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Yasheng Group (PK)

Yasheng Group (PK) (HERB)

Cerrado 24 Marzo 2:00PM

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modes948 modes948 2 horas hace
Thanks for the update.Good to hear because they used to file I think much earlier than the deadline and with their history it was worrying that they have yet to file.
Let's see also if there is anything encouraging in the filing and not just the usual stuff.
aandt aandt 14 horas hace
I wrote the to company last week and asked if they were intending to get their Annual Report filed on time?

Here is the response I got over the weekend -

we plan to file by the end of this month.


Huirong Zhang
Vice President
Yasheng Group

Hopefully the filing will include some insights into what is going on with the name change filing and what that means for the future direction of the company?
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spartyJ spartyJ 3 semanas hace
Thanks for that update Snow, I will ask again in another months and sure I will have the same response. Sounds a lot like that other scam SAIF doesn’t it?
snow snow 3 semanas hace
sparty RD has still not received his cash grant or the salary that he is owed.
spartyJ spartyJ 1 mes hace
How is this coming along Snow?
aandt aandt 1 mes hace
It's been awfully quiet here. Hopefully the company will find a way to actually accomplish something useful for once sometime this year. We should get an annual filing next month.

Maybe there will be some clues in there related to what is going on with the name change filing.
snow snow 2 meses hace
sparty Things look more hopeful now than for a long time. In the past the plan has been that Laxmi would go to Hong Kong to transfer money, but it has never happened until recently because circumstances did not make it possible for him to achieve his purpose. Now it has at long last happened. Why did he make that long and expensive trip if he did not have a good chance to achieve what was the purpose of the trip? According to what RD has posted on a different board the plan is to transfer money quite early in February.
😮 1 🤞 1
LVerstee LVerstee 2 meses hace
The trillion dollar question.
spartyJ spartyJ 3 meses hace
How is "the plan" coming along? You have the lawyers locked in on speed dial?
🤞 1
aandt aandt 3 meses hace
Yeah I was thinking that, hopefully you will be able to start buying soon.

It does seem as though they are up to something. But we already know they move rather slowly.
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RealDutch RealDutch 3 meses hace
Nah, only after I am done buying more shares
😅 1
aandt aandt 3 meses hace
Hmm... interesting.

Could this be a sign of other corporate actions coming?
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RealDutch RealDutch 3 meses hace
Humanoid Inc?

Hard to keep up with these guys
😮 1 🤔 1
RealDutch RealDutch 3 meses hace
The ITUP board has no value anymore, except what I post from time to time 😀

Yes, there have been many delays and the company is struggling. But we are also making good progress. Long story, short, there is a 60% probability that I will start buying HERB in december, and 90% in January. We will get there.
🤞 2
downthehatch downthehatch 3 meses hace
Holding a chunk of this now.
I may wait and see whether you actually get paid.
From what I read on the ITUP board, there have been a string of promises to pay, with no actual payments made.
Correct me if I am wrong.
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RealDutch RealDutch 3 meses hace
$0.08 available today. I suggest you take it.

I will be able to buy $200,000 worth of HERB stock every month, assuming things go as planned with the dividends we are expecting from MyCow companies. And I can probably increase that throughout the year. So we should be able to get to $0.50 after a couple of months. I may take it up to a dollar even. I can do whatever I want.
🤞 2
LVerstee LVerstee 4 meses hace
@snow 😂🤣
snow snow 4 meses hace
Thanks for the information, RD!
RealDutch RealDutch 4 meses hace
According to the current schedule that the company provided, I will get paid some money on the 20th. Then some more on the 23rd, 30th, 7th of January etc.
I will not be giving you any exact dates when I receive the money but we should be up and running after Christmas. If they stick to the plan. We will get there.
😂 1 🤞 1 🤣 1
LVerstee LVerstee 4 meses hace
@snow there you have it. Escape route taken hand and foot. Now you have given them another week minimum while CITI (if it were true) would have finished it today
Wednesday the latest falling in 24 to 48hrs timeframe.

Yes, Snow. And it takes only a day once I receive the money and then we will be in business
RealDutch RealDutch 4 meses hace
Yes, Snow. And it takes only a day once I receive the money and then we will be in business.
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LVerstee LVerstee 4 meses hace
@snow please do NOT create additional escape routes for them. AML was supposedly passed so it should be Wednesday the latest. He claimed those 442 wires were scheduled. 🤔 Let's see what excuses come next.

Below from CITI site.

Citi typically opens accounts within 24 to 48 hours upon completion of the Know Your Customer process and delivery of the correctly completed account opening documentation package
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snow snow 4 meses hace
RD I have the ompression that Laxmi was upbeat in his e-mail yesterday about the coming bank account with City-Bank since the hassle regarding anti.laundering measures now seems out of the way and activation of the account can be expected soon. But my impression is that it takes some days to pay more than 400 accuounts. Therefore it now looks most likely that you will recei ve the transfer of money not this week but next week.
🤞 1
RealDutch RealDutch 4 meses hace
We also have an intro page if you scroll down, that tells the story of the asset swap in 2015.
$2.3 billion of assets were swapped out in exchange for roughly the same in high value (cash generating) plantations.
Then they went dark.... the bastards.
Until a couple of years ago when they started filing again.
And now a lot of those assets are gone, as well as all the cash that should have been generated between 2015 and now.
We are talking like 70%+ profit margin on these assets, which is huge. Similar to Nvidia
We don't know what's going on. The company says they have to resolve things (with the Gansu government?).
In the filings they do state they have assets that are off-balance sheet.
They tried special dividends and spin-offs but FINRA didn't allow any of it.
Presumably because the company is keeping the value of the friggin assets hidden from us. So what do you expect...

Just another problematic Chinese company, like so many.
But there could be some very good value here.
If we add all the assets and cash generated then this could be a $20 or $30 stock.
So my belief is that they are keeping > 90% of all assets off-balance sheet.
But we don't know for sure.

The Gansu government can't just rip us off, can they?
That is the big question.
👍️ 1 😮 1 🤞 1
aandt aandt 4 meses hace
Since you are Chinese, you can probably do some of your own digging for more info.

What really matters here is the connection to the Gansu Provincial government. If you look at the filings, 83% of HERB is owned/controlled by Gansu Yasheng Salt Chemical Industrial Group. Salt Chemical is a subsidiary of Gansu Agricultural Reclamation Group, here is a Chinese article that details the history- You can do your own research on Salt Chemical and the Gansu government connections.

The company has several things going on, the financials are good, profitable, etc. But there are assets and value currently off balance sheet after the 2015 asset swap that should eventually be resolved. That's what most here are really holding on for, and what RD is seeing as future value. They have tried a few different corporate exercises to distribute value and perhaps execute an exit, but they have not been able to get past FINRA roadblocks. It has been a long wait, but I still believe some form of resolution is coming.
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LVerstee LVerstee 4 meses hace
It seems someone has finally had a realization.
snow snow 4 meses hace
Guong I suggest you follow the advice of RD. I often assess matters in a bad way and I am 82 years ago and don't have the energy to help you out.
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RealDutch RealDutch 4 meses hace
Perhaps Aandt or MM can help you out. I have explained the story many times but I think I will pass this time. Besides, I have a special interest in the company now 😃. Aandt can actually read Chinese.
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Guong Diaz Guong Diaz 4 meses hace
I am not new to stock but yes I am new here on hub
I would like if you guide me about this or other wonderful projects going on here
I am from china & I got here after doing few research
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snow snow 4 meses hace
Guong After checking your posting history my impression is that you are totally new to the stock market. I would therefore suggest that you get some more experience before you make investments. "Alias Born: 11/21/2024 06:12:30 AM )
Guong Diaz Guong Diaz 4 meses hace
I would love to take risk and RD getting paid in what millions/billions as you're suggesting?
LVerstee LVerstee 4 meses hace
Okay Mr. IF!
snow snow 4 meses hace
The post is stupid because it does not address the issue I raise. It is irrelevant.
LVerstee LVerstee 4 meses hace
I don’t need to revisit your post, and here’s why. Your entire reasoning hinges on a single word IF!

The phrase "If RD becomes a billionaire" makes it clear that your argument is entirely dependent on the hypothetical scenario of RD becoming a billionaire.

And so far we have only been fed lies. So what makes you think you can label SpartyJ's post stupid?
snow snow 4 meses hace
Sparty Your weakness is that you seem unable to understand the logical implications of what you write.
snow snow 4 meses hace
Guong If RD receives a lot of money as early as next week my view is that it is a very good time to invest if you pay 10 cents per share. But there is a real risk that he will not receive the money next week. He himself estimates that there is a 30% risk that he will not receive the money next week and a 70% chance that he will. I have little reason to disagree with that assessment. Even if he does not receive the money next week there But I am far from being risk-averse.
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snow snow 4 meses hace
RD That was what I expected. To me a good approach is to sell enough shares to at least have a nice profit. Then any remaining shares will be free. If the published numbers are correct the shares are not expensive even at 50 cents. I have no way to ascertain if the published numbers are correct.
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snow snow 4 meses hace
LV You need to read my post at least once more. My post is just simple logic and numbers. I express no opinion on the value of this company. I just pinpoint the logical fallacies of the post I address.
spartyJ spartyJ 4 meses hace
Yes....I am the delusional one. Can't make this stuff up.
RealDutch RealDutch 4 meses hace
Long time ago I was invested in AltairNano (ALTI) in the US. I thought (was certain) they had a superior battery tech using lithium-titanate that could do 30,000 cycles (10x more than other li-ion batteries) and you could fast charge in just 6 minutes. It was a startup company and their battery was perfectly suited for electric buses because it had high power and lower energy density compared to other li-ion batteries. Perfect for electric buses if you charge them every 30 - 60 minutes in route. The battery was also suitable for frequency regulation and perhaps trucks etc.

Anyway, the DOE (Department of Energy) in the US was handing out subsidies at the time and guess what? ALTI got none. Zero. Typical, right. The company struggled because the battery was more expensive obviously and most clients went for cheap. No surprise there either, right?

However, a Chinese company was paying close attention and was very much interested, which also happened to produce electric buses... They had been following (spying on) our message board for years and ended up acquiring 50% of ALTI. We as shareholders weren't happy because the price was not what we had in mind but perhaps the collaboration would still result in big success? Like sacrificing the queen in chess so you can win the game and claim victory.

But they made a mess. Cultural differences and all that. I think they had 6 different CEO's in under a year time. And the company was delisted eventueally and the shares became worthless.

Recently I had a look at that Chinese company. They still mention ALTI on their website and are still using the technology. They had a whopping 12% stake in the Chinese market for electric buses in 2021. Which is a big market there. It was just a startup like ALTI 15 years ago. Of course the ALTI shares are still dead. Deregistered. I have no idea if they are worth anything now.

Why I am telling this?

1) To show you how right you can be, and still not profit from it. You usually never do with startup companies.
2) Because HERB could be a similar story where the shares have no value now, but could be worth a lot later on.
3) Because ITUP will be involved in electric buses. Yes sir. And I told them all about this story and the superior battery tech that exists out there. And they will go for it. Over a 20-year period this battery will be roughly 4x cheaper than what other companies are using.

SIAF should have been a winner as well. But it was mismanaged and always had financing issues. HERB could still be a winner. And ITUP/MyCow probably will be a winner although they will face some struggles ahead, for sure.
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Guong Diaz Guong Diaz 4 meses hace
Is it right time to invest?
RealDutch RealDutch 4 meses hace
Probably I will take the price up to $0.50 and keep it there throughout 2025. Put in a solid floor. We will see how many shares I can get.

Shareholders here will have to decide what to do at that price. It could be a good exit point for most of your shares. Well, that was the purpose anyway. For all of you to make some money while I take a shot at $10+ at some point in the future.
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LVerstee LVerstee 4 meses hace
snow. The stupidity is being displayed by your own response. In the fact that you continue to believe in fairytales.
snow snow 4 meses hace
spartJ "Yes......very promising that a new billionaire will be laying down most of his wealth on another Chinese scam." You demonstrate a surprisingly high degree of stupidity in the above. The float is HERB is roughly 16 million shares. Paying 50 cents for all those shares would cost 8 million dollars. If RD becomes a billionaire 50% of that would mean 500 million dollars. There is a vast gap between 8 million dollars and 500 million dollars. In other words what I quote represents so much nonsense.
spartyJ spartyJ 4 meses hace
So....when you don't get paid next week do you threaten the lawsuit, complain to the board about Laxmi not listening......or pump the company? Asking for a friend.
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spartyJ spartyJ 4 meses hace
Yes......very promising that a new billionaire will be laying down most of his wealth on another Chinese scam.
🤔 1
snow snow 4 meses hace
RD That sounds promising to me after waiting for so long.
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RealDutch RealDutch 4 meses hace
Perhaps next week. 70% probability IMO.
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snow snow 4 meses hace
RD The big question is when you will get paid. It has been dragging on and on for a very long time now.
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RealDutch RealDutch 4 meses hace
I will, when I get paid. Not to worry.
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