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Alternaturals Inc (PK)

Alternaturals Inc (PK) (ANAS)

Cerrado 13 Marzo 2:00PM

ANAS Discussion

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devil dog 96 devil dog 96 3 semanas hace
ASK moved up to .0098 today! 👀

👍 1
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 4 semanas hace
I would not call the low volume today "loading the boat". You sound like a no proof scam theory promoter clown🤡.

"Someone loaded the boat today! Lmfao"

One thing that should be noted is this micro floater went up over 55% today on only 2,334 shares traded. 🏆️ Just wait till they start marketing her and volume picks up. We will see silver quick. Stay tuned!!

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jimr1717 jimr1717 4 semanas hace
Someone loaded the boat today! Lmfao
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 1 mes hace
ANAS has one of the best setups in the OTC by far 🏆️ We just have to wait for management to start marketing her and she goes! 🚀

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devil dog 96 devil dog 96 1 mes hace
This is nothing but NO PROOF scam theory promo filler. 😃 LMAO

"That’s absolutely wonderful. No one is fooled by the CONdog96 🤡™Clown.
No One"

Never any proof in any of your promoting. If you want traders to sell the bottom of micro floaters like ANAS then you have to add some proof to your bashing. Traders are not stupid these days. 🤡

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jimr1717 jimr1717 1 mes hace
That’s absolutely wonderful. No one is fooled by the CONdog96 🤡™Clown.

No One
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 1 mes hace
We got an ASK slapper for 40k @ .0075 so far today. Traders realize their BIDs are not getting filled and are now starting to slap that ASK. 🔥

What's your thought on this? 😃

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devil dog 96 devil dog 96 1 mes hace
My BID was in @ .0055 for 24,896 more shares. I was trying to round my position to an even # but never got a fill. When the market closed my order got canceled. I will try again tomorrow.

"Where did your bid go? Only a fool would be fooled"

With only 9k volume today I would have only got a tiny fill anyways so I'm glad I did not get them and have to pay broker fees for only 9k shares. Only a fool would want to pay broker fees for only 9k shares when the share price is in the .0050 range.

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jimr1717 jimr1717 1 mes hace
Where did your bid go? Only a fool would be fooled
jimr1717 jimr1717 1 mes hace
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 2 meses hace
She is a bottom play micro float sleeper. Yes, I agree. 🔥


I'll wake you when management starts marketing her. 😀

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jimr1717 jimr1717 2 meses hace
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 2 meses hace
BID support moved up to .0066 now. Traders are realizing they don't have much of a chance to get a fill on an 11 million unrestricted share count in the .0050 range. It's very rare to get them in the mid subs when they are this light.

Bid/Ask Size

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devil dog 96 devil dog 96 2 meses hace
I've been BID sitting at .0053 and no one will sell any shares to me. Everyone would rather keep their ANAS shares then have my money. 

We need you no proof scam theory promoter clowns🤡 to start working this board again If will even have a chance to get a fill down here. You clowns🤡 need to get back to work for us BID sitters before management announces their next story and starts marketing it. 

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jimr1717 jimr1717 2 meses hace
Bid .005? Step up to the plate
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 2 meses hace
Why did the no proof scam theory promoter clowns🤡 give up on trying to take her back to the trips? 🤔

They were working this board hard spreading no proof scam theory promo propaganda everyday and now they all moved on to new tickers to bash for some reason.

We need the promoter clowns🤡 back right away! I'm not getting any of my BIDs filled since they stopped preforming for us here. Calling all promoter clowns🤡. We need you back here now!! #teamwork

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jimr1717 jimr1717 3 meses hace
The bid needs your support again! Give those wanting your “free money” a gift!
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 3 meses hace
More no proof scam theory clown🤡 show promo filler. It never ends. 😃 LMAO

"lol this no company scam is done"

The no proof scam theory promo is a total sham!!

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jimr1717 jimr1717 3 meses hace
lol this no company scam is done
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 3 meses hace
I don't trade off of rumors that were started by no proof scam theory promoter clowns🤡. LMAO

"Keep that bid support up! The freshly printed shares should arrive soon and rumors are that they will be offering huge discounts on them so you will be thrilled.
Great job"

Why ignore the proof we are getting from their ungagged transfer agent? 😃

The no proof scam theory promo is a total sham!!

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jimr1717 jimr1717 3 meses hace
Keep that bid support up! The freshly printed shares should arrive soon and rumors are that they will be offering huge discounts on them so you will be thrilled.

Great job
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 3 meses hace
I'm the proud owner of this micro floater. Yes! 😉 I have a real nice position I have been building the past year with an avg. in the upper mid subs right now. I will keep adding down here till they start marketing her.

"You are now the proud owner of 200 bucks worth of more useless shit.
Along with the.005 buyer.
Please place your next bid
I told you, your donations are always appreciated"

Keep an eye on her for their marketing to begin. 👀 Not many have seen what an 11 million unrestricted share count bottom play can do once volume hits. It's a sight to see... Stay tuned!!

The no proof scam theory clown🤡 show promo is a total sham!!

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jimr1717 jimr1717 3 meses hace
You are now the proud owner of 200 bucks worth of more useless shit.
Along with the.005 buyer.

Please place your next bid

I told you, your donations are always appreciated
jimr1717 jimr1717 3 meses hace
You have too many scams to support the bid. Max out your credit cards your scams need help
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 3 meses hace
Thank you for the kind words. 😊 Now get to work for us! We need to get some BIDs filled here before management starts their marketing campaign.

"That’s great news. I can’t think of anyone that deserves to own shares in a no company scam like this.
Good luck"

The no proof scam theory promo is a total sham!!

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jimr1717 jimr1717 3 meses hace
That’s great news. I can’t think of anyone that deserves to own shares in a no company scam like this.
Good luck
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 3 meses hace
I'm back on the BID and @ .0060 now if any of you no proof scam theory promoter clowns🤡 want to try to trick some traders out of their shares 😀

"Buying no company pile of shit scams like these can more often than not cost you money.
If you are in need of any examples please look up the CONdog96 🤡™ Clown’s posting history and you will find many.000001, Revoked and fka tickers.
No one pumps on more piles of shit than the
CONdog96 🤡™ Clown"

We need some good old fashion bashing here if we even have a chance of anyone selling some .0060's before managements marketing begins. The no proof scam theory clown🤡 show promo just isn't cutting it anymore 🤡HONK-HONK🤡

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devil dog 96 devil dog 96 3 meses hace
You wont see any buying till they start marketing her. 🤡 How will new traders find her before then? Right now is the time to BID sit and hope you no proof scam theory promoter clowns🤡 can trick traders out of their shares down here. 😃

"Hmm, I don't see anyone buying the Zhong Nong Ding Dong SCAM."

One thing I did notice today is her BID is growing. It was over a million today @ .0055. Why do you think traders are trying to load down here before management starts marketing her? You think it's because she only has 11 million shares unrestricted? One of the lightest floats in the OTC. 🏆️

She is a rocket just waiting on her fuel. Strap in and just wait for it!!! 🚀

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jimr1717 jimr1717 3 meses hace
Buying no company pile of shit scams like these can more often than not cost you money.
If you are in need of any examples please look up the CONdog96 🤡™ Clown’s posting history and you will find many.000001, Revoked and fka tickers.
No one pumps on more piles of shit than the

CONdog96 🤡™ Clown.
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 3 meses hace
Hmm, I don't see anyone buying the Zhong Nong Ding Dong SCAM.
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 3 meses hace
Buying micro floats after there's interest is how to get stuck holding the bags. You have to be smart enough to find these amazing setup before the interest does. Your thinking is reckless and it don't even make any sense to experienced traders like me. 🤡 LMAO

"There is no volume man. No interest in this scam."

If ANAS were a scam there would be selling volume into the BID support and their unrestricted share count would not still be only 11 million one of the smallest in the OTC for years. I don't think they would be note and debt free either. 👀 Are you even doing any DD here or is the no volume enough for you? 🤡HONK-HONK🤡

The no volume is everyone holding tight till management starts marketing her. New trader wont find her till the marketing begins. How will they? This ticker has not been marketed in a long time allowing her to lose all her value over time on very light volume. She is a rocket just waiting on the fuel. Strap in already!!! 🚀

Thinking a ticker is a scam because of no volume sounds like something a no proof scam theory promoter clown🤡 would promoted when they have nothing bad they can come up with to smear a ticker that everyone is holding tight on. 😃 LMAO The no proof scam theory promoter clowns🤡 don't even realize the volume will start once their marketing starts. Why would it start before then? Right now it's time to BID sit and collect what you can down here.

The no proof scam theory promo is a total sham!!

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Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 3 meses hace
There is no volume man. No interest in this scam.
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 4 meses hace
Here comes more no proof scam theory promo propaganda😃 LMAO

"Dead ass shell scam."

Huggy Bear why not show some proof of them scamming? Wouldn't that be a bit more convincing? 👀

I doubt this no proof nonsense will get anyone to sell these levels. You have to come up with something better then this garbage if you want shareholders to sell. 😄

The no proof scam theory clown🤡 show promo is a total sham!!

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Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 4 meses hace
Dead ass shell scam.
jimr1717 jimr1717 4 meses hace
Absolutely Zero
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 4 meses hace
With no one selling into the BID how will we see volume? The ASK slapping volume wont start till management starts marketing her. How will traders find her before then?

"Most certainly pay attention to the volume.
Zero is a very good indicator of not one person is foolish enough to buy this fraud.
Most would find that easy to comprehend."

If she had volume already we would not have the amazing buying opportunity that we have right now. You either don't understand how the OTC works or you are just playing dumb because your a no proof scam theory promoter clown🤡. It's that simple.

The no proof scam theory promo is a total sham!!

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jimr1717 jimr1717 4 meses hace
Most certainly pay attention to the volume.
Zero is a very good indicator of not one person is foolish enough to buy this fraud.
Most would find that easy to comprehend.
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 4 meses hace
I think it's best to not listen to the NO PROOF scam theory promoter clowns🤡.

"It's best to Not have owned a pos like this with that chart for the past 6 years.
No One is Fooled by the CONdog96 🤡™
Absolutely no one"

If your only going to buy the rips and not the dips then you should not be trading micro float bottom plays like ANAS. That's how you get fast tracked into becoming a no proof scam theory broke promoter clown. 😀 LMAO

You need to understand when an OTC ticker is not marketed in years they lose all their value. What needs to be looked at when this happens is if their unrestricted share count (float) has gone up as the share price came down. In this case she lost all her value over all those years of not marketing with them still having a micro 11 million unrestricted share count. This is what experienced traders look for when looking for a monster setup to play. We just need them to start marketing her and she goes. 🚀

I think you need to brush up on how share structures and the OTC work before giving trading advice like you do. 😃 LMAO

The no proof scam theory promo is a total sham!!

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jimr1717 jimr1717 4 meses hace
It's best to Not have owned a pos like this with that chart for the past 6 years.

No One is Fooled by the CONdog96 🤡™


Absolutely no one
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 4 meses hace
You seem to have some interest or you would not be wasting your time reading and posting on this board. 🤡 None of the no proof scam theory promoter clowns🤡 would be posting here if they were not interested. 👀

"Doesn't seem to be any interest in this Chinese OTC scam."

The ASK slapping interest will come once management starts marketing her. It's just common sense sh*t if you understand how the OTC works.

To bad your no proof scam theory promo propaganda is not tricking any traders out of the shares down here. 👀 I would love to see you guys get us some BIDs filled in the mid subs. What a shame no one is buying your no proof BS. 😃

I'm getting back on the BID now that the no proof scam theory clown🤡 show promo started back up here. It's always best to BID sit on micro float bottom plays like ANAS. You never know, someone might fall for your no proof nonsense. 🙏

ANAS has one of the best setups in the OTC by far with her micro 11 million unrestricted share count (float) and her sub penny share price.

These guys let her lose all her value over time because they stopped marketing her in 2022. They let her lose all her value while keeping her unrestricted share count micro. We have something very special here. 🏆️ We just have to wait for management to start marketing her again and she goes 🚀 Stay tuned!!!

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jimr1717 jimr1717 4 meses hace
Absolutely….. Zero
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 4 meses hace
Doesn't seem to be any interest in this Chinese OTC scam.
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 5 meses hace
All BUYs again today! 🔥

I love seeing this kind of action on micro float bottom plays like ANAS.

Things are starting to heat up now. 🔥🔥🔥

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Welcome2Pinkyland Welcome2Pinkyland 5 meses hace
I'm ready $ANAS $$
threewheeler threewheeler 5 meses hace
ANAS r/m plays are the best, lets get one here
devil dog 96 devil dog 96 5 meses hace
BID support building big now. 👀 She seems like she is going to be waking back up soon. Very exciting being she is a micro floater trading the mid subs.

Very explosive combination. 💥🚀

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devil dog 96 devil dog 96 5 meses hace
Nice ASK slapping out of nowhere today. Could be a sign that something is brewing behind the scene. Keep a close eye on her. 👀

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devil dog 96 devil dog 96 7 meses hace
This micro floater wont explode till management starts marketing her. 🤡

"Almost a hundred bucks in volume! It’s ready to explode"

We were the chosen ones to find her first before their marketing has begun. Remember she has not had news since 2022. They are getting ready to fire this one back up. That's why they caught all their fillings up and brought her current today. Load what you can down here and stay tuned!! 🤑

It's best to understand how the OTC works before giving everyone trading advice here. 😃 ANAS is one of the best micro float bottom plays in the OTC by far. We just have to wait for their marketing campaign to begin and she goes. 🚀

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jimr1717 jimr1717 7 meses hace
Almost a hundred bucks in volume! It’s ready to explode
😂 1 🤣 1
Welcome2Pinkyland Welcome2Pinkyland 7 meses hace
Good news. $ANAS for the win $$
🗑️ 1 🚽 1

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