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Bioadaptives Inc (PK)

Bioadaptives Inc (PK) (BDPTD)

Cerrado 25 Noviembre 3:00PM

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tapioca tapioca 9 horas hace
Right, as it did Friday down 50% in no time flat. In fact any shareholder including myself can unload what I have left, and take it right down.
MC10459 MC10459 1 día hace
With such a low OS, this can move up and down very dramatically. 
👍️ 1
MC10459 MC10459 1 día hace
The number of shares available. There's only 4 million outstanding shares. Very low. As a matter of fact, if this snake oil salesman of a ceo can pump this thing, it could move up very quickly. I'm going to watch closely.
Hopefully,  he doesn't increase the OS by selling a bunch of shares right away. Unfortunately,  I'm sure he will in the near future. That's how he pays himself. No real revenue from products.
tapioca tapioca 1 día hace
It’s already at .05 and was down 50% Fri. Why do you think it’ll take longer than a Christmas date to go sub penny ..
MC10459 MC10459 2 días hace
It will take longer than that, but it will happen when he starts selling shares again. And he will. That's why he did this. If he actually has something up his sleeve to generate income then maybe this will become something. I wouldn't hold my breath.
LJ-Bodhi LJ-Bodhi 3 días hace
Well, the reverse split went through which means there are now just over 4 million shares. It is very important to keep in mind that the Authorized Shares remain at 1.25 billion because they do not get automatically adjusted with a split. The company already disclosed in its quarterly reports that the plan to fund operations is to offer new shares for cash and also there are outstanding convertible notes which the lender can continue to convert to keep raising the OS. Dilution is never good for the share price, so I agree with the predictions on sub-penny with this rinse and repeat share structure. The November quarterly report is the last until the annual report which is due next April 2025. That will allow for 4 months of conversions/dumping before the OS is updated to let folks know how many new diluted shares are added. That shareholder letter explaining how the reverse split would get this stock out of pennyland to become more attractive to investors is not going to age well.
Willy Willy 3 días hace
It will be back in the trips in no time.
👍️ 1
tapioca tapioca 3 días hace
Anyone want to place a bet on when this will be sub penny again…? I’d say before Christmas is a safe bet.
👍 2
DK11 DK11 3 días hace
Ceo dropped it, moron needed more funds
unvctrader9m unvctrader9m 4 días hace
How’s the movie?
Looks like bloody one!
Let’s see who’s going to be the first A$$howle to pump this scam after r/s
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 4 días hace
Renee Renee 4 días hace
BDPT one for 300 reverse split:
LJ-Bodhi LJ-Bodhi 6 días hace
Quarterly Report is out with zero revenues last quarter. The company is changing up its products so it will be a complete guess how future sales will progress. One thing is for certain, it is a rinse and repeat stinky pinky stock when it comes to issuing new shares to fund operations. They reported the following new shares which nearly maxes out the AS (currently 1.25 billion shares):

Common Stock

The Company is authorized to issue 1,250,000,000 shares of $0.0001 par value common stock.

As of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, there were 1,231,728,974 and 895,760,225 shares of the Company’s common stock issued and outstanding, respectively. In addition, as of September 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, there were 10,000 shares of the Company’s common stock issuable.

Fiscal year 2024

During the nine months ended September 30, 2024, the Company issued 335,968,749 shares of common stock valued at $202,643 for conversion of debt.

The company clearly disclosed it will issue more shares throughout the year for operating cash, so expect an 8K filing down the road increasing the AS above 1.25 billion shares to make room for the rinse and repeat. All the new shares will continue to put downward pressure on the stock price. It will be interesting if they can generate any future volume on product press releases or social media rumors. Seems dead for now.
Ribo Ribo 1 semana hace
DK11 DK11 2 semanas hace
This news was a total nothing Burger. Totally dead stock not even a R/S will help this sinking ship.
Running out of shares to sell so an RS is likely
Rainer Rainer 2 semanas hace
BurgerKing82 BurgerKing82 2 semanas hace
When is RS happening
dig4gold dig4gold 2 semanas hace
I had a brief conversation with our CEO on LinkedIn and expressed my concerns with any reverse split. He assures me he will exceed our expectations. Time will tell. There’s always 1 in a million.
MC10459 MC10459 3 semanas hace
They killed this stock. Let's see if they were smart to anticipate this and have a strategy to revive it after the planned R/S. I doubt it. It's a wash rinse repeat.
kaisdaboss88 kaisdaboss88 4 semanas hace
ouch CEO IS A TURD like SLDC CEO wash rinse repeat 
Dasqeezr Dasqeezr 4 semanas hace
Well this has turned into a pile of DUNG.
👍 1
MC10459 MC10459 4 semanas hace
Nice to hear from another realist.
DK11 DK11 4 semanas hace
I made a statement falsely earlier I asked AI about a R/S and it told me Nov. 1. But that isn't true.
RD2012 RD2012 4 semanas hace
It's a simple process called "rinse and repeat". Sounds like post R/S they may land up selling another billion plus shares at 0.0001 to raise another $100K for salaries etc. Although I still feel there will be a run before the official R/S happens.
👍️ 1
WorkinGreen WorkinGreen 4 semanas hace
No date in what they posted so far.
Unless I am missing it.
Rainer Rainer 4 semanas hace
do you know when the proposed date is? TIA
INTHEKNOW1 INTHEKNOW1 4 semanas hace
R/S official upon proper forms being filed and not until then... Seen this movie more than once. LOL
dig4gold dig4gold 4 semanas hace
What a joke. This guy wiped out all investors money instead of at least making an effort to increase the share price. This should be illegal but it’s the OTC and anything goes.
Ribo Ribo 4 semanas hace
8k, RS Info
DK11 DK11 4 semanas hace
What gets me is this new CEO has been here for awhile now and we heard nothing in all that time. Then he states things will start to happen happen in weeks months probably years. BTW come Friday that's when R/S takes effect
MC10459 MC10459 4 semanas hace
I'm wondering when trading platforms and OTC Markets will depict the new share structure. I've never been in a stock that has done this, nor have I wanted to be. I think it's just a way to wash, rinse, repeat. I venture to bet they will start diluting shortly after the R/S occurs. Their products don't make anything, so to support their livelihood they have to make money some way.
DK11 DK11 4 semanas hace
I have no excuse, I must of been sleep walking to get involved with this disaster of a so called Company. A blind man would been able to see the financial report was just totally horrible. Shit after I retired I did some door dashing to stay busy my profits from dashing was better than this shit hole. Well sometimes you just got to bite the bullet when you screw up, just get out and never look back. I do damn good DD in all my other positions now and am doing very well finding good Companies. GLTA if you leave like me don't look back
Nezitic Nezitic 4 semanas hace
Let's be real, thanx to this RS a lot of us lost money, seems they overthinking, nobody will buy this a long period even after RS, they killed stock themselves, what a great management lol, nobody cares about their new line, flushed down with water...
👍️ 1
On Jan. 1, 2020, BioAdaptives® had 18,576,379 shares of common stock issued and outstanding. Then, stock was traded for funding to raise money to develop business plans, with the money spent on those plans. Unfortunately, the plans did not work, and the process was repeated until the quarterly report ending June 30, 2024, showed 1,231,728,974 common shares issued and outstanding without increasing revenue. That is roughly a 6,530% increase in shares in less than five years without success in the business plan. For BioAdaptives Inc. to reach just $1.00 per share, the market would have to view BioAdaptives as a $1,213,728,974 company. That number of shares guarantees the stock will remain in the sub-penny range.

Why is BioAdaptives® planning a reverse stock split?

When the new management took over, it was mutually agreed with past management that a new direction and a reverse split were needed. There was no sense in completing a reverse split until an achievable plan was in place that allowed the company to grow and have substance. Over the next few weeks and months, several outstanding products will be brought to market, and we expect BioAdaptives® to soon see increased revenue followed by profitability. The new CEO, James Keener, has a history of turning around underperforming companies. He stopped everything and changed direction to turn BioAdaptives® around. He moved because he is committed to making BioAdaptives® a genuine company with meaningful revenue, profits and share price.

The new product line has solid science behind it and high efficacy. We will soon be producing new offerings as we fill out our lines of human and animal products.

The marketing plan for our new products is much more comprehensive, with new distribution channels and standout packaging. This reverse is just one crucial step to turning around an underperforming company. I lost all my gains, but I am going to hold my position through this process. It’s a gamble I am willing to take the risk.
HulkInvestment HulkInvestment 4 semanas hace
RS is real - news out

AverageJoe AverageJoe 4 semanas hace
1.2 Billion O/S looks good, why R/S?! 750 million float you friggin kidding me? What are we doing management? You guys have multiple other options than to do the kiss of death R/S!! Publicly traded company, ownership can go private equity/venture capitalist. Buyback. Or how bout actually selling product!! Nope, you want to erase investors hard earned money in hopes of attracting more investors because of the new artificial stock price. unreal
👍️ 1
Bluehorseshoe66 Bluehorseshoe66 4 semanas hace
Based on the two day trend , they wont be in business next week. Not amused...
dig4gold dig4gold 4 semanas hace
Yes it says it started trading at the split adjusted price October 25th. What is going on here?
DK11 DK11 4 semanas hace
Something tells me they will do it anyway again.
MC10459 MC10459 4 semanas hace
The split is done according to the letter.
MC10459 MC10459 4 semanas hace
What is positive is the volume. People are eating up shares.
LJ-Bodhi LJ-Bodhi 4 semanas hace
Why lash out just because facts are somehow disappointing? Here are some more facts to consider as part of what investors should be researching as due diligence. James Keener does have a track record.....and it's not very good. Remember how the BDPT press release touted him as a seasoned marketing and turnaround specialist:

That Hawaii construction company is called Handy Andy. It is a noble business that helps veterans transition into meaningful employment. And there are reputable reports that the company was growing fast in 2019. However, public business filings in Hawaii paint the picture of what happened afterwards under the management of Mr. Keener:

That company was registered as an LLC with Keener as the manager. The annual filings are basic forms and fees for an LLC. Keener could not manage to fulfill those basic tasks in 2020, 2021, and 2022, until the company was administratively terminated in 2023. Again, don't take my word for it, just read the public document I linked.

Thankfully, Handy Andy is going strong under the management of Andy C. who is a true veteran and there is no mention of Keener on the Yelp page:

Meet the Manager
Business owner information
Andy C.


After ten years of serving the military, I felt it was time to start a new chapter in my life and join my family in Hawaii. When doing so, I experienced a variety of obstacles and hurdles to overcome, like something as simple as finding a job.

I had developed crucial skills and experience while serving the country, and while very useful in the day to day life of a civilian, they didn't exactly build up a proper résumé suitable for the business industry. Even though most companies and people appreciate veterans, it was difficult to find a job afterwards, because I had to compete with guys of my age, who used the last ten years to get degrees and working experience.

Many fellow soldiers and brothers of mine also had a very tough time readjusting in modern society. They felt like they lost their purpose, often suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. In 2016, a documented 20 veterans committed suicide each day.

Only Keener knows the truth about when his connections with Handy Andy ended, and under what circumstances, but basic failures with LLC filings leading to administrative termination of that private business formation do not bode well considering much more stringent public filing requirements for a company like BDPT. He was already late on the first quarterly report under his watch. Now he posts, removes, then reposts a shareholder letter about a reverse split that mentions a shareholder meeting and corporate decisions that needed to be publicly disclosed ahead of time.

Like I said before, BDPT is a gamble and anything can happen on the OTC. But actual facts should be considered and folks should not be attacked for sharing truth.
MC10459 MC10459 4 semanas hace
BDPT are either very smart, complete idiots, or a share selling scam. If they have an ace up their sleeve to generate interest, then maybe the RS will work. At this point, I don't believe their very smart. I would be very surprised if their "new product" the weight loss supplement will help, unless it's truly a cut above the hundreds of other weight loss supplements out there. They're not only competing with other weight loss supplements, but they're also competing with the popularity of real weight drugs out there. All their products have, more or less, been copycats of products already on the market. IMO
AverageJoe AverageJoe 4 semanas hace
Well I'm bummed now. My experience in R/S stocks is not good but maybe this will be the one out of hundreds of R/S's that makes it out alive. Sigh.
Ribo Ribo 4 semanas hace
Letter to Shareholders

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Letter to Shareholders

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© 2024 BioAdaptives® Inc. All rights reserved.
tapioca tapioca 4 semanas hace
Then the company needs to make an announcement that there is no R/S on the table. If they do, it will shoot right back up. If not, it’ll continue to languish in the trips indefinitely, as it has for many many months already…
INTHEKNOW1 INTHEKNOW1 4 semanas hace
One must ask, WHY would a ticker with a SS this small resort to a R/S. This is the OTC and we are gamblers. Money is made fading the public. In the 50 years or so I have been trading, I have made fortunes on plays just like this. Is there a possibility of a R/S sure. Do I think it is imminent.......NO! Hey it's your money, do what you like with it. I for one am willing to take advantage of the panic selling. After all, it's only money. GL everyone.
👍️ 2
tapioca tapioca 4 semanas hace
Having to go back 30 years to find an example of a successful otc r/s is proof enough that 99.9% of pinkies doing this decimate shareholders. This company doesn’t have enough going on to carry it upward following such a big R/S.
Done if it happens. IMO
BTW, The CEO did mention new New product. We just gonna have to wait and see.

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