were given by Frederick R. Dunne, Jr., Richard Scheller, Jack Wagenti and Jenevieve Wagenti-Gillen, due to all assets, deals and contacts being stolen by Robert G. Polce Jr., former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Paul "Mike" Muncy, former Chief Operating Officer of American International Ventures, Inc. which left the company with no monies to pursue criminal action in the courts as recommended by AIVN's attorney John Dolkart, Jr. The board's last action is to forward all documentation to the SEC in hopes of protecting AIVN's shareholders. Motion by Frederick R. Dunne, Jr. and second by Jenevieve Wagenti-Gillen, after discussion the motion was approved unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: There being no other business to discuss, the meeting was duly adjourned. _/s/Jack Wagenti, Secretary
5 años hace
Silly man......that was Jack the chief financial officer and secretary. Jack brought in Mr Polce to run the company. Jack is 81 and answers the phone since this has been his creation from the very start.
He used to have controlling interest but from what I read in the filings, that now goes to the Mr Polce side of this new direction and investment.
IMO.......Jack is not going to give you "Jack shit" in information or open his mouth......especially now or even in the future. Why?.......because we do have a public relations person now that should take over as things that he used to do. I think once things get going that she will. But so far we are not there yet.
I think he is still answering the phone because of convinience/cost or whatever?....He will still do that for now and until this heats up. You got to save money where you can.
Don't judge this stock by Jack's theater. He is very good at playing this game. I have spoken to him and played this game with him for probably 20 years.
I am thinking that Mr Polce will make this happen when the conditions are right and I think they are getting more right and hopefully next year it will happen.
I don't think I can get the details out of Jack even after 20 years of talking to him and I don't even want to know them, not really...... because he can't give them and no company ever does really give them unless you sign an NDA. Now...... people often think that they do get something?......but in my expereince in investing don't.
You will always get promotion and optimism, which is ALL anyone can ever give you. This is a speculation play, yet this is how one can get rich. If this dog ever hunts? will make big money .....or loose everything.
YET.........IMO......since Mr Polce is now in charge he is heading the show and IMO this has take a grat deal or risk away since good old jack is a senior. I have not ever spoken to Mr Polce and ???........who cares right now until something is released in a PR.
After that?.......may be I will talk to investor relations because Jack, I think is "temporately doing".... that duty fro someone else.
I will say again...... by having Mr Polce now in removed the risk with Jack having to carry the whole show, which IMO......was too much at this stage in life when you are really retired. But you can answer the phone, talk about your wife and weather and some politics .....the dog?...and then refer any serious questions to the top........IMO.
I hope this helps you understand somethings here in this investment. I want it to work out. But....IMO will not get anywhere trying to pump this stock by yourself?......if that is what was going on?......What was going on?....I don't know what create the volume?
I called Jack about it and ........he said Jack shit about it, as I expected.........Haaa......haaa.!!!.....that is how the game is played.
NO one gets insider information. All that life experience taguht him to keep his big mouth shut and play dumb when needed, so he is a wise fox and you stepped into his lair.........IMO.....again and again.