NEW YORK, March 25, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- With all of
the data being collected today, many businesses are developing what
amounts to a big data problem. Collecting massive amounts of
data about customers' buying preferences or a product's performance
in the marketplace is not useful unless that data can be quickly
analyzed to make real-time business decisions. The problem is
choosing the right solution for a specific organization's unique
"big data" needs. Does the company need to crunch both
structured and unstructured data? Is an in-memory solution the
answer? What about purpose-built appliances like SAP HANA – how
does the CIO decide what solution is right and what size appliance
will be the best fit? To help, Logicalis US, an international
IT solutions and managed services provider (,
has created a Data Transformation Journey roadmap; a series of four
videos featuring expert Dan Quirk,
SAP Practice Leader for Logicalis US; and an SAP HANA sizing tool
to help customers narrow down the choices and find the right
solution to put the knowledge they need at their fingertips.

"CIOs and their IT staffs – particularly storage administrators
– are feeling the pressure of all this data and how to best manage
it. In effect, the influx of data coupled with the need to
store, manage and analyze that data is forcing companies to undergo
a data transformation, a journey that adds agility and higher-value
services while simultaneously reducing costs for the organization,"
says Bob Hankins, Vice President,
Data and Storage Solutions, Logicalis US. "Even though
companies are undergoing these changes, few have been able to
articulate what those changes are in a way that outlines a specific
process, giving them a roadmap to follow. At Logicalis, we
have done just that with our Data Transformation Journey. Big
data and data analytics are an important piece of this roadmap, and
while they are beginning to be a driving force for change within
the IT organization, they aren't the only factors to be
considered. It's critical that companies recognize where they
are, where they're headed, and strategically plan their IT to meet
those needs."
"Clearly, big data is not something that's hypothetical anymore;
big data is real. When we talk about 'big data,' we're
talking about the ways organizations are leveraging both structured
and unstructured data types to obtain actionable information in
real time. We're talking about data sets that are so large
and complex that they become difficult to process using traditional
applications," Logicalis' Quirk says. "As a result, every
company that collects large amounts of data has a big data
'problem' simply because of all the data they are gathering, and it
is this problem – this pain point – that is driving change in the
way data is gathered, stored, managed and analyzed. If
companies want to make use of all that data, they have to provide
the support and the IT infrastructure to solve these very complex
business problems. One way to do that is with business
analytics solutions – SAP HANA, for example. Choosing a
solution like SAP HANA from the myriad of possible solutions –
that's the hard part. This is a speed-of-thought world; as
transactions are happening, organizations need to be able to report
against those transactions in real time, both storing and analyzing
the data on the fly. There's no one-size-fits-all solution to
big data problems. The key is to start with a solid strategy
and make decisions along the way that help unlock the business
value in the data that's being collected."
Unlock the Value of Big Data
To help clients identify
the right business analytics solution for their company, Logicalis
US has created a series of videos and an appliance-sizing tool for
those interested in SAP HANA.
- What is Big Data: In this informational video, Logicalis
expert Dan Quirk defines big data,
discusses the technology surrounding it, and offers examples of the
ways organizations are using the technology to meet their needs for
real-time data analysis.
- What is SAP HANA: SAP HANA is a big data management
platform running on purpose-built hardware designed for both data
storage and data analytics. In this brief video, Logicalis'
Quirk discusses the use case for SAP HANA.
- What is SAP Modernization: Most companies are on a two-
to five-year refresh cycle for the equipment that makes up their
SAP environment. Here, Quirk describes how a new, more modern
SAP environment can take advantage of cloud capabilities, leverage
new technologies, be more efficient for power and cooling, meet
end-user demand and lower total cost of ownership.
- SAP Cloud: What You Need to Know: What does cloud
computing mean for an SAP environment? Quirk tackles tough issues
like security in the cloud; private, public or hybrid environments;
industry regulations and flexibility.
- What Size SAP HANA is the Right Size: Use Logicalis' SAP
HANA sizing calculator to get an idea of the sizing options and fit
for an SAP HANA environment.
Want to Learn More?
- How can knowing where a company is along its Data
Transformation Journey jumpstart IT discussions and lead to higher
value services at lower costs? Click here to find out:
- SmartPros, a leading provider of accredited professional
education and training to Fortune 500 companies, recently tapped
Logicalis' Dan Quirk as an expert
for its WatchIT video, "Introduction to In-Memory Database
Systems," part of the SmartPros eCampus Learning Management
System. Watch this video here:
- Visit Logicalis' SAP HANA microsite here:
- Download a free Logicalis eBook, "The Need for Speed," as well
as other resources here:
About Logicalis
Logicalis is an international
IT solutions and managed services provider with a breadth of
knowledge and expertise in communications and collaboration; data
center and cloud services; and managed services.
Logicalis employs nearly 3,500 people worldwide, including
highly trained service specialists who design, specify, deploy and
manage complex ICT infrastructures to meet the needs of almost
6,000 corporate and public sector customers. To achieve this,
Logicalis maintains strong partnerships with technology leaders
such as Cisco, HP, IBM, CA Technologies, EMC, NetApp, Microsoft,
VMware and ServiceNow.
The Logicalis Group has annualized revenues of over $1.4 billion from operations in Europe, North
America, South America and
Asia Pacific and is fast
establishing itself as one of the leading IT and Communications
solution integrators specializing in the areas of advanced
technologies and services.
The Logicalis Group is a division of Datatec Limited, listed on
the Johannesburg and London AIM
Stock Exchanges, with revenues of over $5
For more information, visit
Business and technology working as one
To learn more about Logicalis activities through
a variety of social media outlets, click here.
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Media contacts:
Lisa Dreher, VP, Marketing &
Business Development,
Logicalis US
Karen Franse, Communication
Strategy Group for Logicalis US
SOURCE Logicalis US